How to get rid of cheekbones and puffiness under the eyes!

What causes molar edema under the eyes?

The problem of paint bags makes the skin tired and aged. The main reasons for the appearance of soufs are genetics and sagging skin. It may appear in women and men. Even teenagers and children are at risk.

Reasons for the appearance of a defect:

  • "Heart" ailments.
  • Kidney dysfunction.
  • Fluid retention in the body.
  • Redundancy of the periocular sac (congenital phenomenon).
  • Bad dream.
  • Nervousness, psychosis.
  • Tearfulness.
  • Abnormal nutrition.
  • Eye diseases.
  • Bad habits.

Description and reasons

Whether we like it or not, age inevitably makes itself felt over time. And if the youth of the body can be preserved with the help of exercise equipment and a healthy diet, with the face everything is more difficult. The first signs of aging appear on the thin and sensitive skin around the eyes. Circles, bags, and the first wrinkles appear. And then a second fold forms under the first fold. These ugly and very noticeable swellings on the cheekbones are called in medicine “painting bags” or “sufas”.

In terms of their structure and etiology, paint bags are more likely to be subcutaneous hernias, caused by loss of tone and sagging tissue, than to ordinary edema caused by fluid retention in the body, as shown in the photo

Sufas are nothing more than fat deposits. Young, healthy people do not have them, since metabolic processes in tissues proceed very quickly. But with age, metabolism slows down, and fats begin to accumulate not only on the sides and hips. On the face, deposits of subcutaneous fatty tissue also increase. Additionally, age-related thinning and sagging of the skin is caused by a decrease in the production of its own collagen and elastane.

Fat cells tend to retain and accumulate fluid - which is why it is not possible to get rid of swelling on the cheekbones using ordinary creams or folk remedies. Zygomatic hernias will not disappear on their own; moreover, they will increase if measures are not taken.

Now let’s figure out why some people’s bags under their eyes fill with fat and fluid and stand out clearly on their faces, while others do without this trouble. It is generally accepted that the formation of sufs is influenced mainly by two factors:

  • improper facial care or lack thereof;
  • bad habits – alcohol, smoking, insufficient sleep.

Indeed, these factors can be considered the main provoking factors. But in reality, much depends on the individual anatomical characteristics of a person. Every person has painting bags. At a young age, they are invisible: the skin is still elastic, elastic and is able to hide this defect. Over the years, it becomes thinner and drier, metabolic and regeneration processes slow down. What happens is: on the one hand, the skin under the eyes and on the cheekbones loses turgor and can no longer fully cope with its functions. On the other hand, fluid is removed from the cells more slowly. The result: unhealthy swelling on the face, which can be aggravated by additional provoking factors.

Age and genetic predisposition are the main reasons for the formation of sofas on the face; at a young age, the main provoking factor is an unhealthy lifestyle

The most common reasons why anyone may notice noticeable bags in the area around the eyes and on the cheekbones the next morning are as follows:

Fatty hernias under the eyes + photo

  • genetic predisposition - like blue circles under the eyes, the bags are also more pronounced in some people than in others, which is due to the structural features of the facial part of the skull, the characteristics of the skin, and the course of metabolic processes;
  • heredity - pay attention to your closest relatives. If the skin under their eyes tends to sag, then you are automatically at risk;
  • abuse of alcoholic beverages - ethanol provokes tissue fluid retention, for this reason, the morning after a fun and protracted holiday, you have to deal with such an unpleasant phenomenon as bags under the eyes and on the cheekbones;
  • Abuse of salt, especially before bed. Everyone can conduct a simple experiment: try drinking a couple of glasses of beer at night with salted fish, chips or nuts, and evaluate your appearance the next morning. By the way, if you don’t drink beer, but just eat herring and then drink a lot of water, the result will not be better;
  • sudden changes in weight, both up and down. In women, macular sacs often appear during pregnancy, which is explained by weight gain, changes in hormonal levels and metabolism. Sufs are also formed by those who like extreme “starvation diets”. As on the stomach, hips, chest, the skin on the face also loses its turgor and beautiful appearance with a sharp loss of fat deposits;
  • stress, overwork, lack of sleep. These factors have an extremely negative impact on the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. During night sleep, a person relaxes and regains strength, while regeneration processes in the body are more active. If sleep is not long enough or intermittent, the body does not have time to recover, and this is affected by metabolic disorders, which, in turn, is manifested by swelling of the face;
  • diseases of internal organs. There are a number of different pathologies in which the removal of fluid from the body is disrupted. These may be heart and vascular diseases, kidney dysfunction, thyroid disorders, diabetes mellitus. Any of the listed diseases is dangerous, therefore, if the paint bags do not go away for a long time, despite the measures taken, you should undergo a comprehensive examination as soon as possible. It’s even better to do this immediately, when the first minor swelling is detected.

