Swelling after laser eyelid resurfacing

Delicate, sensitive skin of the eyelids, under the influence of negative external factors, constant stress and poor nutrition, quickly loses its firmness and elasticity. As a result, the first signs of aging appear on the face.

Hardware cosmetic procedures are designed to restore youth and beauty, the most popular of which is laser eyelid resurfacing. Comfortable, absolutely safe and, importantly, the most effective procedure allows you to solve the problem of hyperpigmentation, eliminate wrinkles, folds and scars on the skin in the shortest possible time.

Description of the procedure

There are two main features of laser resurfacing of the lower and upper eyelids: low drama and maximum effectiveness of the technique.

The procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis (in a beauty salon), under local anesthesia. Very rarely, if the client’s pain threshold is high and the woman’s fears of any intervention, the doctor may use general anesthesia.

Important: before the doctor begins the laser resurfacing procedure, he must study the results of the patient’s clinical examination. Manipulations are strictly prohibited during pregnancy, as well as in the presence of inflammatory processes on the skin or in the body.

Laser treatment takes no more than thirty minutes. The essence of the technique is exposure to the upper layers of the skin (epidermis) with a low-intensity laser beam. The laser evaporates a layer of old, keratinized cells and activates the process of intensive renewal (regeneration) of skin cells.

Also, the laser resurfacing technique (namely laser exposure) stimulates the production of natural collagen in the deep layers of the epidermis. It is this property that provides an amazing rejuvenation effect: smooth, fresh, elastic facial skin.

Preparation and anesthesia

The cosmetologist assesses the condition of the skin and determines the type of laser and type of anesthesia.

If we are talking about local anesthesia, then 40-50 minutes before the start of the procedure, apply a layer of anesthetic cream to the face and cover it with film.

People who cannot tolerate pain well are prescribed general or intravenous anesthesia.

Before grinding, the cosmetologist puts on special light-protective glasses for himself and the patient.


The doctor passes the laser over the desired areas and removes the top layer of skin, causing it to become whitish.

After resurfacing, the body begins to produce collagen, which smoothes out wrinkles and stops the aging process of the skin. The face becomes smooth and beautiful.

What problems can laser resurfacing remove?

The maximum number of positive reviews about the laser eyelid resurfacing procedure makes it very popular among women whose faces clearly show age-related changes.

Skin resurfacing helps to quickly eliminate problems such as wrinkles, skin pigmentation, facial puffiness, restore facial contour and eliminate sagging skin.

Doctors also recommend this procedure for young girls whose facial skin shows signs of teenage acne, scars, injuries and marks after surgery.

Fractional laser resurfacing is good when the skin of the face looks unaesthetic, grayish, with an uneven surface.

Laser resurfacing of the lower eyelids is indicated for those who want to correct the position of drooping corners of the eyes, tone the skin in this area, and reduce the severity of dark circles under the eyes.

Laser resurfacing at the Anthurium clinic

The first laser resurfacing in the Altai region was done in 2003 at the Anthurium clinic. Over the years, the technique has been tested many times and has given hundreds of patients a new face! Until now, laser peeling in Barnaul can only be done in our clinic, which guarantees a qualified and professional approach.

Laser resurfacing is carried out using a powerful, effective and safe erbium laser “Dermablade” (made in Germany).

Laser peeling is a procedure for those patients who value a pronounced and long-lasting result!

Who should not do it

Laser eyelid resurfacing is contraindicated for the following indications:

– patients with previously diagnosed increased intraocular pressure, as well as diseases of the thyroid gland;

– patients with cardiovascular diseases;

– cancer patients;

– patients diagnosed with AIDS, HIV;

– clients with diabetes;

– women during pregnancy;

– clients over seventy years old;

– patients who have previously shown a tendency to allergies to laser radiation.

Important: the decision on whether the use of laser resurfacing for eyelid skin rejuvenation is permissible can only be made by a doctor based on the results of the following studies:

– general and biochemical blood test;

– urine analysis;

– fluorography and ECG.

Also, for the final verdict, consultation with an anesthesiologist, cardiologist, therapist, as well as a cosmetologist (determines the condition of the periocular muscles and the elasticity coefficient of the skin) is necessary.

Features of the event

It is possible to obtain the desired result of rejuvenation after laser treatment only if you follow the rules of preparation before the operation and the technological stages of laser resurfacing. Proper care after the procedure is equally important.

The preparatory process involves a mandatory consultation with a cosmetologist who will determine the need for this procedure. Also, before laser treatment, you must follow the following recommendations:

– exclude active insolation for a month;

– two weeks before resurfacing, stop taking antibiotics and hormonal drugs;

– stop taking antispasmodics and painkillers five days before;

– stop drinking alcohol for three days.

