Effective gymnastics for bags, swelling and wrinkles around the eyes

What factors provoke the appearance of bags?

Risk factors include:

  1. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the functioning of the heart, lungs and kidneys, which leads to edema.
  2. Some people experience growth of subcutaneous tissue with age, but most experience thinning.
  3. During menstruation, even healthy women are diagnosed with hormonal fluctuations, disruptions in the endocrine system, and, as a consequence, the appearance of swelling.
  4. Edema awaits women who violate their daily routine (working night shifts, one-time or chronic lack of sleep due to everyday problems).
  5. Lack of movement, prolonged use of the computer, constant stress and overwork are additional risk factors.
  6. Ultraviolet radiation negatively affects the skin, causing fluid accumulation. Swelling often occurs on the face unprotected by glasses in bright sunlight.
  7. Hereditary problems sometimes lead to age-related growth of fatty tissue under the eyes.
  8. Diseases of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, excretory organs, especially the adrenal glands, are also serious risk factors.

In the absence of pathologies with puffiness syndrome, a set of physical exercises—facial gymnastics—helps get rid of puffiness under the eyes.

Causes of wrinkles

  • hereditary factor;
  • gesticulation and emotionality;
  • frequent squinting due to myopia and poor vision;
  • frequent muscle strain around the eyes;
  • strain on the eye area due to frequent blinking, crying, laughing;
  • age category;
  • hormonal changes that affect skin elasticity;
  • constant or chronic fatigue;
  • frequent lack of sleep;
  • poor and unhealthy diet;
  • frequent exposure to the sun;
  • constant stressful situations;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • smoking;
  • polluted environment;
  • use of cheap and low-quality cosmetics;
  • erroneous use of cosmetics that are not suitable for this area of ​​the dermis;
  • too frequent application of creams, scrubs and masks to the eye area;
  • excessive amount of mascara on eyelashes;
  • prolonged use of the computer;
  • increased eyestrain;
  • impaired blood circulation and metabolic process in the eye area;
  • individual features of facial anatomy.

The most important reason why wrinkles form around the eyes is the effect of age on the skin of the face.

Pros and cons of exercises for the skin around the eyes

Exercises for the facial muscles will not completely stop the natural aging process, but daily exercise will have a positive effect.

Benefits of doing facial exercises:

  • wrinkles are smoothed out due to increased muscle tone;
  • the processes of blood flow and lymph outflow are accelerated;
  • metabolism in the body is normalized;
  • Gymnastics is an excellent preventive remedy for those with a tendency to “bruises” under the eyes; existing puffiness is noticeably reduced.

Surprisingly, in addition to improving the skin, giving it elasticity and a healthy appearance, facial gymnastics has another positive effect. With regular exercise, vision improves by relieving tension in the eye muscles.

Certain disadvantages include the need for individual selection of exercises and intensity of exercise, depending on the location of problem areas on the face. At the same time, regularity in performing gymnastics is one of the fundamental factors for success.

For lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it does: lifts the outer corners of the upper eyelids.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).​

Close your eyes slowly and tightly. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Feel the movement of the muscles under your palms.

Next, do the following exercise.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).

Open and close your mouth slowly and widely 20 times.

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Exercise Tips

  • Getting rid of swelling and tightening your facial muscles with a set of gymnastic exercises is possible with regular exercise. It is most useful to do face-building immediately after waking up and before going to bed.
  • Before exercise, it is recommended to thoroughly cleanse your face; contrast washing will relax tense muscles. To moisturize the skin during exercise, especially in the evening, use creams, masks or tonics.
  • The complex of daily exercises consists of several stages: warm-up, basic exercises and relaxation.
  • Beginners just mastering the face-building technique are advised not to give in to the desire to perform as many exercises as possible at once. The load is increased gradually, initially choosing the simplest tasks. They move on to more intensive classes over time when experience is achieved.

Recommendations for caring for the skin around the eyes

You should start taking care of your face at the age of 20-25. Basic skin care around the eyes includes:

  • Cleansing;
  • Toning;
  • Hydration;
  • Nutrition.

On a note. You can remove makeup with milk or double makeup removers. Soak cotton pads in milk and apply to eyes for 2 minutes. Afterwards, remove any remaining makeup with light movements.

