Recipes for products with essential oils for the face: how to make and use at home

Properties of essential oils

Every essential oil has certain properties that can be useful for each of us. A simple pivot table will show them most clearly.

Essential oils are natural remedies in which everyone can find beneficial qualities.

Table: properties of essential oils

PlantProperties of its essential oil
AniseIt has an antiseptic and expectorant effect, regulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys (including relieving colic), relieves headaches and depression, eliminates wrinkles and tightens the skin.
OrangeIt has antiseptic, antispasmodic, diuretic and choleretic properties, prevents wrinkles and cellulite, whitens the skin.
BasilRegulates blood pressure, as well as the functioning of the immune and nervous systems, tones and refreshes the skin.
ImmortelleImproves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, immune and circulatory systems, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, cleanses the body of toxins and parasites.
ValerianIt has a sedative and relaxing effect, helps cope with depression and insomnia, and relieves spasms of blood vessels and muscles.
VerbenaRelieves muscle spasms and helps restore them after injuries, improves hormonal levels, regulates the sebaceous and sweat glands and cleanses and smoothes the skin.
CarnationIt has antiseptic and antispasmodic properties, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and circulatory system, disinfects skin and wounds, preventing the formation of abscesses.
SpruceStrengthens the immune system, has antiseptic and antibacterial effects, regulates the functioning of the genitourinary system, eliminates dandruff and strengthens hair roots.
GingerTones and warms, has antiseptic, antiviral and antibacterial effects, regulates metabolism, reduces swelling, and is also effective against lichen.
CamphorImproves the functioning of the circulatory, immune and digestive systems, has expectorant and anti-cold properties, relieves pain in the head, muscles and joints.
KayaputA strong antiseptic, has antibacterial and antiviral effects, fights stomach and intestinal colic, relieves pain and inflammation of muscles and joints, as well as toothache.
TurmericRegulates the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves colic, increased gas formation, as well as parasites, has an antispasmodic effect and prevents the development of tumors.
LimeIt has an antiseptic, bactericidal, hemostatic effect, regulates the functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands, and prevents the development of cellulite.
MagnoliaImproves the functioning of the immune, cardiovascular and nervous systems, lowers blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature, relieves stress and relaxes.
MarjoramRegulates digestion and blood pressure, cleanses the body of toxins, improves sleep and calms, eliminates swelling, calluses, warts and wrinkles.
MelissaIt has analgesic and anticonvulsant effects, helps with dizziness and migraines, lowers blood pressure and temperature, strengthens hair and treats problematic skin.
MonardaA very strong antiseptic, it also has a pronounced antibacterial and fungicidal effect, helping to protect the body from radiation.
NutmegWarms and tones, has an antibacterial and antifungal effect, relieves swelling, stops bleeding, stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss.
Oregano (oregano)Regulates the gastrointestinal tract and metabolism, improves appetite, eliminates hemorrhoids, hangover syndrome, as well as pain in the teeth, muscles, and joints.
ParsleyImproves the functioning of the digestive and genitourinary systems, eliminates colic, gas, hemorrhoids and diarrhea, strengthens teeth and gums, regulates menstruation and helps relieve pain during it, relieves swelling.
SagebrushIt has a strong disinfectant, bactericidal, fungicidal and insecticidal effect, lowers blood pressure and temperature.
RoseStrengthens the nervous, endocrine and digestive systems, helps prevent cancer and atherosclerosis, evens out skin color and tones it, and is effective against edema.
ThujaIt has a pronounced sedative and relaxing effect, tones the nervous system, regulates the menstrual cycle, is effective against frigidity and impotence, as well as against allergies and tumors.
FennelRegulates digestion and appetite, eliminates bloating, nausea and colic, is effective for nicotine and alcohol poisoning, regulates the menstrual cycle and relieves PMS.
CitronellaTones and strengthens the immune system, improves hearing, is effective against depression, migraines, dizziness, neuralgia, regulates the sebaceous glands, cleanses the skin, fights acne and inflammation.
Thyme (thyme)Improves digestion and appetite, strengthens the immune system, teeth and gums, increases blood pressure, has a strong disinfectant and antiseptic effect, and eliminates cellulite.
Tea treeIt has the strongest bactericidal, antiviral and fungicidal effect, protects against carcinogens and radiation, strengthens the immune system, eliminates swelling, rashes, warts, dermatitis, and herpes.

