Banana face mask - the best recipes for all skin types

It’s not for nothing that doctors call banana the fruit of happiness, and cosmetologists call it the fruit of youth. Its beneficial properties due to its chemical composition make it possible to use this beloved product for complete home facial skin care.

It doesn’t take much time, costs practically nothing, won’t cause much trouble, but the result will satisfy many of the most biased and capricious beauties who have long been in search of an elixir of youth for their fading skin, riddled with the first wrinkles.

A homemade banana face mask not only has a rejuvenating effect on cells - it moisturizes, whitens, cleanses, and most importantly, softens, turning your face into real velvet to the touch. All this is possible subject to certain rules, indications and contraindications for the use of this fruit miracle mask.

Benefits of banana for the face

The peculiarity of the banana mask is that, depending on the additional components, it can solve the problems of any type of epidermis. So, if you add basic nourishing oils to the recipe, the resulting mixture will cope with dryness and flaking of dry skin. If you combine banana pulp with clay or lemon juice, then in addition to nutrition you will also be able to get deep cleansing, which is so necessary for those with an oily type. But such masks have the most beneficial effect on mature, aging facial skin, since the fortified fruit pulp helps to effectively smooth out age-related facial changes.

Bananas contain the following valuable substances:

  • B vitamins – have a powerful lifting effect and are used to treat various dermatological diseases;
  • vitamins A, E, C – natural antioxidants, prevent premature aging of the skin, moisturize and nourish it;
  • ascorbic acid – activates the production of collagen, thereby smoothing wrinkles, promotes effective regeneration of the surface layers of the epidermis.

Banana composition

Probably the most common, and at the same time extremely accessible, representative of exotic fruits is the banana. It contains vitamins: A and C, which slow down the aging process of the skin; B2 and B1, promoting the disappearance of acne; and other B vitamins that improve skin condition; beta-carotene – antioxidant;

Vitamin PP – improves complexion; vitamin E or tocopherol acetate – protects against free radicals and increases skin immunity; vitamin K or phylloquinone – reduces the appearance of spider veins due to its coagulation effect. And also a whole range of micro- and macroelements (potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, selenium, fluorine, iron).

Best Banana Mask Recipes

Rating of the best banana recipes for different skin types:

For dry skin

The dry type, like no other, needs intensive hydration and nutrition. To ensure this effect, a homemade mask should contain base oils that instantly soften the skin. All you need is a banana, an egg yolk and any nutritious oil. It is best to use rice, olive or flaxseed oil, but if you don’t have any of them at home, you can add regular sunflower oil to the recipe. The banana is crushed to a puree, an egg and a tablespoon of oil are added, after which the resulting mixture is applied to cleansed facial skin. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with warm water. More anti-peeling masks in this material.

Nourishing for dry

Suitable for daily use. After the procedure, peeling is eliminated, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and the unpleasant feeling of dryness disappears. This mask will become indispensable in the winter, when dehydration of epidermal cells occurs under the influence of low temperatures. You need to prepare kiwi, banana, a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice and a tablespoon of olive oil. The crushed fruit pulp is combined with the remaining ingredients and mixed thoroughly. The finished mass is left on the face for 20 minutes, after which the residue is washed off with water.

Banana and Vitamin A Cleanser

The mask regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, mattifies oily skin types and has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. In a convenient container, grind half a banana until puree, and then add a teaspoon of honey, lemon juice and liquid retinol. After the procedure, it is recommended to wash off the residue with a herbal decoction based on chamomile or calendula. As a result, pores are narrowed, oily shine is eliminated, and the number of inflammatory elements is reduced. Masks with honey and lemon also lighten the skin a little.

Banana peel bleach

It is much more difficult to cope not with oily or dry skin, but with eliminating pigment spots and post-acne. Dark scars left after the rashes have healed are quite difficult to correct. The visible effect is noticeable with regular use of masks based on fruit acids. To prepare, you will need banana peels and the fruit pulp itself. Grind the ingredients in a blender, then add the egg yolk and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix the mixture thoroughly again. The duration of the mask is 15 minutes. It is recommended to do the procedure more than twice a week. Other brightening masks can be found here.

Be sure to use additional protective UV filters before going outside if your skin has been exposed to masks based on fruit acids.

