Myostimulator for breast enlargement Breast Enhancer

Beautiful, elastic, toned breasts of an attractive shape - isn’t this what every woman dreams of? Plastic breast augmentation is often associated with huge size and unnatural appearance. In practice, very few patients seek such radical changes. The most common is the desire to enlarge the breasts by a couple of sizes - for example, from 1 to 3. Modern implants and surgical technologies make it possible to achieve the most natural appearance of the breasts, avoid complications and give women self-confidence.

Breast enlargement (augmentation) surgery is called augmentation mammoplasty. It is performed under general anesthesia using implants of different shapes and sizes. The advantage of breast augmentation in modern plastic surgery is the ability to achieve symmetry and correct all congenital defects. Including improving the appearance of the nipple-areolar complex.

Which implants are best to choose?

Implants vary in shape: anatomical and round. The former, due to their teardrop shape, create soft and natural breast contours. The mammary glands look very natural. Round implants give the breasts a visually larger size and make them appear raised (push-up). With them, the contour of the upper neckline becomes higher.

Breast implant profile types also vary: from low to extra high. The surface of silicone implants can be smooth or textured.

Your doctor will help you choose implants. Having extensive experience in mammoplasty, the surgeon will recommend several manufacturers and also explain which implant shape will look best in your case.

During the consultation, you will be able to try on models of implants - sizers, in order to imagine what the shape of the future breast shape will be.

Moscow surgeons specializing in breast augmentation use various silicone implants in their practice. We use implants from Sebbin, Allergan, etc. They come with a lifetime warranty.

Ways to enlarge the mammary glands

A plastic surgeon performs breast augmentation in different ways. They can be surgical or non-surgical. The first include:

  • augmentation mammoplasty with round or anatomical implants: breast augmentation by several sizes; the result of the operation is saved forever;
  • breast lipofilling: increase by 1-1.5 sizes using injections of purified autologous fat taken from “problem” areas; The result of lipofilling lasts forever if you avoid severe weight loss.

A cosmetic method for breast enlargement is injection of absorbable gels (fillers). This method is quite expensive: contour plastic surgery with fillers costs almost the same as mammoplasty surgery, and the effect lasts on average up to 2 years.

The shape of the glands can be corrected using a thread lift. The procedure will not increase breast size, but will give it a beautiful shape.

Which massagers to use

Despite the fact that they began to massage the breasts with a vacuum quite recently, the market is already flooded with devices and devices that allow you to easily perform the procedure in salons and at home. Here's a quick overview of the most popular ones:

  • The Brava system is a device for home use. It consists of two bowls that fit tightly to the body. The air is pumped out of them by a built-in mini-pump powered by batteries. The entire structure is held in place by a fabric bra with a zipper and volume adjusters.

It is recommended to wear it for 10 hours at a time, day or night. One of the disadvantages is the lack of clinical studies during the development of the device.

  • A vacuum pump is the most popular massager for breast enlargement, equipped with one or two cups with a manual pump. During the procedure, the glands are placed inside the dome, where a vacuum is created using a rubber bulb. Normalize the pressure by opening the safety valve.

  • Pangao Breast Enhancer is a corset-shaped massager, inside of which there is a built-in microcomputer that controls pulsed vacuum supply. You only need to put on the device correctly and use it in accordance with the instructions.

  • Celluless beauty is a very compact device. It is a removable vacuum jar with a comfortable handle, inside of which a pump and power supply are located. Infrared radiation enhances the healing effect of the procedure.

  • Nova NV600 is a professional multifunctional device that is often used in salons. Equipped with a special attachment for breast massage. Allows you to adjust the strength and frequency of pulsed vacuum.
  • IB-8080 is another professional device that can increase breast size, change the shape of nipples, and restore elasticity to ligaments. The action of pulsating vacuum during the procedure is complemented by vibration, electromagnetic waves, and infrared radiation. You can work with one or two banks at the same time.

Which device to choose is up to you. The manufacturers of each of these devices guarantee an increase in the bust by at least one size. When this happens - in a week or in a month - will depend on the individual characteristics of your body, the effort and perseverance applied. In any case, a good attitude, great desire and patience will definitely lead to the long-awaited result.

