Bags under the eyes - removal and surgery: how to remove them surgically

Is it necessary to remove hernias on the eyelids?

Most people can live comfortably with this feature without experiencing any inconvenience other than aesthetic ones.
But it is necessary to take into account that hernia formations can increase. And then it is possible that more serious problems with vision may arise. After all, a hernia puts pressure on the tissues and blood vessels of the eyes, and this contributes to the deterioration of their blood supply and nutrition. The developing defect makes the occurrence of local infections more likely. It causes the skin, muscles and ligaments to weaken faster. This means that the owner of hernia formations under the eyelids will look older than his age. And when the need arises to get rid of the problem for medical reasons, the most traumatic method of intervention will be acceptable for correction.

Plastic surgery to remove paint bags

Cheek lift plastic surgery or extended blepharoplasty most effectively removes paint bags. Therefore, they cost from 100,000 rubles. up to 250,000 rub. and are appointed when it is obvious that the problem cannot be solved in other ways. In milder cases and in younger patients, correction of the paint bags with fillers or threads is advisable. Here the price is more modest - from 12,000 rubles. up to 80,000 rub.

Types of operations

Painting bags can be eliminated using several types of operations:

  • extended blepharoplasty;
  • surgical intervention Cheek lift;
  • insertion of absorbable threads;
  • contour plastic surgery.

Only the first two methods can be called a full-fledged operation. Others are minimally invasive methods and are performed under local anesthesia.


Blepharoplasty will get rid of eye bags if it is performed in an extended version, since standard eyelid surgery will not help remove swelling in the middle area of ​​the face. The essence of the intervention is that the fat capsule protruding through the skin is removed through the incisions, and the soft tissues are tightened. After this, the incisions are sutured. And as a result of the movement of the skin and muscles, the zygomatic area becomes smooth, tightened, without transverse grooves and unnecessary bulges.

The result of circular blepharoplasty

Surgery is one of the most effective, but also traumatic ways to eliminate a defect. It is done after a thorough examination of the patient, if he is already 35 years old. There must be no contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • infections;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • cancer;
  • increased activity of the thyroid gland.


Painting bags can be removed using absorbable threads, which are inserted into the thickness of the skin according to the scheme. They provide a double effect, ensuring the disappearance of zygomatic hernias:

  • tissue tightening;
  • compaction of the dermis.

Before and after thread lifting of the upper third of the face
The procedure helps to hide the sufa, but does not remove fat from the cheekbone area. Its advantages are that everything is done under local anesthesia, and the result is visible almost immediately; there is no long recovery period. And there are fewer contraindications than with surgery. Threads should not be used if you have diabetes, oncology, material intolerance, or problems with blood clotting.

Contour correction of bumps on the cheekbones under the eyes

Bumps protruding on the cheekbones under the eyes can be removed using contouring, that is, injecting drugs into this area that increase tissue volume. This way the bags are camouflaged. Use products with high-density hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite or polylactic acid. They resolve within a few months, a maximum of 1.5 years, after which the problem returns.

Result of contour plastic surgery

But the result of the procedure is visible immediately. And it consists not only of smoothing out the sufas, but also improving the contours of the cheekbones and reducing wrinkles around the eyes.

Cheek lift

Cheek lift is another type of surgical operation during which:

  • elimination of sagging, wrinkles on the eyelids, nasolacrimal line;
  • midface lift, including the cheekbone area;
  • raising the corners of the lips;
  • reduction of nasolabial folds.

Tissues not only move, but are also fixed in new places by endotins. This allows you to achieve a very lasting effect and a natural look to your face. Rehabilitation after the intervention will take 2-3 weeks. Recovery is quick because access to tissue is only through incisions along the edges of the lower eyelids.

Watch this video about what procedures will help you get rid of paint bags:

Cost of removing paint bags surgically

Type of interventionCost, rub.
Contour plastic12000-17000 rub.
Check lift200000-250000 rub.
Extended blepharoplasty80000-150000 rub.
Threads45000-80000 rub.

The exact cost depends on many factors relating to the clinic, the doctor and the characteristics of the problem.

Contraindications to surgical removal of bags under the eyes

Despite the increased demand, doctors may refuse to perform lower eyelid blepharoplasty. The reasons for refusal are the following diagnoses:

  • diabetes;
  • HIV and hepatitis;
  • acute periods of chronic pathologies;
  • eye diseases;
  • oncology;
  • blood clotting problems;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels.

The cost of eyelid surgery depends on the complexity of the operation, the status of the clinic and doctor, and the presence of additional surgical procedures. For example, the price for surgical removal of bags under the eyes ranges from 20 to about 22 thousand rubles. If the patient wants to tighten the skin at the same time, he will have to pay an additional 6-10 thousand.

Removing a hernia will cost 5 thousand rubles. Today's possibilities of plastic surgery make it possible to radically correct the situation with the unsightly appearance of the eyelids. The patient himself can choose the option of how to remove bags under the eyes: surgically or other methods. The territorial availability of the service and its reasonable cost give every resident of the country a chance to regain the attractiveness of their image and forget about bags under their eyes for a long time.

