Mineral water for facial skin - a natural gift for beauty and health

Water is the source of life, and mineral water is also a source of female beauty: it contains calcium, magnesium, calcium, sulfates and many other valuable elements. Washing with non-carbonated mineral water is considered a simple and effective way to tone dull, tired skin, as well as get rid of the feeling of dryness and tightness, which is especially important in the summer heat and the height of the heating season. Water saturated with natural salts is useful for removing skin care cosmetics, and also used as a base for homemade scrubs, lotions and masks. By the way, it’s worth talking about the latter in more detail!

Benefits of mineral water for the face

By the way, mineral water has been used for quite a long time in Japan and Korea for the production of cosmetic masks and tonics on an industrial scale. It is not surprising that girls are ready to experiment at home using high-quality water.

If you believe history, it all started with Japanese resorts, where they were the first to use mineral water to treat skin ailments. Then they started adding it to a regular bath before bathing. Manufacturers offered concentrated powders with minerals. This is an alternative to bottled water, easier to use: just stir this product while running a bath, and combine business with pleasure.

It should be noted that some eminent specialists advocate washing with mineral water. Roberta Del Campo puts forward her arguments in support of this decision. This is a dermatologist from Miami. A woman pays attention first of all to the pH indicator. If you take regular tap water, its acidity level is 7-7.5. In simple terms, this is too much for our skin - as a result, it becomes dry. After all, a pH value of 5.5 is considered to be a healthy standard.

The acidity of mineral water corresponds to this level. Therefore, it is ideal for facial care. Since the composition contains gases, this promotes better cleansing, and thanks to the minerals, the skin will also be nourished.

Del Campo finds it beneficial that the water is sold sparkling. Thanks to this, the effect of vasodilation will be observed. It entails a lot of positive consequences:

  • Activation of blood circulation;
  • Improving cell nutrition;
  • Effective oxygen supply to the skin;
  • Better perception of cosmetics;
  • Starting regeneration processes.

Girls clearly notice how rubbing their face with mineral water invigorates and causes a surge of energy. By awakening the skin with the help of such a product, you will very soon notice how its healthy color and radiance returns.

This is not all the benefits of mineral water. Experts recommend using it for washing, if only because it does not contain all those harmful additives like tap water. Instead, it contains a most valuable cocktail that can bring benefits.

Thanks to numerous minerals, not only hydration and improved blood circulation are noticeable, but also a toning effect. Just washing your face helps strengthen your immune system; after the procedure, there is no unpleasant feeling of tightness, which girls who wash their faces with tap water complain about.

Contraindications and harm of mineral water for the face

In the vast majority of cases, mineral water for facial skin will only be beneficial. And yet there are situations when you have to refuse it. For example, if there is an allergic reaction to mineral water.

Acute inflammatory processes on the skin are another reason to postpone procedures. In general, infectious diseases accompanied by an increase in temperature are not the best background for experiments.

When starting to introduce such a product into your cosmetic arsenal, you should monitor your skin’s reaction. Cosmetologists recommend using water not constantly, but at intervals of a couple of weeks. This is important to avoid addiction.

How to train your skin?

Cosmetologists advise switching to mineral water not immediately, but gradually.

At first, it is enough to wash your face 2 times a week and monitor what the reaction will be. If there is irritation or redness, you should stop washing.

If everything is normal, the duration of such an experiment should be approximately 2-3 months. During this time, it becomes clear how mineral water acts on the skin with long-term use. If you like the result, you can switch to daily use.

How to choose mineral water for your face?

To ensure the benefits of washing with mineral water, you need a better quality product. This means that you should not buy the cheapest mineral water in a plastic bottle. There is more trust in products in glass containers simply because they are more difficult to counterfeit.

Before wiping your face with mineral water, you need to select it competently:

  • If your skin is dry or normal, it is better to take a product with a medium or low level of mineralization. This means that per 1 liter there are up to 500 mg of salts.
  • If a girl’s face is shiny due to excessive activity of the salt glands, you can take more saturated water.
  • For dry skin, a low-mineralized mineral water is recommended, which helps regulate the acid-base balance.