It is important to select special products designed for eyelid skin care. Until the age of 30, it is better to use moisturizing serums and creams. You can use natural cosmetic oils; they have a beneficial effect on the skin.

When choosing creams, you need to pay attention to the composition. They should contain vitamins A, E, hyaluronic acid, vegetable oils, and fruit extracts. It is recommended to select funds according to age.

Special exercises and massage will help smooth out wrinkles. Daily exercises for wrinkles around the eyes will be effective if you use special eyelid skin care products.

Recommendations before starting the exercises

Preparation for classes is divided into several stages:

  • remove makeup, wash thoroughly;
  • prepare sterile gloves in advance to prevent your hands from slipping;
  • choose a comfortable position (on a chair in front of a mirror);
  • tune in to a positive mood, choose calm music.

Having completed the preparation, begin to warm up. A set of preliminary exercises will warm up the muscles and thereby prevent unwanted consequences.

  1. They start with an exercise that has the poetic name “Butterfly Wings”. They blink their eyes for 30 seconds, gradually accelerating the pace.
  2. The next exercise is a circular rotation of the eyes, 4 times clockwise and the same amount in the opposite direction;
  3. Then they begin to close their eyes: slightly at the beginning and tightly at the end.

Finish the warm-up with light blinking to relax the muscles before exercise.


Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: wide eyes, reduction of crow's feet, strengthening of the skin of the eyelids.

Starting position: Place your fingers on the area around your eyes, as in the picture. Firmly fix the orbicularis oculi muscle (try not to press on the skin with your hands). Make sure that the outer part of the eyelid is fixed. To do this, relax your arms and lower your elbows slightly down. Open your eyes wide, then squint. Feel the muscles trying to move your fingers. Then do this kind of opening and squinting dynamically 20 times, statically for 10 seconds.

Effective gymnastics

Regular eye training will restore youthful looks, tighten muscles and skin. Classes are carried out daily, each time performing several approaches of each exercise.

  1. The eyelids close tightly. The fingertips are placed on the cheekbones and the area of ​​swelling in such a way as to feel how the eyeball moves. Keeping your eyes closed, look up and then return your gaze to the starting position. Repeat several times. Complete the exercise with a deep inhalation and exhalation, relaxing the eyelids. If the task is performed correctly, painful sensations initially arise, which quickly pass.
  2. In this exercise, the eyes are first closed, and then opened wide and held for 3 seconds.
  3. Starting position – eyelids are half-closed, facial muscles are relaxed. Then, with your eyes wide open, look up for 3 seconds and relax again.
  4. The eyes make rotational movements in different directions, keeping the eyelids closed.
  5. Open your eyes, look forward, to the right, pausing for a few seconds, and again in front of you, then close your eyes. Repeat the movements sequentially, but in the other direction.
  6. The eyes alternately move from left to right, from top to bottom and vice versa. Repeat several times. Then they close their eyes sharply and relax the muscles.
  7. First they blink intensely, and then they open and close their eyes wide. Complete the exercise by relaxing the facial muscles.
  8. The eyes are opened wide and left in this position for 3 or 4 seconds, looking ahead. This simple movement will not only help cope with swelling, but also smooth out facial wrinkles in places where “crow’s feet” form.
  9. The next exercise is aimed at working the lower eyelid muscle, which is responsible for the smooth skin under the eyes. The index and middle fingers press on the cheekbone and swelling. The touch should be light, just to feel how the muscle moves. In this position, squint for 5 seconds, then relax the eyelids. Repeat several times and end with blinking.
  10. Place the tips of your index fingers on the bridge of your nose and apply light pressure. Blinking for 5 seconds relaxes the muscles.
  11. Use your fingertips to touch the areas of swelling and with light stroking movements smooth the skin in the direction from the cheekbones to the temples.

Regular exercise will increase skin tone, tighten the muscles of the eyelids and, accordingly, get rid of bags under the eyes. To achieve the effect, exercises are done twice a day, choosing a time convenient for yourself. Facebuilding is not rushed; all tasks are completed carefully in a comfortable, relaxing environment.

Why is puffiness under the eyes treated?

In some cases, swelling under the eyes goes away without treatment. This occurs with injuries to the head, eyes, eyelids, infectious diseases, and cosmetic procedures. Here, the underlying injury or disease is treated, after which the swelling will disappear on its own. Often, in such cases, compresses and light massages are used to relieve discomfort.

