Is it possible to quickly restore the condition of facial skin - TOP 10 best express masks

An instant facial express mask is a universal cosmetic product for giving your skin a renewed, radiant look in 10-15 minutes.

Life often throws surprises in the form of unplanned events, unexpectedly scheduled meetings and other events when a lot depends on appearance. Express products in moments of acute lack of time coupled with the need to look good are simply necessary.

The transformation of the dermis from dull and tired to radiant and fresh occurs in a couple of tens of minutes, during which you simply lie down, enjoying the peace, or continue getting ready for work or a meeting. The result after rinsing is amazing: transformed, as if after a whole range of salon procedures.

Features of cosmetics for quick results

The masks are easy to use, act instantly, significantly rejuvenate the skin and retain the results for up to 5 hours. This refers to the positive features of the funds.

Features of using instant products:

  1. They require testing for negative reactions. Contain more active substances than the ingredients of conventional anti-aging and nourishing cosmetic products. Increased exposure to these components quickly improves the condition of the dermis, but can provoke a negative reaction from simple irritation to allergic reactions.
  2. Not for permanent use. Potential to cause addiction with frequent use. The withdrawal effect can significantly worsen the condition of the skin, which is accustomed to regularly receiving moisture and nutrients from the outside and has stopped producing them on its own.

It will also be useful to learn about masks with acids here.

Frequent use of express cosmetics reduces its effectiveness.

The best recipes for refreshing masks

With lettuce for all skin types

Fresh lettuce leaves are ground or crushed in a blender until mushy. Then add a teaspoon of sour cream (kefir for oily skin) and mix everything well. Apply a thick layer to the face. If the skin is very dry, add olive oil instead of fermented milk products.

Toning mask with mint

Fresh mint leaves are ground to a pulp in a mortar or blender, water is added (the components are taken in equal proportions), mixed thoroughly and applied to the skin.

Vitamin and wrinkle smoother

Jerusalem artichoke tubers are peeled, grated on a very fine grater and liquid honey is added (proportions 2:1). After mixing, the mass is ready for use.

Brightening, rejuvenating & radiant skin

Raw pineapple is ground in a blender until mushy, spermaceti honey is added (ingredient ratio 3:1), a pinch of fine salt and everything is mixed very well. The mass should be thick.

With strawberries and honey

Fresh strawberries, mashed to a puree in the amount of 2 tablespoons, are combined with the same amount of liquid honey (buckwheat or linden), all components are thoroughly mixed until the composition is homogeneous and applied to the face in a thick layer.

With parsley

Fresh parsley must be chopped very finely so that the juice comes out, place it in a container with cold water and put on fire. After boiling, boil the mixture for no more than 5 minutes, drain the water, and apply warm parsley pulp to the skin.

With oatmeal

Oatmeal in an amount of 50 grams is ground to flour in a coffee grinder, then poured with boiling water so that it barely covers the mass. After the composition swells, you will need to add a tablespoon of any vegetable oil. The components must be mixed well and the resulting mass must be applied to the skin while warm (this is important).

With coffee and honey

To prepare this mask, you need to take in equal proportions natural, finely ground coffee beans, homemade milk, oatmeal, liquid honey and any vegetable oil that suits your skin type. All components must be mixed very thoroughly until the mass is homogeneous.

From a decoction of herbs

Initially, a decoction is prepared from the following herbs: dandelion root, dried rosehip flowers, shepherd's purse, taken in equal proportions. The broth is boiled for 25 minutes, after which it is filtered through a fine sieve or gauze piece and the same amount of fatty homemade cottage cheese is added to make the mass thick.


You will need to boil 1 medium-sized potato along with the peel, after which the hot vegetable is peeled and mashed with a fork, adding hot milk until it becomes a thick puree. When the mass has cooled a little, add raw egg yolk to it and mix everything thoroughly.

Based on green tea

Bagged green tea (3 pieces) is brewed in a cup. When the tea becomes warm, add mayonnaise to it (at the rate of 1 part tea to 3 parts mayonnaise). The composition should be thick.

