Milia on the face - what is it and how to get rid of them at home?

Milia (ICD 10 – L72) are white, hard pimples that form under the skin of the face. There are several names for this defect - millet, whiteheads. In dermatology they are called retention miliary cysts.

These formations are a cosmetic defect, so it is important to know what milia are on the face and how to get rid of them without any harm to the body. Patients with this problem need to have an idea about disease prevention in order to avoid relapse. will tell you about this in today’s article.


First of all, let’s figure out why white pimples appear on the face. There is a genetic predisposition to the formation of these formations on the skin. Other reasons for the appearance of milia on the face are as follows:

  • Having bad habits – drinking alcohol, smoking.
  • Excessive use of cosmetics, especially low-quality products.
  • Hypovitaminosis.
  • Various metabolic disorders.
  • Failure to comply with personal hygiene rules.
  • Concomitant endocrine diseases or transient hormone imbalances.
  • Poor nutrition – excess in the diet of fatty and fried foods, spices, flour, chocolate, tea and coffee.
  • Visiting a solarium and tanning beyond the norm.
  • The presence of diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Low activity of the immune system.

Increased activity of the sebaceous glands of the skin and, conversely, excessive dryness can also cause the formation of acne on various parts of the face - on the chin, cheeks, eyelids, and frontal area. It is worth noting that white pimples on the lips under the skin are rare.

How to remove milia is what worries patients. There are several courses of action to resolve the problem.

No. 1 Skin care rules

It is important for patients to eliminate overproduction of sebum and prevent clogged pores. To do this, you need to give up decorative cosmetics with a dense texture (especially during the treatment period). All care products should be light, hypoallergenic, and made from natural ingredients.

Cleansing is of great importance. This procedure should be daily, carried out in the morning and evening. The choice of cleansing products is very large, you can easily choose the optimal one (together with a cosmetologist).

You just need to remember that you cannot further injure the skin; the manipulation should be gentle.

What are milia

Internet sources often say that this pathology appears on the skin of the face due to the fact that the sweat or sebaceous glands are clogged. But this is a mistake; this interpretation means a completely different diagnosis.

The dictionary of medical terminology says milia are a kind of small cysts. They are formed on epithelial cells due to excess keratin. It, in turn, appears due to dead or rough cells on the skin of the face. Very rarely, cysts contain some sebum in addition to keratin. This disease is most often recorded on the face of newborns and women.

New growths are white with a yellow tint. They are located under the skin, only their head comes out. You cannot squeeze out such pimples. Because you can get infected. After which the process of rotting will occur at this place. Redness will appear.

Such cysts have two types of appearance:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Primary neoplasms appear unexpectedly, due to the influence of certain factors. For example: improper facial skin care, direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. Secondary ones appear on previously injured areas of the skin. These could be scars from old scars or places where the inflammatory process has recently ended.

No. 2 Removal using various procedures

White internal pimples can cause significant discomfort to the patient, so various methods for their removal are used.

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Radio wave removal of milia is carried out using high frequency current pulses. Whiteheads are heated to such a temperature that they cannot exist and are destroyed. In this case, the tissue itself immediately undergoes a coagulation (healing) process.

This technique is bloodless and painless, provides a deep effect on the tissue, there are no scars left after the procedure and recovery is very fast, the risk of infection is reduced to zero. But this manipulation has contraindications: the patient has a pacemaker, heart disease, lung disease, liver disease and diabetes mellitus in the stage of decompensation, acute respiratory pathologies of the airways.

The cost of radio wave removal of white pimples ranges from 250 to 2000 Russian rubles. The final price depends on the amount of work done.

Laser removal of milia is widely used . The procedure is performed only in specialized conditions of a beauty salon. The essence of the manipulation is to polish the skin at several levels. A crust forms, which comes off and underneath there is clean skin.

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Laser removal is also bloodless and practically painless, and has a disinfecting effect. The laser is able to reach even hard-to-reach affected areas (for example, if there are milia under the eyes or on the eyelid).

The cost of the procedure is on average 300 Russian rubles per session.

Another way is to remove milia on the face mechanically . The doctor thoroughly cleanses the skin, after which the pimple itself is pierced with a needle and its contents are removed using the syringe plunger. A fresh wound is also thoroughly disinfected.

This technique is quite traumatic, so it is carried out in several stages. This helps avoid infection of the skin and subcutaneous tissue.

The cost of the procedure is from 150 Russian rubles per session.

