How to remove nasolabial folds at home or with a cosmetologist!


In addition to the reasons associated with natural aging, the following contribute to the appearance of such folds:

  • Abuse of alcohol and smoking, which do not have the best effect on the skin’s ability to recover;
  • Bad ecology;
  • Sudden weight changes - lovers of extreme diets should remember this;
  • Recurrent swelling of the face due to excessive salt intake or kidney failure;
  • Features of the structure of the skull - in such cases there is almost no possibility of getting rid of the defect;
  • Malocclusion is an abnormal structure of the jaw bones, the absence of teeth leads to hypertonicity of some facial muscles located in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • The habit of sleeping on the stomach, during such sleep the skin becomes deformed and begins to sag;
  • Fat deposits - subcutaneous fatty tissue with age is grouped on the cheeks in the center of the face and, following the laws of gravity, sags along with the skin;
  • Active facial expressions - the muscles of the cheeks in such cases experience constant tension, as a result, facial creases are formed;
  • Neglecting proper facial skin care.

What are nasolabial folds (and why do they appear)

The folds in the lip area are two thin grooves from the wings of the nose to the corners of the mouth. You can see them when a person smiles. It turns out that everyone has them, but they are usually not visible.

Despite the fact that these wrinkles are considered to be an age-related change in the skin (the peak occurrence begins after 55 years), they can also appear in young girls.

For example, if they are overly emotional or do not take good care of the condition of their skin.

The older a woman gets, the more these wrinkles appear and the more difficult it becomes to disguise them with makeup. This is due to loss of skin elasticity. This usually happens after 30 years of age.

But age-related changes are not the only reason for the formation of folds. Their occurrence can be triggered by the following factors:

  1. Dramatic weight loss. Folds can occur even at a young age. Many women who have dramatically lost weight can confirm the fact that severe weight loss provokes wrinkles in the nasolabial area. This can be explained: subcutaneous fat decreases, but in a short period the skin cannot adapt to the changes. As a result, chubby cheeks change, and a person gets saggy skin.
  2. Heredity. Nasolabial folds can form due to a genetic predisposition.
  3. Influence of the external environment. The condition of the skin can be affected by frequent exposure to the sun, poor ecology, and sudden changes in temperature.
  4. Incorrect position while sleeping. If you regularly sleep with your face buried in the pillow, you may notice wrinkles early.
  5. Bad habits. It's no secret that smoking has a detrimental effect not only on internal organs, but also on a person's appearance.
  6. Zero or improper care. It's important to remember to take care of your skin, but it's also worth doing it correctly. For example, it will not be beneficial if a person stretches the skin, massaging it, or uses products for oily skin, being the owner of a dry type.
  7. Dehydration. It is important for every cell of the body that a person drinks enough pure water.

Facebook building: remove defects with physical exercises

Face building, or, in other words, facial structuring, is a practice aimed at muscular training of the face in combination with massage. This is an effective method of combating wrinkles in the nasolabial area and a sagging chin.

To eliminate nasolabial folds, you need to achieve:

  1. Relaxation of facial muscles, their normal tone;
  2. Healing and softening of the skin;
  3. Increase blood circulation;
  4. A sufficient amount of elastin and collagen in the skin;
  5. Optimal saturation with moisture and nutrients.

Many options have been developed for how to remove nasolabial folds at home, and a variety of exercises are used for this. Their overall result is that barely visible wrinkles are removed, and large ones are noticeably smoothed out.

Cosmetic products

Ready-made creams and masks do not help completely eliminate nasolabial folds. It is recommended to use such products for preventive purposes. Popular means include the following:

  • Bark. This cream has a Botox effect. It helps get rid of small wrinkles, smooth out facial contours and saturate the skin with nutrients. The substance contains hyaluronic acid, which saturates cells with moisture. The result is achieved after 5-6 months of systematic use.
  • Bioven. This anti-aging cream has a unique composition. The components of the product displace protein components from tissues and suppress the activity of muscle tissue. In addition, the composition contains vitamins and oils. The cream also contains antioxidants and peptides. Results are achieved after 3 months.
  • Botox like system. The substance is produced by Belarusian. The composition has an affordable price, but at the same time has an excellent effect. With its help, you can get rid of small wrinkles. Deep folds become less noticeable. The company has a whole line of products in its arsenal - for day and night use. The result is achieved after 5 months.
  • Tightening patches. They are very convenient to use at home. The shape of the patches allows them to be fixed in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds. The hydrogel with which these products are impregnated contains glutathione and adenosine. The active ingredients activate skin regeneration and increase its tone.
  • ARAVIA cream mask. The product contains soy extract, olive oil, and hyaluronic acid. The substance also contains collagen. A unique set of ingredients promotes epithelial regeneration.
  • Cream Professional Solutions. This American cream works great on deep wrinkles. The substance has a pronounced antioxidant effect. This promotes excellent restoration of the epithelium.


