Methods for lifting the upper eyelid at home

Representatives of the fair sex are beginning to think about how to tighten the upper eyelid at home. There can be many reasons for sagging eyelid skin. These are bad genetics, bad habits, and not very high-quality nutrition. Experts note that a similar phenomenon occurs in women after 40 years of age.

  • Effective ways to lift the upper eyelid at home
  • Gymnastics for the skin
  • When is surgery necessary?
  • Makeup for drooping eye corners

There are many ways to restore elasticity, radiance and youth to your skin. The most effective products are used by specialists in beauty salons, and eyelid lifts are not always very expensive. When the problem is barely noticeable, women try to use cosmetics at home. This can give excellent results. But creams can be supplemented with folk remedies and special gymnastics, which together allows you to restore youth much faster and maintain the effect for a long period.

What is drooping eyelid?

A drooping eyelid and a non-drooping eyelid (the comparison is made depending on the overlap with the skin of the eyes) are a structural feature of the organs of vision, expressed as drooping of the upper eyelid. In the presence of ptosis, the skin frames the eye in the form of a hood. Pathology occurs due to the genetic structure of the body or due to injuries and age-related changes.

Cosmetologists distinguish:

  • unilateral and bilateral prolapse occurring in one or both eyes;
  • complete and incomplete sagging, varying depending on the degree of overlap of the iris.

Age-related changes can be observed not only in the skin or body, but also in the eyes.
The causes of the pathology are related to:

  • with DNA predisposition;
  • with Gunn syndrome;
  • with underdevelopment of the muscles that control the raising of the eyelid;
  • with congenital blepharophimosis.

In the case of an anatomical pathology that disrupts normal visual perception, surgical intervention is used.

After 45 years of age, sagging eyelids occur due to:

  • constant lack of sleep;
  • aging of skin tissue;
  • use of low-quality cosmetics;
  • improper care of sensitive skin around the eyes;
  • allergies;
  • development of tumors of various etymologies;
  • fluid retention in the body.

Types of eyelid ptosis
Sudden onset of eyelid ptosis can be corrected with:

  • medicines;
  • sculptural or lymphatic drainage massage;
  • set of exercises;
  • salon procedures;
  • decorative cosmetics.

In the absence of a positive effect from alternative treatment and in the genetic nature of the pathology, upper eyelid blepharoplasty is indicated.

Gymnastics for the skin

When a young woman wonders how to tighten her upper eyelids at home without using creams, experts recommend special exercises. Gymnastics complements the effect of cosmetic preparations, including natural ones, and strengthens the muscular core of the face, and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin above and under the eyes. If you do a set of exercises every day, you can achieve excellent results even without creams and masks. Moreover, the result can be very long lasting.

Exercises that tighten the eyelids and skin around the eyes are quite simple and do not take much time. But it should be borne in mind that such actions must be performed every day. Only in this case can you achieve a truly good result.

The first exercise is done in a sitting position. You need to relax and close your eyes. Without raising your eyelids, you should move your eyes up and down. This procedure is carried out quickly. After each approach, which consists of 10 eye movements in one direction, you need to relax for a while and cover your closed eyes with your palms. It is advisable to warm your hands to increase blood flow.

The next exercise must be performed with your eyes closed. In this case, you also need to move your gaze from side to side, but clockwise, lingering at 3, 6, 9 and 12 o’clock. After a couple of circles, you can rest without opening your eyes, and then perform a similar exercise in the other direction.

Next, you need to tilt your head up and open your mouth. After this, you should start blinking very often. This exercise lasts 30 seconds, after which you can return to the starting position.

Another effective exercise allows you to not only solve the problem of how to tighten the skin of your eyelids at home, but also improve your vision. To do this, you need to close your eyes tightly, and then open them sharply, peering into the distance. This needs to be repeated ten times. An important condition for obtaining a high-quality result when performing such an action is that the forehead and eyebrows must be motionless.

Gymnastics, which allows you to rejuvenate and give elasticity to the skin of the upper eyelid, does not take much time. But if you devote at least 10 minutes a day to such a procedure, you will be able to see the result within a month. If the exercises are combined with the use of creams and various homemade masks, the effect will be noticeable much faster.

After gymnastics, you can additionally use a massage. But this procedure must be performed extremely carefully. If you pull the skin too hard, it will eventually lose elasticity and become stretched, so the result will be negative. When performing a massage of the upper eyelid, it is necessary to make very gentle and careful movements. For greater convenience, you should use oil with a restorative effect or nourishing cream.

