Wrinkles under the eyes: how to remove them and is it possible?

The most effective natural homemade masks for skin tightening, renewal and nutrition

Masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use

Very often, thin and dry skin reacts negatively to factory-made cosmetics with the appearance of irritation, redness and swelling. For those with sensitive skin, we recommend preparing the following simple masks from available ingredients 3 times a week, preferably in the evening.

Do not forget that masks will bring the long-awaited effect only with regular use, as well as if they are applied to clean skin, free of cosmetics and impurities.

  1. Based on cucumber juice. You will need to mix 50 ml of juice from fresh, finely grated cucumber with egg yolk, 10 ml of almond oil, 1 ampoule of retinol - vitamin A and 1 ampoule of vitamin E (sold at the pharmacy). Add wheat flour to the consistency of sour cream, mixing everything thoroughly.
  2. Based on parsley juice. You will need 20 ml of olive oil, 10 grams of potato flour and parsley chopped in a blender. Mix all ingredients well and apply.
  3. Avocado based. Avocado pulp, converted into a mushy mass in the amount of 20 grams, is mixed with 10 ml of cold-pressed olive oil, everything is mixed well.
  4. Spinach based mask. Take 20 ml of fresh spinach juice, add 1 ampoule of vitamin A and 10 grams of baby fat cream to it, mix everything thoroughly and apply.
  5. Starch based. Potato starch in an amount of 30 grams is mixed with 15 ml of high-fat cream, and the mixture is left for 30 minutes. Then add 30 ml of vitamin E oil pharmaceutical concentrate (in ampoules) to the composition and leave the mass in the refrigerator for 3 hours. Before use, add 10 grams of finely chopped mint and parsley and mix thoroughly.

Don't forget that a varied diet, good sleep, a healthy lifestyle, and giving up bad habits can have a positive effect on the condition of your skin!

By receiving constant care with cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting, your skin will be filled with radiance, health and elasticity so that you always remain young, beautiful and desirable!

How to make eye shadow last a long time at home. 1 Face preparation


    Wash your face. Wash away dirt, sebum and old makeup, which will help your fresh makeup last much longer. If you put fresh makeup on a dirty face, it will usually either rub off or peel off.

  • Wash your face in the morning before applying makeup.
  • Don't use harsh soap on your face. This can cause irritation and dryness, which will make your makeup not last long.


Cleanse your skin several times a week. Dead skin tends to accumulate on the face, especially as we age, so you need to cleanse your skin several times a week to remove it. Applying makeup to dead skin will cause it to flake off throughout the day. Your makeup will look, feel and perform better on a smooth, cleansed face.

  • You can use a facial brush to lightly scrub away the dead skin from your face. Rub your face in a circular motion, never apply too much pressure.
  • A homemade sugar scrub also works well as a gentle exfoliant.
  • Don't forget about your lips! They should not peel off so that the lipstick sticks to them better.


Hydration. For oily skin, buy a non-oil or moisturizer, and for dry skin, buy a more nourishing one. Make sure your moisturizer has at least SPF 15 to protect your skin from the sun, or a separate cream with SPF 45 if you live in a sunny area. If you are older, you can use an anti-wrinkle moisturizer.

  • Avoid using thick, greasy moisturizer during the day. This can make your face look too smooth for makeup.


Apply face foundation. Apply a thin layer of a good base to ensure your makeup lasts all day. Some primers can be very expensive, but you don't need to use a lot to get good results. Apply foundation all over your face, especially over red or oily areas or any blemishes you want to hide.

Signs of thin and sensitive skin

How to determine whether you have thin skin or not? Let's look at the main signs of thin skin. You have thin skin if:

  • After you wash your face, your skin feels tight.
  • There is often redness on the face, as well as itching and burning.
  • The skin often peels.
  • There are often negative reactions to cosmetics.

Important! If you are not sure, you can do a simple test. To do this, take a pen and run the blunt end across your cheek:

  • If the pen mark disappears within 20 seconds, your skin is normal.
  • If you stay for a longer period, it means you have thin and sensitive skin.

Caring for problem skin

Caring for thin facial skin must be correct. First of all, this is daily care, which consists of several stages.


  • You need to wash your face in the morning with warm or cool water. It is desirable that it is not chlorinated. Sensitive skin reacts poorly to chlorine and hot water.
  • Treat clean skin with toner.
  • Be sure to apply day cream to your face. Choose a cream labeled for sensitive skin. Use only high-quality cosmetics from trusted manufacturers.

Important! At different times of the year, depending on weather conditions, facial skin care should be different. Having mastered the simple rules, you can easily do it. You don’t need to search for a long time, all the information can be found in our archives:


  • To remove makeup, use cosmetic milk, micellar water or another product designed for this purpose.

Important! It is better not to remove makeup with regular tap water.