How to remove paint bags at home?

Many people who have paint bags are interested in how to get rid of them at home and in what cases this is possible. Before you decide to carry out any procedures, you need to go to a beauty salon and consult with specialists. Home methods will allow you to prevent the appearance of paint bags.

Special exercises

Exercises that can be performed to prevent the appearance of sufas or make them a little smaller have many similarities with well-known gymnastics for the eyes. It is very necessary and will be useful at any age, both for the eyes and for improving the condition and elasticity of the skin.

Here are some of them:

  1. Close your eyes tightly for 10-15 seconds, and then open your eyes wide for the same time.
  2. Blink your eyes quickly.
  3. Open your mouth, stretching your lips into an oval, as when pronouncing the letter “O”, hold it in this position for 10-15 seconds, then exhale slowly.
  4. First, fold your lips into a bow, hold them there for 15 seconds, then smile hard so that your teeth are visible.

Add a massage around the eyes

Let's look further at how to get rid of paint bags on your face without resorting to beauty salons. Add self-massage to this and do it daily, this will certainly reduce swelling under the eyes. Buy a cream special for this at the pharmacy and follow these steps:

  • Wash your hands well.
  • Wipe your face with cleansing cream or milk.
  • Apply massage cream onto your fingertips. From the inner corner of the eye to the outer, lightly tap your fingers, moving along the eyes.
  • Apply gentle pressure around the eyes with your fingertips until the cream is completely absorbed.
  • Rinse your face with warm water and apply cream around your eyes.

Such a massage, combined with eye exercises, will not take much time, but if it becomes a habit, it will prevent and reduce sufas.

Folk remedies

There are a large number of folk recipes, the use of which will not give the same effect as visiting a beauty salon, but you cannot completely abandon them. If you systematically apply the method you like, there will still be benefits, so we present here some of their folk remedies:

  • Chamomile compresses. A regular decoction of flowers is made, a piece of gauze, folded several times, is moistened and applied to the souf for half an hour. The procedure is repeated daily for a week or 10 days.
  • Salt lotions. Pour salt into a small bag, moisten it with water and apply to the souf for 10 minutes. Salt draws out water, so this can reduce swelling on the cheekbones.
  • Potato masks. Place mashed potatoes in cheesecloth and apply to the problem area for 10-15 minutes.

Cost of the procedure

This operation is of interest not only to women, but also to the opposite sex. The most affordable rejuvenation option is lower eyelid blepharoplasty. For such an operation to remove bags and tighten wrinkles, you will have to pay from 70 to 90 thousand.

What does the cost depend on?

  • choice of anesthesia;
  • the complexity of the operation itself;
  • surgeon experience;
  • prestige of the clinic.

You must understand that if you contact a more highly qualified and experienced specialist from Moscow, they may ask for a price in the range of 150 thousand. Do not rush to contact cheap clinics, because this is a responsible procedure, it is about your health and beauty.

Think over everything carefully, it is better to postpone the procedure and save up for a more experienced surgeon who will be a professional in his field, the success of the operation in this case is guaranteed.

Blepharoplasty is divided into several degrees of complexity: the first degree is simply to remove excess skin, which will cost you approximately 45 thousand. But the third degree is from 50 to 60 thousand. The price of this operation is also influenced by other factors, for example, plastic surgery of the lower eyelid with changing the cut will cost 80 thousand and more.

Before deciding to take such a responsible step, do not rush, make inquiries about clinics and specialists in this profile. Request permission to perform this type of operation.

Rehabilitation period

After the operation is completed, you should remain under the supervision of medical workers for several more hours. After this time or the next day, you will be discharged from the hospital. On the fifth day, you definitely need to see a surgeon. If everything is fine with your recovery, your stitches can be removed that day.

Typically, the surgeon prescribes the use of antibacterial eye drops Sofradex, Dexamethasone, Dexon or Actovegin eye gel. Levomekol or Heparin ointment can also be used, but the risk of allergic reactions with these drugs is higher. On days 12–17 after removal of the suture, it is recommended to use hydrocortisone ointment for better scarring.

Blepharoplasty by day involves recovery within 3 weeks. Swelling and hematomas disappear within 5–7 days. For women over 50 years of age, this period extends to 13–15 days. After the sutures are removed, the incision line heals within a few weeks.


For each type of pathology, you should undergo separate types of research recommended by your doctor: from blood and urine tests to x-rays and ultrasound. In addition to this, consultations with highly specialized specialists can be prescribed: endocrinologist, gynecologist, urologist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, cosmetologist.

