Put pressure on the disease. What you need to know about acupressure

A little about the theory of acupressure

Acupressure is a type of reflexology, an oriental method of treating and preventing various diseases through mechanical impact with the hands and fingers on energetically active points.

Classification of biologically active points

There are 365 energy points (“ki”) on the human body. They are located along guide lines - meridians passing through all human organs. There are only 14 classical meridians; 12 paired and 2 unpaired. In addition to them, there are 8 more “miraculous” and 15 secondary meridians.

Vital energy “qi” circulates along the meridians in a continuous flow. If the smooth flow of energy is interrupted, then, according to traditional Chinese medicine, a person finds himself at the mercy of ailments. By influencing biologically active points (BAP), you can remove the obstacle to vitality and rid the human body of disease.

By pressing on a point, the massage therapist affects not only a specific area of ​​the skin, but also, from the point of view of Eastern medicine, the organs associated with it or the entire body as a whole. For example, to relieve fatigue, you can press on a point located on the skin between your widely spaced index fingers and thumb.

The following types of points are distinguished:

  • general action (by pressing on them, the massage therapist influences the functioning of the central nervous system);
  • segmental points (affects the organs associated with them);
  • spinal (located along the spine and affect a specific organ);
  • regional (located on the skin - where the internal organs are projected onto it);
  • local points (located in joints, ligaments, muscles).

According to clinical and physiological studies, these points absorb oxygen more actively than neighboring zones, they are more sensitive to pain, are characterized by increased sweating, relatively low electrical resistance and an increased level of metabolism.

Point location methodology

To successfully massage your trigger points, you don't need to remember where they all are.

Among the most well-known ways to determine the location of BAP are palpation, anatomical-topographical and individual cun.

Palpation is suitable for massage therapists with sensitive fingertips. To determine where the point is located, the specialist, using light pressure, feels the patient’s skin in accordance with the map of nerve points. Where the BAP is located, he will feel unevenness, a slight compaction, and the patient in the same place will feel a slight tingling, aching, warmth or even severe pain.

The anatomical-topographical method uses the outlines of body parts (for example, the nose and mouth), protrusions and folds on the patient’s body as landmarks. This method is most often used by professional massage therapists, since it requires a lot of experience, good memory and certain knowledge.

The classic Chinese method is individual cun. Cun is the smallest traditional Chinese unit of length, equal to 3.33 cm.

Individual cun is measured in several ways. It is equal to the width of the thumb across the base of the nail or the distance between the transverse folds of the second phalanx of the middle finger, connected in a ring to the thumb. For women it is measured on the right hand, for men - on the left.

All parts of the body are divided into tsuni. Energy points will be located on their boundaries in small, easily palpable depressions.

Acupressure massagers

To massage biologically active points, you can use not only your hands, but also special massagers, used for convenience when performing a massage, as well as for weak hands. Recently, many different acupressure massagers of various purposes and price categories have appeared on the massage equipment markets.

Let's consider several types:

  1. Acupressure head massager. It is based on the “shiatsu” massage technique, more precisely on the surge of qi energy circulating through the meridian channels, the main of which pass through the head. The principle of action is a superficial massage of nerve endings. Relaxes the muscles of the head and body, relieves fatigue, strengthens hair.
  2. Roller massager for acupressure of body muscles. Improves blood circulation, which has a beneficial effect on internal organs. Has an anti-cellulite effect.
  3. Mini massager for face and acupressure massage with charging. Possibility of massaging acupuncture points on the face and more. By turning on the mode you like, you can also massage active points on the neck, lower back, arms and legs. Improves metabolism in skin cells.
  4. Eye Massager. Thanks to acupressure, it effectively eliminates eye fatigue and redness.
  5. Koldaev massager for deep acupressure. It acts directly on the source of discomfort, which makes the analgesic effect long-term. With regular use, it can significantly improve your health.

Indications and contraindications for acupressure

Acupressure, or acupressure, is a non-drug and completely safe way to relieve the symptoms of many ailments. The list of indications for acupressure is extensive. It is used to treat:

  • neuroses;
  • depression;
  • migraine;
  • neuritis;
  • lumbosacral radiculitis;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system (osteochondrosis, arthritis, radiculitis, spondylosis);
  • hypertension;
  • extrasystole (a type of cardiac arrhythmia).

Although acupressure is considered a gentler and less painful version of acupuncture, this treatment is not suitable for everyone. It is not used for:

  • tuberculosis;
  • mental disorders;
  • fever;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • urolithiasis;
  • oncology;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • acute thrombosis (impaired blood flow due to the formation of a blood clot in a vessel) and embolism (impaired blood circulation due to blockage of the lumen of the vessel);
  • severe physical exhaustion;
  • damage to the skin;
  • serious disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

It is not recommended to conduct acupressure sessions on an empty stomach, for children under one year of age and the elderly, as well as for women during pregnancy and menstruation.

