Effective facial massage with spoons against signs of aging

Massage with spoons: some general information

Massage with spoons can be:

  1. classic European;
  2. Japanese;
  3. Chinese.

For the first two types of massage, regular or silver spoons are used, most often dessert ones. Chinese massage requires specially shaped spoons, which are used in China, of course, and the technique differs.

The most popular type is facial massage, but they also do anti-cellulite massage, neck, chest and abdomen. First of all, massage is done for beauty and improvement of external indicators. The skin gains tone, fine wrinkles, puffiness and bruises under the eyes are eliminated.

It is believed that the founder of this massage technique is the German cosmetologist Rene Koch. Some experts suggest combining procedures. For example, the author of face forming, Benita Cantieni, suggests combining her procedure with a massage with Koch spoons. Galina Dubinina offers her FaceLifting technique in combination.

The procedure can be done at home, you just need to master the technique, which is quite simple. You can remove puffiness yourself, make your skin elastic and radiant, using a couple of ordinary tablespoons, without the help of professional cosmetologists.

Interesting. Thanks to its shape, the spoon perfectly kneads the facial muscles, “disperses” excess lymph in the tissues, and improves blood circulation.

Features of the technique

Let's consider types of massage for different areas and purposes.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul, and eye care should be the most thorough. To remove wrinkles and get rid of dark circles and bags, you should massage problem areas with cold spoons. Before starting the procedure, pour cold water or herbal decoction into the container. To enhance the effect of the procedure, you can add pieces of ice to the liquid. Place spoons in a container of water and allow them to cool.

Then they are taken out and the back side is moved along the upper eyelid from the inner corner of the eye to the outer. The movements should be carried out not strictly along the eyelid, but along the brow ridge about five times. Next, perform movements in the opposite direction. The spoon should be moved towards the nose, the massage is carried out along the lower part of the eyelids from the far corner to the near one. You need to move the spoon about five times.

To combat small wrinkles around the eyes, you need to massage in a circular motion from the cheekbones towards the temples. Then, starting near the corners of the eyes, move to the temples, while it is necessary to linger a little at the end and at the beginning.

To massage the nasolabial folds, massage movements along them should be made from bottom to top. To drain lymph, you need to move the spoon along the cheek, starting from the nose to the temple, then move the device towards the earlobe, moving from the corners of the mouth. You should make smooth movements, without unnecessary tension on the skin. After the massage process has been mastered, you can improve the movements a little by moving the spoon not in a straight motion, but in a circular motion.

For cheekbones and cheeks

The cheek and cheekbone areas often need adjustment. To massage this area, you need to slightly heat the oil and gently moisten the spoon. There should be a moderate amount of oil left on the device so that it does not drip. After wetting the device, you can begin the process. The massage in this case will proceed from the corners of the lips towards the earlobes, while the movement is made along the cheek and further from the chin to the ears. This manipulation is performed on the lower jaw.

For wrinkles on the forehead

To get rid of wrinkles on the forehead, massage devices should be located above the eyebrows. In this case, the devices must be slightly lubricated with oil in advance. Next, with one spoon you need to make ten circular movements in one direction and the same in the other. Next, use a second spoon; to do this, you need to connect it with the first, placing one under the other. Then, with light movements, move the spoons one above the other ten times.

After this, place both cutlery side by side, between the eyebrows. With calm movements, you need to move the spoons towards your temples. Must be repeated ten times. When massaging this area, alternating devices with different temperatures is also used.

To improve the oval of the face, you need to move spoons directed at each other in the direction from the chin to the ear. For a better result, you can tense the muscles, but after the massage it is necessary to drain the lymph. When correcting the chin, hot utensils are placed horizontally under it, while straining the muscles of the chin, and then, with light pressure, move the cutlery to the side and up.

For such a massage, three movements will be enough, after which it is necessary to drain the lymph and perform another set of movements. The duration of the procedure is determined individually; five minutes is enough for this massage, but if desired, the duration of time can be increased.

You can correct a “double chin” by tapping movements of spoons; in this case, their direction will be from the chin to the neck.

