“A Thousand Kisses” Testing the dermotony procedure using the DERMO V4 device

The essence of the procedure

The manipulation is aimed at eliminating foci of dermalgia in the skin, that is, painful fibrous areas. They arise as a result of metabolic disorders, stagnation of blood and lymph. The same phenomena lead to thickening of the subcutaneous fat layer and the formation of cellulite.

Essentially, dermotonia is a hardware massage using a vacuum. It is created by rotating balls of the applicator, which simultaneously knead the tissues with suction.

The impact allows you to cope with several manifestations:

  • impaired blood circulation;
  • fluid stagnation;
  • disorder of the skin regeneration process;
  • muscle tightness;
  • slowing metabolism;
  • tissue intoxication.

The effect extends not only to the skin, but also to fatty tissue. The procedure is performed for the face and body.

We recommend reading about body biostimulation. You will learn about the indications and contraindications for the procedure, the method of its implementation, the results after, and the cost. And here is more information about myostimulation of the face and body.

What is dermotonia used for?

A special hardware technique based on vacuum-therapeutic effects on the body and face - dermotonia. The technique was developed by a French doctor at the end of the twentieth century, but even today it does not lose its relevance. They say that thanks to regular dermotony procedures, the famous singer and actress Madonna maintains ideal body shape and fresh facial skin.

Dermotonia is carried out using a special Skintonic vacuum massager with marble and Teflon balls. These spherical spheres rotate, creating pulsating patterns and vacuum. The impact of the device is comparable to the hands of an experienced massage therapist.

Features and Benefits

Dermotonia is distinguished by several nuances:

  • work in several modes, that is, with greater or lesser vacuum intensity, pulsating or constant impact;
  • a combination of “cupping” massage and effects similar to manual ones;
  • the ability to apply to different areas of the face and body using replaceable attachments, eliminating several problems at once;
  • a combination of aesthetic and anti-stress effects.

The advantages of the procedure are that it:

  • painless, there is no need to use even local anesthesia;
  • provides a rejuvenating effect by healing the body;
  • gives long-lasting results;
  • accompanied by comfortable sensations;
  • does not cause side effects.

Clients' opinions about the dermotony procedure

Studying reviews of women who underwent a vacuum massage procedure, special attention was paid to the following aspects: sensations during the massage, the effect of the manipulations performed. According to the survey, almost no one regrets the money spent. Every second client speaks only positively about the Skintonic vacuum massage. There are ladies who assumed that eliminating cosmetic problems would take no more than five procedures, but in fact the course lasted longer. But this point is associated not with the low effectiveness of the massage, but with the individual characteristics and condition of the patient’s skin.

Indications for dermotonia of the body and face

The procedure should be carried out for those who are concerned about:

  • local fat deposits that disrupt the harmony of the contours of the figure;
  • excess weight;
  • cellulite;
  • stretch marks and scars of various origins;
  • osteochondrosis, muscle spasm;
  • decreased skin tone and resulting ptosis;
  • adhesions;
  • swelling.

These signs are eliminated in any areas of the body: upper and lower extremities, back, buttocks, hips, abdomen, back of the neck.

Dermotonia is also used for the face for:

  • wrinkles, including in the eyelid area;
  • dark semicircles and bags under the eyes;
  • dry flabby skin;
  • acne scars and spots;
  • swelling;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • age-related changes in the oval;
  • double chin;
  • capillary network;
  • lifeless skin color.

Indications and contraindications

The effect of vacuum and massage with rotating balls is so enormous that dermotonia is equated to medical therapy. That is why indications for its implementation were developed, and studies were also conducted to identify contraindications.

The following are the main conditions of the body that require dermotonia:

  • circulatory disorders;
  • scars and cicatrices left after operations or wounds;
  • development of the adhesive process;
  • to prevent stretch marks;
  • cellulite;
  • fat deposits in problem areas;
  • capillary mesh;
  • swelling and feeling of heaviness in the legs;
  • double chin;
  • swelling of the eyelids and circles under the eyes;
  • wrinkled and loose skin;
  • dull complexion.

Contraindications for dermotonia:

  • presence of an artificial pacemaker;
  • pregnancy, especially the second and third trimester;
  • foci of inflammation on the skin;
  • ARVI.

