Depigmented spots are the first sign of damage. Forms of depigmentation of the epidermis

Melanin is a component that is located inside the skin and determines its shade. If the substance concentrates in limited areas, they take on a rich beige or brown color with clearly defined outlines. Most often, this disorder occurs in women, especially those over 30 years of age. Pigment spots on the face cannot be eliminated using cosmetic procedures: such tactics will provide a short-term effect.

To get rid of the disorder and normalize the condition of the skin, you need to pay attention to the quality of the cosmetics used, the diet, and the surrounding psychological environment. When, despite the normalization of the listed factors, new areas of hyperpigmentation continue to appear, a full examination is necessary: ​​from the state of the gastrointestinal tract to the kidneys. If you underestimate the importance of eliminating the underlying disorder that caused the accumulation of melanin, the spots may appear again even within a month after undergoing cosmetic procedures.


The main types of age spots: freckles, chloasma, lentigo. In the first case, areas of melanin accumulation are small, multiple, localized mainly on both sides of the nose, in groups. Chloasma is actually pigment spots: they are located in groups or individually, on the cheeks, between the eyebrows, and on the nose. Lentigo occurs predominantly in older people. The second definition of this type of hyperpigmentation is “senile ripples,” which is associated with the age of such patients and the appearance of the tumors.


The main sign of pigment spots on the face is rich beige, brown areas on the skin with clear contours. They do not rise above the epithelium and do not cause itching. When hyperpigmentation appears, body temperature and general health remain normal. Hyperpigmentation does not always occur symmetrically - it can be located only on one part of the face. Additional symptoms depend on the underlying cause that caused the accumulation of melanin in limited areas.

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White pigment spots

In the photo on the Internet you can see that white pigment spots can be localized on the body, on the skin, on the face, on the arms and legs. Their appearance may be due to the loss of melanin in cells (the most common cause). At the same time, other factors can be identified that provoke the appearance of such formations:

  • Fungal infection.
  • Hypomelanosis.
  • Deprive Zhiber.
  • Vitiligo.
  • Severe viral diseases, problems with the immune system.
  • Hereditary factors.
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • The influence of occupational hazards (heavy metals, artificial resins, phenol, formaldehyde, etc.).
  • Stress, moral and physical fatigue.


The appearance of age spots on the face is unfairly associated with exposure to ultraviolet radiation. But the accumulation of a substance in a certain area of ​​the epithelium is not always associated with exposure to direct ultraviolet rays. In every 2 cases, there is a factor that increases the skin’s tendency to increased melanin production. Such circumstances are associated with acute or chronic illnesses, poor diet or incorrect use of cosmetics. There are 10 main causes of facial hyperpigmentation.

Epithelial damage

In areas with severe acne, burns or cuts, hyperpigmentation is highly likely to develop. This is due to the signal that skin cells receive during the regeneration (healing) process, after which they begin to actively produce melanin. The risk of characteristic brown areas appearing after surgery is somewhat lower than due to injuries, acne, and burns.

The likelihood of hyperpigmentation is not related to the factor of compliance with asepsis rules. Even if the patient has treated the skin with disinfectants, this does not mean that he is protected from the appearance of a stain after the wound or boil has healed. In many ways, the risk of melanin accumulation depends on the characteristics of the integument.

Using low quality cosmetics

Manufacturers of low-quality cosmetics add synthetic substances to their products, which contribute to their long-term storage, but are also harmful to health. When in contact with the skin, such compounds cause multiple complications, including the appearance of age spots. This most often happens when using low-quality foundation.

It may contain dyes and stabilizers that maintain a certain degree of its thickness, but at the same time cause skin intoxication. The tissues receive a signal about the impact of the irritant, and melanin is intensively produced in the areas covered with foundation. Therefore, women who use low-quality foundation may experience the appearance of age spots that look like a mask on the face.

Imbalance of sex hormones

Violation of the concentration of androgens and estrogens is a consequence of:

  • surgical intervention on the organs of the reproductive system
  • irregular sex life
  • previous abortion, involuntary termination of pregnancy
  • stress
  • taking hormonal contraceptives
  • long-term progressive inflammation (adnexitis, prostatitis)

From the moment of development of hormonal imbalance to the appearance of hyperpigmentation, it can take from several days to 6-12 months. This depends on the main factor that caused the change in the content of these biologically active substances in the body.

