Injections for penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid

Injecting hyaluronic acid into the penis is one of the ways to enlarge the penis using minimally invasive surgery. We are talking about a method of thickening the head and shaft of the male reproductive organ with a filler (filler for local injections), which minimizes the area of ​​intervention and the degree of injury. It will take about 30 minutes to enlarge the penis with hyaluronic acid. Before the procedure itself, you must consult with a specialist and also make sure there are no contraindications. However, injections of hyaluronic acid into the penis also have significant disadvantages, which we will discuss in today’s article.
  • Carrying out the procedure
  • Contraindications
  • Rehabilitation period and results
  • Advantages and disadvantages

Penis thickening with hyaluronic acid

First, let's find out what so-called hyaluronic acid is. This organic compound, which is an important component of articular cartilage, is actively used in cosmetology to solve the problem of loss of connective tissue tone. Providing a moisturizing effect, this biological lubricant accelerates regeneration processes and participates in collagen production processes. Aesthetic medicine uses hyaluronic acid of animal origin, which contains absolutely safe synthetic components. Its use reduces the risks of rejection and the development of other unwanted risks. Therefore, men who are not satisfied with their parameters are increasingly paying attention to injections of hyaluronic acid into the penis.

Before the penis thickening procedure, a consultation with a specialist is carried out, as well as a sensitivity test. The doctor must assess the patient's psychological readiness. In order for a man to realistically evaluate the possible result, he can be shown a video or photo of his penis before and after enlargement with hyaluronic acid. Indications include unsatisfactory size of the penis, which leads to low self-esteem, internal complexes, consequences of organ trauma (mechanical in nature), weak erection due to psychological discomfort, problems on the love front due to the existing deficit in the volume of the head and shaft of the phallus.

How are hyaluronic acid injections administered into the penis?

First, the groin area is treated with an antiseptic solution to reduce the risk of infection at the injection point. Next, a special gel for local anesthesia is applied to the surface of the male reproductive organ. When the drug takes effect, the specialist makes microinjections around the entire circumference of the head and shaft (depending on what exactly needs to be enlarged). After the hyaluronic acid is evenly distributed under the skin of the phallus, a patch containing an antiseptic is applied to the injection site. Then the skin of the reproductive organ is covered with a fixing bandage. As practice shows, in total the entire procedure can take about 20-40 minutes.

Penis thickening with absorbable matrix

Surgical intervention aimed at increasing the thickness of the phallus is simple.
A circular incision is made by a specialist along the edge of the head of the penis, which allows achieving high cosmetic and aesthetic results. Special thickening matrices made of collagen are placed under the skin of the patient's penis. This natural material is the most abundant protein in mammals. It provides elasticity and strength to connective tissue. In addition to fibrillar protein, the absorbable matrix contains germ cells obtained from the patient’s autologous blood, which is taken from a man’s vein in an amount of 50 ml on the day of surgery. The patient’s natural material described above goes through an incubation process, after which it is placed on a matrix, the thickness and length of which are selected individually.

Often men are afraid that in an excited state their reproductive organ is noticeably deformed at the base. However, the correct implantation of safe collagen material allows you to avoid the appearance of unwanted irregularities during an erection. Another advantage is that this method of thickening the male penis does not involve the use of a muscle flap from the abdomen or chest wall, which eliminates problems with rough scars.

In order to identify indications and contraindications for thickening the penis, the patient comes for a consultation with a urologist and undergoes a preliminary examination.

Examination before the procedure:

  • general blood analysis
  • coagulogram (blood clotting)
  • blood test for HIV, syphilis, hepatitis B and C
  • taking a smear test for sexually transmitted infections (PCR method) to avoid wound infection.

In some cases, the patient may be advised to undergo circumcision first, which will eliminate the possibility of drug accumulation on the foreskin of the penis.

Contraindications for injections

Penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid is impossible if a man has autoimmune diseases, inflammatory processes in the body, mental disorders, various sexually transmitted infections, wounds and suppurations on the skin, genital herpes, chronic ailments (acute phase), dysfunction of the genitourinary system in the form of severe pathologies. Another contraindication to injections is individual intolerance to the components of the filler used. For this purpose, a sensitivity test is performed before injections.

