Technique for performing exercises for wrinkles around the eyes

Skin problems around the eyes

The main cause of fine lines is the lack of collagen, a protein that maintains skin elasticity. There are many factors that influence the aging of the skin in the eye area, and most of them are associated with an unhealthy lifestyle and bad habits.

When the skin stops producing the required amount of collagen, its elasticity decreases. Insufficient production of this substance can occur due to the natural aging process or be the result of hormonal imbalance. If collagen levels decrease, the skin becomes insufficiently hydrated. Consequently, wrinkles will be deeper and more noticeable.

The skin around the eyes has a peculiarity - in this area the epidermis is very thin compared to the rest of the facial skin, so wrinkles appear here much earlier.

Main causes of aging:

  • unbalanced diet;
  • insufficient water consumption;
  • regular stress and depression;
  • influence of sunlight;
  • low-quality cosmetics.

Tips for improving facial skin

As you know, the skin around the eyes has a very thin structure, which wears out and sag over the years. To prevent this unpleasant event, you must follow a few simple rules:

  • use a face cream designed for your age;
  • never wrinkle your forehead muscles or squint;
  • stop smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • read and write in normal lighting to prevent eye fatigue;
  • alternate work with rest;
  • sleep at least 8 hours a day;
  • do not consume a lot of salt, as it retains fluid in the body and leads to swelling;
  • every morning, wipe your face with an ice cube (it is better if the ice is made from green tea or herbal decoction);
  • stick to proper nutrition;
  • drink more water at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of weight;
  • consume additional vitamins C and E, as they are responsible for the elasticity and firmness of the skin.

Eyelid lift at home

Causes of wrinkles

Many girls wonder what causes creases and lines on the eyelids, even when the aging process has not yet begun? There are a number of reasons for this. For example, if you don't wear sunglasses in the summer, you squint a lot, so wrinkles appear earlier than expected. Or you abuse fatty foods, which retain water in the cells - the eyelids swell and the skin stretches. This also includes bad habits that trigger the process of premature aging.

Regardless of the reasons for the appearance of age-related changes, they can be successfully combated. Special exercises for wrinkles around the eyes will help you gain a fresh, youthful look and get rid of the most pronounced wrinkles.

Therefore, do not despair, choose your own method and do anti-aging exercises for puffiness at home.

Homemade masks and creams for eyelid tightening

In modern times, there is a huge selection of professional cosmetics aimed at combating age-related changes. Some note the positive effect of such funds, while others simply convince themselves of this. Their cost ranges from 500 to 3000 rubles. and higher.

Few people pay attention to the recipe for masks and creams that you can make yourself at home. They contain exclusively natural ingredients, which contribute to intensive nutrition and hydration of the facial skin. Also, the cost of such cosmetic mixtures is reduced to a minimum, which is pleasantly pleasing.

Photo: eyelid lift mask

Many of these masks have a lifting effect and are excellent in combating the first wrinkles and sagging eyelids.

Attention: before applying the mixture to your face, check your skin for an allergic reaction.

Laminaria mask

Mix 2 tsp in a bowl. dried kelp and 4 tsp. hot water. Leave to swell for 10 minutes. Lie on your back, apply the mixture to your face and leave for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse with water and moisturize the skin with cream or wheat germ oil.

Important: when performing this procedure 3-4 times a week, the maximum effect is achieved: the skin becomes elastic, wrinkles disappear, and the eyelids return to their usual place.

Sour cream and parsley mixture

Mix 10 ml of sour cream and the same amount of parsley juice. Apply a thin layer to the skin around the eyes and wash off after 15 minutes.

Honey mask

Combine 1 tbsp. l. barley flour, 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 beaten yolk. Gently apply to eye skin, leave for 20 minutes and rinse.

Tip: The mask should only be applied once a week.

Cucumber mask

Grate the cucumber on a fine grater and apply the resulting paste to your face. This mixture not only actively nourishes and restores the skin’s water balance, but also smoothes out fine wrinkles and also has a tightening effect.