For acne

As a rule, those with oily dermis face shortcomings in the form of acne, pimples or comedones. Increased oiliness of the skin, as well as environmental pollution, cause clogging of pores. In this case, the mask should have an effective cleansing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect. Chopped banana pulp is combined with honey, low-fat cottage cheese, adding a few drops of tea tree essential oil to the resulting mixture. After 10 minutes, wash off the mask with plenty of warm water. Darsonval is also very effective in using for acne.

From banana and sour cream

Ideal for sensitive types prone to various allergic reactions. The delicate consistency of the mask immediately after application gives a pleasant feeling of comfort. Any inflammation or irritation caused by negative environmental influences is relieved. The product will be a salvation after active time on the beach in case of painful sunburn. Grind half a banana, a tablespoon of oatmeal, 20 g of sour cream and a teaspoon of honey in a blender. For burns and inflammation, use the mask every other day, leaving the mixture on for 15 minutes. In other cases, it is enough to carry out the procedure twice a week.

For wrinkles

To activate the production of elastin in epithelial tissues, it is not necessary to carry out expensive courses of rejuvenating salon procedures. It is enough to properly care for your facial skin at home, as well as use masks with an intense nourishing effect.

Remember that homemade beauty recipes show visible results only with regular and systematic implementation of the appropriate procedures. Single use will not give much effect.

Grate half a banana and a green apple using a grater. Then add a little olive oil and egg yolk. The thoroughly mixed consistency is applied to the cleansed skin surface, avoiding the area around the eyes. The holding time is 20-25 minutes. Also try making your own anti-wrinkle cream at home.

Smoothing and rejuvenating

Another effective recipe that will allow you to completely smooth out fine wrinkles, and also make deep eyebrow and nasolabial folds less noticeable. Add two tablespoons of cream and a tablespoon of honey to the banana puree. To obtain a uniform texture, we advise you to mix the ingredients using a mixer or blender. The remaining mixture is removed with a regular cotton sponge 15 minutes after application, and then washed with warm water. It is recommended to use the mask 3 times a week. The best anti-aging face masks at 40 at home are collected in the article.


There are no age restrictions for such substances, because they are completely natural. But the bee product should not be used by those whose body rejects it. Its ability to accelerate hair growth should not be discounted either. This feature does not allow people with a predisposition to active facial hair to use honey carelessly. In addition, there are people who cannot eat tropical fruits because they cause an allergic reaction.


However, a mixture of honey and bananas provides excellent results for dry skin even after the first use. Unlike medical drugs, the names of the ingredients of such masks are not hidden by complex names on the packaging, because it is already clear which of them were added there. In addition, such mixtures are much cheaper than pharmacological products for caring for dry skin.

Like most popular folk techniques, a face mask with banana and honey has no age restrictions - the use of such cosmetics is recommended for both young girls and adult women with life experience. The main limitation in using such a product is allergic reactions, individual intolerance to honey or any other bee products.

Masks made from honey, bananas and other natural ingredients are recommended for the following people:

  • Women who want to achieve rejuvenation without using store-bought products.
  • For young girls who want to preserve the beauty of their skin for many years.
  • For people with developing wrinkles, the mask is perfect for tightening.

Some people, even despite the natural origin of the components, should refrain from using such a product:

  1. With intolerance to bee products.
  2. Allergy to tropical fruits.
  3. Persons with skin diseases.
  4. Women with wounds on the face.

Depending on what result you want to achieve, you should choose the type of mask. Fortunately, today there is a colossal number of recipes - beer and egg are added to masks with honey, the effect is often reinforced with aromatic herbs and oils - there is a huge scope for imagination.

The mask can produce the following positive effects:

  • Effective facial skin tightening, which is necessary when age-related changes appear.
  • Elimination of small facial and age wrinkles.
  • Improving blood circulation, supplying a normal amount of blood to the facial skin.
  • Normalization of complexion.
  • Saturation and retention of moisture in skin cells.

Applying this mask on an ongoing basis provides the necessary nutrition to the skin, significantly improves its condition, and promotes regeneration. Using products with honey, adding eggs or beer guarantees tightening, healing and rejuvenation for any generation of both women and men.