Also, the effect of using mineral water depends on the level of its saturation with gases. The more there are, the more pronounced the result will be. If you want a gentle effect, you should leave the bottle of mineral water open before use. Then the excess gases will go away, and the water will be very soft and delicate.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to the inscriptions on the label. There are two types of goods on sale:

  1. Mineral water . This is a product of natural origin. The water is naturally saturated with minerals. It is extracted from springs and bottled. The best mineral water for the face is the one that is bottled directly from the source. That is, the label must indicate the same place of extraction and bottling.
  2. Mineralized water . Rich in minerals in laboratory conditions. It is also useful, but is not as well accepted by the skin as natural mineral from the source.

Which mineral water is best for the face depends not only on skin type. You can purposefully choose a mineral water that will help you cope with specific cosmetic problems. For example, calcium helps restore the elasticity of the epidermis. It also eliminates inflammation and regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Magnesium stimulates the production of collagen fibers. Thanks to potassium, you can forget about peeling; it restores the smoothness and silkiness of the skin. Silicon dioxide is a component that prevents aging. It strengthens sponge cells, which means that wrinkles will not appear on the face soon.

How is the procedure performed?

Intestinal irrigation is carried out with mineral water with a weak concentration of microelements. Ordinary tap water is not suitable for this, nor is highly mineralized water, as it can irritate the intestinal mucosa and cause discomfort to the patient. Depending on the indications, medications and salts may be added to the water.

There are several types of devices designed for colon hydrotherapy. The most commonly used are the siphon irrigation apparatus and the subaqueous bath.

Subaquatic baths

The procedure is carried out in a special bath equipped with a seat, a water tank and a tube extending from it. At the end of the tube there is a rectal tip. The patient is seated in a bathtub on a seat, one-third filled with water, and a rectal tip is inserted into the rectum. After this, the water level in the bath is increased so that it covers the middle of the person’s chest. Then the intestinal lavage begins.

Water at a temperature of 35-37 degrees under slight pressure in portions of 1-1.5 liters comes from the tank into the tube and into the patient’s intestines. After administering a portion of liquid, the patient must strain so that it comes back out along with the intestinal contents. After this, a new portion of fluid enters the intestines. The procedure is repeated several times until the volume of waste liquid reaches 8-15 liters. One session may take about 40 minutes. The course of treatment may consist of 6-10 procedures, this is decided by the doctor in each specific case. All this time the patient is in a bath of water, so the procedure is called subaqueous or underwater.

The patient needs to retain the last portion of liquid, after which he goes to the toilet to empty the intestines. Finally, the patient takes a shower and then rests for an hour with a warm heating pad on his stomach.

Siphon irrigation

An alternative to subaqueous irrigation is siphon irrigation of the intestines. It is also called Lensky washing, since it was this scientist who proposed this technique in 1956. The technique uses the siphon principle, when liquid is introduced and removed from the intestine simultaneously. This prevents overstretching of its walls.

The Lensky apparatus consists of a 20-liter reservoir and a tube with a tip extending from it. During the procedure, a reservoir with liquid is mounted at a height of 120 cm from the level of the couch on which the patient lies. The water temperature should be at 37-39 degrees.

The patient is placed on a bedpan, the tip of the tube is inserted into the rectum, and water is started. After the water is in the intestines, the position of the tube is changed so that the liquid comes back out. Irrigation is carried out for 20-30 minutes, upon completion the patient should rest.

Repeat the procedure every other day. The course may include up to 10 procedures. Gradually the amount of fluid administered is increased. During the first session it is 8 liters, and during the last it can reach 20 liters.

Question of sterility

Given the specifics of the procedure, most people who undergo it are interested in the issue of disinfection of devices. After completing each procedure, all parts of the devices used for its implementation are thoroughly washed and disinfected. Particular attention is paid to the seat and rectal tip. After cleaning the seat with brushes and soap, immerse it in water at a temperature of 90 degrees for 10 minutes or boil for 5 minutes. The rectal tip is also treated with boiling. After this, the seat and tip are disinfected with a chloramine solution.

