How to properly apply BB and CC cream to your face: what is the best way to apply day and night cream

In the conditions of large cities and the modern environmental situation, it is perhaps impossible to meet a woman who neglects all possible means of protecting her skin.

The delicate skin of the face is least protected from the effects of the external environment. The most universal way to relieve irritation, eliminate dryness and create protection from harmful effects is to use face cream daily.

However, it should be borne in mind that in order to maximize the effect and minimize individual negative reactions, it is necessary to follow small rules . Let's try to figure out together how to properly apply cream to the face.

Facial cleansing

First of all, you need to prepare your face for applying the cream.
There are a huge variety of all kinds of cleansing and washing products. Previously, our mothers and grandmothers used ordinary soap. But in modern conditions, this is not the best way to care for sensitive skin, since regular use of soap can lead to a feeling of tightness and discomfort.

The use of products containing alcohol should also be avoided. Cleansing with a tonic is useful; it neutralizes the negative effects of hard chlorinated water.

Now almost all stores offer a wide range of products for cleansing and personal care, which can be selected taking into account individual characteristics and seasonality.

Important ! Before applying the cream, the skin must be clean!

What step in care should be to apply the cream?

How to properly apply face cream in the sequence of daily basic care procedures? Indeed, in addition to regularity in care, sequence is important - the stages should follow one after another.

Step by step steps to take care of your face are as follows:

  1. Cleansing. It is considered a mandatory condition; it is unacceptable to apply products to skin contaminated during the day.
  2. Toning. Removes residues of cleansers and also prepares it for application of the product.
  3. Selection of composition by type. You need to apply facial moisturizer at the moment when all preliminary procedures have been completed. In other words, you need to apply cream as a completion of dermal care.

Daily application should be approached with the utmost care. Incorrect, ill-considered distribution of the composition will not only not bring the desired positive effect, moreover, it can lead to stretching and the formation of wrinkles. The best method of application is considered to be the distribution of the care product in the direction of the massage lines. Remembering the order of movements is not at all difficult, and as a result of this approach, the dermis will always look fresh and rested.

General recommendations for applying cream to the face

For your product to work effectively, use it exactly at the time of day for which it is designed, not forgetting about the weather outside the window.

There are important rules , following which, the properties of care products are preserved as much as possible.

Night cream should be applied approximately 1.5 hours before bedtime.

Surely many have encountered such unpleasant phenomena in the morning as folds on the face. They arise due to the fact that the skin softens after applying the cream, and various patterns easily form on it. If you go to bed right away, it doesn’t have time to be absorbed and some of it goes into the pillow.

Day cream should be applied about half an hour before going out.

During cold periods, you should not immediately go outside after applying the cream ; this can significantly harm yourself. Any cream contains water and at especially low temperatures it crystallizes. In winter, it is better to use nourishing creams, the protective properties of which are higher than those of regular day cream.

In summer it is also worth applying the cream in advance . Half an hour before departure. This is done so that the sun does not have a harmful effect on its components.

Apply as much product as your skin can absorb. Otherwise, the pores become clogged and the natural breathing of the skin becomes difficult, which can lead to rashes on the face and the formation of acne. Also, when applying a large volume, the cream may roll off. Excess that is not absorbed within 15 minutes should be carefully removed with a napkin.

Some general tips

At the end of our article on how to properly apply cream to the face and neck, we will give some tips.

  • Always use products at room temperature - their effectiveness is significantly higher than when cold. If you use organic cosmetics without preservatives and store them in the refrigerator, take them out 15 minutes before use and additionally warm them with your hands.
  • When scooping cream from a jar, use a special spatula or spatula - our fingers are never perfectly clean. Through them, not only moisture can get into the cream, but also bacteria, which can ruin it.
  • Apply the optimal amount of cream - too little amount of product will not give you the expected effect, and too large a layer will lead to swelling and clogged pores.
  • When applying several types of cosmetics, always start with the thinnest one. First, toner, then serum and only then cream.

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Application technique

Cosmetologists recommend: Apply the cream along massage lines to protect your facial skin from stretching.

At the same time, a daily light facial massage will tone the skin and prolong its youth.

Focus on each area of ​​the face . Apply the cream to your face gradually with smooth movements, focusing on the algorithm described below.

