Anti-aging facial: anti-aging products that will protect your skin

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No way has yet been found to stop the continuous passage of time, but there are certain remedies that will help reverse some of the adverse effects it has on appearance and overall health. Yes, sometimes in the morning you feel like you feel the full weight of the years you have lived, but we are increasingly understanding the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition for good health.

Appearance is a mirror of the body and an excellent indicator of your health, and this is where the path to keeping yourself in good shape begins. Your skin does not allow bacteria and viruses to penetrate inside the body - dry skin can literally become a crack and a gap in the body's defenses.

With age, even healthy skin becomes wrinkled, changes color and sags. Fortunately, there are various methods that can restore your skin's condition, improve its color and eliminate age-related wrinkles. Some anti-aging vitamins do an excellent job of this task and can improve not only your appearance, but also your overall health.

So, what are the 5 anti-aging vitamins you should keep in mind?

Vitamin E

Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol) is a fat-soluble compound. Creams and lotions that contain it restore dry and flaky skin. This vitamin helps maintain optimal skin moisture and is often added to sunscreens because it can block harmful UV rays.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects the body from the damaging effects of free radicals - molecules with unpaired electrons. Due to this feature, these particles take electrons from other cells, thereby oxidizing and damaging them. Prophylactic intake of vitamin E helps prevent and limit these unfavorable processes. Alpha tocopherol also improves immune system function and promotes proper gene expression.

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases

Vitamin E prevents the spontaneous formation of blood clots, thereby reducing the risk of heart attack and stroke. It also reduces the severity of atherosclerosis because it directly affects LDL. Vitamin E also has antitumor activity, because free radicals and the cell damage they cause play a significant role in the development of cancer. However, it should be noted that studies examining the effectiveness of vitamin E against cancer in rats were not entirely convincing. Some scientists believe that taking vitamin E may even prevent the development of cognitive impairment in older people due to its antioxidant effect on brain neurons.

The most important sources of vitamin E are nuts, seeds, green leafy vegetables and vegetable oils (especially soybean, canola and corn). It is also available in various dietary supplements and topical treatments.

Tablets from a famous TV doctor

Medicines for old age from Malysheva are in great demand. This is due to the enormous popularity of the doctor, who made a lot of noise with her programs and could not go unnoticed by the audience.

In her programs, Malysheva repeatedly raised issues that others prefer to remain silent about, and revealed the secrets of preserving youth. The presenter is convinced that traditional pharmaceutical products that are low cost and have excellent results can increase life expectancy.

Elena Malysheva claims that in order to maintain the functionality of all organs, it is necessary to regularly take Aspirin or its analogues, use means to normalize blood pressure, as well as compounds that reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the circulatory system.

You can learn more about Malysheva’s recommendations by watching the video below, which discusses issues of aging and counteracting it:

Anti-aging vitamin – ascorbic acid

Even the most careful people's skin is damaged by sun exposure and wears out over time. Free radicals, which are formed during the digestion process and under the influence of unfavorable environmental factors, smoking and radiation, also harm the condition of the skin. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps prevent such damage. Moreover, this compound is involved in the synthesis of other substances with antioxidant activity, including vitamin E. When applied topically, vitamin C also protects the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

The skin resembles a kind of fabric that covers the statue, and the condition of the outer "shell" is highly dependent on the shape and strength of the structures underlying it. Collagen gives these qualities to the skin. Taking vitamin C stimulates collagen synthesis, resulting in stronger and more elastic skin. This substance is also involved in the wound healing process.

Vitamin C has antitumor activity and reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. In addition, some studies support the role of vitamin C in preventing age-related cataracts and macular degeneration.

Fruits and vegetables, especially citrus fruits and potatoes, are excellent natural sources of vitamin C.

What vitamins do we need at different ages?

Vitamins that slow down aging after 30 years

In fact, natural beauty is only entering its prime at this age. You just need to keep your skin, hair, and nails in good condition, and make sure that the ovaries and the reproductive system in general function, as they say, like clockwork.

Recommended vitamins E, B3, B6, B9, B12.

After 35

To prolong youth at this age, it is important for women to receive vitamins that would support the functions of the ovaries, which produce hormones.

Vitamins E, B6, B9, B12, A, C are shown.

After 40

As a rule, during this period, women’s menstrual function actively fades away, and a smooth transition to menopause occurs. The ovaries begin to produce less and less estrogen. But they are the ones who maintain youth.