After the patient has completed the preparatory stage, you can proceed directly to the resurfacing procedure. Complete laser treatment is carried out in very rare cases. In this situation, the patient goes to the hospital for several days, and the manipulation itself is performed under general anesthesia.

Fractional laser resurfacing is more often performed. The eyelids are partially treated, the patient is under local anesthesia and goes home immediately after the procedure.

Algorithm for laser eyelid resurfacing:

  1. Cleansing the skin in the laser treatment area. The master uses special gentle cosmetics.
  2. Introduction of anesthesia. The specialist can inject into a vein or apply a special application in the treatment area.
  3. Preparing the device for operation. The doctor sets up the device, sets the necessary treatment scheme, and the depth of laser exposure.
  4. Direct laser exposure. The skin in the desired area is treated with an antiseptic, and the eyeball is covered with a protective circle. Turn on the device and begin laser treatment. At this time, the patient feels only slight tingling at the treatment site.
  5. The final stage. The treated skin is wiped with antiseptic agents, as well as wound-healing creams or gels.

About the rehabilitation period after laser peeling

After laser peeling, the polished areas are covered with a special solution (ointment, “second skin” mask), under which the skin heals during the first week. Swelling persists for 3-4 days, which is accompanied by painful sensations.

For 6-7 days after laser resurfacing, the patient is in the hospital hospital. During this time, the first thin epidermal layer has time to form, the mask is removed and the patient is sent home. However, primary healing (epithelialization) takes 1.5-2 months, while in the first 4 weeks the skin remains bright red, which, however, can be hidden with makeup (foundation and powder).

During the rehabilitation period, the patient must strictly follow the doctor’s recommendations, otherwise complications cannot be avoided. In particular, it is not recommended to be exposed to direct sunlight for 2-3 months; be sure to use sunscreen for 6-12 months to prevent hyperpigmentation. New skin requires careful care, because it is very sensitive and prone to various dermatitis. To prevent purulent-septic diseases, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. However, all complications that arise after laser resurfacing are surmountable, there are no irreparable ones!

Having courageously gone through a long period of rehabilitation, the patient receives a long-awaited reward - a new face!

Taboo after the procedure

Rehabilitation may be complicated by minor swelling, discomfort, and redness. There is no need to worry; by the end of the second day, almost all side effects will disappear. Swelling may persist for up to five days. Also, crusts form on the skin, which under no circumstances should be peeled off.

Skin care after laser resurfacing involves some limitations:

– on the first day, you should not touch the skin in the gas area, wet the skin, or treat it with any cosmetics;

– for a month it is not recommended to visit baths and saunas, as well as take very hot baths or showers, swim in the pool and open reservoirs;

– active physical activity and sports are limited for thirty days;

– the active use of cosmetics, decorative cosmetics, as well as various cosmetic procedures at laser treatment sites is prohibited.

Recommended care after the grinding procedure is a light wash with warm or cool water. The use of gentle moisturizers is also allowed. Additionally, cosmetologists recommend wiping your face with ice cubes from herbal decoctions and spraying thermal water on the skin.

If the discomfort does not go away on the third day, the laser treatment areas can be covered with special creams with a healing effect.

Refusal of cosmetics is not complete; if absolutely necessary, you can apply light makeup. The main thing is at the end of the day, with gentle movements, using special products that do not injure the skin, cleanse your face of cosmetics.

Important: after laser resurfacing, before going outside, the skin must be treated with sun protection. The right choice of product is a cream with a high SPF. In the cold of winter, the skin is protected from low temperatures.

Laser resurfacing

My name is Nastya, I’m 24 years old and I went through all the tortures of the Holy Inquisition in an attempt to get rid of post-acne.

How did I get to this point?!

One day I met a friend, she was about 40, but still 20 at heart, well, the desire to equalize the first and second, like many females, is very great... And then she excitedly begins to tell me about the super procedure, on which she got hooked on, goes once a year, and after the procedure she looks like beauty would make a blind man see, a cripple would walk, and any girl would be jealous.

I wondered what kind of secret it was and who would need to be killed for it (I didn’t think I’d say this out loud)

And this secret turned out to be simple - laser resurfacing.

And my sleep disappeared from that day, and I became worse at eating (although no, food is sacred). And I scoured the Internet, and I read reviews, laudatory and not very good, I watched videos, and such that Ring and Astral are for children cartoon. I decided. We don’t have many clinics in the city where this procedure can be done, and the choice fell on the “Tver Center for Laser Medicine.” The procedure was performed by Dr. Oksana Valentinovna Raevskaya. The doctor is wonderful! Oksana Valentinovna told everything in great detail, said about the whole mountain positive effects (fresh complexion, narrowing of pores, normalization of sebum secretion, and, of course, partial removal of scars, about 3 procedures are needed for complete removal) and about the need to apply sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50 for the next six months, a ban on tanning was received for that the same period and instructions to take an antiherpes drug (after this kind of procedure, herpes often appears on the face if this virus has already had clinical manifestations).

