Oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.

Seborrheic dermatitis is quite common, and oily seborrhea is a fairly common type. As a rule, it affects teenagers (usually boys) during puberty, and it causes them a lot of distress. In most cases, as you grow older, this problem disappears on its own without any medical intervention - competent skin care is quite enough. However, sometimes (about 10-15%) the situation does not change for too long. And then professional treatment of oily seborrhea becomes an urgent necessity. To understand what oily seborrhea is, you need to understand the causes of this phenomenon.

Oily or dry?

The human body is covered with many sebaceous glands. They are found in large numbers on the neck, back, and face. But on the feet and palms they are completely absent. They are also present on the scalp and other parts of the body.

Dry dandruff is easily recognizable. The scales, as a rule, are small in size and easily separated, so the hair looks as if it is powdered. In most cases, they are located in the parietal and frontal areas of the head or over its entire surface, less often - in the form of separate foci. Dry seborrhea occurs mainly in men and women, who often act chemically on the hair. Hair becomes brittle, splits, and constantly falls out. The scalp becomes very flaky and as it becomes dirty, itching occurs, which subsides after washing the hair.

In the photo she looks like this.

At the same time, there is such a thing as the physiological manifestation of dry dandruff. It occurs approximately once a month for 1-2 days and is absolutely normal. This is how the process of epidermis renewal manifests itself.

Oily seborrhea often develops in women suffering from hormonal imbalance. Also observed in adolescents during puberty. It is characterized by an untidy appearance - the hair seems wet and sticky, and becomes dirty within a day. The strands stick together and look weighed down. The scales are large, saturated with sebaceous secretions. Women with oily dandruff often experience rashes in the form of rosacea on the face, as well as severe sweating with a pungent odor.

In the photo, oily seborrhea looks like this.

Mixed seborrhea also occurs. In this case, the hair becomes either too oily or too dry with a lot of flakes. Mixed seborrhea is characterized by dry seborrheic dermatitis in the head area and oily seborrheic dermatitis in the back area, or vice versa. Both problems cause discomfort.

Here's the difference between oily dandruff and dry dandruff: the first makes the hair wet and shiny, the second makes it dry and brittle.

Although, to accurately determine the type of seborrhea, it is recommended to visit a dermatologist or trichologist. Only a doctor can correctly determine the type of seborrhea.

A complication of the disease is baldness, which begins with increased hair loss. In this case, there are frequent cases of focal baldness, that is, the formation of bald spots.

How to understand whether dandruff is oily or dry? To understand, you should study the photo above. But it is better to seek advice from a specialist.

Types and signs of seborrhea

Dermatologists distinguish three types of seborrhea :

  1. Liquid or greasy.
  2. Thick or dry.
  3. Mixed.

Moreover, dandruff is one of the main clinical manifestations of seborrheic dermatitis.
Along with dandruff, dermatitis of the scalp causes symptoms such as increased activity of the sebaceous glands in the face and back skin, the appearance of acne on the face, and itching of the scalp .

By the external condition of the hair, you can determine the type of disease, which means choosing an adequate treatment, since therapeutic methods differ depending on the form of seborrheic dermatitis.

Next, let's find out how to distinguish dry dandruff from oily dandruff?

Check out reviews of effective anti-dandruff shampoos:

  • cosmetic : Head & Shoulders, Clear Vita ABE, Alerana, Horsepower, tar shampoo;
  • pharmacy : Nizoral, Sulsena, Sebozol, Fitoval, Ketoconazole, Vichy, shampoos with zinc.

Read tips on how to choose the right shampoo for a man or woman, as well as for dry or oily dandruff.

Oily seborrhea. Forms

Having figured out how to determine whether dandruff is dry or oily, let's move on to the varieties of the latter. When it appears, the hair seems constantly wet and by the end of the day it sticks together in unkempt clumps, it has an unhealthy shine. Severe itching and increased hair loss are possible. In extreme cases, this can lead to baldness. In the absence of proper treatment, there is a risk of developing furunculosis and abscess. Sebaceous cysts also often appear on the skin, which look like white point formations.

