How to quickly get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes? Remedies, tips and methods

  • October 17, 2018
  • Other states
  • Smirnova Alexandra

In this article we will look at how to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes.

Fatigue, illness and stress leave their mark on people's appearance. The accelerated pace of life and often poor nutrition significantly worsen the situation. These phenomena cause dark circles to appear in the eye area. Hundreds of women, standing in front of the mirror at home in the morning, wonder how to get rid of bruises and bags under their eyes. Some tools, tips and methods can help with this.

Causes of bruises and bags under the eyes

The only reason that causes puffiness only under the eyes in women is pregnancy. Others are exactly the same for healthy adults:

  • Constant lack of sleep, stress. Fatigue may not leave a trace if it does not become a way of life. With a sleep norm of four to five hours, the body will definitely respond to a person with bruises and bags under the eyes. However, this swelling goes away quickly; all you need to do is rest and sleep.
  • Constantly spending time at the computer. It is not possible to refuse this activity, especially if professional activity is directly related to it. However, we must not forget about the existing work rules (break every 45 minutes, exercise for the eyes). What other causes of bruises and bags under the eyes are there?
  • Smoked, spicy, salty foods and alcoholic drinks, especially if everything is mixed, before bed. After such a combination, it is unlikely that you will wake up in the morning radiant and fresh. The only good thing is that a person returns to his usual appearance within a day.
  • Aging. It manifests itself in everyone at different ages, but the process is inevitable. Due to a lack of collagen, the skin loses its elasticity and sags, and wrinkles appear. Why bags and bruises under the eyes occur is often asked.
  • The occurrence of an allergic reaction to cosmetics. If makeup is expired, not removed on time, or used for other purposes, it can easily cause a similar reaction, causing swelling under the eyes and eyelids.
  • Fat deposits. Their peculiarity is that these bags under the eyes do not fall off. The adipose tissue grows so intensely that a person develops hernias. It is useless to fight them; the situation can only be corrected surgically.
  • Injuries. This problem most often occurs in men, but situations vary. Hematoma and swelling are a completely natural skin reaction to damage, and therefore there is no need to worry, they will disappear without a trace over time. If bluish circles appear around the eyes a few days after a head injury, then this is a serious reason to immediately consult a doctor.

The listed situations can be easily eliminated and are completely harmless, however, swelling may be the first symptom that signals much more significant health problems:

  • Swelling in the morning often occurs with kidney diseases; it is accompanied by pain in the back and lower back, and urinary defects.
  • Swollen eyelids may also indicate an allergic reaction, and if antihistamines are not taken in a timely manner, the swelling will increase more and more.
  • Red bags are a symptom of the inflammation process. Such symptoms often appear with sinusitis (swelling can be one-sided in this case), sinusitis, conjunctivitis, and acute respiratory infections. The periodic occurrence of bags may indicate heart failure, especially when accompanied by cyanosis and swelling of the lower extremities.

So, how to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes?

Everything can be hidden!

Properly done makeup will not allow others to know about the existence of bruises under the eyes. Why is it that not everyone manages to hide this cosmetic flaw? Selecting cosmetics for the area around the eyes is a painstaking task, the intricacies of which not everyone is privy to. Even experienced beauty consultants cannot always give correct advice on the shade of concealers and correctors; sometimes the lighting in the store can also be misleading.

“The concealer should be one or two shades lighter than your skin tone. If the concealer appears gray on the skin, the selected shade is too light. If it’s yellow, then a dark shade is for you,” advises legendary makeup artist Bobby Brown.

When it comes to application method, Bobbie is adamant that you need a small, thin brush to apply the concealer to the darkest, deepest areas. So, if a store consultant advises purchasing a brush in addition to concealer, this is not done out of a desire to force the customer to spend more money.

Bobby Brown also believes that after applying the concealer, it is advisable to set it with a thin layer of translucent powder for durability. The question, of course, arises whether the powder will dry out the skin, making makeup untidy and emphasizing wrinkles. “Concealer does not apply neatly and emphasizes wrinkles if the skin around the eyes is poorly moisturized, so be sure to use caring creams or gels as a base for makeup. But do not overdo it, otherwise the corrector will “float”. Moderation is important in everything,” says Jesse Powers, makeup artist for Make Up For Ever.