You may be happy about the pounds you've lost and your slim waist, but be prepared for the fact that your skin and face may present an unpleasant surprise - sagging and the formation of sofas on the cheekbones

An attentive adult usually easily monitors what provokes the formation of sophs in him and, if desired, can cope with the problem on his own - if it is only cosmetic. If the problem is a problem with internal organs, you cannot do without the help of a doctor together with a cosmetologist.

How to get rid of bags under the eyes

Of course, a good way to improve the condition is surgery or injections, but how can you get rid of this problem less painfully? We will describe all available methods.

lymphatic drainage massage video

Massage is very good for getting rid of bags under the eyes.

Lightly tap your fingers along the upper and then lower eyelids. This is the first technique. In the second, the first step should be removing makeup. You need to apply cream or oil (preferably almond), relax your face and begin massaging in a circular motion. When the skin is warmed up, it should be lifted up. This procedure is recommended to be done in a course of one month.


One of the causes of swelling may be excess fluid. To get rid of it, you can use diuretics, but frequent use of such drugs will cause problems with the kidneys, lead to stagnation of calcium in the body, and increase fatigue. Diuretics should not be used by pregnant women, people with cirrhosis and anuria. During breastfeeding, the use of drugs is also prohibited. Stimulation of urination is not recommended before bedtime.

vitamin preparations

Often, due to poor nutrition, we lack vitamins. In this case, it is worth supporting your health with useful microelements in order to normalize the condition of your skin and improve your overall well-being. Vitamins of group B, P and D will cope best with this. It is important that there is individual intolerance to some microelements, so people with stomach ulcers and gastrointestinal diseases should think about the benefits of using these vitamins.

How to deal with swelling on the cheekbones yourself

Various medical methods have been developed to help compensate for aesthetic defects quickly and relatively safely. But, of course, if the situation is not pathological, you should try to correct it on your own. In this case, experts and lovers of traditional medicine recommend the following methods.

  1. Removing excess fluid. Since swelling occurs due to the accumulation of moisture, it can be eliminated by regularly removing unnecessary fluid from the body. The easiest way to help with this is diuretics. If you take them regularly, the swelling will go away. And they won't appear again. You should not overuse diuretics. After all, useful substances often come out along with excess liquid.
  2. Use of an ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect. Oddly enough, ointments recommended for hemorrhoids are excellent for relieving swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes. They relieve inflammation, stimulate the removal of excess fluid, which is why swelling disappears. The most well-known antihemorrhoidal drugs include Proctonis and Relief.
  3. Taking vitamin-mineral complexes. An effective way to prevent the occurrence of malar edema under the eyes is to take vitamins. But we must take into account that a good effect from them can be obtained only if the body really needs such supplements. This usually happens when swelling on the cheekbones appears after an improper diet, stress, intense work, and so on.

In general, you can find many other recommendations. For example, someone advises applying Solcoseryl gel, smearing bodyaga, Troxevasin and other decongestants. In principle, they can help, but the result will not be very lasting. For this reason, we will not recommend such options.

Relief, proctonix against malar edema.

Relief is a drug that contains unique substances: shark liver oil, vitamin E, glycerin and corn oil. Since the ointment moisturizes and promotes cell regeneration, it can quickly relieve swelling. But you should be careful, because the drug has contraindications. It should not be used by people with diabetes, blood diseases, purulent skin lesions and pregnant women. It is recommended to apply directly to clean skin once a day.

Proctonis is another remedy in the fight against bags. The cream softens the skin and moisturizes, as the drug contains active substances: aloe, extract, vitamins A, E, sage and yarrow herbs. Contraindications for people with exacerbation of allergies, age (up to 14 years) and individual intolerance. The ointment is applied to cleansed skin in a thin layer using circular movements in the area around the eyes.

These methods in the fight against paint bags work well when used regularly and competently.


Marina, 32 years old.

I encountered painting bags for the first time this year. It’s just that every time I got up in the morning, I began to notice that unpleasant formations were forming under my eyes, which were felt when pressed. I myself am a general practitioner by training, so I immediately rushed to my colleagues for help. I was advised to start cosmetic treatment, because in fact, the reason is not that serious to worry about, especially since bags under my eyes have just begun to form.

How do cosmetologists remove bags under the eyes?

In cosmetology, instrumental operations are practiced. Thanks to the modern equipment of many beauty salons, these manipulations have become affordable and accessible.

You can reduce the bag above the nasolabial fold using a laser. Moderately aggressive sanding is performed, which results in a significant reduction in the paint bag or its complete “elimination.” The surgical method does not exclude complications and consequences such as loss of vision and corneal defects. In this regard, you should prefer exclusively proven cosmetology centers. It is advisable that the office be located within a polyclinic or medical institution. Before laser resurfacing, a consultation and collection of a complete medical history from a practicing cosmetologist, dermatologist and ophthalmologist is required.