With a thick form of oily seborrhea, there is an expansion of the mouths of the sebaceous glands, which is expressed in a grayish-brown tint of the scalp. In patients suffering from this form of the disease, the secretion of the sebaceous glands and exfoliating epidermal cells form oily, thick dandruff, which clogs the excretory glandular ducts and sticks to the hair. If you squeeze the mouth of the follicle, a viscous secretion is observed. It is also possible to form an atheroma - an epidermal cyst filled with a liquid of a pasty consistency. Atheromas can become inflamed and cause suppuration. This condition manifests itself in increased body temperature and hyperemia of the affected skin area. After opening the lesion, a scar remains.

A thick form of oily seborrhea often occurs in males during adolescence, but goes away by the age of 25-28. In most cases, it does not lead to baldness, but can cause the development of furunculosis.


When the first symptoms of seborrhea appear, you should consult a doctor: a trichologist or a dermatologist. Most likely, the patient will need a consultation with a neurologist to clarify the causes of the disease. Diagnosis and treatment are made after examining the patient and asking for complaints (taking anamnesis).

Figure No. 5. Differential diagnosis: seborrhea, dermatitis, dandruff

The following tests and hardware diagnostic methods may also be needed:

  • Blood chemistry;
  • Examination by an andrologist, for women by a gynecologist and blood tests to determine a possible increase in the level of androgens in the blood;
  • Sebumetry (hardware examination of the scalp to determine the quality of sebum or sebum);
  • Ultrasound examination of the thyroid gland;
  • Fibrogastroscopy to determine possible inflammation of the mucous lining of the gastrointestinal tract.

Thanks to this, it will be possible to accurately diagnose and exclude diseases with similar symptoms, such as psoriasis. In addition, taking tests will help to say exactly which factors prompted the development of seborrhea.

What are the reasons?

In women, dry type dandruff most often occurs due to frequent coloring, curling, and the use of curling irons. The main role in the development of dry seborrhea of ​​the scalp is played by the yeast-like fungi Malassezia Furfur/Pityrosporum Ovale, which are permanent inhabitants of the skin. With a decrease in immunity, their number increases, which leads to seborrhea. However, it can also be a consequence of:

  • metabolic disorders;
  • dermatosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • stress, constant nervous tension.

The cause of dry dandruff can be the wrong choice of cosmetics - the wrong shampoo quickly dries out the scalp. Too hard water also causes dandruff.

Oily dandruff occurs due to the activation of the yeast-like fungus Pityrosporum ovale. Oily dandruff can also appear with the above-mentioned conditions and diseases. However, in addition to this, seborrhea of ​​this type occurs when:

  • epilepsy and other diseases affecting the central nervous system;
  • constant fatigue;
  • cardiovascular dystonia;
  • reduced immunity;
  • excessive air humidity;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • errors in nutrition;
  • heredity.

The strongest trigger for the appearance of seborrhea is stress. It reduces the body's immune response, which causes active proliferation of yeast-like fungi.

The relationship between the consumption of sweets and dry dandruff and oily dandruff has also been proven. These are harmful carbohydrates that activate the sebaceous glands. With this diagnosis, it is generally important to avoid fried, fatty and salty foods. Avoid salts and seasonings. It is also recommended to give up alcohol.

Doctors say that both dry dandruff and oily dandruff are a reflection of the work of our body. If you lead a healthy lifestyle, eat regularly and don’t forget to take care of your skin, then you won’t have such a problem.

Differences between oily and dry seborrhea

There are three types of seborrhea: dry, oily and mixed. They differ in their characteristics.

Oily seborrhea

An aesthetically unattractive greasy sheen that appears on the skin and its unevenness is a characteristic feature of oily seborrhea. Dirt and dust particles settle on this type of skin, which is why it becomes dull and lifeless and loses its former appearance. Protruding and enlarged pores of the hair follicles become black due to the formation of plugs, in other words, comedones.

If you give out their contents, you can find white threads, which are the sebaceous secretion. This disease is also accompanied by a decrease in the time of hair contamination.

Patients may experience sweating, excitability, and digestive problems. This disease is typical of adolescents, since during puberty a restructuring of the functioning of the body occurs.

Dry seborrhea

It is accompanied by the appearance of dandruff on the skin of the head, neck or other areas, which appears due to its insufficient natural elasticity. It should be noted that special glands secrete fat, but it is pathologically altered and instantly dries on the body, without enriching or lubricating them. The reason also lies in the secretion of a small amount of fat.

Dry skin and hair can appear due to a lack of vitamin A in the human body, disruption of the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.

