10 “no” for carrying out a rejuvenating procedure - contraindications for myostimulation


Many salons now offer myostimulation as a means of combating cellulite.
Cosmetologists also offer myostimulation (electric currents) to affect the skin of the face. So what is it? Myostimulation (electrical stimulation) is the stimulation of neuromuscular structures using weak electrical impulses that imitate natural electrical signals of the nervous system. How this happens: electrodes are connected, current is applied, and electrical impulses travel through our nerves to the brain. The brain is “surprised” and with the question “who is it that is pinching my body?” through the same nerves it sends a command to pull back (i.e., contract) the “pinched” muscle. As a result, you, as usual, are at home on the sofa or on the couch in the salon, your muscles contract and tense. This method is also called “gymnastics for the lazy” or “passive fitness”. Actually, this method was invented by doctors and was initially used to adapt bedridden patients to active movement.

Without a doubt, such muscle work is similar to our natural movements, BUT JUST SIMILAR, nothing more. The fact is that during myostimulation, the muscles do not stretch, the ligaments do not stretch, the joints do not work, and therefore such a “load” cannot in any way replace the usual, physical one.

Pros and cons of myostimulation.


1. Physical exercise, no matter how varied, does not engage all muscle fibers. And with myostimulation, thanks to the influence of electric current, absolutely all the muscles of the stimulated zone are included in the work. 2. During electrical stimulation, nerve fibers that sense the effect of current transmit a signal to the brain, and the brain, in turn, activates the heart and sends a command to the area of ​​influence of the myostimulator to increase the patency of blood vessels and open reserve capillaries. That is, in addition to everything else, the blood supply to the stimulated tissues also improves. 3. During “myostimulation,” the musculoskeletal system is not loaded, which means joint wear and the risk of injury are minimized.


1. When playing sports, certain biochemical reactions are triggered in the body: carbohydrates are burned, then fat reserves begin to be used up. The result is that you become slimmer. The effect of electric current on muscles does not require any energy expenditure from the body - all energy comes from the outside, i.e. from an electrical outlet. Therefore, there can be no talk of any significant fat loss! Let's put a big, fat minus!

But people are losing weight, you say!

Of course they lose weight, but the weight loss here is, one might say, not “direct”, but “indirect”. During myostimulation, the contracting muscles include cells of neighboring tissues (including fatty tissues) in metabolic processes, which ultimately has a positive effect on the situation in the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Electromyostimulation breaks up cellulite tubercles, stimulates lipolysis and promotes the removal of excess fluid from subcutaneous fat, which can ultimately lead to some fat loss.

The purpose of myostimulation is to strengthen and restore muscles, activate blood supply and lymph outflow, normalize metabolism and even improve the functional state of the nervous and endocrine systems and hormonal levels. And this effect in combination leads to a decrease in the volume and number of fat cells in the stimulated zone. This is why commercials advertise myostimulators to us as devices for weight loss; however, they should not be perceived that way.

In fact, a myostimulator is a medical device that treats and restores tissue, primarily muscle tissue, and weight loss is just one of the consequences of this. Even with regular procedures, good equipment and experienced doctors, myostimulation will not make an inch out of a plump thing. The fact is that the thicker the fat layer on the muscles, the more the impulses will have time to weaken “on the way” to the muscles, which means that the effect of such “training” will be small. In this case, in order to achieve full muscle contraction, overcoming a thick layer of fat, it is necessary to increase the current strength. And this inevitably leads to unpleasant sensations and is largely unsafe for health.

Conclusions: Myostimulation is indispensable in order to properly restore and prepare for normal movement weak muscles that are beginning to atrophy: for example, the muscles of a bedridden patient... or an office employee suffering from physical inactivity.
But you won’t last long on myostimulation alone - after a certain point you can and should combine it with active movement.

Body myostimulation, what is it?

Many, having heard about this procedure, wonder what myostimulation is and why is it needed? This is a unique effect of current pulses on the body, which send signals to the muscles, allowing you to lose extra pounds by improving the functioning of the body. In other words, myostimulation can be called passive gymnastics or training, because it also helps burn weight, but does not require any effort.