Benefits of Acupressure

Healers have long discovered that such therapy has a wide spectrum of action, and with its help it is possible to influence various organ systems, which is very effective in treating many diseases, as well as losing weight, strengthening the immune system and the general condition of the body. It is completely painless, which allows it to be performed by people who cannot tolerate pain and reject acupuncture, and the almost complete absence of complications is an advantage over other types of reflexology.

Ease of use and high efficiency allow you to use this type of massage in any conditions . In emergency cases, acupressure can be performed even through clothing, as first aid.

Basic techniques and methods of acupressure

In addition to specific techniques and methods of acupressure, there are several general rules for using active points. Acupressure is always carried out in a leisurely rhythm with a thorough study of all points.

You cannot treat just one symptom or a specific organ; the impact must be complex. The purpose of the practice is to improve the health of the entire body and the harmonious circulation of energy flows in it. There are no universal massage techniques for all. Each patient requires an individual approach.

Nerve point massage techniques

There are several acupressure techniques:

  1. Stroking. The technique has a calming effect and is performed with a fingertip without displacing the skin. The intensity of the impact may vary.
  2. Pressure. It can be performed with the pads of the middle or thumb or the entire palm.
  3. Trituration. With this technique, the patient's skin is displaced. It can have both a sedative and tonic effect. Performed with fingertips or palm.
  4. Vibration. It has a pronounced stimulating effect, takes from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes, is performed with the thumb, index and middle fingers with a frequency of up to 120 movements per minute.
  5. Screwing in and out - influencing the nerve point with circular movements clockwise and in the opposite direction with varying pressure.

Acupressure methods

You can do acupressure using two methods: sedative (relaxing) and tonic (stimulating, exciting).

The sedative method is used in the case of neuritis of the facial nerve, cerebral palsy, muscle and joint pain. Its task is to relieve tension, calm, and relax the patient, which is why the movements are smooth and slow, and the skin does not move from its place.

For a calming effect, the required energy point is affected for 5-6 seconds with a slow rotational movement of the finger clockwise, gradually increasing the pressure. After this, the pressure is fixed for a second or two, and then for 5-6 seconds the finger moves in the opposite direction, gradually reducing the pressure. Without removing your finger from the point, the effect is repeated (4-8 approaches), increasing the pressure each time.

The tonic method is used when there is decreased muscle tone and muscle atrophy. It is based on a series of short, strong pressures and a series of vibrations. The BAP is pressed with a clockwise rotational motion for 3-4 seconds, then the finger is sharply torn off with a vibrating motion. The impact on each point lasts from 30 seconds to a minute.

Location of biologically active points on the head

When massaging biologically active points on the head, apply soothing pressure.

Location of the first biologically active point on the head

A symmetrical point located in the temple area, on the border with the scalp. It is most convenient to massage it in a sitting position, leaning your elbows on the table. Pressure and circular pressure can be done simultaneously or alternately (on the right or left side).

Location of the second biologically active point on the head

A symmetrical point located on the outside of the eye. Massage with smooth rotational movements without moving the skin. You can also apply pressure, gradually increasing their strength. However, the pressure should not be too strong, and in no case should it damage the skin.

Location of the third biologically active point on the head

A symmetrical point that is easy to find on the face, since it is located at the very bridge of the nose.

Location of the fourth biologically active point on the head

A symmetrical point located in the recess at the base of the ear. It is more convenient to influence it in a sitting position on the right and left sides at the same time.

Topography of the biologically active point Xuan-li : on the border of the lower and upper thirds of the distance between points VB4 (Han-Yang) and VB7 (Qu-Bin); the projection is the same as the VB4 points (Han-Yang). Technique: almost horizontal injection, needle insertion depth 5 – 10 mm; The duration of thermopuncture is limited (distant exposure up to 10 minutes). Indications for influencing the xuan-li point: pain in the temporal region, migraine, rhinitis, swelling of the face, toothache, neurasthenia.

Biologically active points on the hand:

Point 8. A symmetrical point located on the back of the hand, between the metacarpal bones of the thumb and index finger. The palm of the hand being massaged should lie on the work table so that the palm is in contact with its surface. You need to massage this biologically active point in a sitting position, first pressing on it on one side of the hand, and then on the other.

Point 9. A symmetrical point located on the outer surface of the forearm. It is easily found in the depression, which is located just above the upper crease of the wrist. Massaging this point is best done in a sitting position, placing your hand on the table so that your palm touches its surface. The effect should be soothing, so the pressure should be applied smoothly. The point should be massaged alternately, first on the right hand, and then on the left.

Point 10. A symmetrical point located on the arm, at the very end of the fold that is formed when the elbow joint is bent. The points on the right and left hand should be massaged alternately. For convenience, place your hand on the table, palm on its surface. The pressure should be smooth, soothing, with a gradual increase in pressure and holding the finger on the found point.