Treatment methods

Milia are treated surgically. Conservative methods do not help in this case. As we have already noted, formations are not squeezed out at home. It is necessary to contact an experienced specialist who will create suitable conditions. Salon procedures are safe, however, they are not without contraindications.

A couple of decades ago, curettage was popular, during which an incision was made and pus was removed through it. This treatment method is painful, and today it is used less and less. Electrocoagulation and laser therapy are used to remove tumors. The advantage of the procedures is the absence of visible scars. Curettage is significantly inferior in comparison. To carry out electrocoagulation or laser therapy, the doctor uses antiseptics. The products help cleanse the skin and prepare it for the treatment procedure. Depending on the problem, the doctor may prescribe a one-time or multiple-use procedure. If you remove many formations at once, you can damage the skin and disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands. A large number of milia require long-term treatment.

What is electrocoagulation?

Initially, the procedure was used in the gynecological field. The electrocoagulation method was used to perform operations during which pathological tissues were dissected. In medicine, this method is used to stop bleeding and cauterize affected areas. Using the electrocoagulation method, papillomas and condylomas located near the genitals are removed. The procedure is actively used in cosmetology. It is prescribed for condylomas, papillomas, and severe acne.

Electrocoagulation is a type of surgical intervention. The procedure is carried out as follows: the doctor treats the skin with an antiseptic. For removal, a constant or variable discharge is used. Thus, the milia is destroyed. Subsequently, a scab forms in its place: it consists of fragments of dead tissue. Electrocoagulation involves thermal, electrodynamic and physico-chemical effects.

The advantage of the procedure is that there is no risk of injury to nearby tissues. After electrocoagulation, cell regeneration accelerates. The technique involves the use of monopolar or bipolar electrodes. They differ in shape and size. For cosmetic purposes, needle-type electrodes are used (depending on the nature of the problem, the doctor may use a loop-shaped instrument).

After electrocoagulation, you need to follow the rules that will help speed up your recovery. It is important to ensure the prevention of suppuration. If you remove the formed crust yourself, a scar may remain! After electrocoagulation, the skin heals within 10 days. On the 6-7th day the scab comes off. Another advantage of electrocoagulation is its affordability. This treatment method is cheaper than laser removal.

Laser therapy in the fight against milia

Manipulation using an innovative device is recommended for severe acne, age spots, and large tumors. There are three types of laser. The use of one or the other depends on the characteristics of the skin and the depth of the tumor. Laser therapy is carried out by an experienced cosmetologist in a specialized office. The procedure must be agreed with a dermatologist. There are times when people come to a specialist after experiencing the negative consequences of self-removal of acne. Laser removal is also effective if cosmetics or folk remedies have not helped in the fight against the tumor.

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Laser treatment is recommended for large and small subcutaneous formations, and they can be located at a significant depth. The indication for the procedure is severe acne. Laser removal of milia is prescribed for multiple pustular rashes. The innovative technique also helps to cope with scars left after unsuccessful acne removal. The advantage of the procedure is that it is not traumatic and can be performed in combination with others. Laser facial cleansing has contraindications:

  • it is not prescribed to patients with herpes virus infection;
  • laser treatment is prohibited for endocrine diseases and diabetes;
  • the procedure is not performed during pregnancy and lactation;
  • contraindication is cancer;
  • if there is damage in the area of ​​the tumor, treatment is postponed until later.
  • The procedure is not carried out at fever.

Types of laser

Neodymium. The device heats the cells of the sebaceous glands. The purpose of its influence is to normalize the functioning of these glands. The neodymium laser destroys fungi and bacteria living on the skin. It restores the flow of leukocytes and promotes rapid skin regeneration. Neodymium laser is used in a non-contact manner. It has no side effects.

  1. Erbium. This type of laser is used when acne progresses and if it reaches advanced stages. Erbium laser is often used to treat acne. During the procedure, facial resurfacing is performed. The device acts on the upper layers of the epidermis, stimulating the formation of healthy cells. The erbium laser destroys infection, smoothes the skin surface, and provides prevention of dermatological diseases.
  2. Alexandrite. This laser is used to treat milia, warts, and acne. The device can be used during hair removal. It has a powerful effect on the hair follicle.

When performing laser therapy, contraindications must be taken into account (they are the same as for the Electrocoagulation procedure). During a normal reaction of the body, the patient feels a tingling sensation at the site of exposure. The advantage of the procedure is that it does not require the use of painkillers. Laser pulses help overcome the inflammatory process.