Advantages of mammoplasty:

  • Beautiful breast proportions.
    At the consultation before breast augmentation surgery, the doctor will recommend the most suitable type of implant, the method of its installation (under the mammary gland or under the muscle), as well as access options (axillary, submammary, periareolar). Implants are always selected individually - the lines of leading manufacturers include hundreds of models differing in volume, shape and size.
  • Modeling the result.
    Modeling or trying on sizers (models of prostheses that are used to select implants) allows you to assess in advance how well the effect of mammoplasty will meet your expectations.
  • Lifetime warranty on implants.
    The Medial Clinic works with the latest generation of implants. The safety of endoprostheses for breast enlargement has been confirmed by clinical studies: they do not affect the general condition of the body, are not dangerous in case of damage to the membrane (silicone gel with a dense structure does not penetrate into the surrounding tissues), do not interfere with preventive examination of the mammary glands and do not limit the possibility of breastfeeding in the future .
  • Breast augmentation by several sizes.
    If breast augmentation using your own adipose tissue (lipofilling) allows you to adjust the volume only within relatively small limits (1-1.5 sizes), then with the help of mammoplasty you can achieve an impressive effect in one operation. Having received the desired volume, you can be sure that it will not change over time.
  • Safety and confidence in the result.
    The result of augmentation (breast enlargement) depends on the professionalism of the surgeon, so breast augmentation should be carried out in a specialized clinic, by doctors with extensive experience. The Medial clinic employs just such specialists, and the latest generation endoprostheses are used for breast augmentation, so the risk of complications is minimal.

Contraindications for use

Vacuum breast massage is limited to use in the following cases:

  • For persons under the age of 18, since it is at this time that the growth and development of tissues and structures of the mammary gland occurs, any exposure can lead to disruption, and, consequently, to big problems in the future.
  • Women who have pustular diseases in this area, since performing a vacuum breast massage helps to improve blood circulation in it, as a result of which infectious agents entering the blood can spread throughout the body, causing the development of a generalized generalized response and/or sepsis.
  • Vacuum massage is not recommended for use in nulliparous women, which is associated with possible trauma to the excretory ducts of the mammary gland, and, as a consequence, the development of mastitis in the postpartum period.
  • Persons suffering from various blood clotting disorders. Thus, increased coagulability leads to the formation of blood clots, and, consequently, to impaired blood circulation in a particular area, which causes ischemia, loss of their function and necrosis. At that time, a decrease in coagulability, along with increased capillary fragility, contributes to the occurrence of hematomas that are difficult to treat.

  • Women who have been diagnosed with a benign or malignant oncological process in the breast tissue or in the body as a whole. An increase in blood supply in the massage area can lead to active germination of blood vessels in the thickness of the tumor, or become a fundamental factor in the degeneration of tumor cells, stimulate its growth and development, or contribute to the spread of metastases.
  • Persons over 35 years of age, since it is during this period that the body undergoes restructuring associated with the menopause, so rough external influences can cause the appearance of cysts, as well as neoplasms.
  • In the case of mastopathy, the use of this type of massage is not recommended, since in this case it is impossible to predict the effect of this procedure.
  • For pregnant and lactating women, the use of vacuum massage is prohibited, since the benefits of its use are significantly lower than the risk of developing undesirable consequences.
  • In persons with diseases of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, vacuum massage can be used only after stabilization of the condition and with the permission of the attending physician.
  • The use of vacuum massage cannot radically stop the aging process and does not improve tissue regeneration; it should not be used for scar changes and injuries, and it does not restore lost elasticity to the skin.
  • In persons with enlarged lymph nodes or lymphostasis, the use of this method is prohibited, as this can aggravate the condition and lead to serious problems with the immune system.

Question to the expert

Is it possible to do a vacuum massage while breastfeeding?

When breastfeeding, vacuum massage should not be performed. This can trigger the development of mastitis.

Methods of performing breast augmentation surgery

The implant can be placed:

  • under the gland;
  • under the muscle.

Installing implants under the gland shortens the rehabilitation period. Recovery is less painful. But this method is fraught with complications later. For example, sagging breasts may be more noticeable. Constrictive fibrosis, if present, may be more pronounced. For girls who have not given birth but plan to have children, implants are placed only under the muscle.

Possible accesses:

  • submammary (incision under the breast);
  • periareolar (incision around the nipple-areolar complex);
  • axillary (incision on the side in the armpit area).