You can prepare a suitable mask for the face or hair using one of the existing recipes. Fortunately, today each of them is created both for a specific face type and to achieve certain goals.

For oily skin

Oily skin needs special care. To create a mask, just half a medium banana, lemon juice and a small amount of honey are enough. The banana is crushed to a pulp, after which liquid ingredients are added to this mixture.

This mask is applied to the face for fifteen minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. The skin receives nutrition and hydration, unevenness disappears, and excess fat dissolves.

For normal skin

Normal skin needs attention no less than any other. The mask is created from one banana, a spoonful of liquid honey and two tablespoons of high-fat cream. All products are mixed, you should get a homogeneous porridge.

Using cotton swabs, the resulting mixture is applied to the skin of the face and left for a quarter of an hour, after which it is completely removed.

General rules and tips for use

In order for the banana mask to be most effective, it is important to adhere to some rules during use:

  • Pre-cleanse your face even if there is no makeup on it. Otherwise, the active substances of the product will not penetrate the structure of the epidermis.
  • People with sensitive skin should be careful when choosing additional ingredients. For example, honey, herbal infusions and essential oils can trigger the development of allergies.
  • Use only fresh produce and avoid overripe bananas with black spots.
  • Prepare the mixture immediately before application. Do not store leftover product until next use.

Expert recommendations, contraindications, side effects

Anti-wrinkle masks made from bananas have virtually no contraindications. Exceptions are quite rare in the form of allergic reactions to this tropical fruit.

Those who are prone to this disease need to conduct a test in advance: apply a small amount of crushed banana mass to the skin of the wrist and rub lightly. If there is no itching or redness on the skin, the product can be safely used for caring procedures.

Benefits of banana face masks

Tender, juicy banana pulp, which contains a lot of biologically active substances in its composition, is beneficial for the skin. It is they, penetrating into the cells, that activate various processes in them, the results of which we see after some time on the face. Don't expect miracles after the first use.

It is quite difficult for beneficial substances to penetrate through the thick layer of the epidermis to the cells, so only regular use of such cosmetics will give visible results. In masks prepared from banana pulp, the following substances are especially effective:

  • Ascorbic acid , vitamin C - a very effective antioxidant that slows down skin aging, smoothes out small wrinkles;
  • Tocopherol , vitamin E, is also famous for its anti-aging properties, retaining moisture in cells and promoting the production of elastin and collagen, which make the skin radiant, elastic, beautiful;
  • Numerous B vitamins (bananas are especially rich in pyridoxine - vitamin B6) have anti-inflammatory properties, healing microcracks and stopping inflammatory processes (acne, pimples );
  • Organic acids perfectly cleanse pores, narrow them, and force the sebaceous glands to work correctly;
  • Choline is able to soothe skin irritated after inflammation and stress, carefully cares for it, giving the face a natural, beautiful color;
  • Bananas contain a lot of potassium , which is why masks made from this fruit are so famous for their moisturizing properties: this element regulates the water balance in cells;
  • Magnesium has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, improving blood circulation, on which adequate nutrition of the skin and cellular respiration depend.

Regular, targeted effects of these substances on skin cells will ultimately help achieve the desired result and solve problems. Proof that the banana has long ceased to be limited to its properties only as an ordinary food product is its presence in professional, store-bought cosmetics.

Today, not only face masks are produced on its basis, but also all kinds of creams, scrubs, tonics and many other facial skin care products. So it’s worth trying to enjoy the effect of a banana mask at home, which is distinguished by its naturalness, which means it is no less effective than a store-bought one. To achieve this, you need to know in which cases this fruit will be beneficial for the skin, and in which cases it will be harmful.

Rules for preparing masks

Preparing cosmetic masks at home requires following a number of simple but important rules:

  • Fresh, high-quality ingredients that do not cause allergies are selected. It is recommended to test each new type of mask by distributing a little of the prepared product over the skin of the wrist. Safety can be concluded if the skin remains in the same condition after 20 minutes without signs of irritation.
  • The face is cleansed before the procedure. You can use a scrub. If possible, steam the skin. The prepared composition is used immediately.
  • Distribute the mask evenly, leaving the area directly around the eyes free.
  • Remove the mask first with cotton swabs using gentle movements, following the massage lines. Then wash with slightly warmed filtered water. It is useful to use herbal infusions, decoctions or mineral water.
  • You should leave the house no earlier than an hour after removing the mask.