The concentration of sex hormones is determined by the response of a biochemical blood test. If a relationship between an imbalance and the appearance of age spots on the face is identified, women should undergo treatment with a gynecologist-endocrinologist, and men should make an appointment with a urologist-andrologist.

Gallbladder disease

With pathologies of the hepatobiliary system and the gallbladder in particular, harmful substances become heated in the body. Intoxication is manifested by a large number of symptoms: from nausea and suppression of appetite to abdominal pain, weakness, and drowsiness. Due to the circulation of harmful substances in the blood, the patient develops rashes on the lower third of the face and age spots on both sides of the nose and in the space between the eyebrows.

The development of gallbladder diseases is promoted by:

  • abuse of fatty, fried, smoked foods
  • sedentary lifestyle
  • alcoholism
  • taking medications
  • heredity

The main disease of the gallbladder is cholecystitis: inflammation of the organ. By following the rules of a healthy diet and giving up bad habits, there is a high probability of developing this pathology. If a patient has such a feature as a bend (kink) of the gallbladder, he must take measures to prevent the accumulation of bile. Namely: do not have dinner at least 3 hours before bedtime, and move for 30 minutes after eating.

Genetic predisposition

During the consultation, the first thing the dermatologist asks to collect anamnesis is whether any of your close relatives have encountered a similar problem of hyperpigmentation. This may not necessarily be an accumulation of melanin on the face - other localizations of the defect are also taken into account (on the arms, torso).

It is also important for the specialist to understand whether anyone in the family has developed a malignant skin tumor - this information will allow one to assess the degree of risk of its development in the patient who applied. The problem of hyperpigmentation can be inherited, which is not related to the quality of nutrition and cosmetics used, or the factor of vitamin deficiency.

Taking certain medications

Uncontrolled use of medications puts a strain on the liver, kidneys, heart muscle, and endocrine system. Therefore, organs cannot eliminate toxic substances in full - due to human urination/defecation, and these compounds accumulate in the blood. The load of medications on the endocrine system leads to changes in hormonal levels, which, among other signs, causes facial hyperpigmentation. This often occurs after long-term use of tetracycline antibiotics.

Lack of vitamins and minerals

A deficiency of nutrients in the body develops due to low-quality nutrition, bleeding, and diseases in which components from the diet are not absorbed.

Signs of a lack of vitamins and minerals:

  • hair loss, brittle nails
  • dizziness
  • fragility of tooth enamel
  • indigestion
  • decreased libido
  • skin rashes
  • premature aging
  • appetite suppression

Along with the listed symptoms, pigment spots of varying severity may appear on the skin of the face. This is especially common during the off-season. To normalize the condition of the epithelium, you need to take a course of retinol + tocopherol and ascorbic acid (vitamin A + E and C). The minimum duration of therapy with each drug is 1 month.

Impact of stress

Psycho-emotional shock causes the production of a special hormone - cortisol. It adversely affects the condition of the facial skin and can cause the appearance of age spots. Cortisol also causes hormonal imbalance, and thereby creates conditions for the development of increased melanin production. To normalize the condition of the skin, treatment should begin with the normalization of the psychological situation.

This does not guarantee the removal of existing spots on its own, but it reduces the risk of developing new areas with an accumulation of melanin. Depending on the specifics of the case, it is possible that you will need to consult a neurologist and take herbal sedatives.

Endocrine system diseases

Hormones have a significant impact on the condition of the epithelium. With diseases of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus, thyroid gland, ovaries, the skin condition worsens - wrinkles appear prematurely, pigment spots form, and acne appears. Disorders of the listed organs can progress without obvious accompanying signs, which complicates the possibility of timely detection of pathology.

Signs that should prompt you to see a doctor:

  • headache
  • difficulty concentrating
  • disruption of the menstrual cycle
  • decreased libido
  • dizziness
  • nose bleed
  • weakness
  • increase in body temperature

If the endocrine disorder is not eliminated and the hormonal balance is not stabilized, excessive pigmentation occurs in waves - with periods of exacerbation and weakening. The development of diseases of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, thyroid gland and ovaries is facilitated by traumatic brain injury, intoxication, and stress.

Improper skin care

It is generally accepted that to maintain a healthy skin, it is necessary to carry out 3-stage care: cleansing, toning, moisturizing. To fully implement the first part of the event, sometimes special products made with the addition of alcohol are used. Such a composition can harm the condition of the skin and cause damage to its top layer. Having received a signal about the impact of the irritant, the cells begin to intensively produce melanin, which causes the appearance of age spots.