Scheme for applying cream to the face:

  • From the central point of the forehead, arched lines go towards the center of the temples.
  • The lines of the area around the eyes are located along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. And in the opposite direction along the lower eyelid - to the nose.
  • The line of the nose area leads from top to bottom, from the top of the bridge of the nose to the tip of the nose. Then, from the line of the bridge of the nose to the base of the wings of the nose and smoothly to the middle of the ears.
  • From the center of the upper lip to the earlobe.
  • From the center point of the chin in the cheek area.
  • From bottom to top, from the middle of the chest, the lines diverge in different directions up to the shoulders

Correct application of the cream on your face will protect you from skin stretching and unnecessary wrinkles , as well as better absorption of the cream.

Popular mistakes when applying cream to the face

Some are faced with the fact that the cream does not seem to work, but this is due to the wrong choice of product, its poor quality or non-compliance with general rules.

  • Application to uncleaned skin

Washing off accumulated dirt provides a positive effect from the use of creams, but applying it to a poorly cleaned surface can lead to rashes and pimples .

  • Application not along massage lines

Delicate application of creams prevents stretching , leading to the formation of wrinkles.

  • Applying cream regardless of time of day

Each product has its own purpose . Improper use may not produce the desired results and may cause harm. Day and night creams have different compositions and properties.

  • Using the same products in both winter and summer

In winter, protection from wind and frost is required - this is what fatty nutrients are for. In summer, protection from the sun and its radiation is required - sunscreen will help.

  • Too frequent use of moisturizing and nourishing cream

Abuse of hydration and nutrition can be addictive , which negatively affects the natural processes of the body.

  • Ignoring the importance of skin type

For all skin types, products are selected depending on the problems that arise . Dry skin needs to be moisturized, oily skin needs to be soothed, normal skin needs to be saturated with vitamins. Funds are selected strictly individually. The best assistant in choosing the ideal product is a cosmetologist.

  • Ignoring age restrictions

Under no circumstances should age creams be used ahead of time to avoid premature aging of the skin.

  • Applying regular moisturizer to the eye area

There are special products invented specifically for caring for the sensitive area around the eyes . They help protect as much as possible from expression lines, dark circles and bags under the eyes. While the usual ones cannot cope with this and are too heavy.

  • Storage violation

The ideal storage place is the refrigerator. It is important to avoid high temperatures and especially exposure to sunlight .

  • Use of overdue funds

Before applying a cream that has been lying around for a long time, make sure that its expiration date has not expired , otherwise it may lead to irritation and skin problems.

  • Using the same product for a long time

If you use the same composition for a long time, be prepared for the fact that your skin will react less strongly to its components over time. Therefore, it is recommended to stock up on a small variety of products and change them from time to time .

Features of applying different types of creams

Let's figure out how to properly use face cream depending on the purpose of the product.


Necessary for any skin type for care, preservation of beauty and youth. Selected strictly according to skin type.

In what cases is it necessary to use:

  • Dryness;
  • The appearance of facial wrinkles;
  • Dulling of complexion;
  • Presence of folds.

Moisturizers should with caution Frequent and prolonged use affects natural hydration, which can lead to dryness and early appearance of wrinkles.

If the skin does not suffer from dehydration and its condition is normal, then it is better not to apply it again . Age creams are used with special care.

As previously mentioned, such products must be applied in advance before going outside at any time of the year.

Moisturizers include:

  • Tonics;
  • Moisturizing gels;
  • Creams;
  • Masks;
  • Serums.

It is best to combine moisturizers if hydration is required. The easiest product is a moisturizing gel; it can be used every day, preferably during the daytime. At night, using nourishing creams is as effective as possible. The use of natural cosmetics is a win-win choice for solving skin problems.

Sun protection

The harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation can be minimized by using a universal sun protection product - sunscreen. How to properly apply sunscreen to your face?

It contains substances such as zinc oxide and titanium oxide or chemicals that play the role of reflection and protection from sunlight. Research on how harmful these substances are to your skin is sketchy , so choose your products with caution.

According to experts, using any protective cream is better than not using it at all. Efficiency is determined by the SPF level, which should be at least 15, and ideally SPF 30.

It is recommended to apply the cream every two hours, as well as after each water procedure.


Fat cream contains fats and fatty components that have the properties of restoration, moisturizing, nutrition, regeneration, etc.

It is used in case of the following problems:

  • Dryness and lack of hydration;
  • Itching;
  • Inflammation;
  • Feeling of tightness.

It has a thick, dense consistency, which is a barrier against the influence of environmental aggressors.

