Do I need to change breast implants: expiration date, reasons

Implants after mammoplasty – do they need to be changed?

Women who have undergone augmentation mammoplasty at least once in their lives have a question: what is the wear rate of implants and do they need to be changed at all?
Manufacturers of endoprostheses recommend changing implants after mammoplasty 10-12 years after breast augmentation.

But there are also statistics in which patients are satisfied with the result and do not resort to repeat mammoplasty, even after the specified period of time.

a brief description of

The endoprostheses that were produced about 10-20 years ago had a 7-8% wear rate, and manufacturers could not give a 100% guarantee that the implant would not rupture or its integrity would not be compromised.

At the moment, modern prostheses have a significantly lower wear rate, which allows leading manufacturing companies to provide a lifetime warranty on their products.

A breast prosthesis is a medical product that is made from high-quality biocompatible material, for installation under the skin or mammary gland, in order to simulate a woman’s bust and increase its size.

The first breast prostheses were filled with fats, liquid paraffin and various other fillers. They were injected into the thickness of the mammary gland.

The first breast augmentation operations were performed at the end of the 19th century, but such operations did not bring the desired result and led to serious complications.

Since 1944, the production of a prosthesis in the form of a closed shell made of silicone filled with sodium chloride or gel began.

And from this moment the real evolution of breast prostheses begins and their shape, structure, fillers and types improve every year.

Conventionally, the types of breast prostheses can be divided into several generations:

  • The first generation of prostheses were made from a tear-shaped silicone shell, which was filled with a viscous silicone gel. A septum was installed at the back to prevent the implant from moving;
  • the second generation of implans became softer and the gel became lighter. Second-generation breast prostheses were also produced in double-sided form and consisted of a silicone prosthesis inside a saline one;
  • the third and fourth generations of implants were coated with an elastomer to prevent the gel from sweating through the shell. In the fourth generation, different forms of prostheses with various coatings were also already being produced;
  • Fifth generation prostheses consist of a cohesive gel. It is a soft gel and has the ability to mimic living breast tissue. This gel also has “memory” and, in case of any deformation, returns to the shape specified during the production process.


Modern breast implants have two types:

Silicone dentures consist of a silicone filler, the viscosity of which may vary between manufacturers. Breast, silicone implants are pleasant to the touch and do not differ from female breasts.

Such prostheses are suitable for women with small breasts; they do not wrinkle and look very natural. But silicone prostheses are very expensive, and in the event of a rupture, it is difficult to detect the leakage site.

Saline endoprostheses consist of regular saline or sodium chloride solution. This solution is pumped in after the prosthesis is installed, during the operation.

Such prostheses are much cheaper than silicone ones and much safer. In the event of a rupture of the saline prosthesis, it is easy to detect the location of the leak and a saline solution will enter the body, which does not cause harm to the body.

It is not recommended to install this type of prosthesis for women with small breasts, as there is a risk of the implant shrinking and after the operation it can be felt.

Also, when describing the types of endoprostheses, you should pay attention to the following characteristics:

The shape of the prosthesis can be:

  1. round;
  2. anatomical (drop-shaped);
  3. anatomical with a high profile.

The size of the prosthesis is:

  1. fixed. This size does not have a valve and the volume of the prosthesis cannot be changed;
  2. adjustable. With this size, the prosthesis has a valve through which saline solution can be injected;

The coating or surface may be:

  1. smooth;
  2. textured. Textured dentures are uneven and have fibers on their surface;
  3. with a spongy surface structure. The connective tissue grows into the spongy structure of the shell and will allow the prosthesis to be fixed in one place.

Indications for change

Changing implants is called breast replacement.

Indications for changing breast implants may be as follows:

  • aesthetic dissatisfaction after breast augmentation surgery;
  • correction of changes in the appearance of the breasts, which are associated with breastfeeding, pregnancy and age-related changes;
  • the patient’s desire to enlarge her breasts 3-4 sizes larger than before;

Also, indications for breast replacement may include complications after the first augmentation mammoplasty, these include:

  • capsular contracture. Formation of dense scar tissue around the implant;
  • rupture and leakage of the prosthesis, which violates the integrity of the shell;
  • installation of a low-quality prosthesis, during the production of which the technology was violated and low-quality, dangerous raw materials were used.

Do I need to change implants after mammoplasty?

Prostheses for breast enlargement, like any other devices not only of a medical nature, wear out.