Drug therapy

The use of medications to eliminate a cosmetic defect can be used depending on the cause identified during diagnosis:

  • For age-related changes, preparations containing vitamin E or C, hyaluronic acid, flavonoids, etc. are used. These components improve blood supply and nutrition to the skin, increasing its elasticity. The use of hormonal agents (local and systemic) and eye drops for eye fatigue is also practiced;
  • For traumatic or allergic edema, anti-inflammatory and antihistamines are used, sometimes antibiotics and NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs);
  • In case of toxic edema, the first step is gastric lavage and administration of drugs that neutralize the effect of the toxin;
  • For renal edema, depending on the cause, antibiotics, hormonal agents, diuretics, etc. can be used. Strict adherence to a diet is recommended as additional therapy;
  • For infectious edema, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, antifungal agents, steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops are used;
  • For hormonal edema, treatment is carried out by introducing into the body the missing hormones: eutirox, thyrotom, etc.

Effective ointments for swelling of the eyelids are described in this article.

However, if the use of medications is ineffective and the defect has genetic causes, the only way to eliminate it is cosmetic. The following methods can be used for this:

  • Mesotherapy is the introduction under the skin of therapeutic cocktails consisting of microelements, vitamins and other nutrients necessary to activate metabolism in tissues. The procedure is carried out through subcutaneous injections;
  • Biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid is a type of mesotherapy using a special technique that allows you to administer a larger amount of the drug with fewer injections;
  • Lymphatic drainage - getting rid of stagnant fluid using electric current. This procedure has a number of contraindications and will not have a visible effect on fatty hernias;
  • Cosmetic masks - based on brown algae, with medicinal leech extract, with caffeine, with plant extracts.


Surgical methods for removing bags under the eyes are indicated if the patient wants to quickly and effectively get rid of a cosmetic defect, as well as in the absence of contraindications. This operation is called blepharoplasty and can be performed in several ways:

  • Conservative - an incision is made 1 mm below the ciliary edge, through which excess fatty tissue is removed. This method allows you to simultaneously get rid of skin folds on the lower eyelids;
  • Transconjunctival - the incision is made on the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid. This method is used when there is no need to remove excess skin;
  • Endoscopic – carried out using a thin surgical endoscope, which allows one to enter the surgical site through intraoral incisions.

Folk remedies

  • Massage the eyelids with frozen cubes from decoctions of sage, chamomile, and string for 3 minutes. ;
  • Boil the potatoes, cut them, cool slightly and place on your eyelids for 30 minutes;
  • Place grated raw potatoes on gauze and make a mask on your eyelids (15 minutes);
  • Place crushed parsley leaves on the lower eyelids, covering with a damp cotton swab for 15 minutes. The course of treatment is a week;
  • Make lotions from a decoction of horsetail (1 tablespoon per 200 ml of boiling water), boiled for 20 minutes. Such lotions for 15 minutes. will help cope not only with cosmetic defects, but with eye fatigue;
  • Soak the crumb of white bread in lemon balm juice and make a mask out of it for eyelids for 15 minutes. ;
  • Make a paste of mint leaves, apply it to your eyelids and place a cotton swab dipped in cold green tea on top. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

What is laser blepharoplasty –

In the process of classical and transconjunctival blepharoplasty techniques, a surgical laser can be used to make incisions, coagulate bleeding vessels and excise excess tissue. There is no doubt that the use of a laser reduces the risk of hematomas after surgery, reduces swelling of soft tissues after surgery, and contributes to faster rehabilitation and the patient’s ability to work.

European surgeons are unequivocally in favor of laser blepharoplasty only if during the operation an intervention is performed on the orbicularis oculi muscle. In other cases, the advantages of the laser surgical technique are not great, and can be considered more as an advertising marketing ploy.

Surgical removal of bags under the eyes

In the arsenal of a plastic surgeon who performs correction of the lower eyelid, there are three methods of getting rid of defects: seamless transconjunctival, classic suture and intraoral blepharoplasty. Features of the methods:

  • Seamless transconjunctival blepharoplasty is effective if the sac is small. The doctor makes an incision into the mucous membrane from the side of the conjunctiva, so no traces of the operation remain on the outer side of the eyelid.
  • The classic method involves making a skin incision along the edge of eyelash growth. During the operation, the doctor removes fatty tissue and part of the skin to restore the smoothness of the eyelid. Postoperative scars heal well and become almost invisible over time.
  • With intraoral access, the fatty tissue is not removed, but is shifted to the “sunken” area of ​​the lower edge of the orbit and the tear trough.

Today, most operations to remove bags under the eyes are performed with laser. The high temperature of the laser beam allows you to avoid bleeding during surgery, since the laser simply “seals” the vessels at the incision site. The suture is made with self-absorbable material.

Reasons for education

Bags under the organ of vision may appear as a result of fluid accumulation around the eye or in the periorbital area. Minor swelling is usually limited to the lower eyelid area, although it can occasionally affect the area around the entire eye. This phenomenon is mainly observed in patients after 40 years of age, when metabolic disorders in the body occur, and problems with the removal of fluid or adipose tissue are also noted.

The following factors can cause dark circles under the eyes:

  • changes in hormone levels in the body;
  • individual features of the structure of the skull;
  • blood circulation disorders;
  • living in a polluted environment;
  • frequent stressful situations and emotional stress;
  • increased load on the visual organs;
  • decreased density of the membrane structures of the eyelids;
  • various pathologies that are accompanied by fluid stagnation;
  • abuse of tobacco, alcoholic beverages, salt and smoked products.

