Laser hair removal: deep bikini - a delicate approach

What is deep bikini laser hair removal?

In the bikini area, the skin is more delicate and sensitive, so not every hair removal method is suitable for hair removal. A laser procedure allows you to remove them without causing severe irritation and inflammation. The cleanliness of the skin after 1 procedure remains for 6 months. After completing the full course - up to 7 years.

When epilating using this method, the laser acts on the hair root. The specialist selects the required beam length based on the color and thickness of the hair. The flash produced by the device affects melanin (color pigment), which absorbs light and releases thermal energy, which leads to the destruction of the hair follicle and damage to the blood vessels that nourish the hair.

The surrounding tissue remains undamaged.

After the root is destroyed, the hair dies and falls out (the process may take 3-5 days). The site of the follicle gradually becomes overgrown, without the possibility of new hair forming in it.

The device can destroy only active hair follicles (when the hair is in the growth stage); the laser does not affect dormant or dying bulbs. Depending on the type of laser, the quality of the procedure may be affected by hair color and skin tone. The darker the hair and lighter the skin, the more effective the hair removal.

Absolute contraindications for radical laser hair removal in the bikini area

Absolute contraindications are factors in which the harm significantly outweighs the benefits. This group also includes conditions in which the session will not bring the desired result.

These conditions include:

  1. Immunological diseases
    . The body's immune defense is in a vulnerable state. Don't put unnecessary stress on it. Although laser radiation is safe for humans, if the person is unprotected, it is better to refuse the procedure.

  2. Oncological diseases
    . A large number of techniques are used in the treatment of oncology, including radiological irradiation. Do not mix drugs and exposure to different radiations. Otherwise, the treatment may not work and the laser procedure will be useless.

  3. Diabetes mellitus in the acute stage
    . In this condition, you need to postpone your visit to the cosmetologist until remission. Radiation can aggravate the patient’s situation and may not bring the desired result.

  4. Individual intolerance
    , which patients can determine during the first procedure. If the beam is well tolerated, there is no discomfort. Redness after the session goes away within a few hours. There are no burns left. If the skin is extremely thin and light, this problem may occur.

  5. Too light or gray hairs
    . There is practically no pigment in such follicles. Hair removal will be useless because the destruction of melanin will not lead to the expected effect. Such patients should choose another method.

It is important to be attentive to your health and pay attention to all contraindications and side effects, having studied the consequences.

Advantages and disadvantages of laser hair removal of the deep bikini area

Laser hair removal (including deep bikini) has both pros and cons.

Laser benefitsDisadvantages of the procedure
There is no damage to the integrity of the skin, as a result there is no risk of infection.The quality of the procedure depends on the qualifications of the specialist and the novelty of the equipment.
You can immediately treat the required area, without dividing it into several procedures.If the laser beam length and exposure time are incorrectly selected, skin burns and increased pigmentation may occur.
The hair removal process takes from 20 to 60 minutes, depending on the area being treated and the structure of the hair.Complete hair removal is impossible after 1 procedure, since the laser does not destroy the hair follicles that are in a “dormant” state and at the stage of dying.
Pain sensations are minimal.Gray, blond and red hair is difficult to eliminate.
Smoothness of the skin after the procedure from 6 months for 1 session, and up to 7 years when completing the full course.High cost of the procedure.
Possibility of treating delicate and sensitive skin.Hair not removed during hair removal cannot be removed by any other hair removal method for up to 1 month (can be cut or shaved).
After epilation there are no ingrown hairs.Before and after the procedure, visiting the solarium and saunas is prohibited for up to 7 days.

Before epilation in the bikini area, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist, dermatologist and therapist to exclude infectious diseases and other contraindications.

Hair removal options

The desired effect and the absence of side effects also depend on the quality of the specialist’s work. One of the criteria is the choice of radiation parameters for a particular patient:

  • white-skinned, blue-eyed blondes, red-haired, light-blond girls will benefit from a laser with an energy of 22 - 24 J;
  • if the hair is dark brown, the skin is light, it should be 20 J;
  • dark-skinned women with dark blond, chestnut curls need a laser of 16 - 18 J;
  • with black hair and dark skin, the radiation parameters required are 10 - 16 J.

If you make a mistake in choosing the thermal energy indicator, the harm from laser hair removal in the bikini area may include:

  • the presence of pain and redness on the skin for a long time after the procedure;
  • the appearance of a burn;
  • no effect;
  • the occurrence of hyperpigmentation;
  • inflammation of hair follicles;
  • activation of herpes.

To learn how laser hair removal is performed on the bikini area, watch this video:

Types of lasers

Depending on the type of laser chosen, the area of ​​the treated area (per flash) and the requirements for hair and skin color change.