Treatment of painting “defects” using the Darsonval apparatus is popular. The purpose of the method is to streamline blood flow, ensure lymph outflow and tone the skin of the eyelids. The procedure is based on the operation of electric current, which, acting on the skin, has the desired therapeutic effect. During darsonvalization, the upper epidermis of the eyelids is stimulated by an electrode device that makes smooth, circular, translational movements. The lower eyelid, treated with a protective cream, is massaged. For effectiveness, the operation is performed in seven approaches, divided into equal periods of time.

In order to remove the obvious manifestation of the “painting” defect, the patient is offered lymphatic drainage massage using a myostimulator. After exposure to the device, the swelling and depth of the folds of the lower eyelids decrease, and dark marks under the eyes disappear.

A method of non-surgical lifting is thermolifting, an equally well-known operation. The result of one manipulation is that the bags under the eyes are reduced and the skin becomes relatively toned.

The action of thermolifting is based on the work of high-frequency radio waves. The effect allows you to restore existing collagen fibers and stimulate new ones, which perform the function of strengthening the skin. The operation promotes tissue drainage, normalization of blood circulation, restoration of elasticity of the upper epidermis in the periorbital zone.

Beauty injections against paint bags are externally effective . Their effect is short-term and has the nature of a masking agent. With the help of procedures, you can noticeably change the structure of the skin around the eye and in the area of ​​the nasolabial fold. The upper epidermis, tightening, comes into tone. The active substances of the injections are mixtures of moisturizing substances and vitamins. The result of the procedure is that metabolism in the skin is activated, fluid and toxins are removed, cells are renewed.

Injections with hyaluronic acid. Fillers are used to modify tear troughs and eliminate wrinkles called “crow's feet.” When the skin evens out, the paint bags also become undetectable to the eye. The main requirement for hyaluronic injections is that the injected drug must be completely breathable so that its administration does not cause swelling under the eyes.

The old familiar Botox is an equally popular remedy. Injections are made to the position of the bag. This is the area between the eyebrows or the corner of the eyelid, where the bulk of expression and age wrinkles are concentrated .

For beauty injections, you need to choose only trusted clinics. Incorrect administration of botulinum toxin will not lead to recovery, but to aggravation of the “problem under the eye.” The reason for this is relaxation of the skin in the lower eyelid area and individual intolerance.

Elimination methods

When you are sure that paint bags still exist, let’s find out what methods of elimination exist.


Remember that therapeutic massage should only be performed by a professional who has an understanding of your disease.

Therapeutic massage can be prescribed only if the bags under the eyes are caused by cosmetic or genetic problems, but not by diseases of the body.

Also, you should get permission for therapeutic massage from a doctor.

The specialist makes careful, non-traumatic movements, gradually smoothing the skin. He tones her up by patting, pinching and stroking her. Movements should be made in the direction where the lymph should go from the cheekbone area.

Facial massage session 30-40 minutes. This must be repeated three times a week for a month.


The drug treatment of swelling also has its effect.

Drug injections

Cosmetologists offer Diprospan injections. Injections should be carried out in a cosmetologist's office. The drug is hormonal, and the substance is injected directly into the fat sac. Some people talk about the high effectiveness of this method, while others, on the contrary, believe that it only gives a temporary effect. Unfortunately, many patients complain of various allergic reactions.

Another correction method is the use of hyaluronic acid fillers. The gel is injected deep under the tissue into a small fold that forms between the cheek and the molar sac. In this way, you can smooth out the transition from cheekbone to bag, thereby visually straightening your face.

Important! This method has its disadvantages and complications, so you need to carefully choose a doctor for this procedure.

Recently, cosmetologists have also been using lipolytic injections into sufas. The procedure is painful and has its own rehabilitation period. The portfolio of many clinics has positive results from this technique, but it should be remembered that the procedure must be carried out by an experienced specialist specially trained in this technique.


Darsonval is used as hardware treatment. Thanks to the microcurrents that the device produces, you can try to remove all excess liquid in several sessions. It also allows you to break down fat deposits.

You can use a fungus attachment on your cheekbones and work out the transitions, thereby evening out your facial skin. You can purchase the device at home and carry out the procedures yourself.

Ultrasonic lifting allows, using a special device, to strengthen the structure of the dermis, as well as tighten areas that are hanging on the face.

The device, which operates on the basis of radio frequencies, also gets rid of bags and swelling. But the result lasts for a couple of months.


The surgical method allows you to permanently get rid of such a problem as bags under the eyes.

The first method of control is liposuction . A surgical procedure performed under local anesthesia. Adipose tissue and its excess are removed. This is done thanks to small leather punctures that are made along the contour of the paint bag.

However, there is a high probability that after a couple of years the problem will return again.