Yes, replacement is recommended 10-15 years after the first operation.

The service life of breast endoprostheses depends on many factors, such as the body’s reaction to a foreign object, the quality of the implant, and its location.

The frequency of replacement depends on the implant material and the skill of the surgeon.

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy after breast augmentation?

It is possible to plan a pregnancy after augmentation mammoplasty. Breast augmentation does not affect the development of the fetus and is safe.

Research conducted in this area has proven that neither silicone nor saline prostheses have a negative effect on the fetus.

The only thing that awaits a woman after childbirth is sagging breasts. This is due to the enlargement of the mammary glands and to return to their previous shape, mammoplasty in the form of a breast lift will be required.

But performing augmentation mammoplasty during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, since the operation is performed under anesthesia, which has a detrimental effect during fetal development.

Whatever method and access for installation is chosen, this should not affect breastfeeding of the child.

The most complete feeding process will be if during the operation the implant is placed in the armpit. In this case, the mammary glands are not affected and the lactation process will not be disrupted.

If the areolas are affected during the operation, it is important to know even before performing augmentation mammoplasty, how the feeding period will proceed and discuss this point with the plastic surgeon.

In order to avoid complications such as mastitis due to the presence of prostheses, you need to choose the right feeding technique and regularly do special massage.

How does the replacement work?

The process of carrying out the procedure for replacing breast prostheses can be divided into two stages:

  1. preparation for the event;
  2. implant removal procedure;

Preparation includes:

  • the doctor's consultation;
  • examination of the patient;
  • consultation with a mammologist;
  • performing mammography.

During preparation for surgery it is not recommended:

  • take herbal medications;
  • drink alcohol and smoke;

During the operation, the doctor makes appropriate incisions that can be performed:

  • along the edges of the nipple areola;
  • in the armpit;
  • under the mammary gland.

The operation to replace dentures is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from one to two hours.

Complete re-endoprosthetics includes three stages:

  1. removal of old implants. The surgeon makes an incision along the scar line and removes the old prosthesis through it;
  2. capsulotomy. A fibrous capsule always forms around the prosthesis; it depends on how large it is. Sometimes, during capsulotomy, partial removal of fibrous seals is required; in case of serious complications, complete removal of the contracture is required;
  3. installation of new prostheses. Basically, implants are installed in an already formed old bed, but if the patient wants to enlarge her breasts even more, the surgeon will need to form a new “pocket” for the endoprosthesis.

After removal and installation of breast prostheses, the skin pocket must become denser and in order to speed up this process and prevent it from filling with physiological fluids, patients must wear compression garments for a month after the operation.

The final recovery after re-endoprosthetics takes several months, during which it is prohibited to visit:

  1. saunas;
  2. solariums;
  3. take hot baths;
  4. sunbathing in the sun.

Active physical activity is prohibited until the tissues have completely healed.

Dangers of repeat surgery

Of course, both with the first and repeated augmentation mammoplasty there is a risk of complications.

And if during the first operation to enlarge the mammary glands there were no complications or problems, then during the second operation the risk of complications doubles.

As with the first operation, the following complications may occur:

  • capsular contracture;
  • hematoma;
  • seroma;
  • wound infection;
  • formation of keloids and hypertrophic scars;
  • temperature after mammoplasty;
  • implant rupture;
  • deformation of the endoprosthesis;
  • displacement of the prosthesis;
  • double fold or double bubble effect;
  • calcification;
  • allergic reaction to the endoprosthesis;
  • symmastia – fusion of two breasts.

It is also worth knowing that augmentation mammoplasty is performed under anesthesia, so not only complications related to the breast area, but also diseases of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract may occur.

Prevention of complications

In order to reduce the risk of complications, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive measures:

  • choice of doctor. When choosing a doctor, it is necessary to proceed not from cost-saving methods, but from the number of operations performed in this area, professionalism and experience;
  • follow all recommendations of the plastic surgeon;
  • take broad-spectrum antibiotics to prevent infections from entering the postoperative wound and the appearance of fever;
  • choose endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers. When choosing implants, you can consult with a plastic surgeon, and also pay attention to patient reviews of companies that produce these products;
  • wear compression garments after surgery. But it is necessary to purchase such underwear before the operation.

Factors affecting wear

The first factor that affects the aging of implants is:

  • age-related changes;
  • gaining excess weight or losing weight;
  • lactation.

