How to achieve clear skin on your face at home

Beautiful facial skin at home. Tip 6: 18 secrets of beautiful facial skin

Find out how toothpaste can help fight pimples, how not to overdo it with cosmetics, and what you must have in your makeup bag in winter.

  1. With the onset of cold weather, get a good moisturizer and do not forget to apply it to your face at least half an hour before going out into the cold.
  2. Marilyn Monroe once said: “the sun ages faster than time,” so in the summer you should definitely have products with an SPF filter in your cosmetic bag. Also, use wide-brimmed hats to protect your face. If you want a tan, it is better to use special creams.
  3. As for makeup, in the summer you can limit yourself to BB cream and unobtrusive lip gloss, which will go perfectly with flowy summer clothes, and in winter you can give preference to bright makeup.
  4. The cream is best applied along massage lines - this will have the most favorable effect on your appearance!
  5. A rule as old as time: never squeeze pimples!
  6. If the trouble described above has already occurred, eye drops will help you quickly deal with it: apply them to a cotton swab and keep them in the freezer for a few minutes, and then apply them to the site of inflammation.
  7. Toothpaste will also help deal with pimples - just apply it to the inflammation and leave to dry. This procedure will make it less noticeable.
  8. You should choose foundation only in daylight.
  9. Be careful with eyeliner, self-tanner and blush! Especially with blush in winter - remember that in the cold your natural blush will show through!
  10. Without blush, you can liven up your face by pinching your cheekbones! Remember how Scarlett did it in the movie Gone with the Wind!
  11. When applying foundation to your face, don't forget about your neck.
  12. The corrector is applied on top of the foundation.
  13. You can make the bronzer yourself: 1 tbsp. cinnamon + 1 tsp. cocoa powder + 1 tsp. nutmeg + 2 tsp. corn starch.
  14. And lipstick can be a great substitute for blush! To do this, first apply a little lipstick to the back of your palm, and then put it on a sponge!
  15. Those with dry skin are recommended to use blush and powder with a creamy texture.
  16. Talc or baby powder is an excellent weapon against oily shine.
  17. If, while dyeing your hair, you accidentally get it on your ears or shoulders, a make-up remover will help remove the stains.
  18. Don't forget to remove your makeup before going to bed! Ignoring this rule at the very least risks premature skin aging and allergies.

How to make a face mask at home. Varieties

Natural face masks vary depending on skin type, composition, and the achieved therapeutic, cosmetic or anti-aging effect, but a more correct and meaningful classification is considered to be their division according to the type of purpose. The most popular are the seven masks listed below, which are not difficult to prepare with your own hands:

  • Cleansing compounds help remove dead particles and unclog clogged pores. They give the skin a glow and a healthy look.
  • Moisturizing compositions of homemade cosmetics are useful at any age. They rejuvenate and heal.
  • Nourishing masks, as a rule, consist of ingredients containing vitamins E, A, natural honey, egg whites, and plant extracts.
  • It’s not difficult to prepare masks for facial rejuvenation at home, but the effect you can achieve is simply amazing. With regular use of anti-aging procedures, you can get a tightened face and get rid of shallow wrinkles.
  • Compositions for problem skin are relevant in the presence of acne, pimples, clogged pores, and oily epidermis.
  • Whitening masks are designed to even out skin tone and eliminate pigmentation. They consist of ingredients that affect the formation of melanin, contain vitamin C, E, white clay, sulfur, and retinol.
  • Soothing face masks at home can be prepared using infusions of chamomile, cornflower, lavender, and wheat germ. They remove the consequences of the adverse effects of ultraviolet radiation, ecology and other factors.

How to make your skin smooth

Not only external factors, but also the internal state of the body affects the appearance of the skin. It is not enough to know how to make your facial skin smooth and even, you need to perform a number of actions to improve its appearance.

Proper nutrition is the key to healthy skin

Narrowing of the vascular network

This problem can also be solved “from the inside”, by correcting the diet. It is undesirable to consume foods that promote vasodilation. These include:

  • Alcohol;
  • Strong tea;
  • Cocoa;
  • Coffee;
  • Spicy dishes;
  • Fried liver;
  • Marinades.

