Laser intimate rejuvenation

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Childbirth, the passage of time, hormonal imbalance - these factors affect not only our face and body shape, but also the condition of the intimate area. A decrease in the tone of the vaginal walls leads to dulling of sensations during sexual intercourse. This damages self-esteem and can even cause discord in the family. Low vaginal muscle tone causes urinary incontinence. And hormonal imbalances lead to changes in the color of the mucous membrane. It may darken and become mottled. We, doctors at the Marina Ryabus Clinic, are convinced that a healthy sex life plays a big role in how a person expresses himself. In the absence of intimate problems, a woman feels harmonious, she can devote herself to her career, family, and hobbies.

If you:

  • experience discomfort in everyday life;
  • feel uncomfortable during sex;
  • noticed some change in the condition of the intimate area.

Laser rejuvenation technology is at your service. This is a modern way to increase the tone of the vaginal muscles, thicken the mucous membrane, and restore the quality of sexual life.

Moscow clinics providing laser rejuvenation services for the intimate area use surgical and non-surgical methods. We advocate an organ-saving, natural approach. Surgical vaginal plastic surgery is traumatic and requires rehabilitation, while the laser method is just as effective and at the same time gentle on tissues.

Marina Vladimirovna Ryabus

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Chief physician of the clinic

Intimate rejuvenation with the Fotona device is rejuvenation in an “all-inclusive” format. This is the return of aesthetics and functions of the intimate area. Photona is a laser that covers a wide range of tasks - from purely aesthetic to the treatment of the initial stages of pelvic organ prolapse and stress urinary incontinence. The procedure is comfortable and without rehabilitation. The only thing that separates you from the decision to undergo the procedure before it begins is a consultation with a gynecologist. And by the way, no anesthesia!

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Indications for intimate rejuvenation with laser

  • decrease and loss of sensitivity during sex;
  • increased volume and disruption of the shape of the vagina;
  • decreased tone of its walls;
  • childbirth (especially if a woman has given birth more than twice);
  • change in mucous color (darkening, pigmentation);
  • urinary incontinence.

Typically, intimate rejuvenation services are used by:

  • young mothers after childbirth (for tissue restoration);
  • women over 45 years of age (to prevent signs of aging and eliminate problems associated with hormonal imbalance).

We recommend that all our patients undergo laser rejuvenation of the intimate area in conjunction with observation by an endocrinologist. Working from the outside and inside is much more effective than symptomatic elimination of problems.

Fotona device

The Fotona laser is a top-end device, the effectiveness of which is recognized by the global medical community. Few Moscow clinics have this laser. Its uniqueness lies in:

  • combination of erbium and neodymium exposure;
  • ability to adjust the optimal wavelength;
  • the widest range of possibilities.

Photona has a painless effect on tissue. The procedure is very comfortable. Unlike plastic surgery, which requires a very long period of abstinence from sex, in the case of laser rejuvenation, you can resume sexual activity within three days after the procedure.

This laser is also used for:

  • comprehensive rejuvenation of the face and body;
  • elimination of spider veins, pigmentation;
  • treatment and prevention of acne;
  • snoring prevention;
  • removal of scars, scars and more!

If you want to discover all the benefits of Fotona, ask your doctor for details.


Initial consultation: RUB 3,500

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Initial consultation: RUB 3,500

To make an appointment with a doctor


Initial consultation: RUB 7,500

To make an appointment with a doctor


Initial consultation: RUB 3,500

To make an appointment with a doctor


Gynecologist, oncologist
Initial consultation: RUB 4,000

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The essence of the procedure

How can a laser beam improve tissue quality? Fotona erbium laser pulses tighten weakened collagen fibers and at the same time trigger the synthesis of new collagen. Thereby:

  • tissues contract;
  • their tone increases;
  • their healthy structure is restored;
  • relief and color are leveled.

Who is the procedure indicated for?

Intimate rejuvenation solves problems that are not critical from a medical point of view. To treat serious diseases (for example, uterine prolapse), surgical methods are used.

Women resort to intimate rejuvenation procedures for the following reasons:

  • dissatisfaction with the quality of sexual life, decreased sensitivity, lack of orgasm;
  • development of enuresis (urinary incontinence);
  • dryness or excess moisture of fabrics;
  • vaginal stretching after childbirth;
  • deformation of the labia.

Not only women, but also men can rejuvenate their intimate areas (for them, a thread technique is used, which helps restore erections to their former strength).

To get an excellent result, you need to carefully prepare for the procedure: find an experienced doctor, take tests, check for contraindications.

Laser rejuvenation

This is a completely painless procedure that takes about 20 minutes.
It is carried out with a CO2 laser, which restores the condition of the mucous membrane or corrects cosmetic defects on the external part of the genital organs. The quality of the procedure, effectiveness and presence of complications depend on the equipment used. In our clinic we use an expert device – Candella CO2, made in USA. During the procedure, the patient does not experience discomfort, and the skin is practically not injured. Within 5 days after rejuvenation, only slight peeling is possible. This indicates renewal of the skin. The procedure may need to be repeated for maximum effect.

Rejuvenation with a laser makes the genitals more elastic, but only injection techniques will help change the shape of the delicate area.

Intimate rejuvenation after childbirth

The arrival of a long-awaited baby into your life should not be overshadowed by discomfort, loss of self-confidence, or discord with your spouse. Marina Ryabus Clinic provides a full range of services for young mothers: from maintaining health from the inside to hardware, injection, and laser techniques for restoring body aesthetics. Working with our doctors, you will also get rid of:

  • stretch marks;
  • changes in body contours (abdomen, sides, hips...);
  • scars (including a cesarean section scar).

Frequency of the procedure

Usually, 2 Fotona IntimaLase treatments are sufficient, two weeks or a month apart. Your doctor will tell you how often maintenance procedures will be needed.

Photon rejuvenation can be combined with injection transformation of the intimate area. Injections of absorbable gels restore moisture, volume, and texture of tissues.


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The result of laser rejuvenation of the vaginal walls

Under the influence of a laser pulse, tissues contract and become denser. A tangible, long-lasting lifting effect is achieved:

  • the framework of the pelvic organs is strengthened;
  • the vagina narrows;
  • its elasticity increases.

Laser rejuvenation is a prevention of prolapse of the vaginal walls. It is effective in eliminating the “big vagina” syndrome.

Figures and facts

  • Out of 100 patients, 97 report a positive result. Moreover, it is felt after the first procedure.
  • 95 out of 100 women reported to the doctor about increased sensitivity during sex.
  • 57% of patients noted an improvement in the quality of orgasm.
  • Finally, in 14% of cases, women experienced an increase in the number of orgasms after laser vaginal rejuvenation.



I am happy to be among your guests at the clinic, I enjoy our communication, I am grateful for your super professionalism, for giving beauty and a sense of confidence in your professional actions, protection from “age-related changes”

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