The Skintonic device and its features

Dermatonia is carried out using the Skintonic device. This is original equipment that provides a 100% guarantee of results when used correctly. Skintonic is distinguished by several features:

  • the presence of several applicators (up to 8 pieces) for working on different areas of the body and face;
  • 3 exposure modes (continuous, pulsed and hyperfrequency);
  • the possibility of individual selection of the intensity of exposure;
  • several levels of pulsating vacuum and vibration.

The device should only be used in a salon, and only a specialist cosmetologist should be allowed to operate it.

How is the dermotony procedure performed?

So, you decide! You have chosen the dermotonia procedure, the clinic where you will be provided with services in its implementation and, most importantly (!), you have made an appointment with a specialist! What you need to know before coming for a consultation:

  • no cosmetics are used during the dermotony procedure;
  • the dermotony procedure is hypoallergenic;
  • the course of the procedure is purely individual, but, as a rule, ranges from eight to fifteen sessions;
  • the dermotony procedure requires a daily session (or once every two days - otherwise you risk not getting an effective result);
  • The session lasts from half an hour to one and a half hours.

At the appointment, a specialist (dermatovenereologist or cosmetologist) will conduct an examination, identify areas of influence during the procedure, conduct a consultation, determine the number of sessions and their schedule.

The number of sessions of exposure to problem areas of the patient’s skin is conventionally divided into three sequential stages of exposure, determined by the operating modes of the device:

1. Light suction or reflexology - treatment of biological points of the body.

2. Constant exposure (massage) – helps improve metabolic processes and increases tissue tone. The intensity of the impact is determined by the following conditions:

  • area of ​​application (face, body);
  • individual sensitivity of the patient.

3. Pulsation (drainage) – treatment of the projection zones of the lymph nodes (opening of the lymph nodes), carrying out lymph drainage (movement of lymph through the lymphatic vessels into the venous bed) and closure of the lymph nodes.

How does mechanical dermotonia occur?

The manipulation is divided into several stages:

  1. at the preliminary stage, the specialist palpates the patient’s problem area to identify areas of dermalgia;
  2. the direct impact begins with reflexology, that is, the applicator, with a weak suction mode of operation, treats reflexogenic zones;
  3. the active constant mode is switched on, the nozzle is moved over the entire surface to be corrected;
  4. the device is switched to pulsation mode, the areas around the lymph nodes are treated with the applicator, then it moves in the direction of the lymph flow and returns to its previous positions.

The process can last up to 1 - 1.5 hours. This depends on the area of ​​the problem area. It is necessary to conduct 10 - 15 sessions with pauses of 3 - 7 days.

To learn how dermotonia of the face and body goes, watch this video:


Vacuum massage of dermotonia is an absolutely painless and pleasant procedure. The specialist runs the skintonic massager over the body and face. During the procedure, mechanical rollers gently massage the skin folds, and a small round manipulator, acting with a vacuum, absorbs the skin along with fatty tissue.

Most often, clinics and salons use devices for dermotony “Skintonic” , “ Dermopulse ”. The devices are equipped with various attachments. The maniples are marble or Teflon balls, which, arranged in a circle, create a vacuum when gripping the skin.

The main stages of vacuum massage:

  1. Meeting the patient and diagnosing the problem. The specialist carefully examines problem areas, determines reflex zones, the degree of their pain and tension. Depending on the condition of the skin and the complexity of the problem, the specialist determines the intensity of the massage.
  2. Hardware impact. Using the Skintonic vacuum massager, the doctor moves over all problem areas of the face.

The specialist begins with a light vacuum massage, the effect of which is aimed at warming up the muscles and preparing them for a deeper impact.

The constant vacuum mode perfectly stimulates blood flow in tissues, improves cellular respiration, and effectively relieves signs of fatigue on the face.

Pulsating suctions (reminiscent of kisses) stimulate the outflow of lymph, increase the firmness and elasticity of the skin.

The duration of the session is on average thirty minutes. The average duration of each stage is ten minutes. During the vacuum massage process, no additional means or devices are used. In parallel with the balls of the Skintonic massager, only the hands of the massage therapist work.

This is interesting: during a massage, the Skintonic device makes very funny sounds: puffing, smacking, puffing. Some patients find such sounds annoying, while others make them laugh. In fact, unusual sounds are the result of the operation of various modes of the device.


