Swelling appeared on the cheekbones of the face

Why do swelling appear on the cheekbones under the eyes?

As indicated, the main cause of malar edema is the special structure of the skull and face.
Typically, the defect occurs in women who are predisposed to the appearance of fatty deposits specifically in the area under the eyes. Moreover, until approximately 25–30 years of age, such a predisposition is still invisible.

Then, against the background of hormonal changes, fat and fluid accumulations appear faster and in greater quantities, making it no longer possible to ignore swelling on the cheekbones.

In addition, such changes are provoked by problems in the functioning of the kidneys. Over the years, they only become more pronounced, which is why swelling forms faster. Methods to help cope with this pathology are varied and numerous. You will definitely be able to choose the ones that suit you best.

Eliminating puffiness under the eyes is a complex task

If you are predisposed to the appearance of such an aesthetic defect, then no single drug or single procedure will completely help you. You will have to constantly take care of your appearance, using everything listed above whenever possible. Taken together, these methods of care work excellently. And an excellent result is certainly guaranteed. You just need to be patient and get used to the fact that you will have to constantly take care of your own face.

Today, not only girls and women, but also men pay much more attention to their appearance. The services of estheticians and spas are more in demand than ever, and the cosmetics industry is thriving, expanding the range of face and body care products offered each season. Modern man wants to be beautiful and healthy, and this is understandable. A lot depends on appearance, not just a happy personal life. If a person feels attractive, his self-esteem rises, it is easier for him to get an education and move up the career ladder.

Fighting malar edema at home

It is practically impossible to remove sufas completely and forever, but making them unnoticeable is possible for everyone. Those who have achieved this claim: the main thing is an integrated approach using the following methods:

  1. Gymnastics for the face Carol Maggio. This gymnastics must be performed every day, without missing a single time.
  2. Japanese facial massage. It improves microcirculation and prevents fluid stagnation.
  3. Eyelid skin patches will help eliminate swelling during an exacerbation.
  4. Proper drinking regime with complete abstinence from alcohol: alcoholic drinks and drinking liquids at night are the main factors in the appearance of any swelling on the face and body.
  5. Caring gels and creams with anti-edematous action.

A long and persistent struggle will certainly bring results, but not all owners of malar edema on the face are capable of such a feat. Therefore, those who are not highly disciplined in terms of self-care are left with one, the simplest and most accessible way to solve the problem - a smile. Treat everything with humor - and those around you will not notice the shortcomings of your appearance, because through a radiant smile and a kind look it is simply impossible to see them.

— Author — Pelageja, website www.style-street.ru – Beautiful and Successful Copying of this article is prohibited!

Gymnastics for the face

Bags under the eyes can be removed with simple exercises. Gymnastics for the face helps to smooth out the sufas, the main thing is to do it regularly. During classes, the load falls on the facial and eye muscles, which are inactive in normal life. As a result, the movement of lymph improves, swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes becomes less noticeable. The basic exercises are easy and can be performed anywhere:

Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds and then open your eyes wide. Repeat 10 times.

Sing the letter "o". Repeat 10 times.

Look to the left for 5 seconds, look in front of you, look to the right for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Cosmetic and spa treatments against facial swelling

How to remove swelling on eyelids

  • Dense, painless swelling on the face and around the eyes, forming in the late afternoon, bluish skin, shortness of breath are possible signs of heart disease. In this case, you should contact a cardiologist.
  • If your eyes are swollen after a night's sleep, the problem may be improper kidney function or chronic alcohol abuse. The swelling is soft, watery, mobile, and the skin on the face acquires a yellow tint. To remove such swelling, you will need to adjust your lifestyle and drinking regime, and in case of kidney failure, undergo appropriate treatment from a nephrologist.
  • High blood pressure provokes the accumulation of fluid not only on the face, but also on the limbs. Swelling with high blood pressure can be relieved only with the help of special drugs that dilate blood vessels, accelerate blood circulation and have a diuretic effect. It is also recommended to limit fluid intake.
  • With allergic edema, the following phenomena are observed: redness of the skin, itching, burning, rashes and peeling. Shortness of breath often develops, lacrimation, runny nose and cough appear. The causes may be certain medications and food products, cosmetics, chemical fumes, even low-quality water, for example, with chlorine. In severe cases of allergies, the patient begins to choke, may lose consciousness and fall into a coma. The wisest thing to do would be to call a doctor as soon as possible if allergy symptoms are rapidly increasing.
  • With vascular pathologies, in addition to swelling, a red capillary network is often noticeable in the eyes and on the skin of the face, bruises form under the eyes, and the head may become very dizzy and hurt.
  • If the eyes are red, swollen, watery, purulent discharge appears, visual acuity is impaired, most likely we are talking about ophthalmological diseases caused by infection. An ophthalmologist will tell you what to do and how to treat swelling along with other unpleasant symptoms after examining you and determining the type of infection.
  • Infectious diseases of the oral cavity and upper respiratory tract, among other pathologies, can cause swelling of the eyes and face. Caries, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, sinusitis are often accompanied by edema and swelling around the eyes, on the bridge of the nose, temples, and in the area of ​​the cervical lymph nodes. Treatment in this case requires complex treatment.