Jesse also breaks down the ins and outs of proper technique for applying under eye concealer:

“Apply the concealer in several steps. Several thin layers work better than one thick one.”

Judging by the description, hiding bruises is almost a jewelry job. You don’t always have time for aerobatics, so in the morning rush you can use the recommendations of Taiba Jafri, international makeup director of Laura Mercier: the main thing is to avoid purple and gray shades in eye makeup, they only emphasize bruises. But golden shades of eye shadow will distract attention from cosmetic imperfections. You should not line the lower eyelid with a pencil, especially the inner part, as this also accentuates the circles under the eyes. And don’t forget about blush in a natural, delicate shade that will distract unnecessary attention.

Methods of disposal

Swelling caused by poor sleep patterns, stress or poor lifestyle can be eliminated quite quickly at home, without using medications. To do this, you just need to slightly change your own routine: a normal eight-hour sleep can correct the situation. You need to remember to change the pillow to a flat one or abandon it altogether.

The drinking regime should be adjusted. Drink a lot, but not in the evenings. Evening tea drinking is a strict taboo.

Many people are interested in how to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes.

Take breaks while working at the computer. Even if a person lives in deadline mode, he can find two minutes to take his mind off the screen. If there is a lot of work, you should at least try to switch to another task, communicate with colleagues, or review printed documents.

An important point in treating bruises and bags under the eyes is makeup. You don’t need to give it up, but you should rinse thoroughly and cleanse your skin. Creams are used only for their intended purpose and in small quantities. A thick layer of cream should not be applied to the area around the eyes.

Harmful products. You can treat yourself to something unhealthy, but you should do it rarely. In the evenings it is generally undesirable.

That is, it is not difficult to understand how to get rid of bruises and bags under the eyes.

In simple situations, you need to follow the simple recommendations listed above in order to forget about the bags for a long time (at least until the time when they inevitably appear with age). But even more severe bruising, swelling or circles can be dealt with without intervention if you purchase special products. We need to start with the fact that a simple gel or eye cream must be present in a woman’s cosmetic bag from the age of 25. However, he will not be able to cope with strong bags; heavier artillery is required here. Folk remedies and advice, which will be discussed below, often also help.

What are the most popular remedies for bruises and bags under the eyes?

Getting rid of it at home

Under normal home conditions, you can get rid of bags under the eyes only if they are caused by external factors. If a person suffers from chronic diseases, then he cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Folk recipes

Time-tested folk recipes will help eliminate bags under the eyes:

  1. Warm tea bags are applied to the eyelids for 15 minutes. This remedy normalizes blood circulation and promotes the rapid removal of fluid from tissues.
  2. Make compresses with chamomile infusion. Due to this, swelling and inflammation are eliminated. You can make ice cubes from chamomile infusion and wipe the eye area with them.
  3. Fresh cabbage leaves are crushed, the pulp is wrapped in two layers of gauze and applied to the eyelids.
  4. Cotton pads are moistened in a solution prepared from a teaspoon of aloe juice and a tablespoon of cold water, then applied to the eyelids for 10 minutes.

You can make lotions with any decoction of medicinal herbs that have an anti-inflammatory effect. You should not use medicinal herbs if you are allergic to vegetation.

To reduce swelling in the morning, you should limit your consumption of tea, coffee and other drinks in the evening.

Pharmacy drugs

Pharmacy medications will also help to cope with the problem. For the results to be noticeable, they should be used for several days in a row. You can use the following tools:

  • Lyoton gel;
  • Traumeel;
  • Badyaga gel;
  • Troxevasin.

All of these drugs promote the drainage of fluid from tissues, reducing swelling and inflammation. They must be used with great care, avoiding contact with eyes.

You can buy badyagi powder, dilute it with water to a paste and apply the composition to the skin. After 10 minutes, wash with cold water and apply a moisturizer with a light texture.

