How to get rid of blackheads on the face: TOP 7 remedies

Natural vegetable and essential oils are undoubtedly beneficial for facial skin. They can be used separately, instead of face cream (basic) or mixed with esters and other useful components in homemade masks and medicinal mixtures, and also added to ready-made cosmetic preparations (creams, scrubs, masks).

Their effectiveness can be explained by their extensive chemical composition, the absence of additives and impurities and the high activity of natural components.

So what oils are good for facial skin to rejuvenate, fight acne and blackheads, whiten and moisturize different types of facial skin? You can find out more in the article.

What oils are good for facial skin? Basic and essential

All existing oil products for face, body and hair care are usually divided into 2 categories:

  • Base oils. They are obtained by cold pressing from different parts of plants; the final product does not have a pronounced aroma. Base oils are useful because they can be selected for any type of epidermis; they have a wide range of effects.

They can be used as an independent product, or mixed with other components. In facial care, basic products are mainly used in masks, creams, compresses, applications, lotions and in pure, undiluted form.

Basic preparations rarely cause allergic reactions, because their composition is similar to sebum. However, before using an unfamiliar product for the first time, it is better to do a skin sensitivity test to its components.

  • Essential oils. They are obtained from plants by steam distillation. It is very dangerous to apply such volatile, oil-like active substances in their pure form to the skin; this can lead to skin irritation and burns. Esters are usually diluted in base oils and, with the right approach, increase their beneficial qualities several times.

Esters can also be used for wrinkles, pigmentation, to get rid of acne and rosacea, to moisturize and nourish the skin.


It is permissible to use any one type of oil product for no longer than 3 weeks. Therefore, for the best effect, it is useful to mix base and essential oils with each other in different combinations.


Deep cleansing of the face with oil is recommended for everyone who wants to forget about such skin imperfections as comedones. Olive oil not only eliminates blackheads, but also affects closed comedones. It is believed that they can only be removed with mechanical facial cleansing, but a long oil massage at home works real miracles. The skin texture begins to even out within a month after the procedures.

Massage is also recommended for those who are dissatisfied with the tone and appearance of their skin. Depending on the choice of oil, you can solve many problems. These include:

  • sagging and wrinkles;
  • pigmentation;
  • frequent irritation.

The procedure can be performed at any age. Olive oil is well received by both young and aged skin.

Each person's skin is unique and, unfortunately, oil massage is not suitable for everyone. In some cases, even non-comedogenic oils can clog pores.

Cosmetologists recommend carefully monitoring the condition of the skin after the first procedures. If you notice an increase in the number of new blackheads, ditch the oil in favor of other skin cleansing methods. You can also perform treatments such as peeling and masks at home.

Thus, oil massage is an effective procedure that allows you to deeply cleanse the skin at home. Reviews show that results are visible after the first cleansing. The oil is selected depending on the skin type and its individual needs. Generally, olive oil works for everyone. If you are in doubt about a choice, try it. Do the procedure regularly and enjoy cleansed and transformed skin!

Useful oils for facial skin: for rejuvenation and wrinkles

There are quite a lot of basic and essential products for rejuvenating aging facial skin. All of them are designed to increase tone, smooth out wrinkles and creases, tighten the facial contour, eliminate pigmentation, fight rosacea, and also make the skin color more even and healthy.

Here is a list of healthy facial oils for mature skin:

  • Pink

Rose essential oil is a strong antioxidant, increases the production of elastin and collagen, tightens the oval of the face, smoothes wrinkles, relieves fatigue and gets rid of spider veins (rosacea) on the cheeks. Perfectly relieves puffiness and gets rid of dark circles under the eyes.

By the way

Rose ether can be used in massage sessions: its aroma helps to relax, relieve stress, fatigue and tension.

  • Myrrh

It was also used by Egyptian beauties as a rejuvenating agent; it is rich in antioxidants and improves blood circulation in the epidermal cells.

  • Jojoba

It has a lifting effect and protects the skin from the negative effects of free radicals. Can be used on any skin type, but jojoba wax is especially effective for sensitive, dry and aging epidermis.

  • Rosehip

Contains vitamins and fatty acids important for aging skin, which provoke the reduction of wrinkles and age spots, the production of own collagen and the renewal of capillaries. Perfect for dry and aging epidermis.

  • Vinogradnoye

The oil product returns elasticity and firmness to the skin, tones, improves complexion, and tightens its contours. Grapeseed oil has a light texture, making it considered a good facial massage product for rejuvenating and tightening the skin.