Types of lasers with a brief description of their action:

  • alexandrite. The procedure is effective for light-toned epidermis and dark hair. The beam destroys bulbs located at a depth of no more than 4 mm. The procedure takes place in a short period of time due to the larger diameter of the treated area with a laser flash. More gentle on the skin;
  • diode The laser destroys hair follicles (to a depth of up to 8 mm) of any shade, except very light tones. The color of the skin does not affect the quality of the procedure. To completely remove vegetation, fewer sessions are required. Due to the aggressiveness of the beam, severe redness of the epidermis after the procedure is possible;
  • neodymium. The beam penetration depth is 6 mm. For hair removal, this laser has low efficiency (it is more often used for tattoo removal and in the treatment of skin pigmentation). When choosing a neodymium laser, the number of sessions increases by 2-3 times when compared with an alexandrite laser. It is rarely used to remove hair in the bikini area due to the need for additional manipulations that irritate the delicate skin. The laser is able to remove gray hair, as it additionally affects the blood vessels, interrupting the nutrition of the hair with its subsequent death;
  • ruby. Not suitable for removing light and red hair and dark skin tones. The procedure takes a longer period of time and may be accompanied by significant discomfort. The beam can destroy bulbs at a depth of up to 3 mm; at a deeper location, the laser is not effective. Hair removal with a ruby ​​laser has a low cost.

The choice of laser is made by a cosmetologist after assessing the condition of the skin, determining the depth of the bulbs, and also after determining the skin tone and hair color.

The essence of the procedure

Laser hair removal involves exposure of hair follicles to radiation. The waves come from the device's handpiece, which is moved close to the skin of the treated area. The effect occurs on the contrast of the color of the epidermis and hair. The results will appear in a few days when their follicles weaken. And the hair itself, having lost its root, begins to fall out. And with just a few procedures you can get rid of them for a long time.

More difficulties may arise when removing light hair. But even in this case, everything is not hopeless. The procedure is not intended to get rid of gray hair.

Types of laser hair removal of the bikini area

Laser hair removal (deep, medium and total bikini has much in common) is selected according to the type and depth of treatment at the request of the client.


The classic (medium) version involves hair removal along the edge line of the underwear. On average, vegetation is removed 3 cm deep into the pubis and 2 cm on the inner thighs. It is possible to adjust the zone according to individual wishes (according to a swimsuit or the desired style of panties). The procedure takes 20-30 minutes.


During deep treatment, hair is removed from the entire inner thigh, pubic area and labia (outside). Vegetation in the buttock area and in the fold between them is also eliminated. If the client wishes, the master can leave a small strip of hair in the pubic area and on the labia.

The procedure for removing vegetation in the required areas takes at least 40 minutes. If desired, hair removal can be done in several sessions. It is recommended to use anesthetics, as the procedure is accompanied by pain.


With total hair removal, hair is completely removed from the intimate area, including hair on the inside of the labia and near the anus. The procedure is accompanied by pain and anesthesia is required. The duration of hair removal is at least 1 hour.

How many sessions will it take to achieve smooth skin?

Laser hair removal does not destroy all hair follicles in one session, since it only affects active follicles. After the procedure, the hair (with the destroyed root) falls out within 3-5 days. Awakening of “sleeping” bulbs is possible after 1-6 months. The process is individual for each client, including in the deep bikini area.

With repeated treatment, inactive follicles may also remain, which can also “awaken” after 6 months.

To achieve smooth skin, on average, 5-6 sessions are required (depending on the type of laser chosen and the quality of the hair). Since an interval of at least 30 days is required between procedures, the duration of the full course takes up to 6 months. It is not recommended to do more than 12 epilations during the year.

Does hair disappear forever after laser hair removal?

This nuance interests many clients. For almost all clients, regardless of gender, after a deep bikini the result is ideal - hair disappears for a long time, for some people - for life.

It is worth saying that such a result is not always observed. Sometimes you have to go back to cosmetology a year later to repeat the course of procedures. However, the hair itself is softened, and if the client has light hair in the treated area, then the new hairs that have grown will be practically invisible.

Sometimes this procedure needs to be repeated after some time.

Contraindications to the procedure

Laser hair removal in the intimate area is carried out in the absence of contraindications.