Myostimulators come in two types: stationary and wireless, allowing you to use them anywhere at any time. The latter work with batteries, so they do not produce the maximum impact on the muscles, unlike a stationary device. This type of myostimulator is used in beauty salons, effectively affecting fat cells, promoting their breakdown. To correct your figure and bring it into the desired shape, you must undergo a course of myostimulation. It will maximize the functioning of organs and systems and will force the central nervous system to send the right impulses to burn fat.

It is not recommended to use such muscle stimulators for children; doctors are against any such intervention. If a child is overweight, you need to get rid of it by adjusting your diet, as well as by including more activity.

What is myolifting, how does the procedure work, reviews and answers to frequently asked questions

The electromyostimulation technique, that is, the use of pulsed currents for therapeutic purposes, has been used in physiotherapy for over 30 years. It was originally developed for the rehabilitation of bedridden patients and astronauts, when there was no other way to restore muscle function after a long period of forced immobility or stay in weightlessness.

Later, this method was used in sports medicine, and then in cosmetology. Currently, the principle of electrical myostimulation of muscles is used in facial myostimulation, as a rejuvenating procedure and non-surgical myolifting.


  1. Myostimulation is a healing and rejuvenating method based on the impact of electric current pulses on the body.
  2. This method helps to get rid of excess weight, cosmetic problems, improves metabolism and muscle tone.
  3. Main contraindications: menstruation, pregnancy and breastfeeding, stroke, the presence of metal structures in the body, facial paralysis and epilepsy.
  4. After the procedure, burns, irritation, pain and allergies may occur if the gel composition is intolerant.
  5. A doctor's consultation is required before the session if there are complications after myostimulation. We also recommend that you familiarize yourself with microcurrents for rosacea in this material.

How to avoid complications

Any medical procedure, including physiotherapeutic procedures, has restrictions on its use. Myostimulation is no exception, contraindications for which can be divided into two groups.

  • implanted pacemaker;
  • epilepsy;
  • arrhythmias;
  • individual intolerance to current;
  • malignant tumors;
  • severe dysfunction of the kidneys and liver;
  • menstruation;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • blood diseases;
  • chronic alcoholism and drug addiction;
  • mental illness;
  • tuberculosis in the active stage;
  • fever (increased body temperature).

Specific contraindications to facial myostimulation:

  • facial skin diseases;
  • benign formations (including pigmented nevi);
  • trigeminal neuralgia;
  • sinusitis in the acute stage;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • implanted gold threads.

It should be taken into account that injectable gel implants-fillers of wrinkles and lips dissolve much faster against the background of myostimulation. After undergoing plastic surgery, the myolifting procedure is possible only after consultation with a doctor!

Contraindications for body myostimulation

But also myostimulation of the body is characterized by various contraindications that you should definitely pay attention to. Among them are the following:

  • Blood pathologies;
  • Thrombophlebitis;
  • The presence of an intrauterine device;
  • Purulent skin lesions;
  • Oncology;
  • Acute diseases;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Tendency to bleeding;
  • Contracture of facial muscles;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Individual intolerance to external influences of currents;
  • Serious joint dislocations without treatment.

The list of contraindications may increase, supplemented by certain diseases. In order not to encounter difficulties, not to provoke a deterioration in well-being and not to cause a number of concomitant diseases, before carrying out it it is worth visiting a specialist who will take the necessary tests and make diagnostics that will allow you to find out the percentage of successful myostimulation.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Myostimulation - does it hurt?

If you follow all the rules for performing the procedure, there should be no pain. The effect of pulsed current on the skin is normally felt in the form of a slight tingling sensation.

The current strength (for the face - no more than 15 mA) is selected individually (taking into account the sensitivity of the patient). The frequency range for electrical stimulation is from 30 to 150 Hz, and currents with different pulse shapes are used. In particular, the neuron-like current, which the muscles perceive as natural nerve impulses, makes the procedure absolutely comfortable for the patient.

Myostimulation is carried out taking into account muscle antagonism. Opposite muscle groups cannot contract at the same time, and impulses must be supplied to them at different times.

Unpleasant sensations are possible in the following cases:

  • the presence of microtraumas, spider veins;
  • poor contact of the electrode with the skin;
  • too intense current;
  • poor preparation of the skin for the procedure (not degreased, insufficient layer of gel or mask);
  • increased sensitivity of teeth;
  • The scheme for applying electrodes during myostimulation is not followed (they are too close to the periosteum in the area of ​​the cheekbones or eye sockets);
  • in men - the presence of stubble (an obstacle between the electrode and the skin).