They are replaced with fruits, berries, herbs and clean water.

Improvement of color

Drinking chamomile and green tea, sour milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese will help improve and even out your complexion. Foods high in iron, such as cottage cheese, buckwheat, pomegranates, and beans, can make your skin ruddy.

Interesting. Girls, typing the phrase “paint for smooth skin” into a search engine, receive in response links to products such as Salamander, Saphir, Sitil, Leather Fresh, and, without reading the instructions, order them from online stores. Meanwhile, here we are talking about products not for improving the health of the epidermis, but for caring for leather items and shoes.

Preventing rashes

Acne often attacks oily skin with enlarged pores. Avoiding this problem will help you avoid fried, smoked, and salty foods. Porridge, garlic, lettuce, and onions are welcome in the diet. Improving intestinal function will also have a positive effect on the condition of the skin. For this, it is important to consume fermented milk products. This applies to both girls and boys, especially those in adolescence. Teenagers will have to select specialized series of skin care products.

If there are scars and scars on your face, apple cider vinegar will help smooth them out. To do this, mix a third of a glass of water with the same amount of vinegar and a glass of green tea. The resulting lotion is applied to the skin twice a day.


To keep your skin hydrated, proper nutrition alone is not enough. An “outside” effect will be required, which consists in using moisturizing creams with hyaluronic acid in the composition. At night it is useful to lubricate your face with olive oil. For those with oily skin, it is better to use products with the addition of calendula or chamomile, which help reduce the separation of oil.

Applying moisturizer

The condition of the skin varies depending on the time of year. In summer, dryness is more common, in winter – excess oiliness. Taking into account such changes, it is worth adjusting your care and selecting products.

To keep your skin hydrated and plump, you should pay attention to your diet. It is advisable to minimize the consumption of fatty, salty, smoked and spicy foods. Alcohol and strong coffee also worsen the condition of the skin; they should not be abused.

Note! Moisturizing the skin from the inside helps to consume clean water (at least 2 liters per day). Products such as asparagus, quail eggs and cereals, due to their high content of vitamins and antioxidants, are extremely beneficial for facial skin.


Skin cleansing is carried out daily. To do this, you need to get a special tonic, lotion or micellar water. You can also use vegetable oil, which is applied in a thin layer to the face. After a minute it can be washed off.

Important! The skin of the face is too delicate to be exposed to an alkaline environment, so it is not recommended to use soap for cleansing. It is better to buy special milk.


To allow the skin to breathe and get rid of dead cells more actively, it is useful to carry out a peeling procedure every week. It can be done either using a factory product or homemade.

The following are used as exfoliating grains:

  • Ground coffee;
  • Sea salt;
  • Sugar.

Any of the ingredients is mixed with sour cream and applied to the skin with massaging movements.

When finished, the scrub can simply be washed off, but it will be more useful to remove it with a napkin soaked in a decoction of herbs. Ordinary honey can also do the task of making your face clean and smooth at home. After all, it has a number of useful properties and components. This is why bee honey is used instead of a scrub.


Tonics help reduce puffiness, lighten circles under the eyes, narrow the vascular network, shrink pores, and speed up the healing of insect bites. These products are especially useful for oily skin. The main thing is to choose tonics without alcohol in the composition.

Instead of tonic, you can use ice cubes and wipe your face with them. It is better to freeze not plain water, but green tea or herbal infusions. This procedure can not only smooth and tighten the skin, but also perfectly invigorate you in the morning.


Masks for a smooth face, which are easy to prepare at home, will help refresh and saturate your skin with nutrients. One of the simplest and most effective is an olive oil mask. It must be applied to the skin and held for 15 minutes, then rinsed with boiled water.

Facial care at home. Proper home skin care

Understanding the principles of home care will help you arrange existing jars in a clear sequence and correctly supplement them, without duplicating products with the same purpose and effect. The result will be a competent, concise and balanced system, where each product will work to the last milliliter. Isn't that great? Then let's go.

The basis of daily care is skin cleansing. Rashes, irritation, and a feeling of tightness are often the result of either ignoring one of the stages “makeup remover - washing - toner”, or the wrong sequence of applying products. Cleanser and makeup remover are two different products with different purposes.

