PEELING AND DEMODECOSIS: getting rid of unnecessary roommates

The manifestation of unpleasant symptoms on the skin is very often the result of damage by skin mites. This type of disease greatly worries many people who have encountered this type of tick. Skin mites on the face cause especially a lot of discomfort.

Infection occurs very quickly and spreads throughout the entire face, including the hair growth area. A large number of external environmental factors and problems with the functioning of internal organs can lead to the appearance of this type of skin disease.

Skin mites do not disappear on their own; eliminating them requires the use of special medications and timely examination. If left untreated, the condition may deteriorate and a large area of ​​the body may be affected.

What is demodex?

The appearance of skin mites is referred to in medicine as demodex. It is impossible to see such an organism with the naked eye; the skin mite is microscopic in size and is most often localized in the face, neck, chest and shoulders.

Features of Demodex:

  • The largest number of skin mites is found in the sebaceous glands;
  • In humans, skin mites can live for a long time in the upper layers of the skin and not cause any unpleasant symptoms;
  • After weakening of the immune system or in the event of a violation of the protective functions of the skin, the tick has the ability to penetrate into the deep layers and form purulent, inflamed formations;
  • Women most often suffer from this type of skin disease;
  • To identify the type of disease, it is necessary to undergo a special type of diagnosis, during which the source of unpleasant symptoms will be identified.

Externally on the skin, a skin mite most often appears in the form of pimples with the presence of pus or subcutaneous nodules, which after some time become inflamed and increase in size.

What does a tick look like?

Examining the components of inflamed formations under a microscope, you can see:

  • The demodex mite is a type of glandular acne, the reproduction of which occurs in the sebaceous glands;
  • Outwardly it resembles a thin transparent worm;
  • The tick's shell has no color, but is dense;
  • The size of the tick is on average 0.4 mm;
  • The skin mite moves with the help of scales;
  • Demodex feeds on skin cells and subcutaneous fat.

Demodex most often exhibits its activity at night or during the development of diseases that reduce immunity.

Facial mite (Demodex) diagnosis and treatment

A skin biopsy can help diagnose the presence of facial mites or demodex. Doctors perform a cyanoacrylic adhesion test along with a biopsy to find out the density of facial mites on the surface of your skin. They take a sample from your skin and examine it under a microscope.

This biopsy is necessary if you are experiencing serious complications caused by a severe facial mite infestation. Your doctor may suggest the following medications that may help minimize infection.

Source and causes of occurrence

The mite can live on the skin and hair of almost every second person.

However, under normal conditions of functioning of internal organs, further spread of the tick does not occur. This disease is also called demodicosis.

The causes of the disease are as follows:

  • Disruption of the digestive organs;
  • Frequent nervous breakdowns;
  • Insufficient or excessive skin care;
  • Incorrectly selected cosmetics;
  • Excessive use of saunas and solariums;
  • Excessive coffee consumption and bad habits;
  • Spicy food;
  • Decreased functioning of the endocrine gland.

You can also become infected with a tick through close contact with a sick person, for example, sharing a bed or sharing cosmetics. The disease cannot be transmitted by air or other types of contact.

What cosmetics should I use?

It is not necessary to completely give up decorative cosmetics, but it is advisable to keep makeup to a minimum. Foundation and powder in several layers are not the best option even for healthy skin. Such heavy makeup increases the risk of subcutaneous mites breeding, especially in hot weather. Use foundations or fluids with a light, non-greasy texture. Choose shades that are as close to your natural skin tone as possible. An incorrectly selected color will visually make imperfections more noticeable. You can use mineral powder, which does not cause irritation, nourishes the skin and allows it to breathe. If you have demodicosis of the eyes, it is better to avoid mascara and eyeliner. You can apply a thin layer of eye shadow in light, discreet tones. Wash or change cosmetic accessories regularly. Choose hypoallergenic cosmetics with organic composition.

Signs and symptoms of the disease

Very often, mite infestation is confused with acne and the correct treatment is not used.