Blepharoplasty. This is another surgical operation that is performed in the lower eyelid area. The operation is performed under local anesthesia. All liquid that is under the eyelids is removed. You will have to recover within two weeks.

Facelift . This is a newer procedure that is both a lift and a blepharoplasty. In addition, thanks to this procedure, you can get rid of cheeks. Allows natural rejuvenation of the midface area. At the same time, the cheekbones and corners of the lips are lifted. Thanks to this procedure, tear troughs can be removed.

Softlifting. This is a procedure that is used based on aviation gels. They are injected into the tissue layers, and they dissolve the adipose tissue, replacing the fat structure with a gel-like one. And the drug can be felt by lightly pressing on the skin.

It is believed that surgical intervention methods are much more effective than the usual methods associated with cosmetic procedures and home care. However, there is no need to resort to them immediately as soon as you see the first signs of paint bags on your face.

Perhaps the problem lies simply in lack of sleep or poor diet. In this case, it is recommended to first try to deal with the problem using simple methods and methods, and only then resort to heavy artillery.

Expert opinion

Nosova Yulia Vladimirovna

Ophthalmologist of the highest category. Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Surgical removal of bags under the eyes.

A pouch occurs due to deformation of the thin septum that separates the lids from the layer of fat, which is no longer able to hold the tissue in the eye area. For more than 10 years, plastic surgeons have been practicing the operation of suturing this septum. But, unfortunately, it did not ensure the consistency of the appearance and ideal condition of the eyelid skin. As a result, the bags appeared again. This is because even the altered membrane was unable to remain in good shape for a long time and retain the subcutaneous tissue.

Nowadays, paint bags are removed using an effective surgical procedure, which results in the removal of “excess” fat. The reliability of the operation lies in the long-lasting therapeutic effect. The swelling at the bottom of the eyes disappears for at least a decade. The patient undergoes lower blepharoplasty, which has been practiced by many doctors. In order to perform such an operation, a specialist must have a high level of knowledge in this area, since incompetence and basic clumsiness can result in damage to the skin and eye socket. Lower blepharoplasty involves the use of a local anesthetic, the effect of which lasts for 60-120 minutes. When a patient needs to dock a small sac, a sutureless transconjunctival blepharoplasty . During surgery, the membrane is exposed through the conjunctiva, due to which no traces of surgical intervention remain on the skin of the eyelid. This cannot be said about traditional suture blepharoplasty, where visible hernias are repaired. During blepharoplasty, an incision is made in the lower eyelid and excess fat is removed. Loose skin is also removed. The result of the operation is not only a beautiful eye area, but also a small scar. The good thing is that the scar on the skin is barely visible.

No less popular is the operation of intraoral blepharoplasty, where the fat layer is not removed, but is shifted to the area of ​​the tear trough and the lower edge of the orbit.

A more expensive, but painless manipulation is removing the paint bag with a laser beam. The procedure is performed with a carbon dioxide device, where a small laser incision provides access to the fatty tissue. Next, the doctor eliminates the problem with laser radiation, after which he sutures the incision. For this purpose, threads are used that can dissolve over time.

Folk remedies against malar edema.

Before going to the surgeon, you should try to get rid of bags under the eyes using methods available to every woman at home. The most basic remedy for reducing paint bags is ice application .

To do this, brew tonic herbs and leave for several hours. Pour the strained broth into an ice cube and freeze. In a few hours the ambulance will be ready. Apply ice to problem areas and you will see that the size of the hernia has decreased significantly. For medicine, choose chamomile, green tea, sage, certain types of spicy herbs, and calendula. Ice should be used carefully, without obvious impact on the skin. This will help prevent frostbite of the epidermis and colds. Decoctions of herbs or herbs can be used for lotions. To do this, take a soft rag (which can easily be replaced with a cotton sponge) and soak it in a cool infusion. The rag is applied to the eye and held until the swelling decreases.

The second recipe is a salt bag. You only need to take seafood product. Table salt will not have the desired effect due to the lack of tonic microelements. The salt is placed in a canvas bag, the bag itself is carefully wetted and applied to the swelling.

People use effective face masks that can temporarily solve the problem and bring the skin to a healthy state. For masks, potatoes are used, which are boiled in their skins, peeled and mashed and applied to the face; fresh potato tubers, grated and also applied to paint bags; fresh cucumbers used according to the potato mask algorithm and egg whites. To make a protein mask, beat an egg without the yolk, and spread the resulting mixture onto the areas under the eye sockets. All masks are kept on the face for 15 to 30 minutes and washed off with warm water.