List of prohibitions for the procedureDescription of the influence of the cause on hair removal
DiabetesIn the presence of these pathologies, a strong decrease in immunity occurs, as a result of which the procedure may be accompanied by the development of complications.
Oncological formations
Colds and other infectious diseases (flu, dysentery, sore throat)If there is an infection, there is a high risk of infecting others, and also due to a decrease in the activity of the immune system, a negative reaction may develop.
Sexually transmitted diseases (gonorrhea, syphilis, chlamydia)An infection in the intimate area can disrupt the effect of the laser beam on the hair, and its effect can also aggravate the course of the disease.
Deviations in the functioning of the immune system (AIDS, lupus erythematosus, psoriasis)Hair removal for these pathologies can cause side effects.
Dermatological pathologies of an infectious nature (herpes, pustular formations, eczema)The laser can provoke a worsening of the disease.
The period of bearing a child and breastfeedingThe effect of the beam on the fetus has not been studied, and during the procedure it is recommended to use painkillers that can pass into breast milk.
During surgical procedures in the treated area (3 months before the procedures and 3 months after them)Operations affect metabolic processes and cause stress in the body; during hair removal, during this period, complications may develop from both procedures.
With menstrual flowDepending on the qualifications of the specialist and the well-being of the client, the procedure is allowed to be carried out conditionally. It is important that during this period the uterus is sensitive to infection. Strict adherence to sterility is important.
Very dark skinIf you have dark skin, the use of a diode laser is required. The master must be highly qualified.
More than 70% of hair is grayTo remove this type of hair, the use of a neodymium laser is required. It has low efficiency, the procedure is accompanied by pain and additional preparation is required, and irritation of the mucous membranes is possible.
Violation of the integrity of the skin (scratches, abrasions, hematomas)These deviations interfere with the operation of the laser. It is also prohibited to use external painkillers. For hair removal, anesthetic ointments are mainly used.
Severe cardiovascular diseasesIf the activity of blood vessels and the heart is impaired, there is a high risk of worsening the course of the disease.
Recent long-term use of antibiotics (not a month before hair removal)Antibiotics reduce the functioning of the immune system, which can cause complications.
Presence of hairy moles or a large number of wartsRemoving vegetation on moles and near warts can provoke the development of a benign or malignant tumor.
Violations of blood composition, including disorders of blood clottingThe ban is conditional, as it can provoke the development of a negative reaction and deterioration in well-being.
Taking potent hormonal drugsThe drugs cause hormonal imbalance, which can also cause side effects.
Increased photosensitivity of the skinThe laser can provoke the development of hyperpigmentation of the skin and a severe allergic reaction.
Children and teenagers up to 18 years of ageAt this age, the body’s reaction to the procedure is unpredictable. The contraindication is conditional.
Epilepsy and diseases accompanied by voluntary muscle contractionWith these pathologies, shudders and involuntary twitching of the muscles in the treated area are possible, which will not allow achieving the desired result.

Depending on the type of device and the qualifications of the specialist, some contraindications are conditional (presence of menstruation, skin and hair color).


The procedure for laser hair removal of the bikini area has almost the same contraindications as similar effects on other areas of the body. Although there are some nuances. The main prohibitions include insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, cancer and infectious diseases, immunity problems, and skin diseases.

You cannot remove hair with a laser while carrying a baby or breastfeeding, or during surgical treatment of the affected area, which took place in the next 3 months.

You should not epilate during menstruation or a few days before it. This issue should be discussed with a cosmetologist if your period does occur on the day of the procedure.

Note ! Vellus, gray and blond hair does not respond well to laser treatment, although in fact this type of hair is not a contraindication.

Possible negative consequences

If contraindications are ignored or the technician is inexperienced, a negative reaction may develop after the procedure:

  • burn of the treated area (due to insufficient cooling of the skin or incorrect settings of the device);
  • increased pigmentation at the treatment site;
  • inflammation of hair follicles;
  • exacerbation of existing diseases;
  • allergic rash, itching and swelling to the pain relievers used.

If you neglect to use safety glasses, your vision may be impaired. If the preparation conditions are observed, as well as skin care after hair removal, if you undergo specialists before the procedure (to exclude contraindications) and if you choose the right salon, side effects are extremely rare.

Preparation for laser hair removal of deep bikini

Laser hair removal (deep bikini has more contraindications than hair removal on other parts of the body) is more effective and reduces the likelihood of complications after proper preparation for the procedure:

  • Eliminate the presence of contraindications. To do this, you need to be examined by a dermatologist, therapist and gynecologist.
  • If you are taking strong hormonal or antibiotic medications, they should be discontinued 30 days before hair removal.
  • Sunbathing, visiting the solarium and saunas are prohibited for 10-14 days.
  • One month before the procedure, do not use other methods of hair removal. Hair removal should be done using a razor.
  • The length of hair in the treated area should be optimal for a high-quality procedure (discussed with the specialist and depends on the type of laser).
  • If you are prone to developing herpes or thrush, use suppositories before hair removal for preventive purposes.
  • Do not use aggressive ointments and washes 3 days before hair removal, as they may react chemically with the pain reliever.
  • Avoid menstruation during the procedure, as during this period the intimate area becomes more sensitive to pain, and general health also worsens.
  • Apply a topical anesthetic before the procedure. Before choosing, you should take into account contraindications for the drug, the time of application before the procedure and the duration of action of the composition.
  • Washing intimate areas before the procedure using baby or antibacterial soap.