Chronic somatic diseases and age-related edema require special treatment, which, despite its duration, does not always bring the desired result. The whole range of treatment procedures is applicable here. Traditional methods of treatment are very useful. They are easy to prepare and give a good effect.

Relieving eye swelling with massage

Various massages help relieve swelling; they help improve blood circulation and remove excess fluid from the intercellular space.

  1. To carry out the massage you will need two silver tea spoons and two ice cubes. The spoons should be placed on ice and allowed to cool, and then applied to the bags under the eyes. You need to make light stroking movements, and then lightly press on the skin. Once the spoons are warm, place them back on the ice. Do massage several times a day.
  2. You can massage with ice cubes. It is good to use frozen herbal infusions of chamomile; parsley, horsetail, lemon balm, and calendula are very useful. You need to make circular movements with the cubes, alternating them with lightly tapping the swelling with your fingertips. To make an herbal infusion, brew the plants like strong tea and freeze in the refrigerator.

Doing gymnastics for the eyes

Special gymnastics will also help relieve swelling under the eyes. It will consist of alternating frequent blinking with strong squinting. You need to do about 15-20 quick blinks, then 2-3 strong squints, then rest a little and repeat the exercises.

Using a contrast wash

This procedure will not only help to quickly relieve hyperemia, but will also help improve blood circulation and train the eye muscles, which prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. For contrast washing, it is good to use herbal decoctions, but cold and hot water is also good. You just need to remember that the water should not be ice-cold, but only cold, the same as with hot water.
  2. It is good to wash your face with soda from the refrigerator if there is large swelling. Gas bubbles will make a great massage. This method is good for express treatment after a very stormy night.

Apply compresses to the eyes

Very common folk remedies, vegetables, and frozen infusions can be used as compresses; they quickly help relieve hyperemia.

  • Cucumber slices are very effective in relieving puffiness under the eyes. The cucumber can be grated. It's good to use chilled or even frozen.
  • Grated raw potatoes are also used. Simply grate the vegetable and apply it to the skin around the eye for 20 minutes. It is good to use boiled potatoes in their skins. Mash it, add a little lemon juice. Apply the paste as a compress.
  • Tea bags, preferably green tea, can also serve as compresses. They need to be brewed, removed from the cup and cooled, then applied to the area around the eyes.
  • Take parsley, chop it to a pulp, apply it like a compress on swelling.

Using eye cream

Cosmetic creams are one of the simplest ways to combat puffiness, but they must be used carefully, since you should remember that they themselves can cause swelling under the eyes (if you have allergies). You can prepare the cream at home using rendered lard and camphor oil, taken in equal proportions.

Try to mix the ingredients well, store the cream in the refrigerator in a closed glass container

You can prepare the cream at home using rendered lard and camphor oil, taken in equal proportions. Try to mix the ingredients well, store the cream in the refrigerator in a closed glass container.

Swelling under the eyes can appear for many reasons and its treatment should first of all consist of eliminating this cause, and then treating the swelling itself.

When will the effect be noticeable?

The effect of face-building does not appear immediately. The first improvements are noticeable no earlier than after 2-3 months. And this is subject to daily performance of a set of exercises, moreover, twice a day. Only sometimes breaks of a day or two are allowed. It takes up to six months of regular training to get rid of swelling and smooth out wrinkles.

The maximum effect is achieved when exercises are combined with a healthy lifestyle. Giving up bad habits, following a daily routine and an optimal diet will significantly improve your well-being and have a positive effect on your appearance. A healthy habit of daily facial training will enhance the effect many times over.


Facebook building has virtually no contraindications. But you should refrain from doing the following exercises:

  • with high blood pressure;
  • for diseases of the facial nerve;
  • during the postoperative period;
  • after Botox injections.

It is also not recommended to overload the body with excessive training. Start with the easiest exercises, gradually increasing the number of approaches and intensity of exercise.

