Mango masks for face and hair at home

Composition and beneficial properties of mango

In cosmetology, any part of the mango tree is widely used, from the roots to the bark of the plant. But the most suitable for home remedies are the pulp, seeds and peel of the exotic fruit, which contain many useful substances:

  1. Mangiferin . An antioxidant that protects wood from adverse external influences. Thanks to this component, the life cycle of mangoes is 300 years or more. Mangiferin helps the human body resist the aging process.
  2. Beta-carotene . It is a provitamin of retinol (vitamin A). Stimulates skin renewal at the cellular level. Benefits aging and problematic dermis.
  3. Vitamin C. It has antioxidant properties, helps the body absorb all other vitamins, whitens and evens out skin tone, and promotes collagen production.
  4. Vitamins B. Mango fruits contain almost all the vitamins of this group. Thanks to this, fruit-based cosmetics soothe and soften the skin and help restore its cells. These properties are especially useful for sensitive dermis.
  5. Binders . They affect the production of sebum, tighten pores, and improve the appearance of acne-prone skin. More astringents are found in unripe fruits.
  6. Substances that can fight fungi, microbes and viruses . Under their influence, the immunity of the dermis improves, the microflora is maintained at a healthy level.
  7. Calcium, zinc, magnesium . Microelements are useful for any skin type, including problem skin.

Mango mask benefits. Mango for facial skin - oil and the best mask recipes

Tropical fruits occupy a special place in cosmetics. The beauty of oriental women is determined by smooth, elastic, youthful skin. Mango for the face is the main secret of creating unique Ayurvedic recipes.

Benefits of mango for skin

In cosmetology, exotic fruit is used:

  1. Softening and moisturizing,
  2. Replenishing the balance of vitamins;
  3. Protection against pigmentation, exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  4. Activation of skin tissue regeneration.

The composition of mango is rich:

  • vitamins of group B, E, A and C;
  • micro-, macroelements;
  • amino acids.
For aging, dry, sagging skin, prevention and reduction of wrinkles, care for oily and normal dermis.Individual sensitivity. Harm in the form of a burning sensation is possible if fruit juice comes into contact with irritated and injured skin.

Fresh fruit juice, an excellent base for lotions, peelings, tonics, tonic compositions. The pulp has rejuvenating and regenerating properties; masks and scrubs correct the oval shape and smooth out wrinkles.

Mango butter for face

The composition of the valuable liquid is rich in fatty acids, tocopherol and caratanoids. You can use mango butter in its pure form for a rejuvenating/therapeutic massage of all types of facial skin. Applications, masks, compresses soften and moisturize delicate skin. Easily enrich ready-made toners, lotions, serums, creams and emulsions.

Important advice from the editors

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - 97% of shampoos from well-known brands contain substances that poison our body. The main components due to which all the troubles on the labels are designated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this nasty stuff gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in organs and can cause cancer. We advise you not to use products that contain these substances. Recently, experts from our editorial team conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where products from Mulsan Cosmetic took first place. The only manufacturer of completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date; it should not exceed one year of storage.


Homemade facial skin remedies made from mangoes are safe for your health. But there are still contraindications to their use. Due to the fruit acids contained in fruits, masks are irritating for psoriasis and dermatosis. People suffering from these diseases should avoid such procedures. The same should be done for those who have spider veins on their faces.

Any cosmetic preparations with mango are not recommended during the rehabilitation period after plastic surgery. The procedures may cause skin itching. The same applies to those who have wounds or burn marks on their faces.

Any procedures are prohibited if you have an individual intolerance to tropical fruit or other components included in cosmetic products.

Mango facial treatment: recipes, action, results

Adverse environmental influences, poor ecology, stress and strain are the main factors of premature skin aging. To maintain youth and eliminate the first signs of wrinkles, the beneficial properties of mango are used:

  • Folic acid protects against harmful ultraviolet rays and other negative factors;
  • B vitamins rejuvenate, reduce fine wrinkles and prevent their appearance;
  • Retinol and vitamin E nourish the skin, restore softness and elasticity, effectively moisturize, eliminate dryness, peeling, and inflammation;
  • Vitamins and minerals restore a healthy complexion.

Even single-component use of mango has a beneficial effect, and in combination with other beneficial components, the effect is incredible!

When preparing fresh mango masks, it is absolutely unimportant to follow the proportions; everything is done intuitively. If, when preparing at home, one of the listed ingredients is missing, there is no need to look for it in stores; it is enough to replace it with another product with beneficial properties or omit the missing element completely.

Recipe 1. Mango puree

For the mask, choose ripe, even slightly overripe fruits. Peel the fruit, cut into pieces and puree in a blender until pureed. Apply to clean facial skin, leave for about 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Carefully! This mango puree face mask is so fragrant that you just want to eat it.

Recipe 2. Skins

If you still couldn’t resist and ate the mask from the first recipe, then use fruit skins. They contain even more nutrients for the skin of the face; you don’t even have to puree them. Apply evenly on your face, lie down with this mask for 15-20 minutes and wash.

