Face resurfacing at home for wrinkles and scars

Face resurfacing at home is a special procedure. How is it carried out, why is it needed at all, and how exactly is it useful? These questions are asked today by many women who are no strangers to various cosmetic innovations; they are happy to try something original and interesting. You can carry out different types of grinding at home: it can be surface mechanical treatment and grinding with chemical compounds (fruit acids are most often used). The rest, as a rule, require special training, although units for light ultrasonic exposure at home are now being sold with very detailed instructions.

The correct approach to the procedure

The main emphasis is on products that help exfoliate and remove the top layer of dead skin cells. Thanks to this, the skin is able to breathe and the renewal process is more stimulated.

Owners of thin, dry and sensitive skin should do this procedure no more than once a week, women with oily skin, prone to the formation of “black spots”, and fairly thick skin - 2 times. More often, in any case, it’s not worth it, otherwise there is a risk of allergies, irritation, red spots, etc.

If the specified amount is not enough, you can consult a professional cosmetologist about your skin condition, reconsider your approach to selecting products, and perhaps pay attention to nutrition. From time to time, our body reacts this way to constant stress and aggressive environmental influences: it seeks to protect itself from sudden temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, and care products that are not particularly suitable for it. And women who observe the unsatisfactory condition of their own skin begin to make even more efforts, thereby creating the impression of a real attack. As a result, the condition only gets worse.

Mechanical peeling ↑

This is perhaps one of the easiest ways to make your skin more even and restore its healthy and vibrant appearance. In addition, you can independently select the main components of this unique scrub, the main condition here is that small solid particles should not injure your skin too much, otherwise it can cause serious inflammation.

Our task is to remove only the top layer of skin, which is also called the epidermis. Ground coffee, sugar, soda, and rice are suitable for this.

Bodyaga peeling ↑

If you are the owner of truly problematic skin, then we recommend that you pay attention to such a budget-friendly, but at the same time incredibly effective product as bodyaga.

You can easily find this powdery mixture in almost any pharmacy; it is made from the sponge of the same name. The peculiarity of this powder is that it consists of microscopic needles that exfoliate old skin. In addition, such peeling helps to normalize blood circulation in the tissues.

Typically, hydrogen peroxide and this powder are used for the procedure, which are mixed in equal proportions. After this, the mixture is carefully applied to the face and left for 15-20 minutes, after which it is massaged a little and washed off with water.

Care should be taken when mixing powder and peroxide, since inhaling dry bodyagi can lead to extremely disastrous consequences. It is also better to carry out the peeling procedure while wearing gloves.

It is very important to monitor your sensations, since, like any other natural component, thistle is an allergen, so if the skin under the mixture itches unbearably, it is recommended to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Also, do not forget that any peeling is not recommended during the summer period. Sun rays hitting damaged skin can cause unwanted pigmentation. Protective agents can only be applied after the skin has completely healed.

If your skin is sensitive, dry or too thin, then it is better to use more gentle methods. For those with normal skin, it is recommended to carry out this procedure no more than once a week.

Gentle mechanical peeling ↑

If you are afraid for the health of your skin, we recommend turning your attention to the so-called gommage. Its essence comes down to the fact that the scrub particles are so small that they simply cannot injure the skin in any way.

Typically, this procedure is used in cases where the skin is highly sensitive. A prerequisite is proper massaging; only in this case can significant results be obtained.

The skin is first thoroughly steamed, then the mixture is applied and massaged along special lines for several minutes. When the peeling dries, it is removed from the face along with particles of dead skin.

Typically, to make such mixtures, they use those products that can be ground into flour, for example, oatmeal, orange zest, semolina, and so on. If the purpose of such a procedure is also to nourish the skin, then yogurt or kefir is added to the composition as a fastening element. This makes the procedure even more delicate, and the time required for recovery is reduced to a minimum.

Mechanical grinding at home

The simplest and most accessible way to treat the surface of the face does not require special knowledge. You just need to follow the recipe and precautions.

The ingredients are quite easy to select: crushed nut shells (here it is important to achieve a homogeneous state), fine sea salt. Algae is added periodically; it is acceptable to use soda for oily skin, but in the latter case it is worth monitoring the time and reaction, since the product may be too corrosive and active specifically for your case.

It is recommended to apply to damp skin, rinse with fairly warm, but not hot water. Otherwise, the body will receive excessive exposure in a short period of time: a sharp temperature change and mechanical cleansing. Please note that the abrasive mass must be prepared very carefully, achieving complete homogeneity of the composition: this approach will ensure that you do not injure your face.