Submammary access

– the most preferable method from the point of view of controlled recovery. It is used for breast surgery if the patient subsequently plans to give birth and breastfeed the baby. Even very large implants can be easily installed through this access. Postoperative scars will be hidden in the folds under the breasts.

Periareolar access

good when breast lift and augmentation are performed simultaneously. This type of access allows you to change the shape of the nipple-areolar complex. If the areola is small, it will not be possible to install a large implant. Scars with the periareolar approach will follow the contour of the areola. Over time, they will become almost invisible to the naked eye. This type of access is not recommended for nulliparous girls, as the milk ducts may be damaged during the operation.

Axillary access

good for installing small implants. But it is impossible to install anatomical implants like this, only round ones. The scars in this case will be located in the armpit area.

Photos before and after breast augmentation with implants are at the bottom of the page.

Vacuum breast augmentation: benefit or harm?

It is possible to make your bust more voluminous with the help of vacuum devices - this is a proven fact. On the Internet you can find photos before and after the procedures and notice a big difference - some women manage to achieve breast enlargement by 1 size or more.

Advantages of vacuum augmentation:

  • no surgical intervention required;
  • no anesthesia;
  • comparative painlessness of the procedure;
  • lack of rehabilitation period;
  • small investment of time.

However, this technique also has serious disadvantages, which have not been scientifically proven, since scientific studies have not yet been conducted on a detailed study of vacuum breast augmentation. However, you need to know them, if only because they are used as a marketing ploy, which, in essence, is a deception of consumers.

Truths and lies about vacuum enlargers:

  • Vacuum devices stimulate the nipple area, which promotes the production of estrogen and, accordingly, bust enlargement. This statement is a lie. The breasts are enlarged solely due to swelling obtained artificially; no hormones are produced.
  • The Brava system stimulates tissue growth by stretching it, says Dr. Khoury, who invented it. The statement cannot be called a lie, since there is some truth in it, but to achieve the stated effect, you need to wear a vacuum bra for at least 600 hours.
  • Strengthening the chest muscles with vacuum massage is another PR trick that consumers fall for. No strengthening is possible, because the muscles are located under the skin and a layer of fat, therefore it is impossible to influence them using a vacuum.
  • Vacuum augmentation helps improve blood circulation, which stimulates cell regeneration and rejuvenation - complete nonsense, in which there is not even a grain of truth. Blood circulation is not stimulated, but is disrupted, and quite seriously, an increase in blood flow can cause the appearance of microthrombi, while the oxygen supply to cells is disrupted, and without it, no rejuvenation and regeneration can occur.
  • One course of using a massager gives a long-lasting effect - this is another lie that advertisers have prepared for a successful marketing campaign. In reality, your breasts become much smaller when you stop using vacuum devices in the first 1-2 days. Then it gradually “subsides” over the course of a month.

Types of breast enlargement implants

For breast enlargement, silicone implants of various volumes (1 size is equal to 120 ml) and shapes are used: round or teardrop-shaped (anatomical).

  • The mammoplasty operation with the installation of round implants forms voluminous, raised breasts with regular rounded contours. In nature, this shape of the mammary glands (“apple”) is quite rare, so after breast augmentation, the breast may look less natural than with the installation of anatomical implants. But this type of implant is suitable for correcting mild ptosis of the mammary glands without additional lifting.
  • Teardrop-shaped implants reproduce the most common shape of the mammary glands: they resemble a cone in appearance. With them, the breast acquires a fuller lower pole with a smooth descent to it, characteristic of a natural bust. Sometimes only the use of implants of different volumes allows the existing asymmetry to be corrected.

In various cases, your surgeon may recommend implants with a smooth or textured surface.

  • Smooth round models are suitable for installation through the axillary (transaxillary) approach.
  • Anatomically shaped models with a textured surface are often chosen for breast augmentation through an access under the mammary gland (submammary), which allows you to achieve a beautiful natural result.

Indications for breast augmentation

  • unsatisfactory breast size;
  • breast asymmetry;
  • ptosis caused by breastfeeding/sudden weight loss;
  • excess adipose tissue;
  • excess glandular tissue;
  • unsatisfactory nipple shape.

Plastic surgery using implants is indicated for reconstructive breast correction - after removal of tumors or a complete mastectomy. Thus, the operation is not only aesthetic in nature. It can also be performed for medical reasons.