Massage techniques

Massage can also help you cope with cosmetic problems. Thanks to the procedure, you can quickly normalize the outflow of lymph. When performed correctly, massage significantly improves your appearance in just a few minutes:

  1. Massage with spoons. Warm and cold tablespoons are alternately applied to the eyelids. After the procedure, apply a little moisturizer.
  2. Gently massage the area around the eye sockets with your fingertips. First, they tap the eyelids, then pinch and stroke. At the very end, the skin is slightly stretched in different directions.

If you want to quickly achieve the desired effect, then after the massage you should apply compresses of chamomile infusion to your eyes or wipe the skin with ice cubes.

Cream "Neolith"

After studying a lot of information on the Internet, we can conclude that the list of creams, according to reviews, is headed by Neolith cream. If we highlight the essence of the patients' responses, we can note the following characteristics: yes, the cream is quite expensive, it must be ordered exclusively from the manufacturer (however, this is rather an advantage), it has a rather small volume, but changes are noticeable literally after a few days, and the product This is used quite sparingly. The absence of hormonal components and natural ingredients in the cream for bags and bruises under the eyes are another advantage of the product. Naturally, it will not be possible to get rid of bags under the eyes forever, because sooner or later the process of their formation will become irreversible. But this moment can be delayed if you use Neolith cream.

Where to put the bags?

After we found out that bags under the eyes and accompanying swelling are, in fact, small hernias, it would be logical to decide that only a plastic surgeon’s scalpel can help get rid of them. But that's not true.

“If the bags under the eyes are minor, a cosmetologist can deal with them using mesothreads or filler. The specialist will take into account your age, general tissue condition, lifestyle and the presence of concomitant acute and chronic diseases. If the bags are pronounced and the cosmetologist has doubts that it is possible to cope with invasive techniques, a competent doctor will first send the patient to a plastic surgeon for a consultation,” Vitaly Osminkin reassures those who are desperate and are immediately thinking about blepharoplasty.

Since swelling and bags are the result of health problems and poor lifestyle choices, their development can at least be stopped by seriously addressing the cause rather than the effect. For those who do not dare to face a needle and scalpel, cosmetic products that contain substances that improve the outflow of fluid through the lymphatic tract, for example, extracts of parsley, horsetail, sage, and caffeine, will help. Collagen, elastin and vitamin K will improve skin turgor, making it denser, which will prevent further protrusion of adipose tissue. In the warm season, you need to take care to protect the skin around the eyes from the sun, which thins the epidermis.

Alas, many people are familiar with all of the listed problems around the “mirror of the soul” firsthand. Perhaps among our readers there are those who can share effective advice themselves? We are very interested!

Ointment "Troxevasin"

This is a recently popular remedy for bruises and bags under the eyes. People know Troxevasin ointment as a drug for hemorrhoids and varicose veins, but such non-standard use of the drug, as it turns out, allows one to get good results, thanks to which swelling is significantly reduced or disappears altogether. But safety matters here. If the gel even slightly comes into contact with the mucous membrane, severe irritation will occur. A minimal amount of ointment should be applied 1-2 times a day.

Green tea tonic and compress

Green tea is an excellent natural antioxidant; thanks to it, toxins and waste are removed from the body, blood pressure is regulated, it helps fight a number of pathologies, including eliminating bags and bruises under the eyes. The most popular way to use it at home is iced tea; it will quickly cope with the problem. You need to brew a cup of strong drink in the evening (do not add sugar) and put it in the freezer. After waking up in the morning, you should take it out and start massaging your face, paying most attention to the most problematic areas - cheekbones and eyes. This procedure must be repeated regularly.

Patches under the eyes for bruises and bags are popular.

An alternative name for this product is “plasters.” It consists of small pieces of fabric that can be completely flat or more like pads due to their volume. According to cosmetic companies, the patches they produce work in a similar way - they eliminate blemishes on the skin in the form of dark circles, swelling, etc. They can be either disposable or reusable, which is determined by the composition and material.

Getting rid of puffiness under the eyes with exercises and gymnastics

1. Squeeze your eyes tightly and then open your eyes sharply. Repeat every 5 seconds.

2. After a deep breath, roll your eyes clockwise. After exhaling, repeat the procedure, but in reverse.

3. Focus your gaze on an object that is far enough away, and then look at something that is closer.

4. Blink and close your eyes as often as possible for a few seconds.

Dark circles and bruises, including puffiness in the morning, can be treated with simple and affordable exercises that are very easy to do at home.