Any discomfort during the procedure must be immediately reported to the specialist who performs it!

Is it possible to do myostimulation at home?

The myostimulation procedure (especially of the face) is an individually selected program, which takes into account the current strength and its characteristics, exposure time and electrode attachment points. This should be done by a specialist!

Widely advertised cheap devices for myostimulation made in China are definitely not worth using at home!

Professional myostimulators are high-quality devices (including Russian ones), which are sold in special stores and are not cheap. The price depends on the complexity of the programs, the number and type of electrodes, the power of the pulse generator and the availability of additional options.

A good device must have a guarantee, certificates of quality and compliance, detailed instructions and is equipped with several types of electrodes for conducting a high-quality myostimulation procedure. Reviews of devices from various companies can be found on the Internet.

The first procedures must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist who will select the desired program and show a diagram of the application of electrodes during myostimulation.

How often can myostimulation be done?

The program and frequency of myostimulation procedures is selected individually for each patient. One myolifting session usually lasts 20-30 minutes. The total duration of the course is from 10 to 20 procedures, which depends on individual characteristics:

  • muscle sensitivity to current impulses;
  • speed of metabolic processes;
  • severity of changes that need to be corrected.

An interval of 2-3 days is maintained between sessions. This is due to the cumulative effect of myostimulation. Courses can be held several times a year.

Myostimulation and microcurrents: what is the difference?

During microcurrent therapy (microlifting), tissues are exposed to an electric current of low voltage (up to 14 V) and ultra-low force (up to 600 μA). Therefore, unlike myostimulation, there is no visible muscle contraction or noticeable tissue heating. The remaining effects are similar.

Microcurrents enhance the penetration of substances from the surface of the skin into its deeper layers, so procedures are carried out using medicinal cosmetics and medications (microelectrophoresis).

Microcurrents are used in the same cases as electromyostimulation, but there are additional indications:

  • improving the condition of oily and combination skin;
  • care for sensitive and dry skin;
  • treatment of various dermatitis;
  • scar correction;
  • treatment of alopecia (hair loss);
  • preparation for plastic surgery and rehabilitation after it.

Contraindications to myostimulation and microlifting are almost identical.

Is it possible to do myostimulation during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is an absolute contraindication to myostimulation, regardless of the area of ​​the body in which it is performed!

Possible negative impacts:

  • changes in uterine tone;
  • risk of bleeding;
  • increased toxicosis (nausea, etc.).

Features of anti-aging facial procedures in cosmetology

Myostimulation is a popular cosmetic procedure aimed at correcting the condition of the skin, its appearance and eliminating aesthetic imperfections. The positive effect of the method is based on the influence of weak electrical impulses. They lead to muscle contractions and stimulation of blood circulation, increasing metabolism in cells. Sessions are prescribed as a course, the number of repetitions depends on the age and severity of the problems. A lasting result can be achieved by combining myostimulation with lymphatic drainage massage, which is often prescribed to combat wrinkles and face lift.

Initially, the myostimulation method was used only in medicine as a physiotherapy procedure. Today, the service is provided by almost any beauty salon.

Pros and cons of such a “transformation”

The main advantage of the procedure and microcurrents is the complex effect of current on the skin. The following advantages of the method are noted:

  • strengthening muscle tone, restoring facial contour;
  • smoothing out fine facial wrinkles and age-related changes;
  • combating fat deposits on the cheeks, neck and chin;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen and stimulation of blood flow;
  • strengthening metabolic processes in cells;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands.

Among the disadvantages is the need for several sessions to achieve a visible result. With increased sensitivity and improper procedure, there is a risk of adverse reactions - irritation, redness and even mild burns. Sessions should not be carried out at home, since knowledge of the points where electrodes are applied and the choice of current power is required.

Operating principle and result

To carry out myostimulation, a special device is used, which is a device with 3-10 electrodes. They are applied to the face at special points where the active effect occurs. The mechanism of operation of this method is based on natural physiological processes. With age, nerve endings become less sensitive, blood supply deteriorates and metabolism slows down. During the session, impulses activate the muscle response and trigger metabolic processes. This is what leads to a reduction in puffiness, tightening the contour, improving skin tone and smoothing out small facial wrinkles. When myostimulation is carried out correctly in combination with other anti-aging techniques, you can get rid of severe cosmetic problems, ptosis and even shallow scars.

