Instant rejuvenation with the phenomenal Instantly-ageless cream

Every woman dreams of keeping her skin in excellent condition. However, over the years, to maintain the same firmness and elasticity, you need to spend much more time caring for it. At the age of 40, the natural processes of sebum production slow down, so we pay special attention to moisturizing and nourishing the skin. Let's see how you can perform facial rejuvenation after 50 without surgeries and expensive salon procedures. What masks to use, when to go to the salon and what to try there and how long the quick results of modern cosmetic procedures will last.

Botulinum therapy

Botox injections traditionally top the list of procedures that provide immediate results and do not require any rehabilitation.

After injections, injection marks may remain on the skin, but they can be easily disguised with foundation. Botox helps quickly and effectively get rid of expression lines around the eyes, mouth, bridge of the nose, in the area between the eyebrows and on the forehead.

Removing unwanted hair

Spider veins are a fairly common problem. It is especially relevant for people who have crossed the threshold of maturity.

A phototherapy session is one of the most effective methods of combating various forms of vascular disorders on the face.

In this case, under the influence of light and temperature, the walls of damaged vessels bond together. After this they disappear from the visible field of view.

The duration of treatment depends on the number and size of the affected vessels. On average, it varies from 6 to 8 procedures and is individual for each case.

Unfortunately, if this problem occurs once, then in the future it can be expected in other areas of the face, so it is recommended to perform 1-2 preventive sessions per month to prevent new spider veins.

Unwanted facial hair is no longer a problem. Modern medications make it possible to easily get rid of them even at home. All you have to do is purchase a cosmetic product.

There are two types of hardware hair removal:

  1. Laser.
  2. Electrolysis.

Laser hair removal is a procedure that removes hair and stops its growth for a while. Before the procedure, you need to thoroughly clean the treated area and dry it. If your hair is very long, it is advisable to cut it to 3 mm.

There are four types of laser hair removal:

  1. Ruby.
  2. Alexandrite.
  3. Neodymium.
  4. Diode.


  1. Allergic reactions.
  2. Excessive hair growth.
  3. Various types of skin diseases.
  4. Pregnancy.
  5. Oncological diseases.

Result: after several procedures, fine hair will disappear, and coarse hair will become invisible. The skin will become smooth and silky.

Electrolysis is a cosmetic procedure with which you can get rid of hair of any length and hardness. It should be noted that this procedure is painful.

There are three types of electrolysis:

  1. Thermolysis.
  2. Electrolysis.
  3. Combination of electrolysis with thermolysis.


  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Varicose diseases.
  4. Oncological and mental diseases.
  5. Skin diseases.

Result: electrolysis at home is not as high quality as in beauty salons. The electric epilator cuts off only part of the hair, and after a while it will grow again.

Contour plastic

In second place among procedures with an immediate effect is contour plastic surgery of the chin area, nasolabial folds, cheekbones, temporal zone, as well as lip correction using fillers based on hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite or polylactic acid.

The best result , after which there are no microtraumas left, is achieved by using cannulas: with their help, for example, the zygomatic zone is augmented to replenish volumes lost with age. As for lip correction, cannulas are not used here, only needles. Therefore, if you have planned some kind of event, then the day before it is still not worth enlarging your lips - small bruises may remain that will be difficult to hide.

Rules of rejuvenation

Rejuvenating the body is not as difficult as it might seem. By cleansing the intestines and adjusting your diet, you can very quickly notice positive results. But this is not enough.

Rule one: antioxidants

To rejuvenate after 35 years, the body needs antioxidants, that is, substances that destroy so-called free radicals - killer cells. Radicals provoke the development of cancer, inflammation, and atherosclerosis. You can fight them with the help of antioxidants - vitamins C, A, E, selenium, etc.

Berries (cranberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries), fruits, vegetables, beans and legumes, nuts, tea, cocoa, coffee, cinnamon, cloves, and vegetable oils are rich in antioxidants. After 40 years, the use of these products becomes mandatory.

Rule two: pepsins

Special enzymes, pepsins, help replace old cells with new ones. To enhance their production, you need to put a gram of salt on the tip of your tongue half an hour after eating, hold until completely dissolved, and then swallow the salty concentrated saliva. It will cause active production of gastric juice and pepsins, which are capable of dissolving cancerous, old, damaged cells, and pathogens.