Topography of the Si-zhu-kun : at the outer end of the eyebrow, in a depression that corresponds to the lateral edge of the zygomatic process of the frontal bone; projected onto the orbicularis oculi muscle; here pass the branches of the superficial temporal artery and vein, the branches of the supraorbital nerve and the zygomatic nerve (from the trigeminal nerve system), the zygomatic branch of the facial nerve. Acupuncture technique: the injection is almost horizontal, with the direction of insertion along the eyebrow to a depth of 5 - 10 mm; thermopuncture of this point is contraindicated . Indications for impact on the Si-Zhu-Kun point: pain in the temporal region , eye disease, myopia, eyelid muscle tics, peripheral paralysis of the facial nerve, pain in the face, ear diseases.

How acupressure is performed for various diseases

Treatment of various diseases involves influencing specific energy points in a certain sequence, with varying degrees of intensity and using a certain set of techniques and techniques.

Acupressure for chronic gastritis

The purpose of acupressure for gastritis is to relieve the patient of nausea and heartburn, relieve pain in the stomach and normalize acidity levels. To do this, a complex effect is exerted not only on points located on the channels of the stomach, large and small intestines, but also on the channels of the liver, bladder and gallbladder, pancreas and spleen, and even the pericardial channel (in the latter case, the goal is to normalize the functioning of the nervous system) .

Acupressure for osteochondrosis

Acupressure massage successfully relieves pain in spinal osteochondrosis, radiculitis and arthritis.

Spinal massage begins from the lumbar region, slowly rising along the spinal column to the cervical area.

The preparatory stage begins with slow stroking. It allows you to stimulate blood circulation and relax tense muscles. Afterwards, you can proceed to rubbing, gradually increasing the pressure.

With any acupressure back massage regimen, special attention is paid to trigger points. Visually they resemble muscle knots. When applying pressure, the patient usually feels severe pain, similar to an electric shock. However, it lasts no more than 5 seconds.

The most important acupuncture points of the back are:

  • on the process of the seventh cervical vertebra (relieves pain in the heart, calms the nervous system, is responsible for the functioning of the pituitary gland and thyroid gland);
  • symmetrical points in the middle of the shoulder blade (affect the functionality of the lungs and relieve pain in the shoulder area);
  • a pair of points approximately 7 cm from the spine in the area of ​​the 12th rib (activates the production of adrenaline);
  • symmetrical points at the base of the neck (relieves physical and mental fatigue, treats diabetes).

You can find out which points to massage for cervical osteochondrosis on specialized websites.

Massage of energy points for coughs

Acupressure reduces spasms, facilitates breathing and strengthens the immune system for colds, chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and smokers' cough.

The main points are located in the middle of the forehead, between the eyebrows, at the collarbone next to the jugular cavity, on the crook of the wrist next to the thumb, on the highest points of the cheekbones, areas of the nose near the bridge of the nose and between the thumb and index finger.

You can do the massage yourself. The technique is very simple: massage with your fingertip strictly clockwise with light pressure.

Massage of biologically active points for diabetes

Acupressure for diabetes has both a calming and stimulating effect on muscle tone and the nervous system, helps improve metabolism, and normalizes the functioning of internal organs. However, you should not consider it a panacea and completely refuse to take insulin during a course of acupressure, since it is only part of a comprehensive treatment.

Acupressure for sinusitis

Severe headache, weakness, chills, high fever and purulent discharge are just some of the symptoms of sinusitis. It is not always possible to get rid of them with the help of medications, and the use of medications often leads to side effects.

For this reason, acupressure is often used for sinusitis for therapeutic or soothing purposes. With its help, you can normalize metabolic processes and improve microcirculation in blood vessels.

Massage of energy points for bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases of our time. Its periodic symptom is frequent attacks of suffocation. They can happen anywhere and at any time.

Detailed diagrams and photos of acupressure for bronchial asthma can be found in large quantities on the Internet.

Here is the simplest of them: you need to press firmly on the point at the base of your thumbnails. Press the point at the jugular fossa with your fingertips until you feel slight pain. If after a few minutes the breathing has leveled out, the pressure can be reduced.

To provoke a cough with expectoration of bronchial secretions and gradually reduce shortness of breath, you can press firmly on the point between the nostrils at the very base of the nose.

Acupressure for allergies

Acupressure helps relieve allergy symptoms, reduce swelling and headaches, normalizes blood circulation and metabolic processes, and strengthens the nervous system.

Back massage. Using your thumbs, gently massage the points along the spine and at the base of the skull - from the lower back upward. Then in the opposite direction.

Head massage. Using your fingertips, massaging, describe circles along the outlines of the eye sockets. You need to start from the base of the eyebrows. Walk your fingertips from the eyebrows down to the wings of the nose. Using three fingers, draw circles at the base of the skull. Make sure that the auricle is between your index and middle fingers and rub it up and down for a second.

Massage for toothache

A severe toothache can take you by surprise anywhere, and the necessary painkillers are not always at hand. But to reduce it, it is not necessary to take medications. A good effect can be achieved with acupressure.

Its technique is extremely simple, you can do it yourself - at home, in transport, at work, on vacation. This is not least due to the small number of main nerve points and their accessible location (on the hands, wrist and jaws).