Does it hurt?

The procedure is completely safe for the body. The skin is exposed to very weak current pulses that do not cause discomfort or unpleasant sensations. Soreness is a signal of improper myostimulation; it is sometimes observed with high sensitivity and chronic dermatological diseases. If during the sessions you experience a burning sensation or a strong tingling sensation that cannot be tolerated, you should immediately turn off the device.

Pain during myostimulation is one of the most common side effects of the procedure. It is more often observed when using an insufficient amount of gel to lubricate the skin or choosing the wrong device mode.


Depending on the technology of implementation, the design of the device and the characteristics of the impact, two types of myostimulation are distinguished - neuromuscular, transcutaneous. Both methods are actively used in aesthetic medicine; when registering for a procedure, it is recommended to specify the type of method used.


This type is characterized by a mild effect on the skin, pulses of low-frequency electric current. The session is completely painless, since the electrodes operate at a power close to the natural action of the nerve endings. Recommended for eliminating minor problems, general rejuvenation and prevention of vascular diseases.


This method of myostimulation is used in medicine to reduce pain impulses. A course of procedures is recommended to reduce symptoms during exacerbation of certain chronic dermatological diseases, during the recovery period after plastic surgery on the face. This imposes requirements on a specialist - professional use of the device and knowledge of physiological processes are required to correctly apply electrodes to the skin. Transcutaneous stimulation has contraindications; consultation with a doctor is required.

Indications for use

Myostimulation is carried out both in cosmetic and medical centers. The procedure can be prescribed by a specialized specialist or chosen by the client as part of a comprehensive rejuvenation. Main indications:

  • change in natural skin tone;
  • looseness of the skin, blurry contours;
  • constant swelling, puffiness and bags under the eyes;
  • increased fat content, acne and pimples;
  • age-related changes, fine wrinkles;
  • presence of a double chin, excess fat in the cheek area;
  • cosmetic defects - scars, cicatrices;
  • recovery after plastic or cosmetic surgery;
  • vascular diseases, capillary stars on the skin.

The effectiveness of the method increases in combination with well-chosen skincare cosmetics and other hardware and manual procedures. If you have severe problems with your facial skin, it is recommended to consult a specialist.

Myostimulation is prescribed only as a course; after a single visit to the salon there will be no effect. You should carefully listen to the recommendations of a cosmetologist, who will tell you how you can strengthen and consolidate the result.

Are there any contraindications, does it affect the body?

Like any other hardware technique, myostimulation has contraindications. The main ones:

  • pregnancy period, lactation;
  • serious vascular diseases;
  • neoplasms of any nature;
  • infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • presence of a pacemaker, metal implants and braces;
  • some dermatological diseases;
  • sensitivity to electric current.

The procedure should not be performed if you are feeling unwell or have a cold in any form. This can intensify the course of the disease; after the session, the risk of increased temperature, symptoms and active spread of infection increases due to stimulation of metabolic processes.

Age restrictions

Myostimulation has no age restrictions; it is prescribed to both adults and children if necessary in this method of influence. However, cosmetologists recommend that persons under 14 years of age refrain from this method, since there are risks of metabolic disorders and the functioning of the sebaceous glands (when working with the face and neck area).

In older people, various diseases that are contraindications are more common. To carry out rejuvenation using this method, patients over 60 years of age should consult with their doctor in advance.

