Using castor oil for hair at home

Benefits of castor oil for hair and eyelashes

  • The oil contains a whole range of fatty acids - linoleic, oleic. However, the most beneficial for hair growth is ricinoleic acid, which is what castor oil is rich in.
  • Castor oil softens, nourishes, and moisturizes not only the hair, but also the scalp.
  • Accelerates hair growth and stops hair loss by nourishing the hair follicle.
  • Gives hair shine and smoothness by smoothing the hair scales.
  • Fights dandruff and flaking of the skin in the hairline area.
  • Strengthens eyelashes and promotes their growth.
  • Castor oil is a natural cosmetic for our hair.


I threw away all my serums a long time ago and only use castor oil. It not only accelerates hair growth, but also, nourishing it with vitamins, makes it more vibrant, shiny and manageable in styling. This is one of my must-haves.


I did it, I’m doing it and I’ll do it tomorrow - it works. Rub warm castor oil into your hair, put a bag on it, and a thick towel on top - and for at least 4 hours. During this time, you can clean up, work out on the exercise machine, your head warms up, and it works even better. The hair thickens, darkens and remains on the head.


And I only add castor oil to mustard hair masks. It washes off surprisingly very easily. After about two weeks I felt the results of such procedures. New hairs began to grow from the roots like a hedgehog. I don’t know what influenced this more, castor oil or mustard, but I am very pleased with this result.


Properties of castor oil

What are the benefits of using castor oil, and what amazing properties does this product have? The use of castor oil for hair is explained by its content of beneficial fatty acids. The main ones are ricinoleic, linoleic acid, palmitic, stearic and oleic acids, which have a beneficial effect on hair condition.

Many women are put off by this product because of its specific smell, which is difficult to wash off even with shampoo. But this can also be dealt with, you just need to heat the oil before use and keep your head in a towel. However, the effect is worth it, because the oil, when used for a month or two, once or twice a week, will solve many problems:

  • cope with hair loss and strengthen it;
  • reduce and prevent hair damage;
  • will make them strong, thick, fluffy and voluminous;
  • prevents dry scalp;
  • deeply moisturizes hair and scalp;
  • relieves flaking and dandruff;
  • penetrating deep into the hair follicles and enveloping the hair itself, the oil perfectly nourishes it, filling it with useful substances and gluing the scales;
  • gives dazzling shine and flawless silkiness;
  • helps cope with brittleness, dryness and dullness of hair, which is very important for bleached, repeatedly dyed or bleached hair;
  • improves overall hair health.

Castor oil is also used for hair growth. After using castor oil, they look attractive and healthy.

Video: Masha Kavylina - experience using castor oil

Castor oil is an effective hair treatment, but not magical. One application will not make your curls twice as thick or 10 cm longer. Follow the recommendations for use and remember that the main thing in using castor oil is regularity. Beauty does not require sacrifice, it requires patience!

  • Author: Nadezhda Berdyugina
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Using castor oil for hair

It's no secret that long beautiful hair is not only the dream of most women, but also an indicator of their health. However, the slightest disruptions in the body are immediately reflected in the hair. Therefore, castor oil will be a kind of “lifesaver” for those who are experiencing hair loss, split ends or have discovered the appearance of dandruff.

For example, a mask in which castor oil is used for hair for medicinal purposes is suitable for those affected by hair coloring or perm. Castor oil will also be useful for women whose hair has begun to fall out during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

And to all those who care about the beauty and health of their hair, I recommend sometimes pampering their curls with a healthy mask. By the way, this is especially true in winter - against the backdrop of a lack of vitamins, constant “contact” with the hat and temperature contrast, the hair begins to “act up”, becoming more brittle and dry. And on the comb we see traces of such “starvation” every time. So it's time to nourish your hair.

Hair masks with castor oil

Castor oil for hair growth

For hair growth, it is best to use castor oil in the form of masks. For example, we like this one:

  • Castor oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Olive oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Yolk - 1 piece

All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and rubbed into the hair roots. In order for the mask to work more effectively, after applying the mixture you need to insulate your hair with film and wrap it with a towel. Experts advise keeping this mask on your hair for at least an hour. After which it should be washed off with warm water and shampoo.