Demodex manifests itself with the following first signs:

  • The skin becomes oilier and visual enlargement of pores is observed;
  • Formation of places on the skin with an increased level of shine;
  • Redness and swelling of the skin;
  • Itching at night;
  • The appearance of scales on the eyelashes, which can lead to burning and itching.

After infection, the following unpleasant symptoms occur:

  • Inflammation and swelling of certain areas of the skin;
  • The appearance of red bumps;
  • Hair loss and itching on the scalp;
  • The appearance of pimples in large numbers with purulent inclusions;
  • Puffiness of the eyes;
  • Formation of ulcers;
  • The appearance of plaque in the area of ​​hair growth.

Symptoms may appear in isolated cases or with a high level of distribution in healthy areas of the skin.

Facial mite: causes, symptoms and complications

You can't get rid of facial mites. They are always present on your skin. However, if their number increases, they can cause several complications. Here are the symptoms of both types of facial mites.

D. folliculorum

If your skin is infected with D. folliculorum, it will become rough and scaly. D. folliculorum increases the number of epithelial cells in your hair follicles. Other symptoms of this infestation include:

  • Skin redness
  • Itchy skin
  • Burning
  • Eczema
  • Rough texture
  • Skin sensitivity

These symptoms are common. Several factors may increase the risk of becoming infected with D. folliculorum:

  • Alopecia
  • Weak immune system
  • Dermatitis
  • Skin infection
  • Rosacea (loss of eyelashes)

Researchers are still investigating the connection between D. folliculorum infection and several other skin conditions. Some studies may establish a possible link between D. folliculorum and rosacea. Skin conditions may be a risk factor for Demodex infection in the eyelashes.

D. brevis

If your skin is infected with D. brevis, it may appear red with rough patches. The most common symptoms of D. brevis infection are:

  • Burning sensation on the skin
  • Redness
  • Roughness
  • Itching
  • Rash
  • Changes in skin color
  • Roughness

Several factors can increase your risk of developing D. brevis infestation. This:

  • Acne
  • Oily skin
  • Eczema
  • Acne
  • Weak immune system
  • Hair loss

Detecting facial mites or demodex is not entirely easy. Most of us are unaware of these parasites until they cause symptoms.

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Stages of development

Depending on the number of mites and the degree of their progression in the deep layers of the epidermis, different stages of the disease are distinguished.

Such as:

  • The prodromal stage is the first stage when a tick infection has just occurred. During this period, practically no unpleasant symptoms are felt; the disease can only be identified using special diagnostic methods. This period is considered the most optimal for the complete elimination of the skin disease. The very first symptoms are slight redness of the skin in the areas where the sebaceous glands are located;
  • Erymatous stage - the disease begins to progress and a person can already visually observe the first visible symptoms, such as swelling and the formation of purulent pimples. This stage can be treated without the use of complex therapy;
  • The papulopustular stage is a more complex stage of the development of the disease, which manifests itself in the form of a large number of pimples, accompanied by specific itching and inflammation of the skin. Treatment requires special examination and observation by the attending physician;
  • The hypertrophic stage is considered the most complex course of the disease, which is manifested by large inflamed formations containing pus. At this stage, it is almost impossible to eliminate the disease.

To prevent the development of complex stages of the disease, it is recommended to seek help in a timely manner and not self-medicate.

Stages of the disease and diagnosis

Demodicosis in humans, according to the severity and development of the disease, occurs in 4 stages: erymatous, pustular, papular, combined form of the disease.

If you have negative symptoms and suspect such a disease, in order to find out for sure that the tick under the skin is the cause of inflammatory or pustular processes, you should seek help from specialists.

Analysis for demodicosis

To clarify the diagnosis, the attending dermatologist conducts an examination of the patient and some tests for demodicosis:

  • examination of secretions from the sebaceous glands, scrapings from skin tissue;
  • analysis of acne contents;
  • examination of the fluid that is released from the eyes when the eyelids are affected;
  • analysis of eyelashes and hair follicles on the head, where massive accumulation of parasites is possible;
  • general examination and questioning of the patient for chronic and hormonal diseases, which are the root cause of increased parasite activity.