There are rules that should be strictly followed before and during gymnastics:

  1. Wash your hands, cleanse your face with gentle cosmetic products suitable for your skin type, lightly moisturize with cream;
  2. Do exercises in a sitting or standing position, being sure to ensure correct posture;
  3. Practice the technique of performing exercises in front of a mirror; you can abandon it only after several months of training;
  4. You cannot stretch the skin too much, movements should be calm and smooth;
  5. At the end of the exercises, a finger shower is necessary - a rejuvenating massage is performed with light tapping movements;
  6. To achieve a quick effect, each exercise is performed with the highest possible tension, which is followed by the same maximum relaxation. Slow exhalation through relaxed lips helps recovery;
  7. The most favorable time to perform exercises for nasolabial folds is in the early morning hours. Classes are also acceptable in the evening, however, there should be at least an hour left before bedtime;
  8. Exercises are carried out constantly, for 10-15 minutes every day;
  9. To monitor the dynamics of the transformation, take a new photo every week and analyze the results.

Kremlin gymnastics

There are other effective exercises to help get rid of nasolabial folds. They are called Kremlin gymnastics. It is recommended to carry them out in front of a mirror. This will help control all movements.

Here is a list of exercises:

  1. The mouth opens wide. All vowels are pronounced in any order. You must try to pronounce sounds clearly.
  2. For the next exercise you need to prepare a pencil. It gets squeezed between the teeth. With your chin extended, you draw the number 8 and circles in the air. It is worth drawing 10 imaginary figures.
  3. The open mouth should resemble the letter "O". The upper lip leans against the teeth as strongly as possible. If you watch yourself in the mirror, you can notice the smoothing out of wrinkles.
  4. The index fingers are placed in the area of ​​the wings of the nose. They should be pressed well. Next, 5 times they move up 1 cm. After this, the movements should be directed 1 cm down. It is worth noting that fingers should not touch the eyelids and lips.

After the manipulations, you need to take a short break. After this, you should repeat the exercises for 5 approaches. This gymnastics is easy to perform. If you do this regularly, you can achieve good results.

Evgenia Baglyk recommends a very interesting and effective exercise technique for nasolabial folds; a video with them is presented below:

Classic exercises

Such facial gymnastics improves skin elasticity, tightens it, accelerates collagen synthesis, which helps eliminate unaesthetic folds.

Basic set of exercises:

  1. As far as possible, inflate your cheeks with air and quickly release them - at least 10 times in a row;
  2. Pull your lips out with a tube, stay in this position for a few seconds to feel the tension in the places where your cheeks are sunken. The norm is 10 times;
  3. Place your index fingers at the corners of your lips, overcoming tension, pull them up to lift the convex part of your cheeks, delay for a few seconds (at least 40 times);
  4. Through the lips extended in a tube, repeat the sounds “u”, “a”, “o”, “and” (20 times each);
  5. Having pushed the lower jaw forward, squeeze your lips tightly until the greatest tension in the corners of the mouth (at least 10 times);
  6. Having taken a mouthful of air, move it there alternately to the right cheek, left, up (do this for at least a minute);
  7. Place your middle and index fingers in the area of ​​your cheekbones above the corners of your lips and lift them, overcoming resistance. Having reached maximum tension, stay in this position for 5 seconds (at least 10 times);
  8. With clenched teeth, hold a teaspoon with your lips, imitating a smile (10 times);
  9. Place your palms on your cheeks, your little fingers in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, lightly press and release (10 times).

Exercises against nasolabial folds

To cope with nasolabial folds, you need to perform special exercises. They help normalize blood flow and increase skin tone. The most effective movements include the following:

  1. Pull your lips into a tube and hold in this position for a few seconds. After this, try to relax your facial muscles as much as possible. You must do the exercise at least 5 times.
  2. Inflate balloons. Performing the procedure daily will provide an excellent workout for all facial muscles.
  3. Fill a plastic bottle with a small amount of water and lift it by the neck with your lips. Fix in this position for 20 seconds, after which the bottle can be lowered. If it is very difficult, the amount of liquid should be reduced.
  4. Stand in front of the mirror and clearly pronounce all vowels.
  5. Pull your cheeks in deeply, hold for 15 seconds and relax.
  6. Puff out your cheeks strongly and release the air through a slightly open mouth.
  7. Fill your mouth with air and roll it between your cheeks.
  8. Smile widely, then give your lips a tube shape.
  9. Place the handle of a tablespoon between your lips. Carefully lift it up, fix it in this position, and then smoothly lower it.
  10. Open your mouth as wide as possible to form the letter “o”. Fix in this position for a couple of seconds.
  11. Reach your chin with your upper lip.

Doing such exercises is quite easy. The gymnastics complex does not take much time. Each movement must be repeated 15 times. In just 10 days you will be able to get excellent results.

A bottle to help

Exercises against nasolabial folds are sometimes quite unusual. At first, you may be surprised by the use of a bottle for this purpose. However, an unusual gymnastic equipment for the face gives really noticeable results. This is evidenced by numerous rave reviews on the Internet.