Fermented milk

Depending on the initial skin type, choose milk, cream or homemade yogurt without additives. Add 2 drops of essential oil (cedarwood, lemon, sandalwood, chamomile) to this fermented milk product in the amount of 3 tablespoons. Remember to mix the formulations well, especially before applying to the skin.

Avocado based

You will need to prepare the pulp of 1 ripe avocado, fresh lemon juice and liquid honey (2 tablespoons each). After mixing the composition until smooth, leave it for 10 minutes in a cool place.

With orange and banana

Grind one ripe raw banana with a fork to a pulp, add 3 tablespoons of cream or homemade yogurt without additives, freshly squeezed orange juice (2 tablespoons), after which the components are thoroughly mixed.


Grind fresh carrots and apples, taken in equal proportions, to a puree, mix the resulting mass thoroughly and apply a thick layer to the skin of the face.


Take 50 grams of fresh cabbage leaves, crushed into pulp, add homemade fat cottage cheese (35 grams), lemon juice (5 milliliters) and liquid bee honey (12 grams). After thorough mixing, the mask is ready for use.

With black currant

First you need to prepare puree from fresh or frozen blackcurrant fruits, which you will need 25 grams. Add 5 drops of olive oil and 6 milliliters of homemade heavy cream to it, remembering to mix everything well.


The pulp of ripe plums, apricots, and peaches contains natural plant collagen, which is well absorbed by our skin cells.

The selected fruit in the amount of 10 grams is crushed to a puree, after which 7 milliliters of olive oil are added to it, all ingredients are mixed until the mass is homogeneous.

With cherry for oily skin types

We remove the pits from the ripe cherries, make a puree from them and add potato flour (proportion 1:1). Be sure to mix all ingredients.

From sea buckthorn

Sea buckthorn pulp contains a huge amount of vitamins and microelements that are valuable for the health and youth of the epidermis. Sour cream, cream or milk (according to skin type) is added to its pulp in such an amount that the mass becomes as thick as possible.

Why the express mask acts instantly: benefits and action

The masks contain potent substances that make blood circulate faster, cleanse and tighten pores, instantly filling wrinkles. As a result of the rapid movement of blood flow, a natural blush appears, the complexion is evened out, and the face becomes noticeably fresher, smoother and younger.

To achieve this result, the product does not need to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin; a superficial warming and metabolism-stimulating effect is sufficient. The effect of the first minutes after application depends on the intensity of blood circulation, then the active substances begin to act intensively in the heated skin: phytocomplexes, antibacterial ingredients and other nutrients.

A rating of the 10 best alginate masks in the article was compiled especially for you.

Indications for use: when can and should be used

Instant cosmetic products are used in the following cases:

  • to relieve a tired look after a sleepless night;
  • to give freshness after a working day;
  • before an important event.

Cosmetics quickly solve problems such as: dryness, puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, fine wrinkles, tired appearance, dull skin, enlarged pores.

Express products contain active substances that act instantly, transforming the dermis. The principle of influence is the transformation of the upper layers of the epidermis:

  • visual smoothing of wrinkles;
  • acceleration of blood circulation;
  • disinfection of inflammations;
  • moisturizing the top layer;
  • exfoliation of dead skin particles and cleansing of pores;
  • tightening of enlarged pores;
  • increased skin turgor.

Due to these actions, the skin becomes soft, tightened, moisturized, radiant and aligned. It is worth remembering that the result of such masks is designed for a maximum of 5 hours, during which the effect will decrease. You should not expect deep healing and rejuvenating results from express masks. Another point is that instant impact masks cannot be used every day.

Although some manufacturers position their products as a product designed to be taken in a course, most instant masks are not designed for frequent use, as they can cause withdrawal syndrome, which is expressed in the loss of the skin’s ability to heal itself.

Try also the anti-flaking masks presented here.


There is no general formula for instant masks. Each product has its own goals and is suitable for a specific skin type. This rule applies to both those made at home and those produced on an industrial scale.

