Facial epilator - selection and use


Beard depilation is carried out using a special cream. Its composition is somewhat different from a similar product for women, because guys' hair is much coarser. Depilatory cream is the easiest option for getting rid of unwanted hair, which is why it is very popular among men.


  • painlessness;
  • the procedure does not take much time;
  • Possibility of home use.


  • the effect lasts for a maximum of a week;
  • the unpleasant odor of the product remains on the skin for several hours, or even days;
  • frequent manifestation of allergic reactions: redness, burning, itching;
  • possibility of chemical burns.

Another option to get rid of stubble is a trimmer. This device operates on batteries or mains. It is equipped with special blades that cut hairs as close to the skin as possible. Modern trimmers are backlit, which makes their use easier and more convenient. The price of the device depends on the brand and functional features.

The main advantages of the trimmer:

  • safety;
  • ease of use;
  • the ability not to remove the entire beard, but to give it a certain shape;
  • painlessness.

The downside is that the effect is short-lived. You should use the trimmer daily or at least every other day, only then are you guaranteed smooth skin.

Epilation has a significant impact on the skin. To avoid irritation after the procedure, it is necessary to treat it with an alcohol-containing lotion. If scratches or damage occur, be sure to use antiseptics containing vitamins A and E. Chamomile infusion and special cosmetic oils are also suitable.

All products are applied twice: first, the first layer, which should be absorbed into the skin, and then the second, applied with massaging movements. At the end, special creams or oils are used to reduce hair growth activity.

The braun face women's facial epilator is equipped with a special brush for cleaning it after the procedure. Many models can be completely washed under running water. In some cases, you will have to remove the working attachment and rinse only it. Hair gets stuck in narrow holes and interferes with the correct operation of tweezers and wheels.

The quality of the procedure and the service life of the device depend on the cleanliness of the elements.

Features of using depilatory cream on the face (how to use)

Whatever cream is purchased, it must have instructions that always clearly describe the hair removal process, as well as precautions. In general, all means are used approximately according to the same principle.

  1. The face needs to be prepared for the procedure. You should remove all makeup, wash your face using special foam or soap, then dry with a towel. The depilatory product is applied exclusively to dry and clean facial skin.
  2. Now you can apply the product to those places where hairs need to be removed: the bridge of the nose, the skin above the upper lip, etc. You can apply the composition in a thick layer, it is important not to rub the product into the skin.
  3. It is necessary to keep the component on the skin for the time specified in the instructions for the specific drug. It is very important not to overexpose the product on the skin .
  4. At the end of the procedure, you need to remove the hair from the treated area with a special napkin or spatula, and then wash your face with running water without soap.
  5. It is advisable to apply a care product to the skin after depilation. Such lotions will soothe the skin, help avoid dryness and irritation, and also slow down the process of further hair growth.

Features and Benefits

The strengths of these epilators are:

  • Clean removal of excess facial hair.
  • Possibility of targeted removal of individual hairs.
  • Relative savings in time for the procedure.
  • The cases are made of non-slip material and fit comfortably in the hand.
  • Light weight.
  • Speed ​​regulation.
  • Easy to clean.
  • Modern appearance and attractive palette.

Disadvantages of facial epilators:

  • Not all devices have backlighting and are powered by an internal battery.
  • High price for most models.

It is known that the classic epilator is not suitable for removing facial hair - it is too bulky for this small area, inconvenient to use and not suitable in general. A special epilator for the face has the following advantages:

  • The smaller epilating head allows you to remove hair from any small areas - above the upper lip, chin, above and below the eyebrows;
  • It has an elongated shape (resembles a pen) and is convenient for targeted use;
  • It removes hair from the follicle and guarantees smooth skin for 2-4 weeks without stubble (new hairs grow softer and finer);
  • More efficient in work than tweezers. In one revolution of the machine head, about 100-200 hairs are removed (depending on the model).

Each manufacturer defines its own mandatory set, for example, the Braun brand offers a whole arsenal of accessories for a facial epilator - a brush for cleansing pores and removing makeup.

