Critical days and facial cleansing

What women expect from peeling

Natural renewal of facial skin occurs daily. A new layer is formed under the dead epidermal cells, so the skin retains its barrier function. But the skin does not have time to free itself from excess keratinized particles on its own and in a timely manner. Accumulating on the surface, dead epidermal scales attract atmospheric pollutants and sebum residues, becoming a favorable environment for the activity of bacteria and subcutaneous mites.

Hyperkeratosis, or thickening of the upper layer of skin due to keratinized cells, causes a grayish complexion, deepening of facial and age wrinkles, and oxygen starvation of the young epithelium. Internal processes in the dermis slow down, the production of natural collagen fibers and cell regeneration are suspended. Externally, keratosis manifests itself in the fact that a woman begins to experience many aesthetic problems: skin pores stretch and become clogged with the secretions of the sebaceous glands, redness and ulcers form at the site of ingrown hairs, the reflection in the mirror shows acne, acne and obvious traces of the passing of years.

Chemical and physical peelings help women get rid of the dense “mask” of keratinized skin flakes. The basis of any exfoliation is the mechanism of exfoliation of non-viable cells with a peeling agent. These can be molecules of natural or synthesized acid, fine abrasives, liquid nitrogen, ultrasonic waves or laser radiation. It doesn’t matter what exactly the cosmetologist will use on the facial skin during peeling, the main component of the peeling composition or technique will completely destroy the dense stratum corneum of cells and awaken the dermis to natural regeneration.

Depending on the depth of penetration into the skin, facial peels can relieve women of many appearance defects. Chemical and hardware peels can smooth out the cobwebs of wrinkles, lighten age spots, remove excess oil from the T-zone, relieve inflammation, cleanse and narrow pores, even out the microrelief of the skin after acne and return the face to its former freshness. But no matter how gentle, careful and superficial the peeling is, it should have its time. And not only in terms of season, skin age or indications. The peeling procedure should be performed taking into account the physical condition of the woman. Therefore, menstruation is one of the significant contraindications for acid or mechanical facial cleansing.

During menstruation, it is strictly forbidden to perform medium and deep peels with acids, diamond chips or laser beams. Superficial chemical exfoliation and scrubbing are also undesirable. It is better to consult a cosmetologist about the possibility of such peelings during the period of female bleeding.

Menstrual changes in the body

Critical days are a time of general malaise and mood swings in a woman’s usual life. The phases of the menstrual cycle determine the functioning of all body systems, especially the reproductive and endocrine ones. The latter responds to the state of hormonal levels and regulation of the levels of progesterone and estrogen in the blood. Hormonal imbalance during women's days makes the body's reactions to external factors unpredictable. The state of excitation and inhibition in the brain quickly replace each other, externally manifesting itself as:

  • hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating caused by increased activity of the sweat glands);
  • increased heart rate;
  • anxiety and irritability;
  • increased blood pressure and general body temperature;
  • high hemoglobin level;
  • an increase in the number of platelets in the blood, which leads to prolonged swelling;
  • increased sensitivity to pain;
  • increased functioning of the sebaceous glands, leading to inflammation and acne;
  • a general decrease in immunity and the inability of the body to fully resist the spread of infection.

With the end of menstruation, these physical and psychological worries disappear on their own - the body begins to prepare for the next possible pregnancy.

Low immunity, unstable hormonal levels and a high pain threshold are the reasons why cosmetologists recommend refraining from peeling during menstruation. The condition of the skin on critical days becomes noticeably worse than usual, but returns to normal without outside interventions by the middle of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, do not rush to transform yourself with peeling during menstruation, but rather postpone exfoliation for at least a week.

Is it possible to do peeling during menstruation?

Is it possible to do peeling during menstruation? What not to do during your period

| June 5, 2020, 9:07

Women should avoid certain activities during menstruation. Which ones? We'll tell you.

Menstruation makes adjustments to a woman’s normal life. Some are tormented by ailments, pain in the lower abdomen, some are angry at the whole world and Mother Nature for thwarted plans. It is worth noting that during menstruation a woman should avoid certain actions and procedures.

Physiology of menstruation

Our great-grandmothers considered menstruation as a kind of renewal and cleansing of a woman. Nowadays, science quite logically explains menstruation by fluctuations in hormones and the rejection of the endometrium (the inner lining of the uterus). It peels off, exposing the blood vessels - hence the bleeding.