Abscess of the orbit, phlegmon, inflammation of the facial nerves, myxedema - all these pathologies also manifest themselves as severe, painful swelling of the face, which cannot be eliminated with improvised means and diuretics.

Important: Myxedema is a rather rare but dangerous disease characterized by the accumulation of mucous deposits in the subcutaneous tissue. Myxedema develops against the background of hormonal disorders and is a pathology of the endocrine system. In fact, this is a complication of hypothyroidism, when the thyroid gland cannot cope with its functions and does not produce enough hormones.

In addition, there are exercises for painting bags on the cheekbones and under the eyes. You can do the exercises at home at any time of the day.

Facial exercises are an effective procedure that helps smooth out wrinkles and wrinkles. It is important to know that the result will appear only from daily gymnastics.

What are the benefits of exercise, you ask. The answer is simple: the eye and facial muscles are generally inactive, and they bear a minimal amount of load. Strengthening muscles requires work, activity will improve lymphatic drainage, which means the paint bags will be less noticeable.

Painting bag exercises:

  1. Squint your eyes tightly for a few seconds and then open your eyes wide. 10 repetitions are enough.
  2. Blinking quickly for one minute helps strengthen your facial muscles.
  3. The exercise that artists perform daily is also effective against paint bags. You need to sing the letter “o” for a few seconds and repeat 10 times.

4. Fold your lips like a duck and pull them forward for 5 seconds, and then smile broadly.

The exercises are quite easy and can be done anywhere.

Home remedies

There are many methods on how to remove bags on your face at home. How to smooth out sufas at home?

  1. Ice will help remove the bags and tighten the cover. You should freeze the water in the refrigerator. Apply an ice cube around the eyes with light pressure. Cold and pressure stimulate vasoconstriction and blood flow well.
  2. Tea. What else can you use to make lotions if not with strong tea. It is used to make eye masks from paint bags. You need to brew strong tea and chill it. Soak cotton swabs in the cold broth and apply to the eyes for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Massage with spoons. How to do this massage? Massaging the face is only allowed with silver spoons. Cutlery should be kept in the refrigerator to keep it cool enough. Spoons are applied to the inner corners of the eyes and slowly moved to the temples, then to the ears.

How to deal with swelling on the cheekbones yourself

Various medical methods have been developed to help compensate for aesthetic defects quickly and relatively safely. But, of course, if the situation is not pathological, you should try to correct it on your own. In this case, experts and lovers of traditional medicine recommend the following methods.

  1. Removing excess fluid. Since swelling occurs due to the accumulation of moisture, it can be eliminated by regularly removing unnecessary fluid from the body. The easiest way to help with this is diuretics. If you take them regularly, the swelling will go away. And they won't appear again. You should not overuse diuretics. After all, useful substances often come out along with excess liquid.
  2. Use of an ointment with an anti-inflammatory effect. Oddly enough, ointments recommended for hemorrhoids are excellent for relieving swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes. They relieve inflammation, stimulate the removal of excess fluid, which is why swelling disappears. The most well-known antihemorrhoidal drugs include Proctonis and Relief.
  3. Taking vitamin-mineral complexes. An effective way to prevent the occurrence of malar edema under the eyes is to take vitamins. But we must take into account that a good effect from them can be obtained only if the body really needs such supplements. This usually happens when swelling on the cheekbones appears after an improper diet, stress, intense work, and so on.

In general, you can find many other recommendations. For example, someone advises applying Solcoseryl gel, smearing bodyaga, Troxevasin and other decongestants. In principle, they can help, but the result will not be very lasting. For this reason, we will not recommend such options.

Cheek swelling: treatment

Cheek swelling does not represent any specific disease. This is always a manifestation or consequence of some inflammatory process in the body. But how to relieve cheek swelling? Therapy will vary depending on each specific case.