The facial epilator has several disadvantages, which are also worth mentioning:

  • “Gives” painful sensations, like any other method of hair removal. Let us remember that the essence of the process is to artificially remove the hair along with the bulb and disrupt the texture of the follicle so that the new hairs grow thinner and softer;
  • Causes irritation. It depends on the individual characteristics of the skin. In any case, hair removal should be carried out in the evening, so that the skin has time to recover overnight and the irritation subsides;
  • May cause ingrown hairs. The reason for their formation is the characteristics of the skin, improper preparation and implementation of the procedure, or inadequate care of the epidermis after;
  • Small selection of models.

Popular manufacturers

Many manufacturers today produce mustache depilatory creams for women. Nevertheless, there are a number of companies that are the most popular; their products are on the shelves in almost all cities.

  • Eveline is a Polish cosmetics company. She positions her cream as a product that can provide safe and fast depilation. According to the manufacturers, the skin remains silky and moisturized for a long time after the procedure. As an additional drug, a cream-balm is sold that slows down the growth of new hairs on the skin. Eveline sells products at an affordable price. In the field of depilation, 10 different products are presented, among which there are classic ones that act for about 15 minutes, as well as ultra-fast ones that can remove hairs in 3-5 minutes. Ultra-fast creams contain more aggressive components. Based on reviews from customers of this cosmetic company's products, we can conclude that some women are satisfied with the product, and some experience an allergic skin reaction. Many also complain about the specific smell of the cream.

  • Byly
    . This company is from Spain. Offers a moisturizing depilatory cream that contains aloe vera extract. The product ensures high-quality removal of excess hair, and the napkin that comes with the kit makes the procedure comfortable. An interesting fact is that the preparation contains alkali and active acids, and therefore the component is not allowed to come into contact with the eyes. According to the manufacturers, their cream works well even on sensitive skin. Byly works within 5-7 minutes. At first, according to reviews, slight redness may be noticeable on the skin.

  • Veet is a French cosmetics company. According to reviews, the product is very convenient to use. It usually needs to be applied for 3-6 minutes, after which it should be removed from the skin using a special stick. Works well with any skin type without irritating it. In practice, according to customers of the product of this brand, you need to leave the cream on the skin for about 7-8 minutes, but under no circumstances should you keep the product on the body for more than 10 minutes. Hair growth slows down after using this product. Unlike its competitors, Veet cream has a pleasant smell.

The blogger talks about his personal experience of using mustache depilatory creams

Today there are a great variety of means by which ladies rid their beautiful bodies of unwanted hair. You can choose any one, depending on the desired effect, the thickness of the wallet and patience. But if the problem is excess facial hair, the solution is not so easy.

The skin of the face is too delicate and sensitive to be affected by aggressive agents. And it’s unlikely that anyone will argue with the fact that there should be no traces of hair removal on the face, or at least invisible.

That is why the question of choosing a method of hair removal on the face is ambiguous. The easiest way to pluck out single hairs growing in the wrong place is with tweezers, but if the hair is a clear problem, it is better to look for other methods to eliminate it. The main requirements for facial hair removal products are gentleness and safety.

One of the “softest” methods of hair removal - simple, convenient, painless - is chemical depilation. A cream-based depilatory product (or in the form of a spray) is applied to the area where hair needs to be removed, and after a few minutes it is washed off along with the semi-dissolved hair, leaving beautiful smooth skin. It would seem that this is the ideal recipe for a facial product. But, alas, there are not many women for whom chemical hair removal is the optimal solution. Let's try to figure out why.

How to use?

The electric facial epilator is easy to use:

  1. Pre-clean your skin - wash with your usual foam or gel to cleanse and open pores. It is advisable to carry out hair removal after taking a bath or shower, when the pores are steamed and ready to “give up” hairs;
  2. It is advisable to use a scrub - it will remove the keratinized layer of cells and free the hairs, lifting them;
  3. Pat the wet surface of the skin with a towel and dry it naturally;
  4. Move the working head of the epilator against hair growth slowly, from bottom to top, do not press the machine;
  5. Walk over one area 1-2 times against hair growth and no more than 3-4 repetitions, otherwise irritation cannot be avoided;
  6. After completing the process, wipe the skin with a soothing tonic without alcohol; you can use hydrogen peroxide or herbal decoction. The liquid must be applied with light dabbing movements, do not rub;
  7. Then apply a moisturizing or soothing cream (with chamomile, aloe, calendula) and use it every time after hair removal.

