Hops to enlarge the mammary glands. How to use hop cones to enlarge your bust? What are the dangers of taking the decoction?

Women have long harvested hop cones to change breast size. The product has gained popularity due to its mild effect on the body, a small number of contraindications and negative manifestations.

It is easy to find in the pharmacy and convenient to use, but any use of herbal remedies should begin with a preliminary consultation with a doctor. It is important to follow the dosages indicated in the recipes.

The effect of lumps on the mammary glands

This product contains many vitamins, microelements and other useful substances. Hops also contain phytoestrogens. They are the ones who contribute to the enlargement of the mammary glands.

Phytoestrogens are substances of plant origin that can cause effects similar to estrogens. Hop phytoestrogens have a beneficial effect on the female body during menopause, menopause, and menstrual irregularities. As for bust enlargement, after taking medications based on hop cones, a woman’s breasts gradually increase in size and become more elastic.

The mechanism of action of these cones is a positive change in hormonal levels, which subsequently affects the growth of the mammary glands.

It is important to know! This product has a number of contraindications! Therefore, before using it for breast enlargement, it is better to consult a specialist.

The cones of this plant contain the maximum amount of phytoestrogens, which is why they are used to enlarge female breasts. The most popular and effective recipes for preparing products that help achieve the required parameters are:

  1. Tea. To prepare tea, you should take 1 tsp. main ingredient, pour 1 cup of boiling water. Leave to brew for 1 hour. Then strain. Tea should not be hot, but not cold before drinking. You need to drink this remedy 3 times a day before eating. You should brew fresh tea every time. The duration of drinking tea from cones should be 1 month.
  2. Infusion. To prepare this product you will need 1 tbsp. l. crushed plant cones, which should be poured with 1 cup of boiling water. It is better to do this procedure using a thermos. If it is not at hand, then the container needs to be wrapped in a warm towel. Close the lid tightly and leave for 8 hours. The prepared infusion should be consumed 3 times a day, dividing it into 3 doses. Its use should take no more than 1 month.
  3. Decoction. Preparation of this type of medicine requires 2 tbsp. l. main ingredient. It should be filled with 0.5 liters of water, put on low heat and simmer for about 5 minutes. Then remove from heat. Let the broth cool completely and refrigerate for 1 week. After time, the finished product should be consumed 3 times a day before meals. Recommended dose – 50 ml.
  4. Oil. It can be purchased at the pharmacy, but can also be prepared at home. To prepare this oil, you will need to chop hop cones and fill a small jar halfway with them. Pour olive or sesame oil over the remaining space. It depends on the woman’s financial capabilities. Seal the jar tightly with a lid and leave to infuse in a dark place for 1 week. After the time has passed, strain the prepared hop oil. It should be applied with massage movements to the décolleté area. The procedure must be carried out after a shower. The duration of use of hop cone oil for breast enlargement has no restrictions. This can be done until the desired result is achieved.

Important to remember! If the use of the above remedies causes discomfort, these actions should be stopped! To assess the feasibility of this method of bust enlargement, it is better to contact a specialist in this field.

Does it really work?

Women often underestimate this folk method precisely because of its popularity, turning to modern medicine for help, often going under a surgical knife and getting serious health problems. This is a fundamentally wrong approach, since hops are included in the list of traditional means for effective and safe bust enlargement. In addition to the positive effect that many women strive for, hops have other advantages:

  • Positive effect on the human central nervous system.
  • Beneficial effects on the kidneys and excretory system of the body.
  • Formation of a relaxing effect, relieving irritability and anxiety.

The positive pharmacological effect of the use of hops is due to the content of minerals, vitamins and numerous organic acids necessary for the body.

It is impossible not to mention the fact that hop oil contains phytoestrogens - special plant hormones that affect a woman’s thyroid gland. As a result of this effect, the concentration of female hormones in the body increases, which in turn leads to the growth of the mammary glands. This is why hops are so good for breast enlargement.

Side effects

During the period of using a medicine based on plant cones to enlarge the mammary glands, a woman may experience the following side effects:

  • dizziness and general weakness;
  • nausea, in some cases accompanied by vomiting;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • causeless mood swings, apathy;
  • hormonal and menstrual cycle disorders;
  • dyspnea;
  • pain in the chest;
  • increase in body hair;
  • atypical vaginal discharge.