On average, procedures are performed twice a week. If a different cycle is required, this is reflected in the recipe.

Indications and contraindications for use

Thanks to the substances in its composition, the fruit of youth is able to quickly and effectively solve many skin problems. In particular, banana masks are recommended for active use in the following cases:

  • To rejuvenate fading, aging skin with signs of age-related changes: if wrinkles appear, cheeks sag, a double chin forms, and the facial contour loses the clarity of its lines, it’s time to use the antioxidants in a banana mask;
  • With regular use and patient treatment, a banana is also capable of whitening age spots - most often freckles, but to get rid of birth pigmentation it is worth trying this lightening product;
  • If you enrich a banana mask with low-fat dairy products, egg whites or lemon juice, it will perfectly care for problematic and oily facial skin , normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands and localizing and eliminating the appearance of pimples and blackheads;
  • By changing the composition of the mask to the opposite, adding fatty dairy products and yolk, you can get an excellent moisturizer for very dry, flaky skin ;
  • The classic mask is perfect for regular nutrition of normal or combination skin .

If you use banana masks regularly, all these problems will be gradually solved. However, it is worth considering that this fruit is exotic, rich in organic acids, which in some cases can harm the skin. Therefore, before use, first read the list of contraindications:

  • Individual intolerance to bananas, allergy to this fruit;
  • Open wounds, injuries, recent stitches on the face;
  • Cuperosis;
  • Too sensitive, thin skin;
  • Acne caused by serious internal diseases (including hormonal imbalances).

Store-bought products contain sufficient amounts of chemicals that inhibit the often aggressive properties of natural ingredients. This happens with bananas, but at home the masks are 100% natural, without any synthetics; nothing hinders the activity of the substances in the fruit. Therefore, extreme caution is required in their use. Proper preparation of this cosmetic masterpiece is a guarantee of the desired effect.

The benefits of bananas in the fight against age-related skin changes

These tropical fruits are not only important for general health, they can become a real source of beauty. This property of bananas has long been known to relieve itching and swelling from inflamed areas of the skin or from insect bites. To do this, you just need to rub the problem area with the inside of the peel of the fruit. And it was noticed that along with healing in this place, the skin becomes fresher and tighter.

Banana masks are one of the most popular products among those girls and women who prefer natural homemade cosmetics. Bananas are added to mask recipes mainly by beauties who dream of prolonging their youth and getting rid of wrinkles on their faces. Banana pulp with a fibrous structure perfectly nourishes the skin, actively moisturizes it, and does not cause irritation.

Women over 35 years old should use banana masks regularly (once a week) to prevent wrinkles. After 50 years, they can be used more often - even once every two to three days.

Beneficial substances, penetrating deep into the skin, activate “dormant” functions that cause its withering. As a result, the face is smoothed out, wrinkles seem to be filled from the inside. After all, all those useful components that make up bananas also have a beneficial effect on the epidermis:

  • Vitamin “A” smoothes the skin texture, evens out wrinkles, eliminates increased pigmentation;
  • Vitamin E fights free radicals, prevents the appearance of wrinkles and smoothes out existing lines. Strengthens the resistance of the dermis to ultraviolet radiation, returns velvety and softness to the skin;
  • Vitamin “B” refreshes and moisturizes the skin, prevents it from fading;
  • Vitamin “C” helps slow down aging and “starts” the processes of restoration of epidermal cells.

Thanks to these properties, banana masks can be successfully used not only to combat wrinkles, but also the following skin problems:

  • Acne and pimples;
  • Dryness and flaking;
  • Dark spots;
  • Dullness of tone;
  • Swelling under the eyes.

Rules for using banana masks

There is nothing complicated about preparing and applying banana masks. After 1-2 experiments, you can feel like a real cosmetologist, because everyone will surely like the result. For the procedure to be a great success, it is enough to adhere to the following basic rules.

