My favorite budget toner! Soothing toner for skin prone to unsightly redness from Green Mama

Surely you have heard the “advice for all occasions” that you need to drink at least 2 liters of water a day. Especially for maintaining beauty.

The advice is, of course, wonderful, but not every kidney can handle it. And more and more experts are inclined to believe that this is just a myth. But water can really make your skin clear, glowing, and even delay the appearance of wrinkles. But not just any kind, but a mineral one. Here's how Hollywood beauties use mineral water to take care of themselves!

I would have gone for a swim...

It’s no wonder that mineral springs have attracted the rich and famous for centuries. When used wisely (both externally and internally), mineral water will truly improve your health and even your beauty. Moreover, many famous beauties coquettishly admit in interviews that they wash their face only with precious water. If taking a bath from the expensive Evian or at least Borjomi does not fit into the family budget, do not be upset. You can pamper your skin with regular soda. Include it in your care ritual and you will quickly see how your face has changed. And you can start with these tips from celebrity beauty gurus.

What is tonic

Tonic (or lotion) is a water-based liquid containing auxiliary ingredients. For example, extracts, vegetable oils, vitamins, active substances, chemicals: dyes, preservatives, flavors.

With different properties. The most popular types of toners:

  • Astringents;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Calming;
  • Cleansing.

Typically designed for a specific skin type, such as mature or oily.

It is better to use the cosmetic product in the morning as a replacement for cleansing gel, and in the evening after removing makeup. When used during the day, it refreshes the skin.

Features of using facial tonic

The use of tonic is a step that is often neglected when caring for facial skin, and completely in vain. Let's look at the essence of this procedure.

When to apply:

  • After washing with special cleansers: gel, foam or toilet soap. Before application, you can make, for example, a cleansing face mask with baking soda.
  • After removing makeup using cosmetic milk and other cleansing compounds.

It would seem that the skin has been cleansed. But not completely. The purpose of the tonic is to complete its cleansing, making it better. An eloquent confirmation of these words is the stained surface of a cotton pad soaked in it, which was used to wipe the previously washed skin.

The most important thing to remember when using toners is that they are not intended to replace cleansers. They are used only for additional cleansing of the skin, prior to applying the cream. But the purpose of the tonic is not limited to just the cleaning function, it is much broader.

The video explains how to use the facial toner:

Why do you need a facial toner:

  • For the final removal of cleansing residues that irritate the skin.
  • To complete the process of washing away the secretion of the sebaceous glands (from the very depths of the pores) and particles of decorative cosmetics.
  • To restore the normal acid-base balance in the skin of the face.
  • To improve skin turgor and tone the epidermis.
  • To stimulate the exfoliation of particles of dead epithelium.
  • To accelerate cellular renewal processes.
  • To neutralize the effects of too hard water.
  • For the purpose of additional antiseptics.
  • To saturate the skin with biologically active substances - antioxidants, which slow down the process of withering of the skin.

Thanks to the use of tonic and well-cleansed skin, the penetration of creams and nourishing serums into the deep layers of the dermis is significantly improved. This is reflected in the effectiveness and duration of their beneficial effects.

The video provides more information on how to properly use facial toner:

Why is it needed?

This is a product that is used immediately after facial cleansing or exfoliation. It is not a cleanser, so it cannot be used interchangeably with cleanser gel.

The purpose of the toner is to cleanse the skin of makeup and dirt residues that could not be removed with gel or other cleanser.

An additional function is to prepare the skin for more effective absorption of active substances from a cream, serum or mask. These are the main, but not all, functions of a tonic.

The skin is covered with a thin protective layer of acidic lipids. After washing, for example, when using alkaline soap or cleansers with alcohol, the natural balance of the skin is disrupted. The toner acidifies the skin and helps maintain normal pH, which ranges from 4.8-6.0.

Only an acidic reaction protects against fungi and bacteria that cause dermatological diseases. Relieves irritation.

Although this cosmetic product does not replace cleansing gel or milk, it perfectly refreshes and moisturizes. After use, the skin becomes fresh and smooth.

What it does and how it is useful

The tonic will be useful to anyone who is in a room heated by radiators, dried by air conditioning or who loves to sunbathe. Dry skin begins to age earlier.

Over-drying can also be caused by weight loss or a polluted environment, streets full of exhaust fumes.

The most important function of toner is to restore the pH level of the skin. Makeup removers and water change the skin's pH from acidic to alkaline.