The above side effects are usually observed with long-term use of the cones of this plant. Therefore, experts recommend using such products for no more than 1 month.

This product has many useful properties. That is, its use will help not only enlarge your breasts, but also improve your health in general. Hop cones have the following effects on the body:

  1. Normalization of nervous system activity. The remedy significantly improves the condition after suffering stress or emotional turmoil, relieves irritability. Thanks to this function, insomnia is eliminated.
  2. Improving metabolic processes in the body. This is especially true for fat, water and mineral metabolism.
  3. Elimination of inflammatory processes. Relieves inflammation in the kidneys, liver, gall bladder, joints. Also has a diuretic effect.
  4. Improving the condition of skin and hair. This product increases their protective functions.
  5. Normalization of the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Thanks to hop cones, blood and intraocular pressure, as well as heartbeat, can be normalized.

It is important to know! Products based on hop cones help increase appetite! Therefore, it is better for women who are overweight to refrain from this method of bust enlargement.


Due to the activity of the components included in the composition, infusion, oil based on hop cones, and other similar products have the following contraindications:

  • predisposition to uterine endometriosis (hereditary factor, presence of signs of proliferation of epithelial cells);
  • vaginal dysbiosis;
  • menstrual irregularities;
  • a woman's desire to become pregnant and bear a child.

In addition, you need to be aware of the presence of side effects with long-term uncontrolled use of hop-based drugs. Since estrogen, including natural estrogen, promotes the growth of adipose tissue, the use of phytohormones will affect the increase in the volume of the abdomen, waist and hips.

Unfortunately, it must be admitted that the proposed recipe is not universal and requires combining the use of hop cones in any form with appropriate physical exercise.

Also, hops for the chest can cause swelling on the body due to a deterioration in the outflow of fluid from the body.

It should be remembered that the results from using hop cones will not be noticeable immediately. Only after 3-4 weeks can you feel some changes. Although there are rave reviews online about the onset of a positive effect after just 1-2 weeks of taking the hop infusion, we cannot exclude the possibility that the drug intake coincides with the menstrual cycle, in the second half of which natural swelling of the female breast occurs.

The similarity of the principle of action of phytoestrogens with the result of the effect of oral contraceptives on the body speaks in favor of the fragility of mammary gland enlargement. The phenomenon of swelling disappears immediately after stopping their use.

In any case, it is necessary to be guided by the principles of common sense, be attentive to your own health, follow medical recommendations, and carefully observe the dosages of medications taken. And then, combining all of the above with physical exercise, you can bring the parameters of your figure closer to ideal.

Contraindications for use

Every medicine, even those based on natural ingredients, has certain contraindications. As for hop cones, these are:

  1. Pregnancy period. The drug is contraindicated, since the presence of phytoestrogen in this plant can provoke hormonal imbalance, which can subsequently lead to premature birth.
  2. Breast-feeding. The components of the plant enter the body with mother's milk. This can cause allergic reactions in the newborn, as well as colic.
  3. Women's diseases. The components of the cones can aggravate the condition of a woman with gynecological diseases.
  4. Excessive estrogen production. The entry of phytoestrogen in such situations leads to hormonal imbalance, which provokes additional diseases.
  5. Individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to the plant. The use of cones in such cases can cause severe allergic reactions.

In any case, the process of increasing the bust with the help of plant cones should be coordinated with a qualified specialist. This will help avoid unwanted consequences.

Hello, dear readers. Today we are discussing the topic of bust enlargement using one of the indispensable ingredients of the beer industry - hop cones. Rules for their use, indications and contraindications for use, effectiveness, if you are looking for answers to these questions, the text below is written just for you. If you want to take hop cones to enlarge your bust and evaluate your breast size before and after the procedure, take the product correctly.

Hops, or rather its most useful part, the cones, are used in folk and even official medicine. And not only and not so much for breast enlargement. For many women, a “grown” bust is a pleasant bonus in the treatment of the underlying disease. Hop cones contain a variety of beneficial compounds:

  • vitamins (C, B-group);
  • minerals and tannins (Ca, K, Mg);
  • flavonoids and orgacids;
  • plant phytoestrogens and much more.

It is thanks to the latter that the role of hop cones as stimulants for increasing volume is ensured. In addition, phytoestrogens are good for reducing the signs of aging of the female genital organs during menopause and postmenopause. During this period, infusions help reduce:

  • dryness of the vaginal mucosa;
  • dystrophic manifestations;
  • discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • and make breast tissue more elastic and toned.