The influence of medical procedures in early pregnancy

Greetings girls, and if there is, I would really like to hear the doctors’ opinion! I really need help. I'm 25, married, first pregnant. Yesterday I took a pregnancy test, which showed two lines four times, no menstruation - there is no doubt about that. Everything is complicated by the fact that on April 22 I returned from the sanatorium where I underwent treatment: therapeutic mud (including on the abdominal area), mineral baths, electrophoresis with mud extract on the lumbar region, liver and gall bladder (i.e. on the stomach) , infrared sauna, as well as two intramuscular injections of Tavegil and one calcium glucanate (due to exacerbation of dermatitis). I don’t smoke, I drink alcohol extremely rarely and in very minimal quantities (last time on March 9, a couple of sips of wine). Conception most likely occurred on March 30, i.e. I was treated in a sanatorium for the beginning of 4 weeks. Today I went to the gynecologist, in short, she said that in the first weeks the procedures that were done to me were very bad and how it would affect the pregnancy was not known. She reacted very negatively to my desire to continue the pregnancy. I'm in a panic, I don't know what to do. In terms of advice, she told me to come back in 3-4 weeks since nothing has been determined yet. Please tell me if anyone has done any similar procedures in the early stages. And how did this affect the pregnancy and the child?

Last edited by MariaMGN; 04/24/2014 at 12:26 pm.

I think you should go to another gynecologist! Your doctor reacted somehow strangely. Some people drink, smoke, indulge in drugs throughout their pregnancy and nothing! Your procedures are not so scary! and a child even with absolutely healthy parents who are trembling over pregnancy is sometimes born with a pathology! do not worry! I think everything will be fine! if the procedures had such a bad effect, then you would have already had a miscarriage, or at least started bleeding!

Yarina, thank you very much for your answer. I read the stages of pregnancy and it actually says that at this stage such procedures and in general everything that is done can contribute to the termination of pregnancy or will not affect anything. But the makings for the formation of the baby’s future organs are laid from the 4th week. I managed to do only one mud procedure at the beginning of the 4th week. I’m still afraid to go to another gynecologist, after leaving this I cried until the evening. I’ve calmed down, now I’ll ask my friends for some adequate obstetrician-gynecologist and then I’ll go. Thank you :)))

In any case, the baby needs to be given a chance! If you terminate the pregnancy, it doesn’t matter at what stage, now or after the first screening, when everything will be clear...

Electromyostimulation of the abdomen: reviews, prices, consultation

This procedure is quite universal and is used in different situations. However, despite its apparent simplicity, before using it it is necessary to consult with a specialist: only he can correctly determine the points for abdominal myostimulation so as not to harm the patient. Contact the doctors at the Stoparthrosis clinic, and they will definitely help you eliminate your problems using this inexpensive and effective method.

Sign up for treatment

Sign up for treatment with us by phone +7 495 134 03 41

or leave a request on the website.

Myostimulation – electrical impulses for the face and body

The basis for hardware cosmetology was created by rehabilitation doctors and exercise therapy specialists.
This statement is easy to verify - just compare the main cosmetological techniques and treatment procedures: iontophoresis and electroporation, laser therapy and light peeling, body myostimulation in patients with spinal injuries, and the same manipulation to combat cellulite. This “beneficial” origin allows, along with the correction of individual areas of the client’s body, to have a general tonic effect on his entire body. Particularly interesting from this point of view is a procedure such as myostimulation.

Electromyostimulation of muscles: what is it and what are its features?

What is electromyostimulation? This phenomenon has long been discovered: when an electric current passes through the body, muscle contraction occurs. Electrical impulses travel through the nervous system to the brain, which, in response to this irritation, commands the muscles to contract.

How does such a device work and is it painful? In order to carry out the myostimulation procedure, you must first determine the indications. Then, electrodes are attached to the human body at certain points in the myostimulation zone, the required operating mode of the myostimulator is set, and the procedure is carried out. The work uses various modern medical devices (for example, “Galatea”) to carry out such procedures.

To find out how long a myostimulation session will take, what the myostimulation technique is, just call the clinic and get advice from a specialist.

How does current make the muscles of the body work?

Muscle fibers contract under the influence of nerve impulses, which are based on the ability of neurons to change the electrochemical potential of their membrane. There is no signal from the nervous system - myofibrils do not contract, and over time they may even lose this ability.

Many years of research have shown that current of a certain strength and frequency can, to some extent, replace the nervous system. It also forces muscles that do not have nerve endings to work, sometimes even more intensely than necessary for a healthy body. The contraction of muscle fibers triggers a whole system of positive changes in the body:

  1. The increased need for oxygen and nutrients causes the heart to beat harder and faster, and breathing becomes deeper and more frequent.
  2. To deliver everything necessary for muscle function, arterioles and capillaries expand - microcirculation in the active zone improves.
  3. To remove metabolic products, the body “turns on” the lymphatic system.
  4. Regularly working muscles prevent sagging skin and make the contour of the body or face clearer.
  5. The increased need for energy stimulates lipolysis - the destruction of fat cells.