How to properly apply makeup to eyes with drooping eyelids: advice from experts

Drooping and non-drooping eyelids (comparison of the anatomical structure is necessary for subsequent correction) require the use of different makeup techniques.

According to cosmetologists, ptosis is not a serious defect and is easily masked with decorative cosmetics.

Features of makeup for looming eyelids:

  • When camouflaging a looming eyelid, you need to pay special attention to the eyebrows. The brow ridges should have a not very thick, raised shape (house), which helps to “open up” the gaze. During make-up, pearl and white shadows must be applied under the lower eyelid.
  • All cosmetics are applied only after applying a beige base without glitter. The foundation helps prevent the decor from falling off.
  • Makeup is carried out only with open eyes.
  • The basis of eye makeup is careful shading.
  • Avoid using bright eyeshadow colors. The ideal option is matte dark and pastel shades.
  • The lightest eyeshadow color is applied to the inner corner of the eye. The outer corner is decorated with a brighter color scheme. The middle of the moving eyelid is painted over with a dark line of pencil or eye shadow, carefully blended with a brush.

Eye makeup for drooping eyelids

  • For makeup, only pencil and dry shadows are used. Liquid eyeliner does not blend well and makes the look heavier.
  • Small, clear arrows drawn at the corners of the eye will create the effect of an open gaze. Thick, very dark, with downturned ends - they give the face a dull expression.
  • Before applying mascara, it is advisable to curl your eyelashes (you can use mascara with a curling effect). It is allowed to use only products that lengthen and clearly separate the hairs. Creating additional volume is not recommended.

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What is ptosis of the upper eyelid

A drooping eyelid is called blepharoptosis. In this condition, the process of drooping of the upper eyelid from 2 mm is diagnosed, if we take as a basis the relation to the edge of the so-called iris.

Blepharoptosis is considered not only a cosmetic problem. It may indicate various pathologies. Occurring in childhood, drooping eyelids contribute to deterioration of visual acuity. That is why it is necessary to get rid of the defect in a timely manner.

Drooping of the upper eyelid, the photo of which is presented below, is considered a common phenomenon. Drooping eyelids don't only appear with age. Ptosis may result from certain anatomical features. Since drooping eyelids create a certain cosmetic defect, many women want to know how to get rid of the problem.

The following signs of blepharoptosis are distinguished:

  • sleepy expression on the face;
  • formation of forehead wrinkles;
  • raising the eyebrows to compensate for ptosis;
  • rapid onset of visual fatigue;
  • excessive tearing;
  • double vision and decreased visual acuity of the eyes.

The woman begins to make an effort to close her eyes. Sometimes the astrologer pose is observed, which involves throwing back the head in order to normalize vision.

Makeup mistakes for drooping eyelids

The main makeup mistakes made by women with an impending eyelid defect include:

  • Applying glitter eyeshadow. Glitter is not recommended for age-related makeup, as it draws attention to imperfections in the structure of the face and skin and makes it look dull.
  • Drawing arrows that emphasize the natural shape of the eyes. For drooping eyelids, the ideal option is a line drawn from the middle of the eye with a short corner turned up. A long arrow will visually narrow the eyes, and the tip pointing down will give a sad expression.

With drooping eyelids, it is important to correctly draw arrows on the eyes

  • Using liquid eyeliner. You need to highlight your makeup with a dark colored pencil. Eyeliner creates a thin, poorly shaded line that makes the eyes appear smaller.
  • Incorrectly shaped very thick or thin eyebrows. For women suffering from eyelid ptosis, only medium-thick brow ridges, designed in the classic “house” shape, are suitable. Wide eyebrows create a menacing look, thin eyebrows give an angry expression.
  • Applying bright eyeshadow colors. Makeup is done only with matte shades. The inner part of the eye is decorated in a beige tone, the middle and outer part - in dark, muted shades. Bright colors highlight skin imperfections.
  • Ignoring eyelash curling. To disguise the looming eyelid, lengthening mascara with a curling effect is used. Volume eyelashes will create a doll-like look and highlight the hood above the eye.
  • Applying mascara without shadows. Using only mascara will enlarge your eyes, but will not hide imperfections. Dark matte shadows together with a pencil will visually hide the defect.

Concealing makeup

When applying makeup yourself, methods are used to help hide the drooping eyelid and mask the swelling:

  • when using shadows, make the outer corners of the eyes darker than the inner ones;
  • to reduce the effect of an overhanging eyelid, emphasize the eyebrows by applying a highlighter under them;
  • when tinting eyelashes, do not use mascara from below;
  • eliminate bold arrows that weigh down the image;
  • prefer matte shadows, avoiding glossy shades.