Infusions, decoctions and oils from hops help fight viral infections and inflammatory processes. They have the following properties:

  • antispasmodic;
  • sedative/sedative;
  • diuretic drug;
  • appetite stimulant.

Therefore, preparations prepared from hop raw materials should be taken exactly as medicine, correctly. In addition, in significant doses, hops have limited toxicity. Do not overdo it with it, so as not to turn into a “sleeping beauty” or a lady with endometriosis.

All about properties

Hops, used for bust enlargement, is a perennial herbaceous plant. If we talk about hop cones, then these are just its inflorescences. At the same time, male and female varieties are often formed to the same extent. However, the most valuable, if we consider them from the point of view of the ratio of useful components, should be considered exclusively female inflorescences, because they are usually called cones.

Lupulin, or rather small yellow pollen, which is also hop flour, has special nutritional and vitamin value. It is characterized by a bitter taste and is a mixture of several components. This is about:

  1. essential oil;
  2. tannin;
  3. wax;
  4. resin;
  5. lignin (due to the presented ingredient, hop cones for breast enlargement, or rather pollen, turns out to be sticky).

As a medicine, this component is recognized by many specialists, as well as those who belong to traditional medicine. In particular, these are mammologists and gynecologists. This attitude can be explained extremely simply - by the significant amount of beneficial properties of hop cones, no matter what recipe is used.

How do hop cones work?

To enlarge breasts and improve skin tone in the décolleté area, hops are used:

  • externally (in the form of an oil extract or a combination of vegetable oils and essential hop oil);
  • orally (in the form of a decoction/infusion).

Externally, thanks to the beneficial compounds in the composition, as well as the beneficial properties of the oil that was used to prepare the oil infusion (olive, flaxseed), the skin becomes firmer and more elastic. The bust becomes toned, as if filled with juices.

Taking a decoction of hop cones internally leads to a slight increase in breast volume. The effect is achieved through action. When used correctly, you can achieve an effect comparable to the effect of OK.

Unfortunately, as with the reception, it is temporary. It is possible to permanently influence the growth of glandular tissues during their formation, and not in adulthood. Breast enlargement is mainly due to fluid retention in the tissues, as during menstruation or during oral contraception.

And yet, your breasts can “grow by leaps and bounds” due to the accumulation of adipose tissue, if your appetite improves to a wolfish state, and you simply “eat up” your breasts. True, for one thing your shape will be rounded in the hips, shoulders, and stomach.

How to choose the right buds for infusion

Hop cones appear on the spring shoots of a tall perennial plant. The cones are very similar to cedar or pine. However, unlike them, they are soft and green, covered in pollen. To keep them longer, it is recommended to collect the cones at the end of summer along with the stalk.

Brown and pale green varieties should not be collected, only ripe, richly colored varieties. To enlarge the mammary glands, you need to collect only those that are popularly called female. They contain all the necessary hormones. Female cones always grow in clusters and hang down.

Cooking rules

A decoction or infusion is prepared from fresh hop cones. If you cannot get “live” cones, use an alcohol infusion. Dried cones are effective as a sedative, but are of little use for breast enlargement.

Prepare a decoction or infusion based on the ratio of 200 ml of water + 1 tbsp. spoon of hop raw materials. You can brew it as tea and infuse the drug (in a thermos overnight), or you can boil it. The infusion is considered healthier.

You can use essential oil by mixing it with the base:

  • corn;
  • linen;
  • olive;
  • cottonseed oils.

You can use the same oils as a base, but prepare the oil extract yourself. To do this, hop inflorescences are crushed into powder, poured with oil, and infused in a dark glass jar or simply in a dark place for 14 days, shaking its contents periodically.

Rules of application

How to drink this healing infusion, you ask? It is recommended to divide the glass of the product you brew into three doses and take 1/3 glass 30 minutes before you go for a snack.

The decoction is taken for 30 days, then a break is taken for the same period. Under no circumstances should you drink decoctions containing phytoestrogens constantly. This threatens your body with hormonal imbalance and loss of women's health.

When the hops “give” all their benefits to the base, and your miracle oil is ready, you can lubricate the décolleté area with the resulting preparations, make wraps and compresses at night. It is advisable to strain the oil first. You can lubricate your bust every day with light massage movements.