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Cosmetologists recommend epilating the face in the evening - if it was not possible to avoid irritation immediately, it may go away on its own overnight - just soothe the skin with a tonic and apply a moisturizer. Any anti-burn cream will help remove severe irritation from the face - “Rescuer”, “Panthenol”, “Bepanten”.

The “Spring” manual epilator works on a different principle: attach springs to your face and move the handle from bottom to top or against hair growth. “Spring” copes well with vellus hair above the eyebrows or upper lip, but correcting the shape of the eyebrows with it is quite unpredictable.

Side effects after using an epilator

Most often, after hair removal, the problem of ingrowth occurs; this situation can only be prevented by peeling before the procedure, but this will not give a 100% guarantee.

Immediately after pulling out the hairs, redness of the treated area of ​​skin is observed, which usually goes away on its own. The modern braun se women's facial epilator is equipped with special cooling attachments that minimize the possibility of inflammation.

Improper use of the device can result in cuts and injuries.


Each facial epilator model has its pros and cons. Modern women prefer a special model from Braun - comfortable, compact and not cheap. Among its advantages, consumers note its effectiveness - hair is removed along with the hair follicle, almost painlessness and ease of use on the most sensitive areas of the face - above the upper lip and under the eyebrows. By the way, the model from Braun perfectly corrects the shape of the eyebrow and removes vellus hairs so quickly and almost imperceptibly.

If we talk about electric models, we can’t help but mention more budget-friendly analogues like Tweeze, a compact epilator with a small tweezer-type head. It's inexpensive and does a good job of removing facial hair, but it's hard to find real reviews about the model.

There are also a lot of reviews about mechanical “springs” - they are suitable for combating invisible vellus hair and are inexpensive, despite their primitiveness, they do an excellent job with hairs and give smooth skin for 2-4 weeks. Among the disadvantages of a spring-type mechanical epilator, women note the impossibility of adjusting the shape of the eyebrows - the spring does not act in a targeted manner, but “cuts” all the hairs that come across it.

It is impossible to say which epilator is best for women. One thing is clear: the most efficient in operation are electrical, the most affordable are mechanical. If facial hair doesn’t bother you that much, a mechanical epilator or regular tweezers will suffice. If hair above the upper lip or chin is a real problem, you cannot do without an electric epilator.

The following video is a review of the BRAUN Face epilator-peeling.

Description of Braun models

Since the facial epilator is considered a new product in the field of cosmetology, few manufacturers have yet paid attention to this product. Among those who have already begun to create their own lines, the trend is so far (China), because the device is equipped with additional necessary devices. Below is an overview of popular models:

  • "Braun SE 820 Face" has already been mentioned above. With its help, it is easy to remove excess hair above the upper lip, in the chin area, and also to model eyebrows.

Required model equipment

  • Two in one - this is the Braun FG 1100 SilkFinish device. It combines an epilator and a trimmer (in other words, tweezers and scissors). The model is equipped with a backlight that allows you to detect even the finest hair.
  • “Braun Silk-epil 9-558 Wet&Dry” is a very expensive device because it is multifunctional and allows you to solve several problems in caring for your appearance. Additional accessories make it possible to care not only for the face, but also for the entire body. In addition to hair removal, this device also performs light acupressure.

If you come across epilators from other manufacturers on sale, you should also take them into account. For example, a good model “Panasonic ER-GN25” (Russia) allows you to specifically remove fine hair. And “Remington EP7030” (China) is designed for coarse hair. A set of attachments allows you to adjust the grip area of ​​the treated area.

What to look for when choosing

If you are looking at a device for removing facial hair, decide whether you need a multifunctional epilator or a separate device for this purpose. When purchasing, be sure to check these details:

  • Hair removal mechanism (shaving or epilation).
  • Type of power supply for the device (from the mains or from the battery).
  • Width of the working surface. The narrower it is, the fewer hairs are removed at the same time, and the less discomfort you will experience.
  • Are there systems for pain relief?
  • Is there backlighting?
  • Additional attachments and functions.
  • Is a cosmetic bag for storing the device included?

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What to look for when choosing a cream

Due to the fact that today there is a huge selection of different creams on the market, you need to know several factors that you should pay attention to when choosing a product.