Oil properties table

It's easy to get lost in the variety of essential oils. To make it easier to find the information you need, it is recommended to use the following table:

What is it made of?How does an essential drug work?
SandalwoodIt makes the skin of the body younger, restores tone, and brightens the epidermis. Blackheads and pimples dry out and go away. After 3-4 sessions of use, the itching goes away, wrinkles become smaller, as does sagging skin. Recommended for use on dry, tired skin with the first signs of aging and as an excellent anti-cellulite product. Essential oil is effective for preventing stretch marks. Actively used to stabilize mood, light, restful sleep, relaxation during meditation. An excellent remedy for inhalation against sore throat and runny nose.
RoseCosmetological effect: moisturizing, strengthening the skin and smoothing out wrinkles, especially in the eye area. A massage with it will relieve fatigue and tension, and the skin will become more elastic and firm. Inflammatory processes, signs of irritation, scars and peeling will pass faster. Used for flavoring or as a deodorant. Suitable for all skin types, but the best effect is achieved on dry, aging epidermis with increased sensitivity.
AniseThis ester has poor compatibility with other essential oils except lavender, clove and lava. It has a good bactericidal, antiseptic and deodorizing effect. Therefore, cosmetologists recommend using it for oily and problem skin. In addition to normalizing the water-fat balance, the epidermis will become more elastic, so anise is recommended at the first signs of early aging. Using an inhaler you can get a good means of preventing colds. Helps fight depression, children's tearfulness and excessive excitability.
OrangeThe description of every citrus essential oil begins with its antiseptic properties and orange essential oil is no exception. It contains many substances for deodorization, antitoxic and antidepressant effects. Regular use normalizes carbohydrate-fat metabolism, cellulite becomes less noticeable, and cellular regulation accelerates. The nervous system calms down, depression goes away, mood improves, and performance increases. It is recommended to mix it with esters of sage, geranium and other citrus fruits as a means of preventing ARVI and influenza.
BasilAn ester with increased volatility, which requires special handling of the oil. Suitable for any skin type. It removes bacteria well, softens and stimulates the epidermis. Recommended for toning and refreshing. Suitable for mixing with creams.
BergamotThis ether is used as a powerful sedative, antidepressant, tonic, antiseptic, and refreshing agent. Combining it with citrus essential oils is recommended for increased sebaceous secretion and narrowing of enlarged pores. Suitable for oily and problem skin.
CarnationIt relieves inflammation well, kills bacteria, tones and cleanses the skin. A few drops of oil should be dissolved in a warm bath to relieve fatigue and remove nervous and physical stress. Forms a good tandem with sage, lavender, ylang-ylang.
GrapefruitAn excellent antiseptic that also tones and cleanses the skin. Normalizes the production of sebaceous secretion by the sebaceous glands. Removes cellulite, nervous system. Calms, removes fear and irritation. Combines well with blackcurrant essential oil.
Ylang-ylangThe oil can easily dissolve in any cream or mousse. It is good to use to relieve nervous tension, anxiety and as an aphrodisiac that stimulates libido. A mask for hair or nails with it will make them strong and shiny. The epidermis slows down aging and cell regeneration, making it velvety, soft and elastic. Pores are narrowed and cleansed. Recommended for dry, problem skin. The foot mask relieves cracks and itching.
LavenderIt removes pigmentation on the face well, removes wrinkles and rejuvenates the skin. Used as an antiseptic, a remedy for burns and inflammation. Recommended for people with sensitive epidermis of any type. Fights cellulite and stretch marks, especially in tandem with citrus esters. Helps with overexcitation, depression, tearfulness and insomnia.
JuniperDiluting this essential oil with any citrus fruit makes it an excellent way to increase mental activity and calm frayed nerves. It has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tonic effect on the skin. Helps cleanse problematic skin from acne, rashes, sebaceous shine, and spider veins. The epidermis regenerates faster, becomes more elastic, cellulite and stretch marks disappear. Relieves itching after mosquito bites.