Massage of biologically active points of the feet

In a certain sense, foot massage is equivalent to acupressure of the whole body, because they contain the largest number of nerve points associated with the functioning of almost all organs. It strengthens the immune system and nervous system, has a strong tonic or, on the contrary, relaxing effect, heals the entire body, improves mood, and relieves fatigue.

A complete foot massage should include not only a massage of the feet and toes, but also the legs, up to the knee sockets.

Ear massage

Acupressure of the ears has a pronounced tonic and restorative effect on the body, because there are 110 energy points on the ears, according to alternative oriental medicine. It stimulates brain activity and the functioning of the thyroid gland, helps get rid of noise and ringing in the ears, toothache, and is used in the treatment of various ENT diseases, problems with the heart, lungs and liver, allergies and migraines.

If during the massage of a specific point a painful sensation occurs, it is worth paying attention to. Pain may signal that there is a problem with the organ it is associated with.


Acupressure self-massage is used to rejuvenate the body, relieve symptoms of diseases and eliminate pain, improve overall well-being and emotional state. The system of Chinese professor Zhu Zongxiang allows you to further cleanse energy channels, balance the functioning of internal organs, improve your mood, and achieve harmony with yourself.

The practice is aimed at influencing 3 reflex points: He Gu, Zu San Li and Nei Guan.

The He Gu point is located on the meridian of the large intestine at the point where the initial energy of the entire channel is concentrated. It starts from the palms and reaches the head. The point is massaged if there are diseases of the neck, head or arms. To find he gu, you need to place the thumb of one hand on the membrane between the thumb and index finger of the other hand. When you press the point with your fingertips, you will feel a slight pain.

The Nei Guan point lies on the pericardial channel, the beginning of which is in the sternum. At this point it connects to the triple heater duct. Working out the point improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and respiratory organs. It is easy to find: Nei Guan is located 3 fingers above the fold at the base of the palm.

The Zu San Li point lies on the gastric channel, which runs throughout the body. It is located under the kneecap in a depression. Tsz san li is responsible for the functioning of the intestines and stomach, as well as for the functioning of all major organs. The second name for this area is the longevity point.

The most obvious advantages of acupressure

Acupressure does not require special equipment or complex procedures. Certain types of massage, such as foot or ear massage, can be done by a beginner.

Acupressure should not be taken as an independent therapeutic method. More often, it only reduces the symptoms of various diseases. But as part of a comprehensive treatment, along with medication, physical therapy, healthy eating and exercise, massage has a beneficial effect on the body. In some cases, it even allows you to reduce the consumption of drugs.

Acupressure, depending on the technique and purpose, can have a tonic and calming effect on the body, stimulates blood circulation and metabolism, has a positive effect on the functioning of the glands, relieves muscle tension and pain, and has a gentle effect on the nervous system. It is also used as a good aid during the rehabilitation stage.


Any therapy has its limitations. You need to be careful about yourself and your condition so as not to cause even more harm.

Contraindications to massage are as follows:

  1. Tumors of any location.
  2. Severe forms of cardiovascular diseases: stroke, heart attack, heart failure and others.
  3. Inflamed joints.
  4. Skin diseases: fungal infections, burns, furunculosis.
  5. Acute microbial and viral diseases: diphtheria, smallpox, encephalitis, meningitis, polio, influenza, gonorrhea, syphilis and others.
  6. Surgical diseases: cavitary bleeding, fresh injuries of the musculoskeletal system, osteomyelitis, volvulus and others.
  7. Rheumatism, embolism, thrombosis.
  8. Coma, rabies, schizophrenia, delirium tremens, hysteria.
  9. Pregnancy.

Important. You cannot perform acupressure within an hour after eating or on an empty stomach, or while intoxicated.

The essence and features of the procedure

A person has many biologically active points on his body, which are responsible for various processes and the functioning of organs. With the right influence, controllable internal systems can be set up. To get rid of extra pounds and restore tone, it does not require excessive effort or knowledge. If you look at the maps for finding special points for weight loss, then with regular massaging, metabolic processes, lymph circulation and blood flow are stimulated.

A sustainable result can be achieved by eliminating the negative factor in the formation of excess fat deposits. When exposed to certain points in the body, the following changes will occur:

  1. Metabolic processes will be restored, stimulating the processing of products. Beneficial substances will flow to organs and tissues, maintaining their functioning normally.
  2. The procedures will help enhance the antioxidant properties of the body and strengthen its immune defense. This will remove toxins and excess intercellular fluid.
  3. The feeling of hunger will disappear, appetite and the amount of food consumed will decrease. These phenomena contribute to the elimination of extra pounds.
  4. The procedure will help eliminate muscle tension, increase blood circulation and normalize breathing and cell nutrition.

Before starting the procedures, it is necessary to identify the source of fat accumulation, since the cause is eliminated by influencing the point. Weight can accumulate due to negative factors:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • psycho-emotional disorders;
  • poor nutrition;
  • chronic lack of sleep and fatigue.

A good time for a massage is the evening, since during this period there is an intense and rich circulation of energy. If it is not possible to carry out evening procedures, then they are performed at any time before meals.

