Contraindications to eyebrow tattooing: age and cosmetic procedures

When should you not tattoo your eyebrows?

Eyebrow tattooing is a long-term correction of the appearance of the eyebrow arch, achieved by introducing a coloring pigment under the skin. The effect lasts from 2 to 7 years. Since the procedure involves violating the integrity of the upper layers of the skin, it has a number of absolute and relative contraindications.


  • chronic diseases of the hematopoietic system;
  • autoimmune disorders;
  • problems associated with disruption of the endocrine system;
  • oncology;
  • exacerbation of current diseases;
  • liver and kidney pathologies;
  • HIV and AIDS.
  • pregnancy, lactation period.
  • menstruation;
  • high/low blood pressure;
  • undergoing a course of drug treatment;
  • rehabilitation after serious illnesses and surgical interventions;
  • the presence of benign tumors;
  • alcohol or drug intoxication.
  • poor health, regardless of the cause of its occurrence.

Eyebrow tattooing, the contraindications to which are relative, can be performed after they have been eliminated. However, there are people whose pigment does not take root, despite the absence of restrictions on the procedure.

There is still no clear explanation for this phenomenon, but doctors are inclined to believe that the cause of an unsatisfactory result may be a violation of metabolic processes in the layers of the epidermis. Such deviations have no external signs and are difficult to identify.

The post-effect of taking hormonal drugs or weakened immunity due to infectious diseases can affect the course of the procedure. If even after repeated correction the body rejects the pigment, but the client does not have any contraindications, he should consult a doctor.

Is it possible to tattoo eyes with vision problems?

Vision problems are quite common these days. And every representative of the fair sex is interested in whether eye tattooing will harm them if they have these problems. There are no contraindications for the procedure of applying permanent makeup for people with poor vision. Tattooing is allowed for myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and other diseases.

The procedure is considered harmless to eye health in people with visual impairments. Doctors do not impose restrictions. But it is worth remembering that only an experienced, qualified specialist will not cause harm. You should trust only trusted professionals who know how to handle a needle and will not cause harm to your eyes and eyelids, for example, they will not accidentally touch the mucous membrane of the eye with anesthesia cream, or damage the cornea or eyelid with a needle.

After the procedure, vision may deteriorate slightly due to swelling. The appearance of swelling after applying permanent makeup is normal. You shouldn't worry about it. It will go away within a couple of days. It is recommended not to drive during this period and, if possible, to protect yourself from working at the computer or with documents. If, after getting a tattoo, you feel that the swelling does not go away for a long time and the clarity of vision is not restored, you should consult a doctor. The cause may be an infection.

Contraindications to permanent eyebrow makeup

Permanent eyebrow makeup has a significant disadvantage - many contraindications for its implementation. Its peculiarity is that makeup is applied not for a short period of time, but for a long time - up to 2-3 years.

The procedure involves introducing paint under the skin into the upper layers to create a durable, indelible pattern. There are advantages of tattooing - the ability to make the color brighter, there is no need to tint the skin in the future. You can simulate the presence of thick hair.

Indications for this procedure include sparse eyebrows, too light hair, fine lines, asymmetry, and lack of hair in some places. Using a permanent, you can make any shape and visually add thickness.

In some cases, such manipulation poses a health risk, especially for people with chronic diseases. You cannot perform manipulation if you have a blood clotting disorder, diabetes, viral diseases, nervous system disorders, or skin diseases.

Relative restrictions include pregnancy or lactation, and a tendency to develop acne. Manipulation should not be carried out if there is high blood pressure, injuries to the skin, or intoxication. Manipulation is not carried out until adulthood.

There may be side effects after the procedure is completed. This is swelling that goes away on its own with proper care. In addition, the skin can take a long time to heal if it is not properly cared for. The duration of the result depends on the characteristics of the body, metabolism, and care. After tattooing, some restrictions apply.

Permanent eyebrow makeup during pregnancy

PM and pregnancy

Many clients in the “position” who regularly carry out the permanent procedure, while pregnant, ask doctors a question: is it possible for pregnant women to have permanent eyebrow makeup? Experts have ambivalent views on the procedure of permanent makeup during pregnancy. The reason for this is not the presence of contraindications, but the individual reaction of a woman’s body during pregnancy.