In addition to the above, there are a number of base and essential oils that have excellent anti-aging qualities, and are also the main components of homemade anti-wrinkle masks.

So, here are some basic oils that are good for facial skin to combat wrinkles:

  • castor;
  • linen;
  • avocado;
  • shea (karite);
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • olive;
  • peach

Anti-aging esters for mature facial skin:

  • lavender;
  • carrot seeds;
  • incense;
  • clary sage;
  • patchouli;
  • neroli;
  • tangerine

Mask recipes:

For wrinkles with dry epidermis

Oils: castor and rosehip (avocado or wheat germ to choose from - 5 ml each) + sandalwood ether (3-5 drops).

Heat the basic components of the mask slightly in a water bath, add ether. Use instead of night cream or as a face mask (for 15-20 minutes). Do not wash off the composition, but blot the residue with a clean napkin.

For wrinkles with clay

Cosmetic clay (2 teaspoons) + liquid honey (1 teaspoon) + avocado and coconut oils (5 drops each) + non-carbonated mineral water (1 tablespoon).

Dilute the clay with mineral water and add everything else. Apply a thin layer to the face, dry, then apply a second layer of mask. Exposure time – 15 minutes. Wash with cool water.

Pull-up with cream

Peach and jojoba oils (1 teaspoon each) + low-fat cream (1 teaspoon). Exposure time of the mixture: 15-20 minutes, after which you need to wash with warm water.

For aging skin

Oils: wheat germ and rosehip (1 tablespoon each) + patchouli and geranium esters (2 drops each).

Apply the composition to the face and leave for 20 minutes. The best time for the procedure is in the evening, before bed. The mask does not need to be washed off, just pat dry with a clean towel.


The procedure does not pose a danger to the body, but causes microdamage to the skin. Redness after peeling is a protective reaction to irritation.

The causes of age spots may be:

  1. training rules . Before and between sessions, it is not recommended to visit the sauna or solarium.
  2. Improper facial skin care
  3. Failure of the cosmetologist the peeling technique
  4. The presence of inflammatory processes, wounds, herpes or acne in the acute stage.

Pigmentation may occur as a result of not using sunscreen during or after the course. Ultraviolet rays have a negative effect on irritated skin, which leads to the appearance of age spots.

What oils are good for the face for acne and blackheads?

The use of oil products in cosmetic preparations, as well as their addition to homemade mixtures and masks, is due to their bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties. The most useful oils for facial skin against acne help get rid of inflammation, comedones, redness and scars after acne, dry out pustules, and also treat and restore the skin.

The most effective herbal and essential oils for acne, acne, acne and blackheads are:

  1. Coconut.
  2. Castor.
  3. Black cumin.
  4. Tea tree.
  5. Lavender.
  6. Sea buckthorn.
  7. Linen.
  8. Rosemary.
  9. Eucalyptus.
  10. Mint.

Some useful recipes:

Mask for problematic and oily epidermis types

Oils: black cumin and grape, tea tree ether (1 teaspoon each).

Mix all ingredients, lubricate problem areas of the face with this mixture and leave for 40-45 minutes. You can add cosmetic clay to the mask and apply it all over your face. The exposure time of this mask is 15 minutes. Rinse off with cool, clean water.

Cleansing mask

Sea buckthorn extract and orange juice (1 teaspoon each) + white clay (1 tablespoon).

Mix, spread evenly over your face and wait 10 minutes. Acceptable regime of procedures: 1-2 times every 10 days.

Acne mixture

Base oil (black cumin, grape seed or jojoba - 1 tablespoon) + lavender, tea tree and lemon esters (2 drops each).

Apply the mixture to a cleansed face and leave overnight.

Anti-blackhead mask

Tea tree ether (4 drops) + green cosmetic clay and clean water (2 teaspoons each).

Dilute the clay with water and add ether. Apply to face, leave for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water or a decoction of chamomile or chamomile, which was previously soaked in several layers of gauze and applied to the face. To prevent the clay from drying out prematurely, the mask can be moistened with mineral water or hydrosol based on your skin type using a spray bottle.

Universal oils for all occasions

These are basic preparations that are suitable for all types of epidermis. They are characterized by a light texture, are perfectly absorbed, and do not leave stickiness on the skin.