When massaging the delicate skin of the neck, movements should be made from the collarbone to the chin, moving up the neck about ten times.

Neckline area

Spoon massage can also achieve excellent results on the skin in the décolleté area. In this case, we need two spoons, they are used simultaneously. To massage the décolleté area, cutlery is placed near the hollow between the chest and massage movements are carried up to the forearm area. Then you should move from the cleavage in the direction of the armpits. At the end of the massage in the décolleté area, you need to make movements from the cleavage towards the middle of the collarbone, and then to its beginning.

What to do before massage with spoons:

  • prepare “tools”, two bowls of hot and cold water, anti-aging/moisturizing cream or cosmetic oil, ice cubes;
  • thoroughly cleanse the skin of the face from decorative cosmetics, dust and dirt - it is better to do this with cosmetic milk or by washing, but without soap or gel with a drying effect;
  • apply a layer of cream or cosmetic oil to the dermis;
  • Wipe the spoons with alcohol - this will prevent infection of the facial skin.

It is important to remember some nuances:

  • It is better to perform the procedure in the morning;
  • you need to set aside 20 minutes of free time so that no one distracts you - it is not advisable to interrupt the massage;
  • water can be replaced with decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile flowers or calendula, sage, string;
  • To prevent cold water or broth from heating up during the massage, you need to add a few ice cubes to them.

If cosmetic oil is used for the procedure, then it must be selected according to the type of facial skin:

  • for oily and combination types – almond, sesame, hazelnut oil;
  • for dry and hypersensitive – jojoba and flaxseed oil;
  • for normal – any cosmetic, but preferably apricot, peach, olive.

2-4 spoons

To start, take a medium-sized “tool”. Dessert spoons work best. Then, when you fully master the technique, you can easily determine what size spoon you need. Teaspoons may be suitable for massaging the eyelids or eyes; tablespoons may be suitable for a general massage.

As for the material. Ideally, you should take it from silver or cupronickel. Silver is a powerful antioxidant; in addition, it helps the beneficial substances from the massage product to be absorbed deeper and more intensely into the layers of the epidermis; it is also known for its disinfecting effect. Massage with silver spoons will be especially good for people with problem skin.

If you don’t have a silver utensil at hand, then go to the kitchen and take ordinary stainless steel utensils.

Advice. We recommend that you select massage spoons and then remove them from other cutlery. In general, store them in another place, preferably in the bathroom, where you will most likely carry out the procedures.

Complex massage technique

An integrated approach helps to get rid of various problems in one procedure - remove dark circles under the eyes, relax muscles, remove wrinkles. Perform massage with silver or regular spoons at home. The morning hours are chosen for the procedure. Spending 10-15 minutes before work will relax your facial muscles and ensure a good mood for the whole day.

The massage technique is simple: stroking, rubbing and patting with a spoon. The procedure is performed with the round part of the cutlery. The spoon technique works like a flat iron, gently stroking and smoothing the skin. Regularity of the procedure ensures smoothing of wrinkles, restoration of elasticity of the epidermis, and restoration of shine to the eyes.

A warm spoon helps to cope with a double chin, tightens the skin on the neck, and helps get rid of crow's feet around the eyes. Effective for removing facial wrinkles. Useful for the oval of the face, restores the rounded shape, removes jowls.

A cold silver spoon removes irritation, soothes, restores velvety and matte skin. Cold metal restores firmness and elasticity, removes bags under the eyes, and relieves irritation from insect bites.

Silver spoons bring benefits during massage; they have a positive effect on skin cells. Manipulations with cold and hot metal stimulate nerve endings - the skin comes to life and returns to normal. Under the influence of different temperatures, essential, vegetable oils, serums, creams are absorbed deeper and faster into the epidermis.


In the video above, it is noticeable that the arsenal of movements within the manipulations is extensive, and the execution technique is simple. There is nothing complicated in the technology for beginners; the main thing is to perform movements in the right direction, along the massage lines.


  • gentle friction;
  • pushing;
  • circular movements counterclockwise and vice versa.