The period of menstruation is a time when a woman is weaker than usual. This is why she needs to avoid certain activities. After all, even minor restrictions on physical activity will allow her to be in amazing shape even on critical days. What should you limit and what should you completely abandon?

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CREATING BEAUTY DURING MENSTRUATION. IS IT POSSIBLE TO DO MASKS, FACIAL MASSAGE, WRAPS? Ladies with immoral skin, who are bothered by pimples before and during menstruation, should monitor their regime and diet - fatty foods, smoked foods, sweets and alcohol each time provoke the skin to produce even more sebum, that is, the origin of acne.

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Is it possible to have a massage during menstruation? A slight effect on these parts of the body, as a rule, does not initiate any complications or unusual conditions on critical days. For migraines, you can do a head massage; it is less connected with the blood circulation of the small pelvis.

Is it possible to go to the gym during your period? Deviations can drag on the character:

painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea);

heavy discharge (hypermenorrhea);

scanty discharge (hypomenorrhea).

Sports for dysmenorrhea.

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The ideal female cycle includes 28 days

with ovulation in the middle. However, it should be remembered that each girl’s body is unique.

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Peeling during menstruation: pause

Acid and mechanical effects on the skin during menstruation are undesirable for several reasons:

  • at this time, the sensitivity of the nerve endings intensifies, the woman feels pain more strongly, so the peeling procedure can cause discomfort and become unbearable;
  • swelling of the skin after cosmetic manipulations during menstruation will persist 2 times longer than usual;
  • to external influences, especially with laser peeling or microcrystalline dermabrasion, the skin can react with deep and long-lasting hematomas and bruises;
  • unstable hormonal levels on women's days can provoke serious post-peeling pigmentation;
  • against the background of a general decrease in immunity, an infection that can be introduced into the skin during medium and deep peels will develop rapidly and have a risk of serious complications;
  • increased work of the sebaceous glands in the final phase of the menstrual cycle is dangerous due to the appearance of inflammatory rashes, pimples and ulcers. Such facial skin conditions in themselves are contraindications for peeling;
  • low blood clotting during menstruation can cause uncontrolled bleeding of the skin during the peeling process.

When planning a course of rejuvenating peelings, you need to take into account the phases of the menstrual cycle. A cosmetologist will help you determine the best time for exfoliation, based on your “calendar of critical days.”

Will there be results from cleaning on critical days?

Due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands, cleansing may not give the desired effect in the second half of the cycle, because these days the hormonal balance is disturbed, and the skin is predisposed to the appearance of comedones and acne. Due to exposure to chemicals, there is a high risk of side effects and long recovery times. However, this is more true if cleansing is carried out in the first days of menstruation. If the critical days are coming to an end, then cleansing, on the contrary, can be useful, since it helps the skin to cleanse itself of excess sebum that has accumulated over several days of activity of the sebaceous glands. In any case, everything is individual.

Features of body restructuring

Menstruation causes ailments and poor health in women. The endocrine and reproductive system is responsible for the state of hormones in the body and blood. During menstruation, a hormonal imbalance occurs, the condition of the skin rapidly deteriorates, and sensitivity to painful sensations increases. After the end of menstruation, such worries disappear.

Decreased immunity, instability of hormones and their constant fluctuations, and a high pain threshold are the reasons why it is not advisable to carry out certain types of peeling during menstruation.

What peelings are prohibited during menstruation?

Some types of peeling done during menstruation can provoke the occurrence of:

  • scars and swelling;
  • swelling and pigmentation;
  • serious skin diseases;
  • development of infections.

During a woman's illness, it is highly not recommended to do the following:

  • laser rejuvenation;
  • acid peeling;
  • diamond grinding;
  • microcrystalline dermabrasion;
  • mechanical impact.

During deep and medium cleaning, negative consequences may occur; they will need to be eliminated over a long period of time. You can do a chemical peel, but it is better to postpone the procedure.

What peelings are allowed during menstruation?

During menstruation, you can do delicate peeling. It is advisable to avoid laser and chemical procedures. To prevent negative consequences for the female body, gynecologists advise performing only gentle peels.

Superficial types of cleansing during menstruation can be:

  • phytic;
  • scrub;
  • glycolic;
  • gluconic;
  • ultrasonic;
  • dairy;
  • apple.