Herbs for lotions:

  • Mallow. Used in dry, crushed form. The composition is poured with boiling water. For a tablespoon of raw material, take half a glass of the liquid part. The medicine is kept for several hours, after which it is applied in the form of lotions with cotton swabs. You need to keep the decoction in front of your eyes for at least half an hour. After the procedure, the skin is lubricated with any nourishing cream.
  • Horsetail The grass is soaked in boiling water. For 200 g of liquid part there should be 40 grams of grass. The decoction is also infused and used for compresses.
  • Dry birch leaves. The leaves are ground and 10 grams are measured. The raw materials are filled with 200 ml of water at 80 degrees. After an hour, the medicine can be used as a lotion.
  • Pink petals. The dry color is crushed and 20 grams are brewed with boiling water. The use of the product is similar to the recipe with birch leaves.


There are three main directions in eliminating the defect of paint bags - plastic surgery, hardware techniques, and home methods.

If the first two methods are quite effective, then home methods can cope with the problem at the initial stage of its formation.

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

What is the microcurrent facial therapy procedure and reviews from specialists and patients about its effectiveness. Read here about how to remove a double chin with surgery.

At this address you will find the answer to the question: what are fillers in cosmetology, and learn reviews about the effectiveness of the drugs.

Clinical methods of correction

The most effective method of correction is procedures in professional clinics, since it is specialists who can assess the nature of zygomatic hernias and offer effective treatment.

Sometimes after the first procedure the swelling disappears and the eyes take on an open appearance.

Plastic surgery

Surgical treatment is a radical way to remove a cosmetic defect. Basically, surgery is indicated when alternative correction methods are ineffective, as well as when there are pronounced age-related changes.

A decrease in skin tone occurs around the age of 30, signs of ptosis (sagging) appear, bags form under the eyes, and the contours of the frames of these swellings become pronounced.

Surgical correction is initially a traumatic procedure and involves a period of preparation and rehabilitation, but despite the difficulties, the results are maintained for up to 10 years.

The most famous areas in the correction of zygomatic hernias are lower eyelid blepharoplasty and check-lifting.

Lower eyelid blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelid is a gentle method of correcting the appearance of the periorbital area. It is used for pronounced age-related changes and is indicated for patients over 35 years of age.

Other indications for using the method are congenital pathological and anatomical defects of the orbit that interfere with the normal visual process.

The main contraindications include the following patient conditions:

  • intraocular pressure;
  • hypertensive state;
  • blood diseases and increased blood clotting;
  • oncological formations of any localization;
  • diabetes mellitus of varying degrees;
  • “dry” eye syndrome due to insufficient functioning of the lacrimal glands;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • increased secretion of the thyroid gland;
  • menstrual bleeding (temporary contraindication).

During the operation, excess tissue is excised, subcutaneous fat is removed, and tissue is fixed. Incisions are made along the lower edge of the eyelid, so the scars are almost invisible.

If you follow all the doctor’s recommendations during the rehabilitation period, complications are extremely rare, and recovery lasts about a month.

The operation requires a special approach, since it affects a wide area of ​​soft tissue along the lower edge of the eye.

Before performing blepharoplasty of this type, other, less traumatic methods of surgery are always considered.

If alternative correction methods theoretically cannot lead to the desired effect, then a day for lower eyelid blepharoplasty surgery is scheduled.

Learn more about blepharoplasty from the video.

Check-lifting with endotins

Check-lifting (otherwise known as Cheek lift) is a surgical method for correcting zygomatic hernias, aimed at restoring the volume of the cheekbones and lifting the connective tissue in the middle part of the face using special plates.

The plates are equipped with teeth for reliable fixation to the zygomatic bone and in the area of ​​the nasolacrimal groove. The operation is performed endoscopically.

Instruments are inserted through small incisions, with the help of which the zygomatic sac is lifted upward and fixed with endotins. Check-lifting is compatible with the injection liposuction procedure, which is characterized by additional removal of excess fat from the swelling area.

There are contraindications for the procedure, which are assessed by the doctor based on clinical history and research data. Scars, scars and other defects after surgery do not remain on the skin. The final result can be observed after the operation, already after 2 weeks.

The procedures are performed under general anesthesia. The duration of the operation depends on the severity of the defect and the methods of solution.

Both methods are carried out only for special indications when other correction methods are ineffective. For persons with a burdened clinical history, during pregnancy and lactation, with chronic pathologies of the hematopoietic organs and systems, it is better to choose gentle correction methods.

Lipofilling procedure

The procedure is carried out by moving the patient's own subcutaneous fat to the problem area on the face and body to eliminate any defects due to lack of tissue. Often the natural implant is fat from the peritoneum or inner thigh.

The main objective of the operation is considered to be rejuvenation, making the appearance attractive and especially expressive to facial features. If necessary, the lipofilling procedure helps eliminate defects in appearance associated with a lack of volume in some parts of the body, on the face .

Facial lipofilling allows you to eliminate uneven or lost oval contour of the face, solve the problem of asymmetry of facial organs and deeply sunken eyes. In addition to aesthetic benefits, the procedure has a beneficial effect on skin quality:

  • dryness of the epidermis decreases;
  • skin structures thicken;
  • expression lines are less visible (especially around the eyes and between the eyebrows).