It is impossible to stop the aging process, but it is worth maintaining beauty using vitamins famous for their antioxidant activity.

The most important vitamins at this age are A, E, C, F, B12.

After 45

There is an acute deficiency of estrogen hormones. The skin is no longer so elastic, there are many wrinkles, severe problems with nails and hair arise. Problems with excess weight, the cardiovascular system and more can be smoothed out if you add vitamins D, F, K to your diet. And still do not forget about antioxidants: C, E, A.

After 50-55 years, you should not forget about the importance of vitamins A, E, C, D, F, K. They help retain moisture in the skin, strengthen nails, hair, teeth, reduce swelling and restore skin structure.

It is not always possible to get everything you need for youth and beauty from food alone.

Anti-aging vitamin – phylloquinone (vitamin K)

Dark circles under the eyes are a common problem that is especially relevant as we age. There are many reasons for the development of this condition, including simple lack of sleep, hereditary predisposition, hormonal influences and allergic reactions.

Vitamin K helps eliminate one of the most significant causes - damage to the capillaries around the eyes, which leads to minor hemorrhages and the formation of blood clots. Scientists believe that vitamin K plays a role in maintaining capillary tone and destroys the smallest blood clots located in them.

The body synthesizes a small amount of vitamin K, but in some cases this is not enough. This substance can be taken with dietary supplements, multivitamins, creams or, best of all, with food. Excellent sources of vitamin K include collard greens, lettuce, spinach and broccoli, as well as non-hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Listed below are the ten best medications, according to the latest science, that you can take to delay the onset of many of the common symptoms of aging.
1. Multivitamin complexes. Take a regular multivitamin capsule, which contains almost 100% of the average recommended dose of most vitamins, macro- and micronutrients. This already works wonders for many, eliminates hidden deficiencies, increases immunity to infections, which are especially dangerous for older people. If you only want to take one type of medication, stop there.

Note: Look for a complex that contains at least 100% of the average recommended dose of B vitamins, including 400 micrograms of folic acid. Also, choose capsules with no more than 100% of the average recommended dose of iron, and if possible, less if you are a post-menopausal man or woman. Excess iron in the body contributes to aging. Under new US labeling laws effective in December 1996, US multivitamin labels use the Daily Value (DV) instead of the Average Recommended Dose (RDA).

2. Vitamin E. This is a very important antioxidant vitamin. Its preparations are necessary because it is impossible to obtain enough of it from food to protect cells from free radicals and prevent heart disease, cancer, weakened immunity and other chronic diseases of old age, including possible brain decline. Vitamin E is a common antioxidant. Standard multivitamin capsules contain no more than 30 IU of vitamin E. This is far from enough to save yourself from premature aging. If you don't find a multivitamin that's high in vitamin E, you'll have to take it separately to get 100 to 400 IU of vitamin E per day.

3. Vitamin C Vitamin C is one of the essential antioxidants that your cells require to fight the many dangers of aging. People who inject the most vitamin C into their bodies, some of it in the form of supplements, have been shown to have a slightly longer life expectancy. Most experts recommend taking at least 500 - 1000 mg of vitamin C per day - more if needed. To do this, you will almost always need a separate drug. Standard multivitamin capsules contain only 60 mg of vitamin C.

4. Beta-carotene. Beta-carotene is one member of a triumvirate of essential antioxidants, which also includes vitamins E and C. All three antioxidants work together to continually protect cells from

free radicals. You can get quite a lot of beta-carotene from dark orange vegetables and fruits and dark green leafy vegetables. For some people this amount will be enough. However, many scientists take 10 - 15 mg of beta-carotene as a separate drug as a remedy for premature aging.

Be careful: the package should not say “vitamin A”, but “beta-carotene”. Very few multivitamins contain sufficient amounts of beta-carotene. You will most likely have to take it separately.

5. Chrome. Preparations of this mineral are very important because there is not enough of it in food to prevent aging. Typically, chromium is not included in multivitamin capsules or is only included in very small quantities. You will most likely need to find a separate chromium preparation. The recommended dose is 200 micrograms per day.

6. Selenium. Selenium is considered a potential anti-cancer agent, a heart protector and, more recently, an enemy of viruses, including the AIDS virus. Selenium is usually not included in multivitamin tablets in adequate doses, so you will have to take it separately. The recommended dose is 50 to 200 micrograms per day.