In order for the product to work as stated in its name - instantly - the mixture includes a powerful nutritional complex consisting of:

  • vitamin group, considered “beauty vitamins” - A, B, C, E;
  • protein compounds responsible for elasticity - collagen and elastin;
  • alcohol-containing ingredients - for disinfection of microinflammations and antibacterial treatment;
  • plant extracts and bioextracts that stimulate blood circulation and metabolism in the upper layers of the dermis.

It is also worth trying the best fabric masks reviewed in the link in your care.

The ingredients mutually enhance each other's effects, stimulating metabolism to achieve the maximum concentration of active substances in the shortest possible time.

Recipes for masks for a fresh face

Here are some examples of recipes you can make at home and tips for using them. By using them, you can restore freshness to your face.

Refreshing masks for dry skin

  • Dairy.

To prepare it, you need to mix the same amount of milk, full-fat cottage cheese, and sour cream in a plastic, ceramic or silicone container. Add honey to the resulting mixture in a ratio of one to two and mix thoroughly. The mask should be applied to previously cleansed and steamed facial skin. Keep for about 20 minutes. Afterwards it should be washed off with warm water.

  • Smoothing with glycerin.

Mix glycerin, honey, and egg yolk in equal proportions in a bowl and immediately after washing, apply the mixture to your face. After 15 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Masks for freshness of combination skin

  • Potato.

One potato needs to be boiled in its skin, peeled, then chopped using a blender. To it you need to add about two tablespoons of hot milk, one raw yolk and mix thoroughly. Keep the mixture on clean skin for about 20 minutes, and then do a contrast wash with first warm and then cold water.

  • Coffee shop

A mixture of coffee grounds, oatmeal, vegetable oil and honey must be heated in a water bath to a comfortable temperature for the body, and then applied to clean facial skin. After 20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

This mask is contraindicated for skin prone to rosacea, as it has a strong effect on blood vessels.

Refreshing masks for oily skin

  • Mattifying.

In a bowl, you need to mix dried medicinal chamomile flowers, oatmeal and flaxseed flour in equal proportions. The resulting mixture must be poured with boiling water and allowed to cool. Keep this mask on your face for about 20 minutes, covering it with parchment and wrapping it in a terry towel.

  • Tomato.

If you mix the juice of one tomato with a tablespoon of milk, you will get an excellent tonic mask that also has a whitening effect. It is recommended to keep it on your face for 15 to 20 minutes.

Masks for refreshing problematic skin

  • Oatmeal with parsley.

In a shallow container, mix about three tablespoons of oatmeal and two tablespoons of parsley decoction. Keep the composition on your face for no more than 15 minutes, and then rinse it off with warm water. Oatmeal cleanses, mattifies, tones, and parsley decoction has a whitening effect.

  • Kefir.

Add a few drops of tea tree oil to a small amount of kefir and stir the resulting mixture. The mask should be kept on the skin for about 20 minutes, and then it should be washed off with cool water. The oilier the skin type, the more acidic the kefir should be.

Those with normal skin are more fortunate; they can use absolutely any type of refreshing mask without fear.

One of the main techniques to enhance the refreshing effect and get maximum benefits is to use ice cubes after removing the mask. Simply wipe your skin with it. You can use both regular ice and frozen herbal decoctions.

If you follow all the above recommendations, the skin on your face will always look fresh, rested, and no one will ever guess how many hours its owner actually slept.

Rules for use at home

Instant masks of any production, from a famous cosmetic brand or made by yourself, must be used in compliance with the main rule - do not repeat such procedures every day. The result is achieved by quickly saturating the skin with nutrients, natural lifting, and enhancing metabolism.

The advantages of homemade masks are natural ingredients, freshness of the product, availability at any time, the ability to select the composition for current problems by adding or removing some components. Homemade recipes can be complex in composition, include up to a dozen ingredients, or have just one active ingredient that will work on a specific problem.

Recipes for homemade express masks

Swelling and inflammation. Sea or table salt: 1 tbsp. in half a glass of warm water. Soak the cloth and place it on your face for 10 minutes.