MintHelps relieve loss of strength, have an antiseptic, stimulating and refreshing effect on the skin. Strengthens the immune system, the epidermis becomes elastic, velvety, tender. Recommended for pigmented, irritated skin with itching, acne, pimples, dilated capillaries. A bath or aromatherapy with this ether relieves fatigue and irritability. Recommended for gastrointestinal problems, viral or bacterial diseases, and also as a remedy for burns. Best suited for oily skin, especially in tandem with essential oils of lavender, citrus and eucalyptus.
NeroliIt has a strong calming and antiseptic effect, helps in rejuvenating facial skin, especially for mature and tired epidermis. Makes the vascular network less noticeable, hair with it becomes healthier, stronger and more elastic.
PetitgrainThis is a good antiseptic that regenerates and soothes the skin, making it more elastic and velvety. Recommended for mature, dry epidermis prone to sensitivity, to restore youth and beauty to it.
PatchouliIn addition to antiseptic, antitoxic, stimulating and deodorizing properties, it actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, increasing its regenerating properties. Recommended for the chest-abdomen-hip area. The aroma of the oil makes a person cheerful, relieves depression, and activates sexual activity.
RosemaryRelieves feelings of fatigue, overstrain, apathy. Has a good effect on mental activity. Excellent toner and deodorant. With it, sebaceous secretion returns to normal, the skin texture is leveled, the skin becomes elastic and elastic, spider veins disappear. Recommended for problematic, oily skin, especially with lavender and citrus essential oils.
Tea treeDoctors prescribe it for active mental work, during periods of stress and depression, for anxiety and for increased concentration. It disinfects well and relieves inflammatory processes, especially with ulcers, acne and rashes. Removes fatigue and odor from feet, with skin regeneration. The skin becomes cleaner.
FirRecommended for athletes to increase endurance, activity, relieve fatigue and stress, and improve immunity. A good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, tightens and cleanses the skin. Removes unpleasant odors well. Baths with it in tandem with grape seed oil are recommended to make the skin healthier and more beautiful.
EucalyptusHelps with problems in the psycho-emotional state, in relieving depression and nervous agitation. It has high antiseptic, anti-burn, anti-herpetic, regenerating, anti-inflammatory properties. After this, the epidermis becomes cleaner and acquires the desired tone.
ChamomileIt relieves pain and allergies well, recommended for viral and colds. Helps reduce high temperatures and provide a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect. Makes skin whiter, relieving stress and fatigue. With it, hair grows faster and becomes lighter, which is suitable for blondes. Helps to achieve restful and sound sleep.
MelissaA good remedy for herpes. Helps to acclimatize faster, relieve depression, melancholy, and insomnia. Forms good tandems with almost all essential oils.
Carrot seedsQuite a rare essential oil that evens out the tone and complexion of the face, it becomes younger, more elastic, and pigment spots disappear. Recommended for mature and tired epidermis. Treats vertigo, eczema, increased pigmentation, psoriasis. Heals wounds well, nourishes dry and hard skin, softens scars and calluses. In tandem with almond ether, it helps the skin to withstand wind and frosty weather more easily, making the immune system stronger, especially in case of viral and colds.
NutmegHelps with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, fungal and viral infections. Normalizes blood circulation and has a rejuvenating effect.
LemonThe first remedy for stress, depression, loss of physical and mental strength. It removes wrinkles well, makes the skin lighter by affecting pigmentation, and has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Helps reduce the greasiness of the epidermis of the face and hair. Nails become stronger, keratinized skin becomes softer. Combines with geranium, lavender, orange and bergamot.