The second function is micropeeling. Using wipes soaked in a tonic, you can make a gentle peeling that gently exfoliates dead epidermal cells.

In this case, exfoliation occurs only in the epidermis at the micro level, which makes peeling safe.

The role of a tonic is:

  • Cleansing;
  • Moisturizing;
  • Nutrition;
  • Narrowing of pores;
  • Regulating the pH of the lipid membrane of the skin;
  • Improving epidermal regeneration;
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Thanks to the use of tonic, the skin is restored and there is no feeling of tightness.


Depending on what effect we want to achieve, we must choose the appropriate type of tonic.

Dry skin needs nourishing and moisturizing products containing:

  • Glycerol;
  • Allantoin;
  • Urea;
  • Panthenol;
  • Hyaluronic acid;
  • Argan oil;
  • Lavender;
  • Milk;
  • Vitamin C.

Sensitive people need a soothing remedy. Such products usually contain:

  • Aloe vera gel;
  • Pink water;
  • Sweet clover extract, chamomile;
  • Goat milk;
  • Allantoin;
  • Panthenol;
  • Seaweed extract.

For oily skin, you need a tonic that tightens pores, cleanses remaining sebum, and mattifies. The most popular ingredients in such tonics:

  • White willow;
  • Salicylic acid;
  • Cucumber;
  • Plantain.

For skin prone to acne and pimples, exfoliating and antibacterial products are better. The composition should include:

  • Glycolic acid;
  • Sulfur;
  • Sage;
  • Melissa;
  • Calendula;
  • Zinc;
  • Green clay;
  • Lactic acid.

For mature skin, an exfoliating, moisturizing, smoothing toner is needed. For example, with ANA acids or fruit ones.

A properly selected toner minimizes irritation that can cause acne and lead to skin hypersensitivity. Helps solve problems for a specific skin type.

You should avoid purchasing products that contain alcohol, because... dries out the skin.

What face masks can be made with mineral water?

The chemical composition of mineral water is incredibly rich in elements that are useful not only for the functioning of internal organs, but also for the epidermis.
The effect you can expect from care using mineral waters:

  • softening;
  • lifting;
  • antioxidant;
  • tonic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • matting;
  • immunostimulating;
  • narrowing of pores – for oily skin;
  • oxygen saturation.

Water will help in the rapid healing of small wounds and strengthen the walls of blood vessels. Mineral water can be used by owners of both oily and dry skin. It is able to restore elasticity and eliminate specific tightness of the epidermis. Benefits in the fight against acne have also been noted.

Mineral components dissolved in water help fight skin imperfections.

  • Calcium is responsible for the normal production of sebum, can relieve inflammation and allergic manifestations, and keeps the skin elastic.
  • Magnesium is needed for the production of collagen, which is necessary to maintain the oval shape of the face. Helps heal wounds, abrasions, microcracks and cuts.
  • Potassium – gives smoothness to the skin, prevents dryness and flaking from developing.
  • Fluoride – helps heal wounds when present in small doses.

A mask for dry skin will relieve swelling, flaking, and restore elasticity to the epidermis. Skin tone will become more even.

Cell renewal will go much faster if you regularly make a mask from the following components:

  • 10 ml of water (“Essentuki”, “Perrier”, “Semigorskaya” or any other);
  • 5-6 drops of tocopherol;
  • 10-12 g sour cream.

Beat sour cream with mineral water and add vitamin. Before applying the composition, you need to steam your face to open the pores. Keep the mask applied with a brush for about 20-40 minutes.

The moisturizing mask has antioxidant properties. It will get rid of not only toxins, but also flaking. Perfectly tones capillaries.

For the beauty recipe you need to take:

  • 10 g of Borjomi water;
  • 2 strawberries;
  • 10 g starch;
  • 20 drops of grape oil.

Starch is mixed with berry puree, mineral water and moisturizing oil. The face is cleansed of cosmetics and other impurities. The mass is applied in an even layer. After half an hour you can wash your face.

This is how mineral water is used for the face. Carrying out such care at home is as easy as shelling pears, and the skin will be regularly saturated with oxygen and beneficial microelements.

How to use

It is better to use twice a day. In the morning after washing and in the evening after removing makeup. If you use it only once, it is better in the evening. It can also be used throughout the day to refresh your face.