  1. To make the mask refreshing, pleasant and incredibly effective, when buying fruit you need to pay attention to the ripeness and condition of the bananas. A greenish skin will indicate immaturity, which means that the chemical composition has not yet been formed. Black spots on the peel are evidence that the banana is overripe and there have also been changes in its composition. Neither green nor blackened fruits can be used to prepare masks - only the most ripe, juicy, yellow ones.
  2. The banana pulp is peeled and crushed with a fork to a thick, tender, airy puree.
  3. If the mask contains additional ingredients, you can beat the composition of the cosmetic product with a blender or mixer to avoid the formation of lumps.
  4. Select all ingredients carefully: if possible, buy homemade eggs and dairy products, which will be much more beneficial for the skin.
  5. After the miraculous mixture has been prepared, it would be a good idea to apply it to your wrist for 15 minutes, rinse it off and observe the skin reaction for an hour. The absence of itching and redness is an indicator that you are not allergic to this fruit.
  6. Before applying the mask to your face, you need to steam your skin (in a bathhouse, shower or using a steam bath), and clean it with a scrub (preferably homemade). This prepares the skin to receive the necessary active substances.
  7. Apply banana puree to the skin in a circular motion, strictly along the massage lines, avoiding the eye area.
  8. After applying the mask, it is advisable not to walk around the house, collecting dust and reacting to various events with facial expressions. It's better to relax and lie down.
  9. The duration of action of banana masks on sensitive skin is no more than 10 minutes, on dry skin - up to 20 minutes, on oily and problematic skin - up to half an hour.
  10. It is better to rinse off with clean water passed through a filter. It should be at room temperature. It is possible and even advisable to replace water with a decoction or infusion of any medicinal herb (for example, chamomile). You can wash your face and remove the remaining mask with damp cotton wool or a cloth. You can enhance the rejuvenating effect of the mask by washing your face with regular milk after it.
  11. After the mask, it is recommended to apply regular cream to your face.
  12. You cannot go outside for an hour after this procedure.
  13. It is not recommended to store the prepared mixture: it loses its beneficial properties.

Everything is extremely simple; there are no special difficulties in preparing banana masks. But maximum compliance with all recommendations allows you to achieve the desired effect. Experiments are of no use here: you need to constantly remember that you cannot risk your own beauty and youth.

It is advisable to use only proven recipes, for which there are many reviews on the forums. If you have any doubts, feel free to avoid the prescription to avoid side effects that will be very difficult to eliminate. So a lot will depend on the right choice of banana mask.

Ways to use banana with honey

– apply the mask as soon as you have obtained a uniform consistency; To prepare the mask, use only ripe fruits with an even external color, avoiding the use of fruits with a greenish tint to the peel or those that are clearly overripe; Before starting the process of preparing the mask, prepare all the accessories necessary for applying it - gauze bandages with holes for the lips and eyes, sponges, a brush;

– apply the mask directly to the skin of the face, then cover the structure of the mixture with a gauze bandage on top, this will slow down the drying process of the mask and will enhance the effect of moisturizing and nourishing the skin;

– collect your hair in advance, carefully pin it with a hairpin or strengthen it with a hoop, preventing hair from getting into the composition of the mask;

– be sure to cleanse your skin first, using the special skin cleansing compositions you have, lotions, scrubs, or simply warmly washing your face with a mild, non-aggressive soap;

– apply a nourishing cream to the surface of the eyelids, where the mask will not be applied, this will protect the eyelids from unwanted irritation and connect the eyelid skin to the general process of cleansing and nourishing.

Any cosmetic mask must be applied correctly to the skin of the face, have a specific exposure time specified by the recipe, and may provide for special methods for removing it from the skin and requirements for the composition used to remove it. All these features of an individual banana mask recipe must be taken into account and strictly followed.

■ The banana mask is applied immediately, as soon as all its ingredients are combined; a delay in applying the mass will allow the composition to lose its beneficial properties;

■ the mask should be applied softly with a fiber brush, following strictly in the direction of the massage lines of the face, for which, taking the composition of the mask onto the brush, apply it starting from the central point of the chin, shading with brush strokes towards the earlobes, then from the wings of the nose, along direction towards the center of the auricle, after which - from the middle of the forehead, reducing the trajectory of the hand - towards the temple.