Makeup remover: hydrophilic oil, micellar water, milk

The task is to remove cosmetics

Hydrophilic oil perfectly removes makeup, incl. waterproof and also pushes out sebaceous plugs.

Micellar water is best suited for removing eye makeup.

The milk will work perfectly if you do not rub it on the skin with cotton pads, but emulsify it with water and work the skin properly!

Daily cleansing: foam, mousse, gel, milk

The goal is to prepare the skin for subsequent care.

Switch to soft products without aggressive surfactants. The cleansing product is applied to facial skin moistened with water after makeup removal and worked for 1-2 minutes along the massage lines. Its task is not to remove makeup, but to cleanse the skin.

Set aside: washing with hot water, mechanical scrubs, sulfate foams and gels, soap.

Deep cleansing: acid foam, clay mask, oxygen mask, enzyme powder, acid discs

The task is to remove dead cells and clean pores

Thoughtful and, most importantly, regular use of the arsenal for general cleaning inside the pores will allow you to achieve fantastic results in the mirror, even out skin microrelief and restore a healthy complexion. You will forget about manual cleaning and will enjoy clean skin.

For thin dry skin, detox once every 10-14 days, for normal skin - once every 7-10 days, for oily skin - once a week.

After deep cleansing, we always restore the water balance with a hydrogel mask for maximum results or a fabric mask with a moisturizing effect.

Toning: tonic, mist, salt-free thermal water

The task is to equalize the pH balance of the skin

It is strange to ignore a toner, because toning helps the favorable course of redox reactions on the surface of the skin, and therefore the comfortable absorption of subsequent care. Without tonic, the effectiveness of beauty manipulations decreases. 

The tonic is applied to the entire face after each contact with water on slightly damp skin. The most economical format of tonic is mist. Spritz-spray and apply the next stage.

Important! Alcohol toners are great for the skin, applied exclusively to problem areas and very carefully so as not to dry out the skin, and best of all - in the trash.


Skin care around the eyes: cream, gel, fluid, patches

The first basic moisturizer should appear at 18-20 years old.

Eye care is applied after toning, followed by the main cream. Makeup can be done in 10-15 minutes

If you have complexes and crow's feet stress you out, try instantly smoothing fillers with silicones, and also fall in love with beauty irons for wrinkles and swelling - patches.

Serum: oil, gel, water, in ampoules

This stage of care is optional. Serums are best used in a course and applied in the evening before main care.

Vitamin and moisturizing serums are great to add in the off-season, when the skin is rebuilding and adapting to the vagaries of the weather, as well as during recovery from exercise, stress and air travel.

Let's remember! To ensure that post-traumatic pigmentation does not occur at the site of the rash, and that pimples go away and heal as quickly as possible, it is good to have a targeted antibacterial agent in your cosmetic bag to quickly resolve inflammatory elements.

Basic care

We apply basic care twice a day. In the morning, 15-30 minutes before applying the tone, so that the cream has time to completely fall through. In the evening, at least 30 minutes before bed, so that the cream is absorbed into the skin and not into the pillow and has time to work. After 23 hours the skin no longer accepts anything.

Always choose a cream not according to the “day/night” label, but according to the individual needs of the skin.

Let us remember: hydration and nutrition do not exist without the other. The integrity of the hydrolipid mantle of the skin ensures immunity, and therefore the appearance of the skin.

To retain moisture in the leather, it must be sealed, i.e. cover with an invisible lipid film. Otherwise, the water will immediately evaporate. This is why it is so important to cover the skin with cream after moisturizing products in any format - masks, serums, patches.

At temperatures above + 7, we moisturize the skin in the morning and nourish it in the evening. At temperatures below + 7 - vice versa.

In the fall we switch to more saturated, fatty and dense textures, in the summer, on the contrary, to gel and light ones.