The reason is simple. The skin recovers at night. The active work of cells begins around 22:00 and lasts until the morning. After three hours, the epidermal cells divide, and between one and two in the morning the body begins to get rid of toxins. This is the time for the active ingredients of cosmetics to be absorbed.

The time between 2 and 3 a.m. is critical for recovery. By this time, the active substances have been absorbed and begin to do their job:

  • Elastic fibers are renewed;
  • The epidermis is restored;
  • The water level in the body is equalized.

You can wipe your face with tonic using a cotton pad or ball, gently swiping along the contour lines.

Tonics with a thick consistency, similar to a watery gel or emulsion, are more convenient. They are easier to apply by hand, making consumption more economical.

The cosmetic product with a sprayer is applied directly to the face and left until completely absorbed.

Tonic can be replaced with natural hydrolate, that is, water left over from the distillation of plants during the production of oils.

How to properly use and tone your skin

How to wipe your face with tonic? There are several ways to apply toner to your face. With any of them, the skin of the face must be washed using a special cleanser.

  • The most common method of additional cleansing of the face is wiping it with a cotton swab or disk soaked in tonic. The movements should be circular and light. First, from the “apples” of the cheeks they move towards the ears. After this, the disc is directed from the center of the forehead to the temples. The skin is treated, moving from the central part of the chin to the ears. From the outer corners of the eyeball, bypassing the lower eyelid, move the disc to the inner corners, after which it is moved to the upper eyelid (from the inner to the outer corners).
  • Professional cosmetologists and makeup artists never use products made of cotton wool for this purpose, arguing that this method injures the skin, contributing to its rapid fading and the appearance of a network of tiny facial wrinkles. They prefer to apply any cosmetics with light patting movements with their fingertips. Such movements not only contribute to faster absorption of the tonic, but also significantly accelerate its active action. Another argument in favor of this method is the exclusion of sensitive skin from contact with cotton wool fibers. Sometimes they can provoke the development of an allergic reaction, manifested in irritation or redness of the skin.
  • Girls with very delicate skin can use a bottle of spray tonic. In a similar way, thermal water is sprayed on the face.
  • The last method on our list is used quite rarely, but we cannot help but mention it. Some girls prefer to cover their face with gauze soaked in tonic. The exposure time of the tonic lasts several minutes.

Before moving on to the next section of our story, let's emphasize that when caring for facial skin, it is advisable to use products from one cosmetic line. Only in this case can you be sure that the components of each of these drugs will not provoke unwanted side effects.

Find out how to clean depilatory wax.

Reviews of acne masks made from Polysorb: .

Here you can watch a video on how to do a honey anti-cellulite massage.

How often can I use it?

It is advisable to use a facial tonic twice a day: in the morning it helps:

  • Improving blood circulation.
  • Clean and fresh face.
  • Restoring the elasticity of the skin.
  • Visual reduction in the number of facial wrinkles.
  • Narrowing of skin pores. This effect is a consequence of the above-mentioned process of improving skin turgor.

In the evening hours, the toner helps to finally get rid of particles of dead epithelium, remnants of used cosmetics and sebum, which clogs the pores on the face and is often the cause of acne.

If you already have a problem with acne, then you can try making a cucumber face mask for acne or a yeast face mask for acne.

There is also an opinion that with the right selection of high-quality cosmetics (used at least twice a day), you can do without a tonic. However, this rule does not apply to those with oily skin. For them, using tonic is a mandatory procedure.

The video explains how to choose and use the right facial toner:

Micellar liquid or toner: what to choose

Micellar water is a cleanser. Contains micelles that attract dirt and oil, removing makeup residue, sebum and other impurities.

As a tonic cosmetic, toner restores the neutral pH of the skin, preventing dryness and bacterial growth.

Tonic is often replaced with micellar liquid. However, it should not be completely excluded from daily care. Each product has different properties and purposes. Therefore it is better to use both.

The most common mistake is cleansing your face with a micellar liquid and immediately after that applying a moisturizer without toning. The micelles present in micellar liquid are detergents that can disrupt the acid-base balance of the skin, leading to dryness. It is necessary to rinse your face with water and wipe with a properly selected toner.

Micellar liquid is used only to cleanse the face, and the toner additionally restores skin balance and helps refresh. The effects of using micellar liquid as a tonic substitute appear even after several years. This may be excessive dryness of the skin, hypersensitivity, and a tendency to wrinkles.

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