Use of cosmetics and medical products

Eliminating such an unpleasant phenomenon as dark circles under the eyes requires a lot of time and effort. There should be a whole range of products: compresses, tonics, masks. You can quickly hide fatigue and noticeable lack of sleep on your face thanks to proper hydration of the body.

The human body is configured in such a way that when there is a lack of sleep, dehydration occurs, which becomes one of the reasons for the formation of dark circles. To avoid this process, it is necessary to especially thoroughly moisturize the skin of the T-zone and face before going to bed.

The recipe is as follows: a tablespoon of lanolin, one and a half tablespoons of almond oil (if you don’t have it, you can take olive oil or glycerin), two lecithin tablets. Stir the mixture until smooth and place in the refrigerator for several hours. Then add a few tablespoons of boiled cold water and put it in the refrigerator again. After ten minutes you can use the mask. The product also helps to cope with age spots.

Potatoes will help remove bruises and bags under the eyes.

How to remove dark circles under the eyes using home methods

A lot depends on the reasons why these bruises occurred in the first place. If they haunt you regularly, no matter how tired you are, how you sleep, or whether you eat well, do not be lazy to consult a therapist. Dark circles under the eyes may be the first symptom of heart problems or a sign of anemia. It is important to diagnose these conditions in a timely manner.

If the bruises are a one-time occurrence, most likely there is no need to worry. To get rid of them, just change your lifestyle a little and use simple home methods Dark Circle Under Eyes: Causes.

Get enough sleep

The normal amount of sleep for an adult is 7–8 hours a day. It is this period that allows the body to regain strength. Well, blood circulation at the same time.

A little life hack: if you wake up with bags under your eyes, try sleeping on a higher pillow. It will help improve the flow of blood and lymph.

Keep drinking regime

It is not necessary to pour eight glasses of water into yourself every day. Just don't let yourself feel thirsty. If you feel thirsty, don’t brush this desire aside, drink water, tea, fruit drink, juice. Also try to control the color of your urine. As long as it is colorless or light yellow, your drinking regime is fine.

Eat well

Your job is to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels. Make sure your diet includes foods rich in:

  • iron (for example, meat, fish, liver, spinach, chicken eggs);
  • folic acid (eg, leafy greens, legumes, asparagus);
  • vitamin C (for example, citrus fruits, strawberries, black currants);
  • vitamin A (for example, liver, cod liver oil, spinach, pumpkin).

Moisturize your skin

The thinnest skin under the eyes is the first to suffer from lack of moisture. Therefore, invest in a moisturizer and use it at least before bed. Apply the product with light patting movements - this gentle massage will improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.

If possible, monitor the air humidity in the room where you sleep or spend most of the day. This is especially important in winter when the heating is on.

Apply a cold compress under your eyes

This is an express method that will help quickly “erase” cyanosis. For 3-5 minutes, apply cotton pads or, for example, tablespoons soaked in cool water to the area under the eyes. The cold will narrow the blood vessels, and they will no longer appear so clearly visible from under the skin.

Place cucumber slices or brewed tea bags under your eyes

Yes, yes, grandma’s remedies work.

Cucumber - because it contains a lot of moisture, which means it will perfectly moisturize the skin under the eyes. In addition, it also serves as a unique alternative to a cold compress.

The tea that comes into contact with the skin from the tea bags contains caffeine, which improves blood circulation. If you pre-cool the brewed bags in the refrigerator, they will also replace a compress.

Apply concealer

Light makeup won't get rid of dark circles under your eyes, but it will help disguise them.

Almond oil

To prevent the appearance of cosmetic defects in the morning, you can apply a thin layer of oil under your eyes before going to bed, and wash it off with cold water in the morning. It should be noted that almond oil is a natural emollient that nourishes and moisturizes delicate skin. In addition, it contains vitamins K and E, which reduce inflammation and pigmentation. The procedure can be repeated every day until the circles disappear completely. Contraindication is an allergic reaction to nuts.