A small plastic bottle is suitable for exercise. For beginners, half-liter containers are enough. Fill the bottle one third with water, place it on a flat surface and try to lift it without using your teeth and hold it with your lips for at least 20 seconds. The more repetitions, the worse for nasolabial wrinkles.

Next exercise. This time the bottle should be empty and of any size. 2-liter containers have proven well in such cases:

  • First, the air is exhaled from the lungs;
  • They cover the bottleneck with just their lips;
  • Take an extremely deep breath, as a result of which the bottle will begin to shrink. This position must be maintained for 5-10 seconds and only after that exhale;
  • Repeat the exercise until your lips get tired;
  • For greater effect, it is a good idea to massage the inner area of ​​the nasolabial folds with your tongue.

Manipulations with the bottle significantly reduce nasolabial folds, restore lost muscle tone, and also help get rid of shallow wrinkles in the cheekbone area.

Interesting: How to train yourself to drink more water.

Cosmetical tools

When a woman is over thirty, she needs to think about cosmetics designed specifically for her age group. You need to carefully and regularly take care of your skin, then there is a chance that there will be no wrinkles or they will not appear too much.

When the face is affected by deep wrinkles, it is difficult to remove them with the help of cosmetics. However, you can improve your skin and make them less noticeable.

It is worth using high-quality cosmetics

We advise you to carefully study the composition of the purchased cosmetics. What substances must be included in a good cosmetic product?

  • collagen;
  • retinol;
  • amino acids;
  • hyaluronate;
  • coenzymes.

Important! Pay attention to what skin a particular product is suitable for. Do not buy a cream for oily skin that is intended for dry or normal skin.

To ensure that wrinkles no longer bother you, you can prepare “Cleopatra’s remedy”, providing the skin with elasticity and protecting it from wrinkles and folds.

Cleopatra's remedy

The product involves the use of wax, honey, and juice from a lily bulb. The ratios of ingredients should be the same.

Melt the wax in a water bath and add the remaining ingredients. Then the composition is mixed and allowed to cool. It is used morning and evening, treating areas where wrinkles may appear (or have already occurred).

Here are good cosmetics that give excellent results in the fight against nasolabial wrinkles.

  1. "Botox like system". A fairly popular product that many women love. This is understandable - the effect is really excellent. . It can smooth out wrinkles and make them less noticeable, but you need to use the cream for at least six months.

    "Botox like system"

  2. "Bark". This cream has also received recognition, as it nourishes the skin well, tightens it, and reduces wrinkles on the face. It must be used for at least six months.


  3. "Bioven." The substances that make up this cream have a positive effect on the condition of the skin, relieving it of age-related changes. According to the manufacturer, you will be able to notice improvements within three months.


Kremlin gymnastics

This complex lasts about 15 minutes. After each dose, you need to rest for a few seconds. The Kremlin technique consists of several exercises performed sequentially:

  1. The mouth opens as wide as possible, any vowel sounds are pronounced loudly, clearly, at a good pace;
  2. Holding a pencil between your teeth and extending your lower jaw, you need to draw imaginary circles with it, repeating 6-8 times;
  3. The open mouth is shaped like a large letter "O". Then, resting on the teeth with the upper lip, the tense lips are transformed into an oval, directing a greater load to the lower jaw. The mirror will show how the folds disappear;
  4. Having placed the index fingers at the wings of the nose, move them almost to the upper eyelids, and then direct the movement downwards (5 times). This is a very effective exercise; it smoothes the skin well and lifts it in the nasolabial triangle area.

After completing the complex, you should relax and repeat it again. The session involves a 5-fold repetition. Kremlin gymnastics has a beneficial effect on the muscles of the mouth and works the jaw and nasal areas.

Exercises for facial muscles

In addition to masks, compresses and ice cubes, nasolabial folds can go away thanks to special exercises.

The elasticity of the skin may change due to insufficient activity of the facial muscles. If you constantly tense these muscles, nasolabial folds will not bother you for quite a long time.

Exercises are extremely useful for preventing wrinkles and getting rid of them.

So, here is a set of simple exercises.

  1. Inflate and deflate cheeks.
  2. Pronounce vowels (your mouth should be open).
  3. Pull your lips with a tube and hold for as long as possible.
  4. “Tubule” is one of the most effective exercises
  5. Roll the air mass from one cheek to the other inside your mouth.
  6. Pull your cheeks in and hold your breath.
  7. Push the air out of your mouth with sharp movements.

This complex forces to work exactly those muscles whose activity prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

These exercises will help smooth out wrinkles or prevent their occurrence.

Yoga by Lourdes Doplito

Lourdes Doplito is 69 years old, has four children, and looks 20 years younger than her age. Therefore, her wrinkle correction methods are trusted. This unique facial workout takes only 20 minutes a day, and you can do it without interrupting your daily activities. At the same time, the exercises visibly eliminate nasolabial wrinkles and strengthen the neck muscles.