Cosmetologists explain their concerns about performing permanent makeup during this period with the following reasons:

  • Painful effect. To achieve the desired result you will have to be patient. The procedure is quite painful. Everyone's pain threshold is different, and painkillers do not always have the desired effect. Therefore, for overly sensitive clients, a visit to a cosmetologist can have negative consequences in the form of miscarriage, bleeding and even premature birth;
  • Allergy. Even natural dyes cannot be completely excluded from the status of allergens, because individual intolerance to the dye may occur;
  • A categorical ban on carrying out the procedure by an unqualified cosmetologist in inappropriate conditions. The risk of infection in this case and, as a consequence, the occurrence of an inflammatory process is too high.

Permanent eyebrow makeup during breastfeeding (gb)

PM and GW

The period of breastfeeding, as well as the period of pregnancy, according to experts, is a relative contraindication to permanent makeup. Why cosmetologists are careful in this case:

  • No one has conducted research on the effect of coloring pigments on the baby’s body, so we cannot say that it is safe for the child;
  • The hormonal background of the mother during breastfeeding undergoes significant changes. As a result, the threshold of sensitivity to pain changes, which can cause severe discomfort with subsequent cessation of lactation. In addition, changes in hormonal levels can affect the effect of the pigment, which can quickly disintegrate or give the eyebrows an unintended tint.

Permanent eyebrow makeup during menstruation

PM and menstruation

It turns out that “critical” days during the permanent makeup procedure can also affect the result of coloring and have some dangerous consequences for the client’s health. Things to remember:

  • Particularly painful periods can worsen the already poor state of health at the time of the procedure. Prolonged pain syndrome with the effect of its intensification can lead to fainting, so experts recommend rescheduling your visit to a cosmetologist;
  • The period of menstruation is characterized by a decrease in leukocytes in the blood. They are needed in large quantities for minor skin damage at the time of the procedure. Otherwise, this threatens the occurrence of inflammatory processes on the skin and a long healing period;
  • “Critical” days may be accompanied by swelling, which also occurs on the face. The result of the procedure in this condition may be makeup defects in the form of asymmetrical lines and uneven coloring;
  • The likelihood of allergic reactions during this period also increases;
  • During menstruation, blood clotting decreases; with punctures and cuts, its manifestation is much more intense than on ordinary days. There is a possibility of blood mixing with the pigment, which will lead to a decrease in color saturation and poor adhesion to the skin.

Final recommendations to help avoid unpleasant consequences

If you want to minimize the likelihood of unpleasant consequences, make sure that you are truly healthy. Even if you have no contraindications for eyebrow tattooing, approach the procedure with full responsibility.

Follow the following recommendations, which will facilitate the permanent makeup procedure and have a positive effect on the result.

  1. Seven days before the session, start taking a sedative, preferably a natural one. It should have a slight calming effect.
  2. Decide what shape and color you want your eyebrows to be. A specialist may have his own point of view, but it is you who should be satisfied with the result.
  3. Protect your skin from the sun a couple of weeks before visiting the specialist.
  4. Do not use scrubs or products with aggressive composition three days before the procedure.
  5. On the eve of the session, do not drink alcohol, even light alcohol, or caffeinated drinks.

If you follow the described recommendations before and after tattooing, you will be pleased with the results. Pay attention to our advice and the listed contraindications, and also listen to the words of the master who will explain to you how to care for your eyebrows the first few days after the procedure.

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Absolute contraindications

Eyebrow tattooing is not possible for everyone. This procedure is associated with a violation of the integrity of the skin; for this reason, experts identify a number of conditions when its implementation may be prohibited.

There are absolute and relative contraindications to tattooing; if the latter (after the acute period, with the doctor’s permission), allow the procedure to be carried out, then the former prohibit it forever.

Let's consider absolute contraindications to permanent makeup.


Eyelid tattooing is prohibited if a person has diabetes. With this pathology the following is observed:

  • disruption of normal metabolism;
  • a small network of blood vessels and nerves is damaged;
  • any cuts take quite a long time to heal;
  • the duration of the recovery period increases;
  • the risks of infection increase;
  • the pigment disappears from the body much faster than in a healthy person.

Permanent makeup is allowed only if there is a normal blood sugar level, but only after receiving permission from the attending physician.

Somatic neurological psychological diseases

The presence of mental illnesses can cause movements that a person is unable to control. Such movements can lead to the cosmetologist ruining the design, touching the client’s eyes with a blade or tattoo machine, which can cause serious injury.