Contraindications for mammoplasty of the mammary glands

  • early age (up to 18);
  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • liver diseases;
  • cardiovascular and endocrine diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • oncology;
  • respiratory system diseases;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • psychical deviations.

If the results of preoperative tests are unsatisfactory, the operation is postponed to a later time or cancelled.

Two weeks before surgery, you need to stop taking blood thinners and hormonal medications.

How is the breast augmentation procedure performed?

  1. The patient talks with the surgeon. Preoperative markings are applied. This is followed by a conversation with the anesthesiologist.
  2. The operation itself takes place under general anesthesia and lasts from 1.5 to 3 hours. The doctor makes small incisions under the breast / in the armpits / in the area around the nipple. Through an incision, the implant is placed under the gland or muscle. The position of the implant is discussed in advance during the consultation.
  3. Then drains are installed and sutures are applied.
  4. After recovery from anesthesia, the patient remains in the hospital for 24 hours after the operation. The Medial Clinic provides patients with 24-hour monitoring.

Massage for breast enlargement

You will need massage oil, which you need to apply to your hands, rub between your palms and gently rub into the skin of your chest in a circular motion.

To massage, take both breasts in your hands, so that the center of your palms and nipples coincide. Massage your chest by slowly rotating your palms towards each other in the direction from the shoulder to the center of the body. After performing the rotations, inhale deeply, and then as you exhale, press on your chest as if you were pressing it closer to you. Pay attention to your breathing.

This breast massage can be performed for 5 minutes, alternating circular movements and pressure. This exercise strengthens muscles and stimulates blood circulation.

The area above the chest should be massaged most intensively, since this is where the muscles that support the chest are located. The direction of rotation in this area should be from the shoulders to the center, and in the area under the chest - from the sternum to the armpits. You can perform the procedure for up to 5 minutes, then wait until the oil is absorbed and put on a comfortable bra.

What examinations need to be completed before the test procedure?

If your doctor is planning cosmetic correction under local anesthesia, you will need to undergo several basic tests before the procedure:

  • General clinical blood test (complete + platelets)
  • Coagulogram (blood clotting time, bleeding time, INR, prothrombin index, fibrinogen, APTT)
  • Biochemical blood test: ALT, AST, bilirubin, cholesterol, urea, creatinine
  • Blood sugar (glucose) test
  • Tests for hepatitis B, hepatitis C, HIV, syphilis

Rehabilitation period

After the operation, you remain in the hospital under the supervision of medical staff until the next morning. Sometimes you need to stay in the clinic for two days. Then you go home. In the first days, swelling, soreness, a slight increase in body temperature, and a feeling of “tension” are the norm. Swelling and pain usually go away within 10-14 days after surgery. After 2 weeks, the surgeon removes the stitches. Until this time, you must take medications prescribed by your doctor. In the first days after plastic surgery, you need to take antibiotics, which means alcoholic drinks are prohibited. Pain medication recommended by your surgeon will reduce pain after surgery.

After plastic surgery, it is necessary to eliminate the risk of allergic reactions. Therefore, it is not recommended to consume foods that cause allergies. The doctor will provide a list of them during the consultation. Allergies are dangerous due to increased swelling and, as a result, pain.

What should you not do during the recovery period?

  • overexert yourself physically and emotionally;
  • go to the sauna, swimming pool, gym;
  • sunbathing;
  • sleep on your side;
  • raise your hands up;
  • touch and rub the bust.

You need to wear compression garments for a month. For the next two months, it is better to wear non-wired sports bras. 3 months after mammoplasty, you can update your linen wardrobe.

The doctor will prescribe an examination plan for you. It is important to follow it to avoid side effects.

Possible complications

If the doctor’s recommendations are not followed, the implant may shift and inflammatory processes may develop. For a controlled result, we leave drainage in place. This reduces the risks of postoperative complications.

In a later period, there is a risk of the formation of constrictive fibrosis - the formation of a dense capsule around the implant. Implant manufacturers indicate the possible percentage risk of capsular contracture. We work with implants with the least risk of connective tissue growth around them.

Sometimes the mammary glands do not completely cover the contours of the implant due to their small size. In this case, lipofilling can be performed to disguise the implant and give the breast a natural appearance.

Due to injury, the implant may rupture. If there is a rupture, an operation is performed to remove it and replace it with a new one.