As for possible complications, a man may experience the appearance of small subcutaneous compactions of hyaluronic acid. They should gradually resolve within three weeks. If this does not happen, invasive intervention in the form of correction will be required.

Baklosan: a specific drug in the category of muscle relaxants

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The attitude towards the drug Baklosan in modern medicine is ambiguous. On the one hand, the pharmacological product is used as an effective muscle relaxant, on the other hand, it is a notorious narcotic drug. The fact that a medicinal product is classified as a recreational drug does not prevent pharmacies from selling the drug without a prescription. To determine the degree of effectiveness and become more familiar with the problems of a pharmacological product, it is necessary to thoroughly study it.


Baklosan, according to the instructions for use, is a centrally acting muscle relaxant. The main active ingredient is baclofen. It is a derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid.

Baklosan, like its analogues with the same active ingredient as a base, is capable of inhibiting the transmission of nerve impulses. This occurs due to a decrease in the excitability of the terminal sections of sensory fibers. Intermediate neurons lose their activity. The level of tension in the muscle spindles is significantly reduced.

At the same time, the drug Baklosan does not affect neuromuscular transmission in any way. The effectiveness of the medicinal product in the treatment of patients with neurological diseases has been proven. They experience a significant reduction in clonic convulsions and painful spasms in various areas.

Baklosan is a specific drug against prostatitis

Baklosan, as patient reviews say, can partially solve another significant problem - inflammation of the prostate gland in men. Doctors emphasize that the drug is used exclusively to eliminate symptoms, which, due to certain circumstances, the patient can tolerate with great difficulty.

Baklosan (baclofen) is a muscle relaxant that can eliminate pinched pain. This means that the pharmacological product will not always relieve negative symptoms.

Baklosan, according to reviews from doctors, exhibits the highest degree of effectiveness in the treatment of prostatitis and other forms of prostate disease if pain occurs due to improper attachment of the pelvic muscles. This may be a consequence of surgical intervention in the tissues of the pelvic organs due to hidden and obvious injuries.

Composition and release form

The drug is presented in the form of round, biconvex white tablets. The medicinal product is produced in propylene cans and cardboard containers.

Name of active substancePossible dosageDistinctive nuance
BaclofenBaklosan (10 mg)There is a dividing line on the tablet
BaclofenBaklosan (25 mg)There is no dividing line on the tablet

The following are used as auxiliary components:

  • Lactose;
  • Potato starch;
  • Gelatin;
  • Talc;
  • Magnesium stearate;
  • Ethylcellulose.

Pharmacokinetic qualities

After oral administration, the active component of the drug in the blood plasma reaches its maximum concentration after 2 to 3 hours. The level of absorption is extremely high.

Pharmacological action in the treatment of prostatitis

Baklosan, according to reviews from many men, really helps eliminate unbearable obsessive pain due to prostatitis. The drug is able to normalize the process of transmission of nerve impulses in the muscle tissue of the prostate gland.

Baklosan uses this effect to improve the well-being of patients with severe or advanced prostate sclerosis. A pronounced therapeutic effect makes this product almost indispensable for men suffering from sclerosing processes in the glandular organ.

One more can be added to the list of indications for the use of the drug Baklosan - the use of the drug to increase the level of effectiveness when massaging the prostate gland. At the same time, the prescription of a muscle relaxant will be relevant for any form of prostatitis, even for the purpose of preventing the occurrence of gland pathologies.

Indications for prescribing the drug

When considering the question of why the drug Baklosan is prescribed, it is necessary to focus not only on the aspects of pharmacological effects on men with prostatitis, but also on the advisability of treating other forms of pathologies of various etiologies. The medicine Baklosan has the following indications for use:

  • Increased muscle tone in various forms and stages of multiple sclerosis (in particular with sclerosis of prostate tissue);
  • Tumors localized in the spinal column;
  • Diseases of the spinal cord of an infectious nature;
  • Syringomyelia;
  • Motor neuron diseases;
  • Spinal column injuries;
  • Stroke;
  • Cerebral palsy;
  • Cerebrovascular pathologies in adult patients;
  • Meningitis of various etiologies;
  • Traumatic brain injuries;
  • Alcoholism;
  • Myelitis;
  • Heart attack;
  • Convulsive syndrome of unknown origin;
  • Spasms in the muscle tissue or glandular organs, accompanied by unbearable pain.