Low blood clotting

A low blood clotting rate occurs in diseases such as:

  • anemia;
  • hemophilia;
  • leukemia;
  • leukemia

All these pathologies can cause severe bleeding, which carries risks for the patient. In addition, the constantly released blood will contribute to the premature release of coloring pigment from under the skin, making manipulations carried out by a cosmetologist difficult.

Similar problems may arise when a client has problems with frequent increases in normal blood pressure readings.

Tendency to form keloid scars

The body's increased tendency to form scar tissue, keloids, can play a cruel joke. During permanent treatment, the master makes tiny incisions on the surface of the skin; if this pathology is present, then the growth of scar tissue will begin. This may cause a violation of the dye introduction technology.

If there are scars or scars in the eyebrow area, the specialist recommends abandoning tattooing, simply periodically masking them with decorative cosmetics.

Oncological diseases

Neoplasms of various kinds indicate an extreme degree of weakening of the immune system and internal infection.

The presence of moles, papillomas, warts, and other formations in the area of ​​future influence of a cosmetologist is a strict contraindication to permanent treatment.

HIV AIDS hepatitis

The presence of diseases such as HIV, AIDS, hepatitis is a clear prohibition for carrying out any invasive procedures. Tattooing with such pathologies creates a real danger for the artist to become infected.

In addition, the immunity of a person with such diseases is most often seriously weakened, which will create certain difficulties in the rehabilitation period.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding is a time when any invasive procedures not authorized by a doctor should be prohibited.

The first trimester, especially when pregnancy has a difficult course, is a time when a woman should especially take care of herself. Therefore, any stress or traumatic procedures should be cancelled. The second trimester is safer for such procedures. however, unless there is an urgent need for tattooing, it is better not to do it.

A difficult pregnancy at any stage is a clear ban on any cosmetic procedures.

Why is tattooing prohibited during breastfeeding or pregnancy:

  • pain can cause stress in the expectant mother;
  • prolonged stress can tone the uterus, which can lead to premature birth and miscarriage;
  • constantly changing hormonal levels can affect the body’s sensitivity to coloring pigments and cause their complete or partial rejection;
  • the use of painkillers during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited, so the woman will have to endure pain, which will cause serious stress, the negative impact of which was mentioned above;
  • dyes that have penetrated into the mother’s body may also end up in breast milk, which will not benefit the baby’s fragile body.

Relative restrictions

In these cases, it is not recommended to apply this type of makeup for some time. This restriction applies if there are viral colds that undermine human health.

Eyebrows should be dyed when there are no acne or purulent rashes on the skin. Permanent makeup can be done during the period of complete recovery, otherwise it will be harmful to the skin and may further aggravate the situation.

If the patient has previously been diagnosed with a malignant tumor, eyebrows can be tinted only after a full consultation with a doctor, who must give his consent in writing.

People with blood pressure problems should approach the procedure with special caution. First of all, this limitation applies to patients suffering from hypertension. The fact is that microblading or eyebrow tattooing can provoke a surge in pressure that is harmful to the body, so before the procedure you should bring your condition back to normal. It is recommended to take a drug that has a hypotensive effect.

Painting is not recommended during a course of medications that have a strong effect on the body (taking antibiotics, anticoagulants, corticosteroids). This procedure should be carried out no earlier than 14 days after the course of treatment is completed. It all depends on the dosage regimen and the characteristics of the drugs.

It is forbidden to apply makeup to a nursing mother and pregnant women - clinical trials in this area were carried out only on animals, but the ban applies to people. Thus, breastfeeding and pregnancy are the time during which any intervention in the human body can cause a negative reaction. Any manipulation is carried out only in cases of extreme necessity (for example, for medicinal purposes, when the benefits outweigh the potential harm). Since eyebrow tinting is not a priority procedure, it should be postponed until a safer period.

Other contraindications include being a minor, menstruation, and plastic surgery performed in the area of ​​the planned tattoo.

The procedure cannot be performed on minor patients unless they have pronounced cosmetic defects. If a person has previously undergone plastic surgery, before applying permanent makeup, some time must pass (at least six months) for all tissue cells to completely heal and the condition to stabilize.

During menstruation, the body of a girl and woman has increased sensitivity, which intensifies any pain syndrome. In addition, at this time there is a decrease in blood clotting, so such intervention should be postponed until the end of menstruation, it is best to move it to the middle of the cycle.

If there are papillomas, moles or warts on the skin, they should be removed before applying the product to these areas. People with herpes, allergic diseases, and autoimmune disorders should approach the procedure with special caution.