Do not try to find the answer to the question of how to relieve cheek swelling on your own. You cannot self-medicate. You need to see a doctor. But, if it is not possible to see a doctor immediately after the appearance of discomfort and swelling, you can take some actions. After dental procedures, you need to rinse your mouth with solutions of salt or soda. You can purchase remedies at the pharmacy that eliminate inflammation with a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or sage. Such procedures relieve pain.

For injuries, it is necessary to alternate the use of cold and warm compresses and the application of raw potato slices. Among pharmaceutical products, you can use the ointments “Troxevasin” and “Butadione”.


  • Do not use a hot compress if the swelling is caused by purulent inflammation;
  • Only a doctor should prescribe antibiotics after examination;
  • you cannot press, touch, or knead the swollen cheek;
  • Do not take hot food or drinks.

Swelling of the cheeks can be caused by many diseases. They are based on infection. Monitor your general condition and body temperature. Minor swelling can cause a serious illness with irreversible consequences.

The appearance of malar cheekbones is a signal for a woman that an immediate consultation with a cosmetologist is needed. They run to be examined by a specialist with the hope that the cosmetologist will quickly rid them of sufas using fillers or special procedures. But it is worth noting that cosmetic procedures and products do not get rid of the problem forever. Since it is impossible to completely remove the paint bags on the cheekbones.

This means that if creams with a lifting effect are of no use, then surgery will help, because the swelling is visible and it is difficult not to notice it. Visually, a person becomes several years older, which is an unpleasant phenomenon for women.

Cosmetic preparations to eliminate swelling on the cheekbones

Now you can move on to the products that cosmetologists recommend specifically for combating macular edema. Unlike traditional treatment options, they are not only most effective, but also relatively safe. You can use the following methods to get rid of puffiness best.

  1. Hyaluronic acid. It should be noted right away that it is not suitable for everyone. Under certain conditions, this remedy can, on the contrary, retain fluid. Therefore, you first need to test it to understand how the body will react to contact with hyaluronic acid or preparations containing it.
  2. Euthyrox. A hormonal drug that can only be taken after examination by an endocrinologist or at least a cosmetologist. The medicine works in almost all cases, but, again, it must be handled with the utmost care. And specialist supervision is a prerequisite for treatment.
  3. Biorevitalization. This procedure is also recommended for women suffering from swelling under the eyes. It must be performed in beauty salons under the supervision of experienced specialists. You should immediately prepare for the fact that several visits to the salon will be required, since one or two procedures will not produce a serious result.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage. Of course, it can also be done at home if you have the necessary experience and technical means. But, again, it is best to go to specialists for procedures. With the help of lymphatic drainage massage, you can quickly get rid of swelling, since after the first procedure the liquid leaves the surface of the skin, and the face takes on a correct and attractive shape.
  5. Diprospan. A product that is administered by a specialist through injection. This drug is designed to reduce fat, after which cheekbones and swelling under the eyes disappear completely. But there is a serious limitation - such injections are performed only up to 30–35 years of age. Moreover, the older the woman, the higher the risk of side effects.

When used correctly, any option will be effective. Unfortunately, it is still unlikely to eliminate swelling forever. You will have to periodically repeat the course of treatment. Because of this, there is a need to understand what preventive methods are possible.

The main cause of edema is lack of activity.

Water retention in the body can occur for various reasons - pregnancy, menstruation, heat, illness or injury. But it happens that there are no obvious reasons or pathologies, but in the evening the arms or legs still swell, the foot does not fit into the shoes or the ring on the finger “squeezes.”

Barring serious health problems, the main cause of swollen feet is prolonged inactivity . When, for example, a person sits or stands all day. Lack of regular physical activity can also lead to swelling of the limbs. And there are two good reasons for this.

Firstly, insufficient blood circulation . “It’s so designed by nature that the body has a venous-muscular pump to supply blood to the heart,” explains Denis Borsuk, candidate of medical sciences, vascular surgeon and phlebologist [5]. Most of the time a person occupies a vertical position and the blood, as if “automatically”, flows down under the influence of gravity. But in order for it to circulate and rise up to the heart again, the leg muscles must work. When walking, they contract and put pressure on large veins. Under the influence of such “pumps,” blood is pushed from the feet to the heart. And to prevent the blood flow from returning back, the veins are equipped with special valves that immediately close when blood is supplied.