Hormones and perfumes in the composition should be avoided . Use at night leads to clogging of the skin, which limits its breathing and elimination of toxins. Therefore, it is better to use it during the daytime, especially in cold weather. Be sure to do it in advance before going out into the frosty street.

If your skin suffers from acne in winter, then in cold weather the problems can only worsen. In this case, it is better to carry out the procedure for applying a rich cream several hours before going out into the wind and frost . When used correctly, applying a rich cream will improve the condition of dry skin and protect it from exposure to harsh weather conditions.


Foundation is used to give the skin a perfect look. Allows you to hide minor imperfections, redness and pimples.

However, it should not be abused both from an aesthetic and cosmetological point of view.

Important . The cream must be selected according to your skin type, otherwise it is absolutely useless and will only spoil your impressions.

How to apply foundation correctly?

In addition to its cosmetic function, foundation acts as protection against factors such as frost, sun, wind, dust, and also moisturizes and nourishes the skin, but there are also disadvantages to frequent use of foundation.

Often, its use leads to dry skin and the appearance of wrinkles , and can cause the appearance of blackheads. It is necessary to regularly cleanse your face with special scrubs and select really high-quality products, or better yet, consult a cosmetologist.

The cream, of course, copes well with its purpose - it tones the skin and gives it an even appearance, but due to the dense coating, the penetration of oxygen is difficult, and the skin does not breathe well . Use lighter textures, BB creams, and products with reflective particles for daily use. And don't forget about cleansing and moisturizing.


As the name suggests, a cleansing cream is designed to cleanse the skin of impurities. It contains minerals that can dry out the skin. It does not have moisturizing and nutritional properties as such, so after such a product it is necessary to use additional moisturizing .

Mainly used to remove makeup and other impurities, especially around the eyes. Most suitable for those with normal to combination skin.

Cream powder

A very versatile product that combines the properties of both powder and foundation. It has a mattifying effect, which will especially appeal to those with oily skin.

Also ideal for combination skin, but for those with dry skin it may still create discomfort.

Cream powder is a revolutionary product with which you can create perfect makeup, but, as with all cosmetic products, it must be applied correctly and carefully selected for your skin type on the face .


Whitening cream is a lifesaver for those who are concerned about skin imperfections such as freckles and age spots. The effect of the cream is achieved by reducing the level of melanin production, which is associated with the phenomenon of skin pigmentation .

The cream allows you to rid the skin of keratinized particles, which speeds up the process of skin renewal, removing melanin from it and whitening it. An important property of the cream is also its intense hydration, which helps reduce the appearance of pigment that forms on skin with moisture deficiency. If you use this cream correctly, it will only benefit your skin.

Important . When using a whitening cream, avoid prolonged exposure to the sun, as the influence of its rays increases the synthesis of melanin. Apply carefully, avoiding contact with healthy areas of the skin.

When the use of cream is prohibited:

  • During pregnancy;
  • If the skin is sensitive to the components of the cream;
  • If allergic reactions occur.

Before applying the cream, it is better to check the skin reaction in a separate area.

Depending on the time of day, day and night creams are used.


The most important property of a day cream is protection. It moisturizes the skin and prevents loss of natural moisture.

The difference between a day cream and a night cream is in its structure . It is low in fat and high in moisture. Apply in the morning after cleansing the skin at least half an hour before going outside.

In winter, there are increased demands on day cream ; it should be more nourishing and better applied a few hours before going out.


Night cream is designed to nourish, soften and restore. It is usually fattier and heavier compared to others.

Recommended for use after 25 years . Therefore, it is good to select such a remedy according to age. Those with very dry skin will also benefit from a night cream; it should contain the necessary vitamins for restoration and nutrition, such as A, D, E, F, as well as lecithin and cholesterol.

How to properly apply night face cream?

Apply at least an hour before bedtime after removing makeup and cleansing the skin.

What cream to use after the mask

If a woman has made a simple cleansing facial mask at home, she can apply the foundation she usually uses for other beauty treatments. If she performed the procedure in a beauty salon, it is advisable to use BB cream. It fits perfectly on the skin and contains cosmetic oils.

You can also use loose mineral powder instead of foundation.

Features of application to the neck and eye area

The neck area also needs nutrition and hydration, but for some reason it is not given due attention, but a woman’s neck is the personification of femininity and grace.

Moisturizers are applied to this area along massage lines from bottom to top from the collarbones and shoulders.

