DOT rejuvenation is a simple way to feel younger

What it is

The CO2 laser was first used back in 1964. Back then it was used for cutting soft metals and engraving fusible surfaces: rubber or plastic. Later he migrated to medicine, in particular to surgery, and a few years later - to cosmetology. There it was used to grind the skin, which was essentially a controlled burn of the entire surface. But this procedure was traumatic and often led to serious side effects.

After lengthy research and search, the Italian company developed the “SmartXide DOT” device, which is unique in its properties. It breaks the thinnest continuous infrared beam, the wavelength of which is 10600 nm, into thousands of microbeams - fractions. They penetrate deep into the tissues, minimally damaging the surface protective layer of the epidermis.

What is DOT rejuvenation

DOT therapy is a special treatment method called SmartXide DOT. It was developed in Italy by DEKA. Tests showed the great effectiveness of this method, after which it began to spread throughout the world, becoming the gold standard for eliminating aesthetic defects of human skin. You can find out about rejuvenation methods from Japan here. DOT therapy primarily combats problems caused by natural skin aging. But, despite this, a similar treatment method can also be used in the fight against some other dermatological problems.

DOT therapy is based on the use of a carbon dioxide laser in a special fractional mode. It involves creating a wavelength reaching 10,600 nanometers. In this case, the light energy of the beam is concentrated into rather small energy beams in the form of fractions that affect the skin. This provokes the emergence of microthermal areas of damage, called ablation channels, which appear in the deep layers of the human dermis. In turn, they alternate with intact tissue areas.

How it works

A laser operating in this mode instantly heats cells to a temperature close to 100°C and evaporates water from them, simultaneously provoking denaturation of proteins. This leads to a sharp reduction in collagen fibers and the formation of very thin channels at the sites of laser-melted cells.

The skin becomes inflamed and has to actively regenerate in order to quickly repair multiple damages.

As a result of this heat shock:

  • the primary effect of instant skin tightening occurs;
  • active cell division is stimulated;
  • the process of phagocytosis is launched to remove the remains of destroyed tissue.

In fact, the skin is completely renewed from the outside and inside. But at the same time, there is no extensive wound surface and the risk of infection of the treated area is minimized, since the high temperature ensures complete sterility during the procedure.

Indications for use

Due to the fact that the intensity of the effect is easy to precisely adjust, and the laser beam is divided into fractions and minimally damages the skin surface, the DOT rejuvenation technique can be used on almost any part of the body, including eyelids, hands, décolleté and neck. But most often, this is how the face is tightened and tidied up.

The technology is very effective as a means of combating:

  • deep facial folds;
  • multiple small wrinkles;
  • drooping upper eyelids and eyebrows;
  • sagging neck and double chin;
  • loss of clarity of facial contour;
  • shallow pigmentation;
  • scars after surgery or acne;
  • stretch marks after pregnancy and weight loss.

Most often, to obtain the desired effect, which lasts up to several years, only one procedure is enough. But sometimes you have to create an individual treatment schedule and repeat sessions every 4-6 weeks.

Patient's review

Alla, 60 years old, St. Petersburg

I am very pleased with the DOT rejuvenation procedure. I did it in Altermed in winter, at the beginning of December. The first pleasant moment: it doesn't hurt. I have something to compare with, I have undergone many different cosmetic procedures and of the serious DOT procedures, this is the most comfortable. Already on the 3rd day after DOT rejuvenation I went to work, although my facial skin was still reddish and rough. The result of the procedure is visible immediately, after 2 weeks, but since it is prolonged, it becomes even more noticeable after a few months. I recently celebrated my anniversary, and it was very pleasant to listen to such a number of compliments that I had not been told even in my youth. So the results of DOT rejuvenation - lifting the entire face, removing wrinkles, age spots, moisturizing - were noticed by everyone. I recommend this procedure to everyone and everyone who did it on my advice thanks me. I have one regret: I didn’t do biorevitalization after DOT! And those of my friends who did just blossomed. I am going to repeat DOT a year after the first time and will definitely supplement it with biorevitalization.

The Facial Aesthetics Clinic of the Altermed group of clinics recommends you a more modern technique than laser resurfacing. This is DOT (dermal optical thermolysis) - fractional laser treatment of the skin. DOT therapy is the “Gold Standard” of laser rejuvenation, combining the safety of fractional lasers and the effectiveness of traditional ones; the depth and strength of tissue heating and its partial (fractional) laser damage. The fractional impact created by the Smartxide DOT laser produces microthermal zones of damage that alternate with unaffected tissue, the ratio of microtrauma to undamaged skin is 1/5. It is this targeted impact that shortens the recovery period after the procedure to 3-5 days and facilitates rehabilitation. The Smartxide DOT device from the Italian company Deka, which carries out the procedure of DOT therapy and DOT rejuvenation, has proven itself in 80 countries around the world and only appeared in Russia in 2010.