Hops recipes for breast growth


According to reviews, hop recipes for bust enlargement are very varied. The most popular “medicine” option is tincture. How to make it?

  1. It is necessary to collect fresh cones.
  2. Take a small amount (about one tablespoon).
  3. Pour boiling water over it and leave in a thermos for at least 10 hours.
  4. Take the decoction before meals, about 30 minutes.

This remedy is taken in a course of one month. After this, the body needs a break. The interval is also a month. If necessary, repeat therapy.


Reviews of hop oil for bust enlargement are always positive. This remedy has already helped many girls overcome their complex. It is used externally, there is no need to choke on the nasty decoction. Hop oil is sold in pharmacies.

In addition, it is easy to make at home yourself:

  1. Collect the cone inflorescences and dry them a little.
  2. Grind and put them in a jar.
  3. Pour in vegetable oil.
  4. You can mix everything with a spoon or just close the jar and shake it several times.
  5. Place the oil in a dark, cool room for 14 days.
  6. After it has infused, strain.

How to use it? You need to rub the prepared oil regularly (preferably daily) with light massage movements into the skin of the chest.

Intoxicating cones are popular among girls who do not have a chic bust. Tinctures and oils from the inflorescences of such a plant are affordable and inexpensive, and most importantly, effective. However, don't overdo it. If you do not pause and take the drug for a long period, side effects may occur.

Contraindications and side effects

Do not interfere with the method of using decoctions of hop cones. This can cause diseases of the female genital area or poisoning. The first signs of a hop overdose include:

  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • state of persistent drowsiness.

You should not take hops orally, as well as any plant or artificial hormones for cancer, allergies to the drug, or estrogen-dependent illnesses. Do not drink the decoction during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

This concludes our review. Read our new articles and share them with friends via social networks.

Hops is a ubiquitous, unpretentious climbing plant that has long been used in folk and official medicine. However, little is known to the general public about its unique properties. The French call this plant northern grapes, and for good reason, since thanks to their tonic, strengthening and healing properties, hop cones really have a high value.

And, of course, this comparison contains a hint of beer, for which the plant has been the raw material since time immemorial.

When is an infusion of hop cones contraindicated?

It is strictly forbidden to take an infusion of hop cones in the following cases:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Lactation;
  • Gynecological diseases.

So, hop cones can really enlarge breasts in women. However, this infusion must be taken very carefully for this purpose. The main caution here is, however, moderation. If you drink such a decoction in large quantities, without following all the recommendations, you can seriously harm the body and cause serious complications. Keep this in mind when planning to enlarge your bust this way.

The use of hop cones in folk medicine

Hop fruits have a wide range of actions - due to their sedative, choleretic, diuretic, anthelmintic, wound healing and analgesic properties. It is practiced to use hops in the form of decoctions, infusions, oils, ointments, as well as alcoholic and dry extracts.

In folk medicine, the main uses of hop cones are:

  • with diarrhea, painful irritation of the bladder, cystitis, urethritis, sluggish digestion;
  • for chronic pyelonephritis, gastritis, formation of stones in the biliary and urinary tracts;
  • as a sleeping pill and auxiliary sedative, including for neurasthenia, hysteria, unreasonable fears, neuroses of various origins;
  • in case of lack of appetite and metabolic disorders;
  • for more effective treatment of vaginitis and trichomonas colpitis;
  • as a tonic for myocardial weakness and disorders of the cardiovascular system;
  • externally for bruises, infiltrates and cuts;
  • in case of menstrual cycle disorders, ovarian hypofunction and a number of other gynecological diseases;
  • for allergic dermatitis and eczema:
  • for radiculitis, rheumatism, gout;
  • to stop lactation.

Using the healing properties of hop cones at home

First of all, you should know one little secret: as hops dry out, they lose the substance 8-prenylnaringenin, which is identical to the hormone estrogen in the female body. Therefore, men are recommended to use completely dried fruits, and women, on the contrary, try to drink tea and infusion of fresh intoxicating flowers. Here are some recipes for using hop cones for medicinal purposes.

  • For insomnia and increased nervous tension

If you are suffering from insomnia or you are simply nervous and cannot sleep, prepare yourself “intoxicating” tea - its name speaks for itself. For 1 tbsp. boiling water, add 1 tsp. cones and let it brew under the lid for 15 minutes. This infusion will be enough for you 2 times. Drink, diluted with boiling water, during the day and before bed, and for preventative purposes, you can make yourself a “pillow of intoxication” by putting plant cones in a pillowcase.