Blood accumulates under the epidermis, which causes metabolic disorders in a certain area of ​​the dermis and fluid accumulation.

How to prepare for surgery

Proper preparation for surgery can speed up the rehabilitation process and make it less painful. This is also an effective prevention of postoperative complications. It is important for the patient to limit stress factors as much as possible two to three weeks before blepharoplasty. Drinking alcohol and smoking are undesirable. If possible, you should reduce the load on the organ of vision and avoid using cosmetics that irritate the conjunctiva.

A number of instrumental and laboratory tests that a person must undergo before surgery include:

  • general blood analysis;
  • blood chemistry;
  • analysis of the hemostatic system;
  • analysis for blood group and Rh factor;
  • ECG;
  • general urine analysis;
  • fluorography;
  • analysis for HIV, hepatitis, syphilis.

Plastic surgery of bags under the eyes is performed after consultation with an ophthalmologist and his opinion on the health of the patient’s eyes. Immediately before surgery, the anesthesiologist talks with the patient, finding out the medical history that is necessary to choose the method of anesthesia and dosage of the substance.

What is the essence of the procedure?

Restoration and plastic surgery of eyelids using a laser is a minimally invasive and effective technique, during which dissection and removal of skin, fiber, muscles and other tissues are performed using a laser.

Thanks to this, the surgeon is able to achieve special precision and accuracy in all surgical procedures.

Laser radiation carries high energy, which, when penetrating biological tissues, turns into heat. It is this effect that is used in surgery. The thermal effect of laser radiation leads to 2 processes:

Naturally, not all lasers are suitable for such an operation as laser eyelid blepharoplasty. Radiation is selected that does not have a negative effect on vision function. Installations based on carbon dioxide and erbium lasers are most often used.


A small amount of fat taken from other areas of the body, such as the abdomen, is injected into the cheekbone area. The previously taken tissue is cleaned. This manipulation allows you to disguise the paint bags and can save the situation for several years. However, there is a danger that the fat will be distributed unevenly and asymmetry will appear on the face.


This is another way to get rid of paint bags on your cheekbones, there are already reviews and not only in cosmetology. A special Darsonval physiotherapeutic device is used, which is available in specialized beauty salons and is allowed for home use. Its action is based on high frequency electrical currents. This device was invented a long time ago and is used in many medical fields, such as cosmetology, gynecology, dermatology, and dentistry. It can be used to prevent and treat sufs.

The device operates in 2 modes:

  • contact;
  • contactless.

The contact method allows you to work with small areas of skin, which makes it convenient for treating paint bags. Clean the skin and move the nozzle along the paint bags with the device turned on. With the non-contact method, the device is held at a distance of 4-5 mm from the skin, a discharge occurs and “ozone is released”, which has a beneficial effect on the skin, and a moisturizer is applied to the treated areas of the skin.

If your paint bags are small and you want to try this method, then first it is better to do several procedures in a beauty salon. If you decide to buy a device and carry out the procedures yourself, then you should strictly follow the instructions.

Lymphatic drainage

A special massage is performed in the area where the lymph is located, which helps stimulate the outflow of fluid. These procedures can be carried out manually or using hardware. In a beauty salon, manual lymphatic drainage is often done, but at home it is easier to perform manual lymphatic drainage. The procedures are carried out for 10 days, 20 minutes each. As a result, you can achieve a reduction in fat deposits in the cheekbones.


For injection, the drug diprospan is used, which is delivered directly into the painting bag. Diprospan is famous for its ability to dissolve fat, and therefore leads to a reduction in zygomatic hernias

However, this procedure must be carried out with caution and only by a highly qualified doctor, since an incorrectly selected dose of the drug can lead to the appearance of unevenness on the face. This procedure is usually offered to patients under 30 years of age.

Operating stages

The operation to remove a fatty hernia or stretched skin is performed in the following steps:

  • At the initial, preoperative stage, the doctor marks future incisions and places for removing folds or skin. The doctor makes marks at a distance of at least 10 mm from the length of eyelash growth.
  • For an accurate and calculated operation, the patient is placed in a sitting position.
  • The incision is made slightly below the level of the eyelashes.
  • The ciliary facial skin is dissected.
  • Removal of fatty hernia or excess layer.
  • If necessary, old skin epithelium is removed.
  • Upon completion of the procedure, a sterile bandage is applied, under which a suture is placed.

What is a hernia under the eyes

Swelling under the lower eyelid is most often found on the face of mature women, which is associated with changes in the subcutaneous tissue surrounding the eye. Age-related changes in the body deprive the skin of its elasticity, causing it to stretch. The result is the filling of the resulting space with elements of adipose tissue, which obstructs the outflow of lymph, causing swelling.

If the cause of swelling of the skin is associated with fatigue or chronic lack of sleep, removing a hernia under the eye will not be difficult. If the appearance of skin protrusion is the result of the accumulation of fat cells, therapeutic techniques that will be selected by a specialist will help.