Only a doctor should prescribe colon hydrotherapy for it to bring a positive result. You should not use the services of clinics that offer irrigation for a fee to everyone. The doctor must take into account all the patient’s contraindications so that the treatment does not have the opposite effect.

Irrigation of the face with mineral water; for this procedure, a specially designed apparatus by Dr. A.A. is used. Kryukova. The device is a hollow longitudinal-oval mask, closed at the front with a plastic shield.

Mineral (sulfide) water is supplied to the mask, which is supplied under a pressure of 2.5-3.0 atmospheres and a temperature of 40-42°C. Inside the mask there is a tip with three small holes for spraying water coming from the pipe leading to the mask. A valve is built into the latter to regulate the intensity of the stream of water irrigating the patient’s face.

Before leaving the procedure, the mask is washed with mineral water coming from the tip, which is enough to obtain a disinfection effect.

The patient is seated on a chair in front of the sink at a distance sufficient for him to freely place his face in the mask. The nurse then ties a towel around the front edge of the mask and the edge of the face adjacent to it. Having assumed a comfortable position, the patient opens the valve of the pipe supplying water to the tip, and a spray of water evenly irrigates the face. From the moment the valve opens, the nurse begins counting the time of the procedure on an hourglass installed near the patient.

In case of weak or strong pressure of the water stream, the patient adjusts it by turning the valve until he establishes a pleasant sensation of water spray. Your eyes may be open or closed during the procedure. This depends on the prescription of the attending physician. The exposure of the procedure is 5 minutes daily, for a course of treatment there are 12-15 procedures.

Indications : acne, dermatitis, increased oiliness of the facial skin, age-related atrophic phenomena of the facial skin.

Contraindications : allergic dermatitis, acute febrile conditions.

The idea of ​​using mineral water in cosmetology is not new. Many women are familiar with the pleasant feeling after washing with mineral water. A few years ago, it was recommended to boil mineral water before the procedure. Today views have changed. No one talks about boiling, but you can find a lot of interesting information on the Internet about the benefits of washing with mineral water and its effects on the skin.

In general, water has an extremely beneficial effect on our body and our skin. Many people compare plain and mineral water in terms of the degree of impact. There's not much difference here. Although mineral water is a completely natural product. It cannot be obtained through laboratory tests. Low-mineralized water is better suited for washing. But if you need to make a tonic or mask at home, then water with a rich salt content is more suitable.

Methods of using mineral water for the face

It’s great to simply wash your face with mineral water. But it is better to do this with knowledge, observing certain subtleties. However, you can significantly expand the arsenal of procedures beneficial to the skin. Just a bottle of good mineral water can become the basis for various strengthening and healing sessions.

Washing with mineral water

Mineral water for washing your face can be used in different ways. The simplest option is to take some water in your palm and rinse your skin. But you can have a real bath in the bath.

To do this, water is poured into a convenient container - shallow, but wide enough. The face is also immersed there - literally for 10-20 seconds. At this time, the most important processes occur:

  • Air bubbles quickly saturate the epidermis with oxygen.
  • Blood flow is activated.
  • The smallest damage is treated.

Thanks to such washings you can get rid of puffiness. Also, unevenness on the skin disappears very quickly, and the complexion becomes even and pinkish.

Mineral water compresses for face

This method is ideal if you urgently need to get yourself in order before an important meeting or date. He will help out when a sleepless night is behind you, and your appearance is, to put it mildly, rumpled. This will take about half an hour, but the result is worth it.

How to make a facial compress with mineral water:

  1. It is necessary to prepare hot and cold mineral water by pouring it into a shallow and wide container.
  2. At the first stage, a nourishing cream is applied to the face.
  3. Next, you need to wet the towel in hot water and apply it to the skin for 3 minutes.
  4. Then repeat the same with cold water.
  5. Alternate hot and cold compresses 5 times.

This is a complex effect, thanks to which the blood will rush to the face, and it will be actively saturated with oxygen. Also, compresses with mineral water will effectively cleanse the skin and restore its radiance.