  • As a choleretic and diuretic

Alcohol tincture. Take 3 tbsp. l. cones and fill them with 100 g of alcohol. Leave for 8-10 days in a warm but not hot place, remembering to periodically stir or shake the suspension. Drink 40 drops of the resulting tincture three times a day, adding them to 50 ml of water.

Infusion on water. Pour 1 liter of boiling water over 1 tbsp. l. dried raw materials, then hold, covered with a plate or lid, for 15 minutes in a water bath. Let cool naturally. Drink 1/4 tbsp. before meals, washed down with boiled water.

  • For radiculitis, rheumatism and skin lesions

It is necessary to prepare a saturated decoction, for which 1 tbsp. l. hops are boiled with a glass of water until the volume is halved. Mix 1 tbsp. l. this strong “intoxicating” decoction with 4 tbsp. l. regular Vaseline and mix the mixture well. Lubricate problem areas with the resulting ointment. You can also use it for bruises and contusions to quickly resolve hematomas.

  • For hepatitis and infantile scrofula

2 tsp. brew 1 tbsp. boiling water After 7-8 hours of infusion, the decoction is ready. For Botkin's disease, use 1 tbsp. l. three times a day, and for infantile scrofula, use it as a rub on diseased areas of the skin (with great caution!).

Using hops to improve appearance

In cosmetology, hops are an indispensable means of strengthening hair and restoring the scalp; it is used for oily and dry seborrhea, in the treatment of acne, and to prevent the formation of wrinkles. After the discovery of phytoestrogen in its composition, women began to use hop cones to enlarge their bust. This phytoestrogen has a powerful, but far from harmless effect on the body, so you must take into account contraindications. Here are some recipes.

  • For baldness, seborrhea, scrofula

For hair, hop cones are used as a decoction. Add 1 tbsp. l. cones for 1 tbsp. boiling water, heat and let steep for 15-20 minutes. After straining, you should drink this decoction 1 tbsp. l. 2-3 times a day. Rubbing this decoction into the scalp also gives good results, including with progressive early baldness.

  • For beauty and youthful skin

2-3 tbsp. Add the decoction prepared according to the recipe above to a bath filled with hot water. You should lie in such a bath until it cools down to the threshold of a comfortable feeling.

  • For acne and facial skin irritation

Use a cotton swab dipped in the decoction (see recipe for hop cones for hair) to wipe the skin after washing in the morning and evening. Use as a toner.

  • To enlarge the bust

In this case, hop cones are used in the form of a decoction of 1 tbsp. l. herbal raw materials per 1 tbsp. boiling water It should be infused for at least 6 hours and drunk 3 times a day for 2 weeks. Further - only after consultation with a gynecologist! Doctors strongly do not recommend increasing the dose or period of taking this phytoestrogen: there may be more undesirable consequences than the tangible effect.

The second way to use hop cones to enlarge your bust is by making oil. Grind a handful of dried fruit and mix it with 100 mg of olive, linseed or sesame oil. After two weeks of infusion in a dark place, apply externally.

Advantages of use

The benefits of using this component are numerous. In a separate order, it is necessary to note the presence of vitamin and mineral complexes. We are talking about vitamin C, B, as well as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

In addition, hop cones are characterized not only by a sedative, but also by a hypnotic effect, which can be extremely useful for problems with the condition of the mammary gland.

Hop cones are recommended for use in cases where it is necessary to prevent the formation of painful sensations and to significantly reduce inflammatory and convulsive processes. In addition, they help tone the gastrointestinal tract and are also used as a diuretic.

Non-surgical treatment of breast fibroadenoma

No less important positive characteristics should be considered that pollen contains bitterness, which can be used to whet the appetite. And finally, speaking about other characteristics, it should be noted the maintenance of women's health, significant assistance in case of problems with menstruation. Also, hop cones can help if necessary to treat cystitis.

It is important to pay attention to the fact that hop cones are necessary not only for breast enlargement, but also to cope with diseases such as pathological lack of sleep or neurosis. We can also talk about inflammatory processes in the area of ​​the bladder and kidneys, gastric ulcers, for the treatment of certain problems in the field of gynecology. Before using hop cones for breast enlargement, it is recommended not only to consult a mammologist, gynecologist and endocrinologist, but also to carefully study the most popular recipes.