Be careful: selenium is toxic in large doses.

7. Calcium. If you don't consume a lot of dairy products, it's difficult to get enough calcium into your body to delay aging. The recommended dose for most adults is at least 1000 mg. Women after menopause need 1500 mg, as well as 200 - 500 IU of vitamin D. A separate calcium supplement is needed. There is not enough of it in multivitamin complexes.

8. Zinc. This element is very important for maintaining immunity. The recommended dose is 15 to 30 mg per day. Many multivitamin complexes contain 15 mg. Large doses of zinc can suppress the immune system and have other negative effects.

9. Magnesium. Most Americans are deficient in magnesium, which prevents heart disease—especially arrhythmia and congestive heart failure. Typically, multivitamin tablets contain about 25% of the recommended dose. If your diet is not very rich in magnesium, you may need to take separate magnesium tablets of 200 to 300 mg of magnesium per day.

10. Coenzyme Q-10. It is a general antioxidant that is similar to vitamin E. It preserves youth in laboratory animals. It is believed to energetically stimulate the heart muscle. In Europe and Japan, coenzyme Q-10 has long been used to treat heart failure. It comes in various forms, such as tablets and capsules. The standard dose for anti-aging is 30 mg daily, more for heart failure and other cardiovascular diseases (see above). Ten drugs that will keep you young

Here are the pills most healthy adults need every day to avoid aging again. These data are obtained as a result of the latest research.

* Multivitamin tablet with 100% of the average recommended dose of most vitamins, macro- and microelements. * Vitamin E (100 to 400 IU) * Vitamin C (500 to 1500 mg) * Beta-carotene (10 to 15 mg) * Chromium (200 micrograms) * Calcium (500 to 1500 mg) * Zinc (from 15 to 30 mg) (this amount is often found in multivitamins) * Selenium (50 to 200 micrograms) * Magnesium (200 to 300 mg) * Coenzyme Q-10 (30 mg)

Please note: a multivitamin tablet usually contains a sufficient amount of B vitamins, including folic acid. However, separate medications may be needed for specific purposes if you want to take a higher dose (see above for more information).

Very important: the dosage given is unclear. The exact amount of substance depends on your individual circumstances. You should not act on the principle “the more the merrier.” In some cases, large doses may be toxic and harmful. Be sure to consult with your doctor if you decide to start taking large doses of vitamins, if you are already taking any medications, if you are pregnant or have any health problems. Vitamin preparations can interact with medications and cause the opposite effect.

Other remedies that may be worth taking in middle age (forties to fifties) and beyond, or for symptoms of specific diseases associated with aging:

B vitamins. They play a very important role in protecting the brain from destruction, the heart from disease and the whole body from cancer. Fairly good doses of B vitamins can be found in a multivitamin, and this will be sufficient for most people. However, to be on the safe side, especially if you are over forty or have specific health problems related to B vitamin deficiencies, you will need to take higher doses, which are usually only found in individual medications. The dose will be 500 to 1000 micrograms of vitamin B12, 1000 micrograms of folic acid and up to 50 mg of vitamin B6.

Ginkgo. This medicinal plant should be used as needed to improve blood supply to all vessels, including those of the brain, heart and limbs. The standard dose for people with deteriorating health conditions is a 40-milligram tablet three times a day.

Glutathione. Taking the antioxidant glutathione is an excellent insurance against preventing oxidized fats from entering the gastrointestinal tract and blood. Glutathione strengthens the cells of the gastrointestinal tract, thereby creating a barrier against free radical-producing fats. A 100-milligram glutathione tablet per day will provide sufficient protection. Be sure to take it with meals.

Glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid that needs to be taken in especially large quantities during times of stress or illness. It is also useful for weakening and atrophy of muscles. Some experts take 2,000 to 8,000 mg of glutamine per day to protect against aging.

Fish oil concentrate in capsules. If you don't eat fish, you need a daily dose of 1000 mg of the fatty acids DHA and EPA, as noted on the label. This corresponds to the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in 100 g of salmon, sardines or mackerel. Additionally, you should be sure to take enough vitamin E. Do not take fish oil capsules without your doctor's advice if you have problems with blood clots, bleeding, or if you are taking anticoagulant medications.

Garlic preparations. If you don't eat garlic, or even if you do, take three to six capsules of garlic powder or extract per day as an anti-aging agent.

