What to do if bruises appear after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid

What are the dangers of lumps and lumps after fillers and how to remove them?

Advertising for contour plastic surgery paints an attractive image of the future result, and during consultations specialists often gloss over the possibility of complications, so any deviation from the desired ideal becomes an unpleasant surprise for patients.

Lumps and lumps after fillers are one of the most common problems associated with “beauty injections.” Every woman, after an expensive and painful procedure, wants to see herself looking younger and prettier, but what to do if the gel that has collected in lumps, redness and swelling spoil the whole picture?

What causes this complication and is it worth worrying about? What to do: see a doctor right away or wait until everything resolves on its own? Will it help if I re-introduce the gel? Let's start with the fact that seals can be of different nature and require different methods of correction. TecRussia talks about all the possible options:

Why do bumps appear?

This trouble may be caused by one or more of the following reasons:

  • incorrect technique for administering the drug;
  • gel migration (its unplanned displacement in tissues);
  • inflammatory process in the injection area;
  • growth of connective tissue at the site of filler injection;
  • formation of a hematoma if vessels were damaged during the procedure;
  • development of a cyst (fluid-filled cavity) in tissues.

When should you not worry? Standard options

Not all women who have undergone a volumetric correction procedure for the first time are prepared for the fact that lumps and ridges can be felt in the treated area. But it’s not always worth worrying too much about them:

  • In cases where the gel has been injected to the correct depth, it can actually be felt with your fingers, although no seals will be noticeable from the outside. Most often this is typical for dense fillers. Gradually, as they dissolve, the lumps will decrease in size and soften.
  • Also, it is worth remembering that for several hours, or even a day after administration, preparations for contouring continue to spread in the tissues - hence so many field-procedural rules for facial care and other restrictions. You can control this process with the help of a special massage, which helps distribute the filler in the correct way. True, it is categorically not recommended to apply it yourself, since you need to know how hard to press and where to direct the injected gel - the cosmetologist who performed the injections will best handle this.

How can you tell whether the filler has been injected correctly or not? It’s very simple: you need to look at yourself in the mirror and answer three questions:

  • Are gel accumulations visible under the skin?
  • Is there any obvious facial asymmetry?
  • Are there any unusual deformations of certain areas of the face (appear as a result of gel displacement)?

If you answered yes to at least one of the questions, you should not postpone your visit to the doctor. There is no need to worry ahead of time - for example, the same asymmetry can be caused by harmless swelling after injections, but it is better to see a specialist in order to eliminate the possibility of any unpleasant “side effects”.

Bumps as a complication after injections

In the following situations, the appearance of seals is not considered the norm; it neutralizes the entire aesthetic effect of contour plastic surgery, and sometimes also threatens serious health problems:

  • Insufficiently deep injection of the drug due to incorrect injections, as well as the introduction of too much filler to patients with thin skin. In this case, accumulations of gel located close to the surface will be clearly visible visually - as bluish or grayish oval formations (Tyndall effect). Under the skin of the lips, such a lump may look like a cavity filled with liquid. There are two options: wait 1-2 months until the drug begins to dissolve and the lumps go away naturally, or remove excess filler at an accelerated pace - for example, with hyaluronidase.
  • Inflammatory process. It can develop either in one of the areas of the face that has undergone correction or throughout the entire treated area. The cause of inflammation is usually microorganisms that have entered the tissue through punctures, as well as the altered reactivity of our immunity, which is typical for people with autoimmune and some other diseases. Main symptoms: compaction, redness of the skin, local fever and pain. It is usually treated with a course of antibiotics. Under no circumstances should you postpone a visit to the doctor - the consequences of inflammation can be extremely severe, including necrosis of infected tissues.
  • Collection of blood. Most often it occurs after correction of the lips, since this is where the largest number of vessels are concentrated. The bump in this case is painful and may be visible under the skin of the red border of the lips as a brownish formation. Fortunately, such lumps do not require treatment and resolve on their own after a few days. In other areas of the face they do not form at all - here the blood usually saturates the tissues more evenly, forming flat, “spread” hematomas.
  • Development of connective tissue (scars, nodules and cysts). It is typical for fillers based on hyaluronic acid, whose molecules stimulate the activity of fibroblasts - skin cells that are responsible for the formation of connective tissue fibers of collagen and elastin. Excessive stimulation can, over a period of days, weeks or months, lead to the formation of connective tissue clumps to form a scar, which, depending on its size and density, can be both palpable and visually noticeable - especially in the lip area, where significant asymmetry results. (see also the article “Fibrosis after fillers: how to cope with the complication?”). Scars must be distinguished from cysts - cavity formations filled with fluid. Differential diagnosis can only be made using ultrasound. Treatment tactics in these two cases differ significantly, so you should not save on ultrasound, so as not to pay later for ineffective therapeutic procedures.