The surgical manipulation is carried out with a special needle and resembles a puncture, when fatty tissue is taken from the abdomen using a puncture and precisely injected into problem areas of the face. In such cases, patients may refuse any anesthesia.

Lipofilling of the eyelids is recommended to be carried out simultaneously with blepharoplasty, since it is the combination of these procedures that helps to give the eyes special expressiveness.

Contour plastic

Contour plastic surgery is an injection procedure that involves introducing gel fillers (fillers) under the skin. Fillers can have different compositions, but the most preferred is biocompatible hyaluronic acid.

Injection correction allows you to solve the problem of age-related changes without surgical intervention, suitable for young women.

In addition to removing hernial sacs, fillers simultaneously solve the problem of crow's feet or the first age-related changes in the area around the eyes.

The gel composition creates a kind of frame in the depths of the dermis, which prevents sagging of the skin, making swelling invisible. The effect lasts about 1.5 years.

Ultrasonic lift

Ultrasonic facelift or SMAS lifting is carried out under the influence of ultrasound. The hardware technique allows you to strengthen the dermal frame, muscle structures of the face and prevent sagging of the cheekbones.

The doctor applies a special composition to the patient’s skin and treats problem areas with ultrasound. The frequencies reach the depths of the muscular aponeurotic layer, ensure its heating and contraction of fibers in the connective tissue.

This is the reason for the effect of the procedure, which lasts up to 3 years. The procedure has virtually no contraindications and is available to women of any age.

All the most interesting things about how to remove expression wrinkles on the forehead in the salon and at home. Check out this publication for reviews of laser biorevitalization with hyaluronic acid.

Follow the link and watch a video of a facelift using liquid threads.

Diprospan injections

Injection correction is more suitable for young people. With age, the volume of fatty tissue becomes thinner, so the use of diprospan can thin it even more.

Dispropane is a hormonal drug used in surgical practice to treat post-operative scars.

The drug eliminates the degradation and migration of fatty tissue and reduces its volume. Under the influence of the drug, the volume of fatty tissue is significantly reduced, the relief becomes almost invisible.


Facial liposuction often becomes an auxiliary method for correcting excess fat deposits in the cheekbone area. Used while simultaneously performing surgical methods to eliminate the defect.

Liposuction is a traumatic method of removing subcutaneous fat, so it is not recommended for all patients and has contraindications.

The traumatic nature of liposuction leads to fibrotic changes in the subcutaneous structures, which can no longer accumulate water, so relapses of edema are practically excluded.


Thermolifting is a hardware procedure against swelling in the cheekbone area. The effect of the procedure will be noticeable only if the severity of the pouch is slight.

The method is attractive due to the absence of rehabilitation and contraindications. Several procedures are required to achieve the first results.

After a full course, the skin retains its tone, thereby reducing the risk of repeated sagging and ptosis.

Fractional grinding

Fractional resurfacing is a hardware procedure for skin tightening. The essence is the local destruction of the epidermal layers with a laser. Laser energy heats the skin structures, activates the work of muscle fibers, dermis, and epidermis.

Under the influence of a laser, regenerative processes in the skin at the cellular level are accelerated, its turgor and elasticity increase.

The choice of method is individual in each case. Surgical correction is recommended only if it is inappropriate to use alternative gentle options. Some procedures require a whole course for the first results to appear.

Before carrying out it is necessary to undergo an initial examination for possible contraindications to certain types of correctional techniques.

Home remedies

Sufs can ruin even the most pretty face, as they impart not only gloominess, but also a feeling of dysfunctional personality.

Home correction methods are effective only at the first signs of swelling, but can significantly reduce pronounced defects.

You can use the most affordable products for daily use.

Compresses and applications

Cool applications of herbal infusions can help reduce pouches on the cheekbones. Ice cubes work great.

You can make ice cubes based on a strained decoction of chamomile, sage or oak. To prepare decoctions, you can take almost any herbs, brew them as usual, strain, cool and use them as compresses.

Sea salt helps relieve swelling, but it must first be packed in a cotton bag, moistened and applied to the sufas.

Using masks

Leave masks at home against puffiness under the eyes for about half an hour, after which you wash with warm water and wipe the problem areas with ice.

The most famous recipes include the following:

  • Potato mask. The potatoes need to be boiled and mashed with a fork until pureed. The composition is wrapped in gauze and applied to the problem area. The mask can be used from raw potatoes by analogy.
  • Egg mask. The egg white is separated from the yolk, beaten and applied to the sufas. The mixture is left for half an hour and then washed off.

There can be many options for different masks. They may not bring obvious benefit, nor harm. After the masks, you can apply a caring cream enriched with essential oils (jojoba, peach, almond).