Contraindications to the use of Baklosan

The drug should not be prescribed to patients with the following contraindications:

  1. Gamma-aminobutyric acid intolerance;
  2. Hereditary lactose intolerance;
  3. Parkinson's disease;
  4. Psychosis;
  5. Severe neurosis;
  6. Epilepsy;
  7. Duodenal ulcer;
  8. Children's age (treatment from 3 to 12 years with great caution and only in exceptional situations);
  9. Atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  10. Cerebrovascular insufficiency;
  11. Chronic liver failure;
  12. Chronic renal failure.

Side effects

Baklosan may cause side effects. First, you should familiarize yourself with the list of unwanted reactions that may occur when taking any pharmacological product. The topic is discussed in more detail in the table.

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Organs or organ systemsReactions from the body
Nervous system
  • Sedation;
  • Drowsiness;
  • Dizziness;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Disorientation in space;
  • Tremor of limbs
Organs of the digestive tract
  • Stool disorders;
  • Dyspeptic manifestations;
  • Vomiting;
  • Nausea;
  • Pain in the navel area;
  • Problems with the functional potential of the liver;
  • Disvergence
Allergic reactions of the body
  • Hives;
  • Itching
Other specific reactions
  • Breathing problems;
  • Myalgia;
  • Vision problems;
  • Increased sweating;
  • Hypothermia;
  • Polyuria;
  • Anuria;
  • Urine retention

In some cases, problems with erection are noted. Men often turn to their doctor asking them to explain why, when taking the drug Baklosan, their penis has stopped erecting or their erection is unstable. This is a completely normal reaction of the body to the administration of the drug and it goes away quite quickly on its own.

The patient is warned in advance about possible negative reactions, in particular that Baklosan affects sex and also worsens the basic reactions of the nervous system. At the time of active pharmacological influence, the patient is prohibited from driving a car or doing work that requires concentration and increased attention.

Almost all unwanted side effects of Baklosan are transient in nature and do not require intervention from doctors. However, you must always be extremely careful with this pharmacological product.

Treatment options and key dosage considerations

The drug Baklosan is prescribed in various dosages. It can only be used orally. The initial dose for adults is 5 mg three times a day (half a tablet). After three days, the base dose is increased to 30–75 mg per day. The maximum allowable amount of the drug per day is 100 mg.

It is strictly forbidden to sharply increase the dose. The doctor’s goal is to prescribe the minimum that can provide the maximum therapeutic effect. It is highly recommended not to exceed the permissible maximum of Baklosan tablets; the consequences of consuming an excessively large amount of a pharmacological substance are fraught with serious problems.


An overdose of Baklosan is accompanied by the following symptoms:

  1. Severe muscle hypotonia;
  2. Inhibition of respiratory processes;
  3. Confusion;
  4. Coma.

In case of poisoning with Baklosan and the above symptoms occur, it is necessary to immediately administer diuretics and give the patient plenty of water, tea, and juice. In case of severe breathing problems, artificial ventilation of the lungs is indicated.

special instructions

Baklosan and alcohol should not be combined. These two substances can act extremely aggressively on the body.

Key aspects of Baklosan addiction

The medicine is not physically addictive. Chemically, the product is completely safe, but baclofen, as an active ingredient, can cause a psychological need for constant use of pills.

It is known that Baklosan is able to greatly enhance the euphoric effect of other drugs, so experienced drug addicts use the drug to enhance sensations. Sometimes they try to combine a muscle relaxant with alcoholic drinks.

How to treat addiction

Not every drug addict is able to fully understand their problem. The question of how to get off Baklosan is asked by only a few. Addiction of this kind is very difficult to treat and is accompanied by a variety of problems.

An attempt to quit the drug on your own leads to the development of severe withdrawal symptoms. Main symptoms:

  1. Severe atony;
  2. Body aches;
  3. Hallucinations;
  4. Depression;
  5. Cephalgia;
  6. Pain in the lower and upper extremities;
  7. Convulsions accompanied by loss of consciousness.