Egg mask

Grind the cheese yolk with lemon juice and add 1 tbsp. l. flaxseed or olive oil. Apply to the skin around the eyes, then rinse with warm milk and rinse your face with water.

Potato mask

Grate one medium potato tuber on a fine grater. Place in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Apply the mixture around the eyes for 15-20 minutes.

This mask perfectly whitens dark circles under the eyes, relieves swelling and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Photo: exercises for the upper eyelid

It is important to remember that exercises should be started at the first signs of sagging eyelids and wrinkles. By dedicating 10 minutes a day to the procedures, you can achieve unsurpassed results. You need to perform a set of exercises to tighten your eyelids daily in combination with lifting creams and masks to consolidate the effect. Only with the help of regularity, effort and faith can you change your appearance and your whole life for the better. Every woman should set a goal and go towards it in small steps. Take care of yourself, don’t stop improving for a minute, prove to yourself that you can look better; don’t stop there and soon you will understand that taking care of yourself is a very pleasant process that allows you to relax, unwind and improve your health.


Facial exercises for wrinkles and bags under the eyes can achieve significant results. It is recommended to do it morning and evening, preferably before applying a moisturizer or nourishing cream. The most effective methods:

"On the Horizon"

Complex called “On the Horizon Line”. Place your fingers near your temples so that they do not touch the corners of your eyes. Squint your eyes slowly, as if you need to see something in the distance. Don't strain your eyes. Stretch the skin a little and stay in this position for a few seconds. Relax and repeat the exercise.


  • elimination of wrinkling;
  • skin tightening;
  • reduction of bags;
  • preventing swelling.

You need to do this for at least 1 month. If the creases are deep, after the third week, double the intensity of the gymnastics.

"Tight Collar"

Here you need to use 4 fingers of each hand. Place them on your cheeks at the base of your eye sockets and pull them up a little. At the same time, your chin and neck should be tense, as if your shirt collar is bothering you.

Hold the position for five seconds, relax. Repeat six times. It is better to do it twice a day for a month.


Sit comfortably and relax. Close your eyelids tightly, but without tension. Slowly close your eyes and hold for a couple of seconds. Open your eyes and then repeat seven times.

This exercise will help:

  • relieve eye strain after a hard day;
  • remove swelling;
  • get rid of facial and age wrinkles;
  • eliminate swelling and bruising.

Do it for at least three to four weeks. From the fifteenth day, speed up the pace. Another very good exercise:

  • look first to the right and then straight;
  • place your fingers in the area where the wrinkles form (just beyond the outer corner) and press gently;
  • do the same on the lower eyelid, where bags and swelling appear.

You need to press gently so as not to injure delicate skin.

"Eyes Wide Open"

The idea is in the name - open your eyes and slowly increase muscle tension. When this indicator reaches the limit, lock in and wait three seconds. Relax and repeat. The number of approaches is seven. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to do this exercise for at least a month. After the second week, you need to increase the intensity and speed of gymnastics.

The following technique has the same effect:

  • Take the skin above and below your eyebrows and roll it between your fingertips. It relieves tension.
  • Place your index fingers at the end point of your eyebrows, above the outer corner of your eye. Gently pull up and hold, then release.

"Day and night"

Spread your fingers apart to make a tick. Place it on the outer and inner corners and press down. Look straight ahead. Tighten your eyelids, squint for two seconds. Repeat five times. To improve the result, after completing the exercise, close your eyes and sit for forty seconds.

Use the index fingers of both hands to make small circular movements, starting at the corner of the eye, going down and back up.

"Thoughtful Lady"

Place the pads of your middle fingers on the bridge of your nose near your eyes and press. Look straight ahead, then move your gaze slightly upward. Tighten your muscles and squint. Wait two seconds. Repeat ten times.