Execution sequence:

  1. Hold the upper lip with your thumb (located inside the mouth) and index finger, then pull it down 0.5 cm;
  2. Take a deep breath. Eyes must be open. After this, a smile is required, but such that nasolabial folds do not appear;
  3. Hold your breath for a few seconds;
  4. The slow exhalation is followed by the same, delayed inhalation;
  5. Exhale slowly again;
  6. After a 2-second break, repeat the exercises 3 more times.

How to get rid of nasolabial folds at home?

So how can you deal with this problem yourself at home? There is one method that guarantees almost one hundred percent elimination of unsightly wrinkles and prevents their formation. Experts advise taking care of this problem as early as possible.

You need to think about preventing the occurrence of wrinkles on the face in advance

You can prevent the appearance of these folds with the help of basic facial care:

  • wash your face twice a day with cool water;
  • Healthy food;
  • use creams, masks, scrubs.

Washing your face with cool water can help prevent these wrinkles.

If it’s too late to carry out prevention - the folds have already appeared - you shouldn’t get upset and go to a cosmetology clinic right away. You can try to mitigate this drawback yourself:

  • watch your diet;
  • sleep at least 8 hours;

Getting enough sleep helps improve skin condition

  • forget about bad habits;
  • Constantly do facial massage and exercises for facial expressions.

Exercises by Carol Maggio

Cosmetologist Carol Maggio, who works with many Hollywood actresses, has invented her own set of exercises to help smooth out unpleasant nasolabial folds. Its effect is comparable to the results achieved by plastic surgery. Recommended for both increased and decreased tone of facial muscles.

First option

During gymnastics, mentally mark out 2 points: the first in the middle of the lower lip, the second, respectively, on the lower lip. Then they open their mouth so that the points, remaining on the same line, move away from each other. In this case, the lips will take the shape of an oval. In this position, you need to quickly move your fingers up and down along the nasolabial folds until a noticeable burning sensation appears.

Second option

  1. Sit up straight, try to tense the muscles going to the back of your head;
  2. To warm up, vigorously rub your palms together;
  3. Shape the lips into an oval in the manner described in the previous version;
  4. Slowly move your palms with joined fingers over the nasolabial folds, without touching the skin. She should only feel the warmth emanating from her hands;
  5. Imagine that you have a viscous and rather thick mass under your hands that needs to be smoothed out;
  6. Increase the pace when a feeling of warmth and tingling comes;
  7. Pressing your palms on the corners of your lips, close them and remove your hands. To relax your face, exhale loudly, causing vibration of the skin and muscles;
  8. In conclusion, you need to lightly tap the problematic folds with your fingertips.

Read more about the legendary face-building technique of Carol Maggio on our website in this article.

Nasolabial folds: main types and causes of appearance

Nasolabial wrinkles are the folds on the skin located from the corners of the lips to the wings of the nose. Depending on the reasons for their appearance, there are several types of such folds:

  • Expression wrinkles occur due to the activity of the facial muscles as a result of chewing or expressing emotions. There is such a thing as increased facial expressions. That is, excessive work of the facial muscles occurs under the influence of irritating factors, for example, due to loss of teeth or addiction to dental prostheses, smoking, or characteristics of the profession. It has been noticed that in musicians or people whose activities involve active articulation, such wrinkles appear earlier. Constant muscle tension leads to wrinkling of the skin, and over time the folds become more and more noticeable;
  • Gravity wrinkles are formed due to the lowering of facial tissues under the influence of their own gravity. Often their appearance can be associated with a sharp loss of body weight, when the skin for some reason cannot return to its original state;
  • Age-related nasolabial wrinkles appear as a result of the natural process of skin aging. The early appearance of such wrinkles may be the result of a hereditary predisposition.

The reason for the appearance of nasolabial folds is not always old age; it is often a reason to think about your lifestyle.
According to the depth of occurrence, wrinkles are divided into:

  • superficial wrinkles. They occur in the upper layer of the skin, the epidermis. They can be easily adjusted at home;
  • medium wrinkles. They affect not only the epidermis, but also the middle layer of the skin - the dermis. Getting rid of them is already more difficult, but you can do it yourself if you take this issue seriously;
  • deep wrinkles. They affect all layers of the skin, and even the subcutaneous fat layer. They are usually age-related and appear on mature skin. Correction can only be made using radical procedures that are not available for home use ("beauty" injections, plastic surgery).