You need to rub carefully, first apply the product carefully, using your fingertips, especially for sensitive, thin skin. It is recommended to leave the area around the eyes open; such measures are not needed here at all. If irritation or discomfort occurs, the procedure should be stopped: this is a standard safety measure that must be followed in this case too.

Healing period

There is no recovery period as such. After the procedure, there may be redness, slight swelling, and sensitivity. Within a few hours the skin condition returns to normal. Care consists of restoring the protective barrier, preventing the appearance of pigmentation, dryness, and peeling.

Rules for the healing period:

  • the next day, choose soft foams and gels without abrasive particles for cleansing; use alcohol-free tonics for toning;
  • to moisturize and accelerate regeneration, as well as to prevent sensitivity, use creams, serums with hyaluronic acid, aloe, and plant extracts;
  • It is advisable to use decorative cosmetics after 1–2 days; for toning, use products with an anti-comedogenic effect; for oily skin, it is advisable to choose powder enriched with zinc;
  • You should not visit the sauna, solarium, or gym for about a week; it is also recommended to stop drinking alcohol;
  • You should use sunscreen before going outside.

How does skin resurfacing differ from regular peeling?

In principle, there is a lot in common between these two procedures.
If you want to study the freely available materials on them, you can see that some authors quite freely use the concept of “peeling” as a synonym for the word “grinding”. Many even believe that the appearance of the last mentioned procedure was provoked by cosmetologists wanting to earn more money. Some clients may order one thing, some another, there is no difference in nature, beauty salon technicians do not need to retrain, but the profit increases.

In fact, the nature of the procedures is quite close in relation to each other, but skin resurfacing is aimed largely at not only removing dead skin cells. Also for evening out the complexion (or any other surface being treated), for effective work with acne spots, unevenness, signs of chickenpox, fairly deep acne, etc.

The principle of influencing the dermis

Peeling is largely a skincare procedure from a permanent arsenal, which is aimed at maintaining skin tone, counteracting early aging, and activating renewal processes. Let's say that most women do peeling regularly, laser, ultrasound and other resurfacing is often done only a few times in their lives to solve specific cosmetic problems.

Carrying out such a procedure at home can actually begin to be done consistently, every week, or even 2 times, which causes an even greater feeling of resemblance to peeling. But here the reason is quite simple: at home, a softer and more gradual effect on the skin is provided. Therefore, it must be carried out constantly in order, say, in about 10 procedures to achieve an effect similar to approximately one hardware intervention.

Preparatory stage

Unlike resurfacing in a salon, the home procedure does not require testing to identify contraindications.

It is better to prescribe a course of sessions for the autumn-winter period, but if the skin is not prone to pigmentation, it can be carried out throughout the year.

There are several recommendations to enhance the effectiveness of home care:

  • in a few weeks you can introduce creams with AHA acids into your care; the active components facilitate the removal of keratinized epithelium;
  • Select decorative products with anti-comedogenic composition;
  • a week before the event, you should reduce physical activity, stop drinking alcohol, salty, spicy, and fatty foods.

Attention! Some medications can affect the condition of the integument; before the procedure it is not recommended to take antibacterial, hormonal, or drugs that affect blood flow.

Chemical grinding at home

Fairly light chemical grinding with appropriate means is also possible at home. Fruit acids are used for this. The procedure is simple: you need to purchase ready-made formulations and follow the recommendations for use. Sometimes specialized stores offer this opportunity; from time to time you can place an order with a cosmetologist, who will select the appropriate products and proportions specifically for your skin.

These procedures are especially good for dry skin, since acids actively stimulate recovery and help improve blood circulation, making the face look much fresher. This is also useful for oily skin: problem areas become much cleaner, their functioning is regulated, the likelihood of comedones and acne appears decreases, and pigment spots disappear.

To work with bacteria, salicylic acid is often recommended; it helps solve many problems and works well as a prophylactic agent. If desired, no one bothers to alternate the mechanical and chemical methods; an integrated approach generally always gives excellent results.

Devices for home use

Darsonval LW-018 is a professional device that can also be used for home care. The impact is carried out using high-frequency alternating current, carried out by vacuum glass electrodes.