Glue for eyelashes

For those who want to get short-term but instant results, glue for false eyelashes is suitable. The method is unpleasant, but it allows you to visually lose 20 years and look amazing during a photo shoot or festive event.

The essence of the method is as follows: excess skin of the upper eyelid is carefully tucked into a hidden fold using a pin and glued with eyelash glue. This method provides only apparent rejuvenation. It does not improve the condition of the skin - rather the opposite. But within a few hours the eyelid will be securely fixed.

Everyday eye makeup with hooded eyelids

Drooping eyelids can be easily corrected using decorative cosmetics. Comparing the technology of eye makeup for a non-drawing eyelid and the corrective makeup needed for women with ptosis, cosmetologists note the need for the latter to use medium-density matte shadows instead of glitter and a bright palette.

Everyday eye makeup with hooded eyelids

Technology for applying camouflage makeup:

  1. The skin of the eyelids and the area under the eyes is covered with a beige foundation and highlighter. Dark circles are disguised with a green corrector.
  2. Light beige shadows are applied to the entire surface of the moving eyelid.
  3. The dark tone is placed in the form of a strip in the middle of the eyelid and in the outer corner of the eye (with 3-color makeup, the middle of the moving eyelid can be painted over with a medium shade).
  4. All colors are shaded to erase clear boundaries.
  5. Using a pencil, draw a clear line from the middle of the eye with the tip curled upward, and then shade it.
  6. Eyelashes are curled with tweezers and then covered with dark, lengthening mascara with a curling effect.
  7. The brow ridges are shaped in the shape of a “house” using a pencil or shadows. A light highlighter or pearlescent (white) shadows are placed under the eyebrow.

The right shades

For women with aging eyelid ptosis, it is recommended:

  • Use matte shadows with a satin effect.
  • Do not use glitter in your makeup as it makes your eyelids appear larger. An everyday look is created by 2 close shades of the same color (light and darker).
  • Avoid strongly emphasizing the lower eyelid.
  • Apply medium-intensity shadows that correct the shape and hide skin imperfections.

The color scheme of cosmetics is selected depending on the color of the eyes.

Eye colorMatching Makeup ShadesColors Not Recommended
  • turquoise;
  • aquamarine;
  • peach;
  • beige;
  • smoky pink
Hot pink and black
BrownAny shade is suitable
  • lilac;
  • amethyst;
  • pink;
  • ocher;
  • beige
  • peach;
  • blue
  • sapphire
  • indigo;
  • ocher;
  • light gold

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Depending on the shape and color of the eyebrows, you can change the oval of the face and its expression. The best way to get your eyebrows done is in a salon. The specialist will give the correct look, suitable for a particular person, by removing excess vegetation. In the future, you need to independently maintain the created shape by removing regrown hairs.

For a face with drooping eyelids, only medium-wide brow ridges made in the shape of a house are suitable. Eyebrow makeup can be done as a tattoo (using henna, paint) or with a pencil and shadows. Dark colors should be avoided, focusing on maximum naturalness.

The most successful colors:

  • all shades of brown;
  • graphite;
  • black (for bright brunettes).

For drooping eyelids, only medium-wide brow ridges made in the shape of a house are suitable.
Eyebrow creation technology:

  1. Drawing the contour of the brow ridge with a pencil.
  2. Shading the middle with shadows or a lighter pencil.
  3. The end of the eyebrow is shaped in a dark tone, leaving the base pale to create a natural look.

Upper eyelid

Shadows and arrows are applied to the upper eyelid to visually correct anatomical defects and create an open look with wide eyes.

Makeup is done with 2-3 shades of the same color scheme:

  • The skin is cleansed with micellar water or foam.
  • The foundation is applied to the upper eyelid to prevent makeup from falling off.
  • The lightest color (beige) is used to draw the entire surface of the moving eyelid.
  • A dark shade is applied to the connecting fold of the moving eyelid and to the outer corner. The boundaries are blurred.
  • An arrow is drawn from the middle of the eye along the eyelash growth line, curving upward at the outer corner, and the line is shaded.
  • A white (pearl) shade of shadow is placed under the eyebrow.

Lower eyelid

The lower eyelid should not be strongly emphasized. An arrow is created with a brown pencil from the middle of the eyelid to the upper corner along the lash line. Dark colors should be avoided in makeup. It is best to use brown and graphite shades. Dark circles under the eyes are masked with a green corrector applied before applying foundation.