Hop cones are not good for everyone and not always!

Any preparations based on hops are contraindicated at any stage of pregnancy. They are also not recommended for people suffering from any type of allergies or small children. When using a decoction to treat infantile scrofula, you should be extremely careful: oral use is unacceptable!

An overdose of hops is dangerous for the nervous system and hormonal levels, and when a critical level is reached, death can occur. The use of hop-based preparations must be under the supervision of a physician; for women, one of these physicians must be a gynecologist.

How and when to collect hops?

If you don’t want or have the opportunity to buy hop cones at the pharmacy, you can harvest them yourself. These are conical scaly earrings that are its inflorescences. The collection of this raw material begins in July - August, depending on the degree of ripening. The fruits should have a greenish-yellow color, indicating that they will reach full maturity in a few days. The cones should be tightly covered with bracts.

Dry them with good air flow, avoiding direct sunlight. Properly dried buds retain their green color.

Using these gifts of nature wisely, you can achieve significant improvement in many health problems and become even more beautiful with their help. However, it must be remembered that, despite the prevalence of the plant and the naturalness of the potions prepared from it, too much reckless pursuit of an impressive bust or attractive skin, or getting rid of ailments, can have the opposite effect.

Hi all! Today I want to share ancient recipes for rejuvenating your skin and for BREAST ENLARGEMENT! Yes, yes, you heard right!

Hops have many beneficial properties:

!!!Healing of wounds and scars,

!!!A wonderful product for the care of cracked, dry and aging skin.

!!!The oil is used for neurosis and migraines (as room aromatization and massage)

!!!Effective for improving the functioning of the digestive tract.

!!!Hops help with joint pain, as well as for effective relief of pain from bruises.

The price is just ridiculous: 30 rubles for 50 ml.

This product is simply a MUST to have in your daily care group.

So why is this oil on the sidelines?

Since ancient times in Russia it has been consumed as an effective and powerful product for caring for “not young” skin, restoring it to its former
Here are some recipes:



1.2 teaspoons hop oil.

2.1 teaspoon olive oil

Soak a gauze cloth very well in this mixture and place it on your face. Then remove after 45 minutes. Remove any remaining residue with a paper napkin and blot your face.

You can talk about Anise oil and its other beneficial properties


1.25 ml apricot kernel oil

hop oil.
3.10 drops of grape seed oil.

4.Put 10 washed grape seeds into a vessel.

With this wonderful “essential lotion” you should wipe your face and neck 2 times a day - morning and evening, applying a small amount of this product to a cotton pad.



This is a fairly old method of breast enlargement.

What should you do? - rub in hop oil immediately after a shower, while the pores are open, massaging your breasts without touching the nipple areola.

Massage plus phytoestrogen 8-PN (estrogen, as you know, is a female sex hormone), which is included in the composition, gives excellent results in bust enlargement. If you are afraid to ingest medications, this method is perfect!


People believed that with the help of this infusion you could enlarge your breasts in a very short period of time. To prepare such a drink, you will need hop cones (they can be bought at a pharmacy for a ridiculous price - from 40 to 100 rubles).

So how to make this truly magical elixir?

A tablespoon of cones (without a slide) is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for 9 hours in a thermos. The resulting infusion should be drunk 2-3 times a day, half a glass, 30-40 minutes before meals. The effect will be noticeable in about 3-4 weeks. So you need to be patient

In the end, I want to tell you, dear ladies: Be attentive to your health and body!

If you notice any symptoms that bother you, STOP USING IMMEDIATELY! We all have different bodies and different reactions to the product we consume.

Today on the Beautiful and Successful website we are again talking about our body and hops. No, no, today not a word will be said about beer and its harmful effects on the figure! Today we will not only tell you how you can use hops for your breasts

, but we will also give reviews from those who have already tried it!

Phytoestrogen - that's the secret

Now there are safe drugs for breast enlargement. I used this one. +1.5 to size in 2 weeks.

Breast size in women directly depends on hormonal levels and the amount of female sex hormones. Few people know that there is a natural substitute for sex hormones - phytohormones of plant origin. A clear example of this is hop cones, which contain phytoestrogens, namely phenylflavonoids and isoflavones, which are an ideal estrogen substitute.