If bags and bruises appear under the eyes, contrasting washes will help.

Contrast baths

You can get rid of annoying dark circles under the eyes using folk remedies. For example, many healers treated almost all diseases, both external and internal, with herbal decoctions. A decoction of cornflowers, calendula, chamomile and sage (an equal part of each ingredient), and warm mashed potatoes will help with this. Take two sponges, one of them is dipped in a pre-chilled herbal decoction, the other is spread with warm puree. Then the sponges are placed one at a time on the eyes. Naturally, you won’t be able to get rid of bruises in one day, but regular use will give the desired effect.

Vegetable and fruit lotions

A classic for home care is chilled fresh cucumber rings. And it is justified in a certain way. Special astringent properties and enzymes help tighten the skin and reduce inflammation; in addition, you can get rid of fine wrinkles and bags under the eyes. The cucumber is cut into slices, lies in the refrigerator for ten minutes and is placed on the eyes until it becomes warm.

Potatoes are also no less effective. The starch in its composition has anti-inflammatory properties, which helps get rid of bags and bruises. You need to peel, wash, and dry a medium potato. Then grate and put the pulp in a clean cloth. It is applied under the eyes for twenty minutes.

A natural antioxidant such as strawberry puree also helps a lot (apply for half an hour, then rinse with water). The next assistant in the fight against bruises is kiwi, which contains large quantities of nutrients and vitamins; the fruit is used in the same way as cucumber slices.

You can get rid of bags and dark circles under your eyes quickly, the main thing is to follow all the recommendations.

Where does everything come from?

The cause of dark circles under the eyes is similar to how similar cosmetic defects appear on any other part of the body. With the difference that bruises on the body are a consequence of a contusion, and circles under the eyes appear due to much weaker injuries. But the essence is the same: bruises appear where the capillaries are damaged or weakened (by nature or due to disease).

Bruises under the eyes can signal not only an unhealthy lifestyle, but also health problems, and can also be genetically determined.

The capillaries of the skin under the eyes are so fragile that they can be damaged even by what they are designed for - blood flow. In this case, blood cells manage to migrate outside the capillaries, which gives the effect of bruises under the eyes. The process is especially noticeable in those with thin epidermis: capillaries, as well as the consequences of their damage, tiny hemorrhages, are visible through the skin under the eyes. The more transparent the skin in this area, the worse the cosmetic effect.

Why do some people's capillaries fail to fulfill their main purpose?

  • You can’t argue with genetics: if your mom and dad gave you weak blood vessels, you’ll either have to seriously deal with this problem (which, by the way, goes beyond the scope of the article), or come to terms with the “gift” of your ancestors.
  • Addiction to nicotine and alcohol has a negative effect on capillaries. After a party with libations, capillaries (and therefore circles under the eyes) become more noticeable.
  • For many women, the periodic appearance of dark circles under the eyes is associated with their cycle. As a rule, the closer it begins, the more difficult it is for the capillaries and the stronger the shadows lie under the eyes.
  • Those who like to sunbathe should remember: ultraviolet radiation destroys the matter of capillaries.

Didn't find yourself on the list? You can lead a righteous lifestyle, have excellent health and... still the reason for frustration will not go away. Bruises under the eyes can be caused by increased pigmentation of the skin of the lower eyelids, and can also be determined by the structure of the orbit and the shape of the eyelid.

Now for the good news: there are many ways to get rid of under-eye circles.

An experienced cosmetologist will definitely tell you what the cause of your bruises is. Most likely, he will advise giving up bad habits (including the love of tanning), and recommend products to strengthen and tighten the skin around the eyes. But there are also more radical methods: injection cosmetology can offer “panda” girls very, very much.

“Bruises under the eyes and the initial retraction of the eye orbit can be eliminated by injection,” says cosmetologist Vitaly Osminkin.

“It can give an effect for a couple of months, but the most effective method at the moment is the introduction of a soft filler based on hyaluronic acid with a complex of vitamins and amino acids.”