Mascara with a curling effect is ideal for makeup with drooping eyelids.
Eyelid ptosis requires the use of a lengthening mascara with a curling effect.

Cosmetics should have an oval brush that provides clear separation without sticking.

There is no need to add a lot of volume to your eyelashes to avoid a very dark look.

Application technique:

  1. Before applying mascara, eyelashes must be curled with tweezers.
  2. Cosmetics are applied to clean, lightly powdered hair to create natural volume.
  3. After applying the 1st layer, you must wait 2-3 minutes. (before fixing the cosmetics) and apply eyelashes a second time.

For drooping eyelids, black and dark brown mascara is used for everyday makeup.

Find out how to make eyebrows perfect: Popular brands of henna for eyebrows, how to choose, how to apply.

How to tighten sagging eyelids using folk methods?

Drooping of the upper eyelid is a cosmetic defect that can be eliminated in various ways. If you don’t trust plastic surgeons and don’t want to spend money on expensive procedures in a beauty salon, try “grandmother’s recipes.”

  • Take fresh parsley, fill a glass with it and crush thoroughly, add water. Pour the broth into a saucepan and boil. Cool the finished liquid, distribute it into ice trays and put it in the freezer. Every morning, wipe your face and eyelids with “healing” cubes;
  • Parsley can also be used to prepare a compress for the eyes; soak cotton pads in the broth and apply to the eyelids for twenty minutes;
  • Pour boiling water over a spoonful of dried sage and let steep for three hours. Strain the solution and divide in half. Put one in the refrigerator, heat the second on the stove. Make contrast compresses, change them every two minutes. It is enough to complete five approaches;
  • Mix one egg with a spoon of olive oil, apply the mixture to the skin and leave for twenty minutes;
  • Squeeze the juice out of the potatoes and sauerkraut, combine them and add flour. The mixture should have the consistency of sour cream. Apply it to the upper eyelid, rinse off after five minutes;
  • Dissolve 4 tbsp in one glass of milk. soda Whisk the mixture thoroughly and refrigerate for about thirty minutes. Soak cotton swabs in milk and apply to your eyes, leave for twenty minutes. At the end of the procedure, perform a contrast wash.

How to remove a sagging eyelid at home, you will learn by watching the video

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When is surgery needed?

A drooping eyelid and a non-drooping eyelid (the comparison is the detection of a hood located above the iris) differ depending on the shape of the eye structure. Ptosis of the eyelids occurs due to genetic predisposition, under the influence of injuries and age-related changes.

You can get rid of the defect for up to 15 years with the help of plastic surgery performed with a laser or surgical instruments. During blepharoplasty, the doctor tightens the skin, removes excess fat and tissue, and increases the size of the eyes.

Hanging eyelid and hated eyelid: comparison

Possible purpose of the operation:

  • for medical reasons (impaired vision, hernia of the eyelids);
  • in the presence of a cosmetic defect (decreased skin tone, appearance of wrinkles).

The operation lasts 40-60 minutes and is performed under general or local anesthesia. If there is a genetic predisposition that interferes with normal visual perception due to complete occlusion of the eye, and to correct the consequences of injuries, blepharoplasty is mandatory.

When is surgery necessary?

If a woman has just begun to show the first signs of skin aging, she should not immediately run to the surgeon in the hope of rejuvenation. As long as the defect is minor, everything can be corrected with cosmetic or home remedies, as well as gymnastics. When the laxity of the upper eyelid becomes more noticeable, which is almost inevitable with age, you can turn to cosmetologists who know many ways to do a lift without surgery.

You should only go to a plastic surgeon in the most extreme situations. An operation that is used to restore the elasticity of the skin and improve the shape of the eyes is called blepharoplasty. This is a full-fledged surgical intervention, so before agreeing to such an action, it is necessary to find out all the pros and cons. If the pros outweigh, you should find a suitable clinic. The surgeon must have sufficient experience to perform facial surgery.

Only with a high-quality procedure can a good result be achieved. Successful blepharoplasty guarantees healthy skin around the eyes, a beautiful cut and a youthful face for at least five years.

But the operation has its disadvantages, including a high risk of complications. Therefore, it is important to take care of your skin when you are young, so that you do not have to resort to surgery later.

How to remove a drooping eyelid surgically

Upper eyelid ptosis can be easily corrected with plastic surgery. During the operation, an incision (or puncture) is made along the natural folds, followed by excision of excess skin and fat. Most often, the procedure is combined with a lift.