To understand all the benefits of phytoestrogens in hop cones, you need to delve into history. In the previous century, namely in its middle, a company of scientists and doctors decided to understand and investigate the cause of infertility in sheep. After conducting a series of experiments and checks, scientists realized that the sheep had been grazing in the field with clover for a long time and eating it. Scientists tested and sampled this plant and found that it contains a large amount of estrogen-like components. Therefore, the conclusion was clear - an overdose of plant hormones led the sheep to complete infertility.

According to modern doctors, phytoestrogens activate additional development of cells in the mammary glands, fatty tissues, endometrium and even the external genitalia. And the final result of the work of plant hormones depends on the general hormonal background of the woman, the duration of taking phytohormones and their dosage.

In addition, it has been established that plant hormones activate the production of female hormones. Hop cones contain a powerful 8-prenylnaringenin with incredibly high activity; women who work with hops can even experience menstrual disorders.

Hops for breasts: fact or fiction?

So what do we know about hops? The fact that it is used in brewing is the first thing that comes to mind. It is also used to make paper and fabrics, and is also used for food. Hops are widely used in pharmaceuticals - they are included in a large number of sedatives and sleeping pills (an example of this is Novo-Passit and Valocordin), and doctors even prescribe sedative infusions from hops for children. Hops are also included in many dietary supplements and cosmetics.

What's so special about it? And what can hops do for the chest?

Hop cones contain phytoestrogen 8-PN (estrogen, as you know, is a female sex hormone), which is the reason for the widespread use of this plant in medicinal and cosmetic preparations. The second reason for its widespread use is that hop essential oil has a pronounced calming and antibacterial effect.

What follows from this? That we can use hops for breast enlargement

! It is known that hops have been used for these purposes for a long time - they say, there is no product more reliable and effective than hop cones and oil. The breasts grow by leaps and bounds, their shape improves, and the skin becomes younger.

Today on the website we will talk about how to properly make a hop tincture and how to use hop oil correctly so as not to harm yourself in an attempt to keep up with the beauty of your breasts.

Action of herbal ingredients

It is no coincidence that hops are used for breast enlargement. It is the cones of this plant that contain hormones, oils, and minerals that affect the increase in fluid in the mammary glands.

Composition of hop fruits:

  • Oil, resin,
  • Valeric acid,
  • Alkaloids,
  • Zinc, copper, vitamin B, P, C,
  • Gum, wax.

These fruits are beneficial to the body in small quantities, but should be taken with caution. In addition to the healing properties that help treat cystitis, women's problems, stomach diseases, insomnia, they also contain substances that are not allowed for everyone.

The cones also contain the hormone estrogen. This type of hormone specifically affects the development of the mammary gland. If its dosage is carefully introduced into the body, breast growth can be accelerated. So, with the help of this hormone, breasts are enlarged.

Hop infusion for breast enlargement

It is believed that with the help of this infusion you can enlarge your breasts in an extremely short period of time. To prepare the tincture, you will need hop cones (you can buy them at the pharmacy for mere pennies).

How to cook

. A tablespoon of cones is poured into a glass of boiling water and left for eight hours in a thermos. The resulting infusion should be drunk 2-3 times a day, half a glass half an hour before meals. The effect will be noticeable in a couple of weeks.

I warn you right away: the taste of this infusion is quite nasty and bitter, you won’t be able to drink it with pleasure. But if you want to enlarge your breasts, you will have to be patient.

What causes breast enlargement?

This is all due to the presence of phytoestrogen in hops. The hormonal background changes, more and more female hormones appear in the body, as a result of which the woman becomes more feminine (in other words, breasts grow).

The main thing is to do no harm. Therefore, hop infusion for breasts is highly not recommended for those women who have problems with hormones. In addition, there are people with allergies to hops. Therefore, if after drinking a hop infusion you feel nausea or something strange in your stomach, know that hop infusion is not for you.

According to reviews, hop infusion also has side effects

: increased female discharge, increased sexual desire, hormonal imbalances, some experience drowsiness, increased appetite, some gain weight. However, all these signs disappear after some time.

Hops only help those whose breasts are sensitive to estrogen. You need to drink the hop infusion for at least a month.

How does hops affect breast size?

According to reviews, hop cones are an effective remedy. Rumors date back to the Middle Ages. The wife of one of the Prussian kings, on the advice of a court healer, drank a drink from this plant, since her bust was very small, which is why her husband often looked “to the left.” The woman had a deficiency of the main female hormone, so this recipe helped her. If the hormonal balance is in order, then tinctures and oils from this plant are unlikely to improve the situation.