The disease often provokes the appearance of pustular acne on the body, which can cause chronic seborrheic dermatitis and seborrheic eczema. Dry seborrhea is a signal of a decrease in the body's immune functions, which can be caused by emotional breakdowns and overstrain, heavy physical activity, poor nutrition and a lack of important microelements in the body.

Thus, you can distinguish dry seborrhea from oily seborrhea by the presence or absence of dandruff and oily sheen on the skin. The first is typical for dry seborrhea, the second for oily seborrhea. There is also a mixed form of the disease, then signs of dry and oily seborrhea are observed in the same areas of the skin.

How to quickly get rid of dry dandruff?

Olga Green, a dermatologist at the Saco chain of British salons, claims that the problem can be eliminated. To do this, after coloring your hair, she advises using anti-dandruff shampoo “Dixidox De Luxe” No. 2.1. In a duet with Antidandruff Lotion of the same brand, the shampoo will help eliminate fine dry dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis in record time. It is not cheap, but the results are amazing and very long lasting.

Peels are very effective. Salons offer several types of mechanical peelings based on acids and abrasive particles. However, you can carry out an equally effective procedure at home. Today, in many beauty salons you can purchase professional peelings based on AHA acids. Exfoliating products are available in the form of gels, mousses, and creams.

At home, you can prepare a scrub based on sea salt. It is mixed in equal proportions with warm water and enriched with a few drops of essential oils. An ideal choice for seborrhea would be eucalyptus and tea tree esters, which effectively act on the fungus that causes seborrhea. It is recommended to apply the composition to damp hair and gently massage the scalp in a circular motion for 15 minutes. Then rinse the composition with water and wash your hair with shampoo, in which a teaspoon of food water was previously mixed.

Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnoses include psoriasis, atopic dermatitis (mainly in the pediatric form), tinea capitis, rosacea and systemic lupus erythematosus. Psoriasis can affect similar areas, but its typical lesions are more dense, plaque-like, sharply bordered by silvery-white scales. Tinea capitis (usually in children), a highly contagious disease, is accompanied by patches of hair loss with “black dots” (distal ends of the shafts). Rosacea targets the cheekbones and does not have scales. Skin lesions in lupus erythematosus (in the acute stage, a butterfly-shaped rash on the face) are usually associated with other clinical signs of the disease.

Diagnosis of oily seborrhea is based on history and physical examination. In very rare cases, differential diagnosis requires a skin biopsy.

Shampoos for dry seborrhea

When treating seborrhea, shampoos are one of the most popular. They contain antifungal and exfoliating ingredients. The treatment regimen is standard: they need to be used twice a week for a month, then the frequency of use is reduced to once every two weeks. This is maintenance therapy to prevent the reappearance of dry seborrhea.

Sebopirox-911 is a real panacea for those who want to get rid of seborrhea by suppressing the activity of the fungus that causes it. It has a moisturizing effect, exfoliates dead skin without disturbing the natural protective layer. It is worth noting that the reviews about it are positive, and the price is very affordable. Sold in pharmacies. Some women also used it for oily seborrhea.

Dercos from Vichy - shampoo against dry dandruff. The product restores the structure of intercellular cement, suppresses fungal activity, strengthens curls, making them smoother and shiny. Its cost is up to 1,000 rubles. However, it is worth considering that the product is not suitable for everyone.

"Friderm-tar" helps with atopic and seborrheic dermatitis, itching, lichen and psoriasis. It contains tar, which has an antifungal effect and removes a layer of keratinized epidermis and fat from the surface of the skin.


To treat oily seborrhea on the facial skin use:

  • preparations for oral use;
  • external means.

Antifungal drugs are used orally, but only as prescribed by a doctor in difficult cases.

This could be a drug:

  • Ketoconazole;
  • Nystatin;
  • any other, assigned individually.

External remedies are used against oily seborrhea:

  • antiseptic solutions;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antifungal ointments or creams.

Antiseptic solutions may include such agents as:

  • Fukortsin is colorless, has a dual effect - antiseptic and antifungal to inhibit the proliferation of pathogenic flora;
  • in addition, you can use calendula alcohol tincture twice a day, which soothes and relieves skin inflammation;
  • in some cases, you can use ready-made lotions for problem skin - Clean and Clear or any other lotion as prescribed by your doctor.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed in the presence of persistent erythema and inflammatory process on the skin:

  • Hydrocortisone ointment;
  • Prednisolone ointment.

