What causes cellulite and how to effectively remove cellulite

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To keep your hormones in order... move more and worry less!

Do you use expensive cosmetics, visit the best SPA salons, go for massages and fitness, but at the same time your skin, hair and figure still leave much to be desired? Perhaps it’s a matter of hormones: their deficiency or excess leads to an imbalance in the functioning of all body systems. And this is immediately reflected in appearance and well-being.

Hormones are biologically active substances that are produced by internal secretion organs - endocrine glands. They affect the genetic apparatus and participate in the construction of cells, which means that the condition of the skin, hair and nails depends on them. As long as your hormones are okay, you look great. But the endocrine system is very sensitive, its work can be disrupted at any moment. Stress, excessive physical activity, chronic inflammatory processes, radiation exposure (including frequent visits to the solarium), unbalanced diet, various tumors, alcohol abuse - all this can lead to hormonal imbalance. As soon as this happens, anything can happen to you: wrinkles will appear, hair will begin to fall out, weight will increase, or cellulite will clearly appear on the thighs. What to do? Treat with hormones.

Yes, of course, each of us has heard about the side effects of such therapy: after it, many women began to have serious problems - weight gain, osteoporosis (bone fragility) and decreased immunity. This, indeed, has happened before due to the fact that doctors, wanting to achieve a quick effect, prescribed too high doses of hormones. But, fortunately, this time has passed. Today, the main principle of such treatment is to avoid overdoses. If you take hormones under medical supervision in compliance with all the rules (exact choice of drug and method of use, optimal combination of hormones, balanced diet, regular laboratory tests), you will not face any side effects.

Covered with wrinkles

It would seem that you are some 20-something years old - a blossoming age, and suddenly you are “covered” by premature aging: the skin on your neck, arms and body began to fade, pigment spots and small vertical wrinkles appeared near the lips. Most likely, these unpleasant changes were caused by a lack of the female sex hormone estrogen. However, he is not the only one who influences our appearance. For example, if your cheeks suddenly become sunken, most likely the body lacks other hormones - insulin and hydrocortisone. A sagging oval face, weakening of the muscles of the inner thighs and the transformation of the skin on the legs into “parchment” are all signs of somatotropin (growth hormone) deficiency.

If you find at least one of these symptoms, immediately go to an endocrinologist. A blood test from a vein will show which biologically active substances you need, after which a specialist will prescribe hormonal therapy: if the disorders are minor, you will take pills, serious problems require injections. The doctor determines the duration of treatment individually - on average it lasts from 2-3 months to 1-2 years. Do not doubt that after proper therapy, the facial muscles will return to their former tone and the skin will be smoothed out. And most importantly, unlike a surgical lift, the effect will be achieved without surgical scars and stitches and will not disappear after a couple of years. Of course, provided that you follow all medical recommendations.

With the help of hormone therapy, you can not only slow down the aging of the skin, but also eliminate its dryness and increased sensitivity to sunlight. Doctors advise to simultaneously compensate for the deficiency of vitamins A, B2, PP, B5, B6, C and microelements (selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron).

Features of cellulite

  • So, the first thing you should know is that cellulite treatment has nothing to do with the skin and everything to do with the muscles under the skin.
  • Removing cellulite has nothing to do with weight loss. Even thin girls suffer from cellulite.
  • There is a way to reverse muscle atrophy, and it is possible to get rid of annoying cellulite forever. And no matter how much you weigh or how old you are, you can do it naturally without pills or using fake lotions.
  • While some men have cellulite, it seems to be a problem mostly reserved for women.

When we understand where cellulite actually comes from and how it appears and forms, we can not only understand why it is a more specific problem for women, but also what we can do to avoid it as well as reduce its appearance.

Cellulite is known as the typical dimples that appear on the surface of the skin. However, the story of cellulite goes a little deeper than this definition. In terms of appearance, for many people, the flaw creates a feeling of tightness or heaviness where it appears. If you massage, the affected areas may be tender and sensitive.

The differences between the structural design of the fabric are actually responsible for the visual appearance that is easily detected.

