Laser facial cleansing is an effective remedy for smoothing skin texture

What's happened

Laser facial cleansing is a cosmetic procedure, the method of which is that the layers of the epidermis are exposed to laser beams emitted by a special device. As a result, the upper layer evaporates and the active division of cells located underneath it occurs, which helps fill the resulting space.

After such exposure, the skin acquires elasticity and radiance, pigmentation is removed, scars, scars and wrinkles become less noticeable.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia. If a woman has a high pain threshold and lacks hypersensitivity, there is no need to use anesthesia.

In the field of medicine, laser has proven itself for several decades as one of the most effective means. The infrared and ultraviolet light produced by the device helps improve blood circulation, restore immunity, and destroy pathogenic microorganisms.

Reviews of laser facial cleansing with photos

Arina, 31 years old, translator

Since I was 22 years old, I have been a regular visitor to beauty salons, as I am the “lucky” owner of problem skin. I tried everything on myself, from mechanical to ultrasonic facial cleansing. The first one was quite effective for me, but painful, and it did not solve the problem of uneven skin that arose as a result of my teenage hobby of cleansing my face on my own. I was disappointed in ultrasound due to the lack of visible effect. It took me quite a long time to decide on laser cleaning, as I read a variety of reviews. And yet the decision was made. I approached the choice of a cosmetology center and the cosmetologist himself very thoroughly. The result exceeded all my expectations.

Specialist: I would like to emphasize that part of the problem was acquired in adolescence. A very important wake-up call for parents is to instill a culture of facial care during a rather difficult period for the child. Monitor, explain, show the possible consequences of facial cleansing at home. Laser peeling is the best possible solution in Arina’s situation.

Olga Vitalievna, 48 years old, chief accountant

In my opinion, laser peeling is the ideal solution for suspending the biological clock. I am categorically against plastic surgery, but not against skincare procedures. On the Internet I came across negative reviews and situations with shocking results. My opinion is that this does not characterize the procedure itself negatively. Rather, a specialist cannot be called a professional. Women try to save on things that are dangerous to save on by turning to untested cosmetologists.

Specialist: Olga Vitalievna is absolutely right that the cosmetologist and the cosmetology center itself must be selected thoroughly. It is very important during the preliminary consultation to pay attention to whether the specialist is trying to solve your specific problem or simply wants to sell the procedure. In some cases, a different, more suitable method of facial cleansing may be proposed than the client wants. Sometimes this is a combined facial cleansing procedure, consisting of several types of procedures.

Irina, 28 years old, train conductor

Finally scheduled some beauty treatments, including laser facials, looking forward to vacation. I remember a case when at the end of the journey I could not identify one female passenger. I even asked her for a passport. The fact is that in the evening one person entered the compartment and came out completely different. We laughed for a very long time afterwards. As it turned out, the woman did not have time to take a break and be away from society after the cleansing procedure. Immediately after the session, she rushed to the station, but we saw the consequences in the form of a swollen face and smaller eyes only in the morning.

Specialist: Swelling and increased size of the face are a completely expected and normal consequence of this procedure.
Indeed, it is better to plan a vacation for a period of 7-10 days after the procedure.


Laser facial cleansing is used in most cases for combination and oily skin. In the first case, only those areas of the skin where increased activity of the sebaceous glands is noted are treated. At the same time, healthy areas of the skin, provided that there are no visible defects on them, are not subject to laser treatment.

On this topic
  • Face cleaning

Types of facial cleansing

  • Irina Nasredinovna Nachoeva
  • October 21, 2020

Among the main indications when there is a need to use a laser, experts identify the following:

  • black dots ;
  • pore expansion;
  • the presence of a greasy sheen ;
  • rashes;
  • inflammation;
  • the formation of acne and pimples, caused by subcutaneous mites;
  • pigmentation;
  • appearance of facial wrinkles .

In addition, laser cleansing is used for sagging skin and decreased tone.


Laser facial cleansing has certain limitations. The main ones include the period of bearing a child, the likelihood of developing allergic reactions, disorders of the central nervous system, the presence of malignant neoplasms, alcohol and drug abuse, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune pathologies, and age under 25 years.

If there are doubts as to whether this procedure can be carried out or not, it is better to seek qualified help from a specialist.

My conclusion

For home use, you can buy an inexpensive device for ultrasonic facial cleansing, but you should not expect the same effect from it as from professional cosmetology equipment. In my opinion, if you want serious and significant results, then it is better to go to a salon with a medical license. There are professional devices that have all the relevant documents and permits. The results of professional ultrasonic scrubbers are much superior to those of home scrubbers.