This often occurs when treating the face with a solution of salicylic acid (1% or 2% concentration). To avoid the appearance of characteristic brown areas, products containing alcohol should be used pointwise - for example, to disinfect acne. It is contraindicated to wipe a large area of ​​skin with a swab or sponge that is moistened with such a substance.

Description and manifestations

Depigmentation is a failure of pigment metabolism. Lightened spots form when the body produces insufficient amounts of coloring matter or does not produce it at all.

The disease manifests itself in 2 forms:

  • hypochromia - reduced concentration of melanin in epithelial cells,
  • achromia - absence of coloring matter.

Light spots are the main symptom of vitiligo. The color of hair, iris, skin, and inner ear depends on the amount of melanin. If there is a deficiency of pigment, their color becomes lighter.

There are 2 types of clarified zones:

  • Full. The skin in some areas becomes white.
  • Incomplete. Light spots randomly alternate with naturally colored areas.

Based on their resistance, there are 2 types of stains:

  • Persistent. It is impossible to establish melanin synthesis.
  • Temporary. The production of pigment substance is restored to a certain level.

Sometimes the disease leads to a disorder of the central nervous system, congenital anomalies (heart defects, bone tissue, genital defects).

Which doctor should I contact?

If pigment spots appear on the skin of the face, you should consult a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct an examination, refer you for a blood test and consultation with specialized specialists - a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist. If, based on the diagnostic answers, it is revealed that hyperpigmentation is a consequence of dysfunction of the endocrine glands, a visit to an endocrinologist is indicated.

To get advice on proper skin care, you need to make an appointment with an experienced cosmetologist. If pigmentation is associated with melanoma of the initial stage of development, a conclusion from an oncologist is necessary.

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Pigment spots on the skin itch: why?

If you have this problem, do not panic ahead of time. It is quite possible that this is just an allergic reaction to something (especially in children). The pigmentation may have a different shade, judging by the photo on the Internet. If the problem persists for a long time, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

There can be many reasons for their appearance:

  • Allergy.
  • Prolonged exposure to the sun or visiting a solarium.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs (liver, biliary tract, pancreas, etc.).
  • Pregnancy period, postpartum period.
  • Physical damage to the skin.
  • Exposure to alkaline, acidic and other hazardous chemicals.
  • Taking strong medications, etc.


To determine the cause of hyperpigmentation, it is necessary to undergo a clinical and biochemical blood test:

  • If you suspect the presence of diseases of the genital organs, you need to donate blood to determine the level of hormones (FSH, LH, estradiol, prolacin): on the 2-3rd day of the menstrual cycle, strictly on an empty stomach, before 11.00. Additionally, it is necessary to determine the concentration of testosterone and SHBG.
  • If you suspect the development of thyroid dysfunction, it is necessary to undergo a blood test to determine the concentration of TSH, T3 and T4 (free).
  • If the appearance of age spots on the face is associated with the development of liver pathologies, it is necessary to determine the level of AST, ALT, total bilirubin and cholesterol.
  • To rule out mineral deficiency in the body, you need to donate blood to establish, first of all, calcium concentration.
  • A general blood test with a leukocyte formula will reveal hidden progressive inflammation.
  • Among the instrumental research methods, it is advisable to undergo an ultrasound of the abdominal organs and pelvis.

A woman undergoes an examination on a gynecological chair. An indispensable stage of diagnosis is interviewing the patient: clarifying the circumstances after which age spots appeared on the face, clarifying the statute of limitations for the condition.

Causes of age spots on the body

Many factors can provoke pigmentation on the body. The main ones include:

  1. Hereditary predisposition.
  2. Problems with hormones, especially the thyroid gland.
  3. Age from 13 to 16 years.
  4. Solarium abuse.
  5. Prolonged exposure to the sun.
  6. Skin abnormalities.
  7. Infectious diseases.
  8. Pregnancy.
  9. Liver and kidney diseases.
  10. Metabolism problems.
  11. Daily consumption of junk food.
  12. Vitamin deficiency in the body.
  13. Smoking and alcohol.
  14. Constant unrest.

Note: often the formation of spots on the body is caused by the application of low-quality cosmetics.