The best representatives of this group of oil products:

  1. Avocado.
  2. Macadamias.
  3. Grape seeds.
  4. Jojoba.
  5. Wheat germ.
  6. Almonds.

Useful recipes:

Moisturizing mask

Oils: almond and macadamia (2 tablespoons each) + rose water (50 ml) or rose essential oil (8 drops).

Mix and rub the resulting composition along the massage lines. Leave for 20-25 minutes to act, blot the residue with a clean napkin.

Nourishing mask

Wheat germ oil and liquid honey (1 teaspoon each) + yolk.

Beat the yolk with honey, add the oil heated in a water bath. Apply to cleansed and steamed face, leave for 20 minutes. Wash as usual.

Description of the procedure

How to cleanse your skin at home? There are two methods that differ in duration and depth of impact. A combination of them works best against blackheads. Use the first 3 times a week, and the second 1 time a week for more detailed treatment of problem areas.

First way

It is less effective, but very convenient if you want to cleanse your entire face.

  1. Remove makeup and wash your face with your regular cleanser. Dry your face with a towel.
  2. Apply a small amount of any unrefined vegetable oil to dry skin. For the first introductory procedure, olive oil is perfect.
  3. Using massage movements, distribute the product over your entire face.
  4. Soak a terry towel in hot water and wring it out well. Place it on your face for 10-15 minutes - this will help open the pores.
  5. When you feel the towel is cool, use it to skim off the oil. Be gentle and try not to stretch the skin. If your skin remains oily after this, wash with warm water.
  6. Finish off by washing your face with cool water to tighten pores.

Second way

The second method is more labor-intensive and inconvenient to use on the entire face. It is best used to clean specific areas - the nose, chin or forehead. It will allow you to achieve the results of salon cleaning at home.

  1. To begin, apply a small amount of oil to the desired areas using massaging movements.
  2. Massage for 5 minutes. Do not rub your skin under any circumstances! Act gently, moving along the massage lines. If the oil is completely absorbed, add a little more.
  3. Leave for 5-10 minutes. If the room is warm, you don't need to apply a hot towel. The procedure is very convenient to carry out while lying in the bath. Under the influence of steam, the pores open very quickly and are easy to clean.
  4. Using soap suds, wash away any remaining oil with vigorous movements. Try to kind of drive the product into the skin. This will allow it to penetrate deeper into the pores.
  5. Splash your face with cool water.

Most often, after a massage, the skin is sufficiently nourished and moisturized, so applying cream is not required. But if you have a very dry face, additionally treat it with a light moisturizer. This helps well against the first wrinkles.

If you still have questions, watch the video of a massage performed by a cosmetologist. This will help you better understand how to make it at home.

Healthy oils for dry skin

This type is characterized by low activity of the sebaceous glands, which subsequently, as a rule, leads to a lack of sebum (sebum), excessive dryness of the skin, peeling and irritation of the epidermis. Therefore, it is important to use natural products in facial care. Oil products can stimulate metabolic processes and the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, and regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands. All this together can significantly improve the appearance and health of the skin.

Useful facial oils for nourishing and moisturizing dry, dehydrated epidermis include:

  • coconut;
  • castor;
  • linen;
  • lavender;
  • olive;
  • sandalwood;
  • jojoba;
  • cocoa;
  • wheat germ;
  • grape and peach seeds.

There are many recipes for homemade masks, scrubs and creams for skin prone to extreme dryness, here are some of them:

Oatmeal scrub mask

Oatmeal + olive and shea butter (1 tablespoon each).

Grind the flakes thoroughly in a coffee grinder, add the oil ingredients of the mask. Apply the mixture to your face, gently massage along the massage lines, and then wash as usual.

Anti-wrinkle mixture for dry type

Oils: wheat germ and castor (5 ml each). Heat the mask components in a water bath, lubricate your face and leave for 20 minutes.

Mask for dry, chapped skin with flaking

Flaxseed oil and liquid honey (1 teaspoon each) + yolk.

Mix the ingredients, apply the mixture to your face with a brush, and leave to act for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.

Salon methods

Salon peeling effectively removes dead epidermal cells, starting the process of tissue renewal.

With regular use, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, well-groomed, without black spots or spots.

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The effectiveness of cosmetics increases if you apply it after peeling your face.

The procedure is performed in different ways.


Mechanical peeling is an inexpensive but effective procedure for eliminating spots.