When you pinch the skin on a woman's thigh, the skin itself will react and a dent or bulge may appear - similar to what cellulite looks like. In contrast, when a man's thighs are compressed, the skin will simply fold and no ripples will appear.

Gained extra weight

Diets, jogging, exercise – are you trying your best, but nothing helps? You are “growing” by leaps and bounds. Apparently, a hormonal imbalance is to blame: two antagonists in the body, insulin and glucagon, cannot agree. The first increases the level of glucose in the blood, and the second, on the contrary, lowers it. The predominance of insulin, accordingly, leads to excess weight gain, and glucagon – to exhaustion. Only an endocrinologist can help reconcile two opponents. Without his help, you won’t even lose an ounce of weight without even leaving the gym. However, this does not mean that a course of hormonal therapy, like a wave of a magic wand, will turn you into an inch in a couple of weeks. Proper treatment, according to experts, will relieve from 4 to 6 kg in 1-4 months. But to lose twenty kilograms, measures must be more stringent. You will not only have to take pills, but also give up coffee, soda water, sugar, starchy and dairy products and exercise at least 3 times a week.

To speed up the process of losing weight and consolidate the results, you should avoid stressful situations, alternate work with rest, make full and regular use of your vacation, and do not skip meals.

Why is this happening?

Let's look at where cellulite comes from:
below the surface of the skin there is subcutaneous tissue that connects the skin to tissues and/or bones. The subcutaneous tissue contains fat cells, and this is exactly where cellulite forms. The subcutaneous tissue on the thighs, for example, consists of three layers that have two planes of connective tissue between them.

Why do women have more

Women and men have different structures in the uppermost layers of subcutaneous tissue. Men have a network of crisscrossing connective tissue walls, whereas women's tissues are attached to the overlying connective tissue of the skin. Additionally, the connective tissue between the superficial layer of skin and the subcutaneous tissue is actually stronger or thicker in men than in women.

These are the main two reasons why cellulite is more common mainly in women and why it tends to have a more dramatic appearance compared to men. Unfortunately, as we age, the structure of the connective tissue between the dermis and subcutaneous tissue becomes thinner and weaker in women compared to men, and fat cells contribute to the appearance of cellulite. That is, there is no difference between cellulite and regular fat. All anti-cellulite creams are designed to “dissolve” cellulite, but their effectiveness is questionable.

Turned into an orange

The reign of insulin in the body does not always lead to total weight gain; sometimes this hormone decides not to attack your entire body, but stops at the most “tasty” places - the hips. There he begins to intensively store fat. This is how cellulite appears. To get rid of the “orange peel”, you will have to go on a special diet that reduces insulin secretion: more fruits and vegetables (just don’t mix them with other foods), less non-vegetable carbohydrates (sweets and other sweets) and cereals (the main taboo is on dough products). Also, give up stimulating drinks - tea, coffee, alcohol - they increase the amount of insulin. But keep in mind that proper nutrition alone is not enough in your case. Diet is only a preparatory stage for hormonal therapy. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe androgens, which will help strengthen the thigh muscles, and somatotropin. The latter will return water to the “orange peel”, turning it into a pouring apple. After a couple of months of treatment, the hips will slowly begin to get rid of accumulated fat.

The result will be more impressive if, simultaneously with hormones, you take vitamins C (prevents the formation of excess weight), PP (promotes the breakdown of fats) and chromium (this microelement reduces cholesterol levels in the blood). Physical exercise is, of course, welcome.

The truth about what actually causes cellulite and how to get rid of it for good

When it comes to fighting or preventing cellulite, many women suffer. There are a few things every woman should know about the causes of cellulite, but no one tells you about them. There are a lot of misconceptions to weed out and some useful information

Here they are:

• Anyone can suffer from cellulite Women suffer from cellulite more than men. Factors that contribute to cellulite include poor diet, slow metabolism, hormonal changes, lack of physical activity, excess body fat, dehydration and many others.