On a note!

When sent for testing a few days before the procedure, it is strictly forbidden to use any cosmetics, ointments, tonics and creams, as they will affect clinical indicators.

In accordance with the research, the specialist makes a diagnosis and selects the necessary course of therapy.

What triggers the growth of subcutaneous mites?

The following factors lead to the rapid growth and reproduction of ticks:

  • Improper skin care;
  • Insufficient intake of vitamins;
  • Disease of internal organs;
  • Lack of treatment for skin mites;
  • Use of antibiotics;
  • Dysbacteriosis;
  • External negative factors.

In addition, increased activity of the sebaceous glands increases the growth of the mite, which can occur as a result of excessive use of products containing alcohol.

Prevention of subcutaneous mite infection

Having reached a state of remission, the patient must adhere to the basic rules of disease prevention. It consists of:

  • daily personal hygiene of the whole body;
  • refusal to use decorative cosmetics;
  • treating facial skin with medicinal lotions and tonics;
  • proper nutrition;
  • systematically strengthening the immune system;
  • periodic examination by a doctor.

Demodicosis is a disease that spoils a person’s appearance. The patient allows his own body to be defenseless against secondary infections and fungi. Strengthening the body's defense systems, caring for your own body and paying attention to your health will allow you to forget about such a problem as subcutaneous mites for a long time. A timely response from the patient will ensure quick and effective treatment of demodicosis.


To identify the stage of development, it is necessary to carry out special diagnostic methods:

  • Scraping from the site of inflammation - using a scalpel, carefully take a scraping from the affected areas of the skin;
  • Eyelash test - several eyelashes from both eyes are taken for analysis;
  • Using adhesive tape , which is glued to the affected area for a certain time, after which it is checked for the presence of ticks.

After receiving the tests, the doctor prescribes the necessary treatment and diet to improve the general condition of the body.


Peeling for demodicosis at home is done strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Most often, mild treatments with salicylic acid or alpha hydroxy acids are prescribed at home.

Cleansing with aha and bha tonics

This is an alternative way to cleanse the skin of parasites, also with an exfoliating effect. The concentration of acids in tonics is low: 3-5%.

Acids can also be added to face washes or soaps.

The products are applied to a damp face with gentle circular movements, especially in the T-zone, then rinsed generously with water.

Effect: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, normalizing microflora.

How to get rid of subcutaneous mites?

To eliminate skin mites, it is recommended to use the following treatment methods:

  • Medicinal treatment of the problem helps eliminate the disease and reduce unpleasant symptoms. Prescribed strictly by the attending physician depending on the degree of development of the disease;
  • Cryotherapy - aimed at restoring cells that were damaged by the tick and blocking the further development of the disease;
  • Following a special diet can improve the condition of the skin and increase immunity;
  • Traditional medicine - the use of traditional medicine methods can reduce unpleasant symptoms and prevent further development of the disease.

Most often, to eliminate the disease, it is recommended to use complex therapy, which will not only eliminate the disease, but also reduce the manifestation of the consequences after the disease.

Drug treatment

To eliminate ticks by medication, the following types of medications are prescribed.

Antiparasitic drugs

Allows you to reduce the development of skin mites in the layers of the epidermis and improve the natural processes of cell regeneration.

The most popular of them:

  • Metronidazole is a drug for external use prescribed to eliminate ticks. Apply twice a day directly to the affected areas. Used from 12 years of age, the course of treatment is prescribed individually for each patient. The cost of the ointment is 140 rubles ;
  • Benzyl benzoate , a substance in solution form, is widely used to eliminate many types of epidermal diseases. Destroys the integrity of microorganism cells, thereby eliminating the mite. Apply twice a day to problem areas of the body. The course of treatment is no more than 21 days. Not applicable until age 10 years. Avoid contact with mucous membranes; it may cause a strong burning sensation. Average cost 60 rubles ;
  • Sulfur ointment – ​​improves skin condition, fights various types of skin parasites. Apply once a day before bedtime. It is recommended to rub the ointment until completely absorbed. Can be used from the age of 5 years. Cost 45 rubles .