  • Tonic should be selected without alcohol content.
  • Apply a nourishing night cream for sensitive skin.

Important! Don't forget to pamper your skin with pleasant and healthy treatments and masks. Then the results will not take long to arrive:

In addition to daily care for thin skin, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not use regular soap, use a special gel or milk for washing.
  • Don't leave makeup on overnight.
  • Use creams and make masks regularly.
  • If you make masks, remember that they should not contain alcohol or aggressive components, such as mustard.

Important! It is advisable to test any mask for allergies.

  • Often, problems with the skin are caused by vitamin deficiency, in particular a lack of B vitamins. Therefore, your best friends should be fruits, vegetables, nuts, and bran. You should exclude spicy, fried, and salty foods from your diet.
  • You should not use cosmetic ice or herbal compresses; aromatherapy is also contraindicated for you.
  • Do not overuse the sauna or bath procedures, limit your time in the sun.
  • Your best assistant is sleep. During sleep, cells are renewed and restored.
  • Try to control your facial expressions - don’t squint your eyes, don’t wrinkle your forehead.
  • Drink more water. Remember, a person should drink at least 1.5 liters of water a day, and in your case, 2 is better.
  • Try to protect your face from direct rays of the sun, use special sunscreens.
  • For peeling, choose products with artificial exfoliating microgranules, which are less damaging to the skin.

Fine wrinkles

  • - Squint and blink less, wear dark glasses in the summer.
  • — Use creams with hyaluronic acid and other active substances that smooth the skin.
  • — Skin problems around the eyes can be solved with the help of natural compresses and eye masks.
  • — Perform self-massage of the area around the eyes. To do this, gently massage the orbicularis muscles and then perform tapping movements.
  • - This exercise is also effective. Place your bent fingers over your closed eyes. Try to open your eyes without removing your fingers, while raising your eyebrows.

Factors that negatively affect thin skin

Since we are talking about caring for thin facial skin, we should also mention that some factors negatively affect its condition and it is advisable to exclude them:

  • We have already mentioned that sensitive skin does not tolerate chlorinated water, so you should not provoke it into irritation and wash your face with tap water. But if you cannot avoid contact with this, for example, when visiting a swimming pool, then you need to apply a special water-repellent cream.
  • This type of skin does not like frequent changes of cosmetics. Experts recommend changing products no more than once every 3 months.
  • For those with thin skin, masks based on aloe, honey, as well as hormonal creams and ointments are contraindicated.
  • Nicotine also has a negative effect. Therefore, try not to stay in a smoky room for a long time.

Masks for thin skin

To maintain the youth and health of your face, you need to periodically make masks. Before the mask, experts recommend exfoliating, since after cleansing, the skin is more receptive to the nutritional properties of the substances that you apply to it.


This mask has a rejuvenating effect, nourishes and softens the skin:

  1. Place 30 grams of yeast in a small amount of milk. Add a few drops of olive oil.
  2. Apply the mask and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  3. Rinse with boiled warm water.


To restore water balance, you can do the following:

  1. Mix one tablespoon of boiled water, one egg yolk, one tablespoon of sour cream and one teaspoon of olive oil.
  2. Apply to face and leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with cool boiled water.


Cucumber masks are very useful for moisturizing the skin:

  1. Grate one fresh cucumber or spin it in a blender and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Mix two tablespoons of cucumber juice, one teaspoon of cottage cheese and one teaspoon of honey.
  3. Apply to face for 20 minutes and then rinse with cool water.


Flax seed has a beneficial effect on any type of dermis:

  1. Pour a glass of boiling water over two tablespoons of flax seeds.
  2. Cook until the mixture thickens.
  3. Cool the broth and apply to face for 40 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with cool water.


This vitamin cocktail will supply your skin with nutrients and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands:

  1. Mix one egg yolk with one tablespoon of milk.
  2. Add two tablespoons of olive oil and one tablespoon of chopped oats to the mixture.
  3. Apply to face for 30-40 minutes and then rinse with cool water.

From spinach

This mask will saturate your face with vitamins, improve its color and remove age spots:

  1. Cut 10 grams of spinach into small pieces, add 15 ml of olive oil.
  2. Apply to face and leave for 35 minutes, then rinse with water.

From avocado

A very effective mask that will nourish the dermis with vitamins, and also soften and improve its elasticity:

  1. Pass half an avocado through a meat grinder, or you can use a blender. Add one egg yolk to the resulting puree.
  2. Apply the resulting mixture to your face and leave for 20-40 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Important! During cold periods of the year - autumn, winter, early spring - you need to remember to care for the skin on your hands, because it suffers no less and shows your age. Find out what you should pay special attention to on the pages of our website:

Many representatives of the fair sex of all ages suffer from the fact that they have thin skin on their faces, which reacts with irritation and redness to everything. I allowed myself an extra glass of wine in the evening or forgot my sunglasses at home in the summer - and now the sensitive epidermis makes itself felt.