Gravity directly affects the condition of the skin. Over time, it causes the eyebrows to droop or the eyelids to droop. The following exercise will help correct the situation:

  • Close your eyes and place your index fingers in the center. Overcoming such resistance, try to open your eyelids. This strengthens and tones the fine muscles.
  • Using your fingertips, tap back and forth along your eyebrows. This will relieve tension.

Raise your eyebrows as high as possible. Open your eyes as wide as you can and relax.

"Up down"

This is one of the most effective gymnastics. To do this, look up and try to see your own forehead. Wait five seconds. Do it in the opposite direction - that is, look down. Keep your head straight. Hold for two seconds and relax. Repeat ten times.

There is another exercise - you need to rotate your eyeballs. Look at the top right corner, then at the left, lower down and do the same. Fix in each position for 2-3 seconds. Quantity – 5. Do for at least 4 weeks. From the second, increase the pace and intensity of the gymnastics.

Massage for eyelid lift

Massage around the eyes, when applied to certain points, promotes improved lymphatic drainage, removes bags under the eyes and tightens the eyelids.

  1. Press down on the base of your eyebrows with your thumb and forefinger. Swipe along the entire length, at the end pull the skin up a little (the eyelids should tighten).
  2. Place your fingertips at your temple and begin clockwise circular movements with light pressure. Continue the massage for a minute.
  3. Close your eyes and start massaging your eyeballs, and then move on to the area around your eyes.
  4. Place your index fingers on the sides of the bridge of your nose. While moving your eye sockets, apply point pressure.
  5. Holding the skin above your eyebrows, open your eyes wide. You should not wrinkle your forehead during the exercise.

Author's methods

Facebuilding is a popular area of ​​facial rejuvenation. Professional cosmetologists develop special exercises for wrinkles and puffiness under the eyes, allowing you to effectively combat any age-related changes. The simplest and most effective of them are copyright ones.

From Carol Maggio

The lesson is aimed not only at eliminating facial wrinkles, but also at strengthening muscles. To prevent or reverse signs of aging, you need to do the following:

  • press the skin in the corners of your eyes with your fingers and look up;
  • tense your lower eyelids and squint;
  • wait 3-4 seconds and relax;
  • repeat ten times.

If you do the gymnastics correctly, you will feel a tingling and burning sensation in the eyelid area.

From Evgenia Baglyk

Perhaps these are the simplest exercises that are aimed at eliminating facial and age wrinkles, as well as giving the look freshness and lightness. To complete the complex, do the following:

  • open your eyes as wide as possible;
  • Tighten your eyelid muscles as much as possible and hold for twenty seconds;
  • place your index fingers on the outer corners and pull them;
  • wait a quarter of a minute and release.

You need to repeat at least 10 times. To achieve a sustainable effect, do it daily for 1-2 months.

From Benita Cantieti

By doing this exercise, you can forget about wrinkles for a long time, as it strengthens your eyelids. This is done as follows:

  • close your eyes;
  • place your fingers on your cheekbones close to the lower eyelid;
  • relax your muscles;
  • start moving your eyeballs so that the lower eyelid pushes the upper eyelid.

Repeat 60 times. If you regularly perform this exercise, signs of age-related changes will disappear within a month. For sustainable results, you need to do such exercises in courses with a break of several weeks.

Goodbye drooping eyelid!

Using your index and middle fingers, applying slight pressure, fix the corners of your eyes. Make sure that your palms do not hang in the air, but are attached to your face.

While inhaling, close your eyes tightly (!), after 2 seconds, exhale and open them. Repeat 10-20 times. On the last circle, keep your eyelids closed for 5 seconds. After this, relax your eyes, blink and rest.

Please note that you should only feel the upper eyelids working; eyebrows, lips and all other parts of the face should remain motionless.