Recipe 3. Cleansing mask-scrub

Mix mango puree with dry oatmeal, add clay powder of any color, a couple of tablespoons of olive oil. Apply to face in circular motions, leave for no more than 30 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Methods of application

From the exotic fruit it is easy to prepare many types of cosmetics that will help in skin care. The pulp makes effective masks, the juice serves as a good base for lotion or tonic, and the peel and grains can become the main ingredient in a scrub.

Mango butter has a rejuvenating effect; it is effective for the face because it softens and moisturizes the skin. You can make compresses and masks using the oil. If you add a few drops of mango oil to ready-made emulsions, serums, creams, this will enrich the composition of cosmetic products.

Mango face mask. The best homemade mask recipes

We invite you to start the practical part to try out the wonderful properties of mango in practice. All of the tropical mixtures below should be kept on the skin for at least a quarter of an hour.

  1. Mask for dry skin. Take some mango pulp and mash it into a paste. Stir with 10 ml bee honey and 10 ml peach oil.
  2. The mentioned fruit has cleansing properties. Grind almonds with oatmeal in a blender, mix with mango pulp, add 20 g of cosmetic clay and 10 ml of heavy cream.
  3. Composition against comedones. Mix the softened fruit with olive oil in equal proportions. The mass should be quite thick. Gently apply it to your face. Rinse off with drying lotion.
  4. Nourishing mask. Stir 20 g of butter until thick with the pulp of a tropical fruit, the yolk of one egg and chamomile extract. The composition is perfect for those who constantly experience a feeling of discomfort and tightness of their facial skin.
  5. Anti-greasy composition. Mix mango pulp with protein and bee honey. Apply a thick layer, then rinse. If necessary, you can use a mattifying face cream.
  6. Whitening mask. Mix grated carrots, mango pulp, chamomile oil and honey to form a thick substance. All ingredients must be taken in equal proportions.
  7. Use the rejuvenating properties of the healing fruit. Take 20 g of starch, mix it with chamomile and peach oils, add 40 g of mango.
  8. Refreshing mask. As a base, take 30 ml of liquid honey, the same amount of vegetable oil and 60 g of mango pulp. Add 50 g of sugar to the mixture and mix. Apply using gentle movements using your fingertips. Rinse off with foam.
  9. Anti-wrinkle mixture. Take 50 g of oatmeal and the same amount of freshly squeezed mango juice, add 20 ml of liquid honey. Rinse off the composition with running water at room temperature.
  10. Composition for sensitive skin. Mash the fruit pulp with a fork and apply to the skin. If you feel dry after washing your face, we recommend using a moisturizer.

How to Select and Use Mangoes

In order for the effect of mango to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to choose only the ripest and highest quality fruits for home cosmetic compositions. The pulp of the fruit is used to prepare caring products. Most often it is combined with various components in masks. However, a mask made from pure mango will be no less effective.

Any mask that contains this tropical fruit should be first tested on the wrist or the inside of the elbow. The absence of any reaction within 20-30 minutes allows you to safely apply the mixture to your face.

Despite all the benefits of mangoes for the skin, experts recommend not to get carried away with the excessive use of masks. Once a week is considered a sufficient norm for normal skin, twice for oily skin. The duration of the procedure is no more than 15-20 minutes.

A scrub with the addition of fruit pulp is considered an excellent skin peeling product. However, cosmetic products prepared with the addition of mango butter are considered especially valuable.

Mango butter

Mango butter is obtained from the seeds of the fruit by cold pressing them. When cooled, it resembles regular butter. The oil is an integral component of masks, day and night care creams, and balms. In addition, it can be used as an independent care product.

This cosmetic product normalizes breathing at the cellular level, effectively eliminates dryness and sagging skin, eliminates scars and small age spots on the face, and improves the color of the skin.

Reviews on the use of mango for the face

Alexandra, 32 years old

I decided to make a mango mask after my next pilgrimage to India. I adapted the recipe to our latitude - I added clay and dairy products. The result is amazing, the skin is elastic like a child’s.

I love mango juice for exfoliation. It cleanses quickly, leaving no mesh of veins, and the redness goes away instantly.

“Author of the article: Veronika Belova”:

Graduated with honors from the LOKON Academy of Beauty Industry. Mother of a beautiful child. I like to experiment, I constantly try different products, masks (including cooking with my own hands), techniques that can make us beautiful and healthy. I'm on VKontakte - write, I'm always glad.

Tropical fruits are an abundance of vitamins that are so beneficial for aging, thin and dry skin. This is why mango face mask is so effective and efficient. She will make you forget about your complexes and fall in love with your own reflection in the mirror.

About the benefits of mango

Many people know firsthand about the benefits of mangoes. This overseas guest can surprise you not only with its exotic taste, but also with its ability to quickly correct obvious skin imperfections. Cosmetics prepared on its basis are universal: they are used for facial skin of any type. However, experts, first of all, recommend the use of such compositions for people with dry, aging and sensitive skin, with severe skin diseases (eczema, acne, peeling), and also as a means of protection from adverse UV radiation and bad weather.

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