OVERAGE MESO Biorevitalizant-skinbooster 23 mg/ml (1 syringe x 1 ml) Biorevitalizant!!!

With the appearance of the first wrinkles, women immediately think about a method for removing them, thanks to this the beauty industry is thriving. Every year new procedures and drugs appear to combat this problem.

The most popular are injection forms of release, of which there are over a hundred items on the pharmaceutical market. Many items have a common composition, but differ significantly in cost, and it is sometimes very difficult for patients to choose among such a variety.

In this article we will talk about the Overage line of anti-aging drugs. The main component of all cosmetics is hyaluronic acid. There are four main positions: three types of Overage fillers, which have different densities and biorevitalizant skinbooster.

All cosmetic gels from the Overage series are administered subcutaneously by injection. They are intended to correct age-related changes in the skin, most often used in cosmetology, but cases of use in ophthalmology have been recorded. They are a more affordable alternative to expensive drugs based on hyaluronic acid.

The gels have the highest level of purification and a wide range of indications, which allows you to select a specific product for each patient, taking into account his state of health.

One of the features of the drugs is considered to be the special structure of HA molecules, with the help of which it is possible to achieve the fastest and at the same time long-lasting effect from the procedure.

Characteristic features of fillers

The Overage line of gels consists of four positions, namely:

  • Deep;
  • Deeper;
  • Derma;
  • Meso.

The active substance of each product is hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin with a high level of purification, which in turn protects patients from unwanted negative effects and allergic reactions. The manufacturer of these products is a company from Italy, Overage Mesotech.

Read more about the properties of hyaluronic acid, its action and preparations in our article.

The main features of the cosmetic product include the following:

  1. In the instructions for use, the manufacturer states that the gel is not capable of creating the “Tyndall effect,” that is, when injected under the skin, it is absolutely invisible, even in people with very thin epidermis.
  2. 23 mg/g is the concentration of hyaluronic acid, which is found in all four positions. The differences between the drugs lie in the molecular weight of the active component. The larger the mass of acid, the longer the effect will last, and the faster the result will be visible. Hyaluronic acid with the highest molecular weight is contained in Deeper gel, which allows you to observe the effect of the procedure for 1.5 years.
  3. To form a strong bond in fillers, a substance from the ester group, namely BDDE, is used.
  4. Hyaluronic acid can be found in fillers, both in stabilized and unstabilized form. Due to this, drugs are used not only to correct skin defects, but also to moisturize it.

Overage gels are packaged in 1 ml syringes, which greatly simplifies the work of cosmetologists, since there are products based on hyaluronic acid, which must be diluted with 0.9% sodium chloride solution before direct administration. In addition, the package is equipped with two sterile needles, instructions on how to administer the gel and stickers.


Injectable drugs

The OverCosmo direction of the DEKA company is the exclusive representative in Russia of the Overage line of drugs for biorevitalization and contouring of the pharmaceutical company Mesotech (Italy).

The Italian pharmaceutical company Mesotech, founded in 1984 and located in Naples, specializes in the development and production of hyaluronic acid for ophthalmology and injection cosmetology.

The line is represented by the biorevitalizant-skinbooster Overage MESO and 3 volumizing fillers DERMA, DEEP, DEEPER. All drugs have the highest degree of purification. Their wide range of capabilities will allow you to carry out procedures taking into account the characteristics of each patient. The structure, particle size, concentration and other characteristics of the Overage gel are selected in such a way as to achieve optimal aesthetic results and a long-lasting contour correction effect.

The company's products are represented in more than 28 countries. The company's work is aimed at constant work in the field of research and innovation. All Overage products are manufactured according to European quality standards. Certification according to standards: GMP, ISO 9001-2008, ISO 13485, Directive 93/42/CE.

Registration Certificate in the Russian Federation: No. RZN 2015/2885 www.roszdravnadzor.ru

More information about Overage injection drugs can be found on the website www.overcosmo.ru

Overage is a line of gels based on hyaluronic acid, which includes 3 fillers of different densities and one biorevitalizant with skin booster capabilities.