Such procedures cause minor injuries, because they contain only gentle components. An easy procedure improves complexion, refreshes the skin and cleanses pores, preventing the occurrence of inflammatory processes.

In which half of the cycle is it better to peel?

The most successful days for mechanical and acid cleaning are 14–19 days after the start of menstruation. Reviews from women report that the middle of the cycle is considered the most favorable time for cosmetic actions.

  1. Mechanical peeling is the safest of all possible procedures. With the help of small particles, the skin is cleansed from impurities and dust, excess sebaceous glands in the pores. This cleansing may involve using natural products, nut shells or fruit pits. Can be done at any time, even during pregnancy.
  2. It is advisable to do laser resurfacing a week after menstruation. This procedure is related to deep cleansing of the skin.
  3. Ultrasonic facial peeling gently cleanses the skin without damaging it. However, it is not recommended to undergo this procedure during menstruation; it is advisable to use it in the middle of the cycle.
  4. Chemical peeling cleanses the skin and has a strong effect on the epidermis due to the acid content. It is highly inadvisable to clean during menstruation.
  5. Deep peeling – fights serious skin problems. It is equated to simple plastic surgery, because it tightens and rejuvenates the skin of the face. This procedure is carried out using laser or ultrasound equipment. It is prohibited to produce it during menstruation.

Cleaning the aura during illness

Cleaning the biofield is a magical ritual that requires a lot of energy from the one who performs it. That is why it is not recommended to carry it out during illness. When a person feels unwell, almost all of his energy is expended on the healing process, so there may simply not be enough energy to carry out the ritual.

If you cleanse while you are sick, you may feel even worse after the end of the magical action, or you will not be able to complete it due to lack of energy, so you should not cleanse someone who is feeling unwell. The only exception is cleaning your own aura, which, if you really want to, can be done during an illness, but even before it you need to be sure that you will definitely be able to withstand it.

Opinion of gynecologists

Gynecologists give advice on using a cleansing procedure during menstruation:

  1. Skin cleansing involves the use of components and products that contain substances that are harmful and stressful to women’s health, especially for menstruation. Experts recommend, if possible, avoiding rejuvenation and skin cleansing during this period and moving the procedures to the middle of the menstrual cycle.
  2. It is advisable to carry out cosmetic procedures in the middle of the menstrual cycle, it is at this time that the body is more ready for stressful situations to arise. Two weeks after the start of your period, the procedure will bring maximum effectiveness, smooth out wrinkles, eliminate pigment spots on the skin, get rid of excess oil, cleanse pores and make the skin look smooth, young and fresh.
  3. Even gentle procedures during menstruation will cause a lot of pain and will not bring the desired effect. Laser skin resurfacing, acid peeling and mechanical peeling are highly not recommended. Gynecologists also consider superficial cleaning procedures, the use of chemicals and scrubs undesirable.
  4. Modern methods of facial cleansing allow you to enjoy excellent rejuvenation results. A dermatologist or cosmetologist with sufficient qualifications will help you choose the appropriate procedure. To do this, you should first visit a specialist to examine and assess the condition of the skin.

Before visiting a specialized facial cleansing salon, eliminate all negative factors. Inform your cosmetologist about the phase of the menstrual cycle to avoid possible consequences and complications with the skin.


Peeling is one of the most popular procedures for rejuvenating and maintaining skin tone. Many fans of the procedure are concerned about the question: is it possible to do peeling during menstruation? Let's take a closer look at this issue.

What procedures are prohibited during this period?

Despite the fact that there are no direct contraindications for cleaning during menstruation and a few days before it, there are procedures that are not recommended for menstruation.

It is prohibited to perform procedures that injure the skin, such as manual and mechanical cleansing. If you still need to carry out such a procedure, you need to refuse it at least in the first three days of menstruation. Because during this period, general health worsens, blood clotting decreases and the pain threshold increases, and the skin recovers more slowly.

Important! If blood pressure rises during menstruation, this is a categorical contraindication to cleansing.

It is undesirable to carry out deep and medium chemical cleansing of the face if menstruation has begun, due to the slowdown in skin regeneration processes. After a chemical peel, the top layer of skin is burned, and further recovery depends on the individual characteristics of the body. Not only does the recovery process slow down significantly, but the risk of developing complications in the form of age spots and scars increases. Swelling will take twice as long to subside, and the risk of infection increases. Peeling with salicylic acid further reduces blood clotting, which increases the duration of menstruation.