A person’s lifestyle can actively contribute to the appearance of nasolabial folds. There are many bad habits that lead to deterioration of the skin condition; wrinkles appear earlier and become fixed on the skin faster. Here are just a few of them:

  • smoking (including electronic cigarettes). The entry of toxins into the body has a detrimental effect on skin cells, and facial expressions during the smoking process provoke the appearance of deep nasolabial wrinkles;
  • poor nutrition. A lack of vitamins and microelements causes early aging of the skin, and an abundance of fatty and sweet foods leads to an increase in the subcutaneous fat layer, which interferes with normal blood circulation of the skin;
  • skin dehydration. The body, including the skin, needs water, not sweet tea with soda;
  • lack of protection from the negative effects of the sun, wind and poor ecology. Sudden changes in temperature, the action of ultraviolet rays, cold winds can lead to dryness and irritation of the skin, and then to wrinkles, therefore, regardless of the weather and time of year, it is necessary to think about protecting the skin, use creams with UV protection, special nutrients for cold weather. weather, and don’t get carried away with moisturizing cosmetics if it’s frosty outside. It is useful to spend more time in the fresh air and avoid stuffy and smoky rooms;
  • the habit of sleeping on the stomach can also cause nasolabial wrinkles; deep wrinkles form on the skin of the face from close contact with the pillow;
  • Those who like to fall asleep with uncleaned skin should also think about premature skin aging. Remains of makeup and environmental pollutants clog pores, interfere with the access of oxygen and the natural cleansing of the skin from dead cells.

The role of nutrition in preventing the appearance of nasolabial folds

For beautiful skin, you must first monitor your weight. Excess fat and sudden or constant changes in weight negatively affect the nutrition of the skin, as a result of which it loses its elasticity, becomes flabby and thin. The diet should contain foods rich in vitamins and microelements:

  • lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that slows down the aging process of cells and blocks the negative effects of free radicals. In addition, it improves skin texture, stimulates collagen production and protects skin from ultraviolet rays. The record holder for the content of this substance is tomatoes. It is important to remember that the content of easily digestible lycopene is higher in tomatoes that have undergone heat treatment, so it is more effective to consume pastes and juices rather than fresh vegetables;
  • Vitamin P stimulates the level of hyaluronic acid in the skin, which is responsible for the elasticity of the skin and blood vessels; in addition, this vitamin has an antioxidant effect. They are rich in citrus fruits, buckwheat, fresh cabbage, black currant berries, red rowan berries, rose hips, green tea;
  • iron is responsible for the processes of hematopoiesis and oxygen supply to tissues. Products such as buckwheat, red meat (veal, rabbit), liver, oatmeal, egg yolk are rich in it;
  • Silicon is involved in tissue repair, and also holds collagen and elastin fibers together in the skin and has antioxidant functions. Its sources are bran, seeds, fresh herbs;
  • zinc and selenium also contribute to skin elasticity; seafood, mushrooms, and yeast are rich in them;
  • vitamin E is the main antioxidant, so you should pay attention to vegetable oils, fish, seafood and herbs;
  • vitamin A is a skin builder; all orange vegetables are rich in it;
  • Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen and proteins. Citrus fruits, black currants, and cabbage are rich in it;
  • calcium is responsible for maintaining the integrity of collagen and elastin fibers, as well as capillaries and the barrier function of the epidermis. The main source of calcium is dairy products, poppy seeds and sesame seeds;
  • Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids help improve blood circulation, strengthen blood vessels, lower cholesterol, increase skin elasticity, reduce the risk of obesity, and normalize hormonal levels. The main sources of these acids are fish oil, flaxseed oil and olive oil.

Particular attention should be paid to water; the vital consumption rate is at least 1.5 liters per day. Split meals are encouraged, in small portions about 5 times a day. Fresh vegetables and fruits are recommended to be consumed in the first half of the day.

Below is a list of products that are best avoided for the beauty and health of your skin:

  • canned food;
  • bakery products;
  • strong black tea, coffee;
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • fat meat;
  • smoked and fried foods;
  • products containing trans fats;
  • alcohol.

Only a healthy, balanced diet can ensure a normal supply of vitamins and microelements necessary for youthful skin.

Proper nutrition affects the health of the body in general and the condition of the skin in particular.


In solving the problem of how to remove nasolabial folds and tighten the oval of the face, exercises are not the only way. Acupressure gives very good results. Execution sequence:

  1. Straighten your back, sit or stand (preferably in front of a mirror). Open your mouth so that your lips form an oval and touch your teeth;
  2. From the lines formed by wrinkles, apply pressure to areas of the face with the pads of your middle fingers, focusing upwards and to the sides. This should be done strongly enough so that your fingers feel not just the skin, but also the muscles, although you should not get to the point of painful sensations. Start from the nose. Each line should have 3-4 clicks. The number of repetitions can be up to 3. About 5 sessions are necessary during the week.

Useful tips in the fight against nasolabial folds

The appearance of nasolabial folds largely depends on lifestyle. It might be worth reconsidering it first before you start testing your facial skin in different ways. Any cosmetologist knows the basic rules for preventing the appearance of nasolabial folds.

  1. Be sure to protect your facial skin from direct exposure to sunlight. In the summer, you need to use protective creams and hats.
  2. Moisturize your skin regularly (especially in hot weather).
  3. Rid your diet of coffee, fatty foods and fast food. There are more fresh fruits, vegetables, meat, and dairy products. Drink natural juices and more water.
  4. Quit smoking and drink alcohol as little as possible.