Castor oil for strengthening hair

Castor oil not only helps with hair growth, it also perfectly strengthens weak hair. To do this, hairdressers advise making the following mask:

  • Honey - 1 teaspoon
  • Castor oil - 1 tablespoon
  • Yolk - 1 piece
  • Lemon juice - 1 teaspoon

This mask should be applied over the entire length of the hair and kept for at least 30 minutes. To keep your hair out of the way, you can also wrap it in film and a towel. This mask should be done several times a week, and the result will not be long in coming.

Hair mask with castor oil and kefir

Pour kefir into a cup and warm it up a little by placing the cup in a bowl of hot water. The kefir needs to become warm. Now add five drops of castor oil to kefir and rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, and also distribute it over the entire length of the hair. To enhance the effect, you can put a shower cap or a regular plastic bag on your head, and insulate your head with a towel on top. Like all other oils, castor oil works better in warm conditions. It is enough to leave the mask on for 30 minutes, after which it is good to rinse first with water and then with shampoo.

Mask for split ends and brittle hair

In a heated iron bowl, mix: 2 tbsp. castor oil, 1 tbsp. sea ​​buckthorn, burdock, almond oils, 5 drops of orange essential oil.

Rub into the scalp and distribute over the entire length, do not forget about split ends. On top is again a polyethylene cap and a towel or woolen hat. Keep the mask on for an hour and a half and rinse thoroughly.

Castor oil and cognac to strengthen hair

A mask of cognac and castor oil will help to strengthen and prevent hair loss. Mix a spoonful of castor oil with a spoonful of cognac and egg yolk. Apply this composition to your hair and leave for about two hours. Rinse your hair with water.

Castor oil for hair growth

A mask of castor oil and onion juice will help to awaken “sleeping” hair follicles and stimulate hair growth: 2 tablespoons. mix castor oil spoons with 2 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed onion juice. Rub into the roots and wrap. Leave on for at least 1 hour and rinse off. Aloe vera pulp and juice will help enhance the effect; this is a good remedy for baldness.

Features of application

Before you start treating your hair, you need to familiarize yourself with some nuances. Recommendations for using castor oil for hair:

  • The product must be applied heated and only to clean, dry strands.
  • To minimize hair loss, you should comb your hair thoroughly before using homemade masks.
  • To prevent tangling of the hair during the distribution of the product, you need to separate the strands using a special comb with a thin handle.
  • If the composition is rubbed into the roots, it is better to do it with your fingers, performing massaging movements.
  • After treatment, the hair should be covered with polyethylene or a special cap and the head should be wrapped in a towel.
  • Depending on the desired result, castor oil, undiluted or as part of a mask, can be applied along the length of the curls or selectively to individual areas.
  • How long you need to keep the mask on depends on the speed of action of the components, and varies from 30 minutes to 8 hours. It is contraindicated to leave the composition on the head overnight, since prolonged contact with the skin causes the oil to clog pores and deprive cells of oxygen.
  • At the end of the procedure, the remaining product must be washed off with shampoo and rinsed with a decoction of medicinal herbs. The use of balm is not recommended.
  • Distributing the product along the entire length of the hair helps protect each hair shaft from mechanical damage. After the procedure, the hair becomes manageable, elastic, and easier to style.
  • Applying castor oil to the ends helps protect them from excision or splitting and improves their appearance.
  • If you apply warm oil after cutting, it seals the edges of the cut and prevents air molecules from penetrating into the hair structure. As a result, you will be able to go to the hairdresser less often.
  • The choice of the composition distribution zone should be made taking into account the type of hair. If the strands are oily, then it is recommended to avoid frequent application of oil at the roots, since the procedure will increase the production of sebum. To prevent this, drying products must be added to the medicinal mixture, which will be applied close to the skin: alcohol, mustard, lemon juice, clay.

It is worth considering that dermatologists do not recommend applying castor oil in its pure form, since it is difficult to wash off. It will give the best results when combined with burdock, macassar, ricin or coconut oils. To enhance the conductivity of beneficial substances into the structure of the strands, it is recommended to include dimexide in masks.