How often should pressure points be treated?

Chinese facial massage for rejuvenation technique and video procedures with spoons and gua sha

By pressing on any painful center on the head, face or body, you immediately begin to help the corresponding organ or tissue. For example, if you have knee pain, there has been no accident or sprain, and point "43" (which refers to the knee) is not painful, then knee pain may be a symptom most likely of kidney disease, which you can verify by checking. finding the “37” point and checking if it is painful. If so, treat your kidneys.

If in your research you find a painful point, but do not know its name and did not find the number in the list of points, still treat it somehow. She calls for help. If the point you need to apply pressure is located so that it cannot be reached, ask a friend for help.

Pressing can be done with the pads of the index or middle finger, or you can strengthen the index finger by placing the middle finger on it, or you can press with the pads of the index and middle fingers, placing them side by side. For some points, such as 10M or 17, it is much easier to use the pad of your thumb.

After examining the energy centers of the body and finding that touching one of them causes pain, first make a small, quick circular motion with your index or middle finger. This is a massage movement.

In case of an unforeseen event, each family should have some medical information in order to provide pre-medical assistance.

Don't forget that all people are individual. The diagrams shown show contact point placement, but if you are thinner, fatter, or have a different build, your contact point may be slightly offset. It's not a problem.

The diseases or disorders you wish to treat are listed in the index in alphabetical order with corresponding contact point numbers.

The pressure on the points should be strong, but not to such an extent as to cause acute pain. Remember not to press too hard. The longer and more often, the better. In all serious, acute or chronic cases, treat the point daily for the first week, then 2-3 times a week, and finally once a week. This is determined by your own needs. Sometimes it will take a long time for the condition to improve, and sometimes it will happen incredibly quickly.

History of acupuncture

Chinese acupuncture has a long history. The first mention of acupuncture dates back to approximately 1100 BC. The art of healing using acupuncture has developed over centuries and today is an independent method of therapy, which is widely used in both private and public medical institutions not only in China, but also far beyond its borders, including in Europe and Russia . The basis of acupuncture is the Chinese teaching on the circulation of vital energy “Qi”. “Qi” refers to the substances necessary to maintain human life:

  • blood;
  • bile;
  • air;
  • water.

Such disturbances in the circulation of vital energy as its imbalance or stagnation provoke the occurrence of various diseases. To restore health, you need to direct energy flows in the usual direction by stimulating biologically active points on the surface of the body.

Experts in the field of acupuncture believe that all the internal organs of a person are projected onto the surface of his body, that is, each of them has its own point on this surface.

Experts believe that the disease is the result of long-term disorders. Such disorders may be mildly expressed over many months and even years, and a person may not attach much importance to them until the disease manifests itself in a serious form. In this regard, Chinese healers recommend listening carefully to your body and taking timely measures.


In eastern countries such as China, Japan and Korea, acupuncture is included in the mandatory list of procedures in rehabilitation programs for recovery after surgery and for the treatment of a wide range of chronic ailments.

Massage techniques for weight loss

Acupressure is widely used to help people who want to lose weight. To select the right points, before the sessions begin, you need to determine the cause of excess weight.

Hormonal disbalance

With such an anamnesis, working out the Guan Yuan point, located 3 cuns below the navel, in a lying position for 30 minutes, helps a lot.

Then a massage of Tzu Gong points is connected, which can be found by moving 1 cun up from the navel and then to the left and right by 3 cun. It is better to combine working on these places with rotational movements of the hips in a standing position.

Nowadays, it is difficult to maintain the correct diet and composition of food.

If the cause of fullness lies in this problem, then you can use the following acupressure technique:

  • The Ling Quan point under the kneecap is massaged for 30 seconds to combat cellulite.
  • The “channels of youth” should be worked with the thumbs at least 40 times on each foot.
  • Tian Shui points, located 2 cuns to the right and left of the navel, are massaged in a standing position, slightly bent, pressing for 5 seconds 20 times.

You need to repeat this massage three times a day until the condition improves, then once a day for prevention.

State of stress

To relieve nervous tension, you should stimulate the Nei Guan point from the restorative section for 5-10 minutes. You also need to engage the Bai Hui point by rhythmically pressing your thumb into it.

To eliminate these unpleasant symptoms, you should stimulate the points an hour before bedtime in the following order:

  1. Press and massage the third eye point.

  2. Carefully, avoiding severe pain, work the point between the 1st and 2nd fingers.
  3. There is also a point for insomnia on the inside of each foot, on the heel closer to the arch of the foot.
  4. And while lying in bed, it is convenient to massage the dimples behind the earlobes and the point on the top of the head, which will quickly calm and relax the body.

Within 7-9 days, sleep improves noticeably.

Massaging the solar plexus in a clockwise direction while lying down is also effective. All painful sensations, hiccups, rumbling indicate the start of the process, but you should not endure acute pain.