Cosmetologists' opinion

If you want to always be young and beautiful, you should make every effort to take care of your skin. To do this, it is not necessary to constantly go to beauty salons, since it is enough to adhere to the following recommendations of experts:

  1. Use high-quality cosmetics.
  2. Always remove your makeup before going to bed.
  3. Intensely moisturize the delicate skin around your eyes.
  4. Give up bad habits.
  5. Add healthy foods to your diet that contain sufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals.
  6. Do eye exercises regularly.
  7. Before training, do not forget to read reviews about the chosen technique and watch video tutorials.

If you are often in the sun, protect your skin from ultraviolet radiation, as well as from other natural factors!

When to start

Caring for the skin around the eyes and eyelids, as well as performing a set of exercises, should begin as early as possible.
Many girls at the age of 25 perform exercises that help keep their muscles toned and get rid of premature expression wrinkles. Typically, age-related changes without performing eyelid gymnastics begin to appear after 30 years. Many cosmetologists argue that it is important to use a comprehensive approach to slow down these processes, which includes: massage, exercise and cosmetic products. Women note in their reviews that gymnastics really helps combat problems in the eye area, as well as prolong youth and beauty.


The appearance of wrinkles leaves no one indifferent. Men and women equally perceive any age-related changes negatively, so they are constantly looking for effective solutions to their problems. To prevent early skin aging, experienced cosmetologists recommend regularly doing not only anti-aging procedures, but also special exercises, which we described in this material.

Choose the right complex - and unpleasant wrinkles will no longer be a problem for you!

Recommendation: before starting classes, take a “before” photo - this will help you evaluate the final result.

Eyelid lift: reviews

Valentina, 39 years old, Nizhny Novgorod

Hello everybody! I will soon turn 40. Unfortunately, my genetic predisposition brings me new problems every year. At the age of 30, I already had well-defined crow’s feet, and at the same time a gradual sagging of my eyelids began. Going under the surgeon’s knife is the last thing for me. I decided to take a closer look at myself: a simple set of exercises for the eyelids and the entire face, together with homemade masks, yielded results. After 2 months, I noticed big changes: my eyelids tightened, my eyes shone again, and the hated double chin disappeared. Now I regularly perform these exercises and look fresher and more attractive.

Tatyana, 28 years old, Chelyabinsk

I, probably like other people, spend a lot of time at the computer and sleep little (about 4-5 hours). The consequences - you know what they are: blurred vision, circles under the eyes, the appearance of wrinkles and fading of the eyelids. On the Internet, I accidentally saw this set of exercises that can be done at home or even at work. At first I was skeptical about such procedures, but nothing stopped me from trying. Day after day, month after month, and finally, my labors borne fruit: my face was transformed, my eyelids tightened, and my skin acquired a natural and healthy color.

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Before performing face-building exercises, you need to determine whether you are at risk. Classes are contraindicated:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • people with serious neck disorders;
  • with pathologies of nerve endings and a tendency to form blood clots;
  • with botulinum toxin injections;
  • in the presence of dermatological rashes in the eye area, injuries and fresh scars.

Pregnant women are not recommended to strain too much while doing exercises.

The face-building technique allows you to eliminate problem areas on the face. Thanks to regular exercises, you can eliminate the problem of drooping eyelids, lift the corners of your eyes, remove crow's feet and minimize expression wrinkles. Gymnastics is mandatory for women aged 40 years. For girls over 25 years of age, a course of exercises and massage is recommended as a preventive measure against early aging.

Anti-wrinkle mini-complex

"Gloomy Morning"

Initial position. When sitting or standing, the spine is straight. Mentally “pull your helmet” (exercise “Helmet”). Using the first phalanges of your index fingers, press the skin between the eyebrows, fixing the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow. Gently stretch the area between the eyebrows, creating tension in the muscles.


Try to frown your eyebrows while creating resistance with your fingers and preventing the skin between your eyebrows from creasing.

Hold the tension for 1 second, then relax your eyebrows.

Do 10 repetitions, a short pause and 10 repetitions again. Then be sure to do the Third Eye exercise.

Safety precautions.

