What is combined facial cleansing?

Combined facial cleansing combines two procedures - mechanical and ultrasonic. For this reason, it may cost more than each individual procedure. Does it make sense to overpay? Who can I recommend it to? And how is combined facial cleansing performed by a cosmetologist? A cosmetologist from the Novoklinik network of aesthetic medicine and cosmetology centers, Isabella Airapetova, .

What it is?

Combined cleansing is a set of cosmetological measures, as a result of which the skin is cleansed using both manual and hardware methods. In most cases, manual intervention is performed in conjunction with ultrasound. This allows you to avoid injury to the epidermis and most effectively prepares it for further processing.

The use of hardware cleaning is based on reducing the appearance of edema, as well as age-related and seasonal age spots. The manual type of procedure is used to treat problem areas, as a result of which inflammation, fatty deposits, blackheads and sebaceous plugs are removed.

In addition to the fact that, thanks to the combined technique, the skin is cleansed, it also ensures access of oxygen to the cells in the required quantity, performs micromassage, heats the tissue, and starts the processes of lymph flow and blood circulation.

During the application of complex effects, it becomes possible to achieve maximum results.

How it works

The mechanical part of the procedure is carried out manually or using special tools. The most commonly used instrument is the Uno spoon; sometimes a Vidal needle is used. Thanks to preliminary steaming (using gel or steam), the pores open, dirt and sebaceous plugs soften, as a result they can be easily removed by simple squeezing or using a strainer. To eliminate acne, use the second end of a spoon with a single hole in the middle.

The ultrasound part of the procedure is carried out using a special device, which is used to treat the face after first applying a special composition to it. Ultrasonic waves are emitted by an emitter applied to the surface of the skin. Under the influence of these vibrations, high-frequency vibrations begin to arise in the upper layers, which contribute to easier separation of keratinized cells, sebaceous plugs, and other impurities. The ultrasound power is selected in such a way as not to have a negative effect on viable cells. Preliminary treatment of the face with a special liquid composition is carried out to improve the transmission of ultrasonic vibrations.

Cleaning combines ultrasound and mechanics

The therapeutic and cosmetic effects of ultrasound are caused by three types of reactions:

  1. Physico-chemical – contribute to the saturation of cells with oxygen, increase local immunity.
  2. Mechanical – cause vibration in cells, producing a micromassage effect.
  3. Thermal – lead to local heating of tissues (by about 2 degrees), activate cellular metabolism and lymphatic drainage.


Experts identify several types of combined effects on the skin.


This method is one of the earliest. In the process of cleansing the skin, the specialist uses only hands and mechanical instruments, with the help of which formations are squeezed out from the surface of the epidermis.

To remove contents from contaminated areas, simple mechanical action is used. The advantage of this technique is the maximum cleansing of the skin from impurities.

At the end of the procedure, special masks are applied to relieve irritation, which have restorative and soothing properties.

Mechanical combined facial cleansing is considered traumatic, therefore it is not recommended to be carried out on the eve of important events.


This type refers to hardware methods for removing impurities in the deeper layers of the skin. Scrubber blades are used to perform the manipulation. All movements are carried out in accordance with the direction of the massage lines.

Ultrasonic combined facial cleansing improves blood circulation and oxygen exchange, normalizes the activity of the sebaceous glands.


Defects in the dermis are exposed to current, for which special electrodes are used. A contact fluid is first applied to the skin areas, which ensures the conduction of the chemical reaction. As a result, the skin is more easily cleansed of impurities.

This type of procedure helps improve blood flow, metabolic processes at the cellular level, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, improve skin tone and overall facial appearance.


Laser treatment eliminates post-acne elements, scars, cicatrices, and has an antiseptic effect.

Thanks to non-contact exposure to the skin, the risk of infection is significantly reduced.


In this case, the skin is exposed to special nozzles with negative pressure. This allows the contents of the pimples to be sucked out.


Since combined cleansing is a universal procedure, it can be used regardless of skin type. Experts recommend this effect for:

  • black spots ;
  • acne ;
  • swelling;
  • high oily skin;
  • decreased tone ;
  • shallow scars ;
  • pore expansion ;
  • sebaceous plugs;
  • pale skin tone;
  • heterogeneity of skin structure.

Indications for manipulation are combination, normal and oily skin types.

Possible complications

Some side effects occur naturally after the procedure and, with proper care, disappear without a trace in three to seven days. These include:

  • redness and peeling of the skin;
  • mild swelling, swelling;
  • feeling of pain.