Around the eyes, lines go from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, then to the area of ​​the upper eyelid and again to the outer corner of the eye. This most delicate area deserves the most careful care.

For the skin around the eyes, specially developed creams are used to provide special protection for particularly sensitive skin . Only smooth and careful movements can reduce the formation of facial wrinkles and stretch marks. It is especially important to pay attention to this for young girls in order to delay skin aging for as long as possible. The choice of eye care product is based on the problem that needs to be eliminated, age and skin type.

Be sure to select all products individually for your skin type.

Now there are all kinds of testing methods if any difficulties arise. It is best to purchase products through a pharmacy chain , as they contain a gentler composition with a minimum of allergens. It is best if the product contains natural ingredients. It is worth paying attention to the expiration date and storage conditions, as well as the annotation, the language of which should be clear to you.


Every woman is interested in getting the maximum benefit from the cream. To do this, you need not only to choose the right face cream (see Top 10 do-it-yourself anti-aging face creams

), but also apply it correctly to the skin. I present to your attention the advice of a professional stylist. It would seem that he says simple things, but it is their implementation that will allow you to correctly apply the cream to the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté.

Applying the cream begins... with preparing the face. Before applying the cream, be sure to cleanse your face: Stages of skin cleansing

. Of course, there is no need to carry out such a complete facial cleansing every time, but it is necessary to remove makeup and wash with warm water. After washing, do not wipe your skin dry, just pat dry with a towel - cream applied to damp skin works faster and more efficiently.

People often ask: we applied the cream, and how long should we keep it on? Here everything depends directly on the cream - if you use a light day cream, it will quickly absorb and there is no need to remove it specially, unless, of course, it interferes with makeup, in which case we remove it after a quarter of an hour.

But how to properly apply night cream is a separate matter. The thick consistency of the night cream does not allow the skin to breathe normally, so apply it an hour or an hour and a half before going to bed. This time is enough for the skin to absorb all the beneficial substances from the cream, so immediately before going to bed, remove the remnants of the night cream. The same applies to applying nourishing cream; it should also not be left on for more than one hour.

There are questions about how to combine creams and face masks. Everything is simple here - creams are applied exclusively after the mask. It is better to choose the lightest cream with a high proportion of moisturizing components.

I would also like to draw your attention to the so-called hair growth zones, which is quite important for women. If you have places where unwanted hair grows, for example, above the upper lip or between the eyebrows, it would be wise not to apply nourishing creams there, which can stimulate hair growth in these areas.

And lastly, even if your skin likes the cream and applies very well. It needs to be changed periodically, or at least periodically give the skin a rest for a couple of days, so as not to disrupt the natural metabolic processes.

How to apply cream correctly

Sloppy or hasty movements during application of a cosmetic product stretch the skin, which subsequently leads to sagging and the formation of wrinkles on the face and neck area.
That is why, dear women, love your skin and treat it with care, because only then will it retain its radiance and beauty for many years. Remember that the procedure for properly applying cream to your face is a special ritual that will take very little of your free time.

Before the procedure, wash your face with warm water or cleanse your skin with toner and sit comfortably in front of the mirror. The time comes to apply the cream.

Applying cream to face

An important point for proper application is the amount of cream. Remember that cream is a helper for the skin. Both too little and too much cream will have a bad effect on her condition. Therefore, for a regular face cream, the classic dose would be a pea-sized cream, which is just enough for the face and neck.

Apply the cream to the delicate skin of the face using gentle movements of your fingertips. Try to use gentle patting actions that do not stretch the skin. The benefit of applying the cream with your fingers is the additional warming effect, due to which the effective components of the cream penetrate the skin faster. In order for the cream to be applied correctly, you need to bring its temperature to body temperature. This is about 15 degrees more than room temperature, so it would be correct to apply the cream not immediately, but over a couple of minutes, rubbing it with your fingertips, as good professionals do in beauty salons.

To apply the cream correctly, study the facial massage lines . Light massage movements should be directed from bottom to top and from the center to the sides. That is, from the beginning of the eyebrows to the hairline, from the tip of the nose to the area between the eyes, from the wings of the nose to the cheekbones and from the chin to the cheeks. When applying the cream to the forehead, you should make gentle horizontal strokes from the center of the forehead to the temporal region.

When applying the cream, do not press the skin under any circumstances, much less rub it, press the cream, or rub it in forcibly. The skin of the face and décolleté is very delicate; it knows how much and what to take from the cream. Lightly, from top to bottom, apply the cream evenly along the massage lines onto the face and neck.