Brushing or microdermabrasion is a hardware peeling that is performed using brushes. It should not be done during this period due to the likelihood of bruising and bruising. The same applies to laser peeling and diamond facial resurfacing. Diamond grinding is similar in effect to brushing, since the top layer of skin is removed with fine diamond chips. During the procedure, the laser burns the top layer of skin to stimulate the skin to renew itself. Even with a correctly performed procedure, swelling and redness are inevitable in the first half of the cycle. In the second half of the cycle, the intensity of side effects increases.

Is it possible to perform a chemical procedure on the face during menstruation?

Critical days are often the cause of malaise and poor health. This is a time of stress for the body, as hormonal changes occur. On such days it is better not to peel.

But the modern rhythm of life does not always allow choosing a favorable time. If the procedure cannot be postponed, then it is worth choosing the depth of impact on the skin.

During menstruation, it is better to focus on superficial, delicate methods of care. Next, we’ll look at what types of peelings can be done and what procedures are best avoided.

Permitted species

On critical days, only peelings with gentle ingredients and minimal trauma to the skin are allowed. These types of peelings include:

  • scrub;
  • phytic;
  • glycolic;
  • enzyme;
  • ultrasonic;
  • gluconic;
  • lactobionic;
  • dairy;
  • fruit;
  • wine;
  • almond.

These procedures have a mild effect, but at the same time refresh the complexion, improve skin tone and cleanse pores. But it should be remembered that the pain threshold during menstruation decreases, so even gentle procedures may seem very painful. In some cases, it is possible to take a painkiller before peeling, but first consult with a specialist.

Prohibited species

Deep peeling combats serious skin problems, which is why many cosmetologists equate deep peeling with the simplest types of plastic surgery. Such intervention requires caution.

If the skin is deeply exposed during menstruation, negative consequences may occur. Therefore, on critical days it is strictly not recommended to carry out the following types of peelings:

  • laser rejuvenation;
  • peelings with aggressive acid compounds;
  • diamond grinding;
  • microcrystalline dermabrasion;
  • mechanical impact.

If you carry out such types of peeling in “these days”, the result can be very unpredictable, and recovery from intervention in the deep layers of the skin can take a long time.

Types of facial cleansing

Cleaning is a serious procedure and must be carried out by a qualified cosmetologist in a special room. He examines the skin, assesses its condition, existing problems and wishes of the patient. At the same time, an experienced doctor will always ask what day of the cycle it is at the moment and clarify the tolerability of the procedures. After this, if necessary, he will select the most optimal type of cleaning and recommend proper aftercare.

There are several options:

  • Manual cleaning . This is done after preparing and steaming the skin, in bright directional light and under a magnifying glass, using napkins. The doctor squeezes out comedones, acne and treats the face with antiseptics.
  • Mechanical cleaning Prepared as in the manual method, the skin is precisely cleaned of impurities and inflammation using a special spoon or loop.
  • Brossage (aka brushing) . Hardware technique. After preparing the skin and steaming, depending on the existing problems and tasks, various brush-like attachments are used (hence the name). Due to the mechanical movement of these brushes, pore impurities are eliminated and the skin surface is smoothed.

The first three methods primarily allow you to get rid of problems such as pimples, comedones, acne, blackheads, and milia. But at the same time they are traumatic and painful. They cannot be performed on irritated, inflamed skin, or if there are pustular elements on it. This threatens the spread of infection throughout the treated surface. After these procedures, the skin is injured and needs proper care. It includes treatment with antiseptics, skin cleansing, and the absence of decorative cosmetics.

These cleaning methods are also used as the first, preparatory stage before such effects on the skin as anti-aging procedures, injection and hardware treatments, peelings.