Why does skin swelling occur?

Growths of the fatty layer under the eyes (hernias) can appear due to bad habits and abuse of salty foods. The condition of the epidermis is negatively affected by poor-quality cosmetics or excess ultraviolet radiation; prolonged work at a computer screen also affects the face with unaesthetic fat bags.

What other factors can cause a hernia:

  • impaired metabolism or malfunction of the thyroid gland;
  • hereditary predisposition to early withering of the dermis;
  • hormonal imbalance affecting the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • tendency to angioedema, manifestation of Quincke's edema;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the visual apparatus with the need to squint.

The appearance of a hernia under the eye can be signaled by pathologies of the urinary system or the development of renal failure, as well as problems with the cardiovascular system. With a combination of several provoking factors, hernias can form not only in the lower eyelid area, but also above the eye, under the brow arch.

To check for the presence of accumulations of subcutaneous fat, you should lower your eyelids and press your finger on the eyeball. A signal of the presence of a hernia will be swelling of the skin of the upper eyelid after removing the finger. To get rid of the problem, you will need to identify the actual cause of the external defect, and the doctor will tell you which principle of treatment for a hernia on the face to choose.


Unfortunately, complications after lower eyelid blepharoplasty are extremely difficult to avoid. In any case, your body must respond to surgery. If side effects appear immediately after the procedure, you need to wait a little, as they usually disappear after 7 days.

If complications occur some time after surgery or linger for a long time, contact a plastic surgery clinic to have them removed.

For example, swelling that appears after surgery is not considered a complication. In a couple of days the swelling will go away. But if swelling under the eye persists for a week, consult a surgeon immediately. Edema reduces the quality of vision. They can cause double vision and headaches.

To remove swelling, you need to apply ice cubes to the areas with swelling. They need to be wrapped in a plastic bag and wrapped in a sterile bandage. You cannot hold the ice for more than two minutes. When the stitches are removed, apply cotton pads soaked in a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula.

Bruises are much more serious than swelling. Some of them go away on their own, and some require additional intervention - a puncture. The worst thing is when the hematoma affects the mobility of the lower eyelid and provokes protrusion of the eye. In this case, you cannot do without an additional examination and consultation with an ophthalmologist.

Other side symptoms:

  • pain, burning, stinging in the eyes;
  • inversion of the lower eyelid with further drying of the eye;
  • tearing associated with displacement of the tear openings or abnormal scarring;
  • sutures come apart, requiring re-application;
  • the appearance of compactions after blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids;
  • non-closure of the eyelids, requiring repeated surgical intervention;
  • asymmetry of the eyes due to irregular scarring.

It is important to add that serious complications with blepharoplasty are extremely rare. The consequence of this may be:

  • violation of sterility during surgery;
  • medical error in making an incision, removing fat, touching capillaries or improper suturing;
  • a pronounced nasolacrimal groove if fat-saving blepharoplasty was not performed;
  • personal reaction of the body;
  • non-compliance with care rules during rehabilitation.

As you can see, if complications occur late, they require surgery. Therefore, it is necessary to choose only a proven clinic and qualified specialists.

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Postoperative recovery

The operation lasts from 1 to 3 hours, depending on the scale of the intervention.
It is performed on an outpatient basis and under local anesthesia. During all manipulations, the patient's eye remains protected by a special cap that does not transmit laser radiation. In the first hours after surgery, you may feel some discomfort, a feeling of heaviness, irritation in the eye, and mild pain. Externally, swelling, bruising, and cyanosis may be present, but compared to conventional surgery, they are minimal.

The entire rehabilitation takes from 1 to 2 weeks. During this period, it is recommended to avoid physical activity, wear makeup, wear contact lenses, and do not wet the skin around the eyes for the first 3-4 days. It is necessary to adhere to all doctor’s recommendations for caring for a postoperative wound (ointments, drops and other medications).

As a rule, there is no need to remove sutures (biological suture material is used, which dissolves itself). From the second week you can do eye exercises as recommended by your doctor. To further shorten the recovery period, you can undergo a physiotherapy course.

If you follow all medical recommendations, there will be no complications, and after 2 weeks you will be able to enjoy your new image in the mirror.

Types of eyelid hernias

Two types of hernias are determined by location:

  1. In the area of ​​the upper eyelid. Grows in the inner sub-brow area of ​​the eye.
  2. In the lower eyelid area. It forms under the eye and looks like “bags”.

Is it possible to get rid of hernias?

When a hernia forms, the entire appearance of a person takes on a more mature appearance. However, in the field of physiology, negative aspects are also observed, since blood circulation and lymph outflow are disrupted, which interferes with the nutrition of the muscles, causing swelling that increases the aesthetic defect. These changes are not life-threatening, and there are no medical indications as such, except in cases where the adipose tissue hangs heavily, which interferes with the functioning of the eyeball. If the patient wants to remove the “bags” for aesthetic well-being, then they can be removed; this manipulation will significantly improve the appearance.