Laser blepharoplasty

The most modern method that allows you to remove ptosis of the eyelid skin, bags and wrinkles under the eyes. The operation is performed using laser beams without the use of a scalpel.

Laser blepharoplasty is performed using laser beams

Characterized by:

  • low morbidity;
  • a small number of contraindications;
  • absence of scars and incisions;
  • minimal risk of complications;
  • short rehabilitation period.

For the operation the following is used:

  1. An erbium laser penetrates the dermal layer to a depth of 1 mm, which avoids burns.
  2. A carbon dioxide laser that seals blood vessels to prevent bleeding. Most often used in cosmetology clinics, but can cause thermal damage to the skin.

The procedure takes place on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia and lasts 60 minutes. The effect lasts from 4 to 10 years. For the best anti-aging effect, it is recommended to combine laser blephroplasty with resurfacing.

Classic blepharoplasty

A surgical operation consisting of making incisions in the fold of the eyelid to subsequently remove fatty tissue and excess skin. The correction is carried out under general or local anesthesia. You must stay in the hospital for 24 hours after the procedure, and after discharge, follow a gentle regimen for 7 days.

After surgical blepharoplasty, 2-3 weeks may cause concern:

  • increased tearfulness;
  • double vision;
  • bruises and swelling;
  • high sensitivity to light;
  • numbness of some parts of the body;
  • visibility of scars.

Postoperative sutures are removed on the 3-4th day (self-absorbable threads can be used).

The recovery period after surgery is 15-20 days and consists of:

  • in the use of ice compresses;
  • applying healing ointment;
  • oral antibiotics.

Homemade recipes for moisturizing the skin around the eyes

Compresses, masks and creams prepared independently at home can make the skin around the eyes moisturized, and, therefore, healthier and younger. Their recipes are simple. The main thing is to stock up on the necessary natural products and desire, since caring procedures must be carried out regularly.



  • Half a ripe banana
  • Butter – half a teaspoon

Mash the banana (without peel), add oil, mix and apply. The duration of the mask is 20 minutes.


Take equal pieces of banana and fresh cucumber and grind them in a blender. If the mixture is too liquid, squeeze out the juice. Lubricate the problem area and leave for about half an hour. The mass can be applied directly to closed eyelids by placing it in small gauze bags.


  • Avocado (pulp), low-fat sour cream - in equal proportions (a teaspoon)
  • A few drops of cocoa or coconut butter

Mix and apply on eyelids very carefully so that the product does not get into your eyes. Remove after 15 minutes.


  • Sour cream – 25 g
  • Chopped fresh parsley – 1 spoon

Mix and apply to the problem area for a quarter of an hour.

This product will not only moisturize the skin, but also make it brighter.

"Orange + Lemon"

  • Orange juice – 10 ml
  • Yolk – 1
  • Olive oil – 10 ml
  • Lemon juice – 5 ml

Mix all ingredients and apply for 15 minutes

Lemon juice must be handled with extreme caution as it can cause irritation. If the skin is pale and thin, it is better to exclude this ingredient.


  • Small potatoes (raw or boiled)
  • Sour cream and olive oil - half a teaspoon each

Grind the potatoes using a fine grater, add butter and sour cream to this pulp and mix. Apply the mask to the eye area and leave for a third of an hour.


  • One yolk
  • Honey and milk powder - half a teaspoon each

First mix the milk powder with liquid honey to avoid the formation of lumps, then add the yolk and mix everything. It is necessary to keep it for 20-25 minutes.

This recipe is ideal for those whose skin is prone to irritation.

Powdered milk, if desired, can be replaced with oatmeal, maintaining the same proportions.

"Egg with butter"

Judging by the reviews, this mask is especially effective. And it is very easy to prepare. You only need one quail egg and half a teaspoon of vegetable oil. Separate the yolk and mix with olive oil, flaxseed oil, sunflower oil - whatever you have on hand. Keep for a quarter of an hour.

"Blend of oils"

A mixture of various oils, which are available in abundance in pharmacies, will help increase the level of moisture in the skin around the eyes. For this purpose, it is better to purchase essential oils of fennel, dill, parsley, and juniper. Take 3 drops of each product.

Or take a few drops of sandalwood or neroli essential oils and 10 ml of wheat germ oil.

Apply the oil composition for 1.5-2 hours, then blot the skin with a napkin without pressing or rubbing.


Cut a leaf from the aloe, cut it into fragments 2 cm long and each piece lengthwise into two parts. Place the resulting plates in a plastic bag and put them in the refrigerator. After a week, you can use the product: wipe the skin around the eyes with a piece of aloe.