■ the eyelid line should be free from the composition of the mask, the distance from the boundary point of the eyelid should be at least 1 cm;

■ apply the mask with soft superficial movements, excluding aggressive rubbing of the mask into the skin;

■ strictly hold the mask on your face for the time specified in its recipe, as a rule, it is from 15 to 20 minutes, less often from 10 to 15 minutes, the maximum time limit for a banana mask is 25 minutes. Wash off the mask on time. It is a mistake to assume that the longer you leave the mask on, the greater the effect you will get from it.

■ be sure to remove the mask from your facial skin. For this, use only special compounds that are indicated in the recipe or purified warm water. Removal is carried out with a cotton sponge or a soft piece of gauze, which will not irritate the delicate and sensitive skin surface after the procedure.

■ Wash your face again with warm water, gradually reducing the water temperature to room temperature, then gently pat your face with a soft or paper towel, and then, finishing the procedure, apply a neutral moisturizer.

Preparing cosmetic masks at home requires following a number of simple but important rules:

  • Fresh, high-quality ingredients that do not cause allergies are selected. It is recommended to test each new type of mask by distributing a little of the prepared product over the skin of the wrist. Safety can be concluded if the skin remains in the same condition after 20 minutes without signs of irritation.
  • The face is cleansed before the procedure. You can use a scrub. If possible, steam the skin. The prepared composition is used immediately.
  • Distribute the mask evenly, leaving the area directly around the eyes free.
  • Remove the mask first with cotton swabs using gentle movements, following the massage lines. Then wash with slightly warmed filtered water. It is useful to use herbal infusions, decoctions or mineral water.
  • You should leave the house no earlier than an hour after removing the mask.

On average, procedures are performed twice a week. If a different cycle is required, this is reflected in the recipe.

The mixture of banana pulp and honey can be used in different forms and in different ways. Let's consider the main ones - and their features:

    Banana and honey drink
  1. Beverages. Delicious healing drinks are prepared from bananas and honey when milk or other liquid is added to them, which are used to treat coughs.
  2. Porridge. Eating banana and honey pulp is a fairly convenient form of using these ingredients as medicine for colds and acute respiratory viral infections. Perfect for children.
  3. Kiseli. Banana and honey jelly is the best treat for infectious diseases. Kissel also treats even the most severe forms of cough and effectively helps with bronchitis. May have a fairly long shelf life.

Banana with honey can also be used externally. Masks made from these products help fight wrinkles, moisturize the skin, and combat various imperfections on it.

TOP best banana face mask recipes

You can make a classic mask from banana pulp without adding additional ingredients. If someone wants to strengthen or weaken the effect of this fruit, you can include other components in the cosmetic product.

Sometimes you have to go through more than one recipe until you find the one that is perfect for your skin. Before making your final choice, it is still advisable to read reviews about a particular mask to avoid disappointment.

Mash the pulp into a puree; if there are lumps, beat in a blender. Apply to the face without any additions.

Mix banana puree with liquid, steamed honey (a tablespoon at a time) and the heaviest cream you can find (2 tablespoons).

  • Moisturizing, for dry skin

Thoroughly grind a couple of raw egg yolks with banana pulp (2 tablespoons), add cold-pressed olive oil (a teaspoon) before applying.

  • Drying, for problem skin

Beat two raw egg whites thoroughly and mix with banana puree (2 tablespoons). Before applying, add lemon juice, which is best squeezed right there, at home. You will need at least 1 tablespoon.

In a blender, mix banana pulp and yogurt (2 tablespoons each). Curdled milk can be replaced with low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt without additives.

Many ancient queens used milk as a rejuvenating agent, and adding a banana to it will only enhance the regenerating properties of this miraculous mixture. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions.

  • Whitening, anti-pigmentation

Prepare two purees: banana and apple (1 tablespoon each). Mix them. Mix vegetable and olive oils separately (1 teaspoon each) and add to the fruit mix. Before application, crushed pre-raw egg yolk is poured into the mask.

3.Nourishing face mask with banana and honey

1 yolk 1 teaspoon liquid honey ¼ part banana pulp 1 teaspoon white or pink clay
Mix the ingredients and apply the mixture to your face for 20 minutes. After this time, rinse off the mass with warm water and apply a nourishing cream.

There are a lot of recipes for masks with banana and honey.

Choose them depending on your skin problems.

All masks will provide great benefits to your skin.

One disadvantage of such products is the allergenicity of honey. Therefore, if you are allergic to this unique product, such masks are not available to you.