You need to learn to live with this feature of appearance and see not only the disadvantages in it. Among the advantages are aristocratic pallor and a similar structure to the skin around the eyes. So the care and corresponding recommendations will be approximately the same.

Eyelids become oily. Cosmetics for oily eyelid skin

It is almost impossible to find a division of eye creams based on skin type, since many manufacturers focus on mature, aging, irritated skin, but not on oily or dry skin, although such differentiation of face products is more than common.

Therefore, the same products are available for oily eyelid skin as for other skin types, the only thing you should pay attention to is their consistency. Creams are more rich and contain oils and lipids, which are essential for dry skin, but for oily skin they will be superfluous, so it is better to choose water-based gels, lightweight serums and oil-free emulsions.

It won't hurt to get a product for washing oily skin and removing makeup. On sale you can find not only cleansing emulsions, but also those with a matting effect.

It wouldn't hurt to use folk remedies. Decoctions of herbs that can be used for washing or as compresses are good for removing oily shine. These include:

  • chamomile;
  • calendula;
  • sage.

Cucumber and parsley juice have similar properties. You can try simple masks. To do this, simply apply a mixture of grated raw potatoes, a mixture of low-fat cottage cheese and honey, chopped parsley, squeezed until juice appears, and red currant pulp onto your eyelids. Fruit masks with a large amount of fruit acids and vitamin C are generally good for the skin; at the same time they not only reduce its oiliness, but also moisturize and nourish. To achieve results, you need to do them regularly.

    Decorative methods of struggle

If the use of masks and gels does not bring results, it is still possible to change your appearance by getting rid of the folds of shadows in the eyelids. In order for shadows for oily eyelid skin to lie well, you should begin applying them by covering the eyelids with a base foundation. As such, you can use special products, for example, concealers, or simply apply regular powder to the skin first. It will fill the folds and prevent the shadows from clumping.

It should be remembered that if without a base the shadows are absorbed by the pores of the skin, then when applied to the base they lie brighter, so it is important not to overdo it with the richness of the makeup.

Well, if this doesn’t help and the arrows still blur, it might make sense to try permanent makeup, which is long-lasting and guaranteed to last.

Do you often feel that your eyelids have become sticky and oily? What are the reasons for this?

The eyelids are known to be the driest part of the face. However, when they become oily, it becomes a matter of concern. Most of all, the stickiness of the eyelids interferes with applying makeup.


What causes thin facial skin and what features does it have? The most common causes are heredity, age-related changes and dehydration. It is impossible to eliminate the first two, so you need to be able to properly care for it. And for this you need to know some of its features:

  • high sensitivity to external irritants: smoky air, ultraviolet radiation, salt water, strong wind, frost, temperature changes;
  • deficiency of melanin in the cells of such skin is the reason for its pallor;
  • a minimum of fat layer, which gives elasticity;
  • in structure, the thin skin of the face is as close as possible to the epidermis around the eyes, so you can care for them with the same means, without spending money on different creams;
  • if a person is very emotional, which is manifested in facial expressions, the first wrinkles will appear on thin skin by the age of 30;
  • an incorrect lifestyle immediately affects the condition of thin skin: it quickly swells, turns red, and becomes covered in a rash due to drinking an extra glass of wine or a sleepless night, an abundance of fried and fatty foods in the diet;
  • reactions to cosmetics can be the most unpredictable - and most often negative;
  • there are also positive aspects in the fact that you have thin skin on your face: it never becomes covered with an oily sheen, the risk of blackheads is minimized, there are no enlarged pores;
  • peeling;
  • irritation;
  • feeling of tightness after washing.

If you have thin skin only under your eyes, and the rest of your face does not have such features, take care of it only accordingly (more details,). And for the rest of the epidermis, use regular cosmetics suitable for its type.

Test control. Do you suspect that you have thin facial skin? Confirm or dispel your doubts: run the blunt end of the pen across your cheek. If the red mark after it disappears within 20 seconds, don’t worry: your skin is normal. If it remains on the face longer, it is indeed a thin epidermis with a thinned fat layer.

Bags under the eyes

  • - Make sure that while you sleep, your head is slightly higher than your torso.
  • — Eat right, do not eat salty, spicy foods, as they lead to fluid accumulation.
  • — Cosmetics should not be very greasy.
  • - Tint the lower eyelid with a darker cream than the rest of the face.
  • — Problems of the skin around the eyes can be solved by a special massage, which helps disperse the lymph. To do this, you need to go to the salon.
  • — You can make your own mask from grated potatoes or herbal compresses with chamomile, sage or dill. In this case, it is necessary to alternate hot and cold compresses.
  • — It would not be superfluous to check the condition of the kidneys, since disturbances in their functioning can also provoke the appearance of bags under the eyes.
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