Oil compatibility

Often in aromatherapy, not one essential oil is used, but several different ones at once. Correctly compiling a suitable perfume composition is not such a simple matter, but the table of essential oil combinations will help you cope with this.

Essential oils must be combined correctly

Table: combinations of essential oils

OrangeBasilBergamotCarnationSpruceYlang-ylangCedarCypressCinnamonLavenderLemonLemongrassMandarinJuniperMintNeroliPatchouliRosemaryPineTea treeFennelEucalyptus
Tea tree

Essential oils: the problem of selection and acquisition

Buying essential oils for your home based on your needs and desires is easy using the Essential Oils Chart. The products can be used in aroma lamps, aroma pendants or as a cosmetic product when mixed with the base. In each case, the result will depend on the effectiveness and quality of the chosen aroma oil.

We offer to purchase truly proven and reliable products in our online store. We are responsible for the quality of the product and maintain affordable prices.

Application in cosmetology

Now that we know how plant esters work and combine with each other, it makes sense to consider their use in practice.

Oils for your skin

The use of essential oils in the process of creating and improving cosmetics, especially those intended for the face, should be extremely careful. They cannot be used in pure, undiluted form, with the exception of the safest ones - tea tree and lavender. First you need to mix a few drops of ether with base oil, cream or shampoo and only then apply the resulting product to the skin. It is extremely important not to overdo it with the active ingredient: take no more than 3-5 drops per 15 ml of base oil, no more than 10 drops per 100 ml of shampoo, conditioner or conditioner, and no more than 15 drops per jar of thick cream. You can also make your own facial scrub or mask.

Essential oils are not recommended for use in their pure form.

Video: masks with essential oils

First of all, you need to determine your skin type, since the varieties of both essential and base oils will depend on this. For oily skin care, the best oils are grape and watermelon seeds, as well as macadamia and hazelnut, and essential oils are cinnamon, eucalyptus, clove, camphor, fir, lemongrass, citronella or patchouli.

And geranium and bergamot esters will help cope with acne. Dry skin will best accept oils such as orange (unless you are allergic to citrus fruits), rose, chamomile, and rosewood, mixed with the softest bases - almond, peach, avocado, olive, apricot oils. Essential lavender extract and the same tea tree, mixed with sesame oil or jojoba, are included in cosmetics for any skin type.

If you intend to cover your skin with an even layer of tan, then you should pay attention to those ingredients that will increase the photosensitivity of the skin. For 100 ml of walnut oil (or sea buckthorn, cottonseed, coconut, St. John's wort, baobab) you need to add no more than 30 drops of turmeric or wild carrot ether. You can also use citrus fruits - orange or lemon - as essential activator oils. But with neroli, lime, tangerine and bergamot you should be careful. They can be used only in the evenings and only starting from the fourth day of regular sunbathing.

Some essential oils help achieve an even, beautiful tan.

Essential oils for massage

To use essential oil for aromatherapy massage, you must, again, mix it with the base oil. The base should not be too greasy so as not to leave a sticky film on the skin, so it is best to take oil from grape or apricot seeds, shea butter, almonds, jojoba or macadamia. For a couple of tablespoons of base, take 5-6 drops of ether.

For massage, essential oil is mixed with base oil.

For example, for an anti-cellulite massage mixture, you need to take 20 ml of almond oil and add a couple of drops of orange, lime and thyme esters. And to give freshness and vigor to aging skin, take 3 drops of anise and mint esters per 20 ml of shea butter.

Combining facial oils

Some beauty recipes allow you to combine different essential oils in one product. For example, to get rid of acne, you can make a mixture of 6 ml of almond oil, a drop of bergamot ester and two drops of lemon essential oil. Apply the mixture an hour before bedtime to problem areas of the skin. Remove the remains with a paper towel.

Nourishing cream for the night - mix 20 g of shea butter, four drops of rose essential oil, six drops of grapefruit essential oil. Warm the mixture slightly, pour into a small jar and store cool. Before going to bed, apply a thin layer of the mixture to your face.

Fragrances for treatment

Perhaps there is no area of ​​human health that would not be covered by the healing effect of aromatherapy. In addition to the already well-known massage, there are several of the most popular ways to use essential oil for your benefit:

  • aromatic baths. In order to take a therapeutic bath, you must first create an emulsion - dilute a few drops of ether in milk, base oil and honey. Or mix it with sea salt. However, the amount of the substance depends on the volume of water: one drop is taken per 10 liters. Don't neglect the emulsifier, even if you are going to include an essential oil in your bath bomb. Just add a couple of spoons of milk powder or clay to the mixture;
  • aroma lamps. Ceramic lamps with a tea candle at the bottom have long gained recognition among aromatherapy fans. Warm water is poured into the recess at the top of the lamp, in which essential oil is then diluted - no more than 4 drops per 10 m2 of room;
  • inhalation. For regular inhalation, no special equipment is needed - you can simply inhale the essential oil from the bottle, but you can apply a certain amount of it to a napkin or handkerchief;
  • solution. You need to dilute 5-6 drops of ether in 1 liter of water and breathe in the fragrant steam for no more than 5 minutes. If you add an emulsifier (milk, salt, soda or honey) to the solution, you can also rinse your mouth and throat when you are sick. And if you dilute no more than 10 drops per bucket, you can wash floors and wipe furniture to scent and disinfect the air - this way you will get better faster;
  • aromatic medallion. An original neck decoration can be useful if you moisten it with 2-3 drops of essential oil. In earlier times, a bag of incense was usually worn around the neck, but now a whole range of beneficial aromas is available to you. It is best to make a medallion from wood, leather or fabric - these materials absorb esters better and retain them longer than metal or ceramics;
  • aromatic compress. A handkerchief or napkin should be soaked in scented water and then applied to the affected area - it could be a wound, a joint that is bothering you, a sprained muscle, or a sore organ. Water is prepared at the rate of 5 drops of essential oil per glass.

Video: DIY aromatic bath

Table: use of essential oils in medicine

Scope of applicationEssential oilMode of application
Headache, migraineCamphor, rose, ginger, aniseBath, lamp, compress, inhalation
Diseases of the lungs and bronchiSpruce, ginger, tangerine, thyme, tea tree, limeBath, inhalation, lamp, medallion
Gums and teethMint, spruce, fir, thyme, parsleyRinse
ImmunityTea tree, myrtle, spruce, thyme, citronellaBath, lamp, medallion, massage
Papillomas and wartsCypress, citronella, lemon, lime, tea treeBath, compress
HerpesLime, ginger, tea treeCompress
Varicose veinsOregano, magnolia, cypressBath, compress, massage
Scars, scars, stretch marksRose, thuja, tea tree, neroli, mandarinBath, compress, massage
Dizziness, weaknessMelissa, mint, citronellaInhalation, medallion, lamp
AntisepticsCamphor, anise, chamomile, cloves, tea tree, eucalyptus, cajuput, wormwood, limeCompress, inhalation, lamp
AllergyCamphor, myrtle, thujaCompress, inhalation
Parasites in the bodyKayaput, immortelle, turmericInhalation, oral administration
FungusTea tree, eucalite, fir, monarda, turmeric, citronellaCompress, bath
PediculosisThyme, oregano, lemongrassCompress, bath
SweatingCamphor, oregano, gingerBath, medallion
FeverCayaput, magnolia, basil, marjoram, lavenderInhalation, bath, lamp
ThyroidJasmine, geranium, incense, roseLamp, compress, medallion
BedsoresGeranium, tea tree, lavender, myrrh, rosemaryBath, massage, compress
Kidneys and bladderCayaput, monarda, spruce, parsleyBath, compress
Pain in muscles and jointsCamphor, cajuput, ginger, verbena, valerianBath, lamp, massage, compress
VisionCitrus oils, pine, fir, eucalyptus, lavenderLamp, compress
BruisesTea tree, geranium, lavender, rosemaryCompress, bath
AphrodisiacsVanilla, ginger, patchouli, sandalwood, ylang-ylangBath, lamp, massage
Women HealthGinger, oregano, parsley, neroli, fennel, thujaBath, lamp, compress
Man's healthGinger, sandalwood, parsley, thujaBath, lamp, compress
Air disinfectionWormwood, thuja, tea tree, cedar, lavender, lemonLamp, washing floors and furniture

Masks for problem skin: 5 best recipes

The range of folk cosmetics based on essential concentrates is very large.