The diagram shows how a laser hair removal device works on hair in the deep bikini area.
If there is a possibility of developing a negative reaction, it is recommended to initially choose the classic hair removal option. If there are no side effects, you can deepen the treatment area.

Is pain relief necessary?

In the classic version, pain relief is required for increased sensitivity of the skin. For deep and total hair removal, the use of external anesthetics is recommended.

Before using these drugs, it is necessary to test for sensitivity to the components in order to avoid the development of an allergic reaction during and after the procedure.

Recommended ointments for hair removal:

  • Emla;
  • AneStop;
  • Sustain;
  • Depilflax;
  • Super Numb.

These drugs eliminate the pain symptom for a long time, additionally eliminate the likelihood of inflammation, swelling and have a disinfecting effect.

Optimal hair length

The length of hair in the treated area depends on the type of Laser chosen. If the hair is too long, then the power of the beam will be absorbed by the hair itself, the destruction of the bulb will not occur. But the likelihood of getting burned will increase. If the hair is too short, the beam may not see the hair.

Hair parameters depending on laser type:

  • diode and neodymium. Hair must be removed using a razor before the procedure;
  • alexandrite and ruby. The hair length should be 3-5 mm.

A more precise length of hair needs to be checked with a specialist in the salon. Since the parameters may change depending on the newness of the equipment.

How is the procedure performed, does it hurt?

Sequence of laser hair removal:

  1. If classic hair removal is chosen, then underwear should outline the desired treatment area. For deep or total hair removal, underwear must be removed.
  2. The client is placed on a specialized chair.
  3. When choosing an instant-acting pain reliever, the specialist applies the composition to the treatment area;
  4. Safety glasses must be worn to prevent retinal damage.
  5. The technician adjusts the device to the desired length and treats the skin.
  6. To improve the passage of the laser beam, a special gel is used, which is evenly distributed over the treated area.
  7. The session duration ranges from 20 to 90 minutes. Depends on the depth of processing.
  8. The specialist removes any remaining gel.
  9. A special composition is applied to the skin to protect against irritation.

When choosing a course of hair removal, the specialist sets the date for the next procedure.

The nuances of skin care are also discussed. The pain of the procedure depends on the client’s pain sensitivity and the choice of painkiller. On average, a session may be accompanied by slight discomfort.

Safety measures and skin care rules after the procedure

Laser hair removal (deep, total or classic bikini is carried out after preparation in the absence of contraindications) requires special care of the skin after the procedure.

Skin care tips:

  • within 5-7 days it is required to use protective agents with anti-burn effects (Sulfargin, Radevit, Bepanten);
  • cosmetics can be used after 14-20 days;
  • visiting a bathhouse or sauna is allowed after 3 days. Wash in the bath or shower after 24 hours;
  • When washing the epilation area, do not use aggressive agents or a rough sponge;
  • visiting the solarium and sunbathing is allowed after 10-14 days;
  • remaining hairs can only be removed using a razor. Plucking with tweezers is prohibited;
  • if you choose another hair removal method, the procedure is allowed after 14 days;
  • underwear should be of natural material.

After 1 or 3 treatments, increased hair growth may be observed. This is the body’s response to the lack of vegetation in a given area. This provokes the awakening of dormant bulbs. Subsequent procedures will make the skin smooth for a long time.

How long does the effect last after the procedure?

With standard hair growth, the effect of the procedure can last for 6 months. Moreover, new hairs are predominantly “sleeping” bulbs. If you complete the full course - 5-6 sessions of laser hair removal, then smooth skin will remain for 7 years. In the future, individual hairs may appear; corrective laser hair removal is used to remove them. During the first time after the procedure, most often after 1-3 sessions, most clients experience increased hair growth in other areas. This is the body’s response to the destruction of the bulbs. Subsequently, the process becomes physiological.

Cost of laser hair removal for deep bikini in Moscow, St. Petersburg, regions

The cost of the procedure depends on the laser used, the type of treatment (classical, deep, total) and the region in which the hair removal salon is located.

CityTypes of laser (average cost of procedure in rubles)
Saint Petersburg450054008100350051006500
CityTypes of laser (average cost of procedure in rubles)
Saint Petersburg155025004000410050007600

K - classical processing; G – deep; T – total.

Laser hair removal cost also depends on the qualifications of the specialist; if the price for the procedure is greatly reduced, visiting this salon is not recommended. Before starting the sessions, you must undergo a full examination to exclude contraindications.

If epilation in the bikini area is being done for the first time, it is recommended to choose the classic option. If there are no side effects, you can choose deep treatment during the subsequent procedure.

Author: Kotlyachkova Svetlana

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