Facial peeling Shiseido Green Tea detailed review of the product

Flaky skin, large pores, pigmentation - all these unpleasant defects of the epidermis age any beautiful woman, which is why Shiseido peeling was invented, which can eliminate such troubles. The drug is intended to remove the top layer of marked cells, without injuring the living tissue of the epidermis.

As a result of use, girls will receive youthful facial skin and its color will improve. Pigment spots and enlarged pores will also disappear.

One of the most effective drugs is Green Tea peeling, produced under the Shiseido brand. Using it, you can restore elasticity and attractiveness to your face.

The effectiveness and principle of action of Shiseido peeling

Having seen an interesting drug on the counter, many are wondering what effect Shiseido “Green Tea” peeling has on the epidermis. The rejuvenation product has a unique composition, which is why it acts very gently on the epidermis and does not injure it. But, despite its gentle effect, Shiseido eliminates a large number of problems associated with the epidermis. It can eliminate the following disadvantages:

  • enlarged pores;
  • rough epidermis;
  • unhealthy dull color of the epidermis;
  • lack of skin moisture;
  • small wrinkles.

You can also make various masks from the product. After cleansing, the effect will be much more effective. The list of beneficial effects is impressive. The developers achieved such results thanks to special components. Together they form a good remedy for rejuvenating the epidermis.

Shiseido Composition:

  1. Concentrated green tea extract.
  2. Glycerol.
  3. Glycolic acid.
  4. Potassium.
  5. Mineral vitamin complexes.
  6. Fatty acid.
  7. Purified water.

This composition has a positive effect on a woman’s face. The exfoliating effect is very effective. The skin is rejuvenated, most problems disappear.

What is Green Tea peeling?

Japanese and Asian cosmetics in general differ in that they rarely use facial scrubs. Soft peeling rollers are preferred to rough mechanical exfoliation.

They dissolve and exfoliate dead cells, which, along with impurities and surface pigmentation, are carefully removed by rolling with gentle finger movements. After washing, your face literally sparkles with health and beauty.

The peeling roll from Shiseido includes the following components:

  • Green tea in the form of a rich concentrated extract.
  • Glycolic acid.
  • Glycerol.
  • Vitamin and mineral complex.
  • Potassium.
  • Fatty acid.
  • Specially prepared water and other useful components.

Regular use of peeling guarantees a fresh appearance, absence of peeling and layers of dead skin, and a good complexion.

After using peeling, it is good to make various masks - clean skin perfectly accepts the care, it turns out to be many times more effective than before the procedure.

Who is this procedure indicated for?

Shiseido is a very pleasant product that can be used at absolutely any age. The composition contains only components useful for the epidermis, and therefore there will be no harm.

Important! Proper care of your face is necessary not only for the fair half of humanity, but also for the stronger sex. Men also quite often use this drug to get rid of skin problems.

Shiseido is great for all skin types. Even ladies with sensitive skin can use the product. Using Shiseido, you can solve the following problems:

  1. Remove sebum from pores.
  2. Remove toxins and waste from the body.
  3. Promote rapid healing of wounds.
  4. Get rid of acne, blackheads.
  5. Whiten the epidermis.
  6. Get rid of wrinkles.
  7. Even out texture and complexion.
  8. Moisturize and soften your face.

The product is not the cheapest, but various companies often hold promotions. Provide discounts to customers. Therefore, a luxury drug can be purchased at a very reasonable price.

The composition of the peeling and the problems it solves

Later the remedy reappeared. It is produced in the UAE under license and is practically no different from the original. The composition and even the packaging remained the same. One of the inconveniences many consider is that the instructions are presented only in foreign languages.

Correctly chosen cosmetics and regular procedures will help maintain youth for a long time

The tube holds 60 ml of product, which is used very sparingly. Shiseido green tea peeling does not contain any formative particles and has a consistency similar to a transparent gel. It contains fruit acids, glycerin, green tea extract, vitamins and microelements necessary to nourish the skin. It has a subtle aroma of invigorating oriental tea.

Fruit acids in the peeling have a gentle effect on the skin

It can be used by both young people and mature women. The effect is noticeable on any skin after the first procedure. Regular use allows you to solve various problems:

  • get rid of acne, post-acne marks and blackheads;
  • change the texture of the skin, make it smooth and velvety;
  • smooth out small wrinkles, make deep ones less noticeable;
  • even out the overall tone, eliminating age spots and freckles;
  • soften rough skin, moisturize dry skin;
  • tighten pores;
  • lightly whiten your face.

An important fact is that the product is suitable for all skin types, including sensitive, and is applicable not only to the face.

  • After a course of procedures, you can forget about acne on your back, putting together a wardrobe of your favorite sundresses and tops.
  • The skin on your feet and elbows will become soft, and there will be no need to use rough brushes and abrasive scrubs.
  • During manicure, peeling easily removes cuticles, leaving a beautiful frame for your nails.