Rule three: remove salts

To remove certain types of alkaline salts that the body is not able to evacuate (phosphates, urates, oxalates), you need to help it with a decoction of sunflower root. Pour the amount of crushed root that fits into a glass with three liters of boiling water and boil for two or three minutes. Divide the entire volume over two days and drink in equal portions.

When the urine turns completely transparent (in ten to fourteen days), stop the course. When taking a cleansing decoction, you should not eat too salty or spicy foods; make plant foods the basis of your diet.

To remove salts, you can brew horsetail, bears ears (bearberry), watermelon rinds, cinquefoil, knotweed (knotweed). The recipe with black radish is also good: grate the vegetable and squeeze out the juice through a gauze filter. Mix the squeezed part with natural honey in a ratio of three to one, and place the resulting juice in the refrigerator. Drink a teaspoon of juice after meals, eat a large tablespoon of honey radish cake three times a day.

Removing salts is an excellent way to rejuvenate after 40 years.


Rejuvenating procedures that do not require rehabilitation include another injection technique - biorevitalization.

This procedure is based on microinjections of hyaluronic acid, which help moisturize the skin, restore a healthy complexion, get rid of fine wrinkles, and cope with the feeling of dryness and tightness.

In addition, biorevitalization is used in the complex treatment of post-acne and hyperpigmentation, restores skin tone and promotes neocollagenesis.

Expected Result

For many, the first results become noticeable after the first session. This is expressed in the acquisition of a fresher complexion, sometimes in a reduction in the severity of fine wrinkles.

More visible changes are observed after 4-5 photorejuvenation sessions.

During this period the following changes occur:

  • skin elasticity is restored due to its saturation with collagen and elastin,
  • pigment spots and freckles disappear,
  • deeper wrinkles are smoothed out,
  • the oval of the face is strengthened,
  • inflammation on the face disappears,
  • pores noticeably narrow,
  • your complexion will look healthy.

Depending on the problem, age and condition of the skin, a full course of phototherapy can range from 6 to 10 sessions. At this stage, the patient also solves more complex problems on the face:

  • Killoid scars resolve,
  • neglected acne disappears,
  • The “orange peel” effect decreases or completely disappears.

Including breaks, the full course of treatment takes up to six months. But given the possible results, this time cannot be called wasted.

Superficial peels

In this case, the skin is rejuvenated by removing dead cells from its surface. They help restore a radiant appearance to the face and get rid of fine wrinkles. Not all types of peelings can be classified as procedures with an immediate effect: unlike superficial ones, medium and deep peels require a short recovery period. Superficial peels include glycolic and mandelic acid peels. Both are considered gentle facial cleansing treatments. Glycolic and mandelic are fruit acids that are able to penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, thereby stimulating not only its cleansing, but also rejuvenation. They promote the production of your own hyaluronic acid, skin hydration, and neocollagenesis. Help improve skin quality, cope with the effects of post-acne and hyperpigmentation. Peeling with mandelic acid is an all-season procedure, has no contraindications and is carried out even in the summer.

Eating right

The basic rule of maintaining health requires reducing the caloric content of the diet and the amount of animal protein in food with age. After 40 years, protein diets based on meat and sausages become not only undesirable, but very dangerous. Animal proteins contained in meat, when broken down, release many toxins and accelerate aging.

You can replace them with the following herbal products:

  • white rice, pasta;
  • cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, white cabbage;
  • oat bran;
  • corn, olives, soybeans;
  • tomatoes, eggplants, turnips, onions, dill, beets, carrots;
  • mushrooms, nuts, beans;
  • apples, oranges, grapefruits, strawberries, peaches, apricots, plums, figs.

Plant proteins not only rejuvenate, but also prevent stroke, hypertension, heart attack, osteoporosis, and have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. They contain essential amino acids for rejuvenation and help remove toxins.

Some white products of plant origin can be consumed after 40 years, but in moderation: cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir without sugar. It is better to eat fish instead of meat.

Sea kale, sorrel, and young nettle stimulate the growth of new cells very well, and sesame seeds and green leafy vegetables replenish calcium reserves.

Sprouts of cereal crops: wheat, oats, green buckwheat, lentils have a fantastic rejuvenating effect. The grains need to be filled with water and covered with gauze. When the sprouts reach eight mm in length, the product can be consumed 50 grams daily. There is no need to eat the sprouts separately: they can be added to salads.

For proper and timely removal of toxins, it is important to drink at least one and a half liters of water daily. It is better to replace black tea with unsweetened green tea; you should avoid store-bought juices from a package and carbonated drinks.