The desire to lose excess weight is achieved using a special acupressure technique:

  • It is done by acting on a bioactive point called Guan Yuan. It is located 4 fingers' width below the navel. Duration of the procedure is 30 minutes. It is better to start a massage course in the morning on an empty stomach for 25 days. Weight loss can be up to 5 kg. The main thing is that during the entire massage course your appetite will decrease significantly.
  • The next massage method involves influencing a point associated with the gastrointestinal tract. Stimulating the digestive system will ensure the necessary level of metabolism, during which the body will stop making excessive reserves of fat deposits. Use Lao Gong bioactive point. If you clench your hand into a fist, the 3rd finger will point to this point. Massage the point with circular movements clockwise. It is important to repeat regularly until the desired result appears.
  • Another method involves using bioactive points of the ears. It is required to influence the ears with the pads of the fingers in a circular motion. The first fingers are behind the ear and support the auricles, and the index fingers move in a circle. The tone of the body from such exposure will increase, and self-regulation of metabolic processes will begin.

In order to remove excess fat from the sides and waist, massage therapists advise massaging several areas of the body at once. To do this, the client should be in a supine position with slightly bent knees, and the abdominal muscles should be tense.

  1. To begin with, massage a point located 1 cun above the navel.
  2. Then they retreat 3 cun to the left and right from the first point and, with stroking movements, draw short lines upward 10 times from these 2 points, called Zi Gong.
  3. Next, draw an infinity sign on the stomach with your finger, the middle of which should be the first point. And so 15 times.

Hormonal disbalance

The cause of excess weight may be a hormonal imbalance. To bring hormonal imbalance back to normal, massage 2 points Guan Yuan and Zi Gong. When pressing on the Gaun Yuan, you need to lie down and make rotational movements with the 1st finger for half an hour; this technique will remove excess fat and restore hormonal levels.

To make your dream of a flat stomach come true, you should use the Tui Fu massage method.

This massage is done lying down:

  1. First, warm up your hands by stretching and rubbing them.
  2. Next, with warmed hands, knead the area from the solar plexus down.
  3. If pain occurs during the procedure, you can reduce the force on the abdomen. If belching or hiccups occur, exposure continues. This manifestation indicates that the procedure is beneficial and the body has joined the process of releasing fat reserves.
  4. The massage is completed with strokes carried out in a circle.

How does an acupuncture session work?

Traditionally, acupuncture techniques are performed quite rarely. Specialists practice different techniques, so there is no single scenario for conducting sessions. The common features of a standard acupuncture procedure are:

  • the first acupuncture session is aimed at working with the body as a whole (general effect);
  • further sessions are aimed at working with local zones responsible for specific organs;
  • on average, the course includes 10 sessions (daily);
  • for chronic diseases, the course can be increased to 15 sessions with longer breaks;
  • The duration of one session ranges from 15 to 60 minutes.

Benefits and harms

The spine is a stable but vulnerable structure of the body. The vertebrae connected by intervertebral discs provide flexibility to the spine. For various reasons, the cartilage is destroyed, and the width between the vertebrae increases, which ends in compression and inflammation of the nerves. The disease can appear in any area of ​​the spine, but most often the cervical spine is affected. Symptoms of this type of osteochondrosis are unpleasant pain in the neck, stiffness and tension in the muscles, and impaired sensitivity.

Acupressure of the neck involves pressing your fingertips onto special points on the skin. The human body contains many reflex circuits that end in the internal organs. Massage has a positive effect on all body systems. As a result of regular implementation, the following occurs:

  • improved blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation, lymphatic drainage from the infected area;
  • relief from neck muscle spasms;
  • appearance of muscle tone;
  • relieving pain;
  • calming the central nervous system, relieving stress.

Like any other effect on the body, neck massage may be prohibited. Contraindications to the procedure are: tumors in the patient’s body, active tuberculosis, osteomyelitis, diseases of the circulatory system, aneurysm, sexually transmitted diseases, skin diseases, the presence of warts, abrasions and cracks on the neck. Under no circumstances should this method be used as a stand-alone treatment. Before undergoing the procedure, be sure to consult your doctor.

During the massage, carefully monitor the patient’s well-being. If your actions cause acute discomfort in the patient, stop the session immediately.

Morphology of reflex and acupuncture points

Meltzak and Wall (1988) showed that at least 75% of trigger points are in fact, according to traditional meridian mapping, acupuncture. The rest belong to the so-called “honorable” acupuncture points, since, according to the canons of traditional Chinese medicine, all spontaneously painful places (regardless of whether they are on the meridians or not) can be treated with acupuncture or acupressure, and the trigger point, if it is not suddenly painful, it does not represent anything.

Recent studies using thermographic imaging have shown that the actual size of trigger points is very small, approximately 2 mm in diameter, that is, much smaller than previously assumed - 5-10 mm (Dyakov, 1988).

Their percentage in young adults is: 54% in women and 45% in men (age group from 35 to 50 years). If they are usually found in the same location as acupuncture points, what tissues are involved?

Professor Jean Bossy, Faculty of Medicine, University of Montpellier (France), carried out a comprehensive tissue examination (Bossy, 1984).