Add to masks instead, for example, aloe vera (pharmaceutical extract or plant juice). This plant has moisturizing, healing and stimulating properties and can be an alternative to honey in masks

Benefits of banana masks for facial skin

Bananas are rich in vitamin C, which is known to be an excellent natural antioxidant that can slow down the aging process of the skin. Vitamins of group B, which are also part of this exotic fruit, will help preserve youthful skin, nails and hair; vitamin E will not allow cells to age. In addition to the above, bananas contain acids that help improve complexion and remove dead skin cells . In general, banana masks have a moisturizing effect, and also perfectly nourish and tone the skin, even out the color and help get rid of annoying pimples.

1. Banana and honey for the face - what are the benefits?

1.1.Banana - beneficial properties for skin

Banana is a storehouse of beneficial substances for the skin. It contains the B group of vitamins, vitamins A, C, K, potassium, magnesium.

With the help of this fruit you can improve your complexion, moisturize your skin, tone it, and with regular use, it can help prevent wrinkles.

Banana practically does not cause allergies or irritation, so it can be used regardless of skin type.

You can add various components to banana pulp, which will give the mask with additional beneficial properties. These can be vitamins, herbal decoctions, pulp of other fruits, oatmeal, yolks and of course honey.

1.2.Honey for the face - benefits

Probably the most popular and at the same time very effective product for face and hair care is honey.

This gift of nature is a truly unique substance!

This product not only benefits the body, but is also very valuable for the skin.

The only drawback of this product is that it is a strong allergen.

Unfortunately, women who are allergic to this product cannot appreciate its unique properties.

Masks with honey are very effective for mature skin with wrinkles. They soften the skin, moisturize, remove dead cells from the surface of the dermis, and make it simply velvety.

This sweetness in masks helps improve intracellular metabolism and helps remove toxins from the skin; it is also an excellent antioxidant.

By combining such unique components in masks, you can achieve excellent results in skin care.

Banana face mask. Indications for use

Above, we have already touched a little on the question of who is recommended to use banana face masks. However, a more detailed answer should be provided.

A banana face mask is a must!:

  • As your skin begins to age, fine lines and wrinkles appear.
  • For problems with facial skin pigmentation.
  • For complaints about oily facial skin, and as a result the appearance of an unhealthy shine.
  • For too dry skin.

Face mask with banana and honey

A face mask with banana and honey for wrinkles is especially popular among women.
Banana is rich in beneficial substances that have a beneficial effect on human skin and hair. A banana mask saturates tired and dry skin with nutrients. Using a banana mask is suitable even for sensitive skin, which is the hypoallergenic property of this fruit. After using a banana mask, the skin becomes velvety, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the skin is saturated with healthy vitamins. You can simply mash the banana pulp with a fork until it becomes mushy and apply it to your face. Or banana can be mixed with other ingredients to get even more effective results from this magical mask.

Usually the pulp is mixed with a raw egg, liquid honey, natural sour cream, yogurt, cream, with the addition of a few drops of natural juice of other fruits, olive oil, linseed oil or grape seed. But to avoid getting an allergic reaction to any component, first check your skin to see how it reacts to each ingredient you want to add to your mask. If your skin is sensitive, it is better to use natural banana pulp without any added impurities.

I found a wonderful recipe for a banana mask against wrinkles on the Internet!


At first glance, it may seem that banana masks are a universal remedy that is suitable for every representative of the fair half of humanity, regardless of age, skin type and type of problem. However, banana masks have contraindications. So, we do not recommend using such masks if you have an individual intolerance to this tropical fruit, since allergic reactions are possible. However, fortunately, there are not too many such people on earth, so each of you can experience the miraculous effect of banana masks.

Benefits of banana masks

Banana contains a shock dose of potassium and magnesium, necessary to restore the water balance of the skin, vitamins of groups A, C, B and PP, as well as bioflavonoids, ensuring maximum absorption of the listed substances.

Applied to the skin of the face, a banana mask will help combat the first signs of aging, dullness and sagging skin, protect against dryness and speed up the healing of post-acne.

Read about the effectiveness of sour cream face masks on our website.

See here for a recipe for a face mask made from coffee and honey.