L-Carnitine. If you have angina, cardiac arrhythmia, or mild heart failure, you may want to take this amino acid under the supervision of a doctor. Doses of 1000–2000 mg per day are used to treat congestive heart failure.

A comprehensive plan to slow down the aging process

Comprehensive antioxidant intake

It would be nice if you could take one anti-aging pill and not have to worry about anything else. But such a remedy does not exist. Science does not know of a vitamin, mineral, medicinal herb or product that has everything you need to fight aging. The more research is carried out, the better it is understood that in nature all elements help each other and give the best results in the complex. Aging cannot be defeated with one silver bullet, like a werewolf.

There is no magic bullet. No essential vitamin. They are all very important. — Dr. Gladys Block, University of California (Berkeley).

The existence of one antioxidant for all occasions is an illusion. — Dr. Jerome de Cause, Memorial Sloan Kettering Center for Cancer Research (New York).

You should take different antioxidants because they all work together to protect your cells from free radicals and other premature aging factors. What really matters is the overall antioxidant content of the body. Do you have enough of the right antioxidants to provide maximum cell protection when needed? Obviously, there are no complete answers. Research is in full swing, but is far from complete. Nobody knows what we will soon achieve in the field of anti-aging. So it is impossible to achieve complete protection against premature aging. However, you can take simple anti-aging measures that are based on the latest scientific advances.

Nutritional strategy to combat aging

What to eat and what to avoid to stay healthy

Here's what you need to eat and avoid if you want to reach old age in the best possible shape.

1. Eat fruits and vegetables. Of all the ways that help delay aging, this is the very first, because it provides the body with the largest amount and variety of antioxidants. Eat as many fruits and vegetables as you can—at least five servings a day—and eat a variety of varieties. They fill your blood with antioxidants, some of which are already known, and many of which are still waiting in the wings. If you start watching your diet early—even as a child—you can prevent many of the physiological changes (like clogged arteries) that are caused by the accumulation of free radical damage to cells. By middle age, the antioxidant protection of fruits and vegetables becomes especially important. Even in old age, they still provide your cells with weapons to fight the damage that leads to disease and premature death.

2. Eat fish. You need to eat fish at least two or three times a week. Any fish is healthy, but especially fatty fish - salmon, mackerel, capdin, tuna and herring - which contain the most omega-3 fatty acids.

3. Drink tea. Of all drinks, tea is the most recognized longevity drink. It is full of antioxidants.

4. Eat soy products. If you can't eat soy products once a day, eat them at least two to three times a week. Soybeans contain many antioxidants and other substances that, in particular, are believed to prevent the development of certain types of cancer.

5. Limit your calorie intake. Consume only enough calories to support growth and optimal nutrition for your body. If you can limit what you eat as an adult so that you weigh less than your “normal” weight, your chances of staying youthful and living longer will increase dramatically. There is no need to limit calorie intake for growing children or older or sick people who need more calories.

6. Avoid “bad” fats. Avoid cell-damaging fats such as meat or dairy, and especially polyunsaturated and partially hydrated fats found in margarine, many vegetable oils and processed foods. Try to limit your intake to olive oil or other monounsaturated fats, such as macadamia nut oil.

7. Eat meat with caution. Limit your meat intake or avoid it altogether; Use cooking methods that create as few free radicals as possible (see above).

8. Understand the disadvantages and advantages of alcohol. Don't drink too much. Alcohol is a factory of free radicals. If you decide to drink in moderation, stick to wine, especially red, which contains a ton of antioxidants thanks to grapes—but limit it to one or two glasses a day.

9. Don't eat sweets. Don't overindulge in sugar or other carbohydrates, including fructose, which raise blood insulin levels, damage arteries, and are likely to cause cancer and other degenerative diseases.

10. Eat garlic. It is one of the oldest and most respected repositories of various antioxidants. Surprising animal and human studies suggest that garlic may slow the development of cancer, clogged arteries, and possibly brain degeneration that is caused by aging. A sufficient dose is a head of garlic per day, raw or cooked. Questions

Who is all this advice for? For everyone who is too vulnerable to premature aging, suffering and death from chronic diseases. These diseases can be prevented, delayed or cured by taking more of certain natural substances. In fact, we all belong to these people, because we age much faster than we should.