The master treats the face sequentially: first cleanses with a special cosmetic, then steams, and then removes black sebaceous spots. If necessary, use the following tools: Uno spoon, Vidal needle.

After peeling, the master applies a soothing cream.

Cosmetologists do not recommend squeezing out black comedones at home: if hygiene rules are not followed, infection can occur.

Disadvantages of mechanical cleaning are pain, temporary effect.

Chemical or acidic

There are superficial, medium and deep types of peeling. Damage after cleansing from black comedones and dots depends on the type, concentration of the chemical agent, time of application, and characteristics of the epidermis.

To clean, the specialist applies a cosmetic composition to the problem area; the duration of application depends on the type of procedure. The course of treatment consists of 5-8 sessions.

Types of chemical peeling in the salon:

  1. Fruit - the method is based on the application of malic, grape, and citric acid. Helps refresh and whiten the face, fights blackheads and withering of the dermis.
  2. Based on lactic acid, the relief is leveled and unevenness is removed.
  3. Based on salicylic acid (15-30%) – excess sebum is removed.
  4. Retinoic – helps improve cellular nutrition, collagen production, the skin is moisturized and looks healthy.
  5. Glycolic – for oily skin, removing black sebaceous spots, making the epidermis smooth.
  6. Almond - chemistry helps expand pores, relieves inflammation, reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

You can use enzyme peeling - with enzymes of plant origin. The effect of the procedure is more gentle than that of acid cleansing; the session is allowed to be carried out during pregnancy and lactation.

After a cosmetic event, it is not recommended to sunbathe or apply cosmetic substances with an aggressive effect.

Hardware types

Salon peeling is performed using modern equipment, which provides the patient with minimal discomfort and a low risk of injury.

Hardware procedures for removing black sebaceous spots

UltrasonicGentle cleaning without pain. The master treats the problem area with mineral water, then performs peeling with a device that produces ultrasonic waves of the required frequency.
LaserThe success of cleaning depends on the equipment and the qualifications of the technician. The salon service will help you get rid of blackheads, spots, and age spots. A popular type is carbon peeling: nanogel is applied, then a laser is used. The depth of the beam is adjusted depending on the characteristics of the skin and sensitivity. The procedure is safe and painless.
DermabrasionGrinding with a machine with attachments. Permanently eliminates aesthetic defects. The disadvantage is pain during the procedure.
Types of dermabrasion:
  1. Laser – removal of unaesthetic blackheads with a beam.
  2. Mechanical – the master applies abrasive substances to the nozzle and removes dead cells.
  3. Diamond – removing dots with tiny diamond particles.
  4. Gas-liquid – exposure to a jet of a mixture of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and physiological solution.
  5. Brossage is the exfoliation of dead epidermal cells with a rotating brush made of natural bristles.
VacuumThe action of peeling is based on pumping air and creating a pressure difference. Local blood circulation improves, pores open, sebum plugs and dirt are removed. To enhance the effect of removing blackheads, vacuum cleaning is combined with brushing.

If unaesthetic black dots are caused by diseases of the internal organs, expensive procedures will give a temporary effect.

What is the most beneficial oil for facial skin if pigmentation is present?

If there are problems such as post-acne, age spots or pigmentation after unsuccessful cosmetic procedures (peelings, hair removal, etc.), burns, frequent and long exposure to the open sun without protective equipment, then some whitening base and essential products can help over time even out skin tone. The process is quite long, but with persistence you can achieve excellent results.

List of anti-pigment oils:

Basic: sea buckthorn, camphor, castor oil, coconut, peach, almond and flax.

Essential: all citrus, parsley, rosewood, pomegranate, carrot, ylang-ylang, turmeric, mint, blue chamomile, vanilla, rosewood, rosemary, mint, oregano, eucalyptus, frankincense, geranium.

All oil products work effectively only in combination, so you need to learn how to properly combine base oils with essential oils. And now several options for medicinal mixtures for skin whitening and combating age spots:

  1. Base oil (peach, almond, coconut, etc. to choose from – 15 ml) + esters of juniper, lemon and bergamot (1 drop each). Mix and use daily, morning and evening.
  2. Base oil + grapefruit, lemon or orange essential oil (in equal parts). Apply the mixture to problem areas on the face and wash off after 3 hours.
  3. Orange and cucumber juice (10 ml each) + strawberry puree (10 g) + castor oil (5 ml). Lubricate the entire face or areas with the problem with the composition, wash after 30-40 minutes.
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