Aromatic oils are used to prepare homemade tonics and lotions, but the most popular are masks:

  1. Cleansing . Egg white is mixed with tbsp. l. white clay, 50 ml grapefruit juice, 3 drops of aromatic concentrate of any citrus. The mixture is applied for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Against acne. Mix 3 drops of geranium and lavender oils, 1.5 tablespoons of jojoba extract, 3-4 drops of carrot seed oil. The mixture is slightly heated in a water bath. A cotton swab is moistened in a warm composition and the epidermis is treated, washed after 10 minutes.
  3. Anti-inflammatory . Connect according to Art. l. ground rolled oats, sour cream, natural honey, add 3 drops of ylang-ylang and lavender oils. The mixture is applied for 10 minutes.
  4. Nutritious . Mix 20 ml of aromatic extracts of jojoba and rosehip. Add 2-3 drops of geranium. Apply the mixture to the face and wash after 10 minutes.
  5. Rejuvenating . Grind the apple into puree, add 2 tbsp. l. yogurt, 3 drops of lavender. The mixture is applied for 20 minutes.

The frequency of use of masks depends on the composition and the desired cosmetic effect.

The use of esters for children

A child's body is even more sensitive to the effects of essential oils than an adult. That is why they should be used with extreme caution, strictly observing the dosage. It should be no more than half the amount for an adult - and this is when we are talking about children from 6 to 12 years old. Wormwood, cloves, monarda and thuja are recommended for use no earlier than the child reaches 12 years of age. If he is not even 6, the maximum allowable dose is no more than 2-3 drops per use in the form of a bath, massage, compress, inhalation or aroma lamp in the nursery. And here you should immediately exclude geranium, mint, marjoram, thyme and rosemary from the list of essential oils. As for one-year-old babies and those even younger, they are allowed only tea tree or lavender oil - no more than 1 drop at a time.

Essential oils for children should be used with extreme caution

Essential oils for expectant mothers

Pregnant women should approach the issue of using essential oils extremely responsibly, since they are responsible not only for their well-being, but also for the health of the unborn child. Firstly, you should not start practicing aromatherapy during this difficult period if you have never done it before. Secondly, the dosage of ethers must be immediately reduced by at least half - for baths and aroma lamps, while direct contact with them (cream, massage, inhalation, compresses) is best avoided. Thirdly, pay special attention to the choice of essential oil. Accepted options include tea tree, lavender, eucalyptus, neroli, orange and rosewood.

There are a number of fragrances that are contraindicated for pregnant women.

Never use cloves, mint, chamomile, lemongrass, ylang-ylang, patchouli, juniper, rosemary, thyme, geranium and rose. However, the most dangerous oil for pregnant women is wormwood oil, which can cause miscarriage.

It is believed that parsley and fennel essential oils can increase lactation after childbirth, but you should consult your doctor before using them, otherwise you may harm both yourself and your baby.

What essential oils are good for facial skin?

In nature, essential oils help plants lure pollinators and protect themselves from dangerous insects. The chemical composition of the aromatic liquid is unique and has strong physiological and pharmacological properties.

Aromatic extracts for facial skin are selected taking into account its therapeutic and cosmetic effects.

tea treeHas an antibacterial, disinfectant effect, fights acne-causing bacteria
LavenderKeeps the dermis young and elastic, reduces wrinkles
PeppermintTones, softens, soothes, has bactericidal and antiseptic properties
Grape seedsCleanses oily, greasiness-prone dermis, tones, tightens
lemonBrightens, reduces inflammation, suppresses signs of aging
RosehipIncreases local immunity and has anti-aging properties. Contains retinoids to help brighten dermis and fight acne
Ylang-YlangMoisturizes, promotes rejuvenation, restores proteins and lipids in the epidermis

When choosing essential liquids, in addition to properties, the type of dermis is taken into account:

  • The dry type of epidermis needs increased hydration. Lavender, chamomile, and sandalwood help balance moisture levels, reduce inflammation, and eliminate flaking. Sea buckthorn contains acids that gently dissolve dead scales, prevent irritation and stimulate regeneration processes.
  • Oily dermis is characterized by increased greasiness and is prone to inflammation and acne. Geranium, thanks to its alkaline properties, balances sebum production and restores normal levels of hydration. Rosemary has anti-inflammatory properties and stimulates cell renewal.
  • Combined - requires special care. Essential extracts of coconut and grape seeds moisturize and reduce pores. Bergamot and chamomile kill pathogenic bacteria and soothe.

Be sure to read:

The best recipes with essential oils for acne: how to quickly get rid of acne at home

Different aromatic extracts may have similar properties; when mixed, the effect will be enhanced.