Castor oil against hair loss

Mix 1 tbsp. heated castor oil with 1 tbsp. tincture of capsicum purchased at the pharmacy (it is also called “pepper”). Add 1 tbsp to the mixture. favorite hair balm. Apply the mask with a cotton swab, carefully running along the parting line. Only on the scalp. You need to make sure that the composition does not get into your eyes. We also wrap and insulate our heads and keep the mask on for at least half an hour. The result will be noticeable if you use the mask regularly. It is better to do this in courses. Once a year, a three-month course is enough, during which you need to use this mask twice a week. If a mask with castor oil and pepper is used as a preventive measure, then once a week is enough. I haven’t tried it myself, but my daughters use it. They really like it.

Homemade masks for oily hair

To eliminate excessive oiliness and normalize sebum production, it is recommended to use a mask consisting of 3 tbsp. l. fresh chopped parsley, 1 tsp. cognac and twice as much castor oil.

Add warm oil and an alcoholic drink to the greens, mix the mixture thoroughly and rub into the scalp. After 1 hour, the composition must be washed off.

There is another version of the mask, suitable for oily hair types. To make it you will need the following components:

  • 100 g kefir;
  • 1 tbsp. l. castor bean oils.

Instructions: the products must be mixed, brought to a warm state in a water bath, and then lubricated along the entire length of the curls, including the root part. After this, you need to warm your head, leave the product on for 60 minutes and rinse with shampoo.

Thus, there are many variations of castor oil based hair masks. Which one is better to use depends on the type of hair and the problems you have.

How to Apply Castor Oil to Hair

Gather all the ingredients. Using castor oil may seem like a simple task to you, but there are a few things that can make it more effective and easier to use. Here's a list of what you'll need:

  • Castor oil
  • Other oils (argan, avocado, coconut, jojoba, sweet almond and others)
  • Hot water
  • A bowl
  • Jar
  • Shower cap
  • Towel
  • Old T-shirt (preferably)

Mix castor oil with another oil of your choice. Castor oil is very thick, making it difficult to apply. Try mixing one part castor oil and one part another oil, such as argan, avocado, jojoba or almond. All these oils are very beneficial for hair. You can also try the following combinations:

  • 3 tablespoons castor oil
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil

You can add a few drops of essential oil for scent. Castor oil doesn't smell very nice. If you don't like the smell, add two or three drops of an essential oil, such as rosemary, peppermint or tea tree oil.

Pour all the oils into a jar and shake it to mix. Close the lid tightly and shake the jar for several minutes. Then open the lid.

Fill the bowl with hot water. Make sure the bowl is large enough to hold the jar. You need to heat the oil. This will make it more effective and will make it easier for you to apply it to your hair. Do not attempt to heat oil in a microwave oven.

Place the jar in water and leave it there for 2-4 minutes. Make sure the water level is at the same level as the oil in the jar. In addition, you should protect the jar from water getting inside it, otherwise the oil will get wet.

Once the oil is hot, drain it into a small bowl. This will make it easier for you to dip your fingers into it while applying it to your hair.

  • Try pouring the oil into a small bottle using a dropper. This way you can drop the oil from a pipette directly onto your scalp.

Lightly wet your hair, but it shouldn't be too wet. The oil is better absorbed into damp hair. The best way to moisturize your hair is to spray water on your scalp using a spray bottle.

Cover your shoulders with a towel. This will protect your clothes from oil stains. It's best to wear old clothes because you won't have to worry about oil dripping past the towel.

Dip your fingers into the oil and massage your scalp for three to five minutes. Do not use too much oil as a small amount should be enough. Using your fingers, rub the oil between the roots of your hair and onto your scalp. Massage your scalp with your fingertips in light circular motions.

  • You can use a pipette to apply a few drops to different areas of the head. You may find this method easier to use and less messy. You should massage the oil into your scalp for five minutes.

Apply oil to remaining hair. Take a little more oil and rub it in your palms. Then run your fingers through your hair. Use your fingers to comb your hair, distributing the oil along its entire length. Start by applying a small amount. You should not take too much oil at one time.