In order to protect yourself as much as possible from undesirable consequences, it is initially recommended to conduct a simple test of the tolerability of the drugs (pigments and agents) that will be applied during the procedure.

Despite the fact that today eyebrow tattooing is considered a safe and convenient procedure, it has limitations - serious diseases, rashes and allergic reactions come to the fore.

Question answer

Basically, for this procedure, smooth needles that have a silver coating are used. They should not be blunt. The length is selected in each specific case, and there are no special restrictions; it depends more on the wishes of the master himself.

You need to understand that it will not be possible to erase unsuccessful makeup, since it is done for a long period. More durable pigments are used for the eyelid area. The pattern does not disappear for about 5 years. But you can also increase the service life of such makeup if you systematically make corrections. Therefore, think carefully about what you want to do, because flashy bright makeup can quickly get boring. In addition, in some situations it is inappropriate to appear with heavy makeup. It's better to stick to the classics.

The doctor needs 1-3 hours to work, it all depends on the complexity.


The procedure may not always be carried out successfully, which is why the desired result may not be achieved. When the resulting eyebrows disappoint a girl, she can use the following tattoo removal techniques:

  1. Use of chemicals, laser. It is important to take into account the depth of the pigment.
  2. The use of a special solution called remover. It is administered in a manner similar to tattooing, using a remover. After this, a chemical reaction occurs inside, leading to the removal of pigment to the surface of the skin.
  3. Softening the shade using improvised methods: a special suspension, iodine, hydrogen peroxide. These methods are characterized by extremely low efficiency and the need for repeated exposure.

Each girl decides independently whether to get a permanent treatment, taking into account the characteristics of her own skin, the appearance of the brow ridges, and the need for this kind of treatment.

You can only trust your own face to a professional who has the appropriate level of qualifications and experience who receives clients in the salon.

When this type of manipulation is not suitable, you can turn your attention to alternative techniques for changing the contour and tone of the brow ridges.


The color of the eyebrows can be changed without much difficulty using natural dyes based on henna and basma. This is a kind of coloring that allows you to obtain a variety of shades. They depend on how the plant was dried and how it was crushed.

Masters who practice biotattooing are armed with four basic tones from black to light brown. The required color scheme is selected based on the client’s color type. To get a natural result, the master mixes several substances together.

Using henna gives a lasting result that lasts up to a month; the paint is washed off from the skin surface a little earlier, which requires additional drawing of the hairs with a pencil.

An important feature of henna is that it not only colors the hair, but additionally strengthens its structure, gives the hair a well-groomed appearance and shine.

Biotattoo has no contraindications; it is approved for use by pregnant women and nursing mothers. However, like any other product that has a natural composition, it can provoke the development of allergic reactions.

To prevent dangerous consequences, you need to conduct a preliminary test. To do this, a small amount of powder is diluted as needed, then applied to the elbow and washed off after 20 minutes. Afterwards, it remains to track the occurrence of negative manifestations, in the form of irritation, redness, and peeling. If there are none, the product can be used to color the brow ridges.

Features of the use of natural dyes:

  • dilution according to instructions;
  • application in two or three layers;
  • allowing each layer to dry completely, after which the next one can be applied;
  • removal with wet discs moistened with water;
  • lubrication with natural oil.

Due to the fact that the dye does not penetrate deep into the skin, it is gradually washed out, completely disappearing from the hairs after 3-4 weeks. It disappears from the skin earlier, after about a week.

An important advantage of the technique is that it is easy to do with your own hands, at home, without the need for additional herbs in the salon.


This method is similar to biotattooing, only permanent synthetic dyes are used. Professional paint requires preliminary mixing of the base tone and oxidizing agent. It lasts up to three weeks on the hairs.

This technique is easy to do at home, however, to get the perfect result, it is better to contact a professional eyebrow artist.

Daily eyebrow makeup

In addition to techniques that provide a long-lasting effect, you can resort to creating makeup using modern cosmetic products.

You can use it to tint your eyebrows:

  • shadows;
  • pencils;
  • lipstick;
  • tint.

The only drawback of this method is the need to apply cosmetic products to the face every day.

How to behave before and after the procedure

Before getting eyebrow tattooing, you should not drink alcohol the day before, and it is not recommended to drink tea and coffee on the day of the procedure. For several days, analgesics, vitamins C, and aspirin are excluded. It is also prohibited to pluck eyebrows.