No. 3 Medicines

Medicines may be required in cases where the problem lies in hormonal imbalance or diseases of the digestive tract. Patients are prescribed enterosorbents - activated carbon, white carbon, Smecta.

Vitamin complexes are useful , especially those with a high content of B vitamins and yeast. You can take immunostimulants. Hormonal drugs are prescribed only by a doctor and only after a full medical examination.

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As for topical products for milia, the following can be used: zinc, sulfur and tar ointments, Erythromycin also in the form of an ointment (has an antibacterial effect), boric acid (or salicylic acid) is suitable for wiping and disinfecting the skin.

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These drugs eliminate pathogens, promote healing, regulate the body's hormonal balance and the functioning of the digestive tract, and also stimulate the defenses.


Diagnosing the pathology is not difficult: an external examination is sufficient, since milium has characteristic external signs. Accurate diagnosis is required only to identify the individual cause of this phenomenon in order to correctly prescribe treatment:

  • Look at the general picture of past diseases,
  • Taking medications
  • Lifestyle and conditions, etc.

Be sure to take into account age and trace the hereditary factor.

Millet on the face

No. 4 Folk remedies

Patients often wonder how to remove milia at home. There are a large number of traditional medicine recipes, the most popular and effective are described below.

How to get rid of millet on the eyelid and other parts of the body? You can use yeast . A small spoon of yeast is mixed with the same amount of lemon juice, a few drops of hydrogen peroxide and honey are added. The resulting mask is applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, after which it is removed with warm water.

Another way is to wash your face with baby soap , to which a little soda (half a small spoon) is added when foaming. Washing – until the skin becomes hyperemic, for 7-10 days.

A tablespoon of chamomile should be poured into 200 ml of boiled water, then left for 40 minutes. Gauze moistened with this liquid is applied to the affected areas for 20 minutes. Instead of chamomile, you can use calendula .

Removal of warts using electrocoagulation

The presented technique has become widespread in the removal of warts. Before the procedure is carried out, the skin surrounding the growth is treated with an antiseptic solution. After this, the specialist touches the wart with a heated loop of an electrocoagulator. As a result of such contact, the wart is cauterized.

Given the size of the tumor, the effect on it can last up to a minute. When the wart is large, the client is injected with local anesthesia based on novocaine. After such therapy, the patient must wipe the skin with a 5% solution of potassium permanganate for a week until the crust falls off. An effective method for removing warts is also cryodestruction of warts. A lapis pencil is also used for warts. The link describes how to properly burn warts with celandine.

№5 Nutrition

During the treatment period, it is recommended to abstain from alcoholic beverages; in the future, the amount of alcohol should be significantly limited. The diet should contain a sufficient amount of lean meats and fish, vegetables and fruits. Dairy products must be low-fat. It is important to drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, this will help cleanse the body. Cereals, bread and pasta made from durum wheat are also useful.

Fatty, fried, salty, floury foods should be avoided. The same goes for sweets, chocolate, coffee and tea. As for the latter, you can drink green varieties of the drink.

What to do during treatment is not recommended

First of all, you should not self-medicate; it is important to consult a specialist and undergo a full medical examination. All recommendations and requirements of the doctor should be followed. Before using folk remedies, you should also consult a professional.

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During treatment, you should not use decorative cosmetics, this will slow down the skin restoration process. It is important not to neglect personal hygiene; ignoring these procedures will only worsen the situation. You should also not sunbathe (either outdoors or in a solarium).

Is it possible to squeeze out

Is it possible to squeeze out pimples with a white head? Doctors categorically prohibit doing this. Squeezing will lead to nothing; the patient can only further infect the skin, which can only complicate the course of the pathology. Therefore, all manipulations of this kind are prohibited; it is better to immediately contact a specialist.

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Elimination methods

The basis of treatment is removal, which should be carried out only in specialized clinics by professional doctors.

Some patients try to squeeze out whiteheads at home, not taking into account the fact that any mechanical pressure on the cyst can cause it to rupture.

An infection can get into the wound and cause severe inflammation of the skin, and subsequently noticeable scars.

Modern cosmetology has several methods for removing whiteheads:

  1. Mechanical method.
  2. Curettage.
  3. Electrocoagulation.
  4. Laser coagulation.

Only a doctor can correctly select a method for eliminating formations. It focuses on the number and size of whiteheads, as well as their location.

Mechanical method

The mechanical method involves puncturing the cyst with a sterile needle and removing its contents along with the capsule after thorough disinfection of the skin.