Fordyce granules and their manifestation during lip filling.

Each organism has its own characteristics and even the most harmless intervention can manifest them. One of these manifestations is Fordyce granules, and patients often find out about them only after the procedure.

The patient came in for lip augmentation. This was her second procedure. The previous one was carried out three months ago by another specialist and, according to the girl, did not lead to the expected result.

Lip augmentation was performed with hyaluronic acid and went without complications.

Diagnosis by an esthetician

In fact, the patient’s complaint is related to the physiological state of her lips. The girl has a skin defect called Fordyce granules. After the filler was injected into the lips, features (granules) that were previously insignificant also increased.

Fordyce granules are painless skin formations, seborrheic cysts, which are small papules with white-yellow contents of a dense consistency.

This skin feature does not cause any harm to health and is only a cosmetic defect.

There is no specific treatment. Therapeutic treatment does not bring the expected result. They offer cryotherapy, electrocoagulation and laser therapy.

There is no prevention, since seborrheic cysts are not considered a disease, but are a variant of the norm.

Fordyce granules: white dots after beauty injections.

Patients often learn about such a phenomenon as Fordyce granules after the procedure; many of them begin to run in panic to the cosmetologist who performed the injections. Externally, the defect resembles small white dots.

What are Fordyce granules?

Fordyce granules are benign hyperplasia (the process of increasing the number of cells) of the sebaceous glands. They form in places where the skin is thinnest (oral cavity, lips, armpits, groin and genital area).

White (or yellow-white) nodules protrude slightly above the skin, but there are cases up to 1 cm. Usually they accumulate in one place and do not hurt. About 60% of men and 35% of women have granules.

Cosmetologists' mistake

After injections of hyaluronic acid, white dots appear after 7-10 days; in fact, they were there before, but the filler will push them closer to the surface of the skin. Some cosmetologists mistake the granules for an allergic reaction; it is important not to forget that this appears already on the first day after the injection!

Signs of an allergy: inflammation, severe swelling, redness and increased temperature (of the body or in the area in the injection zone), that is, it has nothing in common with Fordyce granules. Due to the same mistake, cosmetologists prescribe surgical removal of whiteheads, which in 90% of cases appear again.

How to get rid of Fordyce granules?

There is still no specific treatment for granules; therapeutic treatment does not bring the desired result (the problem disappears only temporarily).

As a rule, cosmetologists offer cryotherapy, electrocoagulation and laser treatment. Warn clients about the potential for recurrence of granules.

This aesthetic flaw does not pose any danger: the client will not infect others even with close contact, and the granules themselves are not capable of developing into a serious disease.

After 30 years, the granules gradually lose their brightness and convexity due to the fading activity of the sebaceous glands and a decrease in the level of sex hormones.

What to do if balls appear after lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid?

I wanted beautiful plump lips, but after lip augmentation balls appeared, so what should I do now? This problem affects approximately 28-30% of girls and women who have tried injections with hyaluronic acid. Even the natural version of this filler can give such a peculiar reaction. There are several reasons, sometimes the cosmetologist who administered the drug is to blame, sometimes the patient herself. There are also neutral reasons.

How to prevent bruises?

Tip: Before the procedure, always remind the doctor where you had big bruises last time, so that he can be careful and avoid these areas if possible. Patients often develop bruises in a specific location.

You can also come a little earlier than the time appointed for the procedure and ask to sit somewhere quietly for a few minutes, applying ice to your face.

Do not take blood thinning medications

Using blood thinners or medications before an injection increases the risk of developing hematomas and affects their severity.

