How to get rid of wrinkles around the lips at home

Proper care of the skin around the lips and other preventive measures

Preventing a problem is always easier than dealing with negative consequences. It is unrealistic to completely remove the load from the oral muscles, so prevention in this case is very important. And you should start from the age of 22–25.

What is recommended:

  • give up bad habits that cause early skin aging and, if possible, lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • learn to control facial expressions (not to give it up completely, but at least not to constantly walk with your lips pressed into a line or pouting, replacing them with a light, natural half-smile);
  • do not neglect creams to protect from the sun and frost, use lip balms;
  • Be sure to remove makeup before going to bed;
  • in cosmetics, pay attention to the absence of preservatives, dyes, flavors, useful ingredients in creams - vitamins A, E, C, group B, natural oils, glycerin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, peptides and amino acids;
  • review the diet in favor of a balanced healthy diet, maintain a drinking regime;
  • purchase a comfortable orthopedic pillow for sleeping;
  • Wash your face in the morning and evening with cool water, use cosmetic ice to maintain skin tone.

A balanced diet that provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and microelements is a very effective prevention of aging and the appearance of wrinkles

Video: general recommendations on how to deal with the problem

Let's dispel the myth

There is a misconception that it is necessary to minimally load the facial muscles so as not to create folds on the surface of the skin, so as not to form wrinkles. They are especially afraid of overloading the area around the mouth, to the point that women even begin to smile with caution, and when they hear about such radical movements as in Facebook building, they are completely horrified.

And this is completely in vain! In fact, the passivity of the facial muscles only contributes to sagging skin, loss of elasticity, as well as excessive load on other muscle areas. Only incorrect wrinkle-forming facial expressions lead to the creation of wrinkles .

Read more about incorrect wrinkle-forming facial expressions. As a result of incorrect facial movements, one part of the muscles around the mouth experiences constant overstrain and depletion. The other part is constantly in a state of static, vital activity in the fibers fades away, which leads to flabbiness and loss of muscle tone.

This disrupts metabolic processes both in muscle fibers and in the skin. It creates stagnation in the movement of lymph and blood along the capillary network, making it difficult to deliver oxygen to tissues and free dermal cells from toxins. As a result, the skin that has lost its vitality becomes thinner and sags in the area of ​​creases .

Gymnastics for the face

Gymnastics is useful for maintaining any muscles, including facial ones, in good shape. But in the case of the area around the lips, it is important not to overdo it, otherwise you will achieve the opposite effect, stretching the skin even more. You will have to devote time to gymnastics every day, start with 4-5 repetitions of each exercise, gradually increasing their number to 12-15 times. Be sure to remove makeup from your face first. The first results will be noticeable after 2-3 months of regular exercise.

There are a lot of different exercises to keep the skin around the lips toned and smooth out wrinkles in this area; You can only determine which of them are most effective in your case through experience.

Useful exercises:

  • Take in as much air as possible into your mouth, puffing out your cheeks. Exhale slowly through tightly closed lips or alternately through their corners. An alternative is to inflate several balloons daily.
  • While clearly articulating, slowly sing the vowels, spending 10–15 seconds on each.
  • Stick out your tongue and try to touch your chin with it.
  • Pull your lower lip down, exposing your teeth and gums.
  • With your mouth slightly open, smile as wide as possible without squinting your eyes or frowning.
  • Purse your lips in a bow, as if you are about to kiss someone. Hold the position for 10–15 seconds. Another option is to blow air kisses, making sure to press your palm to your lips to create slight resistance and “blow” them away.
  • Pull your lips forward a little. Raise your lower lip, covering it with your upper lip. Then vice versa.
  • Protrude your lower jaw. Move it back and forth, imitating an excavator bucket.
  • Pull your cheeks in so that the corners of your mouth are pressed against your teeth. Purse your lips as tightly as possible and move the resulting “pipe” to the sides. Make the exercise more difficult by trying to hold a tablespoon between your lips folded in this way and hold it for as long as possible.
  • Press your index fingers to the corners of your lips. Lift them up and down, overcoming resistance.
  • With pressure, move your tongue across your lips from the inside. Then you can lightly bite the mucous membrane.
  • Fix a slight half-smile on your face. Drum your lips and the skin around them with your fingertips for 1-2 minutes.

Video: exercises against wrinkles in the lip area from the Facebook building complex of Evgenia Baglyk

Expression wrinkles around the mouth: causes of appearance

The skin around the mouth is thin and devoid of fat, and with age, the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for firmness and elasticity, decreases. Constant stretching of the orbicularis labii muscle when talking, eating, or expressing emotions.

Openness to the environment. Cold air, as well as excess ultraviolet radiation, are especially harmful to exposed skin. Some professional activities associated with activating the work of the orbicularis muscle are vocal lessons, playing wind musical instruments. Features of the structure of the skull bones, bite, condition of the teeth.

Rapid weight loss, leading to an even greater reduction in the fat layer of the skin around the mouth. Smoking, during which tension of the perioral muscles occurs and rapid destruction of collagen and elastin. Insufficient amount of water in the body.

Unfortunately, facial wrinkles come before age-related wrinkles. They form precisely in those areas that are most susceptible to facial expressions: the corners of the mouth, the area above the lip. The structure of the skull and the location of the muscles on the face also play an important role here.