In one procedure, the doctor can remove up to 10 cysts. This is due to the process being traumatic for the skin.


Curettage also refers to the mechanical method of removing whiteheads. Nowadays it is rarely used, because it is considered the most traumatic of all methods.

Its essence boils down to scraping out the cyst capsule with a curette (a special needle with a loop at the end). After the procedure, scars remain at the site of the wounds, which are difficult to treat.


This method is currently the most popular. It involves exposing skin formations to high-frequency alternating current, which cauterizes the milia.

After the procedure, small crusts remain in their place, which soon disappear without leaving any traces.

Laser removal

This method is safe and low-traumatic. It is based on cauterization of defects on the skin with a laser beam. After the procedure, a crust appears at the site of the milia, which disappears within 1-2 weeks, leaving no scars.

All of these methods involve treating the skin with disinfectants for several days to avoid infection of the wound surface.

Folk recipes

Treatment of milia with folk remedies, unlike cosmetic procedures, does not require serious financial costs, trips to the clinic and a recovery period.

As a rule, remedies for getting rid of millet at home are available and cheap. They help improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands, cleanse the sebaceous ducts and dissolve old plugs.

It should be remembered that the treatment process with folk remedies is very long. Before starting the procedures, you should definitely consult with a specialist to avoid complications.

There are many methods in the arsenal of traditional medicine that have proven themselves in the treatment of miliary cysts:

  1. One of the most popular remedies is salt scrub. To prepare it, you need to mix baking soda and sea salt in equal quantities.
    The resulting powder should be applied with light circular movements to problem areas of thoroughly cleansed and well-moisturized skin for 5 minutes. Then wash it off with water. This scrub is good for oily skin, but not more than once a week.
  2. A yeast mask will not only save your skin from drying out, but will also help dissolve sebaceous secretions in the pores.
    To prepare it you will need 1 tablespoon of fresh yeast, 1 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide (3%), 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and 1 tbsp. l. honey. Everything needs to be mixed and put in a warm place for 15 minutes. After this, apply it as an application to the areas affected by cysts, hold for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. Be sure to apply moisturizer to your skin after the procedure, because the mask contains some aggressive ingredients.
  3. A mask made from fresh viburnum juice and oatmeal has also proven itself in the treatment of whiteheads.
    To prepare it, you need to mix fresh viburnum juice with small oat flakes. Before use, you should steam your face, apply the prepared mixture to the skin affected by cysts, and hold for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with water.
  4. Lotions made from pharmaceutical herbs are good for bringing milia to the surface of the skin.
    To do this, use chamomile and calendula. It is necessary to pour a glass of boiling water into 1 tbsp. l. chopped herbs, leave for half an hour and apply gauze soaked in a warm infusion to the whiteheads. This method is good because it can be used every day without harming your health.
  5. Cucumber infusion will help reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and refresh the skin. To prepare it, you will need to grate 1 medium cucumber, brew it in 150 ml of boiling water, wrap it and leave for 2-3 hours. Moisten cotton pads with the resulting infusion and apply them to the acne.
  6. For inflamed sebaceous glands, chistets lotion will be indispensable. To prepare it you need to mix 4 tbsp.
    l. herbs and 500 ml of vodka or medical alcohol. It is necessary to infuse in a dark place for 3 weeks, then strain and wipe the skin areas with millet every day. It should always be remembered that alcohol tinctures greatly dry the skin. After using them, be sure to apply moisturizer to your face.
  7. Pumpkin mask does a good job of regulating metabolism. Grate the pumpkin on a fine grater, add sour cream to a mushy consistency, and apply it as an application to problem areas for 4 hours.

The listed recipes give good results only with regular and long-term use.

If a patient needs to quickly remove cosmetic skin defects, it is better to use the help of specialists and hardware cosmetology.


Measures to prevent the occurrence of milia on the face are as follows:

  • food with the exception of fatty, salty foods, smoked meats, spices, flour and sweets;
  • limiting the consumption of alcohol, tea and coffee;
  • to give up smoking;
  • refusal of foundation;
  • careful selection of cosmetic products (especially decorative);
  • regular cleansing of the facial skin;
  • observation by an endocrinologist and gastroenterologist.

Following these recommendations will ensure a minimal risk of the formation of white pimples and the occurrence of relapses of the pathology. If the patient detects such rashes, he should consult a dermatologist and cosmetologist as soon as possible.

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