The second reason for swelling of the limbs from lack of activity is lymph stagnation . Thanks to lymph, the body is cleansed of salts and metabolites, and immune cells mature in it. The human immune system depends on this “pure water” (this is how the word “lymph” is translated from Latin). But unlike the circulatory system, the lymphatic system does not have a “motor” that would pump it throughout the body. Lymph circulation occurs due to muscle contraction. If the muscles do not work, the lymph tends to stagnate, and in order to somehow dilute it, the body “retains” water, hence the swelling.

Conclusion: if a person is healthy and moves regularly during the day, then he should not have edema. And, on the contrary, even in completely healthy people who are forced to sit or stand for a long time (for example, because of work), the feet or calves may swell in the evening.

Folk remedies

You can remove minor swelling at home, for example, using compresses or baths. For treatment with traditional medicine, you can use one of the following methods:

Dissolve a few drops of vitamin E in 1 teaspoon of cold water. Moisten the disc and apply for 15-20 minutes.

Roll ice cubes over the cheekbones for 5-10 minutes. Instead of water, tea or herbal infusions are suitable: chamomile, oak, sage, calendula.

You can remove zygomatic hernias with concentrated sea salt. To do this, you need to pour it into a textile bag, wet it a little and put it on your eyes.

To make lotions, you need to pour 1 cup of boiling water over the herbs (linden, chamomile) and let it brew. Moisten a piece of gauze and apply it to your cheeks.

Folk remedies in the fight against edema

It is very difficult to treat hernias and age-related changes accompanied by changes in metabolic processes in the body using alternative medicine, as doctors tirelessly repeat. But still, many patients prefer just such methods, at least as auxiliary ones in the main treatment. With the help of compresses, lotions, massage and gymnastics, you can, if not completely remove sufa under the eyes, then at least partially get rid of swelling, improve tissue lymphatic drainage, and restore skin tone.

The effect will not appear immediately, or may not appear at all, and in any case will not be long-term. But some products really work as an ambulance when you need to look your best, but there is no time to visit a cosmetologist. Here are the most popular recipes for how to get rid of puffiness under the eyes and on the cheekbones at home.

  • Potato. Wash two potatoes, boil them in their skins, peel them while hot and mash them. Add two tablespoons of yogurt or a decoction of chamomile, calendula, and string. Stir, wrap in gauze bags and apply to eyes. Leave until the potato compresses have cooled completely. Some people find gruel from raw grated potatoes better.
  • Parsley. Parsley stems and leaves help remove excess fluid from tissues and also lighten dark circles under the eyes. The greens should be washed, dried and crushed into a paste - it is important that the leaves and stems release juice. Parsley gruel is spread on one layer of gauze or bandage and placed under the eyes for 15–20 minutes.
  • Egg white. This product gives instant tightening, decongestant and whitening swelling. Separate the white of a chicken egg from the yolk, add a few drops of lemon juice and lightly beat with a fork until foam appears. Then gently apply to the area around the eyes and leave for 10 minutes. The dried protein is carefully washed off with warm water and a nourishing cream is applied.


The main cause of the problems is considered to be a hereditary tendency. Under the influence of genetic factors, paint bags appear even in young children. The problem is aggravated by other pathologies and conditions that lead to an increase in swelling.

The key reasons for the appearance of paint bags include the following:

  1. Allergic reactions. Often, problems can be caused by the body's reaction to fluff and feathers. Quite often, a woman comes into contact with these substances during sleep. In addition, they can be present in outerwear as insulation.
  2. Excessive amount of salt in the diet. The daily volume of this product is 5 g. On average, people consume up to 25 g of this substance. This is due to the presence of hidden salt in various products - sausages, canned food, bread products, cheeses. This is why it is so important to reduce the amount of salt in your diet.
  3. Drinking alcoholic beverages. They provoke the development of arterial hypertension and an increase in the amount of blood and lymph. As a result, swelling occurs.
  4. Age. As the body ages, connective tissues become weaker.
  5. Kidney pathologies. These disorders lead to insufficient cleansing of the body from excess fluid.
  6. Heart diseases. Such disturbances provoke stagnation in the circulatory system. This causes swelling.

To eliminate a cosmetic defect, it is very important to establish the reasons for its occurrence. At the same time, it is almost impossible to neutralize the influence of the genetic factor.

Causes and treatment of paint bags on the cheekbones

Many people encounter the problem of “bags on the cheekbones” much more often than they would like. This problem has no age restrictions; gender and social status are not important to it. This is a very unpleasant cosmetic defect. The question: “how to get rid of bags on the cheekbones?” in most cases worries women.