He reports that all motor points identified by medical electrophysiological studies are acupuncture (he calls them “privileged zones of the body that allow exchange between the internal environment and the environment”). Head's maxim points, Hackett's points, visceral points, chakras - all these are acupuncture points.

He believes that they are even smaller than those indicated by Dyakov, from 1 to 5 mm in diameter. Skin manifestations, he says, “are easier to feel than to see. The most superficial morphological manifestation is a dome, a vesicle.”

And under the skin on these points (which is somewhat thinner than the skin in the areas adjacent to the points) there are some common signs. Usually, neurovascular glomeruli are found there; connective tissue is always a common feature, sometimes adipose tissue is present. Important general signs are blood vessels and nerves, although their stimulation during treatment is usually indirect, only as a result of deformation of the connective tissue and corresponding tension or friction.

In some cases, periarticular structures or muscle tissue are involved as part of the acupuncture/trigger point morphology. However, with a comprehensive study, not to say dissection, Bossi discovered that “adipose and connective tissue are decisive in the occurrence of acupuncture sensation.”

It appears, therefore, that effective reflex effects come “only through stimulation of multiple and varied anatomical structures.”

The most useful information contained in this study is that when palpated, a small "bubble" or depression covered by slightly thinner skin tissue can be felt, and that this will indicate an acupuncture point (which in the "active" mode is sensitive and, most likely, is also a trigger). There are other palpation signs - skin “adhesion”, loss of elastic qualities, which are the most important palpation indicators of active reflex activity.

Benefits of foot massage

  • strengthens the immune system,
  • normalizes the functioning of the respiratory and digestive systems,
  • improves metabolism,
  • removes toxins and waste from the body,
  • relieves headaches,
  • normalizes blood pressure,
  • improves blood circulation,
  • helps cope with swelling and pain in the legs,
  • helps to recover after physical activity,
  • relieves PMS symptoms,
  • improves vision,
  • helps with flat feet,
  • relieves problems of the musculoskeletal system,
  • relieves stress and emotional arousal,
  • calms the nervous system,
  • relieves insomnia,
  • has a relaxing effect,
  • relieves chronic fatigue syndrome,
  • fights feelings of anxiety, worry and fear,
  • gives a feeling of inner comfort,
  • leads to inner harmony,
  • rejuvenates the body.

Contraindications and harm

  • severe heart pathologies,
  • acute chronic diseases,
  • elevated temperature,
  • the presence of inflammation, fungus and warts,

Before starting reflexology for young children, expectant mothers, and elderly people, it is advisable to consult a specialist.

Do not overdo the procedure to avoid negative consequences.

How to do a foot massage correctly

It is recommended to massage in the evening, after washing your feet. For greater effect, use vegetable oil, such as sesame or olive. According to Ayurveda, if a person does this procedure with oil every day, he will always be healthy.

Massage can be done with your hands or use a special one. For self-massage, 5-10 minutes a day is enough.

So. Sit comfortably, rub your feet thoroughly, moving from toes to heels, and then apply massage oil with smooth movements over the entire surface of your feet, be sure to rub it into your fingers and nails.

You should start massaging from the sides, moving towards the center. The movements should be pressing, but not too strong. If you feel pain in any area, this indicates that you have problems with the organ for which this point is responsible (see picture above)

Give her special attention. Each zone should be treated for approximately 10 seconds.

Don't forget about your fingers: pull them back and forth to stretch the muscles, and also make pressing movements

Pay attention to each finger for about 15-30 seconds

Throughout the self-massage, try to knead your feet as much as possible: tap, press, rub, knead, etc.

Foot massage mat

In addition to massage, you can stimulate points on the feet using special foot mats. Today they are sold in different types, but each has the same effect - relaxation and getting rid of problems with the organs.

Using the mat is quite simple: place it on a flat surface and start walking on it with your bare feet. The duration of the procedure is individual, but it is customary to focus on pain sensations, that is, as soon as you begin to feel dull pain, then finish.

A massage mat is an excellent solution for keeping your body in good shape.

Don’t be lazy to spend just 5-10 minutes on your feet every day. Eastern healers claim that influencing biologically active points on the feet gives a person a “second heart” and prolongs youth for many years.

Foot massage. Acupressure. Training video

We have already become a habit of treating ailments with pills and potions. Whether it’s a migraine or stomach pain, you can buy the appropriate medications for each case at the pharmacy. But there are alternative ways to get rid of unpleasant and painful sensations - foot massage at acupuncture points. In other words, it is an effect on a particular organ of the body by stimulating a certain area of ​​the foot. This helps not only eliminate pain, but also normalize the functioning of vital organs: heart, lungs, kidneys, certain parts of the brain, etc.


I have been using acupressure massage to fight colds for several years now. As soon as the first symptoms appear, I begin to perform the procedure several times a day. The effect is truly amazing! Usually a cold goes away completely in 1-2 days. And even if I do get sick, everything goes away without complications and faster than before.