When should you contact a surgeon?

  • the breast becomes hard to the touch;
  • the color of the skin in the implant area changes;
  • a vascular network appears;
  • the breast is deformed;
  • pain occurs.

Patients often come to us after operations in other clinics with complaints of capsular contracture. Then repeated mammoplasty is performed with replacement of the implant and removal of fibrous tissue.

Constrictive fibrosis occurs more often when the implant is positioned under the gland. If it is under the muscle, small signs of fibrosis may not be noticeable and harmless.

If you want to find a place in Moscow where they do inexpensive breast augmentation, think several times about the fact that we are talking about your health - physical and mental. Take your time and make an informed decision.

How to do breast massage correctly

In order to increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you should follow the correct technique and follow several important tips.

Recommendations for massage:

  • Mandatory application of oil or cream on hands,

The skin in this area is very delicate and sensitive, so you should always use emollients and moisturizers. Application to the body is not recommended. First, rub the cream over your palms so that they become warm, and only after that begin massaging. This will make the process more comfortable and enjoyable.

  • You should start the movement from the nipples, and then smoothly move to the outside,
  • Movements should be soft, without pressing hard,
  • Use only fingertips for rubbing.
  • While massaging the bust with one hand, the other needs to support it in the shape of a bowl,
  • Perform movements in the direction of the massage lines,
  • Gently massage the areola so as not to irritate the delicate skin.

The use of natural oils for massaging is necessary not only for a comfortable process, it can significantly affect the health and elasticity of this delicate part of the body. Enriched with vitamins and microelements, they saturate the skin with nutrients, transforming its beauty.

Useful oils for massage:

  • Olive oil is excellent for hair, body and skin. It contains vitamins and Omega fatty acids,
  • Almond oil has magical properties for increasing bust size. Almonds are filled with minerals and vitamins. It increases the growth of new cells with regular use,
  • Coconut oil has a positive effect on the normalization of hormonal levels. Coconut is a good moisturizer. It is effective for stretch marks caused by pregnancy or weight gain,
  • Fenugreek oil is another effective remedy for increasing bust size. The oil expands the pores on the skin and increases blood flow,
  • Clove oil works best when mixed with ginger extracts, which has anti-inflammatory properties and is useful for treating swelling, redness,
  • Primrose oil not only increases bust size, it effectively treats other problems of the female body. If the skin is too thin, then you should use it mixed with other oils, such as olive or almond. Primrose oil perfectly tightens sagging skin,
  • Soybean oil has the ability to increase estrogen levels in the breasts,
  • Jojoba oil is the most widely used as this plant is filled with vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin D, vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids. Jojoba will not clog pores because its composition is similar to sebum. Avocado oil is best for soothing and moisturizing delicate skin.

Massage for breast enlargement

Massage for breast enlargement is the best way to give them a natural beautiful shape and restore their elasticity. Taking a bath or shower is a great time for a session.

4 amazing massage techniques for bust enlargement:

Japanese Reiki technique

  • Take a comfortable position so that you can move freely without feeling stiff,
  • Place your palms on each breast,
  • In a circular motion, begin to rub the bust inward. This means that you should rub them together so that the right hand moves clockwise and the left hand counterclockwise.
  • Press on the glands, fixing them, to cause a rush of blood,
  • In this position, continue circular movements with only your palm, without using your hand,
  • Perform for 5-7 minutes, observing daily regularity.

According to the Feng Shui system

  • Make light circular movements on each breast,
  • Alternately pat the bust,
  • With both hands, pinch the glands from the outside to the inside,
  • Take the breast in the palm of one hand and perform upward stroking movements with the other,
  • Squeeze each gland tightly for a few seconds.

Stroking technique

  • Fix the bust in one hand and lightly hit it with the other,
  • Perform stroking movements from the nipple upward,
  • Then change the movements in the direction from the nipple to the outside.

Breast augmentation price

The price for breast augmentation in Moscow varies from clinic to clinic. It is formed from a number of factors:

  1. surgeon's competence
  2. plastic method
  3. cost of implants
  4. volume of consumables
  5. duration of anesthesia
  6. length of hospital stay

We regularly hold promotions and discounts on breast augmentation. Follow the clinic's news on Instagram and on the website. How much does breast augmentation cost with our specialists? Below is the approximate cost of surgical procedures.

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