Grinding day:

I arrived at the appointed time, I was so worried that I felt sick. The nurse came out, washed my face, applied Emla anesthetic cream to my face (except for the area around the eyes), wrapped my face in cling film and left it for 40 minutes. My face began to go numb….


They put me on the couch, comfortably. They rolled up a large device, the size of a bedside table. This is His Majesty Fraxel laser. It started...... I closed my eyes..... And I didn’t feel anything. I could only hear a rhythmic clicking and the smell of burnt skin - this smell is one of the most terrible memories about the procedure. The entire grinding lasts about 30 minutes. Towards the end, the anesthesia begins to wear off, but the sensations are quite tolerable. After the grinding is completed, panthenol spray is applied, this is where the heat begins! Anastasia is gone, but the burning sensation from panthenol has come, fortunately it only lasts about 5 minutes .That’s it, after removing the remaining panthenol, the doctor sends you home with parting words: do not wash for 2 days (the hardest thing), when the crust begins to smear it with rich cream and curiosin.


I got home by car, my face was a little hot, but no more. I came home, looked, my face was red and everything looked as if I had been sunburnt. I lay down to rest. You should only sleep on your back, so as not to hurt your face in any way, because if you collect the crust, you will most likely get a new scar. This turned out to be not an easy task, since my favorite sleeping position is “belly-splayed with an eversion on the right side”, well, it’s okay, I managed it. The doctor warned that there was more to come. day I will be like a “Mongolian Princess” and not just chic, but in the sense that my whole face will swell, but sleeping on a high pillow did its job and there was almost no swelling. ATTENTION advice:

!If you still decide to polish, then do it in the first half of the day, and try to spend the subsequent time more in an upright state. Sleep on a high pillow the first night!

On the third day, the crusts were already well formed. I mercilessly smeared with curiosin and already began to add a regular moisturizer. On days 4-5, the crusts began to come off. First there was the nose, then the forehead, chin. The last to give up were the cheeks, where the main blow fell, like scars. and laser.

After 5-6 days there were almost no crusts left and for the first time I understood the meaning of the expression “healthy complexion”. The skin is simply excellent, soft, the color is perfect. Everything is as in advertising.

This was repeated 3 times. After a month. Then every 30 days I had polishing done. The price for this procedure is average - the whole face (except for the eyes) is 8,200 rubles.

What happened in the end:

Nothing good. More precisely, nothing at all. Wasted time, money and broken dreams. Honestly, a year has passed, and I can definitely say that this is bullshit. The laser gives a short-term effect and that is that you get a fresh complexion, soft skin, but after 3 months you come back to the starting point.

Bottom line: Guys, this is a business. All words need to be divided by 100 and it’s not a fact that this will be true. But Fraxel is an analogue of peeling that will refresh your face for a while, but read reviews on the Internet, look at photos and videos and decide whether this is necessary or not. If I could go back, I would never go through this again. Although I myself understand what life is like with scars on your face, you cling to every hope. I really hope that my review It will make at least someone think.

I have now undergone the first mechanical grinding procedure. A review of this will come later.

Preparations that will help the skin recover (everything has been tried on my own skin):

5th place. Panthenol spray. It makes sense only on the first day after the procedure. Relieves burning of the skin, reduces skin tightness, has a slight analgesic effect, BUT the first minute after application it really stings the skin, so you have to be patient a little, then it will get easier! More than one day, I don’t see It makes no sense to use it because other drugs come into play.

4th place. The most common thermal water. After 2 days, the damaged crust covering your skin begins to tighten your skin so much that sometimes it can be difficult to drink water. This is where a can of life-giving water comes to the rescue. After irrigating the face, freedom of movement is restored , a pleasant sensation, because the water cools your face a little, and this is additional hydration for your skin. It’s worth saying that for the next 20 days, moisturizing your face will be one of your main missions, because after resurfacing, the skin is very dehydrated.

3rd place. Curiosin gel. I won’t quote what the manufacturer promises, I’ll say from myself that the main substance is zinc hyaluronate. We all know what hyaluronic acid is famous for (a powerful moisturizer), zinc is a good antiseptic. As a result, we get moisturizing gel with antiseptic effect. And everything seems to be not bad, and this gel moisturizes, BUT, its price is 600 rubles for 10 ml. It is not used economically and a tube lasted me for 2-3 days. My advice is to buy a good moisturizing serum with hyaluronic acid (I love this plan from a Korean manufacturer, for example Mizon). But the advantage of this ointment is that it is within walking distance in any pharmacy.