To perform the procedure at home you will need:

  • Dessert or tablespoons, ideally silver, but cupronickel or steel are suitable;
  • a bowl of cold water;
  • container with warm (50 degrees);
  • heated vegetable oil;
  • honey or moisturizer.

Instead of water, use cold and hot herbal infusion.

Replace sunflower oil:

  • sesame, almond - for oily skin;
  • lavender - for sensitive;
  • peach, apricot, olive - for dry.

Execution technique

Before starting the procedure, cleanse the skin of cosmetics, dirt and dead cells. Moisturize the face with cream and apply honey. Distribute the honey with a hot spoon - stroke your face along the massage lines. The beneficial substances of honey and moisturizer, with a contrast massage, penetrate deeply into the tissue and improve the result in a short time.

Combined massage with spoons is considered advanced, so before use, it is advisable to learn the basics of the procedure. It is performed with small circular movements using spoons of different temperatures.

Place spoons into cold and hot infusions of medicinal herbs. Before starting the massage, check the temperature of the heated instrument to avoid burns. If everything is in order, proceed to the procedure.

Massage along these lines will help reduce age-related changes

Perform the exercise on both sides of the face at once. Use two hot spoons in turn, then two cold ones. Small circular movements are carried out from the wings of the nose along the line of the cheek, to the temporal region, without lifting the spoons from the skin. They go down to the collarbone area. When driving away the lymph, spoons are carried out from the ear to the collarbone. The first time they manipulate hot and then cold spoons - 3-4 approaches.

The second exercise is performed using the technology of the first. From the corners of the mouth, move the spoons in a circular motion to the earlobe and again down to the collarbone. Repeat 3-4 times.

Two spoons of different temperatures are connected together with their convex sides. They are applied to the lower jaw, so that one is at the top and the other is at the bottom. Start from the middle of the chin and move in small circular movements along the jaw to the ear. Lymph is driven from the ear down to the collarbone. Repeat 3-4 times, first on one side of the face, then on the other.

Massage oil or cream

You can use any oil. For the face, it is best to take almond, coconut, peach, jojoba, avocado, and even regular olive oil will do! The main thing is that you do not have allergies, and that it suits your skin type.

Instead of oil, you can use any body cream. The product must be applied quite generously to the skin so that the spoons do not create friction and stretch the skin, creating new wrinkles.

What is needed for the procedure

Let's talk in detail about the main tool. What size spoons are needed for massage?

2-4 spoons

To start, take a medium-sized “tool”. Dessert spoons work best. Then, when you fully master the technique, you can easily determine what size spoon you need.

Teaspoons may be suitable for massaging the eyelids or eyes; tablespoons may be suitable for a general massage.

As for the material. Ideally, you should take it from silver or cupronickel. Silver is a powerful antioxidant; in addition, it helps the beneficial substances from the massage product to be absorbed deeper and more intensely into the layers of the epidermis; it is also known for its disinfecting effect. Massage with silver spoons will be especially good for people with problem skin.

If you don’t have a silver utensil at hand, then go to the kitchen and take ordinary stainless steel utensils.

Advice. We recommend that you select massage spoons and then remove them from other cutlery. In general, store them in another place, preferably in the bathroom, where you will most likely carry out the procedures.

Small bowls of hot and cold water

It would be better to replace plain water with a decoction of chamomile, mint, string, some other herb or green tea. To keep the water as cold as possible, you can put ice cubes in it.

When you gain enough experience, you can massage in the bathtub, without preparing the bowls, but cool or heat the spoons directly with a stream of water from the tap.

Massage oil or cream

You can use any oil. For the face, it is best to take almond, coconut, peach, jojoba, avocado, and even regular olive oil will do! The main thing is that you do not have allergies, and that it suits your skin type.

Instead of oil, you can use any body cream. The product must be applied quite generously to the skin so that the spoons do not create friction and stretch the skin, creating new wrinkles.

Paper or terry napkins

You will need napkins to blot any remaining oil or cream from the skin after completing the procedure.

How it works?