During the procedure, the skin is injured. You can see what your face looks like immediately after combined cleansing in the video. This reaction is normal and should not be a cause for concern. Any cosmetologist will give you recommendations on how to care for your face after peeling.

If you do not follow them, more serious complications may occur, and then you will have to consult a doctor:

  • hematomas and scars;
  • persistent swelling;
  • inflammatory processes;
  • local burns from ultrasound.

The cause of all these complications can be the mistakes of the cosmetologist himself, or his violation of safety precautions during cleaning. Therefore, choose the right specialist.


It is prohibited to use this method in the following cases and conditions:

  • oncological diseases;
  • cardiovascular pathologies ;
  • hypertension;
  • metal implants;
  • bioreinforcement of the face;
  • bronchial asthma ;
  • high temperature ;
  • period of the menstrual cycle;
  • inflammation , moles;
  • fungal and dermatological pathologies

In addition, comprehensive cleaning is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.


In order for the procedure to be as successful as possible and with minimal consequences, you need to properly prepare for it. This stage takes at least 14 days.

To increase the effectiveness of cleansing and increase the speed of healing, you need to stop visiting the sauna, bathhouse, and solarium for about 10 days. Sunbathing is also prohibited in direct sunlight, since ultraviolet radiation increases the sensitivity of the skin, as a result of which the epidermis can be injured during manipulation.

Approximately seven days before the appointed date, you must stop consuming allergenic foods and dishes that can cause dehydration, for example, alcoholic beverages, pickles, smoked products and others.

The cosmetologist can recommend other preparatory measures.

Useful tips

There are some behavioral features that are important to know before starting the procedure:

  1. A week before cleaning, you should not sunbathe.
  2. You should not eat foods that can cause an allergic reaction.
  3. Tanning should be avoided prior to brushing.

After deep cleansing, postpone going to the sauna or bathhouse for several days - any thermal activities can cause inflammation. Also postpone sports activities for a day or two. Try not to touch your face excessively and do not use cosmetics during the day.


Combined cleaning is carried out in several sequential steps.


First, the specialist must prepare the skin, for which he carefully removes the remains of decorative cosmetics and impurities. For this purpose, special products can be used in the form of tonic, lotion or gel.


This step is optional and is used as needed. Exposure to soft scrubs allows you to remove dirt on the surface of the epidermis, as a result of which the pores open, increasing the effectiveness of cosmetic manipulation.


Helps relieve tension and relax muscles. Necessary to increase the skin's sensitivity to subsequent exposure.


Softens the stratum corneum, dirt, sebaceous plugs. The effect occurs using a jet of warm steam for several minutes.

Such actions are contraindicated if the vessels are located close to the surface of the epidermis. The procedure remains prohibited for sensitive or dry skin types.

In such situations, cold hydrogenation is used. A mask with a special thermal heating gel is applied to the surface to be treated. Under its influence, the pores open and the stratum corneum is destroyed.

In this case, the composition on the face must be kept for 15-25 minutes.

Degreasing and disinfection

The surface is treated with alcohol lotion or other product with disinfectant properties.

Mechanical cleaning

A special spoon is used to remove fatty deposits, keratinized particles, blackheads and other contaminants. The inflamed areas remain unaffected.

This process takes about seven minutes. A special backlight is used to detect minor dirt.

Manual cleaning allows you to treat more problematic areas.

Ultrasonic cleaning

This stage is the main one. A cleansing solution or gel is applied to the epidermis. The liquid medium allows ultrasound to better penetrate the layers of the epidermis. The tool is positioned at an angle of 45 degrees and movements are made along the surface, starting from the sides towards the center.

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Types of facial cleansing

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For maximum effect, the skin must be moisturized regularly. One zone can be affected no more than four times. When redness appears, all manipulations stop.

Sometimes ultrasonic waves can be replaced by a laser, which is pre-tuned to the required frequency.


After all cleansing procedures, the skin is disinfected and treated with pigment-constricting agents. A soothing or anti-inflammatory mask can be used. After removing it, a cream with a soothing and moisturizing effect is applied to the epidermis.

Skin care after

To ensure that the recovery period passes as quickly and without complications as possible, after the procedure, experts recommend that patients adhere to a number of simple rules.