Benzyl benzoate

Sulfuric ointment


Used for more complex types of disease development. Prescribed to block further spread of the disease and reduce recurrence.

The most effective antibiotics:

  • Trichopolum - has a broad effect on the problem. Blocks the possibility of movement of parasites, thereby reducing their further reproduction. Use 1 tablet for 10 days. Prohibited during pregnancy, liver and kidney dysfunction. Cost 180 rubles ;
  • Rozamet is a cream for external use that contains the antibiotic metronidazole and helps reduce the reproduction of the parasite. Use twice a day for a course of no more than 1 month. Contraindicated for pregnant women and under 12 years of age. Price 220 rubles ;
  • Aversectin ointment - allows you to quickly eliminate the tick. Use once a day on damaged areas. The course of treatment is no more than 10 days. Use with caution for people with sensitive skin and during pregnancy. Has the property of causing side effects. Price 60 rubles .



Aversectin ointment

Restorative products for the body

Aimed at strengthening the protective functions of the immune system and activating the body's natural fight processes.

Most prescribed drugs:

  • Lykopid - used to enhance the functions of the immune system, used once a day for 15 days. Price 300 rubles ;
  • Vitamin complexes - required to increase immune resistance to various types of diseases, such as fish oil and vitamin D, for example Aquadetrim with an average price of 180 rubles .



Vascular strengthening agents

Necessary for strengthening blood vessels that are damaged as a result of tick activity. They are prescribed individually for each patient, if the attending physician considers this type of medicinal substance necessary.

Correctly selected medications can quickly reduce unpleasant symptoms and improve the overall condition of the skin.

Treatment with folk remedies

To eliminate demodex in the first stages of its development, various traditional medicine methods are often used, which help get rid of symptoms and block further progression of the disease.

The most commonly used healthy home recipes are:

  • Washing with laundry soap helps clean the skin and reduce the movement of the parasite. It is recommended to wash your face three times with laundry soap. Effective in complex therapy with other types of folk remedies. Appointed from the age of 4 years;
  • Ointment with gunpowder - mix gunpowder and butter in equal proportions, apply the mixture twice to damaged areas. The course of treatment is no more than 14 days. Permissible age of use is from 12 years;
  • Wormwood tincture – reduces tick activity and blocks its further reproduction. Pour boiling water over the dry herb and leave for 30 minutes. Drink half a glass daily before meals. The duration of treatment is no more than 15 days. Contraindicated for children and during pregnancy;
  • Aloe – grind aloe, add crushed streptocide tablet. Apply the resulting mixture to the skin daily for 2 weeks. Used from the age of 5 years;
  • Birch tar – mix sulfur powder and birch tar in equal proportions. Apply daily before bed and leave for several hours. After removal, wash with tar soap. It prevents further reproduction of demodex and destroys the integrity of its shell. The course of application is up to 14 days.

The use of such methods requires regularity; before use, it is necessary to conduct an individual sensitivity test.

Non-drug treatments

The following treatment methods are widely used to remove demodex.

Application of medicinal cosmetics

It is used for daily care and prevents the emergence of new mites, and also reduces the external manifestations of the disease.

The most popular means:

  • Demoten is a specially developed gel for external use that allows it to penetrate deeply into the layers of the skin and destroy parasite cells. Suitable for daily use. Effectively moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Applicable from the age of 14 years;
  • Demodex foot cosmetics series - specially developed products contain special components that effectively fight mites and reduce external manifestations. The line of cosmetics includes cream, shampoo, and tonic. Suitable for daily use from 14 years of age. Not used for people with hypersensitive skin and during pregnancy;
  • The Demodex Complex line of products contains natural herbal ingredients. They are used at different stages of disease development. Suitable for daily use from the age of 18 years.