Rubbing your face with mineral water

Mineral water instead of facial toner is another solution that is simple and ingenious. You can apply it to a cotton pad and then rub it over the skin with patting movements.

If you have severe skin problems, you can do a little magic with the water to make it even more beneficial. For example, it is used instead of alcohol to prepare a gentle lotion. Having selected herbs that are ideal for a specific skin type, they are poured with mineral water and boiled. When the broth is infused, you can strain it and use it for rubbing.

Mineral water ice for face

Frozen water can do miracles. This is an excellent alternative to washing with mineral water, with benefits and without harm. It is enough to use the usual ice molds to make preparations for regular procedures. To enhance the effect, you can add essential oils to the mineral water, choosing the optimal ones for your skin characteristics.

This tool is used simply. You can simply wipe your face, moving along the massage lines with gentle movements.

As an option, they give a full massage. It will refresh your face and help deal with enlarged pores. Small wrinkles may even go away. But such a procedure can also be harmful if performed in winter before going out into the cold air.

Ice from mineral water on the face can help if you need to get rid of puffiness. It also preserves youth for a long time. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Water is poured into a wide container and frozen mineral water in the form of cubes is sent there.
  • Holding your breath, lower your face into the ice bath.
  • You need to hold out as long as there is enough air.

When using ice cubes, it is important not to keep them in one place for a long time! Otherwise, a mark may remain!

Mineral water face masks

Any face mask with mineral water will be more beneficial than one with regular water. That is, you can use your favorite water-based recipe, but use mineral water. As an option, special formulations are prepared in order to use the components of such a liquid as efficiently as possible.

For example, mineral water will help accelerate the renewal of skin cells if you use this recipe: take 10-15 ml of mineral water and sour cream, mix the ingredients, add a couple of drops of vitamin E to them. This composition is distributed over the face and kept on the skin for 40 minutes. To make the effect more pronounced, it is useful to pre-steam your face.

This procedure helps to activate regeneration processes. It moisturizes well and has a tonic effect. Thanks to its antioxidant properties, the mask will delay the aging process.

Another great recipe with maximum benefits of mineral water for the face, which also helps prevent aging. For the mask you will need 50 ml of mineral water, one teaspoon of oatmeal and 5 drops of lemon juice. After mixing all the ingredients, leave the mixture for half an hour to let it infuse. Then you can distribute the mixture over your face. 15 minutes is enough, after which the mask is washed off, and immediately after that the skin is wiped with chilled mineral water. The procedure is repeated every other day, it is advisable to carry out a course of 10-15 sessions to feel the effect.

Reviews about the use of mineral water

Polina, 24 years old, Novokuznetsk: “I started using mineral water not so long ago. I drink Essentuki-4 all the time, and use it for my face in hot weather instead of a spray. I make a mask once every 2 weeks, mixing oatmeal, mineral water and orange essential oil. The skin became lighter and softer. I want to try procedures with frozen water, but I can’t stand the effects of cold. Such therapy is economical in time and material costs. I recommend".

Varvara, 37 years old, Moscow: “I use the product daily, drinking 1 liter. Ice cubes made from mineral water, chamomile decoction and almond oil are useful for toning and vigor. Ice helps you wake up in the morning. I have never had any skin problems, so I will not say that the product helps with all imperfections, but it definitely maintains the beauty and youth of the skin. I can see the effect in the reflection in the mirror.”

Kristina, 19 years old, Sochi: “I have been suffering from skin problems such as oiliness and acne for a long time. I decided to try a mask with bodyaga. As a result, I wasted time on a useless procedure. Zero effect. The oily shine and rashes remain. The method doesn't work. I do not advise".

Anna, 45 years old, Saratov: “I wash my face with mineral water and cleanse my face of impurities. I choose quality products - Borjomi. In addition, I make masks, alternating components. I change the recipe so that the skin does not get used to one mixture. Treatments with the addition of oil and bran are effective. This mass allows for easy cleaning and moisturizes. I want to add apricot kernels to the composition to enhance the effect and eliminate acne.”

Vladislav, 25 years old, Kursk: “I spray my face with mineral water in hot weather, and Narzan helps. The skin does not burn or peel.”

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