First of all, you need to give up the sauna, bathhouse, and swimming pool. For several days it is forbidden to sunbathe in a solarium or in the open rays of the sun. In addition, for some period it is worth limiting physical activity, including sports.

The use of scrubs and decorative cosmetics is temporarily prohibited.

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  • October 18, 2020

To relieve redness and swelling, it is recommended to use soothing creams or masks containing aloe, chamomile or calendula. You can use disinfectant tonics.

To help tissue recover faster, Bepanten, Panthenol or Pantestin ointment is prescribed.

Under no circumstances should you touch your skin with dirty hands. This can lead to infection in the wound.


“Nothing can replace a good cleaning by a cosmetologist,” explains Isabella Airapetova. “Maybe a course of peelings, but I recommend that my patients do peelings only after professional cleaning.”

The fact is that exposure to acids cannot affect the contents of pores. If they are clogged with sebum and skin microscales, the impurities will remain in them, and peeling, designed to tighten the pores, simply will not do its job. If the code is first cleaned, a course of peelings can improve the microrelief, reduce oiliness and prevent rapid contamination of pores in the future. Therefore, you need to carry out the procedures in a course: first cleanse your face, and then use acids.

At home, the specialist advises not to neglect daily care: thoroughly cleanse the skin, tone, use masks to correct oiliness, and moisturize. But it is worth visiting a cosmetologist periodically, regardless of the quality of home care, since it is impossible to cope with a complete cleaning of the house without professional cosmetic products and skills.


In the first 3-7 days, temporary complications may occur in the form of redness, swelling, peeling, and swelling. This condition is normal and goes away on its own. This is how the skin reacts to external influences.

However, if the rules of the technique were not followed, or the patient did not follow all the recommendations during the rehabilitation period, then the likelihood of more serious consequences increases several times.

The most common of these include bruising, persistent swelling, scarring, inflammation, and hematoma formation. Less commonly, there may be burns from ultrasonic radiation.

How much does the procedure cost?

The cost of combined cleaning consists of the cost of manual and ultrasound procedures. Varies from 15,000 to 30,000 rubles. It all depends on how much each of them costs in the salon you choose.

Pricing policy consists of several factors:

  • master's qualification;
  • classy interior;
  • individual characteristics of the client;
  • means and equipment used.

The cost of sessions does not include additional services that women often order.


After combined facial cleansing, cell respiration improves, pores narrow, and the activity of the sebaceous glands is restored.

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In addition, this cosmetic procedure helps reduce acne, pimples, facial wrinkles, scars and scars.

There is a leveling of the surface relief of the skin, an increase in the elasticity of the epidermis, and an improvement in the permeability of substances contained in cosmetics.

The complexion becomes fresher and healthier.

Reviews about combined facial cleansing

Kristina, 27 years old, St. Petersburg I periodically perform peeling in the salon. I tried several options and I can say that combined cleaning is one of the best. Simple mechanical removal of plugs leads to inflammation, and ultrasonic cleaning is not effective enough.

Elena, 31 years old, Moscow Combined cleaning is a whole range of procedures. To avoid negative consequences, you should contact a trusted cosmetologist. Personally, I'm satisfied. I carry out the procedure twice a year. But a friend of mine, after a combined peeling, developed a huge number of acne, which had to be treated for several months.

Masha, 25 years old, Nizhny Novgorod I really like this method of cleaning. At first there are signs of inflammation. But after a few days the face becomes smooth and well-groomed.

Advantages and disadvantages

Combined cleaning has its positive and negative sides.

The advantages primarily include high efficiency. In addition, when performing such manipulation, it is possible to regulate the depth of impact.

Experts highlight the almost complete absence of skin trauma and a short recovery period. This technique can be used regardless of skin type.

Among the disadvantages, first of all, they highlight the fact that this type of cosmetic cleansing has many limitations. In addition, if you have increased sensitivity, dryness and rosacea, it is not recommended to use steaming, since the skin reaction can be unpredictable.

If there is a tendency to scarring, then after manual treatment, acne marks may appear.

Combined facial cleansing is very popular among the female half of the population. Thanks to the combination of several techniques at once, it is possible to achieve the maximum effect from the procedure.

This tactic allows you to completely eliminate contamination not only from the surface, but also from the deeper layers of the dermis. We must also remember that this method has many restrictions on its use. In addition, in order to prevent the occurrence of side effects and complications, it is necessary to carefully select a cosmetology clinic and pay attention to the qualifications of the cosmetologist.

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