These drugs are prescribed by a dermatologist individually and used a strictly limited number of times a day.

Antifungal agents are used to inhibit the pathogenic growth of the Malassezia fungus:

  • Lamicon;
  • Nizoral.

Use double-action drying ointments - salicylic-zinc.

Treatment of the skin on the head is carried out using shampoos and rinses.

A therapeutic shampoo is selected for oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp, containing:

  • birch tar;
  • selenium;
  • ketoconazole and other active substances.

Seborrhea shampoo:

  • Nizoral;
  • Sulsen;
  • Friderm;
  • Algopix;
  • Elf;
  • Sebozol

Shampoos are available for free sale; as a rule, they have no contraindications, except for individual intolerance to some medicinal components.

Oily dandruff. Treatment

Do you suffer from oily dandruff? What to do? In this case, doctors prescribe antifungal drugs such as Zincteral, Clotrimazole, zinc, salicylic and sulfur ointments.

In order to get rid of oily dandruff (temporarily) in record time, it is recommended to add lemon juice and warm water to sea salt, then thoroughly rub the mixture into the scalp until the salt crystals dissolve. Then wash your hair with shampoo. This will help quickly eliminate dandruff for a while.

In order to get rid of it completely, you will need to systematically use anti-dandruff shampoo and medications.

Causes of the disease

The reasons that provoke the development of seborrheic dermatitis of the oily type are:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene rules;
  • use of aggressive compositions for washing hair;
  • metabolic disease;
  • parasitic diseases;
  • problems with the genitals;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • irrational use of medications;
  • diabetes;
  • excessive vitaminization;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • HIV and AIDS;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • prolonged psycho-emotional stress and stress;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • alcohol abuse and smoking;
  • allergic reactions;
  • lack of physical activity;
  • unfavorable environmental conditions.


If the patient’s family has or had people suffering from oily seborrhea, the development of the disease can be explained by genetic predisposition.

Shampoos and ointments

So, how to treat oily dandruff? It is somewhat more difficult to get rid of it than dry skin, but everything is possible if desired. The main thing is not to give up on what you have achieved.

"Ducre Squanorm" helps against oily dandruff. Normalizes sebum secretion, reduces irritation, stimulates exfoliation of dead cells. The shampoo contains kertiol, which has an antifungal effect and quickly eliminates the causes of oily dandruff, as well as redness and itching. Gives healthy shine and fullness to hair.

"Mikozoral" has a fungicidal effect and is effective against most fungi, staphylococci and streptococci. Adverse reactions may occur in the form of increased symptoms, which is a signal to discontinue the shampoo.

Sulsena produces three types of products for dandruff on the head: paste, peeling and shampoo. They normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and suppress pathogenic microflora.

At the first stage of oily seborrhea, it is also recommended to use Bifon lotion 2-3 times a week.

Among the medications you can use without a doctor's prescription:

  • salicylic ointment destroys the fungus;
  • zinc is used for healing, drying, and has an antiseptic effect; to avoid drying out the skin, it is recommended to combine it with essential oils;
  • sulfur ointment is used in advanced cases;
  • Soderm is used 2-3 times a week, applied to the affected areas.


The sebaceous glands perform a serious function for the body - the secreted fat protects the skin from drying out and prevents pathogenic microorganisms from penetrating inside. Not all sebaceous ducts work at the same time; their functioning directly depends on the age category of the person.

Dependence of the disease on age:

  • In childhood, the secretion is secreted in small quantities.
  • During adolescence, almost all glands become active and secrete sebum. You can often see a teenager with greasy hair and oily skin on his face - this is the result of hormonal changes in the body.
  • In adults, in the absence of health problems, oily seborrhea rarely occurs.
  • In old age, most sebaceous ducts cease to function, so older people rarely suffer from seborrheic dermatitis.

