Meso-Wharton P 199 / Mesowarton - new possibilities for biorevitalization

Every woman strives to prevent aging. It is recommended to begin the fight against age-related changes before the first signs appear. There are various conservative methods suitable for preventing aging. Cosmetologists call biorevitalization the best option. The effectiveness of the method increases if the drug for the procedure is selected correctly. For mature patients, bioremedies that act at a deep level are more suitable. Doctors consider mesovarton to be a universal substance that invariably gives positive results.

Description of the drug

The new generation biorevitalizant Mezovarton is presented by the American company ABG Lab. Russian doctor B. Petrikovsky took part in the development. The country producing the patented products is South Korea. The product of collaboration shows effective results thanks to the agreed “filling”.

The composition of the innovative biorevitalization product Mezovarton P 199 is strikingly different from the substances used for this purpose. Among the components for the products, in addition to high molecular weight hyaluronic acid, the manufacturer uses:

  • a synthesized analogue of an embryonic peptide capable of influencing the activity of one’s own stem cells;
  • vitamin complex;
  • the most important amino acids that ensure the natural course of internal processes;
  • coenzyme, taurine, other substances that regulate the normal course of biochemical reactions;
  • oligo- and polypeptides that act as cell growth factors.

All additional components of the Mezovarton drug are contained in small doses, help achieve the goal, and perform a regulatory effect.

Mesovarton - what is it?

Meso Wharton P199 is an innovative biological product manufactured by the famous American company ABG Lab. Russian scientist B. Petrikovsky, known in the field of fetal surgery, took part in the development of the drug.

Photo of the packaging of the drug Meso-Wharton P199 (Mezovarton)

Official website in Russia:

The drug Mezovarton was created to rejuvenate the skin of people over 45 years old and is used in the biorevitalization procedure.

the P199 peptide unique in its properties , the action of which enhances the synthesis of stem cells, effectively renews the intercellular matrix, and also restores the vital activity of skin cells.

The drug is completely safe and has virtually no side effects. After a course of rejuvenating therapy, the skin texture is significantly smoothed out, fine wrinkles disappear.

In 2010, Mezovarton was approved in Russia by the Federal Service for Surveillance in Healthcare and within a few years gained a reputation as one of the best anti-aging compounds, which is used by the country's leading clinics.

Meso Wharton P199 Drug Certificate

Indications for use, effectiveness

The mechanism of operation of the drug Mezovarton is based not on the action of hyaluronic acid, but on the work of a peptide created in the likeness of a substance contained in human embryos. The substance provokes the activation of the work of one’s own stem cells. Intensive division of structures triggers regenerative processes, tissue renewal occurs. Growth factors additionally accelerate the production of collagen and elastin. Sodium hyaluronate, vitamin and amino acid components increase the effectiveness of the main active ingredient. The patient receives a lasting therapeutic and aesthetic result from the product.

Considering the principle of action of the substance, the use of the drug is indicated for:

  • clearly expressed age-related changes (medium-deep wrinkles, “floating” oval);
  • dehydrated, sagging skin;
  • seriously impaired firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • the presence of scars, age-related pigmentation.

Attention! Mezovarton injections are recommended by cosmetologists for patients over 40 years of age. Occasionally, with an unfavorable hereditary picture, the drug is prescribed at a younger age (not earlier than 35 years). At what age can you inject the drug in a particular case, the doctor will tell you.

The effectiveness of using Mesovarton is as follows:

  • relief smoothing (smoothing wrinkles and folds, narrowing pores, transforming scars);
  • oval lift;
  • internal skin rejuvenation, improvement of its qualities;
  • lightening pigment spots;
  • normalization of the body’s own processes that promote natural rejuvenation.

Biorevitalization with Meso-Wharton P 199 is called a powerful charge, stimulation of the body’s own forces. Therapy helps to “wake up” reduced metabolism, activate internal processes, and slow down the onset of old age.

Meso Wharton P199 Mechanism of Action

Human skin contains a certain number of stem cells. Their natural metabolism (regular transformation and replacement of dying ones) is facilitated by growth factors and signaling molecules. Due to this, the skin is exchanged and renewed, and the production of collagen and elastin is launched.

With age, the process of stem cell division slows down somewhat. This manifests itself in the form of decreased elasticity and tone of the skin, changes in facial contours, the appearance of pigmentation and deep wrinkles.

Mezovarton facial injections are designed specifically to solve these problems. The high-molecular hyaluronic acid and exclusive vitamin-amino acid cocktail included in its composition have a therapeutic effect.

