Oxygen peeling: description of the procedure, advantages, reviews

As you know, the environmental situation in the modern world is getting worse and worse every day. We are forced to use specially purified water for drinking, pay attention to the quality of the products we consume... Already in many science fiction films there are ideas that for breathing a person uses oxygen from some reservoirs, and not from the atmosphere around him, but this component We need it not only for our lungs, but also for our skin. That is why we would like to introduce you to one of the truly useful cosmetic services, namely oxygen peeling.

How does lack of oxygen affect the condition of the skin?

The lack of vital gas directly affects the condition of all organs and tissues of the human body. For many, a term such as hypoxia (low oxygen content) is quite understandable and does not need additional explanation. In conditions of lack of oxygen, metabolic processes at the cellular level are disrupted, so-called under-oxidized chemical compounds (free radicals) appear, and tissues do not fully perform their functions, and all this, one way or another, affects our skin.

How does oxygen get to skin cells?

The flow of oxygen to skin cells occurs both through the body’s circulatory system and from the surrounding air. Therefore, to maintain a normal level of oxygen in the skin, it is necessary: ​​for large and small blood vessels to function well, and for the skin to be sufficiently permeable for the supply of this element from the outside.

Thus, in order to protect the epidermal tissues from the effects of hypoxia, it is necessary, firstly, to free them from the obstructive upper layer of dead and keratinized cells, that is, to carry out peeling, and secondly, to ensure normal blood microcirculation in the blood vessels that nourish the skin .

All this can be achieved through oxygen peeling (oxygen mesotherapy).

The Importance of Oxygen

Most chemical processes occurring in the body are oxidation reactions, for which oxygen is simply necessary. Under normal conditions, when living in ecologically clean areas and taking good care of the skin, she receives it in sufficient quantities. Such people have a healthy complexion and ageless skin for a long time.

But in a metropolis and chronic time pressure, such lucky people cannot be found. From the constant use of decorative cosmetics, pores become clogged, the upper layer of the epidermis thickens and the face becomes covered with a grayish crust, which prevents the cells from breathing fully. Plus regular stress and permanent exposure to toxins from smog and untreated water.

You can partially compensate for this negative effect with the help of oxygen hardware peeling for the face.

What is oxygen peeling?

Oxygen peeling is a type of mechanical hardware cleansing of the facial skin, during which not only the non-viable surface layers of the epidermis are removed, but also the skin cells are saturated with nutrients, medicinal substances, and also enriched with oxygen . The essence of the procedure is that a stream of oxygen supplied through the device’s nozzle at ultra-high speed removes the surface layers of the epidermis and introduces biologically active substances into the cells.

This technique was discovered in the eighties of the last century as a result of one of the many studies carried out in NASA laboratories. The oxygen peeling apparatus was invented ten years later. Initially, it was used in medicine to treat difficult-to-heal wounds and trophic defects of skin tissue. It was later found that a flow of oxygen supplied at high speed effectively cleanses the skin and helps eliminate cosmetic defects. Since then, this type of facial cleansing has been carried out in beauty salons.

In terms of its effectiveness and depth of impact on skin tissue, oxygen peeling is often compared with deep chemical or mechanical skin peeling. But, as reviews from numerous patients who have undergone this procedure show, the recovery period after it is very short, or even non-existent, and side effects are extremely rare.

The huge advantage of this type of peeling is that, despite the fact that it affects the deep layers of the epidermis, it can be used even in the sunny season, including for people who by nature have sensitive skin prone to pigmentation. skin.

Who is not suitable for peeling with oxygen?

Despite the fact that peeling with oxygen is a gentle procedure, even it has a number of limitations . Let's take a closer look at them so as not to put our health at risk.

  • In case of pregnancy or breastfeeding period.
  • If there is an individual intolerance to any components of the drug used in this procedure.
  • Skin or other diseases in an acute form.
  • Ulcers, cuts or small wounds on the surface of the tissue.

If you want to learn more about what oxygen peeling is, as well as how it is carried out, we advise you to watch an interesting video. Always be beautiful and attractive - the achievements of modern cosmetology will easily help you with this.

Who is this method of facial cleansing recommended for?

Oxygen peeling is a fairly serious and effective procedure that can solve many aesthetic problems:

  1. Quickly and effectively cleanse the skin, deeply moisturize and refresh it.
  2. Eliminate excessive dryness, thinness, flaking.
  3. Increase the firmness and elasticity of tissues, raise their tone.
  4. Remove existing oily sheen and regulate the function of the sebaceous glands.
  5. Unclog clogged pores, remove blackheads and pimples.
  6. Make scarring skin defects resulting from acne less noticeable.
  7. Remove or make stretch marks (striae) minimally noticeable.
  8. Eliminate areas of hyperpigmentation and freckles.
  9. Smooth out shallow expression wrinkles and make deep expression and age wrinkles less noticeable.
  10. Perform lymphatic drainage.
  11. Eliminate puffiness and swelling on the face, including in the eyelid area (eliminate the so-called “bags”).
  12. Correct the contours of the face and neck, tighten the double chin.

Description of the procedure

  • Cleansing and degreasing facial skin.

  • Applying moisturizing treatment serum.
  • Treatment of the skin with an oxygen stream using a special device.