Oily seborrhea of ​​the skin brings a lot of inconvenience to the patient: in addition to aesthetic discomfort, seboreids are very itchy and flaky. Sebaceous plugs made from fat and dead epidermal cells clog pores and provoke an inflammatory process. Often in patients with oily seborrhea, you can see numerous pimples on the face and neck. Read more about the general concept of seborrhea and treatment method

Traditional methods for treating oily dandruff

Our grandmothers also got rid of the problem with the following means:

  1. Fresh citrus juice should be mixed with warm water in a 1:1 ratio, rubbed into the scalp and washed off after a quarter of an hour with shampoo.
  2. You will need equal amounts of lemon, mayonnaise, honey, castor oil and aloe juice. Stir and add 1-2 chopped garlic cloves. The head should be insulated with a towel, and after 40 minutes the composition should be washed off with shampoo. The mask will also enhance hair growth.
  3. Buy dried calendula flowers at the pharmacy. Pour a tablespoon of raw material with 2 cups of boiling water and leave to brew. Then apply the liquid to the scalp and warm with a towel. There is no need to wash off the infusion.
  4. Vinegar is an excellent remedy for oily dandruff. Apple bite normalizes the pH of the scalp, removes residue from styling products, has an antifungal effect, prevents hair loss and improves its appearance. Many women also use regular 9% vinegar to rinse their hair (add a tablespoon to a bowl of water). However, it does slightly dry out the scalp.

Prevention and prognosis

Low immunity and hormonal imbalance underlie most skin diseases. Skin irritation is exacerbated by chronic stress, depression, anxiety and fatigue. To improve overall immunity, it is important to get adequate sleep, control stress, take supplements (Omega-3 fatty acids) and probiotics. It is recommended to consume more anti-inflammatory foods. Ideally, a healthy diet containing organic and whole foods will provide significant relief from symptoms.

Seborrhea is easy to control using both pharmacological agents and home treatments. The doctor will help you choose a treatment option that will work specifically for each patient and help avoid possible long-term side effects.

Alternative treatment for oily seborrhea

Doctors often prescribe vitamin therapy. For dandruff on the head, it is important to maintain the required level of vitamins A, E, D and group B. Vitamin complexes are often prescribed that stimulate the immune system. For example, “Alphabet”, “Vitrum”, “Duovit” and others.

Those who are not afraid of injections can be prescribed mesotherapy. The injections contain vitamins and amino acids.

However, remember that if the reasons lie in hormonal imbalance, gastrointestinal diseases and other internal disorders, then these measures will only temporarily eliminate seborrhea. However, she will soon return again. Therefore, it is extremely important to determine the root causes of this disease.


Attention ! All people should remember the symptoms of an unpleasant disease and take preventive measures in a timely manner. Among the medications for this, a five percent cream containing tocopherol is recommended.

In addition you should:

  • leave bad habits;
  • consume vitamins and minerals ;
  • breathe fresh air and harden yourself ;
  • use cosmetics in accordance with your natural type;
  • carry out prevention using antifungal shampoos;
  • reduce the consumption of fried, spicy, fatty, sweet and salty foods.

The described disease is an unpleasant illness, dangerous in its consequences. To avoid them, you need to know its signs and start treatment on time, which will invariably contribute to the rapid achievement of healthy hair.

Lotions for dry and oily seborrhea

Olga Green also recommends using lotions. Let's look at the most effective moisturizers that can quickly and effectively get rid of dry dandruff and oily dandruff.

Yves Rocher anti-seborrhea lotion contains pomegranate, which is very beneficial for the scalp. It eliminates itching and inflammation, helps normalize pH, and has a pronounced antiseptic effect. Consists mainly of plant extracts. Its average cost reaches 600 rubles.

Anti-Dandruff Lotion Subrina Professional anti-dandruff lotion is an effective remedy that helps fight itching and inflammation. It moisturizes the skin and normalizes its Ph. Octopirox not only fights dandruff, but also helps prevent its reappearance. Tea tree oil has a disinfecting effect.

Diet for seborrhea on the face

It has long been proven that for facial skin problems, the main method of treatment is adjusting the diet. It is no secret that a large amount of carbohydrates provokes increased secretion of sebum. Therefore, carbohydrate foods should be excluded from the diet.

In general, following a light diet does not force you to restrict yourself. It is enough to follow the dietary rules:

  1. Follow fractional meals. You need to eat often, but in small portions.
  2. Eat oat bran. This supplement allows you to cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and feces from the body.
  3. Eat plenty of fiber. This will help normalize stool.
  4. Once a week, give yourself a fasting day.
  5. Meat and fish dishes should only be cooked steamed, baked or boiled. Frying anything is strictly prohibited.
  6. Reduce the amount of salt and seasonings you consume.
  7. Give preference to plant foods, fruits, vegetables, and dairy products.
  8. Eliminate the consumption of baked goods, chocolate, and other sweets for a while.
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