Only a competent doctor can help you get rid of addiction. In order for the patient to really feel better, special conditions will be required, created only in the appropriate institutions.


Margarita, 38 years old: I once had meningitis. I remember that Baklosan was prescribed, but I heard that it was a drug, so I refused it.

Rostislav, 56 years old: I have a complex form of prostatitis - with sclerosis. The pain was such that I wanted to commit suicide. No painkillers helped. Only Baklosan solved my problems.

The rehabilitation period and the results of penis thickening

After injections of hyaluronic acid into the penis, the first few days a man will feel slight pain or mild discomfort. Then the unpleasant sensations are neutralized. For 2-3 weeks you should refrain from intimacy and physical activity. And for the first 10-14 days, you should completely avoid excitement in order to prevent the phallus from filling with blood for its better recovery. During the shower, it is important not to overheat or overcool the tissues of the penis. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to adhere to antiseptic standards and all recommendations previously voiced by the doctor.

Correcting the size of the penis with hyaluronic acid allows you to increase the thickness of the penis by 1.5-2 cm. At the same time, the phallus becomes heavier, due to which it stretches by an average of 1 cm. However, every fifth man is still not satisfied with the results. In this case, the patient agrees to re-thickening the penis or prefers other methods of penis enlargement.

The price of the procedure, as well as changing the parameters of the phallus, directly depends on the amount of filler injected. There are cases when men are not satisfied with the presence of synthetic components in hyaluronic acid, so they agree to lipofilling of the penis. During the latter, the patient's purified fat tissue is implanted under the skin of the phallus. The use of such biomaterial eliminates the risks of rejection and allergic reactions.

Main characteristics

Plastic surgery for penis enlargement has the following characteristics:

  • there is no danger of complications leading to the loss of “men’s health”;
  • The event is no more complicated than circumcision of the foreskin;
  • surgical intervention takes place with a short period of hospitalization (only 1 day);
  • a noticeable change in volume, both in the erect phallus and in a calm state;
  • the result does not change, unlike an increase using a collagen matrix;
  • the ability to remove the inserted implant without causing any harm to the man’s health.

Advantages and disadvantages of penis enlargement with hyaluronic acid:

  • the procedure takes place without complex traumatic surgical procedures;
  • changes in the parameters of the penis occur in the shortest possible time;
  • thanks to its regenerating properties, the appearance of the skin of the phallus improves;
  • enlargement of the head changes its sensitivity, which allows prolongation of sexual intercourse and eliminates premature ejaculation;
  • The hyaluronic acid used is biocompatible with phallus cells.
  • there may be risks of a delayed allergic reaction;
  • hyaluronic acid dissolves within a year, so the injections will have to be repeated after a while;
  • the filler may be unevenly distributed under the skin of the penis, which will lead to deformation of the contour of the reproductive organ;
  • impossibility of giving injections in the presence of contraindications.

What are the indications and contraindications?

Dissatisfaction with the appearance of the penis or low satisfaction of the partner pushes the stronger sex towards surgical intervention. An operation to thicken the phallus can relieve a man of his complexes and self-doubt if the problems described above were caused by failures in his sexual life.

Naturally, before carrying out the operation, it is important to consult with a specialist to make sure that the intervention is necessary. Next, it is worth confirming the absence of contraindications that could cancel out a man’s plans to thicken his penis surgically.

There should be no inflammatory processes in the patient's body. It is necessary to ensure the absence of sexually transmitted, mental, immune, cardiovascular, and genitourinary diseases. Contraindications include blood clotting disorders, diabetes mellitus, and the presence of wounds on the skin of the phallus.

Preparing for surgery

At the initial appointment, the surgeon examines the patient and determines the possibility of surgery. Then he directs the man to undergo tests to determine the biochemical composition of the blood, hemoglobin level, hepatitis, and HIV infection. If the results are satisfactory, the urologist conducts consultations, gives the necessary recommendations and sets a date for the operation.

A month before surgery, you will have to give up smoking and alcohol, follow a balanced diet, minimize physical activity, and avoid unprotected sexual intercourse.

For 12 hours before surgery, you must refrain from eating and drinking less. Before going to the clinic, you need to shave your pubic hair.

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