Those who want to remove swelling on the cheekbones as soon as possible and permanently. Let's figure out what the result of zygomatic edema is and what types there are? What are zygomatic bags? How to remove paint bags on cheekbones? What will help get rid of swelling on the cheekbones caused by various pathological processes in the body?

Zygomatic edema can be divided into two groups: pouches on the cheekbones are the result of age-related changes in the body, swelling of the eyelids and cheekbones is a sign of pathological processes or an unhealthy lifestyle.

Why do paint bags appear?

Women who have crossed the thirty-year age barrier are susceptible to the occurrence of such a problem as bags on the cheekbones, but there are cases when swelling appears much earlier.

This problem does not lose its relevance to this day, which cannot be said about issues related to the formation process; some women, due to genetic predisposition, develop bags on their cheekbones. Even scientists don’t know how to get rid of this predisposition.

But for most people, the problem is associated with impaired functioning of the thyroid gland. In some cases, sufas (paint bags) appear due to excessive exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays, especially the facial area, a vulnerable area of ​​the body.

Undoubtedly, if a woman has such a problem, then she thinks that the body lacks vitamins and rest. Of course, grooming is an integral part of looking good. It is necessary to get enough sleep, drink less liquid, the only exception being plain water, do not abuse alcohol and watch your diet. But even in this case there are some nuances.

Sufs will not disappear from all these activities. It is important to remember that paint bags are a zygomatic hernia, which sinks lower every year. No modern lifting cream can work a miracle, and even a complete rejection of junk food and habits will not help to completely solve such a problem as bags on the cheekbones. Even scientists and cosmetologists don’t know how to get rid of this aesthetic scourge forever.

But there is no need to sound the alarm. Zygomatic bags are known to many firsthand. And there are methods and means to help smooth out this unattractive feature on the face.

Prevention of swelling on the cheekbones under the eyes

It's best to prevent swelling if you know you're prone to it. The measures here are quite simple, but very effective. To prevent puffiness on the cheekbones under the eyes, the investigator only needs a few recommendations.

  1. Carry out gymnastics and facial massage. At home, facial massage can be performed with your fingers, a massage roller, or almost any available means that do not cause discomfort. Gymnastics, in turn, is designed to tense and relax muscles. The purpose of these procedures is to prevent fluid accumulation.
  2. Any masks against puffiness. There are many homemade masks that help relieve swelling. It can be cucumber, tomato, kefir masks and so on.
  3. Compliance with drinking regime. To prevent swelling from appearing, you need to drink enough water. This may seem paradoxical. But in reality this is exactly what happens. Only if you drink about two liters of clean water a day will the risk of edema decrease. In addition, there is no need to abuse alcoholic beverages, salty and fatty foods. Because they stimulate the accumulation of fluid under the eyes.
  4. Finally, you can use almost any cosmetic product that has an anti-edematous effect. There is no need to wait for swelling under the eyes to appear. These drugs are used for prevention.

If you regularly follow such recommendations, the risk of developing swelling will noticeably decrease. Of course, she cannot be completely excluded. But, in any case, you will not suffer as much from swelling on your cheekbones as those women who gave up on themselves.

Removal by surgical methods

There are a number of operational methods for removing paint bags:

  • microliposuction;
  • blepharoplasty;
  • lifting.

Blepharoplasty is a fairly effective method. It is often associated with changes in the shape of the eyes and the shape of the eyelids. But this is not entirely correct. Blepharoplasty involves removing excess skin and fat. In particular, this operation allows you to surgically get rid of paint bags.

Microliposuction is a related technique. It is performed simultaneously with blepharoplasty. Microliposuction allows you to remove excess fat deposits in the cheekbone area.

Facial plastic surgery is a broad concept. It refers to the removal of excess fat, skin reduction, muscle tightening and facial correction. The type of operation depends on the goal. In this case, we mean both the removal of fat bags and the tightening of skin in the cheekbone area.

How to remove paint bags on the cheekbones, what technique a plastic surgeon will recommend to use.


Puffiness of the eyes and cheekbones is diagnostic material for making a reliable diagnosis. If we are not talking about age-related skin changes, then bags on the cheekbones can appear due to problems with the spine, venous insufficiency or improper functioning of the thyroid gland. In addition, due to hormonal imbalance, women also develop bags on their cheekbones. The causes of the problem can be varied.

Diagnostics involves examining the patient’s face and taking certain tests. Only after identifying the exact causes will the doctor prescribe the necessary course of treatment, massage, and exercises.

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