The following, more modern cleaning methods:

  • Ultrasonic cleaning. Ultrasound has the ability to painlessly break down not only surface impurities, but also those located inside the skin pores. It breaks comedones and sebaceous plugs, allowing the contents to come out. Steaming the skin before this procedure is not required. Also a bonus will be the effect of improving blood circulation and metabolism in tissues.
  • Vacuum cleaning. Requires prepared and steamed skin. A device with a nozzle creates a vacuum between it and the skin. Using the “vacuum cleaner” principle, all impurities and excess sebum come out of the pores in the direction of negative pressure. The procedure is painless and helps improve lymph and blood flow and smooth the skin surface.
  • Disincrustation . This technique combines the effects of electric current and chemicals on the skin. First, with the help of certain conductors, the surface of the skin is exposed to current. At the same time, impurities and sebaceous plugs in the pores are broken down. The second stage is the application of active detergents, which enter into chemical reactions with sebum and remove it when washed off. The technique is also painless, safe and works very effectively on oily and problematic skin with a large number of clogged pores and inflammatory elements.
  • Laser cleaning. A hardware technique with many advantages and a positive effect on the skin in general. In this case, there is no contact of the sensor-emitter with the skin, preventing its injury and the spread of infection. In addition to cleansing pores and smoothing the surface of the skin, anti-aging and anti-edematous effects are expressed. The complexion improves and evens out, and the pores become smaller.
  • Dry cleaning . Special compounds (peelings) are applied to prepared, cleansed skin. The active ingredient in them is acids (fruit, salicylic or glycolic). Acid dissolves impurities and excess sebum, destroys the connection of dead epidermal cells with the skin. When carried out regularly, the procedure allows the skin to renew itself regularly and helps it regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Perfectly evens out the tone and smoothes the surface of the skin, making it radiant. For a lasting and long-lasting effect, a course of several procedures is required. Their number is determined by a cosmetologist, based on the existing problems and assigned tasks.

Contraindications for use

The peeling procedure has a number of contraindications. You should familiarize yourself with their list before signing up for the procedure. You should not peel if you have been diagnosed with:

  • Chronic skin diseases in the acute stage. For example, psoriasis or neurodermatitis. Even if there is no exacerbation at the moment, it is still better to consult a dermatologist.
  • Malignant neoplasms of the skin.
  • Low blood clotting.
  • Allergic reactions. If you are prone to allergies, ask a specialist to test your individual tolerance to peeling preparations before the procedure.
  • Acute skin diseases: herpes, pustular lesions.
  • Infections accompanied by elevated body temperature.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period. During this period, the woman’s body is in a special hormonal state, which can unpredictably affect the effect of the procedure.

If you have any doubts about the safety of the procedure for your body, be sure to consult with your doctor. Do not neglect your health and consider any risks.

Nothing to give and nothing to take

An important rule for a person planning to cleanse: do not give anything from the house or take it into the house for three days after cleaning. This rule must be followed by you and especially by the person whose biofield you are going to clean. This is especially true for bread, salt and money.

What is this connected with? The fact is that the sent negative, according to the law of conservation of energy, after being removed from a person, returns to the one who sent it, and the sender has an irresistible desire to get in touch with his victim, find out why the negative was removed, and take at least something from this person something. That is why giving and receiving anything from the hands of a stranger is strictly prohibited - what if he is the one who sent the damage?

The rules should be followed for three days after the ritual to protect yourself and the person you cleaned. This strengthens and preserves the result of your work and prevents negativity from returning. This is especially important if gaps have formed in a person’s aura due to the evil eye, damage, love spell or other type of magical influence.

What can and cannot be taken out of the house and taken

First of all, you cannot lend money to anyone and accept repaid debt from debtors. If you just bring home your salary, nothing bad will happen, but if suddenly a person shows up who borrowed money from you a long time ago, and suddenly decided to return the borrowed amount, ask him to come in a few days, or transfer the money to your bank account, bypassing the transfer of banknotes from hand to hand.

As far as things are concerned, everything is much simpler. If, for example, you took a saucepan from a neighbor, take it before the day of the ritual or warn that you will return it in three days. If during this period you are asked to read a book, borrow some salt or bread, do not give anything, politely apologize, say that you don’t have the things you need right now, or simply pretend that you are not at home.

After the ritual, do not accept any gifts, and if you yourself are forced to give something (what if you were invited to a relative’s birthday?), ask the person to give you a penny in return for the gift. It turns out that you are not giving away, but selling this thing.

The same goes for any purchases. You can buy products in the store and bring them home and purchase any things within the framework of commodity-money relations (“gave money - received something”), the main rule is no “loans” or gifts.