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You can speed up the preparation of the mask. Squeeze the juice from a fresh leaf (a teaspoon) and mix it with the same amount of vegetable oil.

Masks "Mono product"

To combat dry eyelid skin, you can use individual products without adding other components. Raw potatoes, fresh cucumber, strawberries, apples, and bananas will do this perfectly. Cut a separate fruit or vegetable into thin slices, lie down so that your head is in a horizontal position, and apply “delicious” pieces to your eyes for a period of 10 to 30 minutes.

You can also use freshly squeezed juice from these plant products to rub into the skin. This option can be called an “express remedy”, since it is very simple to prepare, but works surprisingly effectively.


Pour one spoonful of crushed medicinal herbs (dried or fresh) into 100 g of hot water and let it brew for about 30 minutes. Strain the broth and divide into two parts, warm one slightly, and cool the second, on the contrary. Soak cotton pads or napkins alternately in cold and warm liquid and apply to eyes for a few minutes.

Herbs suitable for a compress are: sage, chamomile, coltsfoot.

Compresses can be made using regular tea bags. To do this, you need to put several moistened tea bags (can be used for brewing) in the freezer in advance. Apply warm and cold bags alternately.

Such products are effective before bed; it will moisturize the skin and relieve tension and fatigue from the eyes.


  • Pork lard (rendered, unsalted) – 1 spoon
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons (preferably olive)
  • Essential oil (apricot, peach) – a few drops

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and place the resulting mass in a jar with a tight lid, or in an empty container from any cream. Apply the mixture to the problem area twice a week in the evenings and do not wash off until the morning.

Keep the product in the refrigerator, but no more than a month.


The first results of the operation will become noticeable on the 17th day. The eyes will return to normal after 1/5 months after the procedure.

The changes will affect:

  • Look, making it clear and open.
  • Age-related changes. The operation will remove excess skin, and the tightening will correct the wrinkles that have appeared.
  • Eye shapes. By raising the eyelid, the cut will change, the shape and expressiveness will increase.

After the operation, you must adhere to a special regime for 14 days:

  • get more rest (preferably lying in bed);
  • refuse physical activity;
  • do not overload your eyes with reading, watching TV shows, or browsing the Internet;
  • do not consume fatty foods, alcohol, and cigarettes;
  • do not wear glasses or contact lenses;
  • do not take blood thinning medications (in particular, Aspirin);
  • do not wear makeup.

After surgery to correct an overhanging eyelid, it is forbidden to strain your eyes by watching TV, computer, etc.
For a more pronounced rejuvenating and aesthetic effect, it is recommended to combine blepharoplasty:

  • with aesthetic facelift;
  • with correction of the shape of the brow ridges;
  • with injection correction of wrinkles with fillers;
  • with laser facial resurfacing;
  • with rhinoplasty.

The duration of the postoperative effect is from 4 to 10 years. After 15 years, plastic surgery can be repeated.

An anatomical feature such as a drooping eyelid is a tissue defect that gives the look a tired and sad look (compared to photographs of women who do not have drooping eyelids). With the help of decorative cosmetics and plastic surgery, tissue ptosis can be corrected, giving openness and creating the effect of wide eyes.

Article design: Natalie Podolskaya

Treatment of ptosis

Treatment begins after the precise cause of the prolapse has been established. Ophthalmologists advise using prevention methods in early, barely noticeable stages. If the activity of the muscles or facial nerves is impaired after an injury, interventions are indicated after 12 months.

During this time, damaged nerves can recover on their own with simple preventive measures. Conservative treatment is combined with home medicine methods. Surgical interventions are possible if there are serious indications.


Blepharoplasty, which is performed to correct ptosis, is indicated for active visual impairment.

There are 3 popular methods according to which intervention is carried out:

  • Eversbusch–Blashkowicz . The result of the operation is to shorten the muscle responsible for raising the eyelid if it is stretched or weakened.
  • Mote . A complex technique that involves correcting the tendon structure.
  • Hesse . Manipulations to form connective tissue cords.

Hardware treatment

Hardware treatment is indicated for blood flow disturbances to normalize lymphatic drainage:

  • UHF. To improve the activity of the lymphatic drainage system. High-frequency current improves blood circulation and eliminates inflammatory processes.

  • Paraffin therapy. Warming with paraffin to improve blood flow and have a restorative effect on the nerves of the facial muscles.
  • Galvanization. To restore muscle activity and stimulate nerve activity.