Through many years of research, it has been proven that the introduction of Meso Wharton injections, like a sculptor, returns youth and beauty to the skin.

Types of gels for mesotherapy

The American laboratory ABG Lab has developed several versions of gels with unique compositions suitable for solving different problems. The manufacturer, in addition to the drug Meso-Wharton P199 for bioreparation, offers the following as mesotherapy products:

  • Meso-Xanthin F199. The drug acts at the genetic level. Mesoxanthine promotes increased cell division (tissue renewal), the body's production of collagen and sodium hyaluronate. The action of Meso-Xanthin is aimed at the regeneration of damaged cellular structures, the natural removal of damaged elements, and their replacement. Procedures using Mesoxanthine provoke a complete restoration of normal tissue function.

  • MesoEye C71. A preparation for local rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes. Mesoice helps to improve the quality of the skin, remove puffiness, dark circles, and tighten hernia sacs. Mesoai is used for conservative therapy and rehabilitation after more serious interventions.

  • MesoSculpt C71. A product for non-surgical modeling of facial contours. Mesosculpt allows you to remove excess volume and tighten the skin. There is not only work with fat cells, but also a complete restructuring of local metabolism. In addition to liposculpture, stimulation of internal processes aimed at natural rejuvenation is expressed.

The difference between the substances is significant. It's impossible to say which is better. Selecting a gel option and a successful combination of varieties is a task for an experienced cosmetologist. A skillful combination of procedures and medications can change the appearance in a positive direction beyond recognition, returning patients 10–20 years back without surgery.

Safety of the drug Mezovarton

The drug "Meso - Wharton P199" / Mezovarton has passed all the necessary tests confirming its bacteriological safety, toxicity, allergenicity, mutagenicity, which is confirmed by relevant certificates. The drug was registered in the Russian Federation as a medical product on May 5, 2010. The use of signaling molecules, rather than stem or differentiated cells themselves, for skin rejuvenation avoids the risk of complications associated specifically with cellular technologies, especially with the use of embryonic and fetal stem cells. The material does not contain animal proteins and does not require prior allergy testing.

Indications for use of the drug Mezovarton

  • Prevention of skin aging;
  • Age-related skin changes (wrinkles, gravitational ptosis, loss of tone and elasticity);
  • Preparation for plastic surgery;
  • Skin rehabilitation in the postoperative period;
  • Skin restoration after laser resurfacing, medium peelings;
  • Hyperpigmentation.

Mezovarton contraindications

  1. Age under 40 years.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation
  3. Acute inflammatory process in the area of ​​proposed injections.
  4. A history of autoimmune diseases.
  5. Increased sensitivity to hyaluronic acid.
  6. Taking blood thinning medications (heparin, aspirin, etc.).

Purchasing drugs

You can purchase unique anti-aging cocktails developed by ABG Lab in most online stores whose activities are related to the sale of products for cosmetic procedures. It is advisable to contact official representatives of the manufacturer and first look at the main website.

Gels for biorevitalization are produced in hermetically sealed syringes. Meso Warton and Meso Xanthine have a volume of 1.5 ml, Meso Ice and Meso Sculpt - 1 ml. The cost of 1 unit of product is 4–6 thousand rubles.

Instructions for use

The drug Mezovarton 199 is available in 1.5 ml syringes . The description indicates that this amount of composition is enough for one procedure to treat the face, area around the eyes, neck and décolleté, or for 2-3 procedures for the face only.

Before the rejuvenation session, the skin is thoroughly cleansed and treated with an anesthetic, so the procedure does not cause any discomfort.

The technique itself is similar to conventional biorevitalization and consists of multiple microinjections into the dermis. To ensure rapid healing of the skin after injections, apply a soothing mask or cream.

Small bruises (papules) may remain on the skin for some time, which disappear after 2-3 days.

Performing injections

The amount of substance in 1 syringe is usually enough for complex treatment of several areas: face, neck, décolleté. The drug Mezovarton is prescribed to patients with pronounced changes in various areas. Before the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a cosmetologist. The doctor determines the possibility of performing the intervention and gives instructions to the patient on preparation (limiting the use of alcohol, certain medications).