When should you start taking anti-aging medications? Now, if you are over eighteen, it doesn’t matter how much older. As Dr. Denham Harman, a free radical specialist at the University of Nebraska, says, "Aging begins at conception," so a person has at least seventy, eighty, or even ninety years in which to prevent the cellular damage that leads to premature aging. Without a doubt, it is better to start taking anti-aging drugs when you are young. Some studies show that taking certain medications for fifteen years provides more protection to the body than taking them for one year. However, it is better to start late than never. Vitamins and minerals can restore immunity even to very old people, cure “senile insanity” and prevent a large number of bone fractures and loss of performance.

“I think it's worth paying special attention to your diet, increasing your intake of the right foods before you reach old age,” says Dr. Jeffrey Bloomberg, an antioxidant expert at Tufts University. His theory is that if we can cure or stop the phenomenon of weakened immunity, it is worth considering whether the secret processes of aging could be slowed down by taking enough antioxidant foods and drugs in middle age.

What about children? Children can take a multivitamin capsule once a day to protect against developing vitamin or mineral deficiencies due to poor nutrition. Some experts believe that consuming antioxidants during childhood can save a person from premature aging and the diseases that come with it. This sounds reasonable, given the theory of aging due to free radicals and the results of animal experiments. However, virtually no research has been conducted on the effects of antioxidants on children, and therefore most experts try not to recommend such large doses for children. Research shows that many children lack basic vitamins, leaving them susceptible to infections and illnesses. One multivitamin capsule per day, with approximately 100% of the average recommended dose of vitamins and minerals, can prevent possible deficiency. Here are two reasonable exceptions to the rule:

* Aging of bones. New research suggests that the best time to build stronger bones as you age is during or after puberty. Girls need calcium supplements to make their bones less fragile in old age. * Mammary cancer. Surprisingly, breast cancer likely begins in a woman's early youth—between the ages of fourteen and twenty-five. The data suggest that an anti-cancer diet rich in fruits and vegetables, and therefore antioxidants, during adolescence and early adulthood may be very important for preventing breast cancer later.

What about pregnant women? Of course, taking vitamins, in particular folic acid, in the early stages of pregnancy - even before

you will learn about it - can prevent birth defects in an infant, such as spina bifida, an incomplete fusion of the spinal cord and spine. So all women of childbearing age should take at least 400 micrograms of folic acid. This is the amount contained in a regular multivitamin capsule.

The question of which drugs can be taken directly during pregnancy interests many scientists. Many gynecologists recommend a special multivitamin preparation. It consists of high doses of retinol-type vitamin A (not beta-carotene), 1000 mg of vitamin C and up to 15 mg of beta-carotene. It is useful and safe not only for pregnant women, but also for non-pregnant women. Theoretically, the effect of antioxidants on the fetus before birth should also be positive if the results obtained in animal experiments turn out to be true for humans. In animals, such offspring often live longer.

However, since we have no information about how the human fetus behaves in this case, it is unknown what doses of antioxidants and other substances may be beneficial and which may be harmful, says Dr. Denham, a leading expert on free radical problems. Harman. He advises pregnant women to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables that are high in antioxidants. Be careful not to take megadoses of various anti-aging vitamins, minerals, foods, herbs and other substances unless your doctor has told you so.

All pregnant women should consult with their doctor from time to time about which medications and in what quantities should and can be taken.

What if you are taking other medications? Don't stop taking traditional medications. You can also use antioxidants or other substances to help you heal, but only after consulting your doctor. In some cases, taking certain medications may ultimately reduce the amount of medication a person needs or make it unnecessary. However, this decision can only be made after consulting a doctor. Anti-aging drugs and some medications may interact with each other, so be sure to talk to your doctor before taking them.

Do the tablets really contain what they say on the packaging? There are a lot of scary rumors that vitamins, which are not regulated by the US Department of Food and Drugs, do not meet standards, do not contain the ingredients indicated on the package and are not absorbed properly by the body. However, Consumers Union, as reported in the September 1994 issue of Consumer Reports, tested eighty-six products, both multivitamins and single tablets, and found that all passed the test. Consumers Union used standards from the United States Pharmacopoeia, an independent organization that sets standards for the production of vitamins and minerals.

“With the exception of just one drug, all the multivitamin complexes and individual products we tested met their label claims and broke down in the body within an acceptable time frame,” the Consumer Reports article wrote.

In addition, the Consumers Union stated that cheap vitamins and minerals are no worse than expensive ones. His research showed that the cheapest drug produced by the American Association of Retired Persons, 101 Hypotency, and Sheckley, which costs five times more, are similar in composition.