Tired appearance and flaking. Grate raw potatoes, squeeze out the juice, mix with 2 tablespoons of heated milk, apply the paste to your face for 10 minutes. You can apply grated potatoes without milk to the area around the eyes.

Eliminates swelling and fatigue for sleep-deprived eyes. Cool the tea bags brewed for 5 minutes in the freezer and place on your eyes for 15 minutes.

Dryness and severe peeling. Heated olive or sunflower oil with a few drops of essential oil suitable for your skin type is applied to a layer of cotton wool with holes cut out for the mouth and eyes. Lasts for 15-25 minutes. Wash off with tonic or lotion.

When you need refreshing homemade masks

If you need to quickly tone yourself up before an important business meeting, a business woman will take note of the recipe for preparing an express face mask. Girls will appreciate the miraculous properties of homemade cosmetics in other situations.

Tip: Also, if you have dry skin, moisturizing masks for dry skin are a must!

The products will help remove signs of fatigue after a hard day at work, and will transform your face before going to a party, presentation or film premiere. All that remains is to choose a set of clothes and amaze those present with your charm and beauty.

Rating of the best masks with instant effect

All leading manufacturers of skincare cosmetics have express masks in their lines. The composition of these products from different brands is different, there is no common basis. What all express products have in common is the ability to provide results from one application.

ECOCRAFT Lime and mint with cooling effect

Price: 400 rubles for a plastic jar with 60 ml of product.

Ingredients: vitamins B, C, E, water with lime extract, mint extract, lemon extract, mango extract, glycerin, succinic acid, lactic acid, hydrolyzed collagen, hydrolyzed elastin, hyaluronic and lactic acids, rosemary extract. This is not the only option for a mask with vitamins.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Pros: fresh and matte skin. Pleasantly cools. During application, it is partially absorbed without leaving a sticky effect on the face.

Cons: there is no pronounced lifting effect promised by the manufacturer.

Agafya's bathhouse is refreshing

Ingredients: olive oil, meadowsweet extract, Siberian iris, mint, forest dew extract.

Features: anti-inflammatory, dries out pimples and makes redness less noticeable.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Price: 100 rubles per 100 ml.

Pros: invigorates, tones, refreshes and evens out complexion, excellent quality and low cost.

Cons: difficult to wash off, no moisturizing results.

Microlysis express facial mask

Price: 100 rubles per 50 ml plastic jar.

Ingredients: pectins, hyaluron, extracts: sage, thyme, coltsfoot, nettle, birch buds, oak bark; oils: cocoa, shea butter, grape seed; essential oils: tea tree, cypress; colloidal silver.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Pros: instant effect of smooth, velvety, moisturized and rested skin, tone and tightening of sagging parts, relieves redness, a very decent result for such a low cost.

Vichy Liftactive Hyalu Mask

Price: 2900 rubles for 50 ml.

Ingredients: high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid, agave yeast.

Manufacturer: France.

Features: cumulative action. Regular use every other day is recommended. There is no need to rinse off - the residue is removed with a sponge or cotton pad.

Pros: visual effect of smoothed skin texture, improved complexion, hydration.

Cons: price, slight smell of alcohol, tingling sensation, sticky film rolls off after application and is difficult to remove with a sponge. The manufacturer also suggests adding a moisturizing mask to your care.

Valmont Prime renewing pack

Ingredients: lecithin, mineral oils, ginseng extract, urea, titanium dioxide.

Manufacturer: Switzerland.

Price: 8200 rubles for a 50 ml plastic jar.

Features: apply for 10-15 minutes, wash off with tonic or water.

Pros: excellent effect of rested, radiant skin, comparable to a comprehensive salon procedure, including peeling, massage, and mask. Small expense. A 50 ml jar is enough for 20-25 uses.

Cons: high cost.

CHRISTINA Chateau de Beaute Vino Glory Mask

Price: 3200 rubles per 250 ml jar.

Ingredients: shea butter, avocado oil, phytosterol, olive fruit oil, beeswax, jojoba seed oil, grape berry extract, grape seed oil, tocopherol acetate, resveratrol.