Maria, 38 years old

I was recommended a procedure at the salon to combat excess weight. I went for acupressure massage twice a week along with body wraps. At first I didn’t notice the result, but then the weight began to go away a little. The most amazing thing is that I continued to lose weight after finishing the procedures. Of course, it only took about 5 kilograms, but I’m quite happy with the result.

Irina, 28 years old

I tried acupressure for the first time in China when I pinched a cervical vertebra, and then continued to go for treatments after returning home. The pain went away, and I became fascinated by the idea of ​​healing the points. I have mastered the technique and regularly perform the procedure at home. The results, of course, are different. So, massage definitely helps me with headaches or insomnia, but when chronic bronchitis worsened, I had to take antibiotics. But in general, this is an excellent technique from alternative medicine, which it is advisable for everyone to master.

Mikhail, 52 years old

I was taught acupressure at a children's sanatorium, where we went with our child after pneumonia. At first, of course, there were doubts about the effectiveness of the method. But the child really began to get sick less often, and now my husband and I also use acupressure if something bothers us.

Valeria, 29 years old

Types of techniques

Yoga massage. Energy massage

Choose a massage technique depending on what results you expect from the procedure.


Standard technique. Performed in general massage complexes, as well as as an independent massage. Simple enough to make it yourself at home.

Step by step execution:

During the massage, you can influence biologically active points by combining procedures.


Massage only dry, clean skin, without using additional substances.

Press the points with your thumb, index or middle finger. If you need to create vibration (successive wave-like shocks of low force) to relax congestion in the muscles, use the entire palm. In addition, this will help disperse the blood faster.

First, rub your foot, and only after such preparation proceed to the main procedure.


Foot treatment begins with three main points on each of the toes. They are located at the base, in the area of ​​the middle joint and at the beginning of nail growth. In this case, the foot is fixed with one hand, and the impact occurs with the other. Apply pressure on the reflex zones one by one and move from top to bottom, starting with the thumb. Consistently press on 4 points located at the base of the thumb. On the sides, along the inside and outside of the heel, there are 3 more important points. Work on them one by one. From the area above the heel, along the Achilles tendon, there are 3 more zones

They must be handled very carefully to avoid injury. The upper part of the foot is also rich in dozens of active points. To use them all, you need to slowly move from each toe to the shin. You can finish the procedure by massaging the joint of the foot with the lower leg.

In front, along the surface of the foot, is the place of the bend, and in the back is the location of the Achilles tendon.

Before using this method, study the diagram of reflex zones in detail.


The most famous method of massaging the feet. Came to us from India. The point is to stimulate problem areas that need restoration. For this purpose, maps of biologically active areas with projections of organs are used.

Description of the procedure:

  • The patient is in a supine position. The master, being at the client’s feet, holds his toes and spreads his feet to the sides. With each approach, the pressure intensity and amplitude increase.
  • Using the weight of his body, the massage therapist presses on 6 points located on the foot. The legs are massaged one by one.
  • The impact on the points that react to the condition of the spine occurs from the heel to the toes, along the inside of the foot.
  • The massage therapist smoothly pulls the feet back, grasping the pads and fingers. Then he makes a return movement and repeats the manipulations several times.
  • The patient is asked to spread his legs. Then the master applies alternating pressure along the limbs from the feet to the groin. The impact falls exclusively on the muscles. The kneecaps are gently stroked.

This massage is an excellent way to relieve stress, improve the functioning of the circulatory and lymphatic drainage systems, and unblock nerve pathways. Stimulation at the ankle-foot joint improves joint mobility and aligns the flow of energy in the lower body.


This technique involves the use of the following techniques: stroking, rubbing and vibration. In the process of such influence, more than 60 points are affected. Regular procedures will improve energy circulation and organ function.

Specialists who practice this type of massage often use additional devices to increase efficiency and use the greatest number of points.

You can also practice this method at home. It is enough to purchase a special acupuncture mat and, sitting in a chair, place your feet on it, periodically making light movements with your foot, as if pressing on the mat. When the pressure begins to cause noticeable discomfort, change the position of your legs. Give this massage no more than 30 minutes a day.

Cost of massage

If the technique of performing acupressure is well studied, the treatment procedure can be quite successfully carried out at home. However, not everyone finds it easy to master the technique of performing acupressure, which is why the popularity of salon acupressure is constantly growing. On average, the price of one procedure ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 rubles. The number of procedures depends on the specifics of the disease. Thus, acupressure for colds is usually enough to perform 1-2 times to achieve quite obvious results. A longer course will be required, for example, to combat obesity. It is advisable to carry out acupressure massage for insomnia from case to case when a corresponding problem arises.

Basic principles

  • An integrated approach to the treatment of diseases, selection of individual therapy for each patient
  • It does not require additional equipment or accompanying materials
  • The procedure consists of pressing on the points with your fingertips, when smooth slow movements alternate with more intense ones.
  • During the process, the patient may experience a feeling of numbness, pain, aches throughout the body
  • It is very important that the patient takes a comfortable, comfortable position
  • Usually carried out in a course of 6-10 procedures.
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