  1. First of all, it should be noted that it is better to make a purchase not in an online store or in a dubious store, but in a pharmacy or specialized store. Doubtful organizations will most likely not worry about the quality storage conditions of the product, and this may cause the drug to become unsuitable for use.
  2. You can also find compounds whose packaging states that they simultaneously quickly depilate the skin, have a high dissolution rate, slow down hair growth, moisturize the face, etc. Most often, this is just an advertising ploy. Still, it is better to decide what is most important at a particular moment: the speed of the procedure, the skin’s reaction to the drug, or something else, in order to ultimately make a choice in favor of the right product.
  3. It is better to purchase products whose description indicates that they are suitable for home use. If you do not pay attention to this, you can mistakenly buy a professional product, the use of which is characterized by a number of important points, the knowledge of which only a specialist in this field has.
  4. To use the product at home, it is recommended to buy ready-made kits. They usually contain a hair removal cream, a napkin or spatula, and a moisturizing lotion that is used after facial depilation. It is important that all tubes are hermetically sealed and well packaged at the time of purchase. If depressurization has been noticed, then such a product cannot be purchased, much less applied to the face.

Did you know?

In 500 BC. e Roman women began to use pumice and even a primitive type of razor to remove unwanted hair.

If the hair is ingrown

The appearance of facial hair in the fair sex causes a lot of troubles: the formation of complexes, decreased interest among men, difficulty in choosing suitable products for such a delicate area. But before you start dealing with the problem, you must first understand the cause of increased facial hair, otherwise the methods may be useless.

Excessive facial hair growth in women is called hirsutism - a female diagnosis caused by the presence of a large amount of male sex hormones. Most often, hair is localized above the upper lip, but it can also be present in abundance on other parts of the face. If we exclude a predisposition to a large amount of hair due to a genetic trait characteristic of some peoples, then the following reasons can be identified:

  • congenital or acquired physiological disorders, most often associated with ovarian pathology. They stop producing female hormones in normal volumes, and the concentration of male hormones increases;
  • changes in hormonal levels as a result of incorrect or poor-quality medications;
  • physiological changes due to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy and menopause;
  • the use of low-quality cosmetics, as a result, the body tries to protect itself from aggressive influences with excess hair;
  • benign or malignant tumor.

    When facial hair appears, you first need to understand whether it is a cosmetic defect or a serious illness.

Associated symptoms may include menstrual irregularities, excessive appetite leading to obesity, and depression.

Due to the seriousness of the problem, it is first necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence, then select a suitable method for removing unwanted facial hair.

The following features must be taken into account:

  • hair removal with bulb. Then the maximum effect will be achieved for a long time;
  • painful procedure. The skin of the face is a very delicate area, so it is advisable to select a product that causes the least discomfort;
  • careful care after the hair removal procedure. Skin irritation may occur, so you need to treat your face with special lotions and moisturizers.

If, after using any method of hair removal, redness or swelling appears on the face, then it is better to abandon it and choose another option.

Possible causes of ingrown hair problem

Sometimes hair grows ingrown after using an epilator. The problem is not pleasant; it is fraught not only with skin problems, but also with an unattractive appearance.

But we know how to get rid of ingrown hairs after using an epilator and will be happy to share our knowledge with you. If after the next session the number of such hairs has increased significantly, then first of all you need to change the way you remove the growth.

First way

The picture shows the difference between a normal hair and an ingrown hair.

The first method of correct and effective control involves the following:

  • any product designed to eliminate acne should be applied to the area with the ingrown hair;
  • this will not only relieve irritation, but also heal the wound;
  • You need to apply the product three to four times a day until the wound is completely healed;
  • Treat the affected area with a scrub at least twice a day - it will help free the hair.

Second way

Use tweezers carefully!

This method is designed to combat hairs that have grown too deeply.

And the compress will help you with this:

  • soak a piece of gauze, soft cloth or towel in hot water;
  • apply to the problem area;
  • when the compress has cooled, wet it again and apply;
  • repeat this until the tip of the hair comes out;
  • take pre-sterilized tweezers and pick up the tip of the hair;
  • do not pull too hard - it should give in easily;
  • if it doesn’t respond, the problem is severe irritation;
  • After removing the hair, treat the skin area with any disinfectant.