Massage with warm, cold or hot spoons is effective because different temperatures excite the nerve endings of the epidermis, thereby stimulating their work. Blood circulation and metabolic processes also improve. When performing a massage with hot spoons, the pores open, nourishing creams and oils are absorbed better, which is why the effect is achieved faster. Correct movements will remove excess fluid and toxins from tissues.

Whether facial massage with spoons helps or not, you can read reviews on the Internet. Most of the reviews are not just positive, they are enthusiastic. In any case, the procedure is not so expensive and has no health risks, so why not try it?

Features of the technique

Before starting the procedure, you need to remove makeup and wash your face well.

Then you need to apply the oil that best suits your skin:

  • almond;
  • olive;
  • coconut

Facial cream or special lifting cream and gels are also good. If necessary, the oil composition can be applied to the spoon itself to improve its glide.

Next, you should prepare two spoons for the procedure. These can be devices of different sizes - you can take a teaspoon or a dessert spoon. To determine their size, you should rub them over your face: this will allow you to find out which spoons are more pleasant to work with. Their size will depend on personal convenience and comfort.

It is necessary to place two containers with hot and cold water. By the way, it is not necessary to use water; herbal decoctions, warm or chilled, work very well.

To prepare a herbal decoction, you should take:

  • chamomile;
  • sage;
  • green tea;
  • nettle

To carry out a cold massage, it is recommended to add ice to the container.

It is very important to use only clean materials. It is necessary to treat the instrument with alcohol or other antiseptic, and also use clean containers for liquid. Before spoon massage, you need to wash your hands with soap and wipe dry.

When performing a massage with hot spoons, the devices are heated to no more than 50 degrees; massage movements should not cause unpleasant sensations or discomfort.

The frequency and number of procedures will depend on your goals. In the event that this is the destruction of small wrinkles and improvement of the facial contour, this will require 10-15 procedures. If there is swelling of the face, you can massage daily for 5 minutes. After a course of massages, you need to take a break for about a week. If you do not want to stop at the achieved result, then the course of procedures should be repeated.

It is optimal to carry out the procedure daily, immediately after washing. You can heat and cool spoons under running water. The manipulation techniques are different: tapping, stroking, pressing. The main thing is without fanaticism.

They can be heated up to 50˚C. Cutlery should not burn your face. The massage should be comfortable.

Before you begin the procedure itself, you need to do the following:

  • Cutlery for massage should be disinfected before each session. It is better to store them separately from other dishes.
  • Before the session, you need to clean your face and wash your hands.
  • Apply cream or oil so that the spoons glide smoothly over the skin. During a cosmetic procedure, the skin should not be stretched.
  • Cutlery should only slide along the massage lines of the face.
  • You need to press lightly on the skin, you don’t need to press hard. This will avoid bruising and vascular injury.

It is good to use different lifting gels and creams during manipulations. After the procedure, apply nourishing cream. Along the way, the vitamin complex will not harm. After the course they take a break. Its duration depends on the condition of the skin. If you are not satisfied with something, the course is repeated.

This type of cosmetic procedure has contraindications. It should not be done if there are rashes and inflammations on the skin. If you don't feel well. Inflamed lymph nodes are also a contraindication. Avoid places with spider veins; you cannot massage them. If you have diseases of the nasopharynx, it is also better not to do the procedure.

Simple rules to keep in mind

When performing a massage, you must adhere to some rules:

  1. As mentioned above, massage spoons must be stored separately from other cutlery. Before use, they need to be thoroughly washed and treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Of course, before the procedure, the face must be cleaned of makeup, treated with cleansing milk and toner.
  3. Apply enough oil or cream to the skin so that the spoons slide easily without creating friction.
  4. Needless to say, the massage should be performed strictly along the massage lines.
  5. Self-massage is good because you can control the degree of pressure, thereby preventing the formation of hematomas, injury to the skin and blood vessels located close to the surface of the skin.
  6. Before massaging with hot spoons, make sure they are at a moderate temperature. You don't need burns!
  7. The ideal time for these manipulations is morning. Set aside 20 minutes of your time, during which time let nothing distract you.

Types of procedure

This is a warm-up of the facial muscles, which is done using tablespoons of different sizes. The spoons are moved along the massage lines of the face, thereby activating the outflow of lymph.