Injection-type drug treatment is carried out using Botox. This technique may cause the development of some complications. It is used to stimulate the functioning of nerves or muscles, accompanied by hardware treatment and massage.

The purpose of Botox injection is to relax the muscle responsible for eyelid movement. The complexity of the manipulation is the exact calculation of the amount of the administered drug. It depends on the specific situation, the degree of damage, and the age of the patient.


Therapeutic local massage and facial exercises can correct some stage 1 phenomena if carried out regularly.


  • Massage. The purpose of massage is to stimulate blood flow and restore muscle activity. To do this, use regular self-massage with your fingers or vacuum massage as indicated by an ophthalmologist.
  • Gymnastics. The exercises are repeated daily, morning and evening. They turn the eyeballs in different directions, as well as draw numbers from 1 to 9 with the eyeballs. Gymnastics are recommended at all stages of treatment, as well as during the rehabilitation period.

Folk remedies

Traditional techniques can be accompanying methods of complex treatment. The goal of the methods is to strengthen the muscles of the upper eyelid.

Compresses or lotions

Use warm compresses from decoctions of chamomile, parsley, and tea. They are applied to the eyelid area for 10-15 minutes. every morning and evening.

Complex compresses are effective:

  • Chamomile infusions . Lotions with warm infusion are made twice daily. Small cloth bandages soaked in a steep infusion of chamomile flowers are applied to both eyes. The lotion has a calming, relaxing effect, and at the same time acts as an antiseptic, thanks to the unique properties of chamomile.
  • Parsley decoctions . A bandage made from a decoction of parsley roots is applied to the eyelid areas in the evening and left until partially dry. This technique stimulates tissue healing and has a relaxing effect.


The purpose of the procedures is to create a lifting effect with a targeted effect on the muscles responsible for raising the eyelid.

Effective masks:

  • From raw grated potatoes. Grate the potatoes and squeeze out the liquid. The mass is wrapped in thin cloth, applied to the eyelid area, evenly distributed over the entire surface. Repeat daily, morning and evening. This technique acts on the tissue, eliminating excess fluid, improving the functioning of the lymphatic drainage system.

  • From a chicken egg . Beat a small egg with 1 tbsp. l. sesame oil, apply in the evening, leave for 20 minutes, then wash off. This mask affects the activity of the nerve endings involved in the movement of the eyelids. The components of the composition help increase blood flow and stimulate nerve endings.

Other techniques

Outpatient treatment involves taking special vitamin complexes that help build up nerve tissue, increase visual acuity, and activate the activity of the muscular system. These are products with a high content of B vitamins. Also effective are neuroprotectors, which are responsible for regenerative processes inside nerve tissues and stimulate their growth.

Simultaneously with these activities, self-massages are carried out, daily lifting and lowering the drooping eyelid, working out the folds using the pinpoint method.

The main goal of independent home treatment is to achieve the activity of muscle tissue and nerve fibers. One of the home options for stimulating blood flow is wiping the eyelids with ice cubes. For freezing, use chamomile infusions and lavender decoctions. Rubbing is carried out daily, moving the cube from the inside of the eyelids to the outside.

Hanging upper eyelids: what remedies exist?

Gravitational ptosis cannot be eliminated by applying any ointment or procedure in just one time. The choice of conservative treatment is always a long-term method of correcting the palpebral fissure. Patients are required to regularly and systematically follow all doctor’s recommendations. Salon procedures can significantly speed up the effect of treatment, but the general course of hardware techniques lasts about six months.

You can hide minor ptosis with special stickers, a special makeup application technique, or choose a haircut that accentuates your attention.

Degrees of ptosis of the upper eyelid

There are several variants of ptosis. In most cases, it is unilateral, meaning one eyelid hangs over the eye. False ptosis is usually bilateral and is associated with excessive volume of skin as well as subcutaneous tissue. It is noteworthy that blepharoptosis can be variable and depend on the psycho-emotional state.

The following degrees of the impending century are called:

  1. Partial. The upper eyelid covers a third of the pupil.
  2. Incomplete. In this situation, most of the pupil is covered by the upper eyelid.
  3. Full. Absolute closure of the pupil is noted.

Important! At stage 3 of ptosis, there is a need to get rid of the defect.

Are drooping eyelids a sign of illness?

A drooping eyelid in most cases is caused by a hereditary factor, a feature of the anatomy, and is also characteristic of some races (for example, Mongoloid). Acquired blepharoptosis becomes a consequence of natural aging of the skin (gravitational drooping of the eyelids) and specific injury to the eyelids.