Reasons for the appearance of bags

The causes of swelling under the eyes and bags are different:

  • Heredity.
  • Softening the structure of the eyelids.
  • Hormonal disbalance.
  • Frequent eye strain.
  • Depression.
  • Little time for sleep.
  • Direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Bad habits.
  • Atmospheric emissions.
  • Poor vascular conductivity.
  • The structure of the human head.

Blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids

With age, a woman is worried not only about deep wrinkles around the eyes, but also about sagging skin. This problem spoils the appearance, adding extra years, the lady has to turn to a cosmetic surgeon.

Eyelid correction surgery is called blepharoplasty and is divided into types:

  • the upper one is aimed at cutting off excess tissue with precision and removing fatty deposits; In parallel, correction of the eye shape and elimination of ptosis (if present) are carried out;
  • lower – eliminates bags, swelling and allows you to tighten the skin; the eye shape is also corrected, nasolacrimal grooves and age wrinkles are eliminated;
  • circular – represents a complex effect on the tissues around the eyes; includes the possibilities of the first 2 types of blepharoplasty.

Circular blepharoplasty

The doctor will decide which correction method to choose based on the complexity of age-related changes.

Choosing Blepharoplasty

Degree of changePeculiaritiesRecommended correction
1First wrinkles around the eyes, shallow expression folds, fatty herniaGentle blepharoplasty
2Deep wrinkles, constant swelling of the lower tissues, ptosis of the upper eyelidCircular procedure
3Puffiness and wrinkles around the eyes, bruising and other pronounced signs of agingSurgical or laser correction

Classic surgery is an intervention in the integrity of tissues, so various complications are possible:

  • after an incorrect operation, stitches remain;
  • bleeding and infections are possible;
  • there is a risk of unwanted changes in the shape of the eyes;
  • there are problems with closing the eyelids and even loss of vision;
  • The recovery period may be accompanied by headaches.

Note! New technologies make it possible to improve plastic eye correction, making it less dangerous. New blepharoplasty techniques

New blepharoplasty techniques

Seamless method• Instead of stitching tissues after surgery, the surgeon uses special glue, making the correction invisible; • The incision is made along the lash line and the operation is performed under local anesthesia • There are no scars left on the eyelids; • Rehabilitation period is kept to a minimum • In some patients, the operation is performed under general anesthesia, which has a negative impact on the body; • Not every clinic uses the original method
Transconjunctival• All manipulations are performed with the eyelid inverted under local anesthesia; • A small incision or puncture is made in the conjunctiva. After the operation, there are no stitches - the tissue in the mucous membrane recovers on its own • Attracts patients with safety and lack of stitches; • Minimal surgical intervention In individual cases, general anesthesia is required
Pinch“Pinch” plastic surgery is based on the complete removal of bags and hernias along with the skinHelps get rid of large excess skin under the eyesIt is a classic operation with a long recovery period
Laser method• Instead of a scalpel, a beam is used, the power of which does not harm vision; • All laser effects are controlled by a computer, which eliminates risks during surgery • Rejuvenation takes place without blood; • There are no scars left at the site of beam penetration; • Minimum risk of infection • During the procedure, the patient experiences uncomfortable sensations; • Correction is accompanied by an unpleasant smell of “burnt” tissues

You can also perform non-surgical blepharoplasty of the upper and lower eyelids. In this case, rejuvenation is performed using special devices and injections.

Operation techniques

The doctor chooses the type of operation after a visual examination of the patient. A unified training plan has been developed for all types of operations, which includes:

  • Taking blood and urine tests. The blood is examined for clotting and the presence of diseases, including hepatitis and HIV, for which surgery is not performed.
  • Visiting a therapist and ophthalmologist to identify contraindications.

Having received expert opinions and test results, in the absence of contraindications, the surgeon discusses the details of the upcoming event with the patient.

Classic type of operation

The classic version of blepharoplasty is used to remove bags, tighten sagging skin, eliminate wrinkles around the eyes, and relieve signs of sagging eyelids. In classic blepharoplasty, the surgeon works with the moving and fixed eyelids, making incisions on the outer side of the skin with a scalpel or using a laser. During surgery, you can not only remove the bags, but also correct the shape of the eyes and remove excess sagging skin. Reviews from the patient on video:

The operation is performed under general anesthesia. First, the access lines are marked with a marker. Then the doctor makes an incision along the eyelash growth line, removes the accumulated fatty tissue and cuts off excess skin along the markings. Upon completion of the necessary manipulations, the incisions are sutured with self-absorbing suture material. Operation scheme:

The duration of the operation is 40-90 minutes. The rehabilitation period takes two weeks, during which the bruises and edema heal and the sutures tighten. In order for the sutures to heal correctly, without scarring, it is recommended to use special gels and perform physical procedures.

What complications may arise?

Every patient hopes for a favorable outcome from surgical intervention, but, unfortunately, his hopes are not always justified.