It is important to tell your doctor if you are taking blood thinning medications such as pain relievers. If aspirin is not needed as a medication, it should be stopped for one week before any injection procedure. Avoid (if possible) the use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen and its analogues) for five days before any procedure. Alcohol slows down blood clotting and thereby increases the risk of bruising.

Many herbal supplements and vitamins have the potential to increase the risk of bruising, especially high doses of vitamin E, ginkgo biloba and garlic. Stop taking these products two weeks before your procedure.

Cool your skin

Cold compresses may be used before the procedure to encourage blood vessels to constrict and reduce the risk of bruising.

Where do the balls in the lips come from after hyaluronic injections?

They look unsightly, sometimes they hurt or itch a little. In short, you should get rid of the balls. But first, it’s worth understanding where they come from. There are several reasons:

  • Insufficient depth of filler injection. An injection that is too superficial may be a flaw on the part of the cosmetologist. Or the special structure of the lips led to the fact that the hyaluronic acid did not go to a sufficient depth, but turned into balls after lip augmentation.
  • The body rejected the drug. Even the best cosmetologist is unable to predict the reaction of the human body to a particular filler. Sometimes it is unexpected.
  • Improper care after the introduction of hyaluronic acid. The doctor must explain the rules of care and also issue a reminder. But not everyone listens to his recommendations, for which they are often punished.
  • Low quality drug. Even opening the ampoule in front of the patient does not guarantee that the filler is not a fake. The clinic cannot test the hundreds of drugs it receives. Therefore, there is the receipt of fictions.
  • Low immunity or presence of contraindications. The patient should be examined before deciding to receive hyaluronic acid injections for augmentation. But not everyone follows this rule and as a result, balls or lumps appear. The cosmetologist will notice severe diseases (for example, herpes) and force you to undergo a course of treatment. But if you remain silent about hidden diagnoses in your history, the result may not be at all pleasing.
  • Allergy to anesthetics. Many fillers contain them, while others use local anesthesia in the form of a cream. An allergic reaction to its components is possible.
  • Concomitant medication intake. Not all of them have an unpleasant effect, but some can. Therefore, before enlarging your lips, you should tell your cosmetologist what medications you take regularly.

Having found the cause, you can correct its consequences. To do this, firstly, you should contact a cosmetologist who performed the augmentation with hyaluronic acid, and, secondly, follow his advice to the letter.

Important! The condition of the lips can also be affected by the procedure on critical days. In this case, it is worth canceling the filler injection and rescheduling it to a later date.


Often after tattooing, herpetic rashes appear on the skin. Lips are a favorite site of infection. Herpes is a viral disease that manifests itself in the form of characteristic blisters, grouped together and located in the mucous membranes and on the skin.

About 95% of people are carriers of the infection. The herpes virus lives in the human body for a long time without manifesting itself.

The appearance of herpes negatively affects the healing process. In addition, there is a danger of the appearance of light areas that will have to be eliminated during correction. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend carrying out prevention in advance.

What should I do to remove lumps and compactions?

If such a problem has already appeared, measures should be taken. Usually they get rid of lumps within a week with the help of massage and gymnastics. In order to find out exactly how to remove balls from your lips after lip augmentation, you should contact a cosmetology clinic. But gymnastics and massage will be recommended there too.

Gymnastics includes only 3 exercises. The first is to gently close your lips and move them left and right. The second is to clearly pronounce vowel sounds and at the same time move your lips as much as possible. And third, draw air into your lungs and blow it out through your mouth, folded into a tube. These simple exercises will help distribute the gel as evenly as possible and restore its shape. What to do if gymnastics is not enough? Of course a massage!

Attention! Massage should not be performed on dry lips; they should be lubricated with a healing balm or moistened with cool water.

It can be done with a soft toothbrush, a piece of ice or just your fingers. Wash your hands clean, pour boiling water over the brush, and ice can be made from chamomile or linden infusion. Movements should be soft and smooth. To make the lumps go away, you should alternate pressing, kneading and rubbing. Do it twice a day. There should be no pain; it is a signal that the massage is being performed incorrectly.