Japanese Shiatsu massage


  1. The thumb and index fingers connected together are placed perpendicularly at the corners of the lips;
  2. Massage with pressure movements for 30 seconds;
  3. Moving your fingers upward along the fold, continue the massage;
  4. Using your index finger, massage the central point under the lower lip (press on the jawbone, not on the teeth);
  5. Use the fingers of both hands to simultaneously massage the points in the corners of the mouth;
  6. The next stage involves massaging the central point above the upper lip;
  7. The session ends by stroking the nasolabial fold from top to bottom and the skin around the lips in a clockwise direction, after dipping your fingertips in cosmetic oil or lubricating them with a rich cream.

Read more about Shiatsu technique on here.


If you want to deal with the nasolabial fold yourself, you can try an interesting device - a mesoscooter. It is just suitable for massage.

The roller is covered with small needles. When treating the skin with such a device, it is possible to ensure its saturation with collagen, since its synthesis is activated. This option is very convenient for use at home.

Mesoscooters are perfect for use at home

Many ladies speak enthusiastically about the mesoscooter, because it helped them cope with nasolabial folds. Remember that, like any product, it also needs to be used regularly.

Prevention of nasolabial wrinkles

In many cases, you can prevent the appearance of nasolabial folds and sagging cheeks if you take care of the problem in advance. To prevent such troubles you need:

  • Constantly use creams containing collagen and hyaluronic acid;
  • Get rid of the habit of sleeping on your stomach;
  • Do not drink at night, but be sure to drink large quantities of liquid during the day;
  • Be sure to use foods rich in fiber and antioxidants in your diet - nuts, cereals from various cereals, bread with bran, mushrooms, fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs.

Expert opinion

  • Surgeon
  • Cosmetologist

Elsa Borodina

plastic surgeon

Often the cause of pronounced nasolabial folds is ptosis of the midface with enlarged Bisha lumps. You can fight them by doing Tanaka gymnastics. This technique is aimed at increasing the tone of the medial muscles of the face and facial muscles of the mouth. Bish's lumps noticeably decrease within two months with daily training.

Irina Dorofeeva

practicing cosmetologist

I recommend taking a comprehensive approach to the problem. In addition to exercise, do not forget to cleanse your face and use suitable cosmetics. I advise you to apply sunscreen before going outside, do not sleep on your stomach and drink plenty of water. Below is a video where you can watch Tanaka massage (with Russian translation): To get rid of nasolabial folds, you don’t have to resort to radical methods. Special exercises can help in this case. Having mastered the technique of performing them, you can noticeably rejuvenate your face.

Effective masks and traditional methods

Masks allow you to get rid of barely visible wrinkles in the nasolabial area, but they cannot control large wrinkles that furrow the skin. However, masks help greatly in preventing wrinkles. At home, they are prepared just before the procedure begins. Apply only to the nasolabial area. Before using a new mask, it is wise to test for a possible allergic reaction - apply the composition to a small area and after 15 minutes assess the condition of the skin.

With bay leaf

From 15 bay leaves prepare a decoction in 300 ml of water (boil for 15 minutes), a water bath is also suitable, but then the cooking time is increased by 5-7 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth and cool. Beat three eggs into a stable foam, add a tablespoon of broth and 2 - olive oil. The resulting mask in the form of a gauze compress is placed on the problem area for 40 minutes. After a 3-day course, the same break is required.

With spirulina

The microalgae spirulina, unusually rich in unique amino acids and microelements, can quickly transform the skin, including in the nasolabial area. Mask composition:

  • Spirulina - 4 tablets;
  • Gelatin - 2 teaspoons;
  • Vitamin A oil solution - 2 drops;
  • Lemon juice - ½ teaspoon.

Gelatin, like seaweed tablets, is soaked in 50 ml of water, then dissolved in a water bath, allowed to cool and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The mask is applied twice a week for a month.

Traditional remedies

The healing qualities of calendula, chamomile, coltsfoot, and St. John's wort have long been used in cosmetology. Of course, herbs alone cannot cope with nasolabial wrinkles. But they give effective results in combination with other means. Masks made from medicinal herbs enhance the effect of anti-aging creams. They are used both in the form of liquid decoctions and with the addition of gelatin, which gives the consistency of a cream or gel and is rich in natural collagen.

The fight against nasolabial folds should be supplemented with other folk methods:

  • In the morning, after washing your face, wipe your face with ice cubes from decoctions of medicinal plants, do not forget about exercises for the nasolabial folds of the face and raising the corners of the lips. And it also helps against purse-string wrinkles occupying the space near the lips;
  • The night before bed, use a warm compress of green tea and olive oil;
  • Fruit applications are useful in combating nasolabial folds: peaches, bananas, apples;
  • Sour cream or cream during a massage is applied to a previously steamed and cleansed face and makes the massage procedure as effective as possible.

Read more about facial ice recipes on here.

Folk remedies

Nasolabial folds are often a consequence of age-related processes in the structure of the dermis. To make them less pronounced, you should use anti-aging products. You can use various anti-aging masks at home. Rubbing and compresses are highly effective.