Massage and gymnastics

Massage is a necessary daily manipulation to improve the overall appearance of the patient. Massage is not able to completely get rid of paint bags, but it can significantly improve the appearance without a surgical scalpel.

With regular systematic massage you can achieve excellent results comparable to lymphatic drainage.

The massage is carried out as follows:

  • skin cleansing;
  • applying caring cream;
  • patting the area around the eyes with your fingers.

The duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes. The direction of massage is always from the inner edge of the eye to the outer. Along with massage, you can do daily gymnastics for the muscular structure of the face.

To improve lymph flow and strengthen muscles, you need to periodically exercise them:

  • strong squeezing (repeat 10 times);
  • rapid blinking (2 minutes);
  • singing the letter “O” (several seconds with repetitions);
  • pulling out the lips along with a smile.

All these simple exercises help maintain the muscular frame of the face in good shape and get rid of unpleasant defects. Massages and gymnastics will significantly increase the effect of hardware and surgical correction.

Specific methods

Specific methods are often fictitious, do not bring much benefit, and in some cases can only cause harm. Before using any method, you should consult a specialist.

Among the well-known ones are:

  • lymphatic drainage (massage will only slightly remove excess water from the bags);
  • diuretics (many diuretics can cause kidney disease and dehydration);
  • Troxevasin, badyaga, leeches (the methods do not worsen the situation, but also do not solve the problem of paint bags);
  • vitamin complex (a useful method that has nothing to do with malar edema);
  • Solcoseryl gel (the results are not supported by medical facts);
  • antihemorrhoids (can be used to reduce swelling and smooth out wrinkles, which is due to targeted therapeutic activity, but such drugs provide a temporary effect).

Many women are ready to do anything to get rid of the hated cheek pouches. It is worth noting that wasting energy, strength and nerves can further aggravate the situation.

Sufas can only be removed by a professional solution. Of course, the cost of such treatment is several times higher than treatment with massage and potatoes, but it is a pleasant investment in your own beauty for many years.

In the video, watch one of the professional methods for removing paint bags.

Prevention measures

The appearance of paint bags is largely due to improper facial skin care. As a result of neglect of your body, the skin loses its elasticity, firmness and health. To avoid seeing sufa under your eyes in your reflection, it is important to adhere to certain preventive measures. Firstly, a sufficient amount of fluid must enter the body. So, on average, it is recommended to drink about 2 liters of water per day. Secondly, it is recommended to regularly take vitamins and moisturize your face. The third important factor is healthy sleep and normal weight. The body must be provided with stable eight-hour sleep and an active lifestyle.


It is a mistake to believe that swelling in the cheekbone area is associated with improperly chosen care. Women who believe these assumptions begin to go for massages, do face-building, and also buy expensive creams. As a result, they stretch the skin even more, causing the problem to become worse.

So what are the real reasons for the appearance of paint bags?

In fact, the causes are most often hereditary. Edema is a predisposition that you inherited from your relatives.

Another reason, cosmetic, lies in the special structure of your face and skin structure.

Also, some experts note that the appearance of paint bags is affected by the gravitational descent of all facial tissues.

The clearer the boundaries of your cheekbones were in your youth, the greater the likelihood of the formation of so-called “sufs”.

Experts identify other potential causes of paint bags.

  1. One of the most common is age. Every year, the problem is visible more and more due to the fact that the adipose tissue is displaced and the tissues lose their elasticity.
  2. Sometimes the cause is problems in the body. As a rule, in this case, sufas are formed along with bruises under the eyes. It is recommended to check the digestive tract and kidneys, and only after that go to a dermatologist.
  3. There are other reasons as well. Allergic reaction. Unfortunately, people who are allergic to milk, wool, fluff, and so on are faced with the fact that the area under the eyelids begins to increase proportionately.
  4. Nutrition. Excessive salt consumption, more than 5 grams per day, leads to moisture retention inside the body. As a result, compactions are formed.
  5. Alcohol abuse. This leads to hypertension, resulting in increased lymph volume. Swelling appears.
  6. Heart disease. Heart failure causes stagnation in the circulatory system. Swelling increases.

Before choosing one or another method of treatment, you need to establish with your doctor the cause of the formation of paint bags. If you have an allergic reaction, it is unlikely that you should correct the problem with surgery. You can simply choose good medications or eliminate the allergen altogether.

Also, if you have bags under your eyes due to kidney disease, you should take better care of your health rather than rubbing the bags under your eyes with ice cubes.

Important! The more correctly and objectively the cause has been identified, the greater the likelihood that the treatment will give the desired result.

Ways to get rid of sufs yourself

Timely measures are guaranteed to help get rid of the emerging problem without professional procedures, with the help of:

  • Massage with ice cubes or cold spoons;
  • Vitaminized and anti-aging creams;
  • Homemade masks made from cucumber, potatoes, eggs;
  • Tea, herbal, salt compresses;
  • Gymnastics for the eye and facial muscles.