There are 2 options for darsonvalization:

  • a silent discharge involves moving across the skin, accompanied by an increase in temperature and light tissue massage, used to treat problematic skin and restore the elasticity of fading dermis;
  • during a spark discharge , the nozzle does not touch the integument, is located at a distance of up to 4 mm, the air is saturated with ozone, a slight tingling, burning sensation is felt, and is used to accelerate the healing of the integument after traumatic procedures.

A positive effect can be noticed after a course consisting of 8–12 sessions. Price - 1850 rub.

The Diamond Peel 15 diamond dermabrasion device is convenient for performing mechanical grinding at home. The set includes 2 nozzles of different abrasiveness and diameter, allowing you to care for your face and body. As a result of mechanical grinding, it is possible to increase the elasticity of tissues, activate lymph flow, and increase the effectiveness of creams and serums. Not only the speed of rotation of the cutters is regulated, but also the depth of impact, which allows it to be used for the care of thin, sensitive skin. The price of the device is 8000 rubles.

Portable facial brush 07D Aria allows you to delicately cleanse the skin and effectively remove impurities with the help of a brush. The nozzle is made of a special Supersoft material that does not injure or cause irritation to the skin. During the procedure, the brush performs micro-oscillations at a speed of 300 pulsations per second. Brushing gently removes impurities and dead epithelial particles, cleanses pores, improves microcirculation, and increases the effectiveness of care products. Recommended use 2-3 times a week. You can buy it for 7300 rubles.

The Phillips VisaPure facial cleanser is designed to gently remove impurities using DualMotion technology. A special nozzle vibrates and rotates, ensuring careful removal of dead cells and sebaceous plugs. The set consists of 2 attachments that perform delicate and deep cleansing. The timer automatically turns off the device upon completion of the procedure. Separately, you can purchase attachments for deep cleansing of pores, for sensitive, normal skin and for peeling. The price of the device is 9500 rubles.

Precautionary measures

Home resurfacing does not require special preparation; the main measures are to use a cosmetological method in the absence of contraindications.

Can be performed during pregnancy, lactation, and throughout the year. When using portable devices, it is important to follow the manufacturer's operating instructions.

Contraindications for use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • foci of inflammation;
  • acne in the active phase;
  • violation of the integrity of the integument;
  • warts, papillomas, moles on target areas;
  • postoperative period;
  • viral infections;
  • elevated body temperature.

Before use, the composition should be tested on a small area of ​​skin to prevent an allergic reaction. If you are prone to pigmentation, it is not recommended to carry out the course during periods of solar activity. Products with a high SPF protection factor must be used.

Side effects are rarely observed and go away on their own without additional effort. There may be redness, burning, irritation, mild swelling, which lasts no more than 2-3 hours. If you have a severe allergic reaction, or Quincke's edema, you should consult a doctor.

Advantages and disadvantages

Professional resurfacing is a painful, traumatic procedure; the healing period is accompanied by prolonged discomfort and requires special care. But the effect can be compared to plastic surgery.

Home dermabrasion is a gentle method of maintaining normal skin condition. With regular practice, you can improve the general condition of the skin, cope with superficial wrinkles, and reduce the secretion of sebium.

But you can only smooth out deep wrinkles, restore an even structure after acne, and whiten photopigmentation by turning to a professional.


  • possibility of carrying out throughout the year;
  • accessibility of the procedure;
  • general improvement in the condition of the integument;
  • no side effects;
  • no recovery period;
  • a small list of contraindications;
  • It is possible to choose the type of polishing according to your skin type.


  • ineffective method for solving complex aesthetic problems;
  • requires coursework.

You can do the polishing yourself, using effective recipes or advances in hardware cosmetology. The procedure is suitable for caring for all types of dermis, as a result, metabolic processes are improved. Regularity is the key to beautiful, healthy skin.

Daily procedures

Exfoliating your face every day should not involve harsh abrasives or strong chemicals. fine granulated sugar as a daily abrasive.

. It will provide gentle exfoliation of dead skin cells. Mix a tablespoon of sugar with olive oil in equal proportions. Olive oil will ensure uniform distribution of the composition over the surface of the skin and protect the skin from mechanical damage.

Use the mixture as a regular scrub, gently rubbing it over the skin of the face, neck, and other problem areas. After the procedure, wash your skin with warm water and dry with a clean napkin or towel.

After this, it is important to moisturize the skin and saturate it with vitamins and microelements. You can use your daily cream care. Natural vegetable oils are also effective:

sunflower – for oily skin, sesame – for dry skin, corn – for mixed skin type. Apply a small amount of oil evenly to the skin.

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