• It can be hereditary Cellulite can be passed on from generation to generation. No matter how hard you try to prevent it, you are more likely to get it if someone in your family has it.

• It can happen on any part of the body Cellulite most often occurs in areas with the least amount of circulation and movement. You can do skin warming exercises to help prevent and reduce it. Be consistent!

• This does not necessarily mean you are overweight Some people believe that cellulite is a result of being overweight, which is not true. Cellulite can appear for many reasons that have nothing to do with weight.

• There is more than one type All cellulite is not created equally, there are different forms. Fat cellulite - orange peel. Edema cellulite is caused by fluid accumulation and appears as soft marks. Fibrous cellulite is hard.

• You can help yourself You can help prevent it by cutting down on unhealthy, processed and artificial foods that contain sugars, additives and chemicals. You should also avoid dairy products, foods high in fat and sugar.

*Exercise before using cellulite removal creams Exercise before using any cellulite removal creams to improve their effect.

• Ingredients that help in cellulite removal Some cellulite removal creams contain Centella asiatica as a key ingredient that helps restore skin elasticity. Another powerful ingredient is Ginkgo biloba, which effectively oxidizes fat cells below the surface of the skin and helps improve blood circulation, strengthening veins, thereby helping to get rid of cellulite.

*Brushing Can Help You can brush your body on a regular basis to help fight cellulite. Follow the direction from your heart

Source Translation and adaptation - Fithaker

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Overcome by insomnia

Everything is fine at work, you are not particularly busy, you were recently on vacation, but you still feel completely overwhelmed, you sleep poorly and have practically no dreams. It's possible that hormones are to blame for your exhausted state. If this is the case, don’t even think about taking sleeping pills: it only “switches off” the person, but does not in any way affect the quality of sleep. Melatonin, one of the derivatives of serotonin, will help you regain vigor of body and spirit. This hormone of the pineal gland, located in the brain, is one of the control elements in regulating the biological rhythms of the body. With the right dosage, it speeds up falling asleep and, most importantly, gives complete rest.

Hormone therapy can help not only people suffering from insomnia, but also snorers. The fact is that roaring during sleep occurs due to obstruction of the respiratory tract. The swelling that forms there as a result of a lack of thyroid hormones prevents air from silently entering and exiting the lungs. Proper treatment will eliminate the “obstacle”, and snoring will disappear with it.

Stages of cellulite

What is not very widely known is that there are four different stages of cellulite.

  • The preliminary stage is when there is not only no visible cellulite that can be found on a person when he is standing or lying down, but also when the skin is pinched in areas that are usually prone to this formation.
  • The first stage is when there is no visible cellulite on the person, but when pinched, a dimple appears on the skin. This is very common in most women, but rarely occurs in men due to the structural differences in the skin mentioned earlier.
  • The second stage is when the person does not have any visible change when lying down, but when he is in a standing position, cellulite can be visible.
  • The third is when skin ripples can be seen when a person is both standing and lying down.
  • The final fourth, when the tuberosity is visible in any position.

What are you missing?

  • Hair problems - somatotropin deficiency (volume loss), thyroid hormone deficiency (patchy hair loss).
  • Pigment spots, aging skin, wrinkles on the lips - lack of estrogen.
  • Sunken cheeks – deficiency of insulin and hydrocortisone.
  • Sagging oval face, weakening muscles of the inner thighs, “parchment” skin on the legs – lack of somatotropin.
  • Cellulite – excess insulin.
  • Excess weight, exhaustion – imbalance of insulin and glucagon.
  • Insomnia – lack of melatonin. Expert opinion

Elena Dmitrieva, trichologist:

– Very often, hormonal imbalance affects the condition of the hair. For example, a deficiency of somatotropin leads to the fact that curls lose volume and stop curling. And a lack of thyroid hormones and iron can result in diffuse (focal) hair loss. As for baldness, its cause is most often a lack of a whole series of active substances. In this case, patients are prescribed complex injection hormone therapy. Wearing a wig during this treatment is strongly discouraged as it slows down the blood flow to the hair follicles, which interferes with the effects of hormones.

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