Shiseido peeling works great on cuticles

Smoothes out the formed “rings” on the neck, returning the former attractiveness of the décolleté area.

Are there any contraindications and side effects?

Absolutely any means of rejuvenation have a number of contraindications that are strictly forbidden to be ignored. They should be carefully studied and eliminated before undergoing a rejuvenation course. Otherwise, the desired effect will not be achieved.

Contraindications include the following epidermal problems:

  1. Inflammatory, infectious, chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  2. Fever.
  3. The presence of scratches, burns or wounds that were received recently.
  4. Intolerance to a certain component.
  5. Herpes virus.

Important! First, get rid of the problems described above. And after that you can start using Shiseido without fear.

When applied to the face, the product causes a slight burning sensation and tingling. But you should not pay attention to this, since the process is absolutely normal. This means that the substance has actively begun to act. But if excessively unpleasant sensations occur, you should immediately remove the substance from your face.

The rejuvenating product can be used absolutely at any time of the year. But if you want to use Shiseido on open areas of the body, then it is advisable to do this in the evening when you are at home.

Before going outside, you can use a cream that has a high sun protection rating. It will protect the newly renewed epidermis from ultraviolet rays.

Important! The positive thing is that Shiseido did not show any side effects during testing. This is due to the fact that it acts very gently. But in order to avoid any individual intolerance, you need to do the test yourself. Apply the cream to a small area of ​​skin. If an allergic reaction does not occur, then you can safely use it.

To avoid swelling, redness, and dryness, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist before consumption. A professional will examine the person and give appropriate recommendations.

Application of Shiseido peeling to other areas of the body

The effective components included in the product allow you to transform the skin in different areas of the body.

  • The neck and décolleté area will become even tone, smooth and silky.
  • The product perfectly moisturizes the feet and restores softness to the skin on the elbows.
  • It can be used during manicure to remove cuticles.
  • Great for renewing and moisturizing the skin of the lips.

Shiseido green tea peeling will help provide your skin with beauty and radiance.

The effect after the procedure is comparable to professional peeling. But to visit a beauty salon, you need to allocate time and plan certain expenses, usually for a course of treatment. And not everyone is ready to entrust their appearance and health to an unfamiliar master.

Shiseido green tea peeling is a worthy alternative to salon procedures. The session requires a minimum of time and effort, and the result will exceed all expectations.

How to peel?

Before applying the product to your face, be sure to read the instructions for use for Shiseido Green Tea peeling.

To perform facial peeling with “tea”, you need to use the roll as follows:

  1. A small amount of cream is applied to the face.
  2. Using gentle movements, we massage along the skin lines. We do not stretch the fabric.
  3. When the product is applied, the surface layer of the epidermis will begin to roll into small lumps. We continue the massage until the dead layer completely disappears.
  4. After this, wash well with clean water. We do our usual facial skin care.

No additional action is required. The entire process is carried out only according to the instructions. After this procedure, a living and young epidermis will open. That is why all further procedures will be doubly effective.

Important! The product can be used daily. Can be used in courses of 3-7 procedures. But first you have to correctly determine your skin type. It's not difficult and there are many instructions on the Internet. But if problems arise, you can always ask a dermatologist for advice.

For oily skin, use the drug three times a week. One is enough for dry.

A significant advantage of Shiseido is that it can be used not only for the face. The drug is used to eliminate problems in the following areas of the body:

  1. The back is treated to eliminate acne.
  2. The hard crust is removed from the elbows and feet - they become soft, like a child’s. Problem areas are softened through hydration.
  3. Often used for manicure operations. This is explained by the fact that the drug affects the cuticle - removing it after treatment with the substance is very simple.
  4. Also, with the help of Shiseido, the décolleté and neck area is rejuvenated. This area should also be treated systematically. This is the only way to achieve a positive result. As a result, the skin will become soft and elastic.
  5. Actively used to moisturize lips.

Multifunctionality is also one of the reasons why girls often use the substance for rejuvenation.

Results can be seen after just one use of the product. The skin will become tender and soft, its color will improve, and imperfections will begin to disappear.

Important Features

But all of the above can be attributed to almost any product of oriental cosmetology. The Shiseido peeling roller also has its own unique features, for which consumers love it so much.

It very delicately, without irritation or damage to the skin, dissolves keratinized scales of the upper layer of the epidermis. Then they stick to the lumps formed under the fingers and are easily removed with clean water without the use of detergents.


Personally, I like Shiseido peeling because it has a fairly rich and well-balanced composition, which contains many useful ingredients that complement each other. Its active components are:

  1. Green tea extract – with a powerful antioxidant and rejuvenating effect.
  2. Glycolic acid is an excellent exfoliant with high penetrating ability, affecting the middle layers of the epidermis.
  3. Glycerin – softens the skin and moisturizes it, to some extent compensates for the aggressive effects of peeling.
  4. Potassium – stimulates intracellular metabolic processes, promotes rapid cell regeneration.
  5. Fatty acids strengthen capillaries, have an anti-inflammatory effect, and inhibit destructive age-related changes.