The diet must include bioenergetic food: nuts, honey, fresh fruits and vegetables. You cannot exceed the calorie threshold of 2000 kcal. Nutrition after 35 years should become low-calorie and contain a large amount of plant fiber, microelements, and vitamins.

It has been proven that you can prolong life, rejuvenate the body, and prevent fatal diseases by increasing the amount of plant foods (including vegetable fats) in the diet. Longevity, rejuvenation, health become not a dream, but a reality.


Hydrodermabrasion, or hydropeeling, is a relatively new hardware procedure that combines cleansing, massage and deep moisturizing of the skin.

Using a special vacuum attachment (manipule), into which water or a special isotonic solution is supplied, simultaneous cleansing and vacuum massage of small areas of the skin occurs, which contributes to more effective cleansing of pores, improvement of local blood circulation, rejuvenation, and increase of skin turgor.

Hydrodermabrasion can be done at any time of the year. The procedure takes about 30 minutes. After it, as after any other peeling, even in cold weather it is necessary to use cream with SPF. To achieve the best effect, it is advisable to complete a course of 6–8 sessions every 7–10 days. After the procedure, you should not give injections for 14 days.



Skin massage is recommended only for those people who really have problems: the skin is loose and has a gray tint, cellulite.

There are several types of hardware massage:

  1. Galvanization.
  2. Process therapy.
  3. Vacuum massage.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage.

Galvanization is a procedure that is carried out with a special massage device. The device releases electrical discharges into the skin tissue, which have a beneficial effect on its cells.

Result: skin is elastic and tightened

Process therapy is a procedure that is done in beauty salons using a special suit. It is intended more for the whole body than for the face.

Vacuum massage - done with a special device to improve the condition of the skin, as well as to remove the orange peel.

Lymphatic drainage massage is performed by a device using electric currents that penetrate the tissue. Toxins are removed from the skin, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.


  1. Pregnancy.
  2. Skin diseases, rashes, wounds.
  3. Heart diseases.
  4. Oncological diseases.
  5. Sensitive skin that is prone to bruising.
  6. Phlebeurysm.
  7. High pressure.

Pleasantly stroking the skin not only relaxes it, but also gives it elasticity. Strengthens muscles and improves blood circulation.

There are several types of massage that you can perform at home yourself or with the participation of loved ones:

  • classic – ideal for facial rejuvenation at home. It is carried out using oils and cream,
  • plucked - the most effective. Its action prevents aging, reduces age-related changes,
  • plastic – strengthens the facial frame; talc is required for its implementation.

It is most convenient to carry out the first type of massage at home; it includes rubbing, stroking and vibration. It must be performed strictly along massage lines, starting from the forehead and gradually going down to the chin, making circular movements with the fingers. Rejuvenating treatments also include Japanese facial massage Asahi Zogan, as well as shiatsu acupressure for the face (more details here).

Advantages of home hardware cosmetology

Creams and lotions for the skin do not give the desired result, since they only act on the top layer. Hardware cosmetology means youth and beauty at home. Thanks to various devices you can:

  • Prevent skin aging.
  • Eliminate acne.
  • Rejuvenate the skin of the face, neck, décolleté.
  • Get rid of unwanted hair.
  • Get rid of cellulite at different stages of its development.
  • Smooth out wrinkles.
  • Improve complexion.
  • Restore the skin's former elasticity.

Using devices at home will save time and money, and at the same time, achieve results similar to those after visiting a cosmetologist. Using the devices is not difficult, you just need to carefully read the instructions and follow them.

Difficulties of recovery

In the absence of contraindications, the phototherapy procedure is safe and virtually painless.

Immediately after its completion, slight redness and swelling may appear on the skin. Crusts may appear at the site of the largest accumulations of blood vessels.

All described negative phenomena are optional, and if they occur, they disappear on their own within a few days.

To consolidate the effect obtained, you must adhere to certain rules. To do this you should:

  • within 2-3 weeks after the procedure, use drugs for skin regeneration (panthenol or similar),
  • when outdoors, apply sunscreen to your face,
  • limit the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes,
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water daily,
  • if necessary, limit the use of decorative cosmetics for the face,
  • It is recommended to take vitamins (groups C and A).

There are also more categorical restrictions for this procedure:

  • for the first two weeks you should not tan in the sun or in a solarium,
  • avoid visiting baths, saunas and swimming pools,
  • baths should not exceed body temperature.

Following these simple rules will make the photorejuvenation procedure useful and effective for a long time.

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