Gelatin mask

To prepare it, you need to take 1 large spoon of gelatin and combine it with a quarter glass of water. Leave for half an hour. Take 4 spirulina tablets, add 1 spoon of water and knead thoroughly. Add gelatin to the solution. Also add a quarter of a small spoon of lemon juice and 2 drops of vitamin A to the product.

If the consistency becomes too thin, it should be left for another half hour. If the mass has a normal texture, it should be applied to gauze. Apply to face and leave for 20 minutes. The procedure should be carried out at intervals of 3 days. Duration of therapy is 2 weeks.

Clay masks

Masks made from clay are characterized by excellent rejuvenating effects. Women with mature skin should use green and pink clay. To prepare the composition, you need to take 1 spoon of clay, add a little water or herbal decoction to achieve the consistency of sour cream.

For the face, you should use decoctions based on string, St. John's wort, and mint. Sage, coltsfoot, is highly effective.

To increase the effectiveness of the procedure, you can add a few drops of coconut or peach oil to the product. Argan oil is also great. The mask should be applied to clean skin and wait until it dries completely. Such procedures must be performed at intervals of 24 hours.

Fish oil remedy

To eliminate nasolabial folds, you can use fish oil. The beneficial effect of the substance on the skin is due to the presence of beneficial omega-3 acid.

To get an effective remedy, you need to take 1 small spoon of starch with the same amount of olive oil. Add half a small spoon of fish oil. Apply the finished composition to the face and leave for 20 minutes.

Ice cubes

To achieve a pronounced rejuvenating effect, you need to wipe your skin with ice cubes every day. It is especially useful to use products based on herbal infusions. You can also use fruit and vegetable juices to make ice.

Treatment of the skin with such substances can be called shock therapy. After such manipulation, it is possible to stimulate defense mechanisms and activate recovery.

Warm compresses

Such compresses ensure activation of collagen synthesis. The most effective plants include St. John's wort, sage, and chamomile. To perform the procedure, you need to make an infusion of herbs and soak cotton pads in it. After this, they can be placed on problem areas of the face and kept for at least 15 minutes. Such manipulations should be carried out every day.


Anna: “My folds were quite pronounced. I started with Japanese massage, but it didn’t help. I realized that I couldn’t expect one result from him. Then I took on the problem comprehensively. Along with massage, I started doing masks and special exercises. I bought some useful creams. After 7 months I noticed improvements: the wrinkles really began to decrease.”

Rita: “Gymnastics saves me. The structure of the face is such that the “nasolabial lips” came out early. They add terribly to age. After classes they are no longer so deep, but they are still far from ideal.”

Mika: “There are exercises to prevent cheeks from drooping. They will help delay the deepening of nasolabial folds and even improve their condition. But they must be done correctly, mastered with a good instructor. Exercise even changes your facial expression. And, of course, you need hydration.”

“Northern Lights”: “On the face, like on the body, there are muscles that also need to be exercised. I do the following exercise: I pronounce vowel sounds one by one - I move my lips with all my might, ending with the sound “u.” After this, the muscles are clearly felt, and the “nasolabial lips” are tightened. I suggest others to make this kind of gymnastics a friend in getting rid of early wrinkles.”

TOP 5 popular methods for eliminating nasolabial folds

With the help of the latest cosmetic procedures, it is possible to, if not completely get rid of, then almost eliminate nasolabial folds.

The most popular methods:

  • Injections with hyaluronic acid. This method is suitable if wrinkles in the lip area have just begun to form. Using injections of hyaluronic acid (fillers), the cosmetologist makes the nasolabial triangle more voluminous. This reduces the severity of folds. This method of getting rid of nasolabial folds is suitable for absolutely everyone, regardless of the severity of wrinkles and their depth. Injections not only fill the bed of wrinkles, but are also an excellent prevention of their subsequent appearance. Depending on the skin type, different preparations are used. In addition to fillers with hyaluronic acid, Sculptra is considered popular.
  • Hardware cosmetology. This method is suitable even for age-related wrinkles, but only if they are thin. A special attachment with a diode laser works on the principle of displacing old collagen from skin cells and forming new one. This allows you to make facial wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle almost invisible. A similar procedure is carried out once a month. To completely get rid of wrinkles, a course consisting of 4-6 procedures is required. Their number is prescribed by a cosmetologist depending on the degree of neglect.
  • Botox injection. This method is not suitable for everyone, but it also helps get rid of nasolabial folds. Botox injections are made into the medial muscle, which elevates the upper lip. This method is suitable only for young women who have not yet begun to experience age-related skin changes. It is also desirable that the upper lip is short and the corners of the lips are of the correct shape, that is, not drooping.