All dermatologists and cosmetologists of the Altermed group of clinics were trained at Deka on the Smartxide DOT fractional laser and are proficient in most photo and laser techniques used in medicine and cosmetology.

Indications for DOT therapy:

  • aging skin, sagging skin;
  • fine and deeper wrinkles;
  • stretch marks;
  • pigment spots on the face and body;
  • scars;
  • post-acne;
  • benign skin tumors (moles, papillomas, warts).

Advantages and disadvantages

If you understand what DOT rejuvenation is, then it is, in essence, an improved laser resurfacing technology. But with the traditional method, 100% of the skin surface is damaged, but only 25% is damaged. Accordingly, the rehabilitation period is significantly shortened and facilitated, although it is still present and longer than after conventional photorejuvenation or other, more gentle procedures.

The undoubted advantages of DOT rejuvenation are:

  • the ability to individually and very accurately configure the device for each client;
  • clear limitation of the treated surface area;
  • complete absence of damage to neighboring tissues;
  • avoiding covering injured areas;
  • quick and long-lasting effect after the procedure.

In experienced hands, the device can work successfully even on very thin and sensitive skin. The main thing is that the patient has no contraindications.

One of the main disadvantages of DOT rejuvenation technology is that it is painful for the client. One way or another, it is impossible to avoid pain when the skin is suddenly heated. And even after using anesthesia, the procedure is quite unpleasant. But the session lasts no more than 15-20 minutes, so you can be patient a little.

The disadvantages include the high price. But today it cannot be different, since expensive equipment is used for DOT rejuvenation, specialists undergo mandatory training and pass a certification exam, and many other important details are taken into account: disposable instruments and accessories, the cost of painkillers, etc. .

Feelings during the procedure

Some potential patients refuse DOT rejuvenation, fearing pain from the laser beam. We hasten to calm you down! The use of topical anesthesia (pain-relieving ointment) minimizes pain during the procedure. It is less painful than, for example, photorejuvenation. In addition, the Smartxide DOT device, on which DOT therapy procedures are carried out, has a special SmartTrack mode, which additionally provides greater comfort to the procedure. After the procedure, a burning sensation and swelling are felt for several hours.

Make an appointment

Preparation and execution

Any procedures using a laser require little preliminary preparation, starting with a mandatory initial consultation with a specialist. During it, the condition of the skin is assessed, the effectiveness of this type of influence is determined, and the presence of contraindications to the procedure is revealed through a survey.

No less important are the correct actions of the patient during the rehabilitation period, which lasts from several days to two weeks.

Before the procedure

If there is any damage to the integrity of the skin or a fresh tan, the procedure will have to be postponed. Two weeks before it, you can’t visit the solarium, and 7-10 days before, you can’t go to the sauna, swimming pool, or do chemical peels.

To reduce swelling, it is also better to quit smoking and alcohol at least 3-4 days before DOT rejuvenation. During this period, you should not take anticoagulants and retinoids.

When going to the salon, you should not smear your skin with creams. And on the previous day, make any masks, use grainy peels and apply decorative cosmetics. If you are prone to severe allergies, it is better to do a test in advance to determine the tolerance of the anesthetic used and photosensitivity. If the patient is too anxious, he may be allowed to take a mild sedative.

Execution Process

The procedure begins with preparing the patient and thoroughly cleaning the facial skin. Hair is tucked under a bandage or cap, eyes are protected with special dark glasses. For pain relief, an anesthetic ointment is usually used. It begins to act within a few minutes after application.

When the sensitivity of the skin is reduced, a conductive gel is applied to it, and the cosmetologist begins treating problem areas with the head of the device, which generates a laser beam when the button is pressed. It is necessary to walk over the skin only once, so the session rarely lasts more than 10-15 minutes.

Immediately after it, the remaining gel is removed from the skin and a soothing mask or cream with panthenol is applied to the face. They are kept for up to 15-20 minutes. Then the face is cleaned again, treated with an antiseptic and, if there are no complications, the patient can go home.


Depending on the depth and area of ​​skin damage during the procedure, it recovers from several days to 2-3 weeks. As a rule, there is no severe pain, but on the second day an unpleasant feeling of tightness appears. After two days, multiple crusts form.

It is very important to ensure that they do not dry out too much and that the skin does not crack. To do this, 2-3 times a day the face is lubricated with moisturizing creams and anti-inflammatory ointments, which are usually prescribed by a doctor.