Composition, features and indications for use of Overage fillers

The line includes 4 items - Meso, Derma, Deep and Deeper. The main active ingredient of each of them is hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, of high purity, which guarantees good tolerance of injections by the body without the risk of developing allergies and other adverse reactions. To bind the molecules, as in most other fillers, BDDE ester is used. Fillers contain both stabilized and native (unstabilized) hyaluronic acid, therefore, in addition to volumetric correction, they also provide a pronounced effect of tissue hydration. The concentration of HA in all these drugs is the same - 23 mg/ml, and the difference in effects is achieved due to the use of molecules of different masses in each of the products - the higher it is, the more extensive the result can be and the longer the filler lasts in the tissues. They promise that the densest gel - Overage Deeper - will work for up to 18 months. A separate advantage is the absence of the “Tyndall effect” - that is, theoretically, these fillers should not be translucent and visible from the outside, even in patients with very thin skin.

Overage productFeatures and indications for use
Meso Positioned as a biorevitalizant-skinbooster, i.e. In addition to moisturizing the skin, it can strengthen and smooth it. Can be injected into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis. Allows:
  • correct emerging small wrinkles;
  • remove dark circles around the eyes;
  • rejuvenate your hands;
  • moisturize the contour and red line of the lips.
Derma The least dense filler in the line. Placed in the middle layers of the dermis. Main effects:
  • correction of crow's feet and restoration of skin elasticity in the periorbital area;
  • filling superficial wrinkles, shallow nasolabial folds;
  • elimination of creases on the skin of the forehead and bridge of the nose;
  • increase in lip volume;
  • correction of folds on the neck.
Deep Medium density drug, injected into the middle and deep layers of the dermis, hypodermis for:
  • replenishment of the volume of the temporal, zygomatic, buccal areas;
  • increasing lip volume;
  • filling wrinkles of medium depth, nasolacrimal grooves and nasolabial folds;
  • filling atrophic scars and soft tissue retractions.
Deeper The densest and heaviest, but at the same time quite flexible filler. The injection area is the deep layers of the dermis, hypodermis, to the level of the periosteum. Indications:
  • modeling the area of ​​the cheekbones, cheeks, oval face, chin;
  • non-surgical correction of the shape of the nose;
  • lateral brow lift;
  • filling deep wrinkles and skin folds;
  • support and lifting of heavy facial tissues, oval restoration.

Overage fillers are available in 1 ml syringes. The preparations are completely ready for use and do not require dilution with saline or other preliminary manipulations. Each package must contain two sterile needles for administering the gel, instructions for use and stickers.


Lantana LLC

Description of Overage cosmetics

As mentioned above, the line of drugs includes four positions. Below we will go into more detail about the main features and indications for use of each form.

Overage Derma

Overage Derma contains HA with the lowest molecular weight, which is intended for introduction into the middle layers of the skin. The main indications for use are:

  • increase in lip volume;
  • correction of wrinkles in the periorbital area;
  • elimination of superficial wrinkles, as well as correction of nasolabial folds;
  • elimination of folds in the neck, bridge of the nose, frontal area;
  • correction of the skin in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and forehead, namely the elimination of shallow creases.

The gel contains two types of hyaluronic acid, a mixture of which can reduce the number of inflammatory reactions, as well as reduce the intensity of the destructive effect of proteinases on collagen. The effect of the procedure lasts for 6-8 months.

Overage Deep

Designed for introduction into the hypodermis, middle and deep layers of the skin. Among the main purposes the following positions are distinguished:

  • filling subcutaneous areas in the cheeks, cheekbones and temples;
  • lip augmentation;
  • elimination of medium-depth wrinkles, nasolabial and labiomental folds, nasolacrimal grooves;
  • correction of atrophic scars.

Overage Deeper

Overage Deeper is the densest and heaviest gel, but this does not affect its plasticity. Injections are administered into the hypodermis and deep layers of the skin. Recommended for use:

  • changing the shape of the nose without surgery;
  • brow lift – laterally;
  • recreating the lost volume or its modeling;
  • elimination of deep wrinkles and tissue folds.