Manufacturer: Israel.

Features: the jar is enough for 80 procedures.

Pros: tightens, refreshes, smoothes. Try making a grape mask at home using the recipes collected in this material.

La Mer Intensive Revitalizing Mask

Price: 8000 rubles for 75 ml.

Ingredients: algae extract, glycerin, sesame oil, alfalfa, sunflower, bird cherry, sweet almond meal, eucalyptus oil, tocopherol, sea salt, St. John's wort, immortelle. grapefruit, yeast extract.

Manufacturer: Belgium.

Features: the manufacturer recommends applying for 8 minutes and then rinsing off. If you do not follow the instructions and apply it as a day or night cream, a pronounced matting effect appears. However, it is better to use special night masks.

Pros: softens and evens out skin tone, refreshes and adds radiance.

Cons: price.

Black Tea Black Tea Instant Perfecting Mask

Ingredients: black tea enzymes, lychee seed oil, polysaccharides, jicama root extract.

Manufacturer: USA.

Price: 6000 rubles per 100 ml.

Features: cumulative effect, use after 1-2 days is recommended.

Pros: rested, radiant face.

Cons: price, massive jar, not available in large cosmetics stores.

Sisley RADIANT GLOW Express Mask with Red Clay

Price: 5000 rubles for 60 ml.

Ingredients: plant extracts, rosemary and chamomile essential oils, emulsifiers.

Manufacturer: France.

Pros: improved color and toning of the skin.

Cons: dries, no cleansing effect. The full list of ingredients contains comedogenic substances and does not contain the red clay stated in the name. There is a cheaper option for a restorative mask.

Botox active expert (Botox Active Expert)

Price: 1000 rubles.

Ingredients: squalane, hyaluronic acid, shea butter, peanut butter, killer whale placenta peptide, Japanese sakura honey.

Manufacturer: Russia.

Pros: cumulative effect. First time results.

Cons of Botox Active Expert: the manufacturer recommends a course of treatment, as a result of which the independent production of collagen in the skin may cease. Some ingredients may be allergens.

Firming mask with gelatin.

Method of preparation: Pour gelatin with cold water, stir and leave for an hour until it swells. Grind glycerin and other components into a homogeneous mass. Then mix the resulting mass with swollen gelatin and heat until completely dissolved. Mode of application :

  • We cut the wide bandage into three strips from 40 to 30 cm long and moisten it in the resulting mass.

Then apply it to the face in the following sequence:

  1. the longest stripe covers the lower part of the face,
  2. and smooth the ends of the bandage towards the temples,
  3. simultaneously tightening the skin and forming the correct oval.
  4. Apply the second strip tightly to the forehead from temple to temple.
  5. The third stripe covers the middle part of the face from one ear to the other.
  6. Additionally, you can apply the remaining mass over the bandages.
  7. You need to keep the mask on for at least 30 minutes.

Compositions (in grams):

  • 1) water - 40, glycerin - 40, gelatin - 10, zinc oxide - 10;
  • 2) glycerin - 10, gelatin - 10, water - 65, zinc oxide - 5, honey - 10;
  • 3) zinc oxide - 15, water - 50, gelatin - 10, glycerin - 25;
  • 4) glycerin - 25, zinc oxide - 5, water - 60, camphor alcohol -20, gelatin - 10, kaolin - 5;

A potato mask is firming and anti-cellulite.

This potato mask has a tightening effect and eliminates cellulite.

Mash 1 boiled peeled potato and mix it with 1 tbsp. spoon of curdled milk.

Apply the resulting mass to problem areas and leave for 20-30 minutes.

After time has passed, wash off with warm water.


European cosmetologists shared the recipe for the most effective tightening anti-wrinkle mask, which can be available to any woman at home.

According to the creators of the beauty recipe, the effect of its use is visible within 15 minutes after application.

Research shows that cheese has a noticeable anti-aging effect.