For this miracle massage, the best tools are silver spoons, since its antioxidant and antiseptic properties have long been known. Massage with silver spoons will allow substances to penetrate deep into the skin, which will improve its nutrition. If there are no silver utensils, you can take ordinary metal spoons; the effectiveness of such a massage will also be of a decent level.

It is recommended to perform the massage with spoons, changing the temperature of the devices during the procedure.

Cold appliances are used:

  • to restore skin elasticity;
  • to lighten the skin under the eyes;
  • to relieve puffiness, thanks to the procedure you can significantly reduce bags under the eyes.

The effect of a hot massage is aimed at tightening the contour of the face, it is done against wrinkles, the procedure allows you to remove the double chin.

The most favorable time of day for spoon massage is morning. It takes very little time. You will have to spend about 5 minutes for a massage for the eyelids and 10-15 minutes for a facial massage.

However, it is worth remembering that there are several contraindications for this massage, they are:

  • diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • rashes and irritations on the skin;
  • rosacea;
  • bad feeling.

At the end of the self-massage, use silver spoons to remove excess oil or cream from the face, neck and décolleté. If necessary, wash with cleanser. For washing, you can also use infusions of beneficial herbs, cosmetic lotions and tonics, and cosmetic water. The very last step is to pat your skin dry with a towel. Do not aggressively wipe moisture from your face; simply applying the material to your face a few times is enough to remove moisture.

Thus, we can conclude that massage with silver spoons will help in the fight against many problems associated with skin aging and loss of its firmness and elasticity. You can carry out this massage yourself at home, without any special preparation, using the usual available means. It is important to remember about disinfection of devices, their accessible and separate storage and compliance with the rules of lymphatic drainage massage.

Officially, there are three types of facial massage with spoons. Each of them produces a certain effect, so before starting the procedure, decide on your needs. So, facial massage with spoons happens:

  • Cold. It is designed to relieve swelling, bruises, and to restore the skin to its former color, tone and freshness. This procedure is relevant regardless of age; it can be used both to eliminate the above-mentioned problems and for prevention (only in the latter case it must be performed less frequently than every day).
  • Hot. Rarely the face is massaged with hot spoons. This procedure is more relevant for problem areas of the body affected by cellulite. In rare cases, when there are areas of obesity on the face, the massage spoons are heated.
  • Mixed. The most relevant procedure for women whose skin is already beginning to age and fade. Smoothing out even the deepest wrinkles, eliminating vascular mesh, restoring skin tone - all this is evidenced by reviews and results of facial massage with spoons. We will learn more about this below.

How to properly massage your face with spoons

You should start the procedure with the eyelids and the area around the eyes. To do this, use teaspoons; it will be most convenient to work with them. First, cool them by dipping them in cold water or herbal tea with ice cubes, then gently massage the eyelids and eyes. Just apply the spoons and wait until the cutlery reaches body temperature. If you have bags under your eyes, then you should not just apply the spoon to the lower eyelid, but move it from the inner corner to the temple. All manipulations must be repeated five times: cool, apply, wait for heating and cool again.

Important. When massaging the eyes, always move towards the temples, in places where there are wrinkles, apply gentle pressure, but do not rub, as you risk stretching the skin.

The next phase is a facial massage with hot spoons. They need to be immersed in hot water or broth, and then moved with slight pressure along the massage lines. Apply a generous layer of massage product to the skin first. For fatty types, it is better to use nut, sesame or almond oil; kefir is also great. For dry type – flax and jojoba oil. For normal – apricot kernel, peach or olive oil.

Out of habit, it may be inconvenient for you to perform the procedure with two spoons at once, so you can work on one side of the face first, then the other. Here we also repeat all the manipulations five times.

Advice. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to alternate hot spoons with cold ones during the massage.

The following action will help with wrinkles on the bridge of the nose: you need to place a tablespoon or dessert spoon between the eyes and press several times, then continue moving along the lines from the center of the forehead to the temples. Then we begin to move from the eyebrows to the hairline.