Among specialists it has a second name – filler-volumizer. The gel penetrates all layers of the epidermis, due to which it has the longest lasting effect among cosmetic products from the Overage line. Used for working with cannulas.

Overage meso

It is a biorevitalizant-skinbooster. This means that the cosmetic product not only moisturizes the skin, but is also capable of smoothing and strengthening it. The gel is intended for introduction into the middle and superficial layers of the epidermis.

Skinbooster is used for:

  • moisturizing the red line of the lips;
  • elimination of age-related changes on the skin of the hands;
  • correction of fine wrinkles;
  • eliminating dark circles under the eyes;
  • elimination of small areas of scar tissue;
  • for prophylactic purposes in case of skin dehydration.

Thanks to the physicochemical properties of the product, fibroblasts are activated, which helps restore the skin to a youthful and healthy appearance. It becomes more elastic and resilient.

All drugs from the Overage line have the following properties:

  1. Due to the exceptional viscosity and good fluidity of the gel form, they can be introduced into tissue structures without unnecessary problems and complications. The gel is also very plastic, which provides elasticity to the skin after its administration.
  2. They have the highest level of purification.
  3. The toxicity of drugs is eliminated, since stabilization of the drugs occurs once. Thanks to this, the risk of complications and allergic reactions is reduced to zero.
  4. Characterized by quick results and long-lasting effects. This is facilitated by the increased concentration of hyaluronic acid and all of the above benefits.
  5. Cosmetics are multicomponent, since the composition contains a high concentration of stabilized hyaluronic acid and a small amount of its native form. This combination allows the gel to be evenly distributed in all layers of the epidermis.

Biorevitalizant Overage Meso

– Allows you to restore the level of skin moisture necessary for regeneration. Effective in tightening the dermis, even in delicate sensitive areas such as the skin around the eyes, where dark circles and wrinkles are often present. The use of this drug even for thin, dry skin in the neck and décolleté area allows for excellent results: the dermis layer is thickened and skin turgor is restored.

Indications for use:

  • Prevention of aging,
  • "Dark circles under the eyes,
  • Correction of fine wrinkles,
  • “Venus” rings in the neck area, rejuvenation of the décolleté area,
  • Postacne,
  • Restoration of lost structure and skin turgor,
  • Dry, dehydrated skin.
Overage Meso1 ml10 500 8 500

Methodology for rejuvenation procedures using Overage gels

Biorevitalization and contouring with Overage preparations are performed by a licensed specialist under conditions of absolute sterility in order to avoid infection of the injection site.

The procedure is carried out in several stages:

  1. Cleansing the skin of cosmetics.
  2. Treatment of the skin with an antiseptic, followed by application of a local anesthetic cream.
  3. Designation of intended injection sites.
  4. After the anesthetic has taken effect, you can begin the direct administration of the cosmetic gel.
  5. The gel is carefully distributed with your fingers at the injection site.
  6. After the procedure is completed, the skin is re-treated with an antiseptic solution.
  7. The doctor informs the patient about further care and behavior.

The duration of the procedure ranges from 40 to 60 minutes. The final result of the procedure lasts for 1-1.5 years for Overage fillers, and up to six months for Overage meso.

Side effects

There are no specific adverse reactions after using Overage hyaluronic acid. The most common of them include:

  1. Formation of small bruises and bruises at the injection site.
  2. If multiple injections of the drug were performed (during the procedure of biorevitalization or mesotherapy), then papules may appear, which will go away on their own over time.
  3. If a specialist does not have special skills, he may incorrectly distribute the gel under the skin, and as a result, areas of asymmetry will arise. If an excessive amount of gel has been introduced, it is removed using hyaluronidase, and if there is not enough gel, then the required amount is added.
  4. Tissue swelling is the most common side effect, as it is almost impossible to avoid. To make the swelling go away faster, you need to apply a cold compress to the injection area.
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