Other tips: Do not use medications if the expiration date has already expired. Store medications in a cool, dry place, such as a kitchen cupboard. Take multivitamins with food, not on an empty stomach, to achieve optimal absorption. To better absorb fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D, you need some fat. Some multivitamin tablets come in divided doses, which is great because they fill your blood with a consistent amount of vitamins throughout the day.

The last word. Obviously, there will be no final and complete answers on how to stop the aging process. No one yet knows how far we will go, how far we can keep a person youthful and vigorous. As for the optimal dosage of all these substances, scientists simply cannot be very precise. They can only offer a rough framework based on the latest, but not yet completed, research. Since humanity first tried to slow down the aging process through nutrition and various vitamin preparations, it is better to take modest doses so as not to expose yourself to great danger. Perhaps all these proposals are too conservative.

And yet, amazing new horizons are opening up for science! Science will help us stop the aging process. For now, this is a gamble that can pay for itself like no other - repay you with a longer life, less suffering and illness, and the happiness of being alive.

Anti-aging vitamin - niacin

Another anti-aging vitamin is niacin or vitamin B3. It has the ability to maintain optimal skin moisture. Hydrated skin not only looks healthier, but also serves as a powerful barrier against viruses, bacteria and other microorganisms.

Dry skin can not only be sensitive, flaky and itchy, but also a significant deficiency in the body's defense system. In addition to its moisturizing properties, niacin also acts as an exfoliant. This means that it promotes the complete separation of dead cells of the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Dry skin is one of the manifestations of a lack of niacin in the body.

In addition, niacin raises the level of “good” cholesterol (HDL) and lowers triglycerides, thereby slowing the progression of atherosclerosis, a process accompanied by thickening of artery walls and is the main cause of heart attack and stroke. Niacin also plays a leading role in converting nutrients into energy.

Sources of niacin include many foods, including poultry, eggs, meat, fish, nuts and bread.

The most powerful rejuvenating agent

As we have already said, scientists have understood what makes a person young, what slows down the aging process. The immune system (IS) is the main “mechanism” that plays a key role in the rejuvenation of the body, and the loss of functionality of the IS is the main cause of aging of the body. Relatively recently, based on this discovery, our scientists have developed a unique so-called rolling rejuvenation program, which gives amazing effects: after its completion, a person radically improves more than 100 (!) biochemical indicators, his biological age decreases by 5, 10, 15 and often for 20 years. What is this program and what is its secret? The basis of the ongoing rejuvenation program is the immunomodulator Transfer Factor (TF). This is also a unique immune drug, which has no analogues in the world. It consists of immune molecules that, when entering the body, “correct” all violations in the chain of our DNA. It is these DNA disorders that are the real cause of all our diseases. TF brings the IS into complete order, which immediately affects the entire body and gives a fairly strong external effect. Today this is perhaps the most powerful rejuvenating agent in the world. Do you want to look young and feel healthy? Then go through the ongoing rejuvenation program - you will never regret it.

Anti-aging vitamin - retinol

The most popular anti-aging agent is vitamin A. It is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals. Oxidation processes produced by free radicals are believed to be responsible for the development of many age-related diseases.

Topical application of products containing vitamin A (such as retinol creams) can help reverse signs of UV damage and skin aging. Vitamin A has exfoliating properties and smoothes wrinkles. Just like vitamin K, vitamin A helps fight dark circles under the eyes.

In reasonable doses, vitamin A maintains bone strength and prevents the development of osteoporosis. However, excessive intake of this remedy can lead to completely opposite results.

Liver, eggs and fatty fish are rich in retinol.

Source, translation provided by the site

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Folk remedies against aging

As practice has shown, there is no need to spend money on expensive cosmetic products; natural products that every housewife has are the best anti-aging remedies. Bread mask Heat vegetable oil (preferably olive oil). Then you need to soak a piece of white bread in it and put the resulting mixture on the skin around the eyes. Keep this mixture on your face for 20 minutes, then remove it and rinse off the residue with warm water. This mask perfectly moisturizes the skin and smoothes out fine wrinkles. Curd mask An excellent anti-aging remedy is a curd mask. You need to mix half a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of heavy cream, then add 1 tsp to this mixture. olive oil and half tsp. liquid, warm honey. After thoroughly mixing this mixture, add tbsp. a spoonful of warm milk. The mask is applied to the face for 15 minutes, after which the face is removed and washed with warm water. “Cleopatra” mask For this mask you will need cosmetic clay. Honey, lemon juice and low-fat sour cream are added to it. All this should be in equal proportions. After thoroughly mixing all the ingredients, the resulting mass is applied to the face for 30 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. After this, your face should be rinsed with cold water.