The part of the skin under the nose is simply pressed with a teaspoon. To remove wrinkles around the mouth, it is necessary to pronounce the letter “E” during the procedure, slightly stretching the corners of the lips.

Advice. To remove deep wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial folds, you need to puff out your cheeks and lightly pat the problem areas with a spoon.

You can also use clapping to remove a double chin.

In fact, there are quite a lot of techniques. Experienced craftsmen may develop their own technique, but keep it secret. But, despite these circumstances, there are quite a lot of training videos. Using these videos, you can quickly learn how to massage with spoons yourself at home. Separately, I would like to talk about gua sha, originally from China.

Instructions for cold massage

Dip a spoon into cold or hot liquid. Take it out and wet it with a napkin; you can apply oil or cream directly to the instrument itself. All techniques are performed 4–5 times alternately with hot and cold spoons.


  1. Place 2 hot spoons on the bridge of the nose. Make 6 pulsating pressures, then draw along a line to the center of the forehead, parallel to the eyebrow arches. Complete the movement at the temples, repeat with cold spoons.
  2. From the center of the forehead, draw a spiral using hot spoons towards the temples. Repeat as standard when cold.
  3. Use zigzag movements from the bridge of the nose to the temples with hot, then cold spoons.
  4. A simple technique will help with nasolabial folds. Take air into your cheeks and, using patting movements, work the lines of the nasolabial triangle from top to bottom with warm spoons, then with cold spoons.
  5. Place hot spoons over the upper lip, mouth relaxed. Move with smoothing movements to the corners of the mouth, make 3 presses. From this point, stroke towards the ear tragus. Repeat with cold tools.
  6. Cold spoons are used to relieve swelling. Install in the inner corner area. Using wave-like movements, move the instrument towards your temples, make 3 presses. Then - to the earlobes, and return to the inner corner of the eye.
  7. To smooth out crow's feet, you need to place warm spoons at the corners of the outer eye. Make 3 circles towards the temples, then repeat with cold spoons.

A cold spoon is designed to treat circles and bags under the eyes. To do this, before the procedure, the instrument is cooled in finely crushed ice.

Remove makeup from the face and apply moisturizer. Two tablespoons are disinfected in alcohol and soaked in ice water. The cooled massage instrument is applied to the upper eyelid and held for several seconds. The second spoon is used for the lower eyelid area. The procedure reduces puffiness and dark circles under the eyes.

Dip a cold spoon into warm oil and begin the massage. The cutlery is moved along the massage lines, pressing lightly on the skin. The technique is the same as for the hot procedure (video below).

If the spoon does not glide across the surface of the skin, use more oil base. The massage takes about ten minutes.

The first procedure lasts 1-2 minutes, the same amount is added every day. After 10 days, the procedure will take 10 minutes. With the correct technique, you can feel the relaxation of the facial muscles immediately after the first use.

Jowls and nasolabial folds are formed from constantly tense muscles; a cold spoon helps them relax. Constant use of the original technique helps not only to get rid of wrinkles on the skin and sagging cheeks, but also to feel a pleasant feeling of relief from tension in the face.

Guasha massage

Gua sha literally means “scraping off the old” in Chinese. The technique of the procedure involves a special effect on the points of the face. Stone or horn scrapers are used as tools.

The advantages of this massage are that it is suitable for absolutely everyone; it does not require the mandatory use of oils or creams, since it does not stretch the skin. The procedure is not prohibited even for those who receive Botox injections.

Due to the gentle action of the scrapers on the skin, the procedure can be performed every day. It is believed that if you use jade scrapers, you will not only improve your body’s health, but also free yourself from the negative energy that accumulates during the day.

Guasha massage results

With this massage the following effects are noted:

  1. First of all, this procedure perfectly enhances lymph flow and blood circulation in the cells.
  2. Effectively removes toxins from epidermal cells.
  3. Accelerates metabolic processes, resulting in natural rejuvenation.
  4. It relaxes well and has a sedative effect, so this type of massage is best done in the evening.

When carrying out such a procedure, it is possible not only to improve the health of the skin and body, but also to restore the nervous system and normalize sleep.

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