How to get clear facial skin at home? The secret of a beautiful and well-groomed face

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December 3, 2014 | views: 5,189

Beautiful, healthy skin is the dream of the entire female audience. How to achieve clear facial skin, get rid of acne, rashes, redness, and make your goal a reality? You can contact a specialist, although it is quite possible to deal with many problems on your own. The skin is a reflection of what is happening inside the body, so you shouldn’t leave everything to chance. Visit a doctor, maybe you have a lurking disease that you don’t know about. It is necessary to stop all inflammatory processes at the very beginning so that the situation does not worsen and become chronic.

How to achieve clear facial skin? First of all, try to identify and eliminate all negative factors. What does this include? Smoking addiction, poor diet, insufficient facial skin care, cheap cosmetics, exposure to solar radiation, etc. Changing your lifestyle is already half the battle. And then you must carry out a number of care measures that will allow you to return healthy, smooth skin and maintain the achieved result in the future.

Salon procedures: Cosmetologists are excellent at dealing with problematic and aging skin. Today there are procedures such as dermaabrasion, when the skin is smoothed by the mechanical action of a special device; You can use chemical peeling (or do manual cleaning), which will eliminate dead cells and remove scars. If you have a lot of blackheads and pimples on your face, cleanse it.

How to take care of your skin yourself

  • Do you have a bad habit like smoking? It's time to quit smoking, because it affects not only the lungs and heart, but primarily affects the condition of the skin: it dehydrates, worsens the color and leads to early aging (I recommend reading the article on this topic “Anti-aging facial skin care”).
  • Increase your daily water intake to 2-2.5 liters. The skin will become more hydrated, elasticity will appear, and will gradually clear up.
  • Take off your makeup! Never, under any circumstances, go to bed wearing makeup. When there is a layer of cosmetics on the face, the pores are clogged and the normal amount of oxygen does not flow, blood exchange processes slow down, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. The result is inflamed areas and an oily sheen.
  • Wash your face twice a day (morning and evening) with gel or foam cleanser. By the way, if you have problem skin, you can use tar soap, which will help dry out acne.
  • Apply moisturizing creams (day, night) and periodically make masks. You can use store-bought ones or make your own mixture from homemade products. Blue, red, black, white clay, oatmeal, fermented milk products, eggs, fruit compounds and herbal preparations cope well with various problems. Peeling won't hurt either.
  • When going outside during the hot season, apply sunscreen.
  • Don't press or scratch pimples. You can get an infection that stimulates the appearance of new acne.
  • Try to do without foundation, or at least buy an expensive product from a well-known brand.
  • Eat more fruits and vegetables, oatmeal, bran bread, but avoid fatty and fried foods. Sweets and too spicy foods negatively affect the condition of the skin surface.

Beauty Recipes

  • A coffee scrub perfectly cleanses the skin: mix coffee and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio. Rub into skin and leave for 4-5 minutes. Rinse and apply moisturizer.
  • Dilute the clay with a small amount of water to obtain a creamy mass. Add a few drops of essential oil. Keep it on your face for 15-20 minutes.
  • Wash your face with a solution of water (1 tbsp.) and salt (2 spoons). The course of treatment is 10-12 days.
  • Wipe your face with aloe juice a couple of times a day. Aloe will dry out pimples and speed up their maturation.

If you have tried and tested everything, but have not found the optimal solution on how to achieve clear facial skin, figure out what is happening inside the body. Perhaps you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract or hormone levels are disturbed. In such cases, it is first necessary to eliminate the root cause, then the skin will become better.

2 comments on this post

  1. Kira
    Nov 3, 2020 at 5:21

    My beauty secret is simple, firstly, it’s a good night’s sleep. Secondly, proper nutrition, thirdly, daily walks in the fresh air, and fourthly, ampoule cosmetics from Doctor Kozhevatkin. We can say that we are almost close to the ideal, at least the circles under the eyes are gone, the skin tone is even, the skin is smooth and soft

  2. Nina
    Feb 28, 2020 at 13:39

    It’s true, it’s important to wash off your makeup every evening, but sometimes you’re too lazy)) and it’s also very cool to use any cleansing gel together with a silicone brush, it’s a real wow effect! Avon cleansing gel works great for me))

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Ideal facial skin without acne and blackheads. Causes of skin problems

In some ways, acne can be considered an indicator of skin health. They appear when an unexpected failure occurs in your body. For example, hormonal. Abortion, inflammation of the ovaries or endometriosis can cause the appearance of pustules and subcutaneous inflammation on the cheeks and wings of the nose. Pimples on the forehead and chin “pop up” due to problems with the gastrointestinal tract or incorrect selection of skincare products. Small rashes are familiar to teenagers, as well as smokers and girls during the “rage” of PMS.