Cosmetically, the defect is successfully masked with a concealer a tone lighter than the skin. The problem is dealt with with medications that improve lymph flow and relieve swelling. You can start taking any medications only after consulting a specialist.

Lifting cream

The cream has a short-lasting, unnoticeable effect. To enhance the elasticity and density of the skin, creams with a tightening effect containing vitamins A, C, E are recommended. They should be applied to the area of ​​the lower eyelid and cheekbones.

Interesting: What should be included in a face cream, and what should be avoided at all costs?

Self-massage for lymph drainage

Lymphatic drainage massage will not cope with the disease, but will reduce swelling if performed correctly:

  1. Run your fingers starting from the inner corners of the eyes, along the upper edge of the eye socket;
  2. In the same way, pass under the lower eyelid from the bridge of the nose to the outer edge, touching problem areas;
  3. Without removing your palms from your face, walk along the edges of your cheeks, along your neck and to your collarbones.

Regular repetition of the massage procedure enhances the outflow of lymph, has a beneficial effect on intracellular metabolism, thereby reducing swelling.

Massage with chilled spoons

Facial massage with spoons has two purposes at once: lymphatic drainage and decongestion. Cold spoons should be passed from the temples through the sufas towards the bridge of the nose. Warm spoons should be periodically replaced with cooled ones. Performed on cleansed skin using oil.

Koruga massage

It is performed using Japanese techniques borrowed from the Korean complex. Sculptural massage affects the facial skeleton, as well as microcirculation in soft tissues. Read more about the Koruga technique in this article.

Sanford Bennett Rub

Rubbing helps to even out and maintain normal subcutaneous fat tissue.

  1. This is done with the thumb and forefinger, positioning them so that the paint bag is between them;
  2. Gently stretching the skin in different directions, with the index finger of the other hand we begin to rub the sufas perpendicular to the first two fingers;
  3. The rubbing technique is no less effective: with the index fingers of both hands, grab the skin in the form of a fold and rub until it slips out;
  4. The movements resemble sawing through the skin.

The procedure time should be strictly limited so as not to injure the skin. One pass along the massage line from the middle of the face to the outer edge is quite enough. The number of procedures per week is determined individually, assessing the condition of the skin and subcutaneous fat.

Gymnastics for cheekbones

To enhance the results of the massage or as an independent way to combat paint bags, you can use gymnastic exercises:

  1. Close your eyes tightly and remain in this position for several seconds. Then open it wide and look into the distance without blinking. Repeat the steps alternating.
  2. Look up, down, and to the sides, holding each position for 5 seconds.
  3. Slowly look around an imaginary figure eight.

By performing exercises for 5 repetitions, you can notice changes in the muscles of the visual organs and activation of metabolic processes in the adjacent areas.

You can supplement gymnastics with the following actions:

  1. Stretch out the sound “O” as long as possible;
  2. Alternately pronounce the sound “I”, with a wide smile and “U”, stretching your lips forward.
  3. Repeat 10–15 times.

Firming patches

Massage is one of the effective means of achieving smooth skin and increasing turgor. But an integrated approach has its own invaluable advantages. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to use patches. They look like gel strips impregnated with a special composition.

They should be glued under the eyes, covering the area of ​​the cheekbones and the sufas themselves. Leave for 15–20 minutes until the ingredients are absorbed into the skin and the strip turns into a thin film.

Patches are good as an addition to the main procedure, for example, massage. If you keep the patches in the refrigerator before use, you can get an anti-edematous effect in addition to the nutritional one. The size of the sufas will decrease significantly, provided that they are formed by excess liquid.

Causes of bags on cheekbones

Most often due to a malfunction of the body with metabolic actions, as well as the inability to remove fluid. Another good reason is lack of sleep and an unstable nervous state.

Crying causes circles to appear, and the salt from tears can irritate the skin and cause severe swelling. Poor nutrition affects the functioning of the entire body, and the face reflects its internal state.

This is often the reason why edema occurs in children. When bacteria enter through pork, beef and milk, muscle pain and fever (trichinosis) occur, leading to swelling.

Swelling is also caused by diseases. These include mononucleosis, in which the eyelids become swollen and red. The condition of the orbits is accompanied by pain and itching. Excess salts retain water, which leads to the appearance of noticeable roundness.

Alcohol and tobacco contain toxins that lead to stress, fatigue, and hormonal imbalance. Alcohol reduces moisture levels in skin tissues. The skin becomes thinner and more transparent, which is why the blood vessels are visible.

The allergy affects leaks in the capillary blood under the skin. In a specific area of ​​the skin, functions are disrupted and fluid collects.

Dermatological diseases such as lichen and dermatitis, with sensitivity of the affected area, are a serious cause of bags.

Pressure and hypothermia of the extremities also affect the formation of swelling.

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