2nd place. Methyluracil ointment.

pharmachologic effect

Methyluracil ointment accelerates cellular regeneration processes. Has an immunostimulating effect: stimulates cellular and humoral immunity factors. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, which is associated with the ability to suppress the activity of proteolytic enzymes.

It has anabolic and anti-catabolic activity.

The drug has a photoprotective effect in patients with photodermatoses.

The ointment is very greasy when applied, but when interacting with the skin and heating up from body temperature, the ointment seems to melt and is easily applied to the affected areas. The ointment is not completely absorbed (remains on the skin for 30-40 percent of the initial application), so apply only in free time. I alternated it with the winner of the first place, as it tightened the skin (has a gel texture), and when applying the ointment, this effect disappeared.

1st place. Solklseryl gel/ointment. This is the best product for quickly restoring your skin after any harsh procedure. If you apply this gel at least 3 times a day, the recovery time for your wounds is reduced by 1/3 (in my experience). A well-known remedy for accelerating healing. For myself, I chose the gel, because after trying the ointment, after a day I noticed pimples, for my very oily skin the ointment turned out to be too comedogenic. So be careful. My conclusion: the ointment is for dry and normal skin, for oily and combination skin - gel. The gel has a not very pleasant finish - it dries on the skin, thereby tightening it greatly. I got out of the situation like this, after the gel had dried, I applied Methyluracil ointment to the places of active facial expressions and where the skin was tightened, here it is then I dealt with this effect.

Unfortunately, the photo before sanding was not preserved, but believe me, there are no changes even by 5%, so a photo a year after sanding = photo before sanding.

Have a great day everyone and good luck with your experiments!

Undesirable consequences - what they may be

Side effects of laser eyelid resurfacing, as a rule, occur due to non-compliance with the preparatory and post-manipulation process, as well as doctor errors. Possible manifestations:

– excessive skin pigmentation;

– swelling and scars localized in the treatment areas;

– infection of the skin around the eyes.

Minor discomfort and redness may occur, which will go away on their own within seven days. If the side effects do not go away and intensify (the eyelids become brown, ichor appears), you should visit your doctor as soon as possible.


Laser eyelid resurfacing (subject to the necessary qualifications and sufficient experience of the cosmetologist) allows you to achieve the following results:

– maximally improve the general condition of the skin around the eyes;

– reduce the severity, reduce the depth of folds and wrinkles;

– reduce scars (if any);

– tighten the tissue around the eyes.

Laser eyelid resurfacing after blepharoplasty helps to perfect the results of the operation: even the smallest wrinkles that were previously not amenable to surgical correction are smoothed out.

To fully appreciate the positive effect of laser treatment, it is necessary to undergo from one to five sessions (determined by the condition of the skin). The procedure is carried out no more than once a month. In each specific case, the rejuvenation program is determined by the doctor.

The positive rejuvenation effect of laser eyelid skin resurfacing lasts from three to five years.

Young and beautiful face: results of laser resurfacing

Laser polished leather is comparable to a blank sheet of white paper. All signs of aging are gone: wrinkles smooth out, pigment spots disappear, firmness and elasticity return, texture becomes more even and smooth. The effect of laser resurfacing lasts for 5 years, then it can be repeated.

The surgeon who performed laser peeling gives the patient a kind of “second chance” that cannot be missed. After all, its appearance in the future depends on how a person takes care of his new young and beautiful skin. Regular minimally invasive (low-traumatic) cosmetic skin care procedures will help maintain and increase the positive impulse of laser radiation.


Elina, 38 years old, Moscow : “Starting from the age of thirty-three, I began to notice unpleasant changes on my face, namely sagging of the upper eyelids. This gave my face a sad expression and really spoiled my mood. Having consulted a specialist, I received a recommendation for laser eyelid resurfacing. I didn't regret it for a minute. The procedure was fairly quick and painless (thanks to the anesthesiologist). Minor redness disappeared on the second day. And most importantly, after a week and a half, I was able to fully enjoy my reflection in the mirror.”

Ekaterina, 45 years old, Kostroma : “A friend recommended laser resurfacing to me. I decided to have the procedure only after I saw the amazing result on her face. Having prepared mentally and received permission from the doctor to undergo eyelid resurfacing, I passed this test. And I didn’t regret it. The result is amazing: the skin of the eyelids looks lighter and more toned. I am ten years younger, which is confirmed by numerous friends, relatives and loved ones.”

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