If you have tried a lot of cosmetic products, and pimples do not want to leave your face, it is quite possible that their appearance is associated with metabolic disorders or a passion for fast food. In any case, when starting the fight for healthy skin, it is worth changing your diet if the regularity of food intake and its quality leave much to be desired.

Overactivity of the sebaceous glands is the most common cause of acne. Sebum, along with dust and makeup residues, gets clogged into the pores and oxidizes. The result is “blackheads” and pimples. And if you also have a weakened immune system due to a recent cold, you can easily become a victim of demodicosis. This is an infectious inflammation of the upper layers of the skin caused by a fungus that is normally present on the face, but does not penetrate the epidermis.

The bacteria Propionibacterium acnes provokes the appearance of acne on the skin. They settle in the ducts of the sebaceous glands, actively multiply there and clog them. It will not be possible to “kick them out” right away - targeted antibacterial care is needed for the acne to recede.

Pigment spots appear due to prolonged exposure to the sun, problems with melanin synthesis, liver disease and even... due to excessive use of perfume! If you constantly apply perfume to the same spots, you should be aware that the combination of alcohol and essential oils can cause hyperpigmentation.


Any skin type, even oily, requires hydration, so do not neglect this stage. Try to choose natural creams that will not harm your face. If you have very dry skin, then a thicker cream will suit you. You can also use day and night cream, which have different effects on your skin.

Remember that for the skin under the eyes you need to use creams specially created for this purpose, as the skin is incredibly thin and very easily damaged. And special creams will help thicken the skin in these places.

In addition, be sure to choose products for your skin type, because others may not only not help, but even harm your skin.

These were the basic tips that will help make your skin clear and beautiful. Treat your skin with care, then it will respond to your love with beauty and radiance.

Skin cleansing at home. How to cleanse your face at home

There are technologies for getting rid of blackheads, small pimples, cleansing clogged pores, softening dry flaky skin or mattifying oily skin. All of them will help make your face smoother, more radiant, enrich cells with nutrients and improve the natural circulation of oxygen and sebum production. Cleansing facial skin at home is described in more detail below.

Cleaning your face from blackheads

How to cleanse your face of blackheads: first, you need to steam the skin well, then use scrubs and peels. Mixtures of coffee grounds, sea salt, and special black nasal patches help a lot. The main cleansing of the facial skin is a thick mask to remove old, deep comedones: a mask based on clay, oatmeal, gelatin is suitable. According to reviews, oatmeal soothes dry, sensitive skin, and clay effectively cleanses the smallest and hardest formations.

Acne facial cleansing

A contraindication to this procedure is the presence of irritation and inflammation on the face. It can be carried out in normal skin condition. Cleaning your face from acne at home involves steaming, squeezing, disinfecting and soothing the skin. It is better to carry out the procedure with your fingers moistened with an alcohol solution, steam it over boiling water with bay leaves, and make masks from clay, soda, yeast and laundry soap.


Cleansing the skin of the face is not only about removing makeup, but also generally clearing away any dirt that may have clogged up in the pores. This stage should be approached very carefully. It is by cleansing the skin that we can prevent the appearance of inflammation and blackheads on the skin.

Washing with water

Tap water can be very drying to the skin, especially if it is very delicate. So maybe if your skin is feeling extra flaky, try skipping the water wash and instead turn your attention to micellar water. It not only cleanses the skin of dirt, but also moisturizes it, relieving dryness.

Electric brushes

If you feel that ordinary water does not completely cleanse your skin, you can use electric brushes that remove blackheads, dirt and oil from your face.

Care products

In no case do not forget to use various facial washes or gels aimed at additional cleansing of the skin. For a noticeable effect, you need to use them regularly.

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