Depending on your skin type and body characteristics, eyebrow tattooing may take several days to heal. But if the procedure was performed by a professional, your face will look normal, so you can attend school or work without fear for your appearance.

Is it possible to tattoo eyes with eyelash extensions?

The presence of eyelash extensions is not a contraindication for applying permanent makeup. But still, competent specialists advise removing them 5–7 days before the procedure. Eyelash extensions can affect the quality of pigment application, leaving untreated spaces, which will worsen the appearance of the work. Also, the master may accidentally touch the hairs, ruining their structure. Eyelash extensions can be reapplied after the procedure is completed. Still, it is better to prepare for eye tattooing - remove artificial eyelashes in advance and do not curl them for a couple of days before the procedure.

Eyelash extensions should be done 10–15 days after the procedure for applying permanent eye makeup. During this time, the eyelids will heal.

What not to do after eyebrow tattooing or permanent makeup

There are some restrictions after eyebrow tattooing. Since the skin is severely damaged, you should carefully care for the dermis after the procedure. Until the crust appears, you should not wash your face; you can only wipe your face with a damp cotton pad.

Until complete healing, you should not do makeup, use scrubs for washing, or peel. Contraindications to permanent makeup done recently are tanning and being in a sauna.

Side effects after the procedure may include allergic reactions in the form of itching and irritation. In addition, the color may appear unevenly due to the fact that the crust has been torn off and the body rejects the paint. Swelling and redness may occur. This reaction is natural and normally goes away within 48 hours. The appearance of peeling and crust formation at the site of damage is considered normal.

Some time before the procedure begins, you should stop drinking tea, coffee, and energy drinks. Do not sunbathe or do deep cleansing of the skin. After the manipulation, it is forbidden to visit baths, steam the skin, play sports, scratch and rub the cover, or tear off scabs.

#5 stages of implementation

To get a beautiful result, you need to contact a good specialist who has experience and uses high-quality materials.

The following stages of eye tattooing can be distinguished:

  1. The master removes makeup and cleanses the face.
  2. An ointment is used to relieve pain. Quite often lidocaine is taken for such purposes. A plastic film is placed on top, this allows for better pain relief in the desired area.
  3. Drawing a draft.
  4. Using a special apparatus, a specialist applies the drawing. Periodically, he may reapply the pain medication.
  5. When the work is completed, an antiseptic is used, Hydrocortisone ointment for the eye area, which will protect against allergic reactions and swelling.

The procedure itself lasts about 2-3 hours. It all depends on the amount of work.

Dermatological surgeon Mary Alice Mina

Bad time for the procedure

Eyebrow tattooing, contraindications to which, in most cases, are justified by health problems, is not recommended to be done in the summer.

There are several reasons for this recommendation:

  • high air temperature promotes active sweating, which complicates tissue healing after the procedure;
  • swimming in open water afterwards can cause infection;
  • dusty air, saturated with pollen from flowering plants, is a direct source of infection.

It is also not recommended to carry out the procedure in winter. Icy wind, snow and prickly rain cause peeling of the skin, which can reduce the efforts of the specialist to zero. The best time for tattooing is considered to be the beginning of autumn. Comfortable air temperature, a vitamin-rich body and a strong immune system are the guarantees of a good result.

Possible health consequences after eyebrow tattooing

Negative health consequences after eyebrow tattooing are possible in two cases:

  • ignorance or deliberate concealment of the presence of contraindications;
  • unprofessionalism of the tattoo artist.

Both options are fraught with the occurrence of allergic reactions, the risk of a herpes outbreak, infection with viral or infectious diseases, and problems with healing of the treated area.

This can only be avoided if you responsibly choose a specialist and place for the procedure and honestly answer all questions about your health before the session begins.

Eyebrow tattooing is not the easiest procedure, which has many contraindications, and it is better to do it in cosmetic or tattoo parlors from certified artists. When choosing, it is recommended to rely on the establishment’s rating, customer reviews and examples of completed work.

Contraindications and restrictions for eye tattooing

Before you decide to undergo a permanent makeup procedure, you need to study all the contraindications and restrictions to find out whether eye tattooing is right for you.

The specialist will not refer you to a medical examination and will not ask you to provide a certificate about the state of your health. He will once again warn about contraindications, ask the necessary questions and perform the procedure. Only you are responsible for your body when you insist on getting a tattoo, knowing about certain consequences. If you are part of a risk group that should not undergo permanent makeup, it is better to refuse it, giving preference to regular decorative cosmetics.