  • Combination of mesothreads with fillers. This is an absolute innovation in the field of cosmetology. Using mesothreads, fabrics are “stitched” according to their tension vectors. The area of ​​the cheeks and cheekbones is treated in this way. New collagen begins to form around the mesothreads, which contributes to the “tension” of the tissue. After this, the cosmetologist injects a little filler into the nasolabial folds.
  • Lipofilling. This procedure involves introducing your own fat under the skin, which is taken (using liposuction) from other places where there is too much of it. Next, the fat cells undergo special purification and are then injected. This method can enhance certain areas and also fill in wrinkles.

If the above methods do not give the desired effect, then a facelift using plastic surgery will help. This is a radical technique, but it is really effective, since after it even deep creases are smoothed out.

You can remove wrinkles from your face, but it’s better to prevent their appearance.

In order to think less about how to remove wrinkles on your face in the future, it is best to prevent them. To do this, you need to regularly perform a set of exercises for the facial muscles and all the necessary procedures for caring for its skin.

Getting rid of bad facial habits

. If folds or a double chin appear on your neck, the skin in this place has become thin and flabby - get rid of the habit of pressing your chin to your chest. In this case, the aristocratic manner of raising the head is useful and beautiful. The position of the head in the sleeping position should be free and natural, and you cannot bury yourself in the pillow. Also pay attention to the condition of your teeth and timely prosthetics to prevent deep wrinkles on the face. The absence of teeth leads not only to poor digestion of food, but also to changes in the shape of the face. This is expressed in the sinking of the cheeks, the formation of deep folds and furrows.

Application of compresses (poultices)

in order to remove wrinkles on the face, it is of no small importance. The poultice is made using a folded strip (20-25 cm) of a small towel or napkin. Dip it in hot water, then squeeze it out and gently apply it to your face so that the middle of the compress covers the chin from below, and its ends cover the cheeks, forehead and nose. We leave only the mouth and nostrils free. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. Then remove and wipe your face with cold water.

Application of rubbing

in a set of procedures to remove wrinkles on the face at home, also gives good results. To do this, take a cold saline solution (1/2 teaspoon of salt per 1 glass of water) and carefully carry out the wiping procedure. Very dry skin can be injured by such a solution, so tannin is used instead of salt (1/2 tsp tannin per 1 glass of water).

ointments is an excellent way to remove wrinkles on the face at home. When preparing for bed, lubricate your face with cream or ointment. Add ordinary table salt to the ointment: 1/2 tsp. finely crush and grind with 1 jar. Apply the resulting cream to your face, especially on wrinkles, and massage it in with your fingertips for 2-3 minutes. In the morning, rinse your face with cool water, apply cream and powder. Now you are ready to go outside - your facial skin is protected.

Protection from direct sunlight

, especially the face and neck, is an excellent preventive measure for preserving the youth and beauty of the skin. If wrinkles have already appeared, then avoid direct sunlight. Give preference to air baths. Be sure to lubricate your face with protective cream before sunbathing, so that in the future you will ask the question “How to remove wrinkles on your face?” as soon as possible.

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  • Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons
  • Beauty injections: types of drugs, reviews
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Self-massage against wrinkles

helps remove wrinkles on the face at home at an early stage. Lightly tapping your facial skin with your fingertips for 5 minutes every day helps improve blood circulation in it and strengthen it.

Using masks

helps smooth out or remove wrinkles on the face at home and more. Their use has a beneficial effect on the skin. Let's consider preparing various masks.

  • A protein-lemon mask is prepared by whipping the egg white into a foam, adding the juice of 1/2 lemon and salt on the tip of a knife. The resulting mixture is thoroughly mixed;
  • A yolk-oil mask is prepared from egg yolk. Pre-mix with 1/2 tsp. camphor or castor oil, wipe well and apply to the face;
  • An egg and oatmeal mask is prepared by beating egg white or yolk, after adding 1 tsp. honey and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • A yolk-honey mask is made from mashed egg yolk with the addition of 1/2 tsp. honey and 1 tsp. Glycerin;
  • Yeast, of course, is prepared from yeast. To do this, take 20-25 g of the desired ingredient and dilute it with milk or vegetable oil until it reaches the consistency of sour cream;
  • Yeast sour is prepared from 25 g of yeast diluted with water to the consistency of sour cream. Then let sit until fermentation.

The above masks perfectly help remove wrinkles on the face at home, especially when alternating with masks recommended for sagging skin. Naturally, before applying the mask to the face, we first wash or wipe it. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes or leave overnight (except for yeast). Remove by rinsing with water, and oily ones with a damp swab.

Healthy lifestyle

in solving the problem of how to remove wrinkles on the face, it plays a huge role along with proper facial skin care and prevention of their appearance. Therefore, it is necessary to strive to improve the general state of health by establishing a general strengthening regimen, following a certain diet, and doing physical education and gymnastics of the whole body and face.

Remember, you can delay the appearance of wrinkles with the help of a healthy lifestyle, proper skin care, control of facial expressions and a good mood. Self-control, balance and goodwill help maintain smooth skin for a longer period than bile and eternal dissatisfaction.

Read material on the topic: How to care for facial skin: home care and salon treatments

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