Stop Demodex Demodex Complex

Deep peeling

Produced in special cosmetology rooms.

The procedure has the following features:

  • Fruit acids are used as a basis , which reduce the production of sebaceous glands;
  • This cleanses the skin of dead cells and prevents the spread of mites.

This method is considered most effective for the initial symptoms of the disease. Do not use in the presence of wounds and inflamed formations.

Darsonval procedure

Used to improve the natural processes of the skin.

The procedure has the following features:

  • The supply of oxygen to the cells improves protective functions and prevents the further spread of demodex;
  • Before carrying out the procedure, it is recommended to undergo appropriate diagnostics and consult a doctor;
  • It is prohibited to use any preparations for external use for several days before the procedure;
  • Prohibited for people with hypersensitive skin and people with pacemakers;
  • Suitable for ages 12 and up.

The procedure is carried out using a special device that emits small currents that activate skin cells.


Carry out using liquid nitrogen.

The procedure has the following features:

  • Under the influence of low temperature, ticks freeze, which leads to their death;
  • The use of cryoprocedures will reduce external symptoms;
  • The procedures are carried out until the disease disappears completely;
  • It is recommended to use in combination with drug therapy.

Before the procedure, it is recommended to remove all medications from the skin; cold exposure is performed for at least 3 minutes. Prohibited during pregnancy and for people under 14 years of age.

Laser removal

It is used after drug treatment and effectively reduces the external manifestations of the disease.

The procedure has the following features:

  • Using a laser beam, damaged cells are aligned and removed;
  • Applicable from the age of 18;
  • It is prohibited if there are wounds or inflammation on the skin; you should consult a doctor before the procedure.


Used to remove skin mites.

Features of the procedures:

  • Electrophoresis is most often used to improve the protective functions of the skin;
  • Applications with medications are used;
  • Can be used from the age of 12 years.

Experts recommend using comprehensive approaches to eliminate the problem, and to carry them out strictly in special institutions.

Facial mites (Demodex) home remedies

Tea tree oil

The study tested several ingredients on Demodex. Tea tree oil has proven to be the most powerful facial mite killer due to the presence of terpinene-4-ol.

How to use

  1. Mix two to three drops of tea tree oil with any carrier oil and massage into your face.
  2. Leave it on for 30 minutes and then rinse with plain water.
  3. Repeat the exercise two to three times a week.

The same study found that dill weed and caraway oils also help kill facial mites. You can use these oils instead of tea tree oil.

Alcohol from Demodex

A study found that 100% alcohol can kill a facial mite in just 43.9 minutes. However, be careful when using 100% alcohol on your skin as it can cause skin irritation and contact dermatitis. Consult a physician before using alcohol on your skin.

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Recommendations and useful tips for treatment

To achieve more visible treatment results, dermatologists advise following the following recommendations:

  • Cleanse the skin daily with special preparations that eliminate excessive oily sheen;
  • Do not use hot water for washing , this procedure disrupts the natural protective functions of the skin;
  • Reduce skin touching , especially in the facial area. A person’s hands may contain a large number of bacteria that contribute to the disruption of the structure of the skin and can cause the development of mites;
  • Ensure the cleanliness of personal hygiene products and items for applying cosmetics;
  • Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight;
  • Replace the feather pillow with padding polyester , very often down can cause a reaction and provoke the occurrence of demodex;
  • Do not apply cosmetics in large quantities ; this method of applying cosmetics leads to clogged pores and the development of skin mites.

Experts recommend following such facial care methods even in the absence of tick infestation, as well as during treatment with medications.

Prevention of demodicosis

Prevention of demodicosis includes following simple but useful rules that will protect a person from the consequences of subcutaneous mite reproduction:

  1. Use less cosmetics or completely abandon such products.
  2. Strengthen your immune system to prevent re-infection.
  3. Change bed linen every two days.
  4. Razors, glasses, and objects that come into contact with the skin should be cleaned daily.
  5. You need to wash your skin twice a day (morning and evening).
  6. Use anti-demodectic agents.