The procedure is carried out in the following sequence:

  1. Before performing injections, an informed consent is signed, and the doctor provides instructions.
  2. The cosmetologist cleans the patient’s skin of impurities and applies an antiseptic.
  3. The procedure is recommended to be performed under local anesthesia. Application or local injection anesthesia is possible.
  4. The doctor opens the drug in full view of the patient, connects the needle to the syringe, and performs injection treatment of the planned areas, characteristic of classical biorevitalization. The papular injection technique is used. The doctor plunges the needle into the patient's skin 2–4 mm. The cosmetologist accompanies each injection with an injection of a certain amount of the substance. The area undergoes numerous microinjections during the procedure.
  5. After complete treatment, the skin is wiped with an antiseptic and a soothing agent is applied.

Important! To achieve the expected effect, a single procedure is not enough. Meso-Wharton P199 is administered according to an individual program proposed by a cosmetologist. The doctor prescribes a course of procedures consisting of 4–8 interventions. Sessions are carried out once every 1–2 weeks.

How many days will it take to get results from the injection?

The duration of the course is set by a specialist individually and depends on a number of factors :

  • Skin type;
  • Initial skin condition;
  • Presence of concomitant diseases.

Photos of Meso Wharton P199 and Meso-Xanthin F199
Before starting the procedure, the doctor needs to provide information about the regularity of the menstrual cycle, as well as about taking hormonal medications, since preparing patients for biorevitalization during menopause requires a different approach.

A course of anti-aging therapy with Mezovarton, as a rule, consists of 4-8 sessions, and they are carried out every 1-2 weeks.

  1. For patients aged 40-50 years, an intensive course of 4-6 procedures is recommended according to the following scheme: 3-4 weekly sessions, then 1-2 procedures with an interval of 2 weeks. To maintain a sustainable result, injections should be done once every 1.5-2 months.
  2. An intensive course for the age category over 50 years old involves 5 weekly sessions, then 2 more sessions every 1.5-2 weeks. Maintenance therapy is recommended at least once a month.

In most cases, the result of the procedure is noticeable after 3-4 sessions , however, this indicator depends on the individual characteristics of the patient.

Recovery period

The procedure for administering Mezovarton affects the presence of multiple papules and redness on the skin. Swelling, local hemorrhages, and discomfort may occur. The manifestations are not subject to forced correction and go away on their own in 2–7 days.

The principle of skin care is standard. On the first day, they refuse to use any cosmetic products and usual washing. It is recommended to adhere to restrictions during the recovery period. It is forbidden:

  • apply decorative cosmetics;
  • sunbathe;
  • go to the gym, go to the pool;
  • steam, wash in hot water;
  • influence the skin in various ways (deep cleansing, massage, physiotherapy).

Until the punctures on the skin are completely healed, it is advisable not to visit public places and carefully monitor the cleanliness of the skin.

The result of using Mezovarton r 199 is immediately noticeable: the skin becomes fresher and takes on a healthy appearance. After completion of rehabilitation, we will notice a slight rejuvenating effect: smoothing of wrinkles, strengthening of tissues. After completing a course of Mezovarton procedures, a favorable picture develops within 1–2 months. The results of the injections last 6–12 months.

Neutralize the effect

It is difficult to get a clear negative result after injections of the Mezovarton complex. The drug is aimed at improving the quality of the skin, but does not have the effect of volumetric tissue filling.

Neutralization or minimization of the effect is usually not required. If necessary, this cannot be done using drugs with hyaluronidase activity: the basis of the composition is not sodium hyaluronate.

You can speed up the removal of Mesovarton from tissues by increasing physical activity, warming up, and steaming: metabolic processes are accelerated. Physiotherapeutic treatment will also give results. Antihistamines are used to eliminate allergic reactions.

To eliminate possible inflammation, appropriate medications are used. Injection papules, redness, swelling, and bruising go away without additional therapy.


Mesoxanthin is an effective drug. Tests have confirmed that its use in cosmetology is justified and safe. The product was tested for mutagenicity, as a result of which it was proven that it does not cause atypical degeneration of epidermal cells and tissues.

However, Lips clinic doctors do not recommend using Mesoxanthin for cosmetic procedures in the following cases:

  • application in the area of ​​installed implants;
  • during acute infectious diseases;
  • in case of inflammation of the skin at the treatment site;
  • during pregnancy and lactation period;
  • for autoimmune diseases;
  • during periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How is the procedure performed?

Before the session, the doctor at the Lips Clinic medical center conducts a survey of the patient, collecting data on his health status. This allows us to completely eliminate negative consequences for the patient.

Mesoxanthin is used both on the face and in the décolleté and neck area. Analyzing the condition of your skin, the specialist selects the required amount of the drug injected into each area and the number of sessions required to consolidate the result. Typically, 4-8 procedures with Mesoxanthin are necessary with an interval of 7-14 days. To maintain an attractive appearance, you just need to take the full course annually.