According to the specialist, the filler is painlessly injected near the eye orbit, as a result of which microcirculation improves. Due to the destructuring vitamin complex, the darkness under the eyes disappears, and the retraction of the orbits - due to the correct distribution of the drug. The result of this procedure lasts from 1 to 1.5 years.

What about creams? It would be wrong to say that they are ineffective in combating the problem, but they are certainly an aid. To choose a suitable cream, you need to carefully read the composition in search of certain substances.

To combat bruises, look for vitamins K and C, collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, and caffeine.

Proper care

It is very important to prevent the appearance of circles, otherwise the fight against them will become a war of a person’s entire life. You need to use facial cosmetics, drink vitamins and spend at least an hour a day in the fresh air.

Of course, traditional methods will not help get rid of circles forever; sometimes medical intervention and even surgery are required. This especially applies to circles from birth. But it is worth following a number of tips to significantly reduce fatigue symptoms:

  • rest;
  • sleep at least 7-8 hours;
  • pay attention to lifestyle and nutrition, do not go to bed late, do not drink too much alcohol and do not smoke;
  • visit doctors every six months.

Appearance always reflects a person’s state, so you need to pay attention to yourself and allow yourself to relax, then the body will be grateful to its owner.


In order to prevent the formation of bruises and swelling in the periorbital area, a number of rules should be followed:

  1. Do not drink a lot of tea, water, coffee and other drinks before going to bed.
  2. See a doctor promptly and get treatment.
  3. Establish a sleep and rest routine: sleep at least 9 hours a day, go to bed before midnight, do not sit on the phone or at the computer before going to bed, do not watch TV, but read a relaxing book or meditate.
  4. In the warm season, it is recommended to sleep with the window open (but not in a draft).
  5. Every day you need to walk in the fresh air.
  6. Adjust your diet, exclude from it a large amount of salty, spicy, fatty or fried foods, alcohol, and stop smoking.
  7. Limit your time watching TV and working on the computer. If your profession is directly related to computers, then take a 5-10 minute break every hour.
  8. Get a high pillow.


According to reviews, bags and bruises under the eyes are a common occurrence.

People who have successfully fought this disease give the following advice: get enough sleep, don’t smoke, review your diet, eat more raw fresh fruits and vegetables: beets, carrots, green salad, drink more fluids, drink green tea, put cold swabs on your eyes. They also speak positively about various creams for the areas under the eyes, “Neolith” is especially effective. Sometimes they resort to cosmetic procedures and inject hyaluronic acid under the eyes, which lasts for a year.

Users say that natural bruises cannot be dealt with. Only a concealer can help to temporarily hide the flaw.

Cosmetological methods

If time and financial capabilities allow, bruises that are chronic or have been present since childhood can be removed using professional techniques. By visiting an aesthetic medicine center or a beauty salon, you can use one of the effective and proven innovative procedures. The best way will help you choose a competent cosmetologist. The most popular and proven techniques include:

  • Lipolifting. To make the epidermis a little thicker, fill out wrinkles and make the skin as elastic as possible, the patient's fatty tissue or Restylane is injected into the area under the eyes.
  • Microcurrent therapy. This is a painless procedure in which low-frequency current is applied to the skin. With its help, it is possible to improve blood circulation and lymph flow, influence blood vessels and facial muscles.
  • Mesotherapy. The procedure refers to injection cosmetology. Injections with cocktails of youth and beauty are injected with microneedles to a depth of 1.5-5 mm, which does not cause pain or discomfort. But for those who are afraid of injections, there is a non-injection version of mesotherapy.
  • Laser radiation. A procedure called fractional photothermolysis is carried out using high-tech equipment. Just 4 sessions and you will forget what bruises and puffiness under the eyes are.
  • Massages and masks. The procedure uses professional cosmetic products containing collagen, hyaluronic acid, elastane, various essential oils, from world-famous manufacturers. Each session will allow you to relax and unwind, as well as remove traces of fatigue from your face and prolong youth.

Reviews from women visiting beauty salons indicate that the techniques are effective. However, it should be taken into account that each session costs several thousand rubles, and a lasting noticeable result cannot be achieved in 1 day. You will need a program consisting of 5-10 visits

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