The list of complications after classical blepharoplasty includes:

  • Scar formation, which is associated with the characteristics of the patient’s connective tissue.
  • Eversion of the eyelid, which occurs due to incorrect actions of the surgeon.
  • Conjunctivitis. It is provoked by an infection acquired during surgery or during the recovery period.
  • Tearing occurs when the tear ducts become displaced and narrowed.
  • The appearance of a cyst on the suture line. Over time, it resolves or can be removed.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

Preparatory measures for transconjunctival blepharoplasty are similar to those carried out with the classical method. Only the technology itself differs. Indications for the transconjunctival method include bags under the eyes, hernias, unaesthetic appearance of the lower eyelid, and deep tear troughs. For pain relief, both general and local anesthesia can be given. The incision is made along the mucous membrane, close to the border of eyelash growth. The surgeon spreads the orbital septum and the orbicularis muscle, removes excess fatty tissue, or takes it to the periorbital zone. To ensure a smooth transitional contour, excess fat is distributed along the nasolacrimal and eyelid buccal grooves. In special situations, it is necessary to secure the removed fat with a suture. Schematic representation of the surgeon’s manipulations:

The operation lasts 30-60 minutes. After its completion, a cooling bandage is applied to the eyelids. If the procedure was performed under local anesthesia, the patient can leave the clinic after 2-3 hours; with general anesthesia, you need to stay in it for 8-10 hours. Recovery lasts 2 weeks, during which time bruises and swelling go away, and painful symptoms disappear.

Important! After lower eyelid blepharoplasty, it is recommended to refrain from physical activity for 1-2 months.

Advantages of the method and the possibility of complications

The transconjunctival method of lower eyelid correction has a number of significant advantages. After the operation, there are no stitches left, the natural shape of the eyes is preserved, there is no disturbance in facial expressions, the operation itself, as well as the rehabilitation after it, proceeds faster. The risk of complications is significantly reduced. Photos before and after:


Because you will be under anesthesia and make an incision, your doctor will ask for your medical history.
You will need to bring a medical card and undergo some examinations, for example, donate blood for biochemistry and do an electrocardiogram of the heart. An incision with a scalpel or laser will be made in the lower eyelid area; therefore, such surgical intervention is prohibited without the prior permission of an ophthalmologist.


  • glaucoma and cataracts;
  • blepharospasm and excessive dryness of the eye;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • bearing a child and the period of breastfeeding;
  • heart problems, as well as previous heart attack or stroke;
  • the presence of serious dermatological diseases on the face;
  • recent use of antibiotics;
  • elevated temperature;
  • just had the flu or acute respiratory infections;
  • increased eye pressure;
  • oncology and HIV;
  • stage of exacerbation of chronic diseases, for example, herpes;
  • serious abnormalities in the functioning of the kidneys and liver;
  • hypertension;
  • blood incoagulability;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes.

During your consultation with a surgeon, we recommend that you answer the questions posed truthfully. If you want to hide any illness, after the operation there may be disastrous consequences for your health.

Do you know if you are allergic to the prescribed anesthesia? Do a special test. In modern clinics, the anesthesiologist will definitely offer you a similar procedure.


Malar bags (otherwise, zygomatic hernias, malar edema or sufas) are a cosmetic defect and have nothing to do with pathology.
The bags are swellings framed by folds of skin. Inside there is subcutaneous fat tissue. Zygomatic hernias have a pronounced lower border, have connective tissue bridges, and take on a semicircular shape.

A feature of the subcutaneous fat in the defect area is a static state, so patients are often concerned about:

  • blue discoloration in the area of ​​the pouches;
  • deepening of the furrows under the eyes and on the cheekbones;
  • swelling spread;
  • inflammation of subcutaneous fat;
  • redness;
  • gloomy appearance.

Facial skin against the background of the defect may look lifeless and dull. Along with sad facial expressions and wrinkles, many women can add several decades to their actual age.

Today, such defects are successfully eliminated in specialized cosmetology clinics or offices.

Definition of disease

Bags under the eyes are the result of overgrown periorbital fat or its swelling for a number of reasons. Such formation in most cases is observed in elderly people, when defects of a purely external nature are added to internal causes. After all, the skin around the eyes is the thinnest and most delicate, and over the years it also stretches and thins, unable to support fatty tissue. Find out about the causes of eyelid swelling here.

However, this symptom is not always present in older people. Sometimes bags under the eyes appear in very young people, no older than 20 years, while in some older people this defect is completely absent.

Why does swelling appear so often in this part of the face? This is due to several factors;

  • A very branched network of blood vessels, therefore, with increased blood circulation, edema forms on its own;
  • Constant movement of the skin of the eyelids when blinking;
  • Under the eyes, the skin is practically not attached to anything, so it tends to “go around” in accordance with the force of gravity;
  • The lack of subcutaneous fat makes the skin in this area especially susceptible to temporary changes.

Before taking any radical measures, you should first find out the prerequisites for the appearance of such a cosmetic defect and, if a pathological cause is discovered, first eliminate it.