If you know that you have infectious or skin diseases, notify your cosmetologist about this and discuss whether it is possible to do the procedure. Remember that the pigment is injected subcutaneously with a needle. By hiding information about diseases, you can worsen your condition and increase the risk of infection for the master and other clients.

1. Absolute contraindications, i.e. tattooing is prohibited if you have:

  • diabetes mellitus (especially type 1);
  • diseases of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs;
  • hepatitis or cirrhosis of the liver;
  • HIV;
  • chronic diseases in the acute stage;
  • problems with blood clotting;
  • tendency to slow wound healing;
  • epilepsy;
  • tendency to the appearance of keloid scars;
  • oncological diseases;
  • mental disorders;
  • there are moles on the eyelids;
  • hormonal therapy is carried out;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • allergic reaction to one of the components used.

2. Relative contraindications, i.e. tattooing can be done only after the permission of the attending physician.

For example, you have:

  • Hypertension. If you have problems with blood pressure, be sure to measure it before the procedure. If indicators increase, it is worth taking medications to normalize them. After the pressure has been restored, the procedure can be performed.
  • Dermatological diseases, exacerbation of herpes or temporary rashes on the skin.
  • Inflammatory eye diseases, conjunctivitis.

If you have relative contraindications, do not worry. Permanent makeup can be done after they are removed.

Prohibitions after the procedure

When wondering whether it is possible to play sports after eyebrow tattooing, one cannot help but consider other restrictions that must be strictly observed during this period of time.

If you do not comply with the restrictions set by the cosmetologist, there is a possibility of the following complications:

  • introduction of infection;
  • pigment leaching;
  • development of the inflammatory process.

The final result of permanent makeup depends not only on the professionalism and experience of the artist, but also on how fully the care measures are followed during the rehabilitation period.

Limitations on recovery time after tattooing:

  1. Rub the skin with your hands and dry with a towel. This can cause infection in the wound, partial disappearance of the dye, and its paleness.
  2. Wash or otherwise wet the tattoo site during the first 24 hours. Introducing the dye to a shallow depth can cause it to quickly disappear from the eyebrow area. It is better to postpone direct contact of eyebrows with water until the resulting crust dries.
  3. Use decorative and skincare products. They can delay the healing process of the skin. You should especially beware of products that contain AHA acids.
  4. Forcibly remove crusts from the surface of the brow ridges. If you remove the crust before it is ready to separate from the skin, you can disrupt tissue regeneration processes. This is fraught with bleeding, which will wash away part of the pigment and cause infection. The crusts should fall off on their own, this will be evidence of the normal course of the recovery process.
  5. Visit saunas, steam baths, swimming pools: if the crusts are exposed to heat or humidity for a long time, they may steam and fall off ahead of schedule.
  6. Visit the solarium, sunbathe in the open sunlight. Exposure to ultraviolet rays can change the shade of a tattoo, especially if it occurs in the first two weeks after its creation. For this reason, you should use sunscreen before going outside.
  7. Use lotions and creams containing alcohol to cleanse the skin. They can cause the shade of the injected dye to change color or become completely discolored. Such cosmetics significantly prolong the healing time of tissues. For this reason, cosmetologists recommend treating eyebrows first with Chlorhexidine or another antiseptic, then moisturizing with Vaseline, or using another healing composition.
  8. Shave the hairs and pluck them with tweezers. These manipulations are prohibited for the reason that they can cause damage to the skin.
  9. Play sports, go to the gym. It is better to refrain from such activities so that the constant sweat does not affect the premature washout of the tattoo.

Permanent eyebrow makeup is a serious procedure, which should be approached only after assessing all its advantages and disadvantages. Manipulations can be carried out only after completely making sure that there are no contraindications. After permanent treatment, it is important to properly care for your own skin, then the result of the tattoo will not disappoint, but, on the contrary, will delight you for a long time.

How to care for your skin after tattooing

Naturally, during the procedure of applying tattoos to the eyebrows, eyes or lips, the skin is damaged. She needs time to fully recover.

To ensure that the applied pigment remains even and the applied form is not damaged, do not scratch the area of ​​coating or tear off the crust of the skin during healing.

The specialist may also recommend chlorhexidine-based antiseptics or various creams to speed up the healing of skin lesions. You should also temporarily avoid peeling procedures, as well as visiting bathhouses, saunas, etc.

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