Place a shower cap on your head. Pull your hair up. If necessary, secure them with a bobby pin. Put on a shower cap. This will help keep your hair warm and prevent it from drying out.

Wrap a towel around your head. Wet the towel with hot water. Twist the towel to squeeze out excess water, then wrap it around your head. You can twist it into a turban or pin it with a large hairpin. A warm towel will increase the effectiveness of the oil.

Wait 30 minutes to 3 hours before washing off the oil. You can also leave it overnight, although it is not a fact that this will add effectiveness to the procedure. It will take you some time to wash out all the oil. Many people believe that it is easier to remove oil with hair conditioner than with shampoo.

Do this procedure once or twice a week for best results. Keep in mind that you won't see results the next day. Try treating your hair with castor oil for 4 weeks before using other treatments.

Useful tips

  • Try to buy unrefined, cold-pressed castor oil. It is the most effective and contains more nutrients. Avoid refined or adulterated castor oil. It contains too few nutrients and is ineffective.
  • Castor oil is highly moisturizing and suitable for dry hair. It will also help deal with unruly curls.
  • If your hair gets tangled quickly, after treatment it will become smooth and manageable.
  • Castor oil will also help reduce itchy scalp and is great for dandruff.
  • Castor oil makes hair stronger and stimulates its growth. It is also used as an anti-hair loss remedy.

What kind of oil is it and what is its composition?

The presented natural product can really help your hair, replacing expensive masks and shampoos.

Oil is obtained from castor beans, a plant that grows on all continents and is widely used for both technical and medicinal purposes.

The plant itself is poisonous to both humans and animals, but the oil is prepared by cold pressing from its seeds.

Castor oil consists of a mixture of several oils:

  • Ricinoleic acid – almost 90%.
  • Palmitic acid – approximately 1%.
  • Stearic acid – almost 1%.
  • Oleic acid – 3%.
  • Linoleic acid – 4%.

It also contains vitamins A and E. The composition of monosaturated and saturated fatty acids determines the properties of castor oil.

Castor oil has a viscous thick consistency, it is transparent, sometimes with yellowish tints, quite fatty, but not runny. The oil has a peculiar taste, similar to glycerin, which is quite unpleasant.

There is an astringent feeling and a long aftertaste in the mouth, but it is easy to drink. The smell is slightly noticeable and not intense. The aroma is reminiscent of a mixture of wax and glycerin. The oil is used both in pure form and in mixtures.

Castor oil for hair. Video:

Castor oil for hair, what is its benefit? How to treat hair with castor oil?

Before the first use, do not forget to check for allergies! Castor oil has a wide range of beneficial properties. It is used in folk remedies both internally (as a laxative) and externally. A particularly useful property of castor oil when used as homemade masks is that it is a strong blood circulation stimulant. The main value of castor oil for hair is that it awakens dormant hair follicles. Castor oil saves hair from dryness and brittleness. Masks with castor oil for hair are great for eliminating dandruff.

Pure castor oil for the treatment and prevention of hair problems:

If you don’t have the desire or time to bother with making masks, you can simply buy a bottle of castor oil, place it in a water bath, and heat it for 15 minutes (since it’s when it’s warm that all the healing properties of the oil are best revealed). Using your fingers, apply heated castor oil to your hair, rub gently into the scalp and distribute it along the length of your hair. Then wrap your head in cellophane and wrap it with a towel. Leave for about half an hour. Wash off with a mild shampoo in several approaches until the oil is completely removed.

Eyebrow and eyelash masks

Not only can you make your hair thicker, but also your eyelashes and eyebrows. To improve your appearance, you need to lubricate your eyebrows and eyelashes with castor oil every day, using an old mascara brush. After an hour, the oil should be removed with a cotton swab. It is necessary to apply castor oil to the middle of the eyelashes to avoid getting into the eyes. The positive effect can be noticed after a couple of weeks.

Sea buckthorn oil: medicinal properties and applications. - there is more useful information here.

Castor oil for eyelashes. Video:

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