To summarize: myostimulation is a procedure based on the effect of electric current on human muscles, which leads to improved tone of the entire body, detoxification, reduction of fat deposits and positive cosmetic effects (smooth skin, reduction of wrinkles, correction of facial and body contours).

Disadvantages of the body myostimulation procedure

Despite the fact that myostimulation really helps you lose extra pounds and take care of your shape, it is also characterized by small disadvantages that are worth paying attention to. The actions of a myostimulator can have a negative impact on the human body, and also have some contraindications for use.

The disadvantages of the procedure are the following nuances:

  • If you use a myostimulator incorrectly, you can face serious consequences and diseases;
  • Weight loss occurs by getting rid of excess fluid under the influence of current, and with further incorrect lifestyle, the extra pounds will quickly return;
  • If the goal is to increase the amount of muscle mass, using a myostimulator will not achieve the desired effect;
  • If a person is not overweight, but at the stage of obesity, such manipulations will not be effective.

Before giving preference to a procedure using a myostimulator, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the pros and cons of the procedure. Of course, there are many more advantages to carrying out such a manipulation, but even one drawback can significantly spoil the quality of life of someone losing weight, as well as provoke the occurrence of certain diseases.

Advantages and disadvantages of the method

The positive effects of myostimulation are quite easy to determine if you carefully read its principle of action. But in order not to miss anything, we list them separately:

  1. Strengthening flabby muscles and increasing their tone.
  2. Increase in muscle contractility from 30% to 100%.
  3. Fighting excess fat deposits.
  4. Reducing the severity of cellulite and its complete destruction.
  5. Positive change in the shape of the buttocks, thighs, abdomen, chin and other problem areas.
  6. The ability to control the weight loss process by targeting particularly problematic areas.
  7. Relaxation effect on muscle fibers in case of overstrain.
  8. Improving microcirculation, detoxifying the entire body and certain areas of the body.
  9. Increasing skin tone, activating regeneration processes.
  10. It is an auxiliary element in the fight against spinal pathologies - osteochondrosis and scoliosis (strengthens the muscular frame).
  11. Active muscle contraction indirectly stimulates the release of endorphins, which improves a person’s mood.

Electric current is quite a dangerous thing, so uncontrolled myostimulation or non-compliance with the rules for operating the device can lead to negative consequences. Very often, overweight people increase the power of the muscle stimulator or perform procedures more often than necessary. The result is burns on the skin and pain during the muscle contraction process.

The disadvantages also include the deliberately false promises of some manufacturers of muscle stimulants. They guarantee a visible effect after the first procedure, “forgetting” to inform that it is caused by the outflow of fluid from the treated area. As soon as the water balance is restored, the extra centimeters will also return.

Advantages of the body myostimulation procedure

Myostimulation of the abdomen or the whole body is a procedure that will allow you to get rid of fat deposits in problem areas in the shortest possible time, activate the necessary processes, and speed up the process of fat breakdown. If you entrust your body to an experienced professional who uses only stationary types of muscle stimulators, you can achieve significant changes in appearance.

Among the advantages of the procedure, the following are noted:

  • Removing excess fluid;
  • Strengthening muscle groups;
  • Reducing skin laxity, sagging, cellulite;
  • Stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • Increased volume of muscle tissue;
  • Increased muscle tone;
  • Fighting stretch marks.

All these advantages of the procedure simply force modern women to resort to such manipulations and achieve good results in the shortest possible time. The main thing is to give preference to the best masters; you can also purchase a wireless muscle stimulator and carry out the procedure at home.

Another continuous advantage of such manipulation is its complete painlessness and impact on a specific place on the body. If you need to reduce the volume in the abdomen, such a wireless device is put on the problem area and activated. You can do household chores with it without feeling any discomfort. But in order to achieve maximum results in minimal time, it is better to choose a stationary myostimulator, the procedure on which is carried out only within the salon.