Using the finest games, the drug is injected into the upper layers of the epidermis. Patients with a low pain threshold are given topical anesthesia. Slight redness may be observed at the puncture sites, caused by increased metabolism in the tissues. Bioreparation does not have a long recovery period, so after two days any discomfort completely goes away.

Benefits of visiting the Lips clinic

  • Qualified personnel. Our center employs certified doctors with over 7 years of experience. They are aware of all the new products in the field of cosmetology and modern medicine. To improve their skills, our employees regularly undergo training, as evidenced by relevant certificates.
  • Original drugs. We are responsible not only for the effectiveness of the procedure, but also for the client’s health. Therefore, Lips clinic doctors use only original drugs, the quality of which is confirmed by certificates of conformity.
  • Reasonable pricing. Lips clinic's competent marketing policy allows us to maintain an acceptable price level. Additionally, we regularly make special offers on services that will help you save even more. We also provide you with the opportunity to carry out the entire range of necessary procedures on credit.

Are you interested in our offer? Then hurry up and make an appointment at the Lips clinic by phone. Call us, and the administrator will tell you the cost of the procedure using the bioreparant “Mezoxanthin” and answer all your questions.

Precautionary measures

For the safety of the process and to obtain the expected effect, it is necessary to identify and exclude contraindications. These include:

  • young age (up to 35–40 years);
  • active inflammation in the areas of correction;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • individual reactions to the components of the substance;
  • oncological processes.

Cosmetologists refuse to perform procedures on pregnant women and nursing mothers. A more serious health assessment is carried out if there is a history of severe diseases of the blood, heart, blood vessels, or endocrine disorders. Intervention for some somatic and mental disorders is excluded.

Important point! Do not carry out procedures during illness or immediately after recovery, if you feel unwell. It is not advisable to perform procedures during menstruation, taking anticoagulants, or if you are predisposed to keloid scars.

Biorevitalization with Mezovarton rarely leads to complications. Serious side effects may be caused by the doctor’s low competence or the patient ignoring the cosmetologist’s recommendations. Among the unfavorable complications are:

  • inflammatory processes;
  • disturbances in tissue sensitivity (numbness, increased pain);
  • allergic reactions (rashes, itching, redness);
  • prolonged presence of papules, severity of puncture points;
  • extensive, long-term persistence of edema.

Manifestations are subject to drug treatment. If complications are detected, it is recommended to consult a doctor. A cosmetologist will help correct the situation and prevent serious consequences.

Indications for use

Mezovarton injections are a fairly strong drug, so specialists prescribe it only in the presence of age-related changes in the skin that require serious correction.

Indications for use of the drug Mezovarton:

  • Impaired elasticity of the skin;
  • Preparation and restoration of skin after plastic surgery and invasive procedures;
  • Serious age-related changes;
  • Addition to scar correction and rejuvenation procedures;
  • Loss of elasticity;
  • Dehydration;
  • “Floating” oval;
  • Enlarged pores;
  • Pigmentation.

Mesovarton is recommended for patients over 40 years of age.

In exceptional cases, when the process of skin aging is affected by a hereditary factor or other reasons, the drug is acceptable at a younger age, but not earlier than 35 years.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive side of Mezovarton injections is the pronounced, long-lasting effect. The use of the drug helps to activate the internal forces of the body. The product is available in a convenient format (1.5 ml).

Mesovarton injections are considered expensive procedures. The cost of intervention is often higher than using similar means.

Some doctors warn patients against using stem cell drugs. The substances do not pose a visible threat, but their effects have not been sufficiently studied in the long term.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Most cosmetologists are confident in the undeniable benefits of Meso-Wharton. The product is actively used for performing injections in older patients. Doctors are satisfied with the results of Mezovarton. In some cases, the drug is weakly impressive and causes mistrust.

The cosmetologist highly appreciates the effectiveness of the line’s products.

The cosmetologist finds no analogues to the product.

The cosmetologist was not impressed by the effect of Meso-Wharton.

The esthetician likes Meso-Wharton.

The cosmetologist calls the Mezovarton product questionable.

Patient reviews

Most patients are determined to achieve ideal results quickly when using Meso-Wharton P199. In the absence of visible changes and long waits for changes, disappointment sets in. The product is advertised as a strong bioreparant, but the price of the procedures is high.

The patient liked the result after using Mezovarton, but it took a long time to wait for positive changes.

The patient was not impressed with the results of using Meso-Wharton.

The patient sees results, but not on the scale she planned.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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