The base is structured purified water, and the amount of chemical additives and preservatives in the product is minimal.


Thanks to the presence of glycolic acid, with the mildest possible effect, peeling allows you to deeply cleanse pores and even prevent the formation of comedones. Therefore, I can recommend it primarily for oily problem skin. It is also effective for:

  • refreshing complexion;
  • improving subcutaneous blood circulation;
  • eliminating puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • increasing turgor, firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • eliminating shallow pigmentation;
  • combat acne marks and scars;
  • regulating the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • reduction of highly enlarged pores.

Since the gel does not have any hard particles that scrub or scratch the skin, it is suitable even for very thin and sensitive skin.

Rules of application

How to apply the product correctly is described in detail by the instructions for the Shiseido Green Tea facial peeling, which is duplicated on the packaging (but in English). The translation will sound something like this:

  • After moisturizing your face with water, apply a small amount of product to it;
  • massage back and forth with your fingers until pellets of dead skin appear;
  • followed by thorough washing with clean running water.

As a cosmetologist, let me remind you that any peeling is performed on clean skin. Therefore, before using it, you need to remove all makeup and wash with water and gel. The purpose of peeling is to deeply cleanse pores and remove dead skin, not to roll dirt off the face!

Based on frequency, I can give such recommendations. If the skin is in good condition and peeling is used for additional cleaning and for preventive purposes, once every 7-10 days is enough. For intensive therapy, several treatments can be performed twice a week.

Feedback from users

Many girls have been using Shiseido for the face for a long time and are satisfied with the results. To verify its effectiveness, you can study reviews of the drug. Reviews were collected from women of different years.

I am 38 years old and have tried many different peels in my life. I've tried a lot of Asian ones and I love them more than others. But lately I’ve been using Green Tea. It is very soft and pleasant to apply. I am very pleased that it also has a pleasant smell - this is a big plus for me. I was very pleased with the results after cleaning.

I am 17 years old and my skin is quite problematic. That's why I use cosmetics with the addition of green tea. My mother gave me the Shiseido product. And this is a real salvation for me! The drug is very pleasant, the skin becomes tender and soft, even though acne has recently appeared on it. I used Shiseido regularly for three months and noticed that the number of breakouts had sharply decreased and the blackheads had lightened. I recommend.

I really love Shiseido cosmetics. After use, traces of age disappear. I am 54 years old and after using the drug it feels like I visited an expensive cosmetologist. I recently started using home peeling, but I soon realized that the product is very pleasant. Thanks to it, the freshness of the skin is maintained in the intervals between visits to the cosmetologist.

As you can see from the reviews, Shiseido is really suitable for women of different ages. It has a positive effect.

Carrying out the procedure in different areas

The skin on the face and neck should be cleansed with your usual product (gel, foam, milk) and washed.
After this, simply blot the droplets of water and apply Shiseido green tea peeling. It is more convenient to apply Shiseido green tea peeling with a brush or cosmetic sponge using gentle circular movements. It can easily slip off your finger and stain your clothes.

It is more convenient to exfoliate with a brush or cosmetic sponge.

After a few minutes, white pellets appear on the face and neck. At the first session they may have a grayish color. These are dead epidermal cells and excess sebum that clogged the pores. No burning or tingling is felt. The spools simply fall off. Removal may be somewhat difficult only in areas of hair growth.

After 5-7 minutes, wash your face with warm water. The skin becomes soft, velvety and simply glows from the inside. If you feel dry, apply a moisturizer.

Renewed skin after peeling especially needs protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Procedures can be performed twice a week. For sensitive and dry skin, the interval should be increased to 10 days, and after removing the product, moisturize it with wheat germ cosmetic oil.

Before applying Shiseido peeling to other areas of the body (back, elbows, feet), they should be washed and wiped dry. Carry out the procedure by lightly rubbing the product with your fingertips.

The peeling remains on the cuticle for 10 minutes, and then an unedged manicure is done.

Despite the wide spectrum of action, simple use and excellent results, there are also negative reviews. Since in most cases green tea peeling is purchased to rejuvenate facial skin, in order to avoid redness, dryness and swelling, you should consult a cosmetologist. He will determine which product is suitable for your skin, the required exposure time and the interval between sessions. If the Shiseido peel is approved by a specialist, the first procedure should be carried out under supervision. The cosmetologist will notice the negative reaction of the epidermis in time and interrupt the session.


The article described Shiseido facial peeling in detail and listed all its positive aspects. It talks about the correct use of the drug, as well as about those people who should purchase Green Tea.

A list of contraindications is also provided, and the absence of side effects from the drug is described. Information is provided on the correctness of the entire procedure. Reviews have been published from people who have been using Shiseido for a long time.

They also talk about a positive effect on other parts of the body besides the face.

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