Here are 10 factors that can do you wrong:

  1. The area around the lips is always in motion. And the orbicularis oris muscle is fused with fairly thin skin, which is why it stretches. In addition, there is very little subcutaneous fat. This is the main reason why wrinkles appear in this area.
  2. Time. A decrease in collagen production with age also affects the condition of the skin.
  3. Head position during sleep. If it is incorrect, the skin wrinkles. In your youth you can notice how quickly everything is restored. But then it remains forever.
  4. Fast weight loss.
  5. Smoking. As trivial as it may seem, this habit gives an absolute guarantee that wrinkles will appear on the face very early. This also includes an unhealthy lifestyle in general.
  6. Sun, cold, wind. Natural factors can also affect the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.
  7. If you do not properly care for your face or do not pay attention to it at all, you can quickly achieve an undesirable effect - facial wrinkles.
  8. Lack of teeth. Leads to facial changes.
  9. Genes. They play an important role.
  10. Chronic diseases.

Massage techniques

Massage is useful for preventing negative age-related changes and combating the first expression wrinkles. The procedure activates blood circulation, lymph outflow, and stimulates the body to produce more collagen and elastin. You can massage only clean skin on which oil or rich cream has been applied. It is advisable to conduct sessions twice a day, in the morning and before bed.

It looks like this:

  1. Warm up your hands by rubbing them together, work the skin in the lip area with light stroking and tapping with your fingertips.
  2. Pressing the fingers of both hands to your lips, rub your skin in smooth spiral movements, moving towards your ears and temples. You need to apply pressure with medium intensity.
  3. Press your palms to your cheeks so that your little fingers are at the level of wrinkles above your upper lip or folds near your nose or chin. Pressing them onto the problem area, use the remaining fingers to simultaneously lift the skin on your cheeks.
  4. Using circular movements with low amplitude, work on the nasolabial folds and wrinkles of the marionette, moving from top to bottom.

There are special devices for massaging the lip area. For example, in Japan, an analogue of a manual expander is popular. The price of the “simulator” is more than affordable - about 350 rubles. 3 minutes of exercise daily is enough. Cover the ring with your lips (without using your teeth) and simply clench and unclench your lips sharply. If the situation allows, you can clearly articulate vowel sounds or sing. Another common option is a massage mitten or facial sponge made of cotton, silk, or linen, which is used to rub the skin in the problem area in a circular motion with medium pressure for 2-3 minutes while taking a shower or bath. The procedure is both a massage and a light peeling. The cost of the product, depending on the material, is 150–500 rubles.

It is important not to overuse the “expander” for the lips, otherwise, by “pumping up” the muscles, you will achieve the opposite of the desired effect

Efficiency of classes

The effectiveness of the exercises is guaranteed, but taking into account the depth of wrinkles and due to age-related changes in the skin, you should expect results of different levels. Gymnastics against wrinkles around the mouth smoothes out fine wrinkles well . It tightens the lower contour of the face, while significantly smoothing out deep nasolabial folds.

Small wrinkles disappear because the muscle becomes more toned and enlarges slightly. As a result, the areas of small creases narrow and the skin straightens and stops sagging. Deep wrinkles around the mouth cannot be removed using gymnastics, since deep wrinkles cannot be neutralized using this method.

However, due to the fact that there are exercises that relieve tension, bring the muscle to normal tone and straighten it, the depth of the groove decreases and the visual effect of partial smoothing becomes obvious.

  • With the help of facial gymnastics, you can remove folds in the nasolabial triangle area at any age. Up to the age of 40, you can get amazing results and strengthen the muscular framework of the skin for many years to come, delaying the formation of wrinkles as much as possible.
  • Until the age of 50-60, gymnastics can be used as a worthy alternative to plastic surgery. Significant facial rejuvenation is available, except for wrinkles that are too deep. Unlike plastic surgery, lively facial expressions will be preserved and the effect itself will not be lost if the exercises are practiced regularly, while a surgical lift ultimately still leads to sagging of the skin, and subsequently to its painful thinning.
  • After 60 years and beyond, gymnastics is also necessary and useful. There are no age restrictions here, but the sooner you start this beauty practice.

Contraindications, possible negative consequences

The issue of contraindications is relevant mainly for cosmetic procedures. For most of them, this list is quite long. During the consultation, the cosmetologist will definitely ask you all the necessary questions, which must be answered as accurately and, of course, truthfully. It’s much easier with massage and gymnastics. They are prohibited only if there are wounds, abrasions, scratches on the skin and if there are problems with the facial nerves.

General contraindications for cosmetic procedures:

When planning to apply a new cosmetic product to your face, remember that any ingredient, no matter organic or synthetic, is a potential allergen. Be sure to test it on the skin of your forearm first by rubbing lightly. A negative reaction, if any, occurs within a maximum of an hour. Swelling, rash, skin irritation, severe itching, and a burning sensation occur. Any antihistamines can cope with such symptoms. Of course, this product cannot be used for facial care.

Both store-bought and homemade cosmetics can cause an allergic reaction.

How to achieve maximum results?

How to remove changes as quickly as possible? The nasolabial area is one of the most amenable areas of the face, where gymnastics works at full strength. Be sure to combine tension exercises with relaxation exercises .

Combine the forceful impact load with an emphasis on the static tension of the worked area. That is, we did several approaches, went into a static load and then moved for relaxation. For example, fold your lips into an O shape and narrow and widen, holding them in the form of a tense ring.

Make 15-20 movements, and hold the last one in a fixed tense position. Finally, close your lips and create a vibration, releasing a stream of air without opening your mouth. The more the entire lip area vibrates, the more effective the gymnastics will be.

Smoothing out wrinkles depends not only on muscle tone, but also on the tone of the skin. Gymnastics activates vital currents not only in the muscles, but also in the skin . To enhance these processes and achieve more, you need to help the skin recover using appropriate creams and masks.

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