In the initial stages of hernia formation and after surgical treatment, it is possible to use techniques to slow down the unwanted process. They consist of activation of blood circulation in the eyelid area and increased lymph outflow. You can use salon procedures, or you can resort to home methods. Prevention methods:

  • Use of specialized cosmetics.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage.
  • Use of face masks.
  • Carrying out mesotherapy at home.

The result is most pronounced with a complex effect; home lymphatic drainage massage shows good results.

Home lymphatic drainage massage

  1. It is necessary to apply a special cream to the skin of the face to improve lymph flow (increased amount of vitamin E, extracts of medicinal plants).
  2. Massage the scalp: put your fingers together and make circular movements (without moving your fingers) over the entire surface of hair growth for a minute; grab a strand of hair and pull it up (do it in straight lines).
  3. Connect the fingertips of both hands in the middle of the forehead and make smoothing movements from the center to the periphery (temples), repeat 3 times.
  4. Connect three fingers on each hand and at the same time slightly squeeze the temples on both sides (repeat 3 times, maintaining pressure for 4 seconds).
  5. Place the inner side of the fingers folded together in the eye area (including the brow area and upper cheek area) and press three times, maintaining the pressure for about 4 seconds.
  6. Place your palms down on the cheek area and repeat the manipulation in this area.
  7. Tap the face area with all fingers, starting from the chin, for 2 minutes.
  8. Place the inside of your palms on the entire face area (fingers at the top) and press three times, maintaining light pressure for 4 seconds.
  9. Without removing your palms, move them to the periphery of your face, maintaining slight pressure on the skin.

Recovery period

The duration of the period during which a person will have to leave intensive physical activity and work ranges from four days with the endoscopic method of performing the operation, and up to two weeks when choosing the classical method.

For the first few days, the patient is under the supervision of a doctor and medical staff of the clinic. Only if there are no pathological changes is he allowed to go home. In the case of classic blepharoplasty, a person is recommended to limit reading and watching TV as much as possible, and also to give up alcoholic beverages and smoking during rehabilitation.

It is worth understanding that as the volume of surgical intervention increases, the risks of complications increase, and the rehabilitation period will not be much longer, but longer. However, the use of modern technology to quickly eliminate bleeding in the surgical wound and durable self-absorbing suture material allows the patient to return to active life as quickly as possible.

Preparatory stage

Have you decided to have lower eyelid blepharoplasty? Then be prepared to undergo a number of tests to determine the state of your health:

  • general analysis of urine and blood;
  • blood for biochemistry;
  • blood for hepatitis, HIV infection, syphilis;
  • fluorography;
  • coagulogram;
  • tests for the occurrence of allergic reactions to anesthesia;
  • ECG.

You will also be referred to a consultation with an ophthalmologist to rule out eye diseases, and an anesthesiologist to prescribe the correct anesthesia that best suits your body.

When is the best time to go under the surgeon's knife? The time of year does not matter, but it is preferable to agree to the operation in the warm season. This will prevent hypothermia.

If surgery is scheduled, you are prohibited from:

  • drink alcohol and smoke within 2 weeks;
  • 1.5 weeks before, take any medications that affect the state of the circulatory system - Ibuprofen, Aspirin, Diclofenac, Paracetamol, etc.;
  • 3 days before surgery, apply decorative cosmetics to the eyelids and face, as well as use perfume or deodorant;
  • Drink water and eat food 8 hours before.

Until you agree to the operation, in modern clinics they show the expected result on a computer. The photographer will take a portrait photo, which will be processed with a special program.

Demand for blepharoplasty

Today, more and more people agree to surgically remove bags under their eyes. Few people like the look like in the photo:

The popularity of lower eyelid blepharoplasty is associated with its clear advantages over other methods:

  • complete elimination of bags;
  • fast rehabilitation;
  • affordable price.

Modern technologies allow surgeons to perform operations not only with a scalpel, but also with a laser. This is the tool they increasingly choose for their work. When advising a patient about surgery, the specialist assesses the complexity of the defect and the person’s state of health. What defects of the lower eyelids require surgical correction?

What it is?

Blepharoplasty is, in simple words, a type of operation in which you can significantly change the contours of the eyelids, both lower and upper, accordingly removing fat bags. After all, bags can form both above and below the eyes.

This method can only be used by persons over 28 years of age. Before this age, intervention is prohibited, because the blood flow and mucous membrane of the eye can be disrupted. And even up to 30 years old, a woman looks great! Blepharoplasty is performed for cosmetic purposes only. However, there are many contraindications for this procedure:

  1. Arterial hypertension.
  2. Blood clotting disorder.
  3. Anemia.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Cancer.
  6. During the menstrual cycle - for women.

Usually the procedure is performed under local anesthesia. Its duration ranges from half an hour to an hour and a half. If everything goes well, without complications, the patient can be sent home the same day. And complications can be as follows:

  • Hematoma.
  • Bleeding in the area of ​​the entire eye and, as a result, loss of vision.
  • Scars are rare, but they do happen.
  • Infection if devices or instruments are not properly cleaned before surgery.
  • Redness that occurs from the laser procedure, but is quickly hidden with the help of cosmetics (foundation or powder).

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