Pathological sagging of the upper eyelids as a sign of the disease is observed in 95% of clinical cases, while ptosis is observed only on one side. Drooping eyelids can be a consequence of chronic swelling due to pathologies of the kidneys, cardiovascular system, thyroid gland and endocrine system. Symmetrical overhang is usually explained by a genetic factor.

Note! Visually, a person with drooping eyelids looks tired, sad, and sickly, which is why for many people, sagging, which is unusual for their nationality, is associated with illness.

Causes of drooping eyelids

Given the variety of causes, it is worth highlighting a number of key factors in the development of blepharoptosis:

  • myopathies of any origin;
  • Marcus Gunn syndrome, in which the upper eyelid lifts when the jaw moves;
  • pathological development of the oculomotor nerve, inflammation of the trigeminal nerve;
  • severe swelling as a result of chronic diseases of internal organs and systems;
  • intrauterine malformations of the fetus;
  • obesity;
  • natural aging.

Contributing factors to acquired sagging are regular visits to the solarium, excess cosmetic procedures or aesthetic surgery techniques, thick makeup, poor facial hygiene before bedtime, improper selection of care products, alcohol abuse, weight instability, increased eye strain (working at a computer), constant eye irritation (chronic conjunctivitis, irritation with toxic fumes, fine dust).

With minor sagging, you can get by with cosmetic procedures, physiotherapy, and folk remedies, but this path is long and requires systematic and regular care. Radical treatment methods are the only way to quickly solve the problem of blepharoptosis and make your eyes expressive.


As practice shows, there are no magic remedies that instantly and permanently eliminate a cosmetic defect. However, there are a number of ointments and creams that help tidy up the problem area after a course of use. Relief ointment is used as an emergency aid when a problem occurs.

It contains mineral, vegetable and animal oils, which are successfully used in the manufacture of expensive anti-aging cosmetics. The ointment has a powerful effect on the skin, toning it and smoothing out wrinkles. The active component of the drug - shark oil - activates the synthesis of hyaluronic acid and quickly returns the skin of the eyelid to a toned appearance.

The drug is used as an adjuvant in limited doses - no more than 1 time per week.

A good remedy for preventing drooping eyelids is “Heparin” ointment. The drug improves blood flow, removes swelling and darkening of the skin. The ointment is applied with your fingertips, not too close to the mucous membrane of the eye, 1 time per day. The current drug to solve the problem is “Ointment with Zinc”, which helps restore tone to the facial muscles.

Apply a thin layer of it before bed to clean skin. Those with sensitive skin types are advised to mix the drug with a nourishing night cream. Most cosmetologists recommend Blefapogel of the first modification (there are 2 types) with a moisturizing effect for the prevention and treatment of eyelid diseases.

The gel effectively eliminates swelling, bags and puffiness.

The drug is applied to cleansed eyelid skin and eyelashes. For better absorption of the composition into the skin and stimulation of local blood flow, the application procedure is accompanied by a light massage. For effective treatment, the drug is used 2 times a day for one month. For preventive purposes, one application during the day is sufficient.

The following are recommended as basic care products for the problem area:

  • day cream with a toning, firming effect “Parsley” from the “Miracle Basket” cosmetic series;
  • moisturizing cream “Energy Charge” from the Avon series;
  • tightening cream from the Black Pearl cosmetic line.

Instructions for using creams are printed on the packaging and on a special insert. When purchasing a cosmetic product, you should always pay attention to the expiration date. The active components are active for no more than 1 year of storage.

How to eliminate morning puffiness under the eyes

Swollen eyes upon waking up are not a disaster that you should be upset about in the morning. Restoring a clear, open look in an emergency is not difficult using simple means. First of all: morning exercises, contrast shower, washing with cool water.

You can remove a drooping eyelid after activating all body systems using one of the available methods:

  • Cool the spoons in the freezer and hold them in front of your eyes until the metal warms up to room temperature. You can massage your eyelids with cold spoons or ice cubes;
  • put chilled tea bags on your eyes and hold for 15 minutes;
  • make a potato compress or protein mask;
  • Strawberries and cucumbers give an excellent tightening effect. Grind and apply the mixture on gauze to the eyelids for 15 minutes;
  • A compress with vitamin E quickly relieves swelling (the vitamin is sold in liquid form at any pharmacy). Mix a few drops of vitamin with cold water, soak a cotton pad, hold on eyelids for 10 minutes;
  • emergency help - Relief ointment.
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