Creams with a whitening effect (as the manufacturer promises) do not help in case of hyperpigmentation (including Achromin). First of all, it is important to eliminate the main factor that caused the increased production of melanin:

  • normalize the flow of bile, eliminate cholecystitis (by following a diet, taking medications)
  • choose the optimal type of contraception that is not associated with taking hormonal drugs (if hyperpigmentation is caused by estrogens)
  • take a course of injections of vitamins (preferably complexes - Neurobex, Milgamma, Neurorubin).

Only in severe cases is surgical intervention indicated: for example, if elimination of a tumor of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, or ovaries is required. To lighten areas of hyperpigmentation, it is advisable to take a course of injections of vitamin C. It is necessary to use at least 6 ml per 1 procedure, for 10-14 days, intramuscularly, 1 time per day.

After just 4 days of therapy, the brown areas of the facial skin take on a beige tint and look like a light tan. But the effectiveness of the introduction of ascorbic acid is short-term, and to normalize the condition of the tissues, emphasis must be placed on eliminating the main health problem. After normalization of health and elimination of the root cause that caused hyperpigmentation, it is advisable to undergo a procedure to eliminate the spots themselves.

Peeling BioRePeelCL3 (Biorepil) is characterized by effectiveness: it involves the use of isoproline, sodium ascorbate and a combination of acids - lactobionic, tartaric, salicylic. To completely remove excessive accumulation of pigments in limited areas, 5 procedures are required. Additional benefits of the method: elimination of post-acne, wrinkles, dry skin.

Folk remedies for treating spots at home

There are many ways to eliminate age spots at home using folk remedies.

The following are recognized as valid:

Cucumber mask with peach and grape oils.


  • fresh cucumber – 2 pieces;
  • peach oil – 3 drops;
  • grape oil – 3 drops.

The cucumbers are washed, grated and mixed with oils. Next, the mask is laid out on the required areas and kept on for 25 minutes.

Tip: for the desired effect, you need to apply masks every evening for 25 days.

Cucumber-lemon compress. The juice is squeezed out of the lemon and cucumber, then everything is poured into one container and put in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Afterwards, gauze is soaked in the product and applied to the pigment spots.

Important: the compress is kept for 35 minutes, then removed. The procedure is performed every other day until the desired result is obtained.

Sauerkraut compress. You need to soak a rag in sauerkraut juice and apply it to the pigment spot. After 20 minutes, the compress is removed and the body area is rinsed with water.

Note: it is recommended to do sauerkraut compresses daily until the skin becomes lighter.

Application of castor oil. The oil is applied to the required areas of the epidermis in one layer and is not washed off for half an hour.

Note: for noticeable lightening it is necessary to apply castor oil every other day and for one month.

Advice: the method is not suitable if a person has an oily type of epidermis.

Tonic with lemon.

To prepare you need:

  • Squeeze juice from one lemon;
  • add the resulting liquid to 30 milliliters of mineral water;
  • mix;
  • Place the prepared product in the refrigerator for 60 minutes.

Next, soak a cotton pad in lemon tonic and wipe the problem areas of the body twice a day.

Note: the duration of the procedures is 15 – 20 days.

Important: if you resort to folk remedies without a doctor’s recommendation, you can harm your skin and overall health.


Only with a genetic predisposition it is impossible to avoid the appearance of age spots on the face. In other cases, you just need to adhere to measures to prevent the development of this defect:

  • Avoid unnecessarily long stays in direct sunlight
  • do not abuse fatty, fried, smoked foods
  • limit yourself from being in a stressful environment
  • do not use hormonal contraception without prior approval from the supervising gynecologist
  • normalize sex life, avoid long periods of abstinence
  • refuse to terminate the pregnancy
  • approach the issue of purchasing and using cosmetics consciously

Additional preventative measures include proper skin care procedures, avoiding squeezing acne, taking vitamins and minerals in the form of supplements, and improving your diet. Pigment spots on the face are not a cosmetic defect, but a signal from the body about the presence of a latently progressive disorder. Without undergoing diagnostics, one can only guess what caused the defect.

Elimination of hyperpigmentation involves going through 2 stages: eliminating the direct causative factor and eliminating characteristic darkening on the face. If there is a hereditary predisposition to the appearance of age spots, you have to use a cream (lotion, emulsion, serum) containing SPF 80 for life. A sunscreen component of a lower concentration will not provide the expected level of protection against ultraviolet radiation.

Elimination of excessive pigmentation takes a long period of time - at least 1 month, and it is necessary to psychologically prepare for this circumstance. Primary improvement in skin condition should not be a reason to stop the course; it must be completed in full, including the prescribed number of peeling sessions.

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