Check in the mirror to ensure that no additional wrinkles form in the corners of your eyes; do not move your face, do not purse your lips. Strive to ensure that only the muscles that wrinkle the eyebrow are working! If you can’t keep your face relaxed, relax the force of the working muscles.

Result. When performed in conjunction with the “Third Eye” exercise, vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows disappear, and over time even deep folds straighten out.

"Third Eye"

Performed immediately after the “Gloomy Morning” or instead of it (for prevention, if there are no pronounced vertical wrinkles between the eyebrows). What muscles are involved: the corrugator muscle; frontal belly of the supracranial muscle.

Initial position. When sitting or standing, the spine is straight.


The exercise is performed in two stages.

1. Run your fingertips several times over your eyebrows in the direction from the center to the temples, mentally smoothing the muscles in the direction of movement of your fingers. The movement is light, like the wing of a butterfly. Fix your forehead muscles in a tense position: imagine that gold laces are tied to the ends of your eyebrows, which are tied tightly at the back of your head.

2. Tap the area between the eyebrows with your index, middle and ring fingers, maintaining muscle tension, from the center to the periphery.

Free, time 30–60 s.

Safety precautions.

Don't knock too hard. The tapping is noticeable but painless. Make sure that your eyebrows do not rise - they do not stretch upward, but to the sides.

Result. Heaviness in the area between the eyebrows goes away, the feeling of fatigue decreases, consciousness clears up, and vertical wrinkles disappear.

Important! At the first stage, the fingers do not stretch or displace the skin, but simply show the muscles the direction in which they themselves should stretch and straighten. We tap at a fast pace, lightly, creating a pleasant vibration in the “third eye” area. published

Problems inherent to the centuries

Often, women after 40 years old are faced with the problem of an impending eyelid - the skin from under the eyebrows seems to slide down, making the eyes narrower and less attractive, and the look heavy and dejected. This happens due to:

  • lack of muscle tone and atrophied ligaments;
  • improper water balance of the skin;
  • weak collagen production;
  • frequent use of mattifying foundations and BB creams;
  • regular exposure to UV rays;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages, coffee and cigarettes.

In addition, after 25 years, small wrinkles begin to appear in the area under the eyes. This happens due to all the factors listed above. The fact is that a woman blinks, smiles and squints in the sun very often. Consequently, the skin in the area around the eyes is subjected to severe physical stress. If you are not a supporter of surgery and Botox injections, then special exercises for the eyelids will help delay the aging process. They allow:

  • normalize lymph flow;
  • improve blood circulation;
  • remove fat layer;
  • strengthen individual muscles;
  • make the skin elastic and uniform.

On the lower eyelid, due to fatigue, drinking too much water, weakening muscles and frequent exposure to the sun, the following appear:

  • swelling;
  • a large number of facial wrinkles;
  • crow's feet;
  • bruises under the eyes.

These problems can be easily eliminated with the help of a properly performed massage.

General execution rules

Execution rules:

  • Anti-wrinkle gymnastics should be performed in front of a mirror for the first time, this will allow you to monitor the precise execution of the technique;
  • you need to sit straight, you cannot lean towards the mirror, otherwise you may get new wrinkles;
  • during execution, 1 muscle group works, all the rest are in a relaxed state, when additional ones are activated, it is necessary to fix it with your palms;
  • after training, you need to cleanse your face, you can use flower water and apply a nourishing cream;
  • can be performed while wearing makeup, but these should be exceptional cases; the tone or powder must be washed off;
  • after each exercise against wrinkles on the forehead, you need to relax the fibers, to do this, exhale with the sound “pff”, your lips should vibrate slightly;
  • It is recommended to practice facelift no earlier than 30 minutes before applying makeup, and no later than an hour before bedtime.

Important point! The main criterion for correctly performing gymnastics for wrinkles on the forehead and bridge of the nose is the appearance of mild fatigue and a burning sensation. This occurs under the influence of lactic acid, synthesized during maximum muscle work. All exercises are performed 5 to 10 times.

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