Prevention measures

To prevent the appearance of puffiness under the eyes, it is necessary to follow the following preventive measures:

  • It’s not just sports that have a positive effect on your skin’s condition. Proper nutrition, which includes avoiding fast food, limiting salt and spicy foods, will have a beneficial effect on your appearance. On the contrary, excessive alcohol consumption and other bad habits will greatly harm the body.
  • Adequate sleep is of great importance. If you fall asleep no later than 11 pm, you are guaranteed a state of vivacity and a surge of strength in the morning. The optimal sleeping position is lying on your back. A different body position contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the facial tissues. Sometimes swelling occurs on only one side. It depends on which side the person slept on at night. Keeping a daily routine should become a habit.
  • Even strong rubbing can harm the skin of the eyelids. Care should be taken not to injure the eyes.
  • Control the amount of liquid you drink. Liquid consumption during the day is distributed in such a way that you drink more glasses of water at night, and the rest in the morning and afternoon.
  • Select high-quality eye cosmetics. It is better to buy an expensive product than to spend a lot of money on restorative procedures. Before going to bed, do not forget about eye makeup remover. Strengthen the skin of the eyelids with cream, applying it with light movements along the massage lines.
  • Sunscreen and dark glasses will protect your skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. When using such products, the eyelids will remain elastic and swelling will be less noticeable.

It is easier to prevent a disease than to treat it. This also applies to edema. It is better not to get rid of bags under the eyes, but to lead a lifestyle that will not allow the unpleasant problem to manifest itself. But if swelling spoils your mood in the morning, do not immediately go to an expensive beauty salon. Regular training in combination with home remedies will effectively solve the problem.

But if preventive measures prove powerless, it’s worth thinking about it. Bags under the eyes that do not disappear after a set of measures taken signal serious problems in the body. In this case, consultations with doctors and treatment in a clinic are required.

Gymnastics for wrinkles: where to start

Start any activity with a smile, it transforms your face and makes it younger.

It is best to practice in front of a mirror, so you can see changes in your facial expressions and correct your movements.

Exercises should be performed regularly - this is the only way to achieve positive results.

What you should know before you start gymnastics:

  1. Exercises for facial skin can be performed both in the morning and in the evening. Ideally, you can practice twice a day for half an hour.
  2. During the day, try to take about 2 liters of liquid.
  3. Before starting classes, be sure to cleanse your face of cosmetics, dirt and wipe off makeup.
  4. You can apply anti-wrinkle cream to your face, and then the effect will be double.
  5. During classes, nothing should interfere, not even hair. Pin them in the back.
  6. The first time, you can use a mirror as an assistant. When the exercises are remembered and performed correctly, you can refuse the mirror.
  7. To relax the muscles on your face, you can perform a light tapping massage with your fingers.
  8. If you feel unwell, you should stop exercising.
  9. Complexes can be repeated several times in order to achieve greater effect.
  10. You can also practice while listening to music.

Reviews of gymnastics for bags under the eyes

Marina Berger, 32 years old, Kemerovo: Bags under the eyes, blue discoloration and nasolabial folds, which appeared already at the age of 25, became a real problem for me. The feeling of embarrassment from my appearance haunted me, how many creams I had tried to no avail, and money wasted...I found a video on the Internet about Facebook building. This is the correct name for facial gymnastics. It turns out that the facial muscles are no different from others and require regular training. Improvements came within a week. My exercises have become permanent, now I look in the mirror with pleasure, no puffiness, no bags. Facebook building is cool, the results are amazing. I will definitely continue to do the exercises. And I recommend it to everyone.

Larisa Konovalenko, 29 years old, Krasnodar: Unlike many women, I have known about the existence of Facebook building for several years. Facial muscles that weaken over the years require constant training to keep them in good shape, otherwise bags are probably inevitable. I don’t do Facebook building every day, but regularly. A toning mask before a night's rest, a little time for gymnastics. All this is not difficult, but the reflection in the mirror makes you happy. I will say this, nothing and no one can replace a woman’s pleasure from her own beautiful appearance.

Diseases that cause edema

In addition to reasons that are not harmful to health, there are diseases, the symptom of which is the appearance of swelling. These include the following:

  • allergic conjunctivitis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • hernia of the eyelids;
  • hyperaldosteronism;
  • diseases of the kidneys, heart, intestines, liver;
  • Parhon's syndrome;
  • diabetes.

If you have a predisposition to one of the listed diseases, you should definitely consult your doctor. This may be a serious signal for further examinations. Here, gymnastics for bags under the eyes will not help.

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