As a result, the volume of the mammary glands changes, the skin loses its elasticity and the ligaments that support the breasts are stretched.

In many cases, there is a risk of implant leakage and rupture, which also applies to implant aging factors. This may be due to some household injuries to the chest and poor quality choice of endoprosthesis.

Every woman who wants to seek the help of a plastic surgeon should familiarize herself with the following statistics:

  • 30% of patients complain of rupture and leakage of the prosthesis;
  • 40% of women are dissatisfied with the results of plastic surgery and resort to re-endoprosthetics;
  • 50% of patients consult a plastic surgeon for complications within 3 years;
  • 10% of women who had mammoplasty using silicone implants develop cancer;
  • even if no complications arise, after 5-10 years the dentures need to be changed because they wear out.

Finally, I would like to reassure women and add that most women who have undergone augmentation mammoplasty are satisfied with the result.

With the right choice of prosthesis and method of its installation, you can get a good and long-lasting result, in which there is no need to change implants after mammoplasty.


Dangers of repeat surgery

The sensations from the breast are as if they were your own. Two years later I don’t even remember having implants inserted. I was lucky because the operation took place at a young age. A large bust takes its toll, you need to strengthen your back, you can’t sleep on your stomach, but these are minor things. The main thing is that I am satisfied with everything, I began to feel much more confident, and immediately after the operation I met my future husband. I advise all girls who suffer from small size to solve the problem in this way. The price is worth getting rid of suffering and gaining new emotions.

Olga, 28 years old

I placed implants with a volume of 325 ml, an incision was made under the muscle. After the operation there was unbearable pain. I cried and took pills all week. Of course, over time the bad things were forgotten, we had to be patient. For about six months I felt a foreign body inside me. I couldn’t sleep on my stomach; I had increased sensitivity. But then everything went away, so girls who really want to do it, I recommend it.

Natalya, 35 years old

I was operated on in 2004. The scars lightened and became thinner, five years later, there were no complications. I was afraid of oncology or thinning of the membrane, but everything is fine. Breasts look great in clothes, but without them it is immediately clear that they are artificial. If you touch it, you feel cool. It’s also embarrassing that when I lose weight, the edges of the endoprostheses are visible, the skin bunches up a little in some positions. Now I have gained 9 kg, and all the problems have disappeared, nothing is noticeable. I have never regretted that I decided to take such a step.

Albina, 38 years old

With any surgical intervention there is a risk of complications, especially when it comes to repeated correction. Among the most common negative consequences of re-endoprosthetics are:

  • formation of contractures;
  • formation of hematomas and seromas;
  • infection of the intervention site as a result of the attachment of pathogenic microorganisms to the wound;
  • the appearance of keloid and hypertrophic scarring zones;
  • increase in general body temperature due to the occurrence of an inflammatory reaction;
  • displacement, rupture or leakage of the endoprosthesis;
  • development of a double fold;
  • allergy to the material from which the implant is made;
  • fusion of mammary glands.

Even the most modern breast implants are installed under general anesthesia, after which side effects may occur in the form of dysfunction of the central nervous system, thromboembolism, and pathological manifestations of the cardiovascular system and kidneys.

Do I need to change breast implants: expiration date, reasons for replacement

Most women who see a plastic surgeon and express a desire to enlarge their breasts do not even suspect that implants are not installed for life, and over time they will need re-endoprosthetics. Indeed, breast prostheses have a service life, after which they wear out.

How long can you wear breast implants , and when should you refuse to replace them? We will try to answer these and other questions, having the professional opinion of the majority of authoritative specialists in the field of breast plastic surgery.

Prevention of complications

Women who have silicone implants replaced should know how to prevent the possible negative consequences of the operation. Such preventive measures include:

  • strict implementation of all recommendations of the plastic surgeon in the postoperative period;
  • mandatory use of antibacterial drugs in the first days after plastic surgery and in case of elevated body temperature;
  • wearing special compression garments;
  • the right choice of endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers with a positive reputation.

How often should breast implants be replaced?

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Most women who see a plastic surgeon and express a desire to enlarge their breasts do not even suspect that implants are not installed for life, and over time they will need re-endoprosthetics. Indeed, breast prostheses have a service life, after which they wear out.

How long can you walk with breast implants, and when should you refuse to replace them? We will try to answer these and other questions, having the professional opinion of the majority of authoritative specialists in the field of breast plastic surgery.

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