The recipe for a rejuvenating mask is very simple:

  • you need to mix 1 part of finely grated hard cheese with 1 part of cream (sour cream is possible).
  • Then apply this mixture to your face and leave for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse off with warm water.

Already after the first use of this mask, the result is visible . The skin becomes velvety, more elastic and the complexion is evened out . Regular use of the mask eliminates fine wrinkles .

During experiments, it was proven that masks containing honey and bananas also have a rejuvenating effect on the skin.

Firming products. These products include:

chicken protein, rolled oats, honey .
It is necessary to take into account that if we want a good effect from the mask, we must monitor the quality of the products used. Honey must be natural, high-quality honey. Try to use light-colored honey, not buckwheat honey (linden honey, for example, or wildflower honey). Light honey causes allergic reactions to a lesser extent.

Buckwheat, even in a healthy person, can cause a sore throat - a sore throat from honey, this is the first sign that you are lucky and you have come across natural honey ! If, when you try honey, there is no soreness or sensation of a lump in the throat when swallowing, then this honey is clearly not natural!

Eggs should preferably be rustic.

Ripe and juicy fruits are the best ingredients for creating a dazzling appearance.

Of course, when you first apply “this” to your face, you will still look the same, but when you wash off the fruit and vegetable mask, your skin will be flawless. The face masks below are suitable for any skin type; you can experiment with different ingredients throughout the week. You need to apply such masks for 15-20 minutes, and then rinse with water at room temperature.

  • Pumpkin mask. You will need a piece of boiled pumpkin, which must be mashed into a puree and mixed in a proportion of 2 tbsp. spoons of pumpkin puree - 1 tbsp. a spoonful of olive oil (can be replaced with soybean oil). This mask nourishes the skin well, making it smoother and softer.
  • Grape mask. 4-5 large grapes without skin and seeds, mash and apply to face. This procedure perfectly tones and smoothes the skin. If you want to get the effect of “lightening” the skin, add a few drops of lemon juice, this mask will lighten the skin and reduce pores. But for aging skin, freshly squeezed grape juice mixed with honey in a 1:1 ratio is quite suitable.
  • Apple mask. Tonic is great. All Wang needs to do is peel the green apple and grate it on a fine grater. Apply the resulting puree to the skin of the face, then follow the instructions above.
  • Peach mask. An excellent product that relieves irritation, moisturizing and soothing the skin, giving it a healthy glow. Preparing the mask is quite simple; mash the pre-peeled peach with a fork and you’re done.
  • Eggplant mask. This mask perfectly softens dry skin, eliminating flaking. Peel the eggplant, grate it on a fine grater and apply the resulting mass to the face. Next, follow the instructions given above.
  • Lemon and honey. We often find this combination in “store-bought” cosmetics; preparing such an anti-aging mask is quite simple at home. For this we need the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of honey. It is better to apply this mask with a cosmetic brush. Those with thin, sensitive skin should be careful.

Tomato ambulance

Tomatoes or tomatoes, whatever you want to call them, are an excellent tonic, while freshly squeezed tomato juice, pure or diluted in a 1:1 ratio with milk, perfectly tones the skin of the face and body.

By the way, this same “tonic” can also be used as a makeup remover, the skin after it is smooth and toned.

For those with oily skin , a mask of tomato slices is recommended; 20-30 minutes in such a mask, and the skin on the face becomes smooth, and if pimples suddenly appear on it, then this mask perfectly relieves minor inflammations.

If you have dry and sensitive skin , use tomato slices to give it elasticity and saturate the upper layers of the epidermis with moisture.


The review showed that they fulfill their main task - an instantly refreshed appearance of the face. For the product to work correctly, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Do not use regularly, otherwise the masks will lose effectiveness.
  2. Before use, perform an allergy test.
  3. Apply the product to cleansed skin.

Reasonable use of express products only at moments when they are really needed will allow you to have in your beauty arsenal a product that can transform your appearance and fill your skin with youth in a matter of minutes. Also, don’t get carried away with anti-puffiness masks and tidy up your skin with vitamins and proper rest.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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