Simple prevention will protect a person who has suffered from demodicosis and his entire family.

Connoisseur (342), closed 7 years ago

you should not overheat, smoked meats and spices are prohibited, any irritating food is prohibited, you should not drink cocoa and coffee, eat canned meat and fish, chocolate, alcohol is absolutely excluded, oil-based cosmetics are unacceptable. In other words, it is necessary to exclude everything that feeds or stimulates the reproduction of subcutaneous mites.

The diet should be selected so that the food is rich in vitamins A, B and C: liver, carrots, spinach, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, asparagus, broccoli, green peas, cabbage, seeds, buckwheat, coarse bread, sprouted cereals.

Exfoliating and antiparasitic procedures - cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen, potent ointments based on sulfur (5-10%), hydrochloric acid (6%), sodium thiosulfate, rubbing based on sulfur-tar alcohol, powder. Antihistamines - to exclude the possibility of allergies. Therapy that cures “risk factors” for alkaline-acid balance disorders includes strengthening the walls of blood vessels, vitamin therapy, absorbents, and in some cases a course of antibiotics. A gentle diet without fatty, fried, spicy, salty foods. General pest control! We boil bed linen and clean things! You cannot go to the bathhouse, sunbathe, or in the solarium, or use decorative cosmetics. And no cosmetic procedures - so as not to disrupt the treatment regimen.

Special diet

When dealing with demodex disease, experts often advise following a certain type of diet.

First of all, you should exclude:

  • Salty food;
  • Fatty foods;
  • Fried and spicy foods;
  • Smoked meats and sausages;
  • Sweets;
  • Canned and fatty meats.

During the treatment period, it is recommended to focus on the following fruits:

  • Apples;
  • Pears;
  • Banana;
  • Grapefruit (small quantity)
  • Pomegranate;
  • Kiwi.

Consumption of citrus fruits is not recommended, as this can contribute to the development of allergic reactions and aggravate the disease.

It is also recommended to introduce fermented milk products and whole grain cereals into the diet. Saturating the body with foods that contain fiber can reduce the deposition of toxins and wastes and improve natural metabolic processes.

Drug treatment

While you can still try experimenting with your facial skin using veterinary remedies, this is strictly contraindicated with your eyes. Medicines for the treatment of facial Demodex mites of both types should be prescribed by a doctor.

In case of inflammation of the skin of the face, treatment is carried out aimed at eliminating other diseases and boosting immunity:

  • immunostimulants to restore protection;
  • cosmetic acaricidal creams;
  • antiparasitic drugs with a wide spectrum of action;
  • ointments with disinfectant and anti-inflammatory effects.

On a note!

Symptoms of the disease are often ignored at the initial stage. Due to itching, the patient scratches the skin of the face and introduces a secondary infection. The result is festering wounds. In this case, antibiotics must be prescribed.

Cosmetic products for treatment can be used:

  • cream Manting from 1500 rub. per tube 50 g;
  • cream Demalan from 50 rub. for 10 g;
  • Stop Demodex gel from 200 rub. for 30 ml;
  • cream-gel Dexodem Phyto from 305 rub. for 10 ml;
  • gel Blefarogel 2 from 220 rub. for 15 ml.

All products are cosmetic, that is, they have not been tested for effectiveness and harmlessness.

The instructions for use indicate that before applying creams and gels to the skin, the affected areas must first be treated with alcohol tinctures of eucalyptus, calendula or aralia. The latter drugs themselves have an anti-inflammatory and acaricidal effect. Therefore, it is not clear what exactly acts on the tick: alcohol tinctures or cosmetic creams.

Means for the treatment of demodex


I don’t know if I had mites, but some pink, inflamed spots appeared on my face. A friend said it was demodicosis and recommended Demalan. I didn't notice any benefit from it. We went to the doctor, he prescribed Benzyl benzoate, an ointment against scabies. This worked. As I understand it, this ointment simply works on any ticks.