Severe redness and swelling disappear within a maximum of 3-4 days. If this does not happen, it is advisable to consult a specialist to avoid serious complications. In order for the skin to recover as quickly as possible, you need to treat it very carefully and follow these recommendations:

  • watch your facial expressions for several days so as not to injure the skin;
  • do not take hot baths or wash your face with running water for 2-3 days;
  • a week after DOT rejuvenation, you cannot swim in pools and open water;
  • for two weeks you should limit physical activity and avoid the sauna;
  • it is advisable to completely eliminate alcohol and smoking for at least 3-5 days after the procedure;
  • You cannot do facial massage, homemade masks or any salon procedures.

You will have to protect your face from ultraviolet radiation until the upper layer of the epidermis is completely restored, which takes 21 days. During this period, you can go out into the sun only after applying a cream with a UV filter of 30 or higher to your skin.


You should not expect immediate results from this procedure, because in the first 2 weeks, most likely, your face will look even worse than before the procedure. The effect appears after 15-20 days and increases over 2 months, and with proper care it can be saved for two years.

Of course, cosmetologists who widely use this technique in practice tell their patients about it only in a positive way. But before agreeing to DOT rejuvenation, thoroughly study all the intricacies of the procedure, possible consequences, contraindications, because being armed is forewarned. Be charming!

Contraindications and complications

If the procedure was performed by a qualified specialist using high-quality certified equipment, and the patient has no contraindications to it, negative consequences and side effects are extremely rare.

DOT rejuvenation technology is not used for:

  • oncological and autoimmune diseases;
  • the presence of metal implants in the affected area;
  • active form of the herpes virus;
  • skin diseases on the face;
  • purulent form of acne;
  • blood clotting disorders;
  • tendency to form keloid scars;
  • heart, liver, kidney failure;
  • hypertension and diabetes mellitus 2-3 degrees;
  • elevated body temperature for any reason.

Since the skin is heated to high temperatures, and there is no mechanical damage during the procedure, infection of the treated areas can only occur through the fault of the patient himself. Under no circumstances should you pick out the formed crusts or apply decorative cosmetics in the first days after rejuvenation.

You should start worrying if redness and swelling do not go away on the 3-4th day of rehabilitation, when wet cracks or sores begin to appear on the skin, a strong burning sensation or other unpleasant sensations appear. You should not try to cope with the problem on your own. A specialist will do this faster and without the risk of developing additional complications.

Possible contraindications

As with any other technology, there are a number of contraindications for this procedure that you should definitely familiarize yourself with. The thermal rejuvenation procedure cannot be performed if the following factors are present:

  1. Herpes virus infection occurring in the acute or active phase.
  2. Pregnancy and lactation period.
  3. Malignant tumors and neoplasms at the site of intended exposure to laser beams.
  4. Dermatological diseases: atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, occurring in a chronic form.
  5. Inflammatory processes in those areas of the skin that should be affected by the laser.

Many of the listed contraindications are temporary, having eliminated them, you can, with the permission of a specialist, carry out the DOT rejuvenation procedure.

Reviews and results

According to the reviews of most patients, the use of the DOT rejuvenation technique really allows you to literally erase up to ten extra years from your face. If you do it regularly, you can extend your youth up to 50 and even 60 years. After this age, the procedure becomes ineffective, since the processes of natural skin regeneration are greatly slowed down.

You can see in detail how the procedure is performed in the posted videos. There are usually comments from specialists and detailed recommendations on how to behave during and after the session. The skin needs to be rejuvenated in this way every few years. Therefore, the high cost of the procedure is completely justified. Moreover, the risks for patients are minimal, and the result is noticeable to the naked eye.

Benefits of rejuvenation using the SmartXide DOT laser resurfacing device

  1. If the procedure is carried out by an experienced specialist, only one session will be enough to achieve the desired effect.
  2. The result of fractional laser rejuvenation lasts for years and is erased only as a result of natural aging processes.
  3. Even patients with hypersensitive skin can choose laser rejuvenation, since the intensity of the effects of the fractions is minimal.
  4. Painless. During the exposure to the device, the patient does not feel pain, and if necessary, cosmetologists prescribe local anesthesia to the client.
  5. Short recovery process. Regeneration of the skin after rejuvenation takes place within 3-4 days, during which the patient may not give up his usual way of life.

Experienced cosmetologists consider one of the main advantages of DOT rejuvenation to be the ability to create an individual therapeutic program for each patient, taking into account his general history and skin characteristics. DOT rejuvenation is an effective procedure that allows you to achieve visible rejuvenation without surgery, which requires a complex long-term recovery. Laser fractional rejuvenation has virtually no contraindications and is suitable for patients of any age.

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