Supplements based on natural, herbal ingredients


Curcumin is a yellow dye derived from the turmeric root. Many people know about this additive thanks to the popular Indian curry - it is curcumin that gives the seasoning its characteristic yellow color.

In addition to its use in cooking, curcumin has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect. This substance accelerates the synthesis of collagen, the formation and growth of new cells and fibroblasts, which significantly accelerates the healing of minor and major damage to the skin.

It is not for nothing that medical luminaries consider curcumin to be a non-toxic substance that has great potential in the treatment of skin diseases with positive results.

In addition to healing external wounds, the substance can be used in the treatment of internal diseases, such as:

  • allergic asthma;
  • obstructive bronchitis;
  • acute respiratory distress syndrome;
  • acute lung injury syndrome.

Lutein and zeaxanthin

Age-related retinal degeneration is the most common cause of irreversible blindness.

The use of carotenoids or macular pigments, which include zeaxanthin and lutein, will help prevent retinal degeneration in a timely manner.

Systematic intake of nutritional supplements based on lutein and zeaxanthin supports a healthy retina and improves vision.

Fish oil and flaxseed oil

The leading place among food products in terms of the content of healthy fats for the body is occupied by fish and flax seeds.

The healing substances contained in fish oil help normalize metabolism, improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system and reduce weight.

In combination with regular physical activity, taking fish oil will help you quickly and effectively correct your figure. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid contained in fish oil strengthens blood vessels, reduces heart rate during tachycardia and reduces blood pressure.

People who consume large amounts of fish and fish oil are always in a good mood and less prone to depression.

If you are intolerant to fish products, flaxseed oil, which is a dietary product and normalizes kidney function, will be an excellent replacement.

Vitamin D

“Sunshine vitamin” D is the most important element in the fight against old age.

Often people, especially the elderly, are deficient in this vitamin. The main reasons for this are poor diet and lack of sunlight. A lack of vitamin D leads to an increased risk of fibromyalgia and osteoporosis, neuroses and depression.

Regular consumption of vitamin D as a dietary supplement helps the body absorb calcium from food in the amount necessary for the body. The vitamin reduces the risk of heart attack, prevents the development of cancer, hypertension, type 1 diabetes, and also supports the functioning of the musculoskeletal and muscular systems.

Green tea

The drink brewed from non-fermented tea leaves is very popular and occupies a leading place among other teas.

In addition to its refreshing effect, green tea has a beneficial effect on the human body, increasing its tone and strengthening the immune system. Fans of this drink will confirm that tea helps get rid of excess fat accumulation.

Green tea contains many flavonoids and polyphenols, which are strong antioxidants.

To confirm the effect of green tea as a restorative drink, an experiment was conducted on mice. The experimental animals received green tea extract (GTE) for 10 weeks. At the end of the experiment, scientists noted in mice an increase in overall body tone, endurance, improved metabolism and acceleration of oxidative processes in adipose tissue. A dependence was determined: the more GTE the animal received, the stronger and more resilient it became.

There are many arguments in favor of green tea. He:

  • increases the overall tone of the body;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • reduces cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood;
  • effectively burns fat deposits;
  • increases endurance and speeds up metabolism.


Coffee cannot be called a nutritional supplement. This is a complete product that we use almost daily.

A person will always be in good shape if he drinks a cup of freshly brewed, aromatic coffee in the morning. This drink is a real elixir against old age and senile dementia. The degree of brain disorder directly depends on the amount of coffee drunk. Elderly people who drink three cups of the magic drink a day have a strong memory and a clear mind.

In addition to preventing age-related changes in the brain, long-term coffee consumption prevents the development of type 2 diabetes. This is confirmed by reputable scientific research.

Good sleep against skin aging

Getting adequate sleep is the single most important factor in how you look and feel throughout your life. When we are in a state of deep, restful sleep, our bodies produce growth hormone. Poor quality sleep lowers these levels, which is a stressor for both the body and ourselves in daily life.

A healthy lifestyle guarantees you youth. Take care of yourself and your skin! In this way, you help yourself not only for a good appearance, but also for good health and a long life.

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