Precautionary measures

Since essential oil is a potent concentrate, it must be used wisely and carefully.

Basic Rules:

  • never use expired oils. The expiration date should be indicated on the packaging or on the bottle itself. There you can read about the storage conditions for ether, which must be observed;
  • do not forget about the accuracy of dosage and compatibility of oils. Dosage instructions should also be included with the purchased oil; they may differ from one manufacturer to another;
  • Do not experiment with doses and combinations of essential oils, as well as methods of using them, unless you are an expert in this field. If you have the slightest doubt, it is better to consult a doctor;
  • Do not apply ether to the skin undiluted - this can result in at least redness and irritation, and in severe cases, burns and swelling may occur. The skin of children, the elderly, pregnant women and allergy sufferers requires especially delicate treatment;
  • People prone to allergies should definitely conduct a preliminary test. To do this, you need to take a bath with one drop of the selected ether, or apply it diluted to the skin, or wear a medallion with the same one drop. It can be used only if an allergic reaction does not appear within three days. Remember that cinnamon, rosemary, thyme and citrus oils are especially allergenic. Therefore, it is better not to use them if your skin is highly sensitive;
  • If you suffer from any chronic medical conditions, be sure to consult with an appropriate healthcare professional before attempting aromatherapy.

Essential fakes

With the spread of aromatherapy and the increase in demand for essential oils, many unscrupulous manufacturers of such products have appeared. Buy ethers only in trusted stores, and it is advisable to study the market of manufacturers and choose those you can definitely trust. Oil purchased cheaply in an underground passage may turn out to be a fake. How to distinguish it from the original?

Here are some rules:

  • package. Genuine essential oil will always be placed in a dark glass bottle and hermetically sealed, accompanied by a glass dropper for dosing, as well as instructions for use. The inscription on the bottle itself tells only the name of the oil, including the Latin name of the plant, and the chemical composition of the contents. The bottle of oil and everything that comes with it must be packed in a box, which must indicate the manufacturer, terms and conditions of storage, and production date;
  • test. After opening the bottle, you can (and should) immediately conduct a test on a piece of litmus paper - the neck of real essential oil should not leave greasy marks. Orange ether, containing rich pigments, always leaves a bright yellow mark. The same thing happens with turmeric and wild carrot oils, but orange oil is the most common and works better for the dough. If it is genuine, then most likely the manufacturer can be trusted;
  • smell. Natural essential oil has a complex odor, which, with some experience and skill, can be broken down into its individual components. Accordingly, it should change noticeably after opening the bottle. If this does not happen and the smell only becomes less intense, it means that you have got an artificial flavor in your hands.

Essential therapy

In order for a cosmetic effect or treatment with essential oils to be beneficial without harm, you need to know the specifics of their use. Due to the fact that this is an extremely concentrated product, it must be used carefully and carefully in order to get the full benefit of this natural gift. If you have allergic reactions, it is recommended to consult a doctor or cosmetologist.

List of useful information:

  1. Store correctly. Even the most beneficial properties of ether will be lost if it is stored incorrectly. This product requires a sealed container. It can be opaque ceramics or dark glass. The place where the ether will stand should be dark and protected from children or pets. The best places for this are the top shelves of bathroom or kitchen cabinets.
  2. Read the instructions. This is the main condition for using any product. Even if a lot is known about the drug, it will not be superfluous to read this information. It is forbidden to use ethers internally on which this point is not specified. You should not combine the use of relaxing essential oils if you plan to do precise work or drive a car. Do not use pure ether on the delicate skin of a child.
  3. Reaction test. It is necessary to carry it out, because despite all its naturalness and relative safety, the essential oil may not be suitable, provoking an unnecessary reaction. To do this, drop a drop of ether on the back of your palm and cover this part with a band-aid. Walk with him for 2-4 hours. If there is no burning, itching or other negative sensations, then you can safely use it. Otherwise, you need to wash off the ether. This may be a reaction to the plant from which the oil is extracted. If you are prone to allergies, then all oils should be diluted, reducing their concentration, and consult a specialist, especially during pregnancy and lactation.
  4. No sun! No matter what ether was used for external use, it is strictly prohibited for this area of ​​the body to be exposed to direct sunlight.

Therapeutic effect

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