Indications and contraindications

Myostimulation is indicated in the following cases:

  • For figure correction.
  • As one of the components of a comprehensive weight loss program.
  • If you have cellulite and stretch marks.
  • For loose skin and weak facial muscles.
  • To improve microcirculation and lymphatic drainage in selected areas.
  • The presence of neuromuscular pathologies.
  • For training athletes.
  • Treatment of paralysis and paresis, elimination of hypertonicity of muscle fibers.
  • Therapy for atony of the eyelids, swelling of the face, drooping soft tissues.

Contraindications to myostimulation

  • Pathology of the hematopoietic system.
  • Malignant and benign neoplasms.
  • Tuberculosis of the respiratory or urinary system.
  • Gallstone or kidney stone disease.
  • Acute stage of the inflammatory process.
  • ARVI.
  • Hyperthermia.
  • Increased sensitivity to electrical current.
  • Pregnancy and lactation period.
  • Menstruation.
  • The presence of a pacemaker in a person.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system in the stage of decompensation.

There are several types of myostimulation, each of which has its own area of ​​application:

  1. Neuromuscular stimulation is most similar to the impulses generated by neurons and is considered the most physiological. Used to treat patients with strokes, various types of injuries, and in cosmetology.
  2. Transcutaneous electrical stimulation - this technique uses high-frequency electrical current to block pain impulses. TENS is part of pain therapy.

Below we will discuss the rules for performing neuromuscular stimulation, which is used in hardware cosmetology. Each part of the body has its own characteristics of performing the procedure.

Facial correction

Myostimulation of the face is impossible without first cleansing the skin. Most often, a light peeling is carried out first, then a gel is applied to the face for better current conductivity. Electrodes are placed on symmetrical muscle groups, at the point of exit of the motor nerves. At the moment myostimulation begins, the patient feels a slight tingling sensation, to which he quickly gets used to. The duration of the session is no more than 20 minutes, the course is 10-12 procedures.

Video of conduction and diagram of electrode application

Body correction

To make your figure look perfect, you need to perform myostimulation of various muscle groups:

  1. Abdominal.
  2. Breasts.
  3. Shoulder girdle and arms.
  4. Back and buttocks.
  5. Hips.

There are no particular differences in training these areas of the body. The main thing is the symmetrical arrangement of the electrodes and compliance with safety precautions. Myostimulation should last no more than 20-25 minutes, sessions are repeated no more often than after 1-2 days. The course consists of 11-15 procedures.

The visible effect appears after 4-5 sessions, but you need to remember that myostimulation should not be the only way to correct your figure. It should go in conjunction with diet correction and exercise.

Indications for the body myostimulation procedure

It is best to carry out myostimulation in a professional salon, trusting the best specialist. Due to inexperience and lack of knowledge of certain nuances, independent procedures can lead to unforeseen consequences. Many people are interested in the question of when myostimulation will be useful and for what conditions it is used. Indications for the procedure are:

  • Muscle hypertension due to physical inactivity;
  • Decreased skin and muscle tone;
  • Excess weight;
  • Severe cellulite and stretch marks;
  • Atonic bleeding;
  • Facial muscle paresis;
  • Hip dysplasia, scoliosis;
  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Consequences after injuries and inflammatory diseases.

There are many indications for myostimulation, and for each of them the procedure gives good results. The main thing is that before giving preference to it, consult a specialist and determine whether there are any contraindications that will only aggravate the situation and will not allow you to achieve the desired effect at the end of the procedure.


Electropulse devices can only be used for their intended purpose. Thus, this procedure is indicated for muscle sagging, venous-lymphatic insufficiency, cellulite, excess body weight, and the need for figure correction.

Myostimulation has a positive effect on blood vessels. Under the application of current, fatty deposits are destroyed, which are subsequently eliminated through lymph and blood vessels. In addition, the procedure is used for stagnant metabolic processes, swelling and the presence of toxins in the body.

Such manipulation can be used not only for cosmetic purposes, but also for medicinal purposes. Indications in this case are pathologies of the joints and diseases of the spinal region. Thanks to the supply of current pulses, the severity of the pain syndrome is reduced, and the general condition of the patient improves.

How useful current works

As you know, contraction of any muscle occurs under the influence of an impulse that is transmitted along a nerve fiber. With electromyostimulation, a “substitution” of the nerve impulse occurs. As a result, the muscle contracts not at the “order” of the nervous system, but at the “order” of the myostimulation apparatus.