Olesya Pravednaya, Saratov

Benzyl benzoate is a medical preparation with acaricidal and insecticidal effects. The ointment is prescribed for scabies, demodicosis and pediculosis. The cost of packaging 25 g is from 35 rubles. When treating demodicosis, the ointment is rubbed into the skin of the face 3-5 times a day.


The ointment should not get into the eyes.

Additional measures:

  • frequent changes of clothes;
  • diet;
  • regular change of bed linen;
  • replacing down and feather pillows and blankets with padding polyester ones.

These measures help get rid of tick eggs. Demodex can wait for its owner in a pillow for some time, but they survive worse in synthetics than in feathers.

At the same time, they treat the diseases that caused the decline in immunity and the proliferation of demodex:

  • gastritis;
  • liver diseases;
  • chronic irritation of the intestinal mucosa;
  • ulcer;
  • metabolic disease.


All these diseases require specific treatment. Trying to eliminate them with folk remedies will lead to a worsening of the condition. Traditional methods in the treatment of the disease are used only as auxiliary ones.


Reviews about the treatment of skin mites:


It should be said that this disease is very common and people of any age are at risk. People with weakened immune systems are most often susceptible to developing the disease; this group also includes teenagers, older people, and those with diseases of the nervous system. There is a danger of developing demodicosis in people who suffer from dermatological diseases. The disease can manifest itself as damage to different areas of the skin, most often the forehead, eyelids, and ears. But it can also appear on the back and chest skin.

Prevention measures

To prevent the occurrence of such an unpleasant disease as skin mites, it is recommended to follow the following prevention methods:

  • Change bed linen regularly;
  • Have a separate personal towel for your face;
  • Do not use other people's personal hygiene products;
  • Maintain proper nutrition, exercise outdoors;
  • Treat diseases of internal organs in a timely manner;
  • Take additional vitamin complexes;
  • After treatment with antibiotics, use special drugs to restore the immune system;
  • Use sunscreen when exposed to direct sunlight for long periods of time.

Regular adherence to prevention methods can eliminate the likelihood of tick infection.

Washing your face for demodicosis

Save perfumed or antibacterial soap for washing your hands. And replace running water from the tap, which contains too many alkalis, with mineral water. If you have demodicosis, you need to wash your face with cold water or at room temperature; too hot water stimulates the production of sebum. It is better to wash your face with special gels that have a soft texture, gently cleanse and do not irritate the skin. Don't forget how important hygiene is. Provide a separate cotton towel for your face and change it regularly. When wiping your face, do not rub the skin too hard - this can lead to acne inflammation.

Washing with ice

Ice perfectly moisturizes and tones the skin, helps smooth out fine wrinkles and narrow pores. You can wipe your face with frozen mineral water or cucumber juice. Chamomile ice acts as a natural antiseptic. Water with lemon juice is ideal for oily skin. Rub the ice cube over your face for several minutes. Over time, when the skin is sufficiently accustomed to the cold, the duration of the procedure can be increased. You should not wash your face with ice during periods of exacerbation of demodicosis, as well as with acne, eczema and spider veins.

Tar from demodicosis

Tar is effective against subcutaneous mites. It has an antimicrobial effect, heals and soothes the skin, dries out acne and relieves itching. Available in the form of soap, cream and tinctures. You need to wash your face with soap once a day, at night. Apply it on your face with light, massaging movements, and then rinse with cold water. It is advisable not to use the drops in their pure form due to their strong concentration. They can be mixed with sulfur or zinc ointment, applied to the face and washed off after an hour.

Pharmacy remedies for demodicosis

Many manufacturers produce entire lines of treatment and care. Cosmetics against demodicosis contain active ingredients that act against subcutaneous mites. Useful substances and vitamins normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, soothe irritated skin and cleanse the face of acne. Having studied surveys and reviews, we can identify the three most popular and effective means:

In pharmacies you can purchase kits for complex skin treatment for demodicosis.