Applying cream to the area around the eyes

In the photo, the massage lines are highlighted in blue, and the area where wrinkles form is marked with red arrows.

The most delicate skin is located in the area around the eyes, so applying the cream to this area of ​​the face must be especially careful. As a cosmetic product, you can use a light moisturizing or nourishing cream for the skin around the eyes.

Apply the cream in the direction from the outer corner of the eye to the inner, then to the area of ​​the upper eyelid and again to the outer corner of the eye. Your movements should be light or patting. Under no circumstances should you stretch the skin around the eyes, as this leads to the appearance of facial wrinkles. Due to the circular application of the cream, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and delicate skin is relaxed and rested. The cream is applied to the area around the eyes with your ring fingers, thereby achieving minimal pressure on the skin.

Applying cream to the neck

When applying cream, many women undeservedly forget about the neck area, which, like the face, requires nutrition and hydration. In order for your neck to remain graceful for many years, do not forget about facial gymnastics, as well as applying cream along the massage lines. In this area, cosmetics should be applied from bottom to top.

Such a gentle massage combined with the effectiveness of the cream will allow the skin to remain young and radiant for many years.

Thus, the beneficial effects of the products directly depend on the quality and method of their application.

The sequence of applying cream to the face

Then you can do a light massage of the face and neck:

Forehead massage: place the tips of the index, middle and ring fingers on the middle of the forehead between the eyebrows and smooth the skin above the eyebrows to the temples alternately with your left and right hand. Each hand - five times. Then smooth your forehead from bottom to top from the brow ridges to the border of the scalp.

With your left hand, press on your left temple to secure the skin. With your right hand, slowly and gently stroke your forehead from your left temple to your right. Then switch hands. Massage each side ten times.

Massage the eye area: close your eyes, press the middle finger of your left hand to the outer corner of your left eye (so that the skin does not move from its place). Using the middle finger of your right hand, massage from the outer corner of the eye along the lower eyelid to the inner corner, and from there along the upper eyelid to the outer corner (about six times). Then switch hands and massage the skin around your right eye in the same way.

Cheek massage: place your thumbs near the corners of the lower jaw, and the pads of the index, middle and ring fingers in the middle of the nose, and stroke the ears through the zygomatic arch.

Nose massage: Alternately with your left and right hand, smooth the back of your nose from the very tip to the bridge of the nose with your middle and ring fingers. (five - eight times).

Massage the mouth and chin area: relax your face and open your mouth as if you want to say “O” (alternatively, you can stretch your lips and puff out your cheeks). Place the middle and ring fingers of both hands next to your nostrils. Smooth the skin with light circular movements towards the ear (six times). Sit up straight, tilt your torso slightly forward and tilt your head back slightly. Place your lower lip over your upper lip, place the index and middle finger of one hand to your chin, and place your ring and little fingers under your chin. Alternately with your left and right hands (five times each) make stroking movements towards the earlobe.

Neck massage: tilt your head back to the right. With your left hand, with your thumb abducted, smooth your neck and upper chest using upward movements. Then tilt your head back in the other direction and perform the same strokes with your right hand.

At the end of the massage, you can use the pads of the middle and index fingers of both hands to make tapping movements on the forehead, around the eyes, on the cheeks (gradually going down), on the chin. Then, with a continuous movement, return to the forehead through the same points.

After finishing the massage, remove the remaining cream with a cotton swab dipped in a cleansing tonic. After the procedure, it is advisable to make a nourishing and softening mask.

Daily use of cream can rightfully become a valuable contribution to the beauty and health of facial skin. Never put off skin care until “tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.” Take care of yourself today, and then youth and beauty will be your faithful companions for many years to come. Based on materials from, .Arabio.RU

See also:

Anti-aging facial massage: Applying cream to the face

Anti-aging facial massage: Technique for applying cream around the eyes

Anti-aging facial massage: Applying serum to the face

Effective anti-wrinkle cream

Useful video

Watch a visual video about massage lines on the face:

Everyone can afford a high-quality and effective product, because good products can be found in any price range. An inexpensive product is not always of poor quality, just as an expensive one does not always give a magical effect. But, nevertheless, well-known brands provide more guarantees than others , since they have serious testing capabilities and use high-quality materials.

Be beautiful and take care of yourself regularly!

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