There are muscle groups (facial muscles among them) that cannot be trained through physical exercise. In this case, electrical stimulation helps. Since on the face (especially in the cheek area) muscle fibers are attached directly to the skin, muscle stimulation also affects its condition. For better results, skin peeling is performed before the myolifting procedure.

Effects of facial myostimulation:

  • facial contour correction;
  • elimination of double chin;
  • eliminating “bags” under the eyes;
  • smoothing out small wrinkles;
  • increasing skin turgor (elasticity);
  • strengthening the tissues of the upper eyelid;
  • improvement of lymph outflow and microcirculation;
  • stimulation of the formation of a “collagen corset” of the face.

Contraindications and restrictions for use

Despite the numerous advantages of the massager, in certain situations it is contraindicated to use it, or it is important to observe the restriction regime.

You should absolutely not use a myostimulator if a woman has:

  1. Skin diseases that manifest themselves directly in the mammary glands.
  2. Kidney and liver failure.
  3. Tuberculosis and other diseases of the respiratory system.
  4. Allergic reaction to electric shocks.
  5. Poor blood circulation in the brain area.
  6. Increased bleeding.
  7. Pregnancy.
  8. Infectious, inflammatory and purulent processes in the breast.
  9. Cardiovascular pathologies (stroke, hypertension and heart failure).
  10. The presence of a pacemaker in the body.
  11. Benign and malignant neoplasms.

To avoid harm to your health, you should consult your doctor about the possible use of the exercise machine.

The list of limited contraindications includes:

  • Preparing for conception.
  • Breast-feeding.
  • Painful discomfort during the procedure (pain should not appear at all).
  • Postoperative period. Allowed to be used only 9 months after surgery.

Even compact models of breast myostimulation intended for home use cannot be used without medical permission. Incorrect operation of the device and mistakes made can lead to problems in the future.

Types of myostimulators for bust restoration

Today, devices for the mammary glands are divided into two types:

Type of simulatorMain characteristics
ProfessionalThey feature increased power and efficiency. Requires some knowledge of human anatomy to correctly position the electrodes.
HouseholdThey work both from mains and batteries. The power of the devices is much lower compared to professional models, so they are safe for use at home. The effect of manipulation is much weaker than salon procedures. In most cases, home exercise equipment is recommended for maintaining breast shape rather than correcting significant deficiencies.

Today, stores and pharmacies offer various variations of models of household muscle stimulators, so it is very difficult to decide on a purchase. You should first consult with a mammologist, who will suggest an acceptable device option.

Below is a list of the most popular devices for home use.

NameKey Features
ESMA 12.08 AssolThe device is intended for professionals, but can also be used at home. Has several functions. In addition to myostimulation, it provides electrolysis and lymph drainage. Suitable not only for the chest, but also other areas of the body.
Beurer EM 41Can be used on any area of ​​the body, not just the bust area.
Breast EnhancerIt is highly efficient. Additionally, it stimulates the production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen.
Magic Massage BraIt is made in the form of a bra, so it is very convenient to use.
Bra BoosterCompact device, ideal for home use.
Pangao BreastHas three modes of breast stimulation.
Taikang MeridianIt is characterized by increased convenience. If necessary, it can be used for other parts of the body.
FB - 9403BThe massage bra has three programs.
Slimming MassagerThe simulator has 8 operating functions. It is highly portable and can be used at home, at work or while relaxing outdoors.

Indications for myostimulation (electromyostimulation, neurostimulation, amplipulse therapy).

In our center, this procedure is widely used in the complex treatment of diseases of the spine and joints, such as osteochondrosis, lumbodynia, thoracalgia, neuralgia, glenohumeral periarthrosis, scoliosis, kyphoscoliosis, hernia and protrusion of the intervertebral disc, deforming osteoarthritis. This procedure allows you to quickly relax cramped muscles, reduce pain and speed up recovery.

We also actively use electromyostimulation in complex anti-cellulite and lymphatic drainage sessions. It allows you to quickly tighten flabby muscles in problem areas, speed up metabolism, blood and lymph circulation, and activate lipolysis.

It is important to understand that electromyostimulation is especially effective in complex treatment, along with other methods such as massage and manual therapy. It is not advisable to use it as an independent method of treatment.

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