If both methods are ineffective, then do not use any other experimental ones. It is better to seek help from a professional cosmetologist.

And do not start the problem, otherwise inflammation may occur on the skin.

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Is it possible to remove facial hair with a regular epilator?

A regular epilator can also be used to remove facial hair. However, it should come with a nozzle for treating sensitive areas. Using this attachment, part of the tweezers or discs is covered. because a large number of tweezers tug the hairs too intensely, and the painful sensations become unbearable.

To reduce pain, a special attachment is placed on the head of a conventional epilator.

In addition, to remove facial hair, it is advisable to use epilators with a floating head, which will exactly follow the contours and effectively remove hairs even in the most difficult to reach places.

Some models have a built-in airflow system that can dull the pain. Therefore, when removing facial hair, this function of the device will come in handy.

To make the procedure more comfortable, experts advise using wet depilation devices using foam or gel. It also reduces pain.

The following epilators can be recommended for removing facial hair: Panasonic ES-ED90, Braun 7281 Silk-epil Xpressive, Philips HP 6521, Rowenta Silence soft ep5660, Remington EP7020 Smooth & Silky.

The piquancy of the problem

Many women have experienced first-hand “mustache” that has taken a strong position on the skin of their face on top of the lip.

This problem is piquant and requires a solution, since it certainly will not make the girl beautiful.

You just have to understand that you can solve it temporarily by using one of the hair removal methods, but you also shouldn’t forget that you can’t do without the help of a qualified doctor who will examine the female body and calculate the causes of hair growth.

The principle of operation and design of epilators

The epilator device is understood as a device, which in turn can be a disk device or a tweezer device.

The second option is the most effective, as it is able to remove a large number of hairs at the same time than the disk model.

As a rule, models are powered by electricity, although there are also devices on the market that are charged using batteries.

Few people do not know that pulling out facial hair using an epilator is very painful. It's quite tolerable on your feet. Some are unable to withstand such an attack.

Marketers are well aware that this can negatively affect the purchase of the device. Very often specialists resort to deception.

They come up with attachments that help reduce pain. Among them there are stretching, massage and blowing agents, even a cooling function.

But in fact, such tricks do not significantly reduce pain. For example, a cooling nozzle even complicates the procedure.

The thing is that the pores become narrower from the cold, and therefore it is even more difficult to pull out the hairs, and accordingly, you can get little pleasure from the procedure.

No, you don’t have to think that an epilator is one of the worst methods of hair removal. Of course, there will be those women who will be delighted with this technique.

For example, this method is much more modern than burning with acid, which is certainly not safe. Deciding whether to use an epilator for your face or not should be based solely on your feelings.

This device is an electrical device designed to eliminate unwanted hair in various areas of the face. It has a rotating head equipped with many small tweezers that grab and pull out hair.

The device was created as a more advanced model of a conventional epilator. The difference is a more ergonomic shape and a small size of the working part, which makes facial hair removal more convenient. Also during the development, the increased sensitivity of the facial area was taken into account, so the devices are equipped with additional options that make the procedure less painful.

Epilation differs from depilation in that hairs are not simply removed from the surface of the skin, but are pulled out from the follicles with roots. Accordingly, the device must be able to tightly grasp them and pull them out entirely, like tweezers. It hurts, but the appearance of new hair is delayed for weeks.

Any electromechanical epilator has a rotating drum with numerous movable tweezer jaws or disks. They are located very close to each other, which allows each hair to be tightly captured when the metal parts close when turning the shaft. Having made a half turn and pulled the root out of the onion, the grips open again by about a millimeter in order to catch the next rod on the next circle.

This happens very quickly - the drum makes about 300 full revolutions per minute, during which time it manages to clear a rather large area of ​​skin from unwanted vegetation. It is driven by a motor built into the body. Also, any epilator has an on/off button, and on many models there are also regulators for speed and grip density.


Epilators with ceramic elements are more practical, environmentally friendly and do not cause allergies. They are easy to wash, so their service life is quite long, but you will have to pay a lot of money for them.

Metal discs are an economical option; after three years they become dirty and the device has to be replaced. Some women may be allergic to epilators with metal.

This problem is encountered by those who violate the rules for using the device, for example, by not holding it at a right angle, or by neglecting peeling before the procedure.

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