While the course of procedures lasts, the patient should:

  • limit the amount of fats and carbohydrates in the diet;
  • drink 8 glasses of water daily;
  • avoid alcohol and smoking;
  • move a lot and spend time in the fresh air often;
  • After the course, do a monthly maintenance procedure.

This will enhance the external effect of dermotonia and make you feel even better. To maintain the result, it is worth combining it with biorevitalization, mesotherapy, anti-cellulite wraps, and lymphatic drainage massage.

Facial dermotonia

Facial dermotony is prescribed in order to quickly and painlessly get rid of small expression wrinkles, double chin, bags under the eyes, and post-acne using vacuum micromassage.

After the procedure, clients note that their complexion has improved significantly, the skin has tightened, the pores have been significantly cleaned, and the surface of the upper layer of the epidermis has been smoothed. Also noticeable from the first session is the straightening of the oval of the face, which previously seemed somewhat saggy.

The duration of the procedure is about half an hour.

Real effect

By restoring normal blood circulation after dermatonia, detoxification, resorption of adipose tissue, and relieving spasms, the results are:

  • reducing the volume of the treated area;
  • reducing the appearance of cellulite;
  • skin lifting;
  • improving its color;
  • smoothing the surface of the epidermis;
  • increasing skin elasticity;
  • reducing the severity of atrophic scars and stretch marks;
  • improvement of general emotional mood and well-being.

Dermotonia - combined body rejuvenation

Human nature is such that we want to get everything at once - a perfect body and a perfect face. The list of possible imperfections is very impressive: cellulite, puffiness, excess weight, double chin, stretch marks, loose skin, wrinkles and unnatural complexion...

The best treatment choice in these cases is mechanical dermotonia

, which is a procedure that combines vacuum massage, drainage, and reflexology in one session.

    has a large list of indications, here are just a few of them:
  • Cellulite deposits in any area of ​​the body, scars and stretch marks;
  • Age-related aging of facial skin, the appearance of wrinkles and folds;
  • Violations of blood circulation, gastrointestinal tract, metabolism;
  • Swelling on the face and body.

Generally speaking, dermotonia

activates metabolism, blood circulation, as well as the synthesis of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the youth of the skin of the body and face.

How is mechanical dermotonia performed?


involves the use of the following devices: French Le Skin V6 (formerly known as Skintonic), Russian “Charm 1T”, Italian “TriActive” ().


consists of a number of stages that enhance each other's effectiveness. During the first stage of dermotonia, a vacuum reflexotherapeutic massage is performed using a special attachment. Human skin is a kind of screen where all disturbances in the functioning of the body are reflected.

If you influence certain reflex parts of the body, it is possible to improve the functioning of internal organs. With vacuum reflexology, the device operates in a pulsating mode. By the way, it is important to synchronize the pulsation frequency with the heart rhythm, then dermotonia

will be most effective.

The next stage of dermotonia is depressomassage, or, in simple words, vacuum massage. In terms of its effect, depressomassage can be compared with seven manual massage procedures. Vacuum massage can also help those who want to tighten their skin after losing weight quickly.

The final stage of the dermotony

– depressive drainage. This is a high-precision lymphatic vacuum drainage. The cosmetologist, with the help of special movements, directs the lymph to the lymph nodes, due to which the toxins and fatty deposits “broken” by the vacuum are naturally removed from the body - in its principle this is extremely reminiscent of liposuction.

How many dermotony sessions will be required?


indicative already after the first session, but for maximum effectiveness you need about ten dermotonia procedures, carried out at intervals of two to three per week, then maintenance sessions are recommended (once a month).

At the same time , dermotonia

has nice additional effects. This is a kind of peeling, in other words, each applied product - for a lifting effect, cellulite correction - will act deeper and more effectively.

Contraindications for dermotonia


absolutely safe and has almost no seasonal restrictions or contraindications. However, it is undesirable to perform dermotonia during pregnancy, with existing acute inflammatory processes and respiratory diseases.

Indications for use

Cosmetologists and therapists prescribe dermotony sessions in the following cases:

  • capillary circulation disorders;
  • failure of metabolic processes;
  • adhesions;
  • fine wrinkles;
  • burns;
  • post-acne;
  • stretch marks on the skin;
  • muscle pain and discomfort;
  • prevention of bedsores;
  • double chin;
  • pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • swelling of the eyelids;
  • decreased skin tone;
  • unhealthy, uneven complexion.
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