The duration of the procedure is from thirty minutes to one and a half hours. To achieve maximum effect, about 10 sessions are required, 2 sessions per week. [adsense1]

Types of therapeutic serums for oxygen mesotherapy

The following serums received the most numerous positive reviews:

  • based on azelaic acid. Used to treat problem skin.
  • based on kojikovic, ascorbic acids and vitamins A, C, E. Tightens pores, smoothes wrinkles, eliminates areas of hyperpigmentation.
  • based on hyaluronic acid. Used for very dry and sensitive facial skin.
  • based on ceramides. Has a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

Are there other ways to oxygenate skin tissue?

The modern cosmetology industry does not stand still, and today it is possible to carry out a procedure that is close in its effectiveness to a salon procedure at home.

Oxygen peeling, a product from the famous Korean cosmetics manufacturer Missha, received numerous positive reviews. This product is a unique combination of peeling and mask, designed for self-use, without the help of a cosmetologist.

Composition and contraindications

Missha cosmetics consistently receive positive reviews from both women and men due to their high quality and effectiveness. It includes:

  • Special microgranules that mechanically eliminate cells of the superficial non-viable layer of skin.
  • Hyaluronic acid, which has the unique ability to attract and retain moisture in skin tissue.
  • Pineapple extract, which helps remove “extra” layers due to the fruit acids it contains.
  • Cellulose, which enhances the ability of the product to cleanse the skin.

As for contraindications, Missha laboratory specialists tried to reduce them to a minimum and, perhaps, here we should only note individual intolerance to the peeling components, and undesirable use during pregnancy, which is a standard set for any such cosmetics.

How do Missha cosmetics work?

When Missha cosmetics are applied to the skin, abundant foaming occurs, as a result of which the skin is actively saturated with oxygen. As reviews show, the result of using Missha peeling is visible after the first use, and with regular use, its composition effectively cleanses the surface of the face, improves microcirculation in tissues, gives the skin a healthy glow, eliminates oily shine, improves color, moisturizes the skin, making it softer and smooth.

Thus, using an oxygen peeling mask from Missha at home is a worthy alternative to salon care. This is especially true for those people who do not yet have significant problems and do not require serious intervention in the structure of skin tissue.

This product can be used for basic facial care or to prevent lack of oxygen in cells. Peeling mask Missha is very often discussed on numerous forums, and, as a rule, receives only positive reviews, although again, everything depends on the individual characteristics of a person’s skin.

So, oxygen peeling is another way to help your skin be healthy and beautiful, which has become especially relevant in the modern world due to the fact that a sedentary lifestyle, poor environmental situation, busy work, and rare walks in the fresh air contribute to a deficiency of the vital element - oxygen.

In addition, this technique has won numerous positive reviews from regular clients of cosmetic clinics due to quick and sustainable results, a short recovery period and the absence of side effects.

Oxygen hand cleansing

The skin of your hands also needs careful care, just like the skin of your face. The beautiful half of humanity resorts to oxygen hand peeling. After all, women’s hands have to do a lot of work around the house that involves using products. All this has a bad effect on the skin.

The effect on the skin of the hands can be complex, for example, lubricate the hands with a nourishing composition and then add exposure to oxygen to enhance the visible result.

Mode of application

First, you need to lubricate the surface of the skin of your hands with any available cleansing cosmetic product. It is good that it contains small abrasive particles, with the help of which the keratinized cells will be gently cleansed. For hypersensitive skin, a product without aggressive exfoliation is selected.


The essence of oxygen care for the surface of the skin of the hands:

  • restoration of natural water balance;
  • the number of small wrinkles decreases;
  • gradual restoration of the epidermis layer.


Fans of Korean cosmetics can use the Missha SUPER AQUA Oxygen Micro Essence Peeling oxygen cream mask to effectively clean the skin surface. This is a pleasant, slightly gentle cleansing method. It can be used independently at home. Suitable for all skin types.

Thanks to oxygen peeling, you can get the following results:

  • even out skin texture;
  • helps get rid of dead cells;
  • deep skin cleansing;
  • with the help of hyaluronic acid, which is part of the product, epidermal cells are restored;
  • Pineapple extract helps get rid of pigmented spots, which visibly brightens the skin.

Mode of application

  1. First, cleanse the skin of the face with a product that is usually used in these cases;
  2. Then apply a little cream mask onto the skin surface of the face using a dispenser with massaging movements;
  3. The product will begin to foam slightly, and it will even tickle a little due to the appearance of tiny bubbles, which then burst. The procedure is pleasant and also effective;
  4. Massaging the skin until the stratum corneum of the epidermis rolls off;
  5. Wash your face with warm water and pat dry with a napkin, without rubbing the skin too much.

After washing, you may notice that the skin is slightly red. There is no need to be afraid, as this is a short-term phenomenon.

Benefits of the procedure

  • The bottle is large (100 ml), so the product lasts a long time;
  • Cleanses the skin, it becomes as if polished;
  • Has no side effects.

If you use oxygen peeling with the Missha cream mask regularly, you can quickly rejuvenate your skin. Thanks to the action of the components of the cosmetic product, wrinkles are gradually smoothed out and the skin becomes more toned. The face simply transforms, shining with freshness and youth.

About the author: Ekaterina Nosova

Certified specialist in the field of reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Extensive experience, Moscow's leading specialist in thread lifting, blepharoplasty and breast replacement, has performed more than 11,000 operations. Read more about me in the Doctors-Authors section.

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