  • "Demodex complex". The Chinese manufacturer offers a wide range of cosmetics for care and treatment - creams, tonics, lotions and washing gels. They contain natural, herbal ingredients that do not cause allergies and are able to moisturize the skin with demodicosis.
  • "Manting." Cosmetics from this company are more expensive, but are suitable for regular use. Used to prevent demodicosis. In addition, it helps fight age spots and acne scars. Consists mainly of Chinese herbal extracts.
  • "Stop demodex." Domestic cosmetics. The product contains metronidazole, which suppresses tick reproduction. The active formula contains sulfur, urea, tar, extracts of calendula, chamomile, echinacea and lavender. The treatment line includes soap, lotion, cream and gel for washing.

Treatment methods

Getting rid of subcutaneous mites on the face is quite a difficult task. This will require a very careful and thorough approach to the treatment process. The main reason for the complexity of therapy is that the microorganisms themselves have a strong protective shell . This factor significantly complicates the penetration of drug composition.

Subcutaneous mites on the face, treatment of the disease will take a fairly long period of time. In most cases, the course of treatment lasts about one or two months. This is exactly the gap needed for the tick to complete its life cycle.

Treatment is prescribed individually by a dermatologist, based on the clinical picture. This is necessary in order to avoid various complications associated with the use of inappropriate drugs. In situations where the subcutaneous mite infects the eyelids, special medications belonging to the group of anticholinesterase drugs are prescribed. The use of such drugs allows you to paralyze the muscles of the parasites.

When treating subcutaneous mites, you should strictly follow the rules of personal hygiene in order to prevent re-infection. It is the lack of hygiene and precautions that can lead to the re-entry of mites under the skin from those things that were previously used by the patient.

Demodex (subcutaneous mite) is a microorganism whose size varies from 0.1 to 0.4 millimeters


In most cases, the prognosis is favorable. Often, mites can be present without any clinical manifestations and go through their life cycle within a month. If there are concomitant diseases, purulent rashes or erythema appear, then treatment can last from a month to a year. Demodicosis does not go away on its own. Without treatment, the disease becomes chronic with damage to the deep layers of the dermis and the formation of abscesses. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor, undergo examinations and a full course of treatment. If the diagnosis is confirmed, do not be upset. Daily regular skin care therapy will help cure the disease.

In conclusion, watch the video on how to treat demodicosis on the face.

Causes of the disease

Quite often, carriers of the disease do not even suspect that they are infected. This happens because the disease occurs without any distinctive symptoms and is considered ordinary acne. A person can be sick for a long time and not feel discomfort. But when any disruption of processes in the body occurs, active reproduction of mites occurs, which causes inflammatory processes.

There are many reasons for their development, these include:

  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Metabolic disorders;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Hormonal imbalances;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Nervous and psychological disorders;
  • Long exposure to the sun;
  • Wrong lifestyle.

Demodicosis manifests itself in different ways; the disease is distinguished as primary and secondary:

  • Primary. Appears on clean areas of the skin. It is easier for a person to diagnose it because he has not encountered such symptoms, and they resemble the disease.
  • Secondary. The more common form, which occurs as a consequence of human diseases, can develop over a long period of time.


Regarding treatment, it is quite difficult and long. If we take into account that this parasite affects the skin of the eyelids and eyelashes, additional consultation with an ophthalmologist will be required, who in turn may prescribe additional examination and treatment. In this case, it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the disease, and since there can be a lot of them, examinations from different specialized doctors will be required.

During treatment, external and systemic therapy can be used, but in any case it is very important to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations. An important point is skin care during treatment. Since fat and moisture are a favorable environment for the proliferation of parasites, the use of fatty creams is excluded. Much attention is also paid to the diet, fatty foods, sweets, spicy foods and alcoholic drinks are excluded.

Complex treatment is used, in which medications are prescribed for both external and internal use. It will be necessary to significantly reduce the population of parasites in the body, restore metabolic processes, restore skin processes, get rid of inflammatory processes and prevent the disease from developing further.

In addition to medication, traditional methods of treating subcutaneous mites are quite popular.

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