Recommendations for use

To fully experience the effect of banana face masks, you need to follow the tips below:

  • The banana mask should be used immediately after preparation. Storing this type of mask in the refrigerator for a long time kills its beneficial properties.
  • Bananas used during the preparation of the mask must be ripe; unripe ones, just like overripe fruits, are not suitable.
  • To ensure that the banana mask does not dry out longer and maximum nourishes and moisturizes the skin, we advise you to prepare a gauze bandage with slits for the eyes and lips in advance. It must be placed on top of the mask.
  • To evenly distribute the mask on the face, it is advisable to use a sponge or cotton pad.
  • The mask should be washed off with warm water.

Banana face mask recipes

Nourishing banana mask

  • banana – 0.5 pcs.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil (it is better to use nut or olive oil) – 1 teaspoon

Cooking method

Maslenitsa is wandering around here somewhere:


  • Mash the banana pulp.
  • In a separate bowl, mash the yolk (the white is not needed when preparing the mask) with the butter.
  • Combine banana and egg-butter mixture.
  • Apply the mask to your face and rinse with warm water after a quarter of an hour.

Moisturizing banana mask

  • banana – 0.5 pcs.;
  • milk – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method

  • Grate the banana on a fine grater.
  • Add milk and mix thoroughly.
  • Apply the mask to your face and after 15 minutes, remove the mask with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

If your facial skin is too dry, you can use cream instead of milk.

Mask for problem skin

  • banana – 0.5 pcs.;
  • dry yeast – 1 teaspoon;
  • milk – 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

  • Make a puree from the banana (you can mash the fruit with a spoon or grind it in a blender).
  • In a separate cup, combine the yeast with water. Mix well.
  • Add milk and banana puree to the yeast. Stir.
  • Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

When used daily, this mask will help dry out the skin and relieve acne.

Banana mask with rejuvenating effect

  • banana puree - 1 tablespoon;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • yogurt – 2 tablespoons;
  • oat flour.

Cooking method

  • Mix banana puree with honey and yogurt. Mix well.
  • Pour in enough oatmeal to form a thick mixture.
  • Apply the mask to your face, and after 15 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.

Banana mask with tonic effect

Warning: This mask is not recommended for sensitive skin. You will need:

  • banana – 0.5 pcs.;
  • orange - 1 slice.

Cooking method

Mix chopped banana and orange. Place the mask on your face. Leave for 15 minutes. After time has passed, remove it with a damp swab. Rinse your face with warm water.

Banana mask with whitening effect

This mask is suitable for girls with oily skin. With regular use of this mask, you will get rid of oily shine, enlarged pores, and your skin will become lighter and cleaner.

  • banana – 0.5 pcs.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method

  • Mash the banana. Add lemon juice. Mix well.
  • Apply the mask to your face for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with cool water.

Banana mask for dry skin

  • banana – 0.5 pcs.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • rice (or any vegetable) oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • rice or oat flour.

Cooking method

  • Grate the banana.
  • Add egg yolk (no white needed) and butter to banana puree. Stir.
  • Pour flour into the resulting mass until a thick paste forms.
  • Apply the mask to your face, and after 15 minutes, rinse it off with warm water.

Banana face masks will help solve any existing dermatological problem. The main thing is to choose the right recipe and be patient. Dear visitors to our portal, have you used banana face masks? Share your experience and recipe in the comments!


Elena, 37 years old.

I used to have problems with my face - irritation in summer and winter. I decided to try a mask using banana. After a week I noticed improvements, the skin became soft and even somewhat silky. I tried it with the addition of honey and milk, however, if someone is allergic to honey, it is better to use a different recipe.

Alla, 29 years old.

I don’t have any skin problems, but for prevention purposes I use various masks. This time I tried it with vegetable oil and banana. Overall, I’m happy with the result, but there is a small drawback - you can over-hydrate your skin. Therefore, try not to overdo it with oil.

Svetlana, 42 years old.

Last time I settled on a recipe made from banana and cream. Indeed, it nourishes the skin well, and the face even somehow feels fresher and pinker. There are also visible results in the fight against wrinkles; of course, they have not completely disappeared, but they have clearly smoothed out. The main thing is that you need to make these masks regularly, and don’t forget about nutrition and fresh air.

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