Tinctures should be made strictly from fresh inflorescences. If you dry them, there will no longer be any natural hormones in them, and as a result, this decoction will be of no use at all.

It is also important to prepare them strictly according to the recipe, follow the dosage when taking them, and consume them daily for two weeks. Only in this case can one hope for enlargement of the mammary glands.

Hop oil

Many people use breast hops in the form of oil. Hop cone oil is available freely and quite cheaply in pharmacies. You can make the oil yourself, it’s quite simple: hop cones are crushed and poured into a jar, olive or sesame oil is added. All this should brew in a dark, warm place for about a week, then it should be strained through gauze.

How to use hop oil?

Everything is quite simple: it needs to be applied to the décolleté area with soft massage movements immediately after using the shower. The main thing here is not to overdo it with the strength of the massage!

You also need to remember about a possible allergic reaction: not every skin reacts well to essential oils. If you feel a burning sensation after applying oil to your skin, this method is not for you.

The effect of hop oil does not come immediately, because phytoestrogens accumulate in the body rather slowly. So if after a week you haven’t noticed any difference, don’t be discouraged – it’s just too early.

Hops for breasts: reviews

Of course, theory, recipes and tips are good, but it’s much nicer to hear reviews about breast hops from those who have already used it. That is why we found those who can tell you about their feelings.

  • My grandmother advised me to drink hops to enlarge my breasts. She said that she did this herself in her youth (and even now her breasts are rather large). I tried it. In two weeks my bust grew by half a size
    ! I want to drink a little more to get to the top three - then it will be completely good. The only thing that irritates me is that this drink is terribly bitter. Hope.
  • My neighbor enlarged her breasts by one size in about a month (she actually had a size zero), so I wanted to. True, I don’t dare drink this infusion, because I’ve read horror stories about it on the Internet, so I only smear it with oil. Two weeks passed, I did not notice a change in size
    . But the skin became more elastic, and the chest seemed to have tightened up a little. Let's see what will happen next. Elizabeth.
  • Five years ago I drank hops to enlarge my breasts. Within a month, my breasts had increased in size and I had to throw out all my bras. True, as soon as I stopped drinking hops, my chest began to deflate
    . I thought about starting to drink the tincture again, but a friend advised me to buy hop oil at the pharmacy. Since then I have been smearing myself with it. So, girls, this is what I advise: enlarge your breasts with the help of tincture, and maintain the effect with oil. Proven reliable option! Angelina.
  • As soon as I started drinking the infusion of hops, my bust seemed to be bursting from the inside! And everything immediately became feminine and soft, probably because of phytohormones. But the copious discharge was just annoying. In a month, my breasts grew in volume by 2 cm
    , but I had to stop drinking because of the discharge. And after some time, the breasts regained their previous volume. Irina.
  • I had a delay of 2 weeks
    , I was very scared, but continued to drink. She gained weight, acne appeared on her face, but her bust did not grow L Olesya.
  • Hops affect everyone differently. My friend’s breasts immediately began to grow, but I had no changes at all. It's a shame! Masha.
  • I drank hops for six months, my breasts grew half the size, but miracles began with my periods: sometimes they came earlier, sometimes later, and they became scanty. I stopped drinking, but I still have breasts! Lara.
  • After giving birth, my breasts sagged and became smaller. I smear my chest with hop cone oil for a month in the evening, then do a chest massage and then with dumbbells. Sometimes I feel tingling in my chest. So far there is no increase effect, but I clearly see that I have tightened up
    , and for me this is a good result. Olga.

Concluding the article about hops for the chest

, I just want to say one thing: be attentive to your body. Don't overdo it! An infusion of hop cones is not a drink that should be drunk for a long time. If you notice any oddities in how you feel, stop drinking it immediately. It is best to consult a doctor before using it. Hormones are no joke. And of course, read it. I wish you to be beautiful and healthy!

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How long does it take for breast enlargement

Research shows that phytoestrogens are absorbed by the body rather slowly. But here, too, everything depends on the characteristics of the organism. Some women can increase their breast size by half their size in just two weeks. For others, this requires much more - several months (even up to six months).

Remember that the time for taking hop infusion may increase due to breaks in use. After all, in order to avoid hormonal imbalance, it should not be consumed for a long time. In addition, all women who feel something is wrong with their health should stop drinking this infusion.

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