Herpes after lip tattooing is a common occurrence. But you shouldn’t refuse the procedure for fear of getting infected. Many drugs cope well with the external symptoms of the disease. For example, acyclovir (Aciclovir) effectively fights the disease.

Acyclovir is a widely used antiviral drug that has selective activity against herpes simplex viruses. It is produced in several dosage forms.

There are tablets, cream and ointment for external use, eye ointment and lyophilisate. Acyclovir fights the virus by inhibiting cell proliferation and also promotes the healing of existing blisters.

The drug relieves pain symptoms, eliminates itching and general intoxication. The main active ingredient of the drug gives it its name - acyclovir.

Excipients: calcium, sodium, potato starch, aerosil, cellulose. Acyclovir, in addition to fighting the virus, strengthens the immune system. The drug acts exclusively on the genetic material of the virus without harming healthy cells.

When should you see a doctor?

If over the course of 7-10 days of massage and gymnastics the balls have not disappeared, you should tell the cosmetologist who performed the enlargement. Perhaps he will resort to professional methods for removing lumps on his lip. These include:

  • Hardware cosmetology – for example, ultrasound massage. It promotes the dissolution of the beads and speeds up the metabolic process.
  • Additional installation of filler. This method is chosen if the previous one lay unevenly and made the lip asymmetrical.
  • The introduction of drugs that promote the resorption of scars. These are enzyme compounds that will remove bumps from the lips.
  • Plastic removal. A small incision is made from the inside of the lip and the ball is surgically removed. This is what you do if nodules arise.
  • Hyaluronidase injections. This drug removes acid, eliminating problems if the filler was placed shallowly or too much was injected.

If the lumps are not removed, an inflammatory process may begin in the mouth and they will turn into hard nodules. In this case, only plastic surgery will help. Therefore, you should not waste time - it is better to quickly correct the situation and have beautiful lips.

Why is Acyclovir prescribed before a tattoo procedure?

Herpes is a common viral disease. According to medical statistics, up to 95% of the inhabitants of planet Earth are carriers of the pathogen. The rest are immune to the pathogen.

There is no cure for the virus. It is integrated into the gene apparatus of cells of the nervous system. Medicines suppress its reproduction and the release of virions into the vascular bed. The virus on the lips can only be destroyed by destroying the neurons of the brain, spinal cord and nerve fibers that provide communication between the organs and the environment. That is, attempts to cure herpes will fail in 100% of cases.

Any violation of the immune defense contributes to the active reproduction of the pathogen; the drug Acyclovir will help to avoid this.

Tattooing lips or other areas of the face is an invasive procedure: a cosmetologist applies pigment with a needle, violating the integrity of the skin. After the procedure, the body begins to fight the inflammation that has arisen at the wound site and tries to get rid of the paint that is foreign to it. This reduces the immune defense and the herpes virus is activated. Vesicles appear on the lips, mucous membranes, and on the vulva (in case of a genital type of disease). Prophylactic use of Acyclovir will help avoid this.

As the virus multiplies, the risk of secondary infection of the wound surface increases, and the rate of regeneration of damage after tattooing decreases.

Reasons for appearance

Herpes on the lips is an inflammation that rises on the surface of the epidermis. It occurs due to the fact that an infection enters the blood from external sources, which begins to damage the girl’s health and begins to develop in this direction.

The reason for the appearance of herpes on the lips is the lack of beneficial microorganisms, which should normally resist the development of infection.

The lack of positive microorganisms is caused by decreased immunity. This phenomenon occurs for several reasons:

  1. Season. During the autumn and winter seasons, everyone's immune system decreases. If the air temperature drops to ten degrees, bacteria begin to develop in the air, which penetrate through the lungs by airborne droplets, spreading to surrounding people.
  2. I recently had a viral illness. If you have recovered from a cold, the positive microorganisms have been spent for this purpose. Now you need to wait a month to restore them.
  3. Lack of vitamins in the body. To do this, experts advise consuming a complex of vitamins before tattooing. This problem can be corrected if every day you eat fruits and vegetables that ripen on trees and bushes.

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of the virus, it must be treated immediately as soon as you notice a suspicious formation in the lip area. You can start doing this with the help of acyclovir.

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