Remember that this applies to a greater extent to the person whose biofield you are cleaning, and to you if you are cleaning your own aura. The messengers of negativity usually appear precisely to those to whom it was sent, and not to the one who filmed it, but there is also no harm in protecting yourself.

Now that you have found out whether it is possible to clean the aura during menstruation, and have received answers to other questions, you just have to keep these rules in mind and not forget about them. Then your magical work will not go down the drain.

Possible complications

During critical days, a complete restructuring of the body occurs. Sensitivity to pain increases, immunity decreases and blood clotting decreases. In addition, the work of the sebaceous glands increases, which can lead to inflammation. This is why cosmetologists recommend avoiding traumatic procedures.

Low blood clotting during menstruation can cause severe bleeding of the skin during intervention in the deep layers of the epidermis.

Formally, menstruation is not a contraindication for peeling. But performing deep peels during menstruation can have negative consequences in the future. The reaction of facial skin to a traumatic intervention can be completely unpredictable.

It is likely that the expected effect of the procedure will not be what you would like.

Possible complications from peeling during menstruation include:

  • formation of scars and swelling;
  • development of pigmentation and inflammation;
  • increasing the duration of healing and skin renewal;
  • spread of skin infections;
  • the appearance of purulent inflammation.

How the day of the cycle affects the result of cleaning

Opinions vary regarding facial cleansing during menstrual periods. Some believe that menstruation is not a contraindication, since it is just a cosmetic procedure and not a surgical one. Others believe that due to changes in hormonal levels and skin structure, negative consequences are possible, in particular inflammation in injured areas of the skin.

During menstruation and immediately before their onset, regeneration processes in the body slow down. Due to the active production of sebum in the second half of the cycle, facial cleansing during menstruation does not give long-term results, since the pores are simply clogged with secretions again.

Here's how the day of your cycle affects the result of facial cleansing:

  • Days 1-5 – cleaning is possible, but not advisable. During this period, it is much more useful to pamper the skin with cleansing masks and other procedures, such as SPA, which do not involve a traumatic effect on the skin.
  • Days 6-16 are the best time to carry out all types of cleanings - hardware and manual. The skin responds well to exposure. The risk of new inflammation, redness, and irritation is minimal.
  • 17-21 days - cosmetic facial cleansing is useless, the result of the procedure is difficult to predict, it can be relatively positive, but there is a possibility that the primary condition will worsen.
  • Days 22-28 – the pain threshold decreases, the healing period of injuries lengthens.

It follows that the best period for carrying out cleansing procedures lasts only 10 days. But these are the days when you can confidently go for cleaning without fear of complications.

Advice and recommendations from gynecologists and cosmetologists

The question of peeling during menstruation is the most common. Experts have formulated tips for using a cleansing procedure during menstruation:

  1. During critical days, peeling is not recommended. But if it is not possible to reschedule your visit to a cosmetologist to another day, then choose a superficial type of peeling. Gentle cleaning is less traumatic for the body during critical days.
  2. Choose a time for peeling in advance. This is an important step in caring for your skin. Plan the procedure for the middle of the menstrual cycle. One and a half to two weeks after the start of your period, you will improve your skin condition much more effectively.
  3. Experts advise choosing a peel for your skin based on the phase of your cycle. In addition, when performing peeling, you should take into account your skin type and its current condition. A cosmetologist or dermatologist with appropriate qualifications will be able to select the appropriate type of treatment.
  4. Do not perform peelings with deep intervention during your period. Not only will you waste money and not get the results you want, but you may also face negative consequences.

Peeling is a highly effective procedure that allows you to cope with many skin problems. But you should choose such a procedure only after fully studying all the nuances and contraindications. To achieve the best effect, you should plan your peeling taking into account your menstrual cycle. Peeling before and during menstruation is strictly not recommended. The optimal time for skin exfoliation is the middle of the cycle.


Opinions of cosmetologists about cleaning on critical days

If you ask a professional whether it is possible to carry out cleaning on critical days, the cosmetologist’s answer will be negative. Even in courses, cosmetologists are taught that the most favorable time for cleansing is the first half of the cycle, and they are convinced of this in practice. However, this does not mean that the cosmetologist will not take up cleaning if the client is on her critical days. Whether or not to go to a cosmetologist during menstruation is decided solely by the client.

Video: Malysheva facial cleansing and menstruation

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