Since laser cleaning has a number of contraindications, you should consult your doctor before deciding to use it. If there is any doubt, he will order a diagnostic examination.

Before performing laser facial resurfacing, it is important to complete several stages of preparation, which will allow you to achieve the maximum effect of the procedure and reduce the risks of possible complications.

First of all, 14 days before the procedure, you must avoid tanning in a solarium or in open sunlight. In addition, during this same period, experts recommend avoiding any type of facial cleansing, including chemical peeling.

On this topic
  • Face cleaning

How often should you cleanse your face?

  • Olga Aleksandrovna Kalinina
  • October 18, 2020

It is important to stop taking certain groups of antibiotics within two weeks.

Three days in advance, you need to stop using scrubs that contain large particles and alcohol-based cosmetics.

It is equally important to exclude visiting the pool, bathhouse and sauna.

In some cases, experts may recommend taking antiviral medications before the procedure, which will reduce the likelihood of developing diseases such as herpes. As a rule, you need to take medications 7 days before the cleansing procedure and for a week after it.


We invite you to read the reviews of ordinary people about laser facial hair removal, and if you have any questions, you can always ask your question to a cosmetologist for free on our forum.

“I contacted a dermatologist due to acne that had appeared on my chin. After the examination, the doctor recommended laser and said that at least 10 procedures would be required. However, after the fourth, it became clear that the problem was solved. More than 8 months have passed, but the skin is still clear.”

Valeria, 21 years old, Moscow

“For several years I suffered from acne on my temples, but I was afraid to resort to laser because of my low pain threshold. Everything turned out to be not so scary and not painful at all. After 7 procedures the problem was solved. I'm happy with the result. The money spent is worth it."

Oksana, 27 years old, Moscow


Depending on the existing problems and the area of ​​the treated area, the procedure can take from 30 to 60 minutes.

First of all, the specialist prepares the skin by removing any remaining makeup and treating with an antiseptic.

After this, if necessary, a local anesthetic is administered. To protect the eyes, the patient is recommended to use special glasses. Hair is tucked under a cap.

On this topic
  • Face cleaning

Facial cleansing for men

  • Olga Aleksandrovna Kalinina
  • August 30, 2020

The device used for cleaning is tuned to a certain frequency. During the work, one of the types of laser can be used - fractional CO2, erbium and others.

If we talk about the second type of laser beam, then thanks to it you can achieve maximum results, but the first is more gentle. To open the pores, cling film or a special mask can be applied to the skin of the face.

After completing all the above steps, the specialist proceeds directly to the cleansing procedure itself. During the manipulation, the patient may smell a burning smell and certain pops.

Upon completion of all stages, a healing and moisturizing agent is applied to the skin.

Often during the procedure a person may experience some discomfort. For this reason, people with a low pain threshold are recommended to have the procedure done under local anesthesia.

From 10,000 to 20,000 rubles

At a price of more than 10 thousand rubles, ultrasonic scrubbers for professional use in beauty salons and home care devices with extended functionality are sold.

Rowenta Facial Brush LV4020F0

The Rowenta Facial Brush ultrasonic brush has 3 removable round attachments for different purposes:

  • for gentle exfoliation;
  • for ultrasonic peeling;
  • for sensitive skin - a brush made of medical silicone.

The device operates in high and low speed modes. Treatment of each zone lasts 20 seconds.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

The charger of the device is equipped with an LED zone with blue light to disinfect the nozzles after the procedure.

Production: GROUPE SEB, France - China.

Agnes Sorel 5002

This device is designed for deep ultrasonic skin cleansing. It operates in ultraphonophoresis and ultrasonic peeling modes, each of which is adjustable in time and frequency of exposure. The total procedure time is up to 20 minutes.

The device solves the following problems:

  • comedones and sebum accumulations;
  • keratinized top layer of skin;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dull complexion;
  • increased secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • acne.

The output power of the Agnes Sorel scrubber, up to 3 W/cm2, enhances the penetrating ability of ultrasonic waves compared to home devices. Operating frequency - 26 kHz. The device operates from a household electrical network.

Manufacturer: Agnes Sorel, UK.


Ultrasound scrubber NV-A03 is designed for ultrasonic cleansing, ultrasonic phonophoresis and ultrasonic peeling procedures and supports 10 operating modes. Operating parameters and exposure time are displayed, and the procedure itself lasts from 5 to 15 minutes.


Ekaterina Imshenitskaya

The device is equipped with galvanic control of the emitter blade for safety purposes.

Technical characteristics of the device:

  • Ultrasound frequency - 28 kHz;
  • output power - no more than 1.2 W/cm2;
  • power supply from household power supply;
  • weight 2.3 kg.

Due to its low power, the ultrasonic scrubber NV-A03 is suitable for home and semi-professional use.

Manufacturer: Nova NewFace, China.

Skin care after

If you follow all the specialist’s recommendations, the recovery period will take several days. Since the skin will be very irritated at first, to avoid infection it is necessary to refrain from going outside, exposure to sunlight and using any cosmetics for some time.

On the first day after laser cleansing, your face should be given special care, so it is better to do the procedure in the morning. After visiting the salon, the skin is treated with Chlorhexidine and Panthenol. You can take an antihistamine or pain reliever.

As a rule, on the second day the unpleasant symptoms begin to gradually disappear. The main thing is not to stop following all the doctor’s recommendations.

On this topic
  • Face cleaning

All about when you can do facial cleansing

  • Inna Viktorovna Zhikhoreva
  • June 19, 2020

When deep cleaning was carried out, the recovery period can take up to 10 days. As a rule, after a couple of days the redness goes away, and brownish crusts form at the site of laser exposure. You cannot remove them yourself. Over time they will disappear on their own.

To treat the skin, it is recommended to use antiseptic liquids, saline solution for washing, Methyluracil ointment and Solcoseryl gel.

You can take any medications only after consulting a specialist. If the pain does not go away, you need to consult with the specialist who performed the facial cleansing procedure.

Laser facial cleansing algorithm

Since the laser peeling procedure is new and quite difficult, you need to prepare for it in advance. First of all, you need to limit any sunbathing. Photoirradiation is completely excluded 2 weeks before the session.

Also, 3-4 days before the procedure, you should stop using care products such as masks, scrubs and gommages. Try to minimize mechanical impact on the skin.

Laser facial cleansing is incompatible with other cosmetic procedures, such as chemical or mechanical peeling.

After consultation with a doctor, the required frequency of exposure to the skin will be selected. It will depend on what defects need to be removed.

Laser facial cleansing is a rather lengthy procedure. Getting rid of acne, age spots and wrinkles can take 30-60 minutes. When the skin is exposed to a laser, as a rule, no painful sensations occur. However, if your skin is very sensitive, you may want to ask for the laser to numb the area.

During such sessions, under the influence of laser radiation, the production of collagen is enhanced, which continues to be synthesized even after the completion of the laser cleaning procedure. Thanks to this, laser skin cleansing leads to significant rejuvenation of the skin.

After laser facial cleansing of acne, wrinkles and other imperfections is completed, you must also follow some skin care rules:

  • During the first months after such sessions, you need to use sunscreen with a high SPF level. This is due to the fact that after removing the stratum corneum of the epidermis, the skin becomes more sensitive to photoirradiation, and pigment spots may appear on it.
  • In the first week after laser facial cleansing, you should refrain from using intensive care products. Do not injure your face with a scrub or wash brush; the skin should recover.
  • Also, you should not visit a sauna, solarium or swimming pool with chlorinated water during this period.

Reviews say that if you follow all the instructions of the cosmetologist, you will notice significant improvements within a week after laser facial cleansing. You will see that the skin has become more elastic, it has cleared of acne and marks after them, small wrinkles have smoothed out, and deep ones have become less noticeable, and the complexion has become healthier and more even.


When done correctly, the following results can be achieved:

  • elimination of oily shine ;
  • correction of the sebaceous glands;
  • smoothing the texture of the skin;
  • reduction of post-acne and scars;
  • lightening;
  • removal of blackheads and pimples;
  • increasing elasticity .

Thanks to laser cleaning, the skin begins to better absorb the beneficial components contained in the cosmetics used.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any procedure, laser cleansing has a number of positive aspects. After this method, the aging process slows down significantly. In addition, the skin texture is evened out, the pores are narrowed, and the face acquires the most healthy shade.

Among the main disadvantages, it is worth noting the high cost of the procedure, especially if we are talking not about a one-time session, but about a complex. It is worth considering that there are a number of limitations when using this technique is not recommended.

We must not forget about painful discomfort, which requires the use of a local anesthetic. The negative aspects also include the duration of the recovery period, which can reach up to 14 days.

Laser facial cleansing is one of the popular procedures that allows you to get rid of oily skin problems. It helps eliminate the inflammatory process, renew the skin, increase elasticity and firmness. The method is low